4113 Improvements Georgetown 11 ~ TO: CITY COMMISSIONERS O~' TilE CITY or" s.fJ~~ KANSAS '95 OCT 17 Prl 2 58 PROTEST Pt."TITION . CITY 0;: :)!~U:(;\. 1(S CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, COKES NOW, tbe undersigned, and states and allcges as follows: 1. Thc undersigned is the owner of record of more than fHty-onc percent (51X) of thc propcrty within thc,improvemcnt .UstJ'ict and also thc owncrs of rccord of more than one-half or the total area or such district as described in Resolution 1'10.95-/.913, attachcd hereto and marked Exhibit "A". 2. That not nore than twcnty (20) days have passed after tbe pu~l~c,ation of the resolution ordcring the improvement recited in said rcsolution. 3. TIlat tbe undersigned hereby request that the improvement referenced in Resolution No. 95-4913 sball not be commenced and that this Petition requesting that the improvcmcnt not be commcnccd is filed pursuant to K.S.A. 12-6a06. Dated this J'21"",- day, of October, 1995. By:,:1r}~,s)'-.-. r:¿~i"--' Mark Baxa 625 Seitz Drive Salina, Kansas 67401 By: 'T-@W¡()j)q ~ ~q Tamara S. Baxa 625 Seitz Drive Salina, Kansas 67401 By: ~ ~ - 6).~ Raymo d A. Boyer 629 Seitz Drive Salina, Kansas 67401 By: Kristine J. yer' 629 Seitz Drive Salina, Kansas 67401 VERU'ICATlON STATE Ot' KANSAS ) ) ) 55: COUNTY OF SflLlNE Hark BilKa of lawful agc. bcing first duly SWorn on his oath, statcs as follows: TItat.'hc is thc Pctitioncr in thc abovccaptioncd actionj that hc has rcad and signcd thc forcgoing documcntj and that thc statcmcnts thcrcin containcd UI:C tl:UC and COl:l:cct according to his knowlcdgc. infonaation, and bclicf. 'If'(o_SJ~ C~\~L Hark Baxa , T&mal:a S. BaKa of lawful age, being first duly sworn on her oath. states as follows: That she is the Petitioner in the abovecaptioned actionj that she has read and signed the foregoing documentj and that the statements therein contained al:e tl:Ue and correct according to her knowledge, information, and belief. . 2~ c ~r ßWXC; Tamara S. Baxa Raymond A. Boyer of lawful age, being first duly sworn on his oath, states as follows: That he is the Petitioner in the abovecaptioned action; that he has read and signed the foregoing documentj and that the statements therein contained are tl:Ue and correct according to his knowledge. information, and belief. ~~.~ Raymond 1\. Boyer - - Kristine J. Boyer of lawful age. being first duly sworn on her oath, states as follows: That she is the Petitioner in the abovecaptioned action; that she has read and signed the foregoing documentj and that the statements therein contained are true and correct according to hor >0_1.<.., In£"~U."'~~ \ ~. \ Kri tine J. Boye\ ' said SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO be, a Notary Public in and for county and state, on this 17th day of October. 1995. ~j¡ rY-d ~ ", " . EXIIIDI'l' "Au (Published in the Soling Journal August , 1995) RI!SOLUTION NUMDER 95-49J3 A RI!SOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING CJ!RTAIN CURDING, GUTTßRING, PAVING, GRADING ANI> RHLATßD STORM WATER DRAINAGl IMPROVEMßNTS IN TIm ON SlUTZ DRIVE BE1WIŒN PIII!ASANT LANH ANr. CRAWFORD STRßßT IN TIm CITY OP SAUNA; AND ORDl!RING l'Rl!PAltATiOh OF PLANS AND SPllCIFICA'fIONS AND Tim l!S'flMATE OF COSTS. WlWRI!AS, the Governing Body of the City of Salil1(\, Kansas dId hold n public hearing on the advl6obllity of n1i\kinr. certnin curbing, 8u tterillg, paving, grndin& and relnted Storm water drainagc improvements; WlffiRßAS, :iBid public hearing was adjourned on the 7th day of AUgUlit, 1995¡ and WHBIWAS, noticç" of snid public hearing WAS duly published as. required by K.S.A. 12-60.04; and .'. WJrnRRAS, the Governing Dody did on the 7th day of August, 19S1S, duly adopt a resolution finding and determining thnt said improvement was advisable; and " \. WHEREAS, six months have not clnp:öed since the final o.djoul"lllllent of (¡aid public hco.ring. NOW, TJfßRnJ10RB, be it resolved by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. Thllt thc following improvements 01'C hereby authorized and ordered to be made in accordance with the Cindingl; of the governIng body UpOIl lhe advisability of the improvement as follows: IŒrLAT OF BLOCKS 4, 10, 11 AND 12 GEORGETOWN ADDITION curbing, guttering, paving, gmòing nnd related sto.om drainage improvement:> 011 Seitz Drive between Pheasant Lane and Crawford Street, in the City oj Snlina, Kansas. Section 2. is $106,(,94.50. Section 3. The improvement district is thc south "10.4 feet oC Lot 10, all of Lots 11 through 16, Hlock 6, ¡mù I,ots 17 through 21, Block 5, Rcplnt of mocks 4, 10, II ad 12, Georgetown Addition 10 the City of Salinn, Snlinc County, Kansas. The c5timllted and probable cost of such improvement , - Section 4. The method of nsseSSIIICIIl shall be lhot 100% of the tolnl cost assessed against the ngainsl the property shall be based upon the adjusted front footage of each lot in thl'- improvement (bcncfit) di5tor,i~t. Section 5. The proposed ¡Ipponionmcnt of colit improvement district and the citY-IlHargc is: SEP-Ø7-199S 13:41 9138231868 betwecn the P.O2 1. The costs assclilòed against the improvement district :¡haU be 1007 of the total cost of street improvements, including gradIng, pavement, curb and gutters, and any incidentals thereto to complete the street and lOOt of the total cost of storm GeWel', pipeline, lII"nholes, inlets nnd any incidental thereto to complete the storm sewer system, except the following: The costs assessed DBalnst the city-at-large shall be 100% of the totAl cost at 267 L. F. of S. J S. F. storm SOwer pipeline and pIpe end scctions to cncloGc the existing open drainage channel between Lots 10 and 11, Dluck 6, between the cast curb of SèÎt~ Drive and the rear of said lots. 2. Section 6. That pnrsuam to Ol"dinonce Number 95-9701, It is found that: , (a) Completion' ~f the improvement is a significant factor in relation to public healt!1 and sdety i (b) A delay in commencement of the special assessments Is essential to the fair administration of payment for the impTòvel11ent: and (c) The cost of the improvement is to be paid from the city's general fund:> and Ilot interna.\ Impl'ovelllcnt bonds of thc city. Therefore, the commencement of t>peciol Ilssessmc:ntG for each lot in the improvement di:;trict shall be delayed until the earlier of: WOUld( (a) Pour (4) year,. from the date the special assessments hove oUIl'.rwise been levied against that loti or (I» The liMe upon which that lot qualifies us a buildable lot ("buildable lot'~ mel1l1S 1\ lot which qualifies fo,' the issuance of a building permit by vil"tue of the availability of streets nnd watel" and 5ewel" utilities). Intcn:st shall not Dccrue: on the delayed tipccial assessment5 for the dc:signatcd period of \he delay for' each 10\. Upon expiration of the period of delay (01" each lot. interest :;hall begin to accrue III the rote stilted in the ordinance levying the special assessments as determined in accordance with Ordinance Number 95-970J.- Section 7. The asseli5111ent with accrued interest shall be levied as a speclul tax upon the property included within the benefit district concurrent with the gencl"ul property taxes and sholl be payable in ten (10) equal annunl lmjtnllments. Section H. That the City Engincer be and ili hereby directed and ordered to prepnre planl> an~ specificAtions, and estimates of the cost ofsnid iß1provement~. -- Section 9. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make progress puYl1lents to the contractors (01" materials fllnlÎ:> I:cd and for IQbal" performed under the contract wlu.'l1estimutcs therefore ure presented to - SEP-Ð7-199S 13:42 9138231868 P.O3 -----,,-- him which have been properly certified by the City Enl:inecr, :10 long as the :\mJregll.te payment ; do not exceed the total contract price. Section 10. Tlmt Ihe. hllproVclllcnt sholl not be commcnced if. within 20 days one.r publication or this resolution I written protests signed by bOlh SI~ or morc of the resident owners of record of property within the improvement dilitricl and the owners of record or more than half of tht. totnl areD oC sl\Ìd district arc (fled with the City Clerk. Section II. Thl.. rcsolutlon shall tAke cCfeet after its pa¡;I>I\Hc and publication once in. the official city ncwl>paper. Adopted and passed this 14th dlty of August, J995. (SEAL) ATTEST: -' John Divine, Mayo.' Judy I). LoIIg, City Clcrk , .-; .' . SEP-Ð7-199S 13:42 913823Í868 93"- P.Ø4