4050 Vac 3rd St Original Town .CO HOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PETITION NUMBER ---=1050 TO: HiE COVERHING BODY City of Salina, Kanu& .~ ~() ~-' ,.o" : Ja<;'O' ,~.1 .\> ,o.'"; \'1' Q.lL~ ~ ,-\I.u- lL ~~ 1~\'c..L \ Vv 0 t...\ 0 \"'-^-- Zl., ,9. c¡ 2- ~o, the under&iqnecl, being re&ldent& and property ownen in tto : City of Salina, Kanu" to hereby petition y(¡ur honorable bocly for: .................,....,..........,........., the vacation of a portion of th~ ~orth Third Street right-of-way d~scribed as follows: A parc~1 of land located inside the right-or-way of Third Street, original Town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas more particularly d~scrib~d as follows: B~ginning at the Southwest corner of lot 10 on th~ corner of Third Street and Elm Street Tolephone Number: (706)913-4031 along the North right- (Continu~d) in the Original Town of SaUna, Sal Rnpoctfully &ubnllttecl by: RobinGon Company, Inc. NAME NA (Continued) of-way of ~lm Street extended a distance of 10 f~et, th~nce North parallel to the East line of Third Street a distance of 170.00 feet; then~ East parallel to the North right-of-way of Elm Street a distance of 10 feet; thence Sou~ along the East line of Third Street a distance of 45 f~et to the Northwest corner of s~id lot 10; thenc~ continuing alon~ the East right-of-way of Third Str~et a distance of ;125.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The ~acation is requested to correct an existin~ non-conforming condition where the original buildinK extends ~6 feet over the West ~roperty line into the North Third Street right-of-way. The existing property owned by PaFific Gamble Robinson. Company, Inc, is described as follows: A tract of land located in lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ~d a part of the County Park lot, all being between Second Street and Third Street Nor~h of Elm Street in the original Town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas more particularly rlescribed as follows: ti~ginning at the Southwest corner of lot ten (IU) between Second Street and Third Street, North of Elm Street of the Original Town of Saljpa, Saline County, Kansas; thence North along the West boundary of said lot 10, also bejpg the East right-of-way of Third Street, on an assumed bearing of N 0° 03' 54" W a dista~ce of \25.00 feet; thence continuing N 0° 03' 54" W along the East right-of-way of Ti¥-rd Street, also being the West line of the County Park lot, a distance of 45.00 feet; tlwnce N 90" 00' 00" E parallel to the North (Continued) (Cont illUcd) line of lots 8,9,6 10 a distance of 115.40 feet (115 feet recorded) to an existing iron pin found; thence S 00 03' 54" E and parallel to the East right-of-way of Third Street a distance of 29.54 feel (30 ~~et recorded) to a point 140.48 feet North of the North right- of-way of Elm Street; thence N 90. 00' 00" E and parallel to the Norlh line of lots (,. 7, & 8 a distance of 135,47 feel (135 feet recorded) to a found iron pin; thence S 00 03' 54" E along the West right-of-way of Second Street, also being the East line of the County Park lot, a distance of 15.48 feet (15 feet record~d) to the Northeast corner of lot 6; thence continuing S 00 03' 54" E along the East line of lot 6, also being the West right- of-way line of Second Street, a distance of 125,00 feet to the Southeast corner of lot 6 located at the intersection of Elm Street and Second Street; thence N 90. 00' 00" W along the South line of lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 between Second Street and Third Street along Elm Street in the Original Town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, also being th~ North right-of-way line of Elm Street, a distance of 250,87 feet (250 feet recorded) to the POINT OF BEGINNI~G. The above described tract contains 0,887 acres, more or less. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 have previously and erroneously been described as "Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the County Park Addition to the Original Town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas," The description should be "Lots 6, 7,8,9, and 10 between Second Street and Third Street along Elm Street of the Original Town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas."