Administrative Brief March 17, 1978 To: All City Commissioners From: N. D. Olson, City Manager Monday, March 20, 1978, Commission Meeting Subject: G-l: It is ironic that we should receive refunding proposals from two firms within a week of each other. I am also enclosing Larry McKown's proposal although he did not request being on the agenda. Larry McKown has been visiting with Don Harrison and I believe, Larry Bengtson on this subject for some time. It is a very complicated procedure and appears that these two proposals have approached the subject in a different manner. I assume you will want more in-depth presentations before reaching any decision on the matter. H-l :, My memo to Jolley addresses the first two subjects he relates to in his memo. Tom Runyon's letter addresses the third subject, being the baseball diamond that will replace the Blue Jay Diamond. My report Monday will relate only to money necessary to relight this diamond and fence it in accordance to Babe Ruth standards and the baseball committee's desires. We are obtaining proposals for doing this work and will proably run in the neighborhood of $30,000.00. Instructions to proceed with this project with the monies from the Revenue Sharing allocation would be in keeping with the Bicentennial Building promotion literature---that local tax dollars will not be used to relocate this facility. We will also be in a position to start the work as soon as all the proposals are submitted to us. Hopefully that means right away. Jt\ \)7