4109 Improvements Georgetown 4IOq '. PROTEST PETITION FILED '95~ PPI ~ ~ SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF ¿/.UNA, i<S CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO: CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF COMES NOW. the undersigned, and states and alleges as follows: 1. The undersigned is the owner of record of more than fifty-one percent (51%) of the property within the improvement district and also the owner of record of more than one-half of the total area of such district as described in Resolution No. 95-4913, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A". 2. That not more than twenty (20) days have passed after the publication of the resolution ordering the improvement recited in said resolution. 3. That the undersigned h~reby request that the improvement referenced in Resolution No. 95-4913 shall not be commenced and that this Petition requesting that the improvement not be ccmmenced is filed pursuant to K.S.A. 12-&a06. Dated this 7.t:.h. day of September, 1995. GEORGETOWN, INC. BY:~~ ELLY RITT , ESIDENT 2103 S. Ohio - Salina, KS 67401 ---,-,------ - ---, , -- VERIFICATION STATE OF KANSAS ss: COUNTY OF Elly Ritter, President of Georgetown, Inc., of lawful age, being first duly sworn on her oath, states as follows: That she is the Petitioner in the above- captioned action; that she has read and signed the foregoing document; and that the statements therein contained are true and correct according to her knowledge. information, and belief. ) . . ~~-h1) EI.LY R E PRESIDENT Georgetown, Inc. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a N°1;~y Public in and for said county and state, on this day of september, 1995. ~a~ Notar Public C:\kww\protest.pet A!I - 09-07-95 -,--~----- -,.. -- n- Cf18.L, 10:9138231868 SEP 07'95 13:23 No.006 P.O2 EXHIBIT "A" (Publishcd in [he Salina Journal August , 1995) RESOLUTION NUMBER 95-4913 A RBSOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND ORDRRING CBRTAIN CURDING, GUTTßRING, PAVING, GRADING ANI> RBLATßD STORM WATBR DRAINAOB IMPROVEMBNTS IN THB ON SlUTZ DRIVE DB1WBBN PHEASANT LANB AND CRAWFORD STROUT IN Tim CITY OF SAUNA; AND ORDBRINO PRBPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND Tim ESTIMATE OF COSTS. WlWRßA5, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas dId hold 1\ public hearing on the advlsab\l1ty of making certllin curbing, guttering, pavlns, grndlng and related storm wate,' drainage improvements: WllnRßAS, said public hcarlng was adjourned on the 7th day of August, 1995; and WJIERHAS, nutke of said public hearing was duly published as required by K.S,A. 12-6a04; and WlffiRJ1.AS, Ihe Governing Body did on the 7th day of August, 1995, duly adopt a resolution finding and determining that said improvement was advisable; and " WIJßRßAS, six months have not elapsed since the rinal adjournment of said public hearing. NOW, TlfERßJ10RB, be it resolved by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section I. That the following improvements al'e hereby authorizcd and ordered to be made in accordance with the findings of the governing body upon the advisability of the improvemt'-nt as follows: HßrLAT OF DLOCKS 4, 10, 11 AND J2 GfiORGBTOWN ADDITION curbing, glittering. paving, grading ¡md related storm drainage improvements on Seitz IJrive between Pheasant Lane and Crawford Street, in the City of Salina, Kansa1>. Section 2. is $106.694,50, The estimated and probable cost of such improvement Section 3. The improvement district is the south '10,4 feet of Lot 10, all of Lots t 1 through 16, "lock 6, Md Lots 17 through 21, Block 5, Replat of Blocks 4. 10, 11 ad 12, Georgetown Addition to th~ City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. Section 4. The method of assessment shall be that IQO% of the total cost assessed against the against the propel'ty shall be based upon the adjusted front footage of each lot in the improvement (benefit) district. Section 5, The proposed apportionment improvement district and the city-at-large is: SEP-07-1995 13:41 9138231868 between of COlit the P.02 " u- - __un CM8.L 10:9138231868 SEP 07'95 13:23 No.O06 P.O3 I. The costs aSsctHjed against the impn~vcmcm district shall be 1007.- .', of the total cost of street improvements. Including grading, pavement I curb and gutters, and any Incidentals thereto to complete the street and 100% of thc total cost øf storm sewea'. pipeline. manholes. inlcts and any incidental thereto to complete the storm sewer system, except the following: The costs R6fiess~d 8galnst the clty-at-Iarge shall be 1~ of the total cost at 267 L. F. of 5.1 S, F, storm sewer pipeline and plpè end ¡¡ections to enclose the existing open drafn88c channel between Lots 10 and 11, Bluck 6, between the CAst curb of Still. Drive ond the rear of said lots. 2. Section 6. That pursuant to Ordinance Number 95-9701, It Is found that: (a) Completion of the improvement is a significant factor in relation to public health and safety i (b) A dclay in COOlll1enccment of the special assessments Is essential to the fair administration of payment for the Improvement; and (c) The cost of the improvement is to be paid from the city's general funds and not internal fmprovcn\('.nt bonds of the city. Therefore, the commencement of t>'p'ecia\ assessments for each lot in the improvement district shall be delayed until the earlier of: WOUld( (a) Four (4) year!; from the date the ¡¡peciul assessments have otherwise been levied against that lot; 01' (I» The dute upon which that lot qualifies as a buildable lot ("buildable lot" means a lot which qualifies fol' the issuance of a building permit by virtue of the availability of streets and water and sewer utilities). Interest shall not accrue on the delayed I;pecial assessments for the designated period of the delay for each lot. Upon expiration of the period of delay fol' each lot, interest shall begin to accrue at the rate stated in the ordinance levying thc special assessments as determined in accordance with Ordinance Number 95-9701. Section 7. The assessment with accrued interest shall be levied as a speciul tax upon the property included within the benefit district concurrent with the genc 'ul property taxes and shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual Installment!> . Section H. -, That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed and ordered to prepfU.C plnhR and specifications, and estimates of the cost of said improvements. Section 9, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make progress paymcnts to the contractors fo/" materials furnished and for. labol' performed under the contract wht'n estimates the/"efore ttre presented to.- SEP-07-1995 13:42 9138231868 P.03 CM&L , . ID:9138231868 SEP 07'95 13:24 Ho.OO6 P.04 him which ha\'c been properly certified by the City Engineer. !iO long liS the aggregate payment!; do not cxcecd the totl\l contract price. Section 10. That the Improvement shall not be commr.nctd If. within 20 dllYs after publication of this resolution, written protests signed by both Sit or mole of the resident ownen of record of property within the improvement di!;trict and the owners of record of morc than half of the tolftl area of said distriçt arc filed with the City Clerk. Section J J. This resolution shall toke effect after its pa!;&agc and publication once in the official city ncw&paper. Adopted and passed this 14th dlty of August, J995. {SBAL} ATTEST: John Divinc, Mayor Judy 1>. Long, City Clerk SEP-07-1995 13:42 9138231868 93% P.Ø4 -) NORTON .WASSERMAN .JONES .KELLY í:"~Ci ¿,d~5 FRA"K C1'>ORTO" . .......-': :~,-?CE ~IAllI"G ADDRESS, Po. Bo, 2388 S,lim, K5 67..01-2388 KE1'>:';Enl W. \\'ASSERSI,\" ROBERT S. JOC';ES :';ORMAN R. KElLY lIMO1I1Y M. IIEM)ERSOC'; Altomeys at Law LAWOIFlnSAT, 21SS S"",. Fe 531ina, KS67401 ROBERT A. MARl I" T,kln",., 91J,827-36-I6 T,kü,\,i<, 913 S27-0B8 December 11, 1995 VIA FAX City Commissioners City of Salina 300 W. Ash Salina, KS 67401 Fax J 826-7244 RE: Application No. PDD88-4C, Filed by Country Oak Development Dear Commission Members: On behalf of my client, Country Oak Development, please withdraw the above referenced Petition from consideration at the City Commission today, December 11, 1995. KWW/ka Very truly yours, ~ «f aI~ ~neth W, ~sse=an ~~ -,----- '---,--0 ~ ~ PlANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Oty-Counly Building' 300 West Ash Stre.. . P.o. Box 736 Sal;na, Kan... 67402-0736 TELEPHONE (913) 826- 72W . FAX (913) 826-7244 Salina ÞIDId ~lir september 7, 1995 RE: Applicatian IPDDBB-4C Country Oak Develapment Carp. Dear Praperty Owner: Applicatian ftPDDBB-4C, filed by Cauntry Oak Develapment Carp, requesting rezaning af 11 lats an Dustin Rd. fram PDD MH-S (Manufactured Hame Subdivisian) to. PDD R-2 (Multi-Family Residential) to. allaw canstructian of additianal duplexes has been filed far a public hearing be fare the City Planning Cammissian. The request area is legally described as Lats 10-14 plus the East 27 ft. af Lat 15, Block 2 and Lats 4-9 plus the East 33.30 ft. af Lat 3, black 3, in the Cauntry Oak Estates Subdivisian (aka 700 Black af Dustin Rd. A public hearing an this applicatian is scheduled far Octaber 3, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in Raam 103 af the City-Caunty Building. Yau are invited to. attend and may submit any infarmatian in favar af ar in appasitian to. the request at that time. Yau may pratest this applicatian regardless af any action that the Planning Cammissian takes by filing a written pratest with the City Clerk within 14 days after the canclusian af the public hearing held by the Planning Cammission pursuant to. this natice. Pratest petitians are available at the City Clerk's affice. This natice is being mailed to. all awners af property within praximity af the area requested far rezaning. A maE af the request area and vicinity is enclased. Yau are welcame at the City Planning Department, Raam 205 af the City-Caunty Building, to. review the file af this applicatian. Sincerely, 'R(}-:D~ Ray Dudark, Directar af Planning and Develapment Enclasure: Vicinity Map RD/kb