4011 Water Line King Additon WRITE IN THIS HDrt PET In ON NUMBER FILED , 91 RBV 2 PR3 I:fS CITY OF SALINA, KS CUY CLERK'S OFFt.CIi THE GOVERNING BODY City of Salina, Kansas . ............................".."......... (A) We, the undersigned, being owners of record of property liable for assessment for the following improvements: The installation of a I'later service line for Lot 4, Block 1, Kine¡ Addition. The installßtion of sanitarv sewe!^ to serve Lots 4,5,68,7, B"lock 1, Kin<ll\ddition. hereby propose that such improvement be made in the manner provided by Article 6a, Chapter 12 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, as amended. (B) The estimate or probable cost of such improvement is and 00/100 Dollars Thirteeh Thousand Ei~ht Hundred Fo!,tv. Si x ($ 13¡846.00 (C) The extent of the proposed improvement district to be assessed as indicated on the attached plat and is described as follows: Lots 4, 5, 6 fl 7, Slock 1, Kine¡ Ad.dition to the City of Salina, Kansas. (D) The proposed method of assessment is: Shall be based on the adjusted front footaoe of each lot of Land._,]lldwitl]out renard to buildinc s or imfJrovement of the land, E) The proposed apportionment of costs between the improvement district and the City-at-large is: One HUndred percent ( 100 %) to be assessed against the improvement district and Zero pe rcent ( -0- %) to be assessed against the City-at-large. (F) We further propose that such improvement be made without notice and hearing as required by K.S.A, 12-6304(1) as amended. AAAAAAAAAAA,A'",A,A'A,AAÁAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÁAA,AÁAAÁAAAÁAAAAÁAAAÁÁÁ'A**AAAÁAAÁAAAAAAAAÁAÁÁÁ * No name may be rtithdrawn from this petition after the Governing Body commences consideration * * of the petition or later than seven (7) days after this petition has been filed with the City Clerk * * (K,S,A. 12-6a04) / /~\ * Re$pectfully submitted by ---- ÁÁAÁÁAÁÁAAÁAAAAÁAAÁAAAAA R'.'..i.d.e..n.c.'~. ¿. .'. p-?:lr.. 'JÞW!~dl~ Date & Time of Signing ~ì&AL Property owned within the proposed Improveme~t District ~ð'1J $.% 1./7 ~.x I~r. MClyor, Commissioners, and Cit\' Stat!: 1 :1ave tJrougnt to you today . signatures on a petition whicn reads, quite simply: We, the undersigned, are willing to pay an additional i2.~U monthly for city-wide curbside recycling in Salina. Moreover, we ~ould be willing to pay Þ5.Uù monthly for We privilege of curbside recycling by sub- scription. ¡ started tllis petition on 22 April in response to a front-page story in the Salina ~lurnal in which the city manager suggested that there was not widespread support tor curbside recycling in Salina. 1 then put a minimal amount of effort into circu- lating the petition. 1 asKed friends whO are proprietors of two local businesses to have copies availaole for patrons to sign, and a handful of friends and associates also agreed to seeK a few signatures un their own. Three people called me as a result of pujlicity in tne Journal and asked for copies of the petition to circulate themse 1 Vi!S. - lt would have been simple enough for me to mobilize many like-minded people to enact a canvassing campaign to get one thousand or more signatures in favor of curoside recycling. dut 1 Kept the effort involved minimal to snow how little energy is re- quired to garner inter~st in curbside recycling in Salina. fhe results of this petition ShOW the willingness of people in tnis cornmunity to begin taKing resocnsi- aility for their environment. ln response to this petition, 1 urge you to direct staff to begin implementation of a city-wide curbsioe recycling program. SuCh a program would be the oeginning of a ne~ era in tnis city, in whicn people recognize tt1at they must taKe basic, attitude- cnanging steps to pass on an environment to tneir cniJ.dr,~n whic" will not be poi- soned oy tne offal and refuse of past generations. We must oegin with programs such as curbside recycling, and not count our agenda as accomplisned until we can live lives wnicn do not foul our air, contaminate our water, and ruin our soil in tne acco¡¡¡plisn~ent of our daily taso<s. Tne assertion has been made that curbside recycling would "result in an aesthetic blight wnich will impact our co¡;¡¡¡¡unity negatively." I ..ould say U,at the opposite is true; curbside recycling would snow visitors to our city that we taKe seriously we challenge of using our resources responsioly. wendell Berry sL'ggests that the reason we dispose of waste the way we do, largely by burying it, is that we consider ourselves too good to deal with our own garoage. I don't believe that the people of Salina are so caught up in appearances that they would not oe willing to have recy- ~ling bins on their lawns so that energy and resources might be saved and the world ~ettered, even slightly. In brief, we must learn again the lessons taught when we were children. If you make a mess, clean it up. Leave t~e places where you are better than you found them. Always De Kind to people and things. In our tnrow-away, out-oF-sight, out-of-mind saciety, we don't do these things. Curbside recycling would represent a decision to J~gin doing again that w~ich we knaw is right. ~'3soectfullì" :.,¡ cr1ad Ýi~aKey 131:' N. lIt:> St. ;/)-1/;1,1;