4111 Improvements Georgetown /-I II J " .. . . ,. . . ,'- " FILED .' . 9S OCT 16 PI'! ~ 36 TO: CITY Or S.~U:L\, ¡(S CITY COMMISSIONERS OF TH'IT::'(-f*qf)p'~RlJ~'À~ KANSAS PROTEST PETITION COMES NOW. the unåersigned. and states and alleges as follows: 1. The undersigned are the owners of record of more than fifty-one percent (51%) of the property within the improvement district and also the owners of record of more than one-half of the total area of such district 'as described in Resolution No. 95-4913, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A". 2. That not more than twenty (20) days have pass(;d after the publication of the resolution ordering the improvement recited in said resolution. 3. That the undersigned hereby request that the improvement referenced in Resolution No. 95-4913 shall not be commenced and that this Petition requesting that the improvement not be commenced is filed pursuant to K.S.A. I2-GaOG. Dated this ¡HÞ day of October, 1995. GEORGETOWN, INC. JOSEPH RITTER h;;./ . By: . -'(-r::t1)) Elly Her. President 2103 S. Ohio Salina, Kansas 67401 BY'b.A- ~ ~ (;! oseph Ritter V /1942 Valley View Salina, Kansas 67401 ,', VERIFICATION STATE OF KANSAS COUNTY OF Saline ) ) ) SS: Elly Ritter, President of Georgetown, Inc., of lawful age, being first duly sworn on her oath, states as follows: That she is the Petitioner in the abovecaptioned action; that she has read and signed the foregoing document; and that the statements therein contained are true and correct according to her knowledge, information, and belief. )II~ ELL Y T R, PRESI DENT Georgetown, Inc. Joseph Ritter of lawful age, being first duly sworn on his oath, states as follows: That he is the Petitioner in the abovecaptioned action; that he has read and signed the foregoing document; and that the statements therein contained are true and correct according to his knowledge, information. and belief. "'; ,-i:- ~- ~~ 'ì~ JpSEPH ITTI: (> SUBSCRIBED AND'SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this ~ day of October. 1995. ~~~ No ary Pub ic , -- '. EXIIIDI'i' "A" (Published in the Salina Journal August RCSOLUTION NUMBER 95-4913 , 1995) A RBSOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING CBRTAIN CURDING, GUTTßR lNG , PAVING, GRAí>ING AND RELATHD STORM WATBR DRAINAGB IMPROVEMBNTS IN TIm ON SlUTZ DRIVE nBTWEBN PHEASANT LANE ANn CRAWFORD STRßßT IN Tim CITY OF SALINA; AND ORDßRING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TUß BSTIMATß OF COSTS. WlWRßAS, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas did hold 1\ public hearing on the advisability of making certain curbing, guttering, paving, grnding and related storm water drainage improvements; WlillRßAS, said public h~rlng was adjourned on the 7th day of August, 1995; and WHBIƒAS, noticc" of said public hearing was duly publír;hed as required by K.S.A. 12-6a04; and WlffiRJ1.AS, Ihe Governing Body did on the 7th day of August, 1995, duly adopt II. resolution finding and determining that said improvement was advisablc; and ,. WIIJ7.RF,AS, six months have not c/llp~t:d since the final adjournment of 6aid public hearing. NOW, TIfI3RRFORE, be it resolved by the Governing Body of the City or Salina, Kansas: '. Section J. That the following improvements are hereby authorized and ordered to be made in accordance with the findingI') of the governing body upon the advisability of the improvcmcnt as follows: RnrLAT OF DLOCKS 4, 10, 11 AND J2 GllORGBTOWN ADDITION curbing, guttering, paving, grading ,md related stOl'm drainage improvements on Seitz Drive between Pheasant Lane and Crawford Street, ¡Ii tIt\} City oj Sl\lina, Knnsas. Section 2. is $106,(,94.50. Section 3. The improvement district is the south "10.4 feel of Lot 10, all of Lots 11 through 16, Ulock 6, tmd Lots 17 through 21, Block 5, Replat of ßJocks 4, 10, J J ad 12, Georgetown Addition to tht: City of Salina, Salinc County, Kansas. The estimated and probable cost of such improvement Section 4. The method of assessment shall be thnt 100% of the total cost assessed against the against the property shall be based upon the adjusted front footage of each lot in the improvement (hencfit) di5tJ:i!=t. Section 5. The proposed apportionment of COlit improvement district and the city-at~large is: SEP--Ø7-199S 13:41 9138231868 between the P.ß2 1. The costs asscstied against the improvcmen\ district shall be 100"'- of the total cost of street improvements. including gradIng, pavement. curb and gutters, and any incidentals thereto to complete the street and 100% of the total cost of storm scwel', pipeline, IIlRnholes, inlets and any incidental thereto to complete the storm sewer 6ystem, except the following: The costs Iuisessed against the city-at-Iacge shall be JO~ of the total cost at 267 L. F, of S. S. F, storm sewer pipeline and pIpe end sections to enclose the cxisting open draInage chRnnel between Lots 10 and 11, Block (i, between the cast curb of Seitz Drive and the rear of said lots. 2, Section 6, That pursuant to Ordinance Number 95-970J, It is round thot: (a) Completion of the improvement is a significant factor in relation to public healt!l and sdet y i (b) A delay in conllllencernent of the spccial assessments Is essential to the fair administration of payment for the improvement i and (c) The cost of the improvement is to be paid Crom the city's general funds and not internal Impl'ovcmcnt bonds of the city. Thcrcfore, the commencement of tipecial assessments for each lot in the improvement district shall be delayed until the earlier of: woUld( (a) l'our (4) ycarli from the date the special assessments have otherwise been levied against that loti 01' (b) The dilte upon which that lot qualifies 115 a buildable lot ("buildable lot" means 1\ lot which quallfie:> for the issuance of n building pemlÌl by virtue of the availability of streets and water and 5eWCI' utilities) 0 Inte,'cst shall not accrue on the delayed lipecial assessments for the designated period of lhe--delay ror each lot. Upon expiration of the period of delay fo,' each lut, interest shull bcgin to accrue at the rate stilted in the ordinance Icvying the s lt:cial assessment s os determined in accordance with Ordinance Number 95-970). Section 7. The assessment with accrued interest shall be levied as a specIal tax upon tht: property included within the benefit district concurrent with the gencl'Ul propcrty taxcs and sholl be payable in ten (JO) equal annual Installments. . Sectiun H, That the City Engineer be and .is hereby directed and ordered to prt:pnn°. plans and specifications, and estimates of the cost of said improvement!} , Section 9, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized Ilnd directed to make progress puYll1ents to the contracLors for materia!!¡ ful"llisll,cd and for lubol' performed under the contract wlwn <:stimutes thercfore tire presented to - SEP-Ø7-1995 L3:42 9138231868 P.03 him which have I>een p.-operly certified I>y the City Engineer, :\0 long as thc aggregate payment!; do not exceed the totnl contract price. Section 10. That the Improvement shill! not be conunenced if, within 20 dllYs dter publication of this resolution, written protests signed by both Sl~ or more of the resident owners of record of property. within the improvement di!;tt'Íct and the owners of record of more than half of the total orca of said district are { Jcd with the City Clerk. Section I I . This rcsolutlon shall tal\e cffect after i\s palisage and publication once in. the official city newsp"pcr. Adopted and passed this 14th day of August, 1995. {SEAL} ATTßST: John Divine, Mayor Judy 1>. Lollg. <:lIy Clcrk ----,-~- . , SEP-Ø7-1995 13:42 9138231868 93% P.Ø4 .. >.