4099 Vac Smoky Hill Drive DO NOT WRITE IN THIS¡CE PETITION "'UMBER I/O FILED . 95 rlRa 2l PrI 2 00 TO: THE GOVERNING BODY City of Salina. Kansas :CITY OF S:.L];:I\, KS CITY CLERK'S OffiCE lie, the undersigned, being residents and property OI'Iners In the: City of Salina, Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body for: ............................................ VACAr/OI\! OF 5/VlOHY HILL MIÞ'E ;<://0/11 c.OL.t./Ml?/A /11/£ TO PEA/A/' AYEA/t//:- Respectfully submitted by: ~~~ -t/k:L¡¡);;;v Telephone Number: q /3-ð'.J. 'J-'lO'/tJ IW1E ADDRESS ,...~~o ~'\'\o..;,",^^ 110 IU9UJ 1l/2~'ïV : ~\~(,v.. \ - Q\--\ w ":S.(,H4,\~ l)ew adO S" \ \ I \ I \ I 0\ Co\.ln'>\btG\. - .- --- L- oR ~ ---I I í I I .1 j I' Vi r S I"CI ---. I. ' S/)}OI( Y . .' FORGY SURVEYING 421 N. OHIO SALINA. KAtlSAS 07401 PHONE: 8131827-8710 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS STATE Of' KANSAS) 55 OOUNTY Of SAlI NE) I, Galen L. Forgy, registered and authorized to practice Land Surveying in the aforesaid County and State, do her'eby certify that on Nov, 23, 1992, I caused the following described tract of land to be surveyed, All of Lots 13 and 14 and the South 27 feet of Lot 15, Block 12, Oakdale Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. Said survey and the accarpanying pIa ; are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and bel ief. . .. " ~ ~ ..:;h SURVEYOR ~7 ~&..~ DATE ,,""'¡::'FÖ""', +"JJ.,~......!to ¡:"" (~~~~\STE"'~ð" \ l~ '\ ~ f LS.584 i ~ :I: " . : \\ .:..~ ~'. ... .'l':L ~ ~" <.'. Ir'ANS""." QV,'- '... "/A""""" ~~ " ",,;(0 SU~\ """ """""....' LEGEND 0 Property Corner . 5/8" Bar W/Plastic cop (P) Plotted DIstance (M) Mecsured DIstance 0.4145 Acre~ i-> ~ ~ . ..1 SOl' .' I ~~ ~1 * ~ ",1;/ I "' I ~ '" z z w n. ~ GyPSUM A vr. k ~I <. Œi~ ::i~ 31 0, ()' T . . 18056 Sq. Ft. 14 <6' 'XI if.. . (;~\"-¡:-:\,, ~~l U Land TItle Services, Inc. . . \.\-'7\. ":J>j~ I I . R~æ~re~OC~~œ~M~ I Œhiø Agreement. Made and entered inlo Ihis -22nd day of Mar~h , 19~ by and belwccn Verna E. Keller, a sin !tIe person p'UI)' of Ihe First ParI. hereinaner referred 10 as "Seller ," w helher one or more, and , Harold Martin and Beverly t\1 al' tin , husband and wife parly of Ihe Sceond ParI. hereinafter referred 10'" "Buyer," whether one or more. WITNESSETH: ThaI for and in <:omideralilJII of Ihe mulual promises, covcnanls and payments hereinafter sel nul, Ihe parties herelo do hereby contracllO and with cadi olher, as follows: I. The Seller .joes hereby agree 10 sell allll conwy 10 Ihe Bu)'Cf by a good and suffieienl warranly deed Ihe follo\\ing described real properly, siluated in Saline Cuunly, Kansas, to.wit: A11-o L.Lo ts -'I hict een-(J.3.}- a nd-Eo.ur teen-(-U.>-and-the-&J u th ----'l'.won t y.:Soven-(..2¡'~et-o!-Lot-flft~R, B look T-W-lilv~) OAKDALE-ADD IT 10 N-to-t ho-CitY-Of-SaUna..-8alin_C9unt y , Kan&88 2, Tne Iltlyer hereby agm:'\ 10 purchaw. a.nd P'IY 10 Ihe Seller, as consideralion (or the conwyancc to him of the above described 1,'al pfOl2erl)', Ihe sum of Ftfteen Thousilnd Dollars and no/100 (~15,OOU.OO) Dollars in manner follo\\ing, lo.wit: $500.00 Earnest $14,500,00 Cash at Closing 3. The Seller. al his option, agrees 10 furnish 10 the Buyer. either a complete absnacl of tille cenilÏed 10 date, or a litle. insorance company's commitrr¡cn! to insure. 10 Ihe abme.dç~eribed rt'al propelly. .sbowing a merchamable lille \esled in the seller. subject 10: ëasements and restrICtIons 0 recora, If any The Tille Evidence shall be senl 10 Seeumy SavIngs Hank, FSH for examination by the Buyer as promplly and expc'ditiomly as po"ible, and il is understood and agreed Ihal the Seller shall hale a reasonable lime after said Title E\ idencc has bo:en examined in "hieh to correct any defects in title. 4. A duly executed copy of this Purchase Agrc'emenl shall be delivered [0 the parties hereto. 5. The Buver a~reo:s to and docs hereby denosit with Land TItle Services. Inc. Ihe sum of Fivë Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Dollars, earneSI money. as a guarantee Ihatthe terms and conditions of Ihis conlract shall be fulfilled by him, said deposit [0 be applied on Ihe purchase price upon ac.:eptanee of rille by [he Uuyer and delivery of deed by [he Seller. In Ihe even I Ihe Buyer shall fail [0 fuUïII his obligation hereunder Ihe Seller may, at his option, cancel this agreement, and thereupon Ihe aforementioned deposit shall bo:come [he propo:ny of the Seller not as a penally but as liquidated damages. Provided, howner. that in the even! the Seller is unable to furnish mero:hantabJe ti!le. the earnest money deposited shall bo: rO:llIrned 10 the Buyer, and Ihis Agreement shall be null and void and of no funher force and erro:c!. 6. It is further agreed by and between the panics heretO that all rentals. insurance (if policies acceptable to Buyer) and inlereS[. if any shall be adjusted and prorate" as of date of closing . Taxes shall be prorated for calendar year on [he basis of taxes le\'io:d. or for prior year. 7. The Seller funher agrees 10 convey the above described premises with all the improvements located thereon and deliver po,session of the same in the same condition as they now are, reasonable wear and tear excepted. 8. It is underslOod and agreed between the panics herelO thaI time is of the essence of [his contract, and thaI this [ransa.:lion shall be consummated on or before l\larch 27. 1995 9. I'ossession 10 be giHn 10 Buyer on or before date of closing 10. In the e,.enl an O..ners litle insurance policy is furnished, [he total cost of [he commitment to insure and [he ¡ilk insurance policy will be paid ~O¡o by seller and ~~'. by buyer. 112 Title Immrancc 1/2 Escrow fee ~ SELLER TO PAY: BUYER TO PAY: 1/ 2 TitltLlll.5urD.1lCIL-. _112 Escrow fee RM'ol'Cling f""R A11-loan r>n<Ú" OTHER TERMS AND/OR CONDIllONS: -. Contents in ~ara~c to be removed by SELLER within 30 days of closinR' SEE YOUR ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING THIS CONTRACT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANY PART OF IT It i, agreed by all parties that Land Title Services. lfie. is hereby designated as escrow agent of both par- ties. All moneys paid and [0 be paid, prior to the closing of this transaction, and the deed and other papers that may be delivered hereunder, shall be paid and delivered to said escrow agent, who ,hall hold and then pay and deliver the same to the respective parties entitled thereto upon full performance t>y the parties of all terms of this Contract. In ac- cepting any funds, securities or documents hereunder, it is agreed that, in the event of disagreement between parties of referenced contract or parties representing them, Agent will and does reserve the right to hold all monies, securities or documents in its possession until a mutual agreement has been reached or until delivery is legally authorized by final judgment ~ decree of the court. Said Agent acknowledges receipt of an executed copy of this Contract and the sum of $o--oðOP '. ., as Earnest M~ and agrees to a:t as escrow agent. Executed thls....2k..day of ~H. 19 ~. LAND T SERVICES INC. ACCEPTED: Buyer ~ ~ BUyer\.\U)-Q¡\.\"" ~ fY\o...\'\;v-_J 0 ' By: Seller Seller "0 " ;;¡ c¡ I "0 c: ~ Ù r:: - ,¡¡ Q,¡ u 'E Q,¡ '" 00 ~ Q,¡ ¡:j - '" - '"' E=: g 'Q ~ r:: ::¡ ~ i ~ 8 !J ::; t! . <D M W(J)N ;;~~ I'oZM z~; <D _M M<~ ...zØ- ::ï ~ 0 - 0 IU ... - C 0 (J Q) - IU - (J) W C'O Q) a: 0 ¡... "".--.,' -_. --'---' --.---- h_"~'.~-' ---.--.- À. Settlement Statement .' U.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development ~ OMS No. 2502-()265 1 r S. Type 01 to",.. 2.0 fmHA 3,K) Conv. Unins. 6. r'e Numt.er 1. loan Number 6. Mortgtge Insurance Case Number 1,0 fHi\ 4.[] VA C. NOTE: 5.[]Conv,lns. 291207.7 This form is furnished to give you a statement of a{'tua) settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked "(p.o.e.)"were paid outside the closing; they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals, D. NAME AND ADDRESS OF BORROWER: HAROLD A MARTIN BEVERLY J MARTIN 914 WEST SOUTH ST. SALINA. KS 67401 E. NAME AND ADDRESS OF SELLER: VERNA E. RELLER G. PROPP~lY LOCATION: Security Savings Bank, F.S.B. 317 S. Santa Fe Salina, KS 61401 218 SOU'l'H COLUMBIA AVENUE SALINA. KS 67401 F. NAME AIm ADDRESS OF LENDER: H. SETTLEMENT AGENT: SECURITY SAVINGS BANK 317 SOU'l'H SANTA FE PLACEOFSE.TTLEMENT: SALINA, KANSAS 674(11 I. SETTLEMENT DATE: MARCH 24, 1995 J. SUMMARY OF BORROWER'S TRANSACTION II(. SUMMAhY OF SELLER'S TRANSACTION 1M>GROSSAMOONIDÛE;/'ROM)IOliøoWER(. ..n." ... ...... '......wó;GRò$$Aiv'QONTDìJE;"()SÈtJ.~Rf~.'.n:..s....,.n 101. Contraol sates price 15,000.00 401. Contract sales price 102. Personal property 402, Personal property 103 SettJement ¡:harges 10 borrower: $255.70 403. (rrom line 1400) 104. 105. ADJUSTMENT,) FOR ITEMS PAID BY SELLER IN ADVANCE: 106. City/lown taxes to 107. County taxes to 108. AsS<!SSinen.ts to 109. .110. III. 112.. 404. 405. ADJUSTMENTS FOR ITEMS PAID BY SELLER IN ADVANCE: 120. GROSSAMOUNT DUE FROM BORROWER:~ $15,255.70 ~~¡!iM9Hij~fMiijï;gØjij;~g!Mb~9)?;~Þ.flH.Q~!'fI.;'._... ...-... 207. 208. 209. ADJUSTMENTS FOR ITEMS UNPAID BY SELLER: 210. City/town laxes 10 211. County TaJi:es 01/01/95 to 03/24/95 21"- .-.sse.sments 10 213. 214. 13.28 420. GROSS AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER: ¡~i¡BgH:qgjlQff§IRMig¡:mJ;RH§ï9J!~I~i!m ..... 501. Excess deposit (see insuucrions) 502. Settleníentcharges to SeHer (1Ì!le 140() . 503. Existing Ioan(s) taken subject 10 504: f"aYcff of Iir.ttnort9a9ë Ic>M .. . 505. Payoff of second 506. 507. 508. 509. ADJUSTMENTS FOR ITEMS UNPAID BY SELLER: 510. Cityllown laxes 10 511. County taxes 01/01/95 10 512. Assessments 10 513. 514. .515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. TOTAL REDUCTIONS IN AMOUNT DUE SELLER: ~ (§Q§;; ç MIi At§: ~M.~!f Ïí 9. ï f R9 M . $~( j, ~F!r i .... 601. Gross amount due to seller (line 420) 602. less lolal reductions in amount due seHer (Iin<: 520 500.00 12~000;00 201. Deposil or earnesl mar,ey 202. Prinòpal amount 01 new loan(s) 203. Existing Ioan(s) taken subject to 204.. . . 205. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 10TALPAID E!V/FOR BORROWER: .. ~i þ~ ~ ft Ä ï. §g ill ~M g~tti! iiM ïï Q~Q ERQY@:Ii 301. Gross amou~1 due Irom borrower (tin< 120) 302. Less amounl paid by/for borrower (line 220) 513.28 $15,255.70 $12,513.28} 303. CASH ( 00 FROM) ( [] TO) BORROWER:" $~,?42 .4,2, 6O3.~ASlt~ q FROM) (KJ TO) SELLER: .. . . ,. Page 1 F",",-",ion ~oehno'og"'.1nc. HUOI . (&q 931.3190 LP-uNUI