4051 Vac 3rd St DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PETITION NUMBER ~/o'=>' . FILED , 92 DEC It Arlltll TOI THE COVERNING BODY City of Saline, Kanu& CITY OF SALlHI\, KS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE We, tho undersigned, being residents and property OIInen in the I City of Saline, Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body forI 1..,................,....................,.. . Thl> pI>r"';1nl>nt v;1catlon of till' puhllC' "trl>I>t rigllt-of-"",y nn Thin'! Strl>I>t from Elm Strßet to the Unton Pacific Railroad crossing located south of Pinß Street. Respectfully &ubonltted bYI Carol E. Beggs. Mayor. City of Salina Telephone Nutnberl (913 )826- 7250 NAME ADDRESS ~¿~~ " - -