4089 Ordinance Limiting Terms
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, theundersignedq~a1ified electors in the city of Salina, Ktnsas,}¡.ereby petitiónthe.8alina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12'section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit theteI'IhS of office for city officials,
L Salina TeI'Ih Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elecled to or serVe in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 coneecutive 4 year teI'IhS and no more than 3 consecutive teI'IhS regardless of the length of the terms,
!\.fIer serying the m¡OOntum allotted tillieiu office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption ()f this ordinance shall not
co)Il1tin determining length of service,. Service for more than halfof any term counts as a full teI'Ih,"
,!Tavision shall bemade,for maddng the question "YES" or "NO",
I~avel'"",onally signed this petition, . I am a regieteredelec1;or of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written åf'termY name,
NAME (Sign & Print)
- STA'1'E OF I".ANSAS ,\ ';
, oflawfulage being first duly sworn on oatlutates that:
lanjÎb~b ~itiOn, I bave person~IY witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
w e nameappsA!'s'j;herson, I have read the statements ooIltaìned above. and belisvèthe statemsnls, I further
certifY that'e~ch sig,ìJt\l1'e appearing On tlûs paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a rêsidsnt ¡\]id aregistêted elector of the stateofRansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political Or
taxing subdivision in wlûcbtheelection is sought to be held,
Petition for Ordin$llce Limitingtbe TerDIs of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina"Kansa¡¡, hereby petitiou the Salina City Conunission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, a""ordingto'article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
1. Salinå Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner fot
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms,
After serving the m~UD1allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period ofa.t leMt 4 years in
order to again becom,eeligible to hold their previous ollice, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be ma.de fot marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, ¡ am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
?? -,;? f- f jt-
NAME (Sign & Print)
. '
~ 8S
~ ~/ ~ ß.~awful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the ¿ulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina. Kansas. the political or
wmg ~bdi""on in _hi'" tho """'on;, MUg" in be h"'d .d~~ #- ad .¡Ii Y ¥'
Subscribed and sworn to me thi~ ;7 jy of '. 1994, ¡\:
My Commission Expires: 1- ,J <-/ - 913
\f.) fJ1 t{ 5 f /3& f!Cj;S1ê¡,-eJ,iD /{o fe- IIV So..J//10¡ ,
. Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms 0 Elected Officials ~~ S a
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City ~ommis~?n ~J
pass as law or submit to n vùte of the electors, according to årtic\e 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials, ' C:';- '1: O,...',S f
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in thl! office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 ye81's in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous omce. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES' or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence addres..5 is correctly written after my name.
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NAME (Sign & Print)
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NAME (Sign & Print)
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CO~ 1"';i ~"wfu1'" being f=t doly -= oo..th ..."" that, .
I am th circulator ofthis petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
-."""",,,i,.", w'"" the 01,"",. i. ,"ugh' to be hold, )lÆf 4 {~~ \~~r'~ 0/
Subscribed and sworn to me thi*,y of , 1994.
(J ~ ~~
1 ì./ a /) Notary Pu ié ~ C:¡'~~~ÿ S~R~~~R
My Commission Expires: - n. '-/- I () .;ii, ¡j, 1~ ST Is TE OF KIs~SAS
M Appt,Ex.-
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óf!awfu] age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the culator of this petition, I haye personally. witnessed the signing of the petition by each person.
wbose name appears thereon, I haye read the statements contained aboyeand belieye the statements, I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the perso!), whose ns.me it purports to
be. I am a resident ànd a registered elèotor of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxiDg subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, D1"/j ~
/ ~~l5
Subscribed and sworn to me this
.' ,.", M1lP. t, Ex ,.---",
, '1-J 4-95
My ComniissionExpires: 1 <ì,4: -4X
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We. the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina,.Kanss!!. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote ofthe electors. according tüiil1:icle 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes. the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials, '
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995. no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to tho adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any tern) counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina.
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
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NAME (Sign & Print)
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¿~~:iA 4~ of lawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature oCthe person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and oCthe City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which tþe election is sought to be held. ~~~~~-,"(
t. f 6"",yš,s;.,¡".\'.r~.Jbedandsworntomet~ 'day O..f& r:::r .1~"
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'-¿':'::__~Lel'.°t, E<;:>.-::;.::.=-. ( ,A, ' ./. /, .... -~{uv"'¿L
-' ,-/ ,i 0/ Notary Publiê !
My Commission Expires: '/ -)..4 - I,~ /
Petition for Ordinanee Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalina"Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, acoordingto'article 12 section 3013 ofihe Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms,
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the CityofSallna,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
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COUNTY~~~çOf lawful age !)eing first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose, name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, ~~.
~,. c:o ~ sworn to me this-.:L day of t (J-, , 1994,
~~~y~;~;~'-.-a / ~
My Commission Expires: 1:;)4~ NO~C
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina , Ransa!? hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period .)f at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length ofservice. Senice for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state or Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
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~~ , oflawfulage being first duly sworn on oath states that:
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I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of thep'!titio!lÞx each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the stâteID",¡tf:T'fùrlner
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the gemnne signature oftJ¡e person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered ~lector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the politiclÙ or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, , , fc J
~~ ~
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'. CINDY5, ,:¡;r;¡V,R. . ,.'" (II
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q~!:!IM S¡¡;~.J;:'"..:~:" J
--,~_w.,..."_£_-,,.- ,,' (l~l.l. ~~
1 (/ NotaryPu(j
My Commission Expires:-) 11,'1/5
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We. the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kansas. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote ofthe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance t~ limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted'?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms IUld no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms,
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain òut of office for 11 period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
œunt in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO',
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas. and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
~ L(lffY ) V"'"c-t
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NAME (Sign & Print).
) 55
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oC- " c ,/. ~,"'~ -ceo- . oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, . ,.
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tJ...... C;N(;'ïS.:-~libs."a\';;j=d.~"'m'~--:5'd. ayor :ç /.1 ,1994,
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My Commission Expires: I} --) {/ - {J J/
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electers iu the city òf Salina"Kansa" hereby petitien the Salina City Cemmissien to
pass as law er submit to a vote efthe electers, accerding te article 12 section 3013 efthe Kansas state statutes, the
fellewing erdinance te limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
, Shall the following be adopted?
/"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible te be elected to er serve in the effice ef city'oommissiener fer
i mere than 2 cen~ecutive 4 ye¡¡J:,~rms and ne mete than 3 ce~secuti~e terms regardless oft~ê lengt)1 'ef the 'to"'Ins,
! Mer servrng thbilaximum alIetted time in effice ene must remain eut ef effice fer a peried ef at least 4 years'in
" erder to agaiQ beceme eligible to held their previeus effice, Service prier te the adeptien efthis erdinance shall net
\ ceunt in determining length ef service, Service fer mere than half ef any term ceunts as a full term,"
Prevision shall be made fer marking the questien "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
\"< ,)
;1!a~1 rflA'kr
Jill}), ß..r)Jd Jr,lw,
) ss
~P..-".q, oflawful age being first duly sworn on oatb states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have persona\lywitnessed the signing oftbe petition by eamperson
wbose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purporta to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, ,
'bed and sworn to me this ~y Of~, 1994.
My Commission Expires: 1-;J~-q!f
....------- ".. ~/I
, Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials l
We, the undel'Signed qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to r
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to 'article í2 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the II
following ordi¡lance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
L Salina Term Limit Ordinance I
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 yl8l' terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless oft!le'length of the terms..
After servmg'the '¡'aximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hola their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question 'TIS" or "NO".
I have pel'Sonally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
¡::;?11 N;! t-:/Zm / ð' 9 '/ l~~ is
) ss
~~ oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signillg of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state ofKaIlBas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxjng snbdivision in which the ,election is sought to be held, æ~/~
CINDY s. SH, ITcn d and sworp to me thisS/ day of
liID líì!i,] STATE Or KI\NBAS ¿;
" M Al!I?!: ,xp.- - ,
My Commission Expires: 1 ~;;.</.-9;(
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina..I{ansa~. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of.rJ..t~ommissioner for
more than 2 _cO!l~ecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive tenns regardless of.tltl'1ength'of the terms.
After serviÒítthe maXimum-allòtted time in office one mùst r'emain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES' or 'NO',
ï have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
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~~,-7'~~L'~ . oflawM age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held,
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1 ! [.; V Notary Public
My Commission Expires: . ...--.:l L I - 1/) (
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors In the city ofSalina"Kansa~, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioJ1er for
more than consecutive 4 year terms and no more than $ consecutiveterms regardles(of thil'l.engtn 9i~¡
MeP..serVïñg{he maxnnwn tteTtîÏ!iè in'òffice one muSt tmñáin out of office to'; a î>\>riod'~f at least 4 years in" ,
order \0 agaln become eligible to hold their previous office, ßervice prior to the adoption of this ordinaIÌce shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
! have personally signed this petition, . I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
) ss
'~~~. oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally,witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appsaring on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector ofihesl",te ofK8nsas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held,
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected OfiìciJIs
We, the undersigned qualified electors in th¡¡ city of Salina"KansaI!, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
. pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 ofthe Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office, o[¡ilx.. Ç2IJU1issioner for
more than £ consecutive 4 ,year terms and no more than 3 ,ÇQnsecutjye,tenns regardless of"flm'rcngth of the tc~s, .
.Mer serl!Î1g the maximum' allotted time in office one mu~'Jeñìáht out of office for a period of at léast 4 years 'in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Senice for more than half of any term Còunts as a fulI term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~18: .
/5 -"z'T'-fí'~
viÍJ,«"^",, fl Uj?L;
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V"s3, ~ :J 6i ~
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) ss
tJËf~£~, oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states tbat:
,,-_JfJj5,3 GertPld¡'ne jf;,.!Sè::IY(J s!J.9/1¡. ,
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed tbe signing of the petition by each person
wbose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify thàteach signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state ofKanslis and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held,
,/" ~
Subscribed and sworn to me this ~ day of , 1994,
.."'IU~. '...5TAT,OFKA'ISAS . '. V.......1..
-~1!U'~- , ' .
11 ,/ ~( NotaryPu
My Commission Expires: ')'f '
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Offici~s
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina.- Y.ansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, ac-cording to arti~le 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office Pt',èiiy'.commissioner for
more t~~consec1Jtive4.xear tprms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of1i~gthor1nWrms,
Aftèr's'éfV'fbîfihe máXi.mumallotted time in office one ßIllirnmiiTri'(jut of office for a period of at Jeilst 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term:
PJ;ovision shall be made for marking the ques~ion 'YES" or "NQ,",
I have personally signed this petition. I am J1 registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
~2. ?,-ÂL 8 /z.9h ,
(~'1-Æ a E il !1f?!?liL-;j) )1J,<Jè~ 8'j 4.
.~~V ~~.~ .~ ~~~7'P¿
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) ss
~~lawful ags being first duly sworn ou oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petitionc I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statementsc I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
My Commission Expires: 1':?4 - 9 ¿j'
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Offic~s
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to articlei2 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be a,dopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to beel~cted to or serve in the office 0 jtyc!>m ' 'l~r for
more th"",2 ,c~ns~tive 4 year terms "!!.?))!> more than 3, ~~'!t'~,cul¡j~eJ!'crms,regardless ~, Ii 't!Jtr¡);s,
Mler servffi'g'¡¡m.;naximúmM~IlrOffice'one'mu&trenìàinoutofi>ffice'fol"lfpen¡;¡r"f at 'year.uu
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question ,:yES~'lr,:~~'{Q:',
I have pèrsonally Signed this petition, ¡,am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in wlùch the election is sought to be held.
My Commission Expires: 1 -;) if c q¡(
. .i~{éVl
, Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected OfficiÞls 'r r
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salin~, Kans¡IB, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to 'I
pass as law or snbmit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 ofthe Kansas state statutes, the ,:
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials. '
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of ' for
more than 2, c9nse~Jer!!!! I!Od no more than 3, '
After à~TmäxittiÛÍii'~m;otñœ:On¡' riu,s of at leasp y..."s i\1
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall 'Í!Ot
count in determinillglength of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
< . .$c¿ ; (.d.
/5 f14r5!Jt;I'l i.nrl ~. r. ",. r.
6. C r "p~ (11 t/b¡år¡ g zG, 'iJ-I
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~ ,oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator ofthisipetition.. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the politi<:al or
taxing subdivision in wmch the election is sought to be held.
My Commissi
Subscribed and sworn to me tms £- day 0 , , 1994.
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Offici81s
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalina"Kansa~,hereby petitiou the Salina City Commission to
pass as taw or submit to a vote ofthe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
\. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"E, ft'ective January 1, ,1995, no pe, rson ,S,hall be eligible to be elect,ed, ~o"o"r serve, in the Office, o~, fc'ty_£!>m,m',,'," for
m~re ~:.~erms_andJ!QJllOre, than, JF4~e::r:garill",,~J~~~s,
After s !iifïiffie môfflœ oRe ' . ~lõral)erlonnne1iSt-4 years in
order to again become, eligible to hold their previous office, SerV:ic,e prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my resideuce address is correctly wrltteu after my name,
~ -~
~ f9Y
/as. ./ p~(u ,e }5-2~~(
~. f-I / ~ S? t
~"itt~, tt:k»N~' l~:d~;;;;;
) ss
~~~~flawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this Ì>ètition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state ofKa1¡sas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sou,ght to be held. ~~.~
CINDŸ s. and sworn to me this £day of J,.i:-, 1994.
~~'{I:::"Ih ~l. ~""..
MyCommis$ionExpires:- 1/,)4-9'[1
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected omclfls
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina,.I{ansa~, h'ereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, a':cording to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the olTice of~coml!lissioner for
more than 2, «<>nse~cutixe 4 ~ terms and no more than 3. ,qmse,<utive terms regardless of ft'Æ"tirnith~mïé terms.
After!;è~ïrthe maxim\Îftca1lõfî:ed tiine in office on~ mûsi...fèniain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than 'half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
, ,
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of SMinå.
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
(~)S(l -"-
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) ss
. . ~"oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certifY that each signature ~ppearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I ama resident ~nd ~ registered elector of the state of Kansas, and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision i;, which the election is sought to be held. 7~~
rI.' ~~Ñgi..,ç~ d".¡ -.. ~.... ;ç..,"~-
~lli, STATE of KANSAS C:: JILv.
:-.!IY~l'.,.EX.- -L-~ -J " ~
MyCommissionExpires: 1-;H~ qJl Notary 'c
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Eiected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina.. Kansa~. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote oUhe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of citx~jssiQl1er for
more than..2 J.~~~\!tJve ~ year terms and np more. than 3 Çl!ns_e,c'!!Jye temls regardless on~h7t~tU-enns.
~er sem"i1g1Iíe maximum allottcd'time in office one must ~ain out of office for à period of at least 4 years in '
oroer to again become eligible to hold tlieir previous office. SefVice prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length ofsclvice. Service for more than half of any tenD counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES' or "NO'.
1 have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and oUhe City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
) ss
~~~. oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signjng of the petition by each person
whose nam.e appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose nam.e it purports to
be. I am. a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
~ .. ... b cribed and sworn to me this ~aY~, 1994.
.,. -.:: ......1 - Jc¥.fJ;r /1-7l'# """"
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officills
We, the undersigned qus1ified electors in the city ofSalina"Kans",!, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995,.n. 0 person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the O. ffice ~;"ion.tfOr
more ~cutiv..4.year..terms and no more than 3 co~secutive termuegardless..oLtþ.!!en 'oH1iè'terms.
After serving the'maximll1" allotted time in office one ~ office for a period ofåfl¡¡;¡Bt{yeers-in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
f/,.? 6'-5> Y
) ss
æ~-"~awful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signingoftbe petition by each person
whose n9.lne appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
'/ ':f?~
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina. Kansa,s, hereby petition the Salina City Co!ilroission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas statl! statuies, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
1. Salina Tcrm Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms r('gardless of the length of the t~rms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term coUnts as a full term."
Provision shall be made ~or marking the question "YES" or 'NO'.
I have personally signed this petition, 1 am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and m)' residence address is correctly written after my name.
go - ,;7"'/ - Y If
X ',2,ý- q~
7/ -J-7' T¿'
S' .'1. (>- Dr (I'
/- J / I
ý.:¿ f.s ..?/J
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ç--/x- '7 --I
, oflawful age being fll'st duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator ofthis petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signat""e of the person whose Ilame it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state ofKoMas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. '
d and sworn to me this ~ay of 4-, '1994.
V~ ~q Jk
My Commission Expires: rJ - ;) i./ -9! . ~otary Publi«]
. Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Offici"s
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kanso,s, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following' be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office o.(£!!y. comlIlissio~er for
more tha:\..~conBe~~t~~14- .Y1¡ar ~~s..~~. no more th~ 3 c°!l.secutive- terms rcgardles!! of.;. tJ!'~'length~õr the te,rm.s.
After sertt~m!l.X1müm âlr'otted ttlIle in office'on!) must remain out of office for a penod of at least 4 years in
ordèr to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance ahall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the que~tion "YES' or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. ! 8m~t~<!.~cctor~ the state of Kansas an~o(the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correaly wrilten lifter my name:------,--- .'
g/3 DiCit(
"7- 3/¡y
R- 3 /:!lY
31 e¡ if
¿J f /f o¿.
"-~~ ~- ~ \
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing ofthe petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature ofthe person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and ofthe City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. .
'J ,
- .-/" '
'bed and sworn to me this ~ day of ~¿H.f . 1994.
/\ i}.
{/~.(;1 -l,á¿~l<&u
Notary ~~ c --
My Commission Expires: 7- ]~/ .(/)'
- --- .----
Petition {or Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected OfficiRls
We. the undersignetl qualified electors in the city of Salin~. Kans~s. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes. the
following ordinance to l~it the terms of office for city officials,
I. SalinR Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective Jànuary 1, 1995. no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commisl!~l.Ier for
more than ~çonsec~~i!e 4 year ~rms and no more than 3 c.!ln~e~l1tive terms reglildless oi~ength oìUíeìerms.
After sem1ì'gt11é iilluimum allotted-time iñc>ffice one. rnusÎ'remahîout of officé for a- period of at least 4 yeats in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption ofthis ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina.
Kansas. and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
7. 50 ._~
. - :So - «
R"- 3¿; - :/ Ý
) ss
7~~þØ . oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator ofthis petition. I have personally v.itnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signatl,lre appearing on this paper is the genuine signature ofthe pers1ln whose name it pUIpOrts to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, ... .' . .
. -~ ~ CINDYS S!iR~JJL . oJ.~ f
~~ s~2J:~t ~~~~.i and sworn to me this ~ day of ,/ <2} "t" . 1994.
A t, Ex , ' ,
My Commission Expires: 1- -;).:f - q ,f
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected OffiC~8
Jr~ ¡
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salinl;l¡ Kan8~S, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than ,2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless oftqEflengtli-õfffie terms.
After serviIig the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of tms ordinance shall not
count in detenniIúng length of service. Service for more than half of any tenn counts as a full term.'
Provision shall be made for marking thl'- question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas andofthe City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence addre&s is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
) ss
, oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state OfKans85 and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held,. ..
- s!.f~ -~ ~
00d Md ,worn m m. ö;;~~~'" ~ lOO4.
My Commission Expires: rJ - ,) " -(i~Ç' J
Petition for Ordinance Liiniting the Terms of Eleeted Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina.. Kans9¡s, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
folIowing ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of èitycommissioner for
mor~ tl,t~nlH!~I,1Uve 4 yellJ' ~erms.an.d no more than 3_c~nsecutive te~~ !egardlessoJt'\iî~lengthofihe term.s.
After semIif¡' tne maXimum álIotfud time in office one must remain out or offiéè for a period of at least 4 years In
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO'.
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
løl~ S.I.1~Y
SCA. I ' \Ç\
g -3:5-9ý
) ss
~~,:..~ ,of lawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statementß contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
c taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. , -
(;i;?--J~~ </~
'bed and sworn to me t~s .£day of J, "",--r , 1994.
a~t'~ ',j~~,~
No blic
- -- - - - --- --
My Commission Expires: ~f -:J L¡ -- \'.f
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city o~ Salina,> Kans8:s, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, aœording to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
1. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office o(city g¡.mmissioner for
more than~!lsec~tiye 4 ~~ar terms, ~d, no. more t,tJan 3 co~~~_~tive terms regg.rdles~f't¡fê.)ength-of the term.s.
After servllfg the maxunum allotted time 10 office one must-remam out of office for a period of at least 4 years 10
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term.'
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
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:¡;;{~.;!g:¿z-'Þ'" , oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. n.
. -7;7-2--'J¿~~¿:é'/
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'bed and sworn to me this !b day of Lkr l~ , 1994.
@. ilOTARyptmUC / ".;.
~Û})1\MySI~;~E~~ -"':i.>'--~¿~ j -'" J"ì<'..v.--
My Commission Expires: vr .")4 Jj)/ Notary Pub~c/
Petition for OrdinaJlce Limiting theTerms of Elected OfficÌlds
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kansa~, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to 11 vote ofthe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"EfTectiveJanuary I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office-ofcity coqlmissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year tenDS and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serVing the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any tenD counts as a full tenn:'
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
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Z~4~--.ß~of1awful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
- taxing subdivision in which the election ~s sought to be held, .../¿(, ,,/~ç. Þ #.?
¡;/;!!t:G-/~G7f ~4?;7'
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',-..'" /1- -' ']...1/ - C/' C Notæ:y Public
My Commission Expires: - '- 7 - .)
,-- -----
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officl¡tls
I ~
We, the undersigned qualified electors iuth. city of Salina,Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to ðrtIcle 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinooce to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinooce
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective Joouary 1,1.99.5,!,,0 person Shall", be eligible to be.,el,ected ~o or serve in the, office, of,~'!i!!P~.1IU. '" :,s,ion~~,.r,
more th~ ~~,~",,~4 J<:a.r te1'l!l~_~~:no-m. O~è_th,OO"",,' 3""!'.secu~,,,e t~rm,-'Je~.Ð~~~~~"th~"" .. .,' . "ws.-'"
After serVú\ . .~..ïh..¡¡ffiœjj!l;e ¡nu~Hi¡iírnjíjj}íjFôfõ¡jfce-förìi-peñõ<fofat least 4 years m)
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prlOrw-ìI1eäâöptiòñófthis órdinooêe shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more thoo half of ooy term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question 'YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas ood of the City of Salina,
Kansas, ood my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~a Q ¡ h n
) ss
~~~oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of tills petition. I bave personally witnessed the signing of the pelition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements containsd above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on tlús paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector oftbe state of Kansas and oftbe City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in wbich the election is sought to be held. . -. ~ ~b..-
- 'Y-/?~~~ß("
. C~No~Ä~~ed dsworn tometlús.s::dayof. 4t-r ,1994.
. "'~~~.'~ffJJþR~
MYCommis~o¡{Expires: 1~')I./.9Y
t ' Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Tern:. of Elected Officips ;;:fê>,/~_'"
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalins,.Kansa~, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas i!tate_s, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
r. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shaIl be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city CoUlm~!.1!'r,...ror
more than 2 con~eçutive 4 year .I!>,rms aJlc!.E.° more than 3 coI\ßecutiv""tenns re~ardless oflhllen!í!',n öf hne¡rms.
Afte~he m8XÍmÙDl allotœã"time jn. office one mUSt réIDi!m'out of office for a penod of át least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shaIl be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition, lam a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
) Sl'
~~'~-P~flawful ag< being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose nama it pu,rports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
. d sworn to me this Gay of
My Commission Expirel'!- J <t - 9 Y
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms òf Elected Officials
Wß, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina. Kans!!,?, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law CJr submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city offieials,
1. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city coQlmissioner for
more than 2 conseC\,ltive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardJesll'of Ute length of1hê terms.
After I/erving'th"i! nt'aximum "allotted time in office one must rc,main out ofóffice for a perioå of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
coUJ.1t in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. 1 am a registered elector of the state ofl:ÚU1sas and oCtho City of Salin, a,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
J-".W- 7Y
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"'~flawful age being first duly sworn on oath states .that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing ofthe petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taring subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.. ' , " '
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~ft.,j. ~T:AO!fi.~): ~:~~:;.,I<:Rnb cribed and sworn to me this ¿'.;, day of" / if' ,,-{- , 1994.
,':';.,.. j S , ~r'.,...",fJJ5'" j
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Notary¡PÚb c '
It Cç"
My Commission Expires: - ~), tj - ! /'
- -~
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Petition (or Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalin~. Kans~s, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office fo,: city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of tity commissio~_~ for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive térms regardless of tlic-Ie"ngth of the terms.
, After serving the maximUm' allotted timc in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 yèars in
- order to again oocome eligible to hold their prcvious office. Service prior to the adoption of this-ordinance shall nQ.t '
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision sh.ill be made fot marking the qucstion 'YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. 1 am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my namc.
NAME (Sign & Print)
~~~ ~~.,
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%~/~wful agè being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine siguatw.e of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxiJ¡g subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
// ~'
., -r?
.....".CiÑfY~"" dsworntomethis S"dayof ,1994.
. NOJ '\ ,<
l'I""ff,¡ ,STA. " - .)
':'L""'M~'- !/ ,.J
- V~1,../
1 F 9 (/ NotaryPuy!
MyCommissionExpires:') . ! 1/
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officlels
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina"Kansa~, hereby petition the Salina City CoOOnission to
pass as law or snbmit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 ofthe Kansas state sta¡íiws, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of óffice for city offlciáJs.
1. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following he adopted?
"Effective Jan, uary, 1,'1995, no pers,on shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of citv co~:iëiQl1er for
more th"",~.consecutive 4 yearJern1s and no more than 3 consecutive terms regjl:dless oftlie lengt 0 ~rIils.'
After semngl:he lnaxiiñIjbfiìiJi;mtime in office one mustrOlnain out of office fö/:'.pÊÌriod of at least 4 years in
order to agâin become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term:'
Provision shall be made for marking the questiou "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City ofSa1ina,
Kansas, and my residence address is coITectly written after my name.
( "
'æ~-~awful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
èertify that each signatnre appearing on this paper is the gennine signatnre of the person whose name it purports to
, be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political~r
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. ~. .. - :.' .,
~,-,s,,¡,. " ed and sworn to me this ..:.'J day of
~' NOTAlW pvJ)t!C
\!t' ,~, sTATE Qf KAN.,AS
@; ~ili,,1 Mj;¡\~- ,
4 4' NotaryPu .
. MyCommissionExpires: ~'}. - 9f:
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officitls
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina,.){¡nsas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the ){¡nsas state statutes, the
following onJinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shali the following be adopted?
"Effective, Jan"u", ary, 1, 1995, no person Sh,aI",,1 be elil!!, 'ble t,o be e,l, ected to or, serv, e in the, Offi"ce,O~, " ",'," ßr
moreth~sJ!.cutjye.A.¡¡ear terms, and no, m, ore th~,3 co,niecutive terms regardless of~.',' ~ 8;'
4ftèr.:se ,c J:Jn:ãxl!mln1'ÌiljÔpie'd tiDíe\m or¡Fe.õh; mu,tfëïimm'OUt-~r-a-:P{rlod of at least 4 y-;ars ¡n'
orqer to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any'term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, ,I am a registered elector of the state of ){¡nsas and of the City of Salina,
){¡nsas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
~K ^dJ "
Fi,-" /'
: ';26~Y:
) ss
~~~flawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
",hose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on thìs paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in whìch the election is sought to be held. ~~e-,fl!-,!!1:
Q, ' c~gT\~ySJ¥RJ~!~RS~cribed and sworn to me thìs ~y Of¥:--" 1994.
~; (1. . ',l,j~
My Commission Expires: 1. .) q . 9 jï Notary PubU
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Sali~, Kames, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than .,1~onsecútiYeA-yearterms and no more than 3 consecutive ten;n¡¡ regardless of the length of the té'rms.
After serving the maximum aItotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or 'NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and ofthe City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
, L1rl A/JJ{prlJ- 40£/ 5'.Úh-
"""\~, b\v
) ss
f~j jfßAl/Jif4/Jéh.;/h oflawful age being first duly sworn on o.ath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing ofthe petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuin. e SignaturEft hêp rson Wh.ose nam e it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas 0 .t 'ty of 'a, Kansas, the political or
ta.'\:Ïng subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. I' .
. liP" ----~
~ VA~ESSA&!\KEI'I t. . .' - ,
. .' s'i?WJ ~ucs . . I
..; l~iì IJI""';'~ Ð.}: ~u scribed and sworn to me t~ ayof 19 <¥"".
M C "E' I -~l" Û{i /\
Y ommlSSlon xplI'es., ./) V
Notary Public
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
, ,>
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salin.a, Kan'ias, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote ofthe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected .to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the,terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold th~r previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO'.
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
q-;¿-H '(
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STATE OF KANSAS) .'" . W¡-J.. <;iJ
) ss
J4t ,. ~'_,,_,","".....œ"""'"
I am e circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. Ifurther
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature e person whose name it purports to
be. I ,am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and 0 'ty 0 alina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
, NOT AAYPua1.lC bscnbed and sworn to me thi
. My~~t.Exp\~
My Commiseilm Expires: \ . 2> D ç:¡ r.o
Notary Public
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSelin~" KanS?S, herehy petition the Salina CityComn)Îssion to
pass as law or snhmit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following he adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligihle to he elected to or seI'Ve in the office oì city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3o\:9nsecutive terms regardless of thel~rigth'õnhêcWrrn~.
After serving the màximum"aIlo!:led time in office one must remam out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to holÍl their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shali not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall he made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
'40/' d¡viJ, ,oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each pêrson
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signsture '}erson whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state ofKanaas and ofth City 0 Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held,
ubscribed and sworn to me t s
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ( ',~Ò QCo
, /
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Offi¡;ivls
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salin(', Kansas. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to IimiHQe terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina TenD Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of cit). commissioner for
more th!ill2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive tenus regardless 'If'tlÍêlength of the tenus. I.
After serViìÌglñe maximum allotted time in office one mlfst remain out of office for a period of at least '4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shull not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any tenD counis as a full term."
Provision shall be made for markÍIlg the question "YES" or "NO'.
I have personally signed this petition. llUI1 a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
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# / /'- it ~r¡/}!1Æ"f.('.G , oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
- I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose nan¡e it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the Ci of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held,
/ :l. 5 -<C, (QJ~Le~ / 11 J.. ¡}1£:.4R;c E
.,' ,... STATECf~rÍ..&~'hn
,Já!. MyAppt E>P~
Subscribed and sworn to me this
I, J Ù .C¡(ç¡
My Commission Expires: ' 0
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors iu the city of SaliI1ß, KIm¥s, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, accor<ling to article 12 section 3013 of the Klmsas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I, Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms,
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shali not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have persona}ly signed this petition, 1 am a registered elector of the state of Klmsas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and'my'.residence address is correctly written after my name,
f'!- /-- 1"-,/
9.¡- 9+
¿/'tV /W,,¡Jef'
, I
, of lawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulátor ofthispetitiom I have personsllywitnessed the signing of the petition by ea~hperson
w¡ose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certifythát each signat1Ì~~appearing on this paper is the ~nuinesignatureofthe per$On whose name it purports to
be. I sin a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxil\g s'¡bdivisión in wmchthe election ié sought to be held.
Petition for Ol'dinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the tnÍdersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina,Kans", hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to 'article i2 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes,the
foUojýirig ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. SJ5i.na Term Limit Ordinance
Shali the following be adopted?
"Effective Janusry 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms,
After serving the maximum aliotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full tenn,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, I am a registered elector. of the state of Kansas and of the City ofSalina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~..~~ -Ž;~I~
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~.maty,1 b-j)JIl~t¡ ¡: La 31(,. ¿¡), 4IfW¡¡¿)
Î- J- 9y
) ss
~1ri . Qoflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing ofthe petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statemel\ts. Ifurther
certify that eaili signature appearing on this papeds the genuine signature 0 the person whose name it purports to
. be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and 0 City f Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivisIOn in which theetection is sought to be held. /
My Col1)!l1isSio!l ExpiresÁ' ?J\ .C¡ln
'Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in.the city of Salina, Kan$as, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as iaw or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state sta",tee, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective Janu!!l')' 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or ßerve in thèoffice.Of citycomI!)issioner foJ¡--
more than. ~ c.o')se~uti~e 4 year te:msandno more than ~ c~nsef1'.t¡y.¡, t~rm.s regardÌess 0\ thel~rJgÏÏioJthe;,¡¡¡rm.§!
After sem/¡g th~maxÙnum ail6lfed time m office one must re¡¡¡¡¡m out of-office for a pe1'1Od of at least 4 years m
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service'or more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made. for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. 1 am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NA1'\fE (Sign & Print)
)~ --
COUNTY. 01", ~~INr__'ì, j .>
Ttrujl-)LJ(¡'ll(.ìr/¡p/ ,oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am ¿e circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and ofthe Ci Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held, / "-
. VA.~ESSÞ.pU!W<8U~
,,' I ", II¥ "PP'- EJtp. ~
Notary Public
I. J o,C11(;
M C ,. E' ~
Y om miSSIOn xpIres:
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected OfficiiïÌs
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina Cuy Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
1. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
'Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of ciyy commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consççptive teIVIs regardless of the Cength of the t.¡rms.
After serving thJ rÓilximum allotteil time in office one must remain ouí ot office for a' period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligib¡, to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall' not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES' or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, alld my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
1;.UYI3 E5 2/£ 4' /"Ç-<
J4",¡f~ ("Qé&ÆoS, 7//.. M'i-4r)/OA,S gÖ S~ 9-t/--9</
--r'M /&J¡¿ ¡JoFfro,,4-) ¿i,1 lþf,L",,~ IITS ;5114"'1 o¡ -'f 4f y
, of lawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I a the circnlator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereoll. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the gennine signatnre of the person whose name it pnrports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and oft ity of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing snbdivision in which tlte election is sought to be held.
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We. the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Saline, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the tClms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995. no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office 9( ~.!l. co~!0Í55ion.er for
more than.~_consecu~4 year terms and no more than_=l.consecutivc terms reç!!Jdlessofthe length orthe term.!:
After sem'bg the maximum allotted time in office one mufiì'emain.out-of-offiêe for a period of at least 4 years in-'
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoptÍDn of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than halfofany term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition, I nm a registered elector of the state or Kansas and of the City or Salina.
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my nnme.
q-I Jilt
29. :z- =.L~
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) ss
I ~;¿r- ~ ;J.7JlI'~LAn.Q..- , of lawful age being first duly. sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas, l!,Il/d ofthe gityõfSalina. Kansas, the political or
toring """"""'- in wblcl> tb.."""oni"ought '" b, b,ld. $~~MVrJ¡ÆJ .
Ò VANESSA , d and sworn to me thisl.1i1'-rJ.f Of~f'. (- 4.'
~. 5TATEOFKANs.~ '
"'r pin MyAppt,ExP-Y~/Ì th D'vD':Y..' \
Notary Public
'- 8'f
:s S- 3 II, (f2. ¡..!J
¿. ?~F
7 "
{, 7 !~ -2/",."h... /1..
v v -</ " '1 '
My CQInmission Expire!;: I'?--J:ì C (,Q
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Tèrms; of Elected afficilds
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina" Kans.!, hereby petition the,Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit .ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective Jan, uary 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office,o~,'commi '"n, er for
more than ,2, consecutive 4 year terms and no more than § consecutive terms regardiess of ~"Wi'1iìs.
After serving the maximum 'allotted time in office one D!Ûst remain out, of office for a period of at least 4,years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "Np".
~ ["v<if-ku-ð-1-t~
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~ v--c::" c~ C~of]awful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature ofthe person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sOught to be held, .
.~ /' ~./:7
/ -'<'~~<-~~~L~/
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^ , c;¡:¡QY s, Š--,ub~#i,,~' J and sworn to me this ¿; , day Of~~r j- , 1994,
I:] .4 I':o.!~":'~ F , :,.,~'~s - 'l
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My Commission Expires: -.;; t¡ - c¡ ()
}'~tltion for OrdinlU1c~ Limiting th~ T~rms of Elected Official.
We, the undersigned quaÌified electors in the city of S., Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Comnûssiort
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, th
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
, .
"Effective January 1, 1995; no person shllil be eligible to be elected to or serve in the officêo~,ci,ty Co.!!lJ1!\!'J.1one¡ for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year, terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the1erigtn'of the terms.
After 'servin~'t1iê:')!/mómuni ~Iottêdt¡iñein office one musÎl'emahl out df office for" period of at I~àst 4 years in
/ order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term oounts as a full term."
Provision shäÍI be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. ¡,am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is oorrectly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
v( PJ ~~ ~, 10;£
4~~ ,)" ;rQ~
~¡~,~..Jn, a 1/ '"
~ ~ ~
¡/7. 1Z~:~1 /,'1),., /1/ r /1 [Ii
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1~tl(Œfl"ì)~lv\) '7ft! S fit );~r,( JL-
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. ,- /
Notary Public
, My Commission Expires: --=> ~ \L)
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Saline! Kansall. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors. according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I, Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissionerJor
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length-òi'U)e terms:-
After serving Uiè'~ÌiximWn allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 'years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance'shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question 'YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
}/)oJ1;~Iì' ,Pl~t1=~q<j
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) ss
)4-PII/1 II IL/I ¡F~4J¡M4 , oflawfu1 age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine si ore the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered electot of the state ofKansa ofth 1 of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: 1, 3ù Ç¡ (p
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
-- ./
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kamas, hereby petiti(ln the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the teruls of office for city officials.
1. Salina Tenn Limit Ordinan~e
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in tho office Qf-citycommissioner for
more' than 2 consçcutiyé 4 yew: tennsand no more than. 3 consecutive terws regardless oftlip length ¡)fUiEù,erins.
After servin¡¡thé maximum allotteH time in office one must remai¡\ out of office fur' a pé'riod of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in detennining length ofsemce, Service for more than halfof any term counts as a full teon."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~\ \ a S (' (')\-\- So \ u,('ì
o¡ -;;;. -9 <./
c, . ê). - C'I'I
Lon\ \.. S~hu,5) 1.9
9-2- fit¡
ffCf/ Ck~~~1M~
) ss
L1 q t II' ({ ,)( () dllrf..oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of tlùs petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on tlùs paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas d of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in wlùch the election is sought to be held.
- v......E.$Si\ -~.->-'ER
,r11~ STATE~~~. Subscribed and sworn to me tlùs
t1~jJ~¡lIIJ1yAWlE<P ~
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: I ;;0 A (0
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Offici$11s
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salin:1, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 ofthe Kansas state statutes, the
" following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Tenn Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of cit). commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year te.rms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of th<i length of the terms.
After serVing "the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
ordér to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length ohervice. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision Ahall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
1 have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sign & Print)
'i, tv t. 't' e (~ ¡l-
/ J ( J K:Æ<1r1~ LoJ~~
f:' /31 /9 ~/
/ f
'ð.31 q...{
v' 36,
9. ~/' ~r
':$' R-3/~7
) ss
1/ \, ir1 r
4!1{(1 Yd¿ll/J!/ ,)41'J.b , oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
'J ,
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements, I further
certify that each signature appearing on tills paper is the genuine signature ofthe person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of thlfCìtYt> Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. r ~ //
k VANESSA :. '.Y.:'i'I
-'i.., STATEOf '~ ( ,
~W~' I.IyAwtExP'~':'
Subscribed and sworn to me this
My Commission Expires: l. ?:>û Ç1 ~
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalina Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
l. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person,shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of çityc:ommj!§ionçr for, /
more t~an 2 c¡onsccutive 4 year ,tenns and no more than 3 consecutive ~é¡'ms ,regardlessonhe léngth 9! thcjenns.
After serving themaxifuùm .allotted time in office one must remain out of office fQr a period of at least 4 years in
order to again becoJIle eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining lengÌh of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full tel1Il:
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES' or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City ofSaJina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
¿ a e\ ff- 3q~
:;~;; d~?i~::~;~)A3~~t~~
----36.Æi!JÛ~ Âß.-i J:?ir), "~:.Jl~J":2?'ulVl> 1:3 671(6( 9') -w
) ss '
fíørl1lIS1Jl'J~, oflaml age being first duly sworn on oath states that:,
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose naIIle appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signatnrø appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of . f Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
'. .
M~~~riunissionEXPires: \'3~,qþ
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the 'l'erms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Saline, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, accoriling to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the term, of office for city official,.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the of ci commis' er for
more than consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3.coD,ecutive terms regarilièss oft e en o.t e tIns.
After ServID¡¡ e maxnnum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a periòd of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible toihold their previous office. Service prior tothe adoption of this orilinance .nall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have ,Personaliy signed this petition. lam a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
vio.~7r7. ~'U/V1$' Eenlt? /Ij..5/'4eiVv /442../A;. Cl?fllA1Po",d 9-1-1)1
..---Jl dm>f:~' 0 iAJ~1 f£;!! I ~/ ;J71kr/Æf'} t? I '1.:/
j'{[t, ~ ff¡Yr.", ~~ftø¡t~:: ;?þ t~ ;?}~ ~
vÍ4.~ lN1f¡~Pý e.oNSM IN 1rt.4k f-¡'Nf. Z-- ~ ~'O 1fJ1\ ovJ'I)Cq-r-91
~. .~
,0 1/ M4
tJr\16. ~¡..J 71fj¡)
/r 7. .Jd:!!)J1t
c( jlf/
NAME (Sign & Print)
) ss
p¥ ~ ~j¡L~ JJiij>, oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
Lam the circulator of this petition. I have personally witriessed. the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the ty rSalina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. '
ubscribed and sworn to me this
My Commission Expires: ~
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned quailiied electors in the city of Salina.¡Kansa~, hereby petition the Salina. City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a voteofthe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
1. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
" "Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the o~~ gf<i.ty.'£2!l1JIlÍSS,~dor
!!l°r, thBI\~.~Q£.s.~cvtive~!ear ternls .and. no more than 3con~~,c~tive ~~rms regar~tiSáiO~tñètèiïgt~.
After servIng th.eiîOOomum"'iâlrõtt'èd time m office one IlÌ1.iJ!t r~mam oút of office for a penod of at least 4year~ m
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, . Service prior to the adoption of this ordinánce shall not
count in determinìng length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. lam å registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~~'" ~~. j~ lJp'tV" IQSE E[L~tOò'f+n
Ý'. ¡? w.'-~. ÞU
rl :3/7 cJ
~ . (Sign..&.Print) ,
, RJ~ta ÙnAfYVl.P
20 Qa}¡",() ,'Y~,
/, ¿
) ss
00- ~~"J;¡ lM~
oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am he circulator oftlus petition. I have personally mmessed the sigmng of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certifY that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and ateglstered elector of the state of Kansas and ity ofSaJina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
My Commission Expires: \" :Jj.C¡ro
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Saline, Kanses, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
\. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in.~j)fli.ceOf!)itYCOmmi~si<>ne, for.~
more than ".co~~~cutive4 vear.,t:fs and no more than 3 ~onsequtive¡tertD.¡ regardless of thé length ofthé tenlls.
After serving t é maxnnum'liffi¡ " time in office one must ;.eÌnain auf of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
) ss
~ oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am e circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contaíned above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signatUI'!lappearing oIìthis paper is the genuine signature of "'Person whose nanÌe it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas e . of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
Subscribed and sworn to me
otary Public
My Commission Expires: t 3 b,q Co
~etition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalinn. Kans!!.s. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1. 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the !>ÍI~c"eofcity commissionj!f f9r
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the le"ngth of the terms.
After servin~ tl\e m~ínuin alloiÏed "time in office one must teìnaln out of offit:e for a period of at least 4 years in
ordet to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption oUhis ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO'.
I have pereonally signed this petition. I am a registered elector ofthe state of Kens as and ofthe City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
C ò N5v C¿ti z"
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) ss
I'l tJ. fI{ÌiJ'Ju ~, oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am e circulator of this petition. I have personally witllessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears tJ¡ereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and,J!fthe Ci .~fSalina, Kansas, the polîtical or
taxing subdivision in which tJ¡e election is sought to be held. ~,
.... VA. N .SSA._A bscribed and sworn to me this
. . NO"'.VPusUC
MyApI:'fu:~ 1
2t r. I - Notary Public
My CoIllmission EXpires: .-L'119
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salimi, Kansas,hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall thl! following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person sholl be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office ofc,ity commi~s¡on~ for
, more than(~LC()!I.s_e...cutive 4 yl!ar .tepns and no more than 3 consecut~ve terms reg!ITdle'ss .of the length of the.'ternís.1
After servmg thé ma'xinfúm allbttéd time in office one must remain out of office 'for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold'their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full ~-rm:
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES' or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~:;;j) /I~ )J:.' I II, ZI»}1!?ZUj
(;) 1 \;} "1X- \ ~,() ",i-
~\ðV\e J¿e-\<'x,h
~ ';{ -'i'i
) ss
!!í1J(1M '~fJ oflawfulage being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personaliy witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that aach signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a rasidant and a registared elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
. .'. trZt~'¡i,~U U,o ,.' Subscribed and sworn to me t s
MyAppt ",po ,!'
My Commission Expiras.
!~j;ìtlop for OrdInance LImItIng the Terms of Elected OfficIals
We,the undersigned qualified electors¡n the city ofSalinjl, ~sas, hereby petition the SalIna City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 oUhe Kansas state statutes, the
following otdinMce to limit the terms of office for cit¡i officials.
r. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effeçtive January 1, 1995, no perSon shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in th~offi¿e of city commissioner. for
more t)1an. 2 copseC)ltive 4ye., te,rms and no Dior. th~? cons*cutiye terms~"IWdleåB6fïhe¡eng¡,11. ô(thò'tòrntm--c
After serving the màxinlluÍl allottelr time in office one must rethain. ~t of o$c9' tor a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more thM half of any term counts.. a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. Lam a registered elector o!the state of Kansas and of the City ofSalina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~. -44,........... -....'" - ~.. "'reo'"
I am e circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certifY that ,:¡oJ¡ signature appearing on this paper is, the genuine signature of the persou whose name it purports to
be. I am a H'iJident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and ofth .' of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
,~'" . s~~t~~~it; crlbed and Sworn to me thi
My Commission Expires: f ~~D ç¡ i?J
Notary Public
, Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials ))fJ ,
We, the undersigned qualified electOrs in the city of Salina, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective ¡January 1, 1995, no ,person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in tl¡~!'Rffite 'q~ cit~'9.!\!DJ))i~~¡~erf"f
:: ~~[(¥:~J.:j;,;'~b~d~d ~oo::e o~::'~sio,~:::":û~~¿r,~~:~~:s~:~:eo~è:t~~a~¡'~h~e':r~i~
order to again be.;r.Ügible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this orÆì1ãñœs!imrñõt""
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
In /SA KC¡¿ 5T,
, oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am e circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements cantained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signat 0 e person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector afthe state of Kansas and the Çity Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
MyCommissian Expires: I. ~ Ò'cr (.,
Notary Public
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undèrsigned qualified electors in the. city pf Salina, KanS>\s, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
r: Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the pfficeof city co¡nmissioner for
mOre than !tco.aseC\1tive 4. yilar terms and no more than 3 consecutive tems reg~rdJess'ofìhelê;g¡j¡'ôf'th..ietmà'"
After setviIlgth;;'ìñ!ÍX'i'Jnm;;::ãllotte<rtime in office one mcistrèmÍlln out of officefòr a period: ofàt least 4 years in
ordèr to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length .of service: Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I haye personally signed this petition. 1. am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
NAME (Sìgn & Prìnt)
v{ ~Úh-
f'-Ð $""-"'1'
¿ Ì11d4 ¿, f1/ db
/¡J/J/ £#tJ/d '1~+-'f~
, flawful age beIng first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am he circulator of this petition. I have personally wítnessedthe signIng of the petitlou by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements cOntaIned above and believe the statements. I further
certifY that each sIgnature appearing on thís paper Is the genuIne slgnatnre of person whose name it purports to
be, I am a tèsident and a regIstered elector of the state øfKausas and of the ity SalIna, Kansas, the politIcal or
taxing subdIvIsion in which the election is sought to be held.
My Commission ExpIres: \' ;j(J.Q (p
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina"Kans." hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law orsnbmit to a vote ofthe eiectors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city. officials,
I. Salina Tenu Limit Ordinance
Shali the following he adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than,,2 oonsec:utive 4 year tenus and no more than 3,9Pnsecutive tenus regardless of the length of'théterms,
After gerving the maximum .!rotted time in office one must remain out of office for s period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of serrce, Service for more than half of any tenD counts as a full tenu,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition, I.am a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is oorrectly written after my name,
~3, '7- /'9:: "
, >1:+1,,{ :
!lÍ4, -P~, iL:(h 'Vk{ II,S; 'B",tecS ?6,;! )M",rv'K S~I""I/(s b7Vð/ I
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~6 dk,'h\'" ~ Si~.I.\'---- '?~, ~~
~J1ß) n- ~ ~flawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I fi¡rther
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
-q,~, S1n¡:OF~ cnbedandsworntomethis
MyCommissionExpil'es: I-o().qlo
Notary Public
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina., Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 oUhe Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissione~ for
mo.re than. 2 ,con~u~ive\4 y!.ar terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms re,gardIess of tÞ.Fleñgth~of ~~',t'éí5Íld. J
After serving'the rf1kciJI1~'allotte.d time in office one must rçmain out of office/for a peri~'of at least:( years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of' this ordinance shall not
count in determining length (If ~ervice. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES. or 'NO".
I have personally signed this petition. 1 am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and oUhe City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
gT~LJhq,,"'~'> J..Æ,dr~~ rt'/l
V'36. l~o'ÌJ) ~~
" :;(;?U
) ss
14~( QM~~ ~, of lawful age bejng first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator oftros petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by eath person
whose name appears thereOlI. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on tros paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state ofRans d ofth .. f Salina, Kansas, the political Dr
taxing subdivision in wroth the election is sought to be held. .
VANES(;> [!",ER
A , .~0,.J~~1l~\!.\s. S scribed and sworn to me t
My Commission Expires: (. 3'C)c,c.:,
Notary Public
)?\'1 1
We, the undersigned qualified electors iuthø city of Salina, Kansas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes,the
following orcllnance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Orclluauce
Petitio!! for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effecl;ive January I, 1996, no person shall be eligible to be e,Iected to or serve fQfíî~b!fi¿~ otcity comm,. ission~áor
more that! 2 couseGUtive 4 yea,r,terms and no more than 3 consecutive tørms tegarcll'è" oftl¡61ength'ofthe'wníls,
After serving theniaXimÛÌn ,aIlbtli€d t\me in office one mù~1"~)\¡â¡¡{,ôdt of of\ice for a period of at least 4 'ýears in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office, gerviceprior to thè adoption oftms ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service, Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term,"
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
¡ have personally signed this petition, ¡ am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name,
NAME (Sign & Nut)
/17. .t::, afi~
",is . (L"p~. Jrl'
4~""trOhÎ' .j"I'",
(',.,¡ Fa.lie,!
5'"2z I;.;,,¡- P"."d+
~D1 ~¡~ '"
/1 A~(¡/ 11 '¡-¡/)1I4e4M. i-J, of lawful age being first dilly sworn on oath states that:
¡ am' e circulator of this petiH.on. I have personally witnessed the signing of the pet;ition by each person
whose name appeats thereon. ¡ haw ,,;ad the statements cont.uned above and believe the statements. ¡ further
certify tþat each, signatnre appearing ,00 tbis paper is tþe genuine signature ° Json whose name it. purports to
be. I am á resident and a registerðd...electorofthð state of Kansás and oft Cit ofS lina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. "
My CommissiO!í Expires: ( 3 Oç:¡ (0
- Petiti_~n for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city ofSalinn, KanEas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote ofthe electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shà11 the following be adopted?
'Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or ~rve in the ogice of ci~y,commissiorler Jorl
more than 2 cop!!ecy~ive 4 ye¥,. temis and no more than 3 consecutive terms regàrdless of the length o,f the,terms.
. After serviD.í(tl1é'øfaxjmum aUotted time in office one must rem/ain ôut of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO",
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City ofSaliLa,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
~,x1a'Y)(Q.') -£" J¿(lÇhu: ,f'te(¡iF.e. {J",)¡.(!loir 31m !lnc/torSnn C-t..v-e/f
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) ss
'/ '9;144 . w {i~'Of1awful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulatorpf.this petition. I bave personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signatnre appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the Oi y of Salina, Kansas, tbe political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
ubscribed and sworn to me this
MyOomnlissionExpiies: í .30 ç¡ Co
Notary Publíc
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salina, Kans.as, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
folll/wing ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of t1iê length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision-shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered ele(tor ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina.
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
. ô.
vis. ~~
It / ../?/..¿
NAME (Sign & Print)
.A '[f 1 ¿If
V34 01.1 &0, I' /YUJ/lL/
i£.(]ÁÆ/í¡(~ .(3ÁA)kr./.-fJ'
V 36,\ 1 J aa1U-<~ l<>(ðj-
) ss
J::j,1/~L ](J/}I.-( ACt) }(ft" oflawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signiI1g of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and belie,-e the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the 'ty of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held. It -----
ð VA"~Ess.a- ?IoJ<ER ~ ~
NOTAAi"UBl!C. . r
. ST.ATEO~- >W:!SA? S bscnbed and sworn to me this yof . " 19~4,
. "I/IyA,.~E'.p~ ~ .
Ov&YYð-~ -------
Notary Public
(; '7-- 9 1:>(/
h I-r-Q. 'ljQ.(T
-. - ------.-
My Commission Expires: \ -304 Ie
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors iu the city of Salin~, !\ansJls, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state stalutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
1. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 oonsecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again beoome eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
4. P¡ .>, j(f
V;f(~ lL}j¿ljv1JG l d. 7 ~,I ¡ t'lt.
~~~4 /~~/; ~~~;
V;¿_Á~qJt¿/,,-,JM~MÆI :i'I/MFS w f'Lllc/(cu[(L
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VlO Po ",/,,~""- à-, frJ' ,¡-L 30"'6 S- ¡ IIi'
v1 ¿? G Ith
NAME (Sign & Print)
/¿:¿8' J'-d 1/ (Ij
FflI 5 t? - / ffi-
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-3(') ..'1'1"
Zc/Ø ,)ìfi~ i't 5;11 ¡(( 9ft 'if
aD¡ - 3 C) -11 :ç
) ss
l4f'1'1I M u¡)P-f' ,oflswful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personaIIywitnessed the sigIrlng of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on tills paper is the genuinE> signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in willch the election is sought to be held,
'bed and sworn to me this b day OfJ.>"rß ,1994.
C .ðk
Notary ~
My Commission Expires: 7 -.4 4 -c¡g
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified eleçtors in the city of Sali,~a"Ka¡¡sas, hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote of the electors, according to article 12 section 3013 of the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials,
L Salina Term Limit Ordinance ' ,
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city con1missioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in office one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Service prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts as a fnlJ term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed this petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.
-<) ¡...
Vi8.k'~ ;! '7l11<J2.1).., rdN.fI If I'/Uj..- )(IJI \;/ Tf'~ (I '7 - ":)-'7'1
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~ ('hi:{ ,A~ CIi! AI" ",h ,I ,-"", <,-",,;' ~ H t
LtlN'1I 1If,,!/er
, oflawfuI age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circnlator of this petition. I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon. I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
""certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to
be. I am a resident and a registered elector ofthe state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
, ~~,
..--~¡¡:SI~RIVER .1e
~, ~~', ' ',,'. NOTTEA~~ ~~W-J~s S bscribed and sworn to me thi 's & 'day of rß- ,1994.
',", STA .......""
g,'"I....,--",""~,A""t.EX'-, ~" , ',"
'.""" '~-- ,~..-
N blic
My Commission Expil'~S: 7 -;.).1../- qr
Petition for Ordinance Limiting the Terms of Elected Officials
We, the undersigned qualified electors in the city of Salin!!. ~n..as. hereby petition the Salina City Commission to
pass as law or submit to a vote oCthe electors, according tö article 12 section 3013 or the Kansas state statutes, the
following ordinance to limit the terms of office for city officials.
I. Salina Term Limit Ordinance
Shall the following be adopted?
"Effective January I, 1995, no person shall be eligible to be elected to or serve in the office of city commissioner for
more than 2 consecutive 4 year terms and no more than 3 consecutive terms regardless of the length of the terms.
After serving the maximum allotted time in offire one must remain out of office for a period of at least 4 years in
order to again become eligible to hold their previous office. Servici! prior to the adoption of true ordinance shall not
count in determining length of service. Service for more than half of any term counts WI a full term."
Provision shall be made for marking the question "YES" or "NO".
I have personally signed trus petition. I am a registered elector of the state of Kansas and ofthe City of Salina,
Kansas, and my residence address is correctly written after my ]ame. .
NAME (Sign & Print)
'. I
NAME (Sign & Print)
) ss
kN)' Muller
, of lawful age being first duly sworn on oath states that:
I am the circulator of this petition, I have personally witnessed the signing of the petition by each person
whose name appears thereon, I have read the statements contained above and believe the statements. I further
certify that each signature appearing on this paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purpolts to
be, I am a resident and a registered elector of the state of Kansas and of the City of Salina, Kansas, the political or
taxing subdivision in which the election is sought to be held.
cribed and sworn to me this -~ day of ¿ r.J- , 1994.
r¡. N.G¡;;;bíf:!- 2 jJL~
My Commission Expires: I -...). (j -<if? -U