4103 Imp Country Club Estates DO NO' ""E If. I~IS SPACE PETITION HUMllVI '-flog " TO: 'HI' GOVEJtNINÇ EOoJ City of So"'" kah'" FILED '95 JUH 15 PrI 1 % tAl ", tho ".."I,n'd, hint ........ of roeord of proporty 'Ioblo fO~':;;;;;:';~;().~~'~¡-;~~; Curbin., .utteriD'. ..radln... pavln.. & storm draina"e for Eastbor~ft"'\)\~rnK'~~¡Pf.t~~ serve Lots 6 & 7. Block I. Country Club Estates Addition No.). ." I VLL"" ~ v.. :--:: Installation of sanitarv sewerond water lines to serve Lots 6 & 7, Block I, Country Club Estates Addition No.3, , h.r.b, propo.. th.t .ueh lopro',....nt h ..d. fn tho ",hn.r provfd.. b, Artlel. 60, o..ptor n of tho kon". Shtut.. Annototed. .. ,"'ndod. IB) Th. ..tf..h or p'ob.bh co.. of .ueh f.proy....nt" Forty-three thousand nine hundred and flfteen dollars, U4),915,OO ICI th. ..hnt of tho pri>po..d I.pro._n' ."'rle' to bo ."..... .. fhdluhd on tho o'hehod plot .nd to ...«Ib.d .. foil.... Lots 6 & 7. Blocr. I. Country Club Esta'es Addition No.3 to the City Ol Salina. Kansas. 101 Tho propo..d ..thod of "'.....n' I" Based on an eQ lal assessment per lot and without re"ard to buildin.s or imorovement of the land.. lEI Th. pro..... .p..rtlo...nt of eo,.. b'_.n the f.proy....n' ."'rfet .n. tho Clty-"-hrg. ". . p.re.n, I~ 'I to b. ........ .g.ln.. tho I""roy_nt d"trlet .nd . pore.no I~'I to bo ........ .g.fn.. tho Cft".'-hr,.. . See attached APportlon"en' of Cost. If! .. furthor propo.. thlt .uon loproy_nt be .... .Ithout notte. .n. h...Ing n roqufro. by K.S.A. n ...n.... 12-6004(11 . ""'..uu...u ..auu uu u a.." uua . , .. un uuu ........a ... No .... .a. b. ..lth.r..n froe this p"ltlon .ftor tho Goyornfng Bo" coaoo..., con.ld."Uon , , of the petItIon or "t.r th.n "'On 17) .." .ltor this p.tttfon h.. bo.n fl1.. ..fth tho CITY Clork > , IK.S.A. U-600" > auuu ".. '..au u ..uuu au luau auauu au u R..pooUolly """1.... by Robert L. Haworth T.,>pho" _r 823-7168 1l8IIIO ~ 2ô:~'</ ,t.(M¿ DOlO & Tmo '"- "'-" ....... ..- "'" ~ad """""'"'-" Dialn<! !?o\"',,<-\- L i-t<!WH-Th t:Ærj9.. Lots 6 & 7 '0 APPORTIONMENT OF COST COST CI~GEABLE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY: 1. 100% of the -total cost of street improvements, including grading, pavement, curb and gutters, storm inlet, and any incidentals thereto to cön~lete the street system. 2.100% of the total cost of water mains, fittings, hydrants, water services, valves, and any incidentals thereto to complete the water system. 3. 100% of the total cost of sanitary sewer service connections and pipelines and any incidentals thereto to complete the sanitary sewer system. COST CHARGEABLE TO CITY: 1. 100% of the total cost of area drainage improvements, including storm se\'ler pipeline, outlet structure, grated storm inlet and any incidentals thereto to complete the drainage system.