4158 Vac Country Club Estates DO NOT WRitE IN THIS SPACE PETITION NUMBER "'I / s r'?' . : r..Jt:'f' r. D FILEu i...i... '.sDrJ~~ 'I AP110 51 C'I' ,Uti'.; -,~~L'" I~S , CI.'¡¿Y' Cq,r;:x ,î;~'r(;:;~:'~Û¡: FI CE .' ._c.I\'.vVIÎIIJE. TOI litE COVERrll NG BOrlY Ci t1 of S.1i na. K",.a5 We. the undorslgned. being resident> .nd pro~"rty "..ne.. In the -.1 City of Salina. Kansas, to hereby petition your I;(,r,or.ble body for: '. :........................................... Right-of -W?!..::,~_t.2..°n of__~~~.~ ,;,f South Eastborough Road as shown on attache..! sheet, .--- .---------------- ---.-..,---. ,----- ,--- . ---....--. Respectfully .ubmittcd bY:_Le..e...._ILaw.o.r:..th.._COllS.t.r.~1 Cg, IRE: Telephone Nu!Tber:..-82J:J~68_- -- /lAME ADDRESS . .-.-. _. Lee Haworth Construction Co, Inc 348 E Avenue A, Salina, KS by Æ-t<-ø;þ ß",~ Robert Lee Haworth, President ------- - ---- ----- ----- ,----------- ---.-- -.------ .._-------- '..__.__h___-'_-- --, --..._--. ---- --..... '------ --- --_._--.- ' -..---------- PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION DESCRl1~ION: A part oC Eastborough Road adjacent to the west line of Lot 8, Block I, Country Club Estates No, 3 Addi tion to the Ci ty oC Salina, Saline County, Kansas, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; Thence north along the west line of said Lot 8, a distance oC 50,00 feet: Thence continuing along the west line oC said Lot 8 on a curve to the leCt having a radius oC 50 Ceet, an arc distance oC 68.47 feet to a point which is 35 Ceet east oC the west line oC the NEt of Section 17, Township ll. South, Range 2 West; Thence south and parallel with said west section line, a distance of 99.48 feet to the south line oC Country Club Estates No.3 Addition; Thence east along said sout,h line a distance oC /.0.00 feet back to the Point of Beginning. The above described Right-of-Way to be vacated contains 3,1.76 square feet, more or less. 25' 35' 3= (\ 0:: <.ñl ~ 0 a.: <t 3= 0 I- a: ¡o:1 u I w (9 wI C/) ::J ~I ::t 0 -1 a: wi 0 3= z Q) " r- 0:: w (f) !: <t -1 W I ~I I w (f) - 3= ~'-- 35' --- LOT 7, BLOCK I N --- COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES NO.3 o'f{ 003- .--- V a> m SCALE: 1"= 30' LOT 8, BLOCK I CURVE DATA 40,00' 0 0 0 DRAINAGE a. UTILITY U) --_L~~~~~ENT 0 ð. = 78°27'34" R = 50.00' T = 40.82' L = 68.47' Chord = 63.24' --- P.O.B. ..«)'.' ' H'{J""" .' ~ """. 4/ '. /¡Í'~~O T ~~:,~;;( æ-.y, ys-8f4/7 : = \<'."....ffANS~'::>../'<- / . "ÝA '. .' -,(), '. 'ŸD """"'.ç:.---- " """ S U R'-l ....., . . '. , .. '" .. ' . . ' I, herety certify that this is a true and accurate plat of the above described p~operty. £) Q 21 // , '1-};-~_I.-/1H_>7U /" :J - Z-? f SURVE R/ - DATE -