CIP 1986 - 1990 In co "- " - "- 1.0 % ct IX (,I') C,::) ct Q (,I') IX z: ¡:. ct :w: Q (,I') 0'1 I- .Q'\ z: ct - U.I z: % - U.I ...I ::- < Ie Q (,1')' eo IX 0'1 ¡:. 1.1.. - :¡: Q - >- ...I I- < - I- ~ - ¡:. < ~ FORWARD The City of Salina's 1986-1990 Capital Improvements Plan was prepared in the Spring of 1985. The proposed plan was reviewed by the City Planning Commission during public hearings on May 7 and 21, 1985 and approved by Resolution #PC85-2 by that body on May 21. The plan was then submitted to the Salina City Commission, in accordance with K.S.A. 12-704, for a 60-day review. The City Commission on August 12, 1985, voted to recom- mend several amendments to the plan and adoption of the amended plan by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission on August 20, 1985 approved Resolution #PC85-5 approving the amended plan and incorporating it into the City of Salina's Comprehensive Plan. ~ Russ ones, V ainnan I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESOLUTION #PC85-2 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (CIP) FOR THE CITY OF SALINA FOR THE YEARS 1986 TO 1990. WHEREAS, the City of Salina, Kansas desires to adopt a, Capital Improve~ent's Plan (CIP) describ,1ng thp. 'ma.)'or acquisiti'on ,and/or construction projects, proposing a schedule for funding and recommending methods of funding; and WHEREAS, as provided by KSA 12-"704 õ public hearing was dull advertised at least twenty (20) days prior to the public hearing; and WHEREAS. the Sali.na City Planning ConllTiÏssion conducted tl1e required public hearing OJ) ~1ay 7 and ~ja'ý 21. 1985 to consider ftle proposH' Capital Improve- ments Program¡ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. 6V THE. Planning Commission of the City of Sallna. Kans~s that; Section 1. The document entitled IICapita 1 . Improvements Plan 1986 to 1990" is hereby approved by reference. Said Capital Improvements Program is hereby submitted to the Salina City Commission for the statutory 60 day review period which expires on August 2, 1985. Section 2. Adopted by the Salina City Planning ColTlJlission and signed by the Chainnan this 21st day of May. 1985. ATTEST: RESOLUTION #PC85-5 WHEREAS. the Salina City Planning Commission ha~ reviewed a Capital Improvements progràm for the, City of Sa 1 i na for the peri o~ from Janudry, 1986 through December. 1990; and ~ HEREAS, Rfi!solution IPCf15-2 incorpor~ted by ref~reoce aÞd approved the Capita 1 Improvements Program; and WHEREAS. a certified copy of thp. Caþital Imprcvement~ ~rogram was !¡ubmitted to the, governing body of the city; and WHEREAS, after a sixty (60) day review, perjodfrom .the date of receipt of said certified cgAY. the fi~lina City Commis¡iO1\ voted- to endorse the proposed Capital Improyements .Pr~9ralJli NOW THERii:FO,Rfi BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of th~ Cay of Sè1l i ni\, KanS~,$, that theCapi ta 1 Imþrovem~n:ts. Program as 'approved ,by Resolution '#.PC85-2 i~ ~~by a<iQP~d as apart of tþeoffJcial Cömprehensive Plan of the 'City of Salina, Kansas on this 20th day of August, 1985. ATTEST: INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY The purposes of a capital improvements program are to ascertaill the community's capital improvement needs over the next five to seven years; project revenue sources and expendi- tures; and serve as a planning tool for local government in meeting these needs. A capita 1 expenditure is either very sizable or has a long life expectancy. Examples would be buildings, land acquisitions, fire apparatus, water treatment plant expans ions, and major renovations to facilities. These are several major benefits resulting from such a program: 1. It shows the public that objective analy- sis of existing needs has been applied. It is increasingly demanded by federal agencies and lending institutions to prove that comprehensive planning and sound fiscal policies are practiced. 2. 3. It allows for coordination in timing. location, and financing of interrelated, complex projects. By projecting the financial comnitment annually, it seeks to minimize the impact on local tax rates. keeping the rates relatively constant. 4. 5. It reveals long-neglected areas of need, thereby facilitating comprehensive planning. f. It provides realistic appraisals of future needs and available resources to meet them. 7. It provides a priority-setting process including citizen groups, agencies, city departments. the Planning Comnission, and the City Commission. It prov i des a plan of city improvements which might be linked with other public agencies' improvements (i.e., the school- park concept. 8. 9. It provides necessary lead time to develop specific plans and specifications for projects. as well as applications for federal and state grants. Finally, it forces the City to seriously review its rE:venue sources for both opera- ting and capital itEms. The process followed by the City of Salina closely resembles the usual guidelines for such a capi ta I improvements program. The project forms arid directions were developed by a Capital Improvements Program Revie,,' Comnittee. This co".,dttee cûiis1sts of the City Manager's Ad- ministrative Assistant. Planning Director, Assistant Planning Director. Finance Director, and City Engineer. The forms were given .to all department heads, related agencies, and boards and conmissiuns for submission of possible 10. projects. City staff participated in several regular and special meetings of these groups to offer assistance in the request stage. Upon completion of these forms, the CIP Review Committee met to discuss priorities. Several départments and agencies were requested to furnish additional information, and some site inspections. After careful deliberation, the committee established priorities, analyzed the financial situation, and established the proposed financial schedule. K.S.A. 12-704 (1976 Supp.) states that the Planning Commis- sion must review the document at a public hearing and pass a resolution approving the plan as proposed or amended. The plan is then forwarded to the City Commission for a maximum 60-day review and additional proposed changes, before referral back to the Planning Commission for adoption by resolution. As with any planning tool, the Capital Improvements Program must be updated periodically. Annual or biennial updates should be undertaken, depending upon the number of projects \'/hich are funded. The process is rather lengthy and should be integrated with other long-range planning efforts. The updating should fall under auspices of the Planning Department and the City Manager's Office. Planning shou1d have operational responsibility with broad oversight and direction from the City Manager's Office. Financial Considerations Upon adopt i on, the plan becomes an accepted planning and budget tool for the city. In- dependent of the Planning Commission's resolution adopting the plan, the City Commis- sion needs to consider implementation of the first projected year. The level of expendi- tures and the priorities which were estab- 1 i shed. The resu lt i ng fi nãnci a 1 schedu 1 e then becomes the capital budget for the ensuing fiscal year. It is officially accepted as part of the capital outlay operating budget by passage of the budget ordinance. The foremost consideration in any realistic long-range planning endeavor must be financia1 resources. A considerable amount of time has been spent in the analysis of the City's abi1ity to fund the necessary projects. What follows is a review of that financial capacity both presently and in the immediate future. Long-term improvements can be financed following either of two basic philosophies: "pay as you go" or "pay as you use". Simply defined, the former means you finance projects from existing operating funds, without going into df'ht, Ohviously, few cities are in a financial position to do so, although some I . smaller projects can be funded in this manner. The latter simply means the City uses bonded indebtedness to pay for major improvements. Proponents say this is the most equitable means since payments are spread on the tax rolls over a period of years. Thus, those citizens who use the facilities in future years will also be paying for them. The obvious drawback to debt financing is the cost of money. In addition, a reasonable 1 imit on bonded indebtedness as a percentage of assessed valuation must be maintained. Fifteen to 20 percent is consi- dered reasonable, depending on the overall financial condition of the city. However, when interest rates begin to rise significantly for new bond issues, the city is being penalized by the market for excessive amounts of debt. Our 1984 level of bonded indebtedness (sum of G.O. Principal and Special Assessments Principal) was $10,144,000. That figure represented 9.44% of the assessed valuation of $107,447,669 which includes the Schilling Industrial Area. The proposed financial schedule would represent $5 million in additional debt by 1990. Ob- viously, assessed valuation will rise signi- ficantly during this period. Assuming a valuation of $110,000,000., the percentage of debt would be 13.7%. This is well \'Jithin the 15 - 20% rule of thumb most cities use. inflation in general; growth in assessed valuation; state legislative changes affecting revenue sources; the future of Genera 1 Revenue Sharing beyond 1986, and specifically, the affect of increased cost in the operating budget caused by inflation. In regard to the latter, bear in mind that as inflation increases the operating budget, there wi 11 be less money available for capital outlays. The Kansas Tax Lid makes no provision for inflation. Inflation is partially offset only by the increase in assessed valuation of the city, and its growth through annexation. Since accurate projections are so difficult, findings are based upon several assumptions, or constants, which should be kept in mind: 1. Project estimates are based upon present costs, regardless of the budget year. Therefore, the cost of a project in 1990, for example, would actually be more than projected. The entire CIP will be updated annually or biennially. 2. General Obligation bonds are projected at a 9 - 10% annual interest rate. 3. General Revenue Sharing may not exist past 10Ah I1';c nl"ocontll/ ho;nn r!;crllccor! hI! ~~~~. .~.~ "'~~~"~'J ~~"':I -.~--~~-- -J committees in the U.S. Congress. In attempting to analyze the financial con- dition, numerous variables become extremely di ffucul t to project for severa 1 years: 4. Community Development Block Grant funds is a source that is not assured and cannot be relied upon. With the emphasis on a balanced federal budget, or at 1 eas t a reduced defi c it, many federal funding sources will probab ly be reduced in the near future. Only minimal dependence on federal or state grants is reflected. Obviously, such sources will be vigorously pursued, thereby reducing the City's projected cos t. 5. In comparing the 1981 to 1985 CIP with the 1986 to 1990 plan, it is evident that a number of prior funding sources no longer exist, includ- i ng many federa 1 grants. The approva 1 severa 1 years ago of the county's one-cent sales tax generates about $3 million a year for the city of Salina. Many projects formerly funded through various federal and state programs, are now funded through this sales tax. The only projects proposed for fundi ng with general obligation bonds are the Schilling Road and Magnolia Road flood control ditches (Pro- ject Numbers 16 and 20), with combined esti- ma ted cos ts of $5 mill ion. These projec ts represent about a six -mi 11 increase over the seven to ni ne mi 11 s budgeted in recent years for general obligation debt retirement, but is still considerably under the recommended d~ht ceiling of 20 percent of assessed valuation. USER'S GUIDE The following pages contain s~veral tables which include: Table No.1. Table No.2. Table No.3. ProJects Recommended for Alternate Funding by the originating department, either through separate mill levy or the department's annual budget. Unfunded ProJects not recommended for inclusion in the CIP because they did not receive a minimum priority ranking. Table No.4. !,roj?osed Projects Funded Immediately, which sho\'/s projects funded in FY 1985. Project Fundin~ Fiscal Year, which shows the projects and funding levels and sources for each year illc uded in the rIP. Table No.5. Table No.7. I Projected Sales Receipts and Available Funds for projects included in the CIP. This chart õUflines the estimated amounts of sales tax funds available for projects in the CIP and may be used in conjunction with Table No.4. Ad Valorem Mill Levies for the past ten years provide a perspective of property taration and the effect any general obligation bond issue would have upon the total mill levy. Table No.6. Table Nos. 8..\ 9. !,!Qjected Payouts for the Magnolia and Schilling Roads flood control ditches. Schedule of Bond and Interest Pótments through 1997. which reflects current indebtedness levels prior to issuance of allY onds recollIßended in the proposed riP. Table No. 10. The first five of these ten tables represent the recoßlnendations of the CIP Committee, while the last flv€: are documents used to arrive at the reconmendations. Following these tables are submittal forms for each project recommended hy the CIP Conndttee for funding. vicinity map accompanies each submittal form, locating the site of each project. A (Table No. 1) 1986-1990 Capital Improvements Program Project Rankings Rec. Source Project No. Project Name Points Est. Cost FY of Funds 1 CDB Storm Siren 15 $ 8,000 86 Gen. Fund 2 Emer. Prep. Generator 15 25,500(1) 86 Gen. Fund 4 Salt Storage Shed 15 77 ,000 86 Sales Tax 5C 4th St. Slough-Plafis 15 50,000 86 Sales Tax 5A 4th St. Slough Expan.(Pt. 1) 15 625,000 87,/ Sales Tax 5B 4th St. Slough Expan.(Pt. 2) 15 625,000 88 Sales Tax 6 Traffic Control Shop 15 76,000 87"' Sales Tax 7 Waste Water Plant 15 6,500,000(2) 87 Rev. Bonds 8 Bi-Center lobby Roof 14 37,500 86 Sales Tétx 9 Bi-Center Restrooms 14 200,000 86 Sales Tax lOA Specs. for Broadway Overpass 13 120,000 86 Sales Tax JOB Broadway Overpass 13 2,000,000(3) 87l Sétles Tax 11 Museum Conversion 13 65,000(4) 86 Sales Tax 12 Neighborhood Park Plans 13 10 ,000 86 PC Sales Tax(5) 14A PO Secured Parking (Acq.) 13 175,OGo(6) 89 Sétles Tax Rec. Source Project No. Project Name Points Est. Cost FY of Funds 15 Water Plant Expansion 13 $4,000,000 88 Rev. Bonds 16 E. Schilling Rd. Ditch 12 3,000,000 87 GO Bonds 17 1500 Ga 1. Pumper 11 150,000 87 GO Bonds 19 60' Extension Truck 10 60,000 -- PC Sales Tax 20 Magnolia Rd. Ditch 10 2,000,000 88 GO Bonds 148 PO Secured Parking (Const.) 10 100,000 (7) 90 Sales Tax 22 Water Supply Development 10 4,200,000 89 Rev. Bonds 23 Bi-Center Concession Stds. 9 69,000 90 Sales Tax 25 Cemetery Storage Shed 9 15,000 87 ¡../ Sales Tax 26 Drainage-4 Ditch Checks 9 240,000 87/ Sales Tax 27 500 Gal. Pumper/Rescue 8 100,000 87 GO Honds 28 Bi-Center Parking Lot 7 153,000 90 Sales Tax 29 Bi-Center Prod. Support Fac. 6 100,000 89 Sales Tax 30 Bi-Center Exhaust Fans 6 5,000 87 v Sales Tax 31 Ivey Park Storage Bldg. 6 20,000 86 PC Sales Tax 34 Sr. Citizens Rec. Area 5 72 ,000 86 Sales Tax 37 Bi-Center Lobby Carpet 5 20,000 90 Sales Tax Rec. SourcE: Project No. Proj(:ct Name Points Est. Cost FY of Fur,ds 38 Bi-Center Ceiling Fans 5 $ 3,000 90 Sales Tax 39 Fire Station #3 5 200,00('. 90 Sale~ Tax 40 CBD Redvelopment N/A 6,500,000 86-87 (8) 41 Handicapped Access N/A 135 ,DOO( 9) 86 CDBG 42 Mun. Rec. Area Entry N/A 38,000 86 PC Sales Tax 43 Passive Recreation Area N/A 41,000 86 PC Sales Tax 44 Youth Playground N/A 39,000 86 PC Sales Tax 45A Neigh. Parks-Develop. (Pt. 1) N/A 57,000 87 (10) 45B Neigh. Parks-Develop. (Pt. 2) N/A 43,000 88 (10) 46 Golf Course Maint. Equip. N/A 30,000 87 (10) 47A Golf Course Maint. Facil.(Pt.l) N/A 75,000 87 (10) 47B Golf Course Maint. Facil.(Pt.2) N/A 75,000 88 (10) 48 Campground Area N/A 40,000 87 (10) 49 Rest Rooms-lakewood NjA 18,000 87 (10) 50 Ball Diamonds N/A 50,000 88 (10) 5] Ji. Tennis Facility (Partial) N/A 52,000 88 (10) 51B Tennis Facility (Construction) N/A 135,000 89 (10) 52 Park Improvements N/A 85,000 89 (10) FOOTNOTES 1. City Share ~ $13,000 2. City Share ~ $3.250,000 (50/50 w/EPA) 3. City Share ~ $400,000 (80/20 w/KDOT) 4. City Share ~ $32,500 (50/50 w/Saline Co.) 5. Previously-committed Sales Tax 6. City Share ~ $87,500 (50/50 w/Saline Co.) 7. City Share ~ $50,000 (50/50 w/Saline Co.) 8. Construction to occur during FY86 and 87. Financing wilT be $5 million of sales tax revenues over 10 years and $1.5 million of special assessment district taxes over 10 years. 9. Total Project Cost to be funded w/1985 CDBG through County 10. Recreation Commission annual funding of $100,000 and PC sales tax annual funding of $120,000. Project Carpet for Emer. Prep. Library Roof Repairs 9th/Iron Parking Lot Golf Course Mower Misc. Golf Course Equip. Park Dept. Snow Blower Fire Dept. Computer 5/4-Ton Brush Truck Fire Dept. Phone Sys. City/Co. Bldg. Warn. Sys. Tech. Services Vehicle-F.D. CBD Traffic Control Table No.2 PROJECTS RETURNED TO DEPARTMENTS FOR ALTERNATE FUNDING Est. Cost Ori~~pt. $ 3,500 85,000 Emer. Prep. Library 50,000 15,000 BID Rec. 30,000 Rec. 6,000 Rec. 10,000 Fire Dept. Fire Dept. 13,000 8,000 Fi re Dept. Bldg. COßlß. 5,000 13,500 Fi re Dept. n/a Gen. Services Project No. Project Name N/A N/A Con~. Theatre Expansion Computer - Bi-Center N/A N/A Rec. Center Plans (1 of 2) Rec. Center Plans (2 of 2) N/A N/A Rec. Center Const. Rec. Center Equip. (1 of 2) Rec. Center Equip. (2 of 2) N/A 18 Bi-Center Lot Lights 19 60' Extension Truck 21 32 Sunset Park Fountain PO Office Expansion 35 Ball Diômonds TOTAL Table No.3 UNFUNDED PROJECTS Est. Cost $ 163,750 15,000 50,000 50,000 2,150,000 48,000 12,000 70,000 60,000 20,000 100 ,000 50,000 $2,788,750 Orig. IJepartment Arts and Hum. Bi-Center Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. Bi-Center Rec. Rec. PO Rec. Project No. Table No.4 Pr'ojectç Proposed for Inmediate (FY85) Funding Project Name Lost 3 13 lakewood lodge Repairs Spec. Pop. Playground $ 20,000 18,000 60,000 24 Bi-Center Gas Conversion 33 (;emetery Reads 60,000 23,000 36 Bi-Center Entry Walks TOTAL UB1,000 Table No.5 Project Funding FY 1986 Project No. Project Name GO Bonds Sales Tax Rec. Dept Rev.Bonds Other Total (Available funds) $512,000 $221,0001 CBD Storm Siren $ 8,0002 $ 8,000 2 Emerg. Prep. Generator 25,5003 25,500 4 Salt Storage Shed 77 ,000 77 ,000 9 Bi-Center Restrooms 200,000 200,000 11 Museum Conversion 65,000 65,000 12 Neighborhood Park Plans 10,000 10 , 000 lOA Broadway Overpass Plans 80,000 [;0,000 42 Park Entry 38,000 38,000 43 Passive Rec. Area 41,000 41,000 44 Youth Playground 40,000 40,000 34 Sr. Cit. Rec. Area 72 ,000 72 ,000 5C 4th St. Slough Plans 50,000 50,000 31 Ivey Park Storage Bldg. 20,000 20,000 41 Handicapped Access $ 135,0004 135,000 40 CBD Redevelopment **5 8 Bi-Center Lobby Roof 40,000 40,000 TOTAL $512,0006 $221,000 $ 168,500 $ 901,500 Table No. 5 (Cont'd) Project Funding FY 1987 Project No. Project Name GO Bonds Sales Tax Rec. Dept Rev.Bonds Other Total (Available Funds) $1,557,000 $221,0001 30 Bi-Center Exhaust Fans 5,000 $ 5,000 lOB Broadway Overpass Const. 400,000 $1,600,0007 2,000,000 25 Cemetery Storage Building 15,000 15,000 26 Drainage-Ditch Checks 240,000 240,000 16 Schilling Road Ditch $3,000,000 3,000,000 5A Slough Expan. (1 of 2) 625,000 625,000 49 lakewood Park Restrooms 18,000 18,000 6 Traffic Control Shop 76,000 76,000 47A Golf Course Maint. Bldg. (1 of 2) 75,000 75,000 48 Campground 42,000 42,000 7 Waste Water Plant $3.250,000 $3,250,0008 $ 6,500,000 17 1500-gal Pumper 150,000 150,000 27 50O-gal Rescue 100,000 100 .000 45A Neighborhood Pk. Devel. (1 of 2) 57,000 57,000 46 Golf Course Maint. Equip. 30,000 30,000 40 CBD Redevelopment **5 TOTAL $3,250,000 $1,361,0006 $222,000 $3,250,000 4,850,000 $12,933,000 Table No.5 (Cont1d) Project funding fY 1988 Project No. Project Name GO Bonds Sales Tax Rec. Dept Rev.Bonds Other To ta 1 (Ava1lable funds) $1,654,000 $220,0001 50 Ball Park 87,000 $ 87,000 20 Magno11a Road Ditch $2,000,000 2,000,000 5B Slough Expan. (2 of 2) 625,000 625,000 15 Water Plant Expan. $4,000,000 4,000,000 458 Neighborhood Park Devel. (2 of 2) 43,000 43,000 478 Golf Course Maint. Bldg. (2 of 2) 75,000 75,000 51A Tennis fac11. (Part1al) 15,000 15,000 TOTAL $2,000,000 625,0006 220,000 4,000,000 $ 6,845,000 Project No. (Available Funds) 29 .14A 22 SIB 52 TOTAL Project Name Bi-Center Prod. Support PD Parking (Land Acq.) Water Supply Devel. Tennis Facility (Const.) Park Improvements Table No.5 (Cont1d) Project Funding FY 1989 GO Bonds Sales Tax Rec. Dept Rev.Bonds Other $1,754,000 $220,0001 100,000 175,000 $4,200,000 135,000 85,000 $ 275,0006 $220,000 $4,200,000 Total $ 100 ,000 175,000 4,200,000 135,000 85,000 $ 4,695,000 Table No.5 (Cont'd) Project Funding FY 1990 Project No. Project Name GO Bonds Sales Tax Rec. Dept Rev.Bonds Other Total (Available Funds) $1,857,000 $220,000 23 Bi-Center Concession Stands 69,000 $ 69,000 14B PD Secured Parking 100,000 100,000 28 Bi-Center Parking Lot 153,000 153,000 37 Bi-Center Lobby Carpet 20,000 20,000 38 Bi-Center Ceiling Fans 3,000 3,000 39 Fire Station #3 200,000 200,000 TOTAL $ 545,000 0 o $ 545,000 Table No.5 (Cont'd) FOOTNOTES 1. Includes $120,000 per year of City Sòles Tax Receipts. 2. Source: General Fund 3. 4. Includes $12.500 of federal Emergency Preparedness funds and $13,000 from General Fund. Includes $123,000 of 1985 CDBG funds and $12,000 in-kind labor from Saline County. 5. Construction to occur during FY86 and 87. Financing will be a $6.5 million general improvement bond issue and will be repaid by $1.5 million of special assessment district taxes over 10 years and $5 million from the city. This formula is included in Resolution #84-3734, which was adopted on September 10, 1984. 6. 7. See Chart "Projected Sales Tax Receipts and Available Funds", Pg. 18. Source: 80/20 matching funds from Department of Transportation. 8. 50/50 matching funds from EPA. Source: Table No.6 PROJECTED SALES TAX RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE FUNDS Conmitted Funds 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Street Maint. $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 General Fund Transfer 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 Park Improvement 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Ohio Street Overlay 1,000,000 Downtown Development 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Project Cost Total $2,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 Estimated Receipts $3,097,000 $3,252,000 $3,449,000 $3,449,000 $3,552,000 Cash Balance $ 402,000* $1,557,000 $1,654,000 $1,754,000 $1,857,000 *The $512,000 of projected available sales tax funds in FY 1986 (see Table No.4) includes the cash carry- over from FY 1985. Cash carryovers are not included in totals of available sales tax funds for subsequent years. 18 Table No.7 AD VALOREM MIllAGE FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS* Year Assessed Valuation 1974 1975 $ 71,696,415 76,913,084 1976 1977 82,561,430 91,122,060 92,689,917 1978 1979 105,233,894 1980 1981 97,437,930 99,238,898 1982 1983 105,334,772 104,100,881 1984 107,447,669 * Soüice: Citÿ of Sõlinã Annüãl Financial Report for Year Ending December 31,1984, Page 31. Tax Mills Budget Year 31. 26 30.13 1975 1976 30.00 35.91 1977 1978 37.82 38.27 1979 1980 39.45 40.84 1981 1982 36.36 36.36 1983 1984 36.36 1985 19 Table No.8 PROJECTED PAYOUT - GO BOND ISSUE Magnolia Road Ditch* Year Principal Cost Interest Cost Total Cost 1 50,000 200,000 250,000 2 50,000 145,000 245.000 3 50.000 190,000 240,000 4 50,000 185,000 235,000 5 100,000 188,000 280,000 6 100,000 170,000 270,000 7 100.000 160,000 260,000 8 150.000 150,000 300,000 9 150,000 135,000 285,000 10 150.000 120,000 270,000 11 150.000 105.000 255.000 12 200.000 90,000 290.000 13 200,000 70,000 270.000 14 250,000 50,000 300,000 15 250,000 25,000 275,000 2.000,000 2.025,000 4.025.000 * $2.000.000 principal over 15 years @ 10% interest Th is amount represents a 212 to 3 mill increase in existing indebtedness 20 Table No.9 PROJECTED PAYOUT - GO BOND ISSUE E. Schilling Rd. Ditch* Year Principal Cost Interest Cost Total Cost 1 50,000 300,000 350,000 2 50,000 295,000 345,000 3 50,000 290,000 340,000 4 50,000 285,000 335,000 5 100,000 280,000 380,000 6 100,000 270,000 370,000 7 100,000 260,000 360,000 8 200,000 250,000 450,000 9 250,000 230,000 480,000 10 250,000 205,000 455,000 11 300,000 180,000 480,000 12 350,000 150,000 500,000 13 350,000 115,000 465,000 14 400,000 80,000 480,000 ,,- 4ûû,ûûû 40,000 440,000 .l~ 3,000,000 3,230,000 6,230,000 * $3,000,000 principal over 15 years @ 10% interest This amount represents a 3 to 3~ mill increase in existing indebtedness 21 Table No. 10 CITY Of SALlI4A. KANSAS SCIIEDUlE (If BOliO AND INTEREST PAYMflHS December :11, 1984 SPECIAL SPECIAL TOTAL BOND GENERAL GENERAL ASSESSHENT PROPERTY ASSESSMENT PROPERTY AND INTEREST BOND BOND BONO CITY OWNER'S BOND CITY OWNER'S TO BE PAID YEAR PR,tle,PAl INTEREST PRINCIPAL SilAnE SHARE II!H II[SI SIMIlE SIIARE BY HIE CITY - ----- ,----.-- _. 1985 662.000.00 322.617 .49 617,000.00 99,643.72 577.156.28 209,350.27 25,451.62 183.896.65 1,109.912.83 1986 672 ,000. 00 270 .409. 38 680.000.00 127,777.43 552,222.57 302.966.26 121,877.40 181.088.86 1,192,064.21 1987 630,000.00 235,027.50 702.000.00 lIt6,477.90 555,522.10 197.295.00 63,160.75 134,134.25 1,074,666.15 1988 470,000.00 204.785.00 606,000.00 117 ,624 .&0 488,375.20 155,160.00 53,381.53 101,778./17 845,791.33 1939 450.000.00 180.892.50 526,000.00 114,622.55 411,377~45 117,182.50 44,926.99 72,255.51 790.442.04 1990 425,000.00 156.987.50 399,000.00 97,801.14 301,198.86 82,400.00 36.556.10 45,643.90 7.16,344.74 1!191 405.000.00 133,207.50 250,000.00 77,600.27 172,399.73 54,467.50 29,091.92 25,:175.58 644,899.69 1992 375,000.00 111.775.00 165,000.00 60.~90.27 96,409.73 38.056.25 22.020.28 15,235.97 570.1&5.55 1993 375.000.00 91,387.50 165,000.00 68,590.27 96,409.'/3 24.747.50 16,1182.75 7.664.75 551,860.52 1594 375,000.00. 70.237.50 80,000.00 61,683.68 18,316.32 14.520.00 11,195.59 3.324.41 518.116.77 1995 325.000.00 51.107.50 00,000.00 61.603.68 18,316.32 7,320.00 ~. ,ii/I/,.OG 1,675.94 443,515.24 1996 325.000.00 34,125.00 359,125.00 1~97 32!.o,OOO.00 17 ,O~2.50 342,062.50 JUIAl 5,814,000.00 1,879,101.87 4,no.ouo.oo 1,O/12,2'}5.71 3,L67,704.29 1,203,465.28 I¡JO,9ì1U.99 772.476.29 9,166,966.57 22 tn 2: tn e::: t- o :z: LI.. 2: UJ :;: 0 t- e::: e::: LI.. ~ c.. c.. UJ - Q U n I r C z IG) .U n Project Number 1 Central Bus. Dist. Siren United life Building 9th ST OHIO 5T ~ þ G) z 0 r þ. :u 0 (') r 0 c 0 <II --i (') ;0 þ ~ 2} ~ "IJ f) :ü 0 z ~ T TI Õ þ < T <II --i MARYMOUNT AD z ...."", n ! ;u a CMrl'Y OF SAI-tINA Capitol Inlproven1ent Program Project rlü.: I location: IInitpc1 I ife Bldg. (TOP) Project N¡¡me:_~IREN gT 22 Federal (Central Business Dist.) Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Emergency Preparedness Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Replace siren system that is presently installed on top of United life ßuilding. Present siren is 18 years old and inoperative due to parts. Will project require additional new employees? VesO NoG] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? VesD No GJ Projected Useful life Expectallcy of Project: 10 Years .- (for CIP Comnl. Use) Approved: VesG] NoD PROJECT CtAS~IFI(AlfON: 0 New 0 Expans Ion []I Replacement [J Ilenova lion 0 Other 86 fV HI PAR IMENTAI. "/HO/ll TV: C If) COMM I n [[ flit! OIH TV : funding: $ 8~00O [] Urgent Ix) Necessary IRJ Uryen t [] Necessary of of ----'funding Source: - 2 of -L of ---- 0 lies irabJe Gen. Funå 0 Desirable of of ---- - fsUlllaLed Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ 15 points [sUlllal.ed Annual Cost of Malntellance: IsLlllla/'{!d Allllual llevt!llUe: ESlIMAJ[O flRO,fECI COStS Estimated lIudget Vear(s) Hate of EsLimate Jan. 1935 IX] AII lruxllllation 0 lIef/lIed Estimate Cost IIreakdown: Studies 1'1 ans & S/Jec If I ca tI OIlS land ActlU I s I Uon ConstructIon nello va tI Oil Delllol Illon [tlul Jlllellt Other- ---. Spec I m- fOrA' rnOJHTEO FUNOINfì SOURCES Current Revenue Ex I sling Dond f ulld Special Assessment Genera I Ob It ga tI Oil Donds Uevenue Donds Revolving Fund (service charges) federal Aid 0 State ~~~ec~ -~-- (S,leëlTŸ1-- Other TS Jeclfy) lOlA' 1985-86 s -a-;-tJfJf}¿ffi- 8,000.00 $ 3,000.00 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 8,000.00 '- -.~- !) h ST OHIO Sf I(J) n :r r C é; .U n s Þ Q 2 0 r J> 11 0 (') r 0 c 0 (i) - " BROADWAY BLVD (') ;u J> ~ 2J '1] n (J) - MARYMOUNT RD Project No.2 EOC Generator Police Department UJ - J> - m I , I II> - J> < m " (') t- < ", ¿ ~""'- (') <:) c Z -i ~ .-) CI"I'Y OF SAI41NA ~:~: t: I: Impr~vem:::~ ti ~I~O~~~~ BU IL 01 NG EOC GENERATOR Project Name:---- Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Replace existing generator as it is 30 years old and parts are hard to find for repairs. It provides Emergency power for communication and warning equipment for building. (60KW) Diesel. Wi)) project require additional new employees? YesO NoG] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No 0 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 10-15 Years PlmJECl CLASSIFICAlION: lJ New 0 RenovaLlon 0 Expans Ion 0 Other [25J RelJ1acelllent IJEPAnlMENIAI. PIUOIHlY: CIP COMHIHn PIUORITY: (~] Urgent [] Necessary 1 1 (i] Urgent 0 Necessary of -- of -- 0 Ues !rable -- of -- [J Des t raLl1e [s LIma I,ed Anllua I (os t 0 f Opera UOII: [slllu.llí!d Annual Revellue: s t~ s - 0 - 300.00 200.00 EsLimaled Anllual (osl of Maintenance: 1..--. (For tiP Comm. Use) Approved: YesQ NoD FY 86 Funding: $ of . ----I Fundtng Source: of f'-- Õ.." -' \]1::11. rUIlU of 15 points ESTIMAIEO PROJECT COSTS Estimated Dudget Year(s) Oa te of EsUlllate 12-29-84 EJ Approx I ilia tI 011 0 Reflll(!d EsUlllate Cost IJreakdown: Studies I' lans & Sped fica tt ons Land Acquisition Cons trucLion lIenova LIon Oelllolition Equlplllent Other- City Labor (SIJecl1Yl- 1OTAL PIlOJEClEO FUNOIN" SOURC£S Current lIevenue Exlstlllg Dond fund Special Assessment Gene ra I Ob 11 ga LI 011 Donds lIevellue Oonds lIevolvlng Fund (service charges) feder'al- ^ðd- ( Sped fy) State Aid -- (ŠII~ëi1yr-- Other T Sped f y ) TOIAl ----,-.- s 1985 s 1 ,000 -zzr;uou--. 5TJO: 25,500 25,500. 25, !;OO. '--._-- 9th ST OHIO 5T f) () :r I r::: z C1 ,U D ~ It a Project No.3 lake lodge Improvements lakewood Park " r 0 c a BROADWAY BLVD (j) --¡ U) -i " ;u þ ;¿ Z! ¿j '1l n þ < ITI :0 0 Z to> < In (fl -i MARYMOUNT RD z-"'-"". " 0 c z --j 3! r) ,- CM'I'Y OF' SAI-41 NA ~itQI Improvement Program Project tlo.: 3 location: LAKn~OOD PARK Project Name: --,-AKEWOOD LODGE H1PROVEMENTS Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: COMMUNITY SERVICES Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Will provide major repairs to lodge patio, new lodge roof and enclosin( of garage for equipment storage. WilJ project require additional new employees? Yesc=J No~ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No Q Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 pnOJECT ClASSlfICAlION: fJ New [) nenovallon 0 Expans Ion 0 Other 0 Re,llacelllent f)[PARlHENIAl IlnIORITY: CIP COMHlllH 1IItIORITY: [] Urgent (~ Necessary of Q Urgent 0 Necessary 0 Desirable of Years (For tiP Comm. Use) Approved:Yesm NoD FY 86 of of -'Funding Source: Funding: $ 20,000 ---- 2 0 f ----1L ---- [] Ues Irable of -- ---- [slilllaled Annual Cost of Operation: S $ $ ------ [s limil led Annua I Cos 1 0 f Ma' n tcnilnŒ : ------ ------ IslllllillelJ Annual lIevenuc: Sales Tax 15 points ESTIMATED pnOJECT COSIS Estlmaled Budgel Year(s) Hate of Estimate 1115/85 0 ne r Itu!d [s ti mil le 1985 GI AIII"'oX 'lIIiI lion Cost IIrcakdown: Studies 1'1 ans & Spec If I ca II ons land Acquls IUon (ons lrucllon Itenovation Demolilion [clulpment Other- ~ Sllec ITYl- 10 TAL PItOJf(f[ ) FUNDING sounns Current nevenue Ex I sting Bond Fund Special Assessment General ObUgallon Bonds nevenue Bonds Itevolvlng Fund (service charges) federal Aid ( Sped fy) Slate Aid -\šPëCl r y J Other TSped fy) 1O1Al $ ::>n ) nnn no 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 -- Project No.4 Salt Storage Shed Street Dept. (') r 0 c 0 CENTENNIA -.~ fI n :r r r:: z ICI .U n 9th ST OHIO BROADWAY BLVD {/) -I ST ;;: þ CI Z 0 r- Þ n ;0 þ ~ ð 11 :u 0 z þ < fTI (f) - MARYMOUNT RD z ~ :0 0 n 0 c z - ~ n (- ÀJ 0 CI'I'Y OF SALINA ~ital Inlprovement Prouranl Project tlú.: -A- location: CARVER CENTER OR STREET DEPT. Project Name:~AlT STORAGE SHED Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency:~reet Department Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Construction of a salt storage shed. There is no existing storage shed. Salt at the present is stored in the garage. The present storage has caused structural damage to the garage and is of limited use. Will project require additional new employees? Yesr=J No~ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No eJ Þrojected Useful life Expectancy of Project:50 Years PUOJECT ClASSlflCAlION: Ix) New (For CIP Corum. Use) Approved: YesŒ] NoD 0 Expans ton 0 Replacement tJ I!enova LIon 0 Other 86 FY UFPA/UMENIAI. PIUOIn lY: CIP COMMITTEE PIHORIlY: Funding: $ IL.OOO IX] Urgent [] Necessary (XI Urgen t 0 Necessary 2 of -1- of ----I Funding Source: of of Sales Tax ---- ---- 0 Ues Irable 0 Des 1 rable of of -- ---- Islilllalefl Annual Cost of OperaLlon: 15 points Eslilllaled Annual Cost of MaIntenance: $ $ $ r s LIma tf'.d Annua I I!evenue: ESTlMATfO PROJECl COSTS Estimated (Judget Year(s) Hate of Estimate 1987 February 1985 0 Ueflned EsLlmate Cost Dreakdown: £XI I\/I troxllllation Studies Illans & SllecHlcaLlons Land Acquisition Cons truc LIon I!enova ti on Demolition Equipment Other- (Sped fy l TOTAL III!OJECTEU fUNOINr. SOURCES Current Revenue E x I sLIng Dond fund Spedal I\ssessQlent General Obligation Donds Uevenue Donds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ~Specffy) State Aid (S lecffyr-- Other T Spec I fy í TOTAL $ 1,000 16,000 . -LLOOO $ - .-.. () :r r C 1.3 ;u 0 9th ST OHIO (") r a c 0 (j) - ST ~ G) 2! a r Þ :u 0 BROADWAY BLVD (") ;u þ ~ 2J i9 (j) - MARYMOUNT RD Project No. 5A Slough Expansion 4th / Prescott "\I l'1 TI ¡=¡ þ < fT1 z-~ () 0 c z - ~ () f'" ;u 0 c.rl'Y OF' SAI41NA ~ital Inlprovement Progran1 Project No.: 5A location: Crawfor~ North to River at Sec. Stree Project Name:--.Drainage - SloUQh Extension Companion Project No./Description:- Originating Dept./Agency: EnQineering Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Underground drainage structure to extend full capacity of s1ough drainage into old river channel at Prescott Street. Win project require additional new employees? YesO NoG] Wi 11 project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No ŒJ ESlIHATfO l)nOJECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) lJate of Estimate 1985 0 nertned EsLtmate Cost IJreakdown: ŒJ API,,'oxllllation Studies Plans ,. Specifications land Acqulsltton Construction Renovat ton Demol Hlon E(IUlplßent Other- ( SI)ec t m- lOfAI S 12,000 113,000 -.5ili41illO 625.000 50 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: Years pnOJECT CLASSifiCATION: [] New (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes~ NoD IRJ Expans 10n 0 Replacement 0 nenovallon 0 OLher 87 FY )[PARJM[NfAI. pnlORITY: CII) COMMITT£E PIUORITY: Funding: $ fi?1) 000 l] UrgenL lJ Necessary ~ Urgent 0 Necessary 1 of -L of ----'Funding Source: of of ---- ---- CJ )(~s 'rable Sales Tax 0 Des I rable of of -- ---- [slimaLecJ Annual Cost of Operation: s - 0 - S 3,000 S - 0 - 15 points f:s lillla Led Annua I Cos L 0 f Ma' ntenance: r s L I fllIl tp.d AnrlUa I neve"ue: PROJECfEIJ fUNUIN~ sounc£s Current Revenue Existing Bond fund Specl a I As sessment General Oltl tgaLton IJollds Revenue Bonds nevolvlng fulld (servtce charges) Federal Aid ( Sped fy) SLaLe Aid -(špëCl f y ) OLher Sales Tax TSIled fy) lOTAL $ -E25.;~ 625,000 91h ST (') r 0 c 0 (J) -i OHIO ST It/) () I r r z G) ,0 ~ Þ 41 Z 0 r þ :u 0 Project No. 58 Slough Expansion 4th /Prescott BROADWAY BL YD (J) -i (') ;0 þ ~ ð ~ TI ¡=¡ þ < T (J) -i I> ~ MARYMOUNT AD z .....,."" (') n c z -i ~ n r :::' CI'l'¥ OF SAI-4INA ~itQI Improvement Progron1 Project tlo.: 5 B location: Crawford North to River at Sec. St. Project Name: Draina!)e - 5lollgh F)(tpnc:;ion Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Engineering Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Underground drainage structure to extend full capacity of slough drainage into old river channel at Prescott Street. W1JI project require additional new employees? YesO NoD W1Jl project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No 0 Projected Useful U fe Expectancy of Project: Years pnOJECT ClASS I FI CAlION: lJ New 0 bpans Ion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other O[PA/HM[NIAI. iI/HORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PltiORITY: (J Ur'gen L [J Necessary [] Des Irable of 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of ---- of 0 Desirable [sUlllaLelJ Annual Cost of OperatIon: S $ S [s LIma Led Annua I Cos L 0 f Ma InLenance: I, s L 1111<1 lmJ Annual nevellue: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:YesD NoD FY 88 Funding: $ 625,000 of -¡Funding Source: of ---- Sales Tax of - 15 points ESTlHAlED I'ROJECT COSTS Estlmaled nudger Year(s) Oa le 0 r Esltma te 0 Refined Eslhnale 88 Cost Dreakdown: 0 A lllrox Ima t Ion Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqulsllton Cons true t Ion Renovation Demo I I t Ion Equipment Other- ( SI)ecHy l 1OlAL pnOJECTEO FUNOINf. SOUnCES Current Revenue Ex I sLIng Dond Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob I I ga tI on Donds Revenue Donds nevo1vlng Fund (service charges) Feder"al Aid (Sped fy) Slate Aid (Slled1ÿf Other Sales Tax TSI)ed fy) 1OlAL --- s 6?5,OOO 625,000 s 625,000 625,000 ----------" -- n co :r .- .- z C> ,1) I-) 9th ST OHIO / Project No.6 Traffic Control Shop Street Dept. CENTlI'!II!!M BROADWAY BLVD UI - Þ -I fTI (j) - co .- 0 c 0 U) - 5T $' þ C> Z 0 r- þ co ;0 þ ;;¿ 23 ¿J -,¡ (') þ < rrt ::u 0 z þ < rrt (f> - MARYMOUNT RD z ........ :0 0 co 0 c z - ~ C) ~ Clrl'¥ OF SALINA ~ital Inlprovenlent Program Projec t tlú.: 6 loca ti on: St reet Depa rtment I s Yard Project Name: -Traffic Control Shop Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Street DeRartment ¡ 'I Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Construction of a building in which to use and store flammable material. Also, the building will be used to store traffic control signs and electrical traffic control signals. Presnet facilities are in ciolation of fire and safety codes. Will project require additional new employees? YesO Nol2L] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No Q Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years I'ROJECT CLASSifiCATION: Q New 0 Replacement ¡- (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YesŒJ NoD 0 Expans Ion 0 Reno va tfon 0 OLher 87 fY IIrl'AfHMENIAl rRIOIHTY: clr COMMITTEE I'IHORHV: $ 76~000 funding: (] Urgent 1 of 2 (]I Urgent IJ Necessary of 0 Necessary ---- [j lIeslrable of 0 Oeslrable of -Ifunding Source: of C..,l^~ T~.. ..JU,C;) 'a^ of [slimale¡1 Annual Cost of Operation: S $ S 15 points I:sllmaled Annual CosL of Maintenance: IsLlnl<lteti Annual /(evellue: ESHMAnD I'IWJECT COSTS Estlmaled Budgel Year(s) 1987 Oa te 0 f E stlma le FebruarL 0 Refined EsLtmale GJ Approximation Cost Ureakdown: Studies I) I ans & Spec If I ca Lt OIlS Land Ac(IU I s It Ion Construction Renovation Demolilion Equipment Other- -----c Spec IlYJ- TOTAL s 1,UUU 75,000 76,000 I'ROJECTE ) FUNniNG SOURCES Current Revenue E x I sting OotId fund Sped a I As sessment Genera I Ob I I ga Lt on Uonds Revenue Oonds Revolving Fund (service charges) federal Aid ( Sped f y ) State Aid --{Sllee I Iy) Other T Sped f y ) TOTAL $ n :r r r Z Ic> ,U n 9th ST OHIO f BROADWAY BLVD CENHNI'!IA n r 0 c 0 U) -j Sf s ... n ;u þ ::i 13 '1) \) (/) -j MARYMOUNT RD Q Z 0 r Þ :u 0 Project No.7 Waste Water Treatment Plan location undetermined ( South part of City) U> -j Þ -I fTI (j) -j ;u 0 z þ < fTI 'T) 0 þ < IT) "\) fl; z ~ n <} c z -.¡ ~ n 0 CM'I'Y OF SALINA ~itQI Inlprovement Program Project tlü.: 7 location: South Part oTITIy t Ii Waste Water Treatment Plant Projec ame:---- Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Water and Sewerage Project Description, Justification and Source of Heed: Our present treatment plant at Schilling is not capable of treating the wastes to standards set by the Kanses Department of Health and Encironment of the United State Environmental Protection Agency. This project will have to be constructed of the EPA will take the City to court to force its construction. Will project require additional new employees? YesŒJ NoD WiJI project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesQ No 0 Projected Useful li fe Expectancy of Project:---Z() I'nOJECT ClASSIFICATION: Years [] New (For liP Comm. Use) Approved: YesŒ) NoD [J nenovatlon 0 Expans Ion 0 Other 87 0 Rel)Jacement FY IJfPARTMfNTA'- PIUOIHH: - CIP COMMITTH "IHORITY: Funding: $ 3,250,000 f] Urgent [J Necessary [] lJeslraMe IX] Uryen t 0 Necessary of of ----'Funding Source: -- of of ---- ---- of Sales Tax 0 Desirable of -- ---- fslilllaled Annual Cost of Operatton: S $ S 15 points [sltlilaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: fsllmillm Annual Itevenue: ESTIMATED PltOJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) -~ Uate of Esltlllate 0 Refltwd hUmate Cost Dreakdown: 0 A I lrux I ilia lion Studies 1'1 ailS & Spec If I ca t lolls Land ACI U I s IU on Construction ltenovaUon Delllo I IUon E<lul llllent Olher- (SpeclfYJ TOTAL l'ltOJECTEU rUNDINf. SOURCES Current Itevellue E x Is Lt ng Dond fund Special Assessment Genenl ObI Igallon Donds Revenue Oonds Itevolvlng Fund (service charges) federal Aid EPA (SpecHy ) Stale Aid --I SI)ec nÿT Other lSpecf fy) lOrAl '- $ 6,500,000 $ 3,?!10,Ono 3,250,000 6,500,000 -------- ___~I:.NNIA IIf) n :r r C z IC\ .u D 91h ST OHIO n r 0 c 0 If) -i 5T ~ C\ Z 0 r þ n ;¡¡ þ ::i 2} 11 (f) -i :u 0 Project Nð. 8 lobby Roof Repairs Bicentennial Center BROADWAY Bl YO :u 0 z þ < fTI MARYMOUNT RD þ < fTI z-~ n 0 c z "; ~ n " " CM'I'Y OF SAI-4INA Capital In1provelnent Profjrqm Project r o.: 8 location: BICENTENNIAl CFNTFR Project Name:~_-R£COVFR lORRY ROOF Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: RTCFNTFNNTAI CFNTFR Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Recover the lobby area roof with single ply rubber roofing. The lobby roof has leaked continually since the building was constructed in 1979. The staff and professional roofers have been unable to determine where the water is entering. The roofing material is badly blistered. The water damages ceiling tile and the lobby floor finish. It has also cause~ shorts in the fire alarm system. Will project require additional new employees? VesO NolL] Will pr'oject require land or right-of-way acquisition? VesO No t:J Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 rears PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: ---.- lJ New (For CIPComm. Use) Approved: VeslX] NoD 0 EXI)ans Ion 0 Replacement 0 RenovaLton 0 Other 86 FV )rPA'UMENTAI. PIHORI TV: CItJ COMMI nEE PIUORITV: Funding: L3L500 0 Urgent I~ Necessary 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of ---- Funding Source: of ---- 4 of 4 ---- [] tleslrable 0 Desirable of Sales Tax of [sUlllated Annual Cost of OperaLton: s s s 14 points Esltmaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: fsLlmaled Annual RevellUe: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Vear(s) Hate of Estimate 87 0 Refined Esttmate ~ A I )rox Imatlon Based on 7,500 sq. ft. @ $5.00/sq. ft. Cost Dreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquls I lion (ons true lion lIenovatton IJelllollt Ion Equ IIIIIIen t Other- -'Speet fy) 10TAL I'nOJECJ[IJ FUNUINr. SOURC£S Current !Ie venue Existing Bond Fund Specl a I As ses smen t Genera I Ob I I ga II on Donds lie venue Bonds lIevolvlny fund (service eha ryes) Federal Aid ( Sped fy) Stale Aid -(S )edTY} Other {Sped fYJ TOTAL s 37,500.m 37,500.ffi s n n :r r C ,¿¡ .U n 9th ST OHIO ST S J> Q :2 a r- J> :u 0 n r () c 0 U) -i n :u J> ::i ð 'J] 0 (f -i Project No 9 Restroom Facilities Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD :n a z 1> < ro MARYMOUNT AD z~."""'" n 0 c Z -i ~ n ~ c, c.rl'Y OF 51\.1-41 NA ~itQI Improven1ent PrOurQn1 Project tlü.: 9 location: CICENTENNIAL CENTER Project Name: ..J!fSTRO0t1 FACILITIES Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: BICENTENNIAL CENTER Project Description, Justification and Source of Heed: Within the arena portion of the building there are two restrooms for wom~n and two for men. These include 16 stools for women, 8 stools and 14 urinals for men. These were the minimum allowable to satisfy the City Code when the Center was constructed in 1979. From a practical stand- point, we need at least three times these accommodations for women and twice as many for men. WiJI project require additional new employees? YesO No~ WiJl project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No [K] Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 50 Years ESliMATfD PROJECl COSTS Estimated Budgel Year(s) 86 (tale of Estlmale 0 Uefllwd EstImate 0 A I Irox I ilia lIolI Cost IJreakdown: Studies 1'1 aIlS ,. Spect fica t lolls Land Acqulsilion Cons tructlon Uenovatloll Uelllo Illlon [(Iulpment Other- ---c Spec t fY)- lOTAl s 200,000 I'IWJECT ClASS I f I CAlION: (For riP Cornm. Use) Approved: Yesuu NoD 0 New 0 ExIJans Ion 0 Other 0 Rel)1acement LJ Rellovalloll FY 86 )rI'AIHMOHAl I'UIORIfY: CII' COMMITTEE l'IHORIfY: $ 200.000 Funding: KJ Urgent 1 of 4 (}t Urgen t 0 Necessary of 0 Necessary - [] )es I rable of 0 Des I rable -- Estimaled Anllual Cost of Operation: S E s l hila led Annua I (os l 0 f Ma Inlenallce: S r s llll ¡lled Annua I Uevellue: S of . ----'Fund1ng Source: of Sales Tax of 14 points l'UOJECfEU FUNUINr. SOUR([S Currellt Revenue Ex I sting Oolld Fund SIJectal Assessment Genera I Ob 1 I ga tt 011 Oollds Revenue IJonds Uevolvlng fund (service charges) feder'al Aid ( Spec Iry) State Aid (Slledfy) OLher T Sped f y ) TOlAl s C'~'Y OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Progran1 Project tlü.: lOA location: Broadway Overpass Project Name: Bridge Rehabilitation Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Engineering Project Description, Justification and Source of Heed: This bridge has deteriorated badly and must either be rehabilitated or replaced. The only alternative will be to severely limit the load limit allowed to use it. This proposal, if funded, will provide plans and specs. Will project require additional new employees? Yesc=J No~ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No Q Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 50 Years PIIOJECT ClASSifiCATION: --- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YesŒJ NoD FY 86 lJ New 0 bIlans Ion 0 lIel)Iacement L1 Renovation 0 Other I)[PARlMfHIAI. rlllORITY: CIP COMMITTEE I)IIIORITY: $ 120,000 Funding: [J tJr ONe CJ lie [8J Urgent gent of of -I Funding Source: -- 0 Necessary of cessary of Sales Tax ---- ---- s Irable 0 Oestrable of of -- ---- Islimaled Annual Cost of Operation: r s lima led Annua I lIevenue: S $ $ 13 points [s lima Led Annua I Cos l 0 f Ma In lenilnce : ESliMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Oa te of Esttmil te 0 Ite fined [s LIma te 86 CostlJreakdown: 0 Allln'ox Ima lion Studies Plans & Spectflcatlons Land ActlU I s tl Ion Construction Itenovatlon Demolition Equipment Other- ( S )ec t TYJ lOrAL PIlOJECIEO FUNDINe. SOURC£S Current Revenue Ex I sting Oond Fund Special Assessment General Obl IgaLton Oonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ~Speclry) State Aid ( Spec l1:yr-- Other TSped fy) 1O1AL -----.----, ---. S l?O,OOO 120,000 $ -.-~ CENH I(/) () :r ,- e "7 Ie; .U n 9th ST OHIO IA (') r 0 c 0 (j) --i ST 3: þ Q Z 0 r þ :u 0 BROADWAY BLVD n :u Þ ::i ð :)] <) U) --i MARYMOUNT BO Project 10 A Bridge Rehabilitation Broadway Overpass -, U) -t ;u 0 z þ < 1m -u f) 'T) 0 t- < /TI z--~ (') C) c Z --j ~ 'Ì r' ,J CI'I'¥ OF' SALINA ~ital Improvell1ent Pro9ram ... Project tlü.: lOB location: Broadway Over.e.ass Project Name:-B.r.idge Rehabilitation Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Enqineerinq Project Description, Justification and Source of f/eed: This bridge has deteriorated badly and must either be rehabilitated or replaced. The only alternative will be to severely limit the load limit allowed to use it. This proposalt if funded, will provide plans and specs. Will project require additional new employees? Yes[:] NoE:] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No 0 Projected Useful li fe Expec tallcy of Project: Years I'nOJECl CLASSifiCATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YeslKJ NoD 0 New 0 h lans Ion 0 Other 0 neplacement LJ nenovatton FY 87 )fPAIITMENrAl rfHORITY: CIP COffllnEE PItIORITY: Funding: $ 400,000 0 Urgent [] Necessary GI Urgent 0 Necessary of of ----I Funding Source: -- of of ---- ---- C'_'-- T_, Jail:::' IdX 0 )es Irabte 0 Des I rable of of -- ---- [s l hila led Arlllua I Cas l 0 f Opera tton: EsUmaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ $ $ 13 points s lllll.lled Annlla I Itevenue: ESlIMl\1£O l'ltOJECl COSTS Estlmaled Budgel Year(s) Oa te of Esltmate 0 Itertned Esltmate 87 Cost Dreakdown: 0 Ap H'OX Ima lion Studies I) I ailS & Spec If I ca tt ons land Acquisition Construction Itenovatton IJelllo 11ll0n Equipment Olher- ( SI)ed f y ) TOTAL f'ltOJEUEIJ fUNDI NG SOURC£S Current Revenue Existing Bond fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob I I ga tt on Donds Revenue Donds Itevolvlng Fund (service charges) Federal I\ld ~Spectfy) Slate Aid DOT -(SI)ectfy) Other Sales Tax TSped fy) lOTAl ---- s 4UUtUUU s 1,600,000 --A 00. 000 2,000.000 ---------- s:: 0 'r- - <1'1 - ~ OJ . > s:: 0 s:: 0 ZO~ u- ..... U E . OJ~=== 'r-; OJ 0<1'1- ~~- c..::E:N Q > ~ ~ ~ Q c:t 0 æ $I f- <.11 - C"> < f- Z < V'I ,CLOUD ST f- <.11 Q :I: 0 1 N COUNTRY CL RL IRON AvE Q a: f- Z ð :E >- a: c:t :E CRAWFORD ST MAGNOliA RD SCHILliNG ~C CK'I'Y OF 51\.1-41 NA ~ital Inlprovement Program Project rlû.: 11 location: 211 West Project Name:----Museum Conversion Companlon Project No./Oescrlptlon: Iron Ave. Post Office Bldg.) Orlglnatlng Oept./Agency: ~mokpy Hill Museum Project Oescrlptlon. Justlflcatlon and Source of Heed: In the spring of 1985 the U.S. Post Office building, 211 West Iron, will be turned over to the city to administer as a museum. Although the building is well adaptable for a museum some conversion construction will be necessary to effectively use the facility for its new purpose. W1l1 project requlre addHlonal new employees? YesD NoŒ] Wll 1 project requl re 1 and or rl ght-of-way acqul sit 1 on? Yes 0 No [:J ESTIMATED IIRO.)ECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) 85 and 86 Date of Estimate --J~y-9, 1985 0 neflned Esttmate IX) Approximation Cost IIreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications land Acllulsllton Construction Renova tlon IJelllollLlon Equipment Other- ( Sl)ec t 1Yl lOTAL s ô~ fir:; nnn Projected Useful llfe Expectancy of Project: 40 Years or more pnOJECT CLASSIFICATION: .- (For riP Comm. Use) Approved:YesK] NoD 0 New 0 hpans Ion 0 Other 0 Replacement LXI fleno v a tI on FY-ß6--- Fundlng: $ 65,000 IIfPAIUM[NIA'- PIUOIH TV: riP COMMITTEE I'IHORITY: 0 Urgent of 0 Urgent - 0 Necessary of 0 Necessary - [] lies Irable of 0 Oeslrable -- Estimaled Armll,,1 Cost of Operalton: $ [sUmaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ Is llulllll!d Annua I Itevenue: $ of Fundlng Source: of Sales Tax of 13 poi nts rItOJEC)[O FUNDI Ne. SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment General Obllgatton lIonds Revenue Donds Itevolvlng Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Spectry) State Aid (Sllectry) Olher T Sped f y ) TOTAL _a______--- $ -- - ------ 9th ST OHIO ST 1m <ì I r r:: z 'C, ,U n $" þ Q Z 0 r þ :0 0 Project No. 12 Neighborhood Park Site Plans Centennial Park BROADWAY BLVD U) -- þ -- fI1 I "I ,,(/) -t (') r 0 c 0 m -- (') :u þ ::¿ èJ :J] 0 "T) (') t- < ITI "\) f, ::u 0 Z Þ < ITI (j) -- MARYMOUNT AD z ~ (') 0 c Z -i ~ n .- ,> CI'1'Y OF SAI-4INA ~ital Improven1ent Prouran1 . Project tlû.: 12 location: Centennlal l'arK Project Name: Site plan for Neighborhood Park Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Corrrounity Service/Sal ina recreation commi.ssion Project Description. Justification and Source of ~eed: Hire landscape architect to provide site plan for development of neighborhood park. Will project require additional new employees? YesD NoQ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No I;Z] Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: Years I'IIOJECT CLASSifiCATION: (For riP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes [X] NoD ~ New 0 Expans ton 0 Other 0 lIel)tacelllenl [J Renovatton FY 86 Funding: $ 10,000 IJrPAfnMENIAI. I'IUOIH TV: CII' COtfllHH PIHORIlY: 0 Urgent Q Urgent 0 Necessary 0 Destrable of of ----I Funding Source: ---- 0 Necessary of of ---- ---- of Saies ïax kJ Ues Irable 6 of 8 -- ---- [slilllillelJ Annual Cost of O w,ratton: $ $ $ 13 points f s l tlllil led Amma' Cos t 0 f Ma In tenance: I S llllhl If!(J Annua' lIevellue: L---- ESTIMATED I'IIOJE(1 COSTS Esttlllated Budget Year(s) Oa te of [s tllllate 0 Reftned Estimate Cost IJreakdown: Studies IJ I ailS 3. Spec If I ca tI ons Land Acc.ulsHlon Construction Renovatton Demolition Equipment Olher- ---¡ SI)ec t f y ) TOIAL I'ROJECHO FUNDINCì SOURC£S Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Domls Revenue Donds Uevotvlng Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Speclry) State Aid ( Spec try) Other {Sped fy) lOMl 88-89 1/15/85 @ Approximation s lU,UUU --- 10,000 s 10,000 10,000 -- () :r r r:: z 'c) ,U n 9th ST OHIO ST s Þ <;"1 -'" 0 r þ :0 0 () r 0 c 0 U) -i (0 ;u Þ ::f ð i!3 (fI -i Project No. 13 Spec. Pops. Playground Oakdale Park BROADWAY BL VO I , ;u 0 z þ < In "J1 n J:.. < ", "'( f) MARYMüUNT RD ~ z (0 () c Z '-I ~ () ~ .-' CKrl'¥ OF SALINA ~ital Inlprovement Program Project tlû.: 13 location: Oakdale Park Project Name: Special population DlaYQrounds Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Community Services/Recreation Commission Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Completion of the playground for the handicapped designed by Wilson & Co., for Salina Recreation Commission. This amount would complete con- crete work and purchase and install play equipment, shelter, etc. Win project require additional new employees? VesD NoŒJ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? VesD No ŒJ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: rears PIWJECT CtASSIFICATION: ,- (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Ves~ NoD ŒJ New 0 bilans Ion 0 lIelJlacement 0 lIenovatton 0 Other fV 86 DfI'AIIIH[NlAl. PIHOIHlY: CIP COHMITTn PIUOIIITV: $ 18,000 funding: [:g) tJrg(! t [) Necessilry 6 of 6 0 Urgent 0 Necessary 3 2 of -I funding Source: ---- of of - ---- [J Desirable Sales Tax 0 DesIrable of of -- - f s lima led Allnua I Cos t 0 f Opera tton: $ $ $ 13 points f s lima Led Arlllua I (os t () f Ma In tenanŒ: IsLlllltll(!d Annual lIevellue: ESliMATED PROJECT COSTS Es LIma ted nudge t rear( s) Oil te 0 f Esttmil te KJ lIefllled [s t Imate 1985 1/15/85 Cost ßreakdown: 0 AIIIH'OX Ima t Ion Studies Plans & Specifications Land Ac(IUls Itlon Construction Rellovatlon Demolition Equipment Other- ( SIJed I y ) rotAL PIIOJ£CTEU rUNUINr. SOUl~C£S Curren t Revenue (sa 1 es tax ~ Ex Is tt ng Oond fund Specla I Assessment General Obllgatloll Dollds lie venue Oonds lIevolvlng Fund (servIce charges) Federal I\ld (Specl fy) Slate AId ( Sllec Iff) Other T Sped f y } TOTAL ,-- $ ro ,000 --- 8.J}OO 18,000 18,000 18,000 ~ ,--- I.~. z CI .U n -- 9th ST OHIO ST s Þ Q Z 0 r þ :u 0 n r 0 c 0 (/) ~ BROADWAY BLVD n ;u þ ::: 2J "1J 0 (fI ~ MARYMOUNT AD Project No. 14A Secured Parking (Land acq.) W. of Police Department UI ~ Þ -I [11 U> - :0 0 2 Þ < ,[11 "TI n ... < III "\) f) z ~ n 0 C 2 --I ~ () CM'I'Y OF SALINA ~ital Inlprovement Progran1 Project till.: 14A location: West of Police Bui1din~ Secured Parking Area Project Name: Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency; ~ill ina Pol ice Department Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: To provide a secured and protected area for prisoner transfer, security of police vehicles. suspect vehicles, vehicles of persons in custody. etc~ Project consists of purchasing property on east half of city block locate( directly west of the Police and Sheriff buildings. raze building and prepare site for re-surfacing, fencing and lighting. Also includes closing 11th street between Elm and Park streets l t 1-3 legal Description: Waever's Addition, lots 1-3 (facing Elm) (Of s. P k . aclng ar W1lJ project require additional new employees? YesO Nof] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesQ No 0 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 50 Years PROJECT ClASSIFICAlION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes IX] NoD Q New 0 bpans Ion 0 Other 0 Re )lacement 0 RenovaLlon FY 89 IIrPAnrMENfA!. ' HORITY: CIP COHHllTH PltiORITY: $ 175,000 Funding: 0 Urgent [] NeC£!ssa.'y ~ Urgen t 0 Necessary of of ----'Funding Source: -- of of ---- ---- OJ lies IraMe 1 2 of Sales Tax 0 Desirable of -- ---- EsltlllaLed Anllual Cost of °l)eration: S $ $ - 0 - [s LIma led Annua I Cos L 0 f Ha In Lenance: 13 points r s LIma tc!d Anllua I RevelluP: ESTIHATED JROJECT COSIS Estimated Oudget reads) Hate of Estllliate 0 Uertned Estimate Cost IJreakdown: Studies Plans 3. Speclrlcatlons land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( SI)ec t TYJ 10m!. l'nOJ[CTEU FUNUINI1 SOURC£S Current Revenue Existing Dond fund SIJecia I Assessment General Obligation Donds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Sped fy) Slate Aid ( S,)ec t 1YT Olher TSpeci fy) TOIAl '------ 1986 1/85 [X) APIH'OX Ima tlon $ 1/3, UUU 175,000 $ --- - ----,--,---, n I ,- ,- Z ,C) .U n 9th ST OtilO ST s Þ Q Z 0 ,- þ :u 0 n ,- 0 c 0 U) --j BROADWAY BLVD £0 ;0 þ ~ ð ;!3 (f) --j MARYMOUNT RD Proj ect NO. 14B Secured Parking Construction W. of Police Department VI --j þ --j f1t U) --j "( f) 'TI 0 t- < m ):> < 1m z ~ £0 0 c Z --I :r< n .1J 0 c.rl'Y OF SJ\.I~INA ~ital Improvelnent Pro9ran1 Project flû.: 14B location: West of Pol ice Building Project Name: ¿~<:ured Parking Area Companion Project Noo/Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Salina Police Department I I Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: To provide a secured and protected area for prisoner transfer» security for police vehicles» suspect vehicles» vehicles of persons in custody» etc. Project consists of purchasing property on east half of city block locate directly west of the Police and Sheriff buildings» raze buildings and prepare site for re-surfacing» fencing and lighting. Also includes closing 11th street between Elm and Park streets.L 1-3 (facing Elm) Legal Description: Weaver's Addition» L 1-3 ~cing Park) Will project require additional new employees? VesO NoW Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Ves[:] No 0 Projected Useful lHe Expectallcy of Project: 50 Years PIU)J[CJ CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Ves(]] NoD [I New 0 brans Ion 0 Other 0 Replacement 0 lIenovalion FV 89 )[ IAIITWNrAl PRIOIH1Y: clr COMMITTEE IIIHORIH: Funding: $~OtOOO , (J Urg(ml (J Necessary 0 Urgent [] Necessary of of ----I Funding Source: -- of of ---- [] Ues IraMe ----'r-, ~ :)d I e s I a x Cl Des Irable of of -- ---- [stlillilled Annual Cost of Operation: fstlmilled Annual Cost of Maintenance: S $ $ 10 points [slllllillmJ Annual lIevcnue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Esttmated Budget Vear(s) (late of Esltmate 0 lIefined [sLtmale 89 Cost IIreakdown: 0 Approx I ilia tI on Studies III ans & Spec I fica tl OrIS land Ac(IU I s It ton (ons truc Lton Renovalton Delllolition [(Iulpment Olher- --CSt.ecl 'y) IOTAl IIIIOJECJEU FUNDINri SOURC£S Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob 1 t ga Lt on Donds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (servtce charges) fede.'a) Atd tSpeclry) Slate Atd -,S,wct fy) Other TSpeclfy) IOrAl s ~ 100,000 $ -------------------- (I) n :r r r 'G) ,U ,-, 9th ST OHIO ST <;;: Þ Q 2: 0 r þ :u 0 n r 0 c 0 (J) -i Project No. 15 Water Plant Ex~ansion 4th/South Street BROADWAY BLVD n :u þ ::i (Ij :T) 0 ;0 0 z þ < 'm " (') þ < rr¡ Î I (j) -i MARYMOUNT RD ~ z n 0 c Z -'I ~ \) ,- (7 Clrl'Y OF SAI-4INA ~itQI Improvement Program Project tlû.: 15 location: Fourth and South Project Name:~ater Treatment Plant Expansion Street Companion Project No./Oescription: Originating Dept./Agency: Water ~nrl Spwprage Project Description, Justification and Source of Heed: This project involves expansion of the treatment and storage facilities at the Water Treatment Plant. We have approached our capacity on peak days for the past several years. Win project require additional new employees? YesQ NoD Win project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesGJ No 0 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 20 Years pnOJECT ClASSlfICAIION: --- (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YesŒJ NoD [] New 0 bIlans Jon 0 nel)lacement 0 nenova tlon 0 Other fY 88 II[PARIMENtAl plllOnllV: Cip COtfllTln IJIUnRIlY: funding: $ 4,000,000 KJ Uryent [] Necessar'y ID Urgent 0 Necessary of of , . ---- fundlng Source: ---- of of ---- ---- n_.. n__A- r.t:v. DUIIU~ 0 lies Irable 0 Des J rable 01 of -- ---- fslilllaLed Annual Cost of Operation: s $ $ 13 poi nts EsttmaLed Annual Cost of Maintenance: Is LIma Lí!d Annua I nevenue: 1.-- ESliMAHD pnOJ£Cl COStS Estimated Oudget Year(s) 88 Oa te 0 r Es lima te 0 Rellrwd Estimate 0 A lJlr'ux Ima t Ion Cost Oreakdown: Studies Plans & Specl flcatlons land Acqu I s I tI on Cons truct Ion Renova tlon Uemolltlon Equipment Other- ------c SI)ec I f y J $ mrAl 4 nnn.ooo pnOJHJEO FUNDlNf. SOURCES Current Revenue Ex I s tt ny OotId Fund Special Assessment General Obi Iyatlon oonds Revenue Bonds Revolving fund (service charyes) $ federal Aid (Sped Iy) Slate Aid -- ( SI)ec l1yT Other lSped fy) lOlnl --- ..--- 9th ST " r 0 c 0 lJ) -i OHIO 5T [In " :r ,- e z C> u n ;¡: Þ 4' Z 0 C þ ~ 0 Project No. 16 Interceptor Ditch E. Schilling Rd. UI -i Þ ..... f11 UI -j " ;u þ ~ 23 ¿j -u f; :u 0 z þ < 'm T R t- < m (f) -j MARYMOUNT RD ~ z " 0 c Z --I ~ n .- CM'I'¥ OF SAI-4INA ~ital Inlprovement Pro9ram Project rlü.: 16 location: East Schill inq Road Project Name:~~~inage - Interceptor Ditch Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Engineering Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Drainage interceptor ditch along East Schilling Road to intercept surface flooding from South of town and directing it East to river channel. Including pump station at flood control dike. Win project require additional new employees? vesŒJ NoD Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesG] No 0 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 40 rears PROJECT ClI\SSlfICAlION: [) New 0 EXI)ans Ion 0 Rel)1acement 0 Renovation 0 Other nrPAIUMtNTAt I'IIIOIHH: CII' COMMITT£E f'ltIORIH: 0 Urgent of I8J Urgent -- IX] Necessary of 0 Necessary - 0 lies Irable of [J Des Irable -- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: VesŒJ NoD FY 87 Funding: $ 3,000,000 of -I Funding Source: of of [stilili1Led Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ 2,000 5,000 - 0 - [sLllllaLed Annual Cost of Maintenance: fsLlmat£!d Annual Revenue: GO Bonds 12 points ESliMATEO 'nOJE(J COSTS Estlm~Led DudgeL Year(s) UaLe of Estimate 1985 0 Iteflned EsLtmate UI Approximation Cost Ureakdown: Studies Plans & SpecHlcaLlons land Acquisition Cons truc Lton Renovation Hemo I tL Ion Equipment Other- (SpectTYJ TOTAL , $ 50,000 ~88- 2,250,001f 3,000,000 'ROJECHO FUNOINft SOURCES Current Revenue Ex I s tt ng Dond Fund Special Assessment Genera lObi IgaUon Uonds Revenue Bonds Itevolvlng Fund (service charges) federal AId Slate ~ ~~ec ITYJ -,SI)ed fy) Other TSlled fy) TOTAL --------. $ 3,000,000 ------ -~,- 9th ST n r 0 c 0 U) - OHIO ST 1(1) () T ,- ,- z C\ ,U n ;;: þ C\ L 0 C þ :u 0 Project No. 17 1500 gal. Fire Truck South Fire Station u> - þ -- ITt (fI -- I I .> n XI Þ ~ 2'J 'U 0 "tJ 1) :0 0 z ):> < '1Tt T ?) ~ < m (j) - MARYMOUNT RD z-~ n n c z '.'1 3! () ,- -.'- 9th ST () r 0 c 0 (j) -i OHIO ST 1(1) n T r ':: z 'c> ,U n ~ þ C;) z 0 r- þ :u 0 Project No. 17 1500 gal. Fire Truck South Fire Station U) -i Þ -i f11 (I) -i () ;u þ ~ èJ ;u " "1J f) iJ 0 z þ < ITI 'T) R 1:- < IT) <f> -i MARYMOUNT AD z-~ () 0 c z '; ~ n ,- - CM'l'Y OF SAI-4INA ~ilQI Inlprovement Progranl Project t û.: 17 location: Project Name:----!500 GPM Pumper Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Fire Oepãrtm~nt Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Purchase a 1500 gpm pumping engine. Will replace a 1966 model pumper on active duty at this time. The 1966 pumper would be placed on a reserve status at the new South Fire Station and would be used as replacement engine as necessary when newer units were in for maintenance. Will project require addHional new employees? YesO No[XJ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisHion? YesO No ~ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 Years PROJECT ClASS I rI CAlION : --- Œ New 0 Rel)lacement (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes(i] NoD 0 £X1)anS Ion lJ nenova LIon 0 Other FY 87 O[I'AIHMnnAI. l'nIORITY: CIP COMMITTH l'IUOnITY: Funding: $ 15D. 000 [] Urgent IJ Necessar'y Œ Urgen t 0 Necessary 2 7 of of -I Funding Source: ---- of of ---- ---- CJ Ues Irable 0 Desirable of of Bond Issue -- ---- [sLilllaLed Annual Cost of Ol)eratlon: $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 11 points EsLllllal.ed Annual Cost of Maintenance: IsLllllaLed Annual nevenue: ESTIMATED PRO.JECT COSTS Estimated Rudget Year(s) Oate of Estimate 0 nertned EsLlmaLe 1986 January 1985 Cost Dreakdown: eJ A I )roxllllaLion Studies I) I ans & Specl fica LI ons land Acqut s It ton Construction Renova LIon Deillo II LIon Equipment Other- ~Spectfy) $ -150,000 Includes firefighting equipment carried h lOTAl 1502000 t ereon ----- pnOJEcrEU FUNO! NCì SOUnC[S Current nevenue Ex I s tiny Dond Fund Special Assessment Gene ra I Db I t 9a Lt on Donds Revenue Donds nevolvlng Fund (service charges) Federal AId ( SIted fy) StaLe Atd ( SIted fy) Other TSped fy) TO1Al $ CI'1'Y OF SALINA ~ilal Improvement Progroln Project tlü.: lAlocation: BTrFNTFNNTAI CFNTER Project Name:---- Parkinq Lot lighting Companion Project No./Description: Off-Street Parking - Kenwood Park 0 . . t. D t /A BICENTENNIAL CENTER rlglna lng ep. gency: Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Tower-supported lights similar to the Poles, lights & wiring two existing on the Bicentennial Center Pavement to west lot lots are needed for the area recently Driven steel piling added to the west lot and for the addi- Concrete bases tion recommended on the east. $48,000 11,000 10,000 1,000 70,000 Will project require additional new employees? YesD No/X] Wi 11 project requi re land or right-of-way acqui sition? YesD No ~ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 50 Years PROJECT ClASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes[i] NoD FY 87 0 New 0 bpans Ion 0 Rel)lacement 0 Renovalton GJ Other Arlrlition¡¡l D[PARJM£N1AI. rRIORllY: clr COHMlnn !'IHORIlY: 70,000 Funding: $ I.] Urgen t [] Necessary [] Des Irable 5 of ----'Funding Source: of _5 0 Urgent EJ Necessary fJDesirable of of ---- ---- of Sales Tax of -- ---- fsl.llllaleflAnnual Cost of Operation: ,Istluhli.f!d A/IIlUal RevellUe: L- S $ $ 200 10 points Estlmaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: ESHMAno !'RO.IEU COSTS Estimated Budgel Year(s) Ita te of Estima te 1/29/85 0 ne fined [s lImale GI Approximation Cost Ureakdown: Studies Illans , Sped flcations land Acquisition (ons lruc t I on nenovatlon Demo I Illon Equipment Other- ~Spectfy) $ ----Z!L 00 a lOfAl 70,000 IIROJECIEU FUNDINe. SOURCES (urrent Revenue Existing Oond Fund Special Assessmenl Genera I Oil II ga tI 011 Oollds Revenue Oonds nevolvlng Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid -(Spec I fy) Slate Aid (S )ec try) Other. TSped fy) TOTAL ~ --- -----'---,------- -, ~ .10 BROADWAY BL VD ST (') r 0 c 0 (/) -t ST s: P Q Z 0 r þ MARYMOUNT RO (') :u þ ::,; ð :u 0 (j) -t :u q Project No. 19 60' Extension Truck City-Wi de UJ -t Þ -; f11 U> -; ::0 0 z þ < T Õ\ () þ < T "1J f) z ......... (') 0 c z -; ~ n ~ C. rl' Y 0 I~ SA 1--4 I N J\ ~ilQI Inlprovelnent Progronl Project tlü.: _ì~~-- location: J~rks Project Name: 60' Extension Truck Companion Project No./Description: Originating Oept./Agency: Community services Project Description, Justification and Source of lIeed: To provide replacement man-lift equipment for all community service opeartions. Wi11 project require additional new employees? YesO Noß Wi11 project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No ~ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 15 Years PROJECT ClASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes[i) NoD [] New 0 [xllans Ion [2f Reillacelllent IJ lIenovaLlon 0 Other FY 87 IJf IAIIJMENIAl lIIIIOIHTV: CIII COIfllTlH IIIUORI TV: Funding: $ 60,000 IJ Urgent 0 Uryent IX.J Necessary of of ----'Funding Source: ---- [] Necessary -- of ---- of ---- U4 Ues Irable 8 [J IJeslrable 8 01 of Sales Tax -- ---- [sLllllatefi Allllual Cost 01 OperaLton: $ $ $ ----- EsLtmaied Annual Cost of Maintenance: ------ lÒ Points l,sLlmal£!lJ Anllual nevenue: ------ ESTIMAHIJ IIIIO.JECT COStS Estimated nudget Year(s) 1989 1/15/85 Ua te "f E s lima te 0 nefl'lI'd Estimate Œ.J Apprux hila 1I 011 Cost IIreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications l alld Acqu I s III on Construction nenovatlon (JelllO Iition Equ IIJlllen t Other- ~ Sllec I TYJ $ --- ~illlO lorAl 60,000 IJnOJE(J[U fUNIJIHr. SOlJllCES Current nevenue (sa 1 es tax) -2Q.,000 Exlsllll!.J Bond fund Sllecial Assessment Genenl Obligation Donds Revenue Donds nevolvlng [ulld (service charges) federal Aid ( Spec If y J State Aid --{SIIec ny} Olher {Specify) TOTAL 60,000 1(1) n :r r r:: z G) ,U n 9th ST OHIO Project No. 20 Drainage Ditch Improvements f4agno 1 i a Road U> - Þ -I fI1 (J) - n r 0 c 0 VI - ST :s: ~ n :u þ ~ ZJ 'U a . I I I "1J Þ n 'T1 R t- < ITl (J) - ::0 0 z þ I';:; MARYMOUNT RD <;) z 0 r þ z ~ :u 0 n 0 c Z '1 ~ n ~ -" a CI'I'Y OF SAI41NA ~ital Inlgroveluent Progran1 Project 110.: Locatlon: Magnol ia Road Project HiJme:~rainaqe - Magnolia Road Ditch Companion Project Hoo/Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Engineering Project Descriptlon. Justification and Source of Heed: Clean and widen Magnolia Road drainage ditch to increase capacity of ditch to drain South Salina surface water West to Dry Creek. Wi11 project require additional newemployees1 Yesr=J Ho~ Win project require land or right-of-way acquisition1 YesO No Oil Projected Usefu1 LHe Expectancy of Project: 50 Years l'ltOJECT CLASSIFlCAlION: [] New I'D [xlliJns Ion 0 Reillacement 0 Renova LIon 0 Other IIrI'AlnHENIAI. rltlOlU JY: CIII COHHI TTn 1}IHORny: (J Urgen t ŒJ Necessary of 0 Urgent IiJ Necessary of - funding Source: funding: $ 2,000,000 of of of - [j lies Irallie 01 0 Desirable -- ISlllIIÎlled Annual Cost of OperaLton: S $--3,000 $ I: s lima lcd Annua I Cos l ( f Ha Intenance: ISllllltlted Antlual Itevcnue: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes[!] NoD F¥ 88 Go Bonds 10 points ESTIHATED rltO.JEO COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Hate of Estimate 1985 0 Itertncd Esttmate Cost IIreakdown: KJ Al'lH'tlxllllaLiotl ----- Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Itenovatton lJemo Illlon Equillment Oliler- -. Sllec ff y ) TOTAL IlltOJITIEII fUNDINIì SOURCES Current lIevenue Existing Dond Fund Sllecial Assessment General Obi IgaUon Donds Itevenue Donds Itevolvlng Fund (service cltarges) Federal Aid ( Sllec I fYJ Slate Aid --TSlleclfyJ Other' {SIIec I ry) TOIAL $ 150,000 IOU ,uuO IJ50,00O 2,000,000 $ Project No. 21 Sunset Park Fountain Sunset Pa rk -._-_J Cf NTlNNIA /) n :r r r Z Ie> .U n 9th ST OHIO UI --I Þ --I 'T UI --I n r 0 c 0 (/) --I 5T 3: ... n ::0 Þ :;E ð ']J (') ::0 0 Z Þ < 'T þ < fT1 (J) - MARYMOUNT RO e> z 0 r þ z -....... :n 0 n () c Z --1 !J :) CJ C.'I'Y OF SAI-4INA ~itQI Improveluent PrOarQ111 Project flû.: 21 location: Sunset Park Project Name: ~rmal Garden Fountain and Pool Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: r.ommtlnity Services Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Would replace present pool fountain in Gazebo area of Sunset Park Win project require additionaJ newempJoyees? VesO NOIXJ Win project require Jand or right-of-way acquisition? VesD No GJ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 rears PROJECT ClASSIFICAlION: [J New 0 Exl)ans Ion ru Replacement IJ nenova LIon 0 Other 1I ' 'AIUMENIAt pllIOlH IV: Cip (OHM I I1EE IIIUOnITV: IJ Urgen L of 0 Urgent ~ Necessary of of ----'Funding Source: Funding: $ 20,000 ---- [}<) Ne(;essar'y LJ lIeslrable 4 11 of -- 0 Desirable of of -- ---- [slllllaLed Annual CosL of °l)eraltoll: S $ S ----- EsllmaLed Annual Cost of MalnLenance: ----- I, s 1I m,lled Annua I lie venue: ----- ,-- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: VesGJ NoD FV 86 Sales Tax 10 points ESliMATfO pnO.JECT COSTS Estimated Budget Vear(s) Uate of Estimate 0 lIefilled [sLimate 1985 Cost IJreakdown: IX) A I H'OX IlIIallon - Studies Plans & Specifications Land AcIIUlsHlon (ons trucllon nenova lion [lemo Iition [IIU Ilunent Other- ~SI)ecl fy) 10 TAL l'nOJECrW fUNOINf. sounns s 1,200 UlJQQ -g-;s-uu 20,000 (urrent lIevenue(sales tax)$20,000 Ex I 5 II ng Oond fund SI)eclal Assessment Genera I Obllgat 1011 Dowis nevenue Oonds lIevolvlng fund (service charges) federal Aid (Specl fy) State Aid -,Slleclfy) Olher T Specl f y ) 1OlAL -- 20,000 9th ST OHIO ST 1m n I 1- ,- Z C> .0 'OJ s þ C> Z 0 r- þ XI 0 (') r 0 c 0 (j) -I BROADWAY BLVD n ;U þ ~ z:¡ 13 (f -I MARYMOUNT RD Project No. 22 Water Supply Development South of City UI -I Þ -I m U1 -j :0 0 Z Þ < m 'U g Õ\ ¡=¡ þ < IT) z ........ (') 0 C Z - ~ n r J CMrrv OF SALINA. ~ital In1provement Program Project tlû.: ?? location: South nf r.i~ Project Name:- Water SuQQIY Development Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Water and S~werage Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: This project is the development of the well field between Waterwell Road and the City of Mentor. The water demand has grown to where this expansion is necessary if we are to have water for future growth Will project require additional new employees? Yes/8J NoD Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesŒJ No 0 Projected Useful U fe Expectancy of Project: 40 Years PROJECT ClASS I f I CAT ION: -- (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YesQ NoD 0 New 0 Expans Ion 0 Other 0 Rel)lacement 0 lIenovation fY 89 )fPAIUMENIAt f'fHORIlY: CIP COMMITTEE PIHORITY: Funding: $ 4..200 .000 [J Urgent 0 Urgen l [XI Necessary of of ----I Funding Source: -- GJ Necessary of of ----I of I Rev. Bonds ---- [] Ueslrable or 0 Desirable -- - Estimaled Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ S 10 points Esllmaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: '- s lIlIIaLmJ Anllua I lIeve/lUe: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) 1989 (tate of Estimate 0 Refilled EstimaLe 0 AIIIH'OX I ilia Lion Cost IJreakdown: Studies Plans & Spec If I ca tI OilS land Acquls I tlon Cons truc tlon RenovaLJon (}emo lilion Equipment Other- ~ Sllec IlYl- s TOTAL 4,200,000 I'IIOJECJED FUNDINe. SOURC£S Current Revenue Ex I sting Bond Fund Special AssessmenL Gene ra I Oil I I ga It on 1J0nds Revenue Bonds lIevolvlng Fund (service charyes) $ Federal Aid (Specify ) State Aid fSlleclfyJ OUler TSlleci fy} TO1Al ,-- ----- 1(1) n I .- r:: z C1 ,0 n 9th ST OHIO ST s þ C1 Z 0 C þ :0 0 n r 0 c 0 (J) -j n ;0 þ <: 21 f1 (f) -j Project No. 23 Concession Stands Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD ;0 0 z þ < 'm "J1 n þ < fT1 "U ~ MARYMOUNT RD z_.""""" n 0 c z -~ ~ " r c, c.rl'V OF' SALINA ~itQI Inlprovement Program Project tlo.: 23 location: ~_~Bjcentennial Center Project Name:---- Concession Stands Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Bicentennial Center Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Most concerts have 15- to 20-minute intermission period. Patrons sho be able to use the restroom and make purchases at a concession stand during an intermission. In order for that to be possible, we need at least twice as much concession counter space and additional restroom cilities. To provide more restroom facilities without additional concession capabilities would only compound the conjestion at the present concession stands. Will project require additional new employees? YesO NoŒ] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No G] uld Projected Useful U fe Expectallcy of Project: Years PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP'£omm. Use) Approved: YesliQ NoD 0 New (] Exf)anS ion 0 Rei) I acemen t 0 Renovallon 0 0 ther fV 90 nfPARfMENTAI. PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PfUORITY: $ 69,000 Funding: ŒJ Urgent [J Necessar'y 2 4 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of ----I Funding Source: ---- of of ---- ---- 0 Ues irable 0 Desirable of Sales Tax of -- ---- fslilllal,ed Annual Cost of Operation: Eslilllated Annual Cost of Maintenance: s s s 9 points r s l I ilia led Annua I lIevelliJe: ESTIMATED f'IIOJECT COSTS Esltmated ßudget reads) Uate of Esttmate 0 Refined Estimate 0 APIH'oX illlation Cost IJreakdown: fa- Studies f'lans & Sf)eclttcatlons land Ac(IU I 5 It t on Cons tructton lIenova tlon Demolition Equipment Other- ----¡ Spec t f y } mrAl s 69,000 PROJECHD FUNOINC1 SOURCES Current Revenue Ex I sting Bond fund Special Assessment General Obligation 1J0nds Revenue lJonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Feder'al Aid (Specify) State Aid {Sited ry) Other TS leci fy) 1OlAl ----- ------ s ------,--- I~ GO ,0 n 91h ST OHIO ST $: .... GO 2 0 r I> :0 0 n r 0 c 0 U) -- n :u I> :: 2J :0 0 (J) -- Project No. 24 Gas Heat Conversion Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD :0 0 z þ < 'm "J] R þ < m "\) ~ MARYMOUNT RD z--""'" n () c Z -1 ~ n r u CMrl'Y OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project tlû.: 25 locatlon: Cemet~rY Project N¡¡me:~ Companion Project No./Description: Storaqe and Maintenance Facility Originating Dept./Agency: General Services Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: The cemetery lacks storage space for the backhoe and snow removal equipment. At the present, the equipment sits out. Wi1J project require additional new employees? VesO N00 Wi1J project require land or right-of-way acquisition? VesO No GJ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 75 rears PlmJECT ClASSlfICAlION: ¡-- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:Yes(]] NoD I1U New 0 Expans Ion 0 HepJacement 0 lIenovatfon 0 Other FV 87 UfPAIW10HAl pfUOHny: Cip (OHM I HEE PfHOHnV: Funding: $ 15~000 [J Urgent 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of ----I Funding Source: ---- [iJ NecessM'y 0 Ues ¡rable of of ---- Saìes Tax 0 Des trable of of -- ---- IsLimaled Annual Cost of Operatton: S $ $ 9 points E s ttlllilled Annua I (os l () f Ma I ntenance : Is lIul<1led Annlla I Heyenue: ESTIMATED I'HOJECl (OSTS Esltmated l1udgel reads) Oa te of Esltmate 0 Henned Esttmate Cost Oreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqulsllton Construction Henovalton Demo lit Ion [(Iull) lent Other- ---¡ Spec t I y J lOTAL I'HOJECJ[I) fUNIJINfì SOUnCES Current Revenue E x I sting bond fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob II ga It on Oonds Revenue Oonds Hevolvlng fund (service charges) federal Aid ( Spec try) State Aid (Sllec H:yr-- Other T Sited fy) 10iAl 1987 1985 IX] AII u'oX I ilia lion, $ 15 J 000 --- 15,000 $ ~ u aJ .s::: u .s:::>, u +oJ +oJ .,... .,...u Q I '+- 1:0 0 ~.,... +oJ N+oJV) UaJ . aJ::Z: 0 +oJ :ZO"O ~I: +oJ c.. ttI U aJ"O.s::: .,...., 0 +oJ 00:::::1 ~,..... 0 c.. lJ.. (/) 0 > ..J CC STATE ~ 3 0 <t 0 a:: cc <t Z ST l- V) = ::;"> < I- Z <t (J' CLOUD ST - - >- \f) Q J: 0 1 N IRON AvE 0 a:: I- Z ;:¡ c :E >- a:: < ~ CRAWFORD ST M'~GNOLiA RO SCHILL'NG RC CM'I'Y OF SAI41NA ~ilal Im~rovemenl Program Proje,ct tlû.: Ó location: Flood dik9 "'Qjãt of to\,Ir:¡ Project Name: Flood protection Companion Project No./Description: hPnpr¡:¡l Sprv;rpc; Originating Dept./Agency: General Services Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: 1. The ditch check on State Street has been washed out. This results in the ditch and farmland being washed into the dike system. 2. The ditch check on Old 40 require and enlarged stilling basin to alleviate the destruction of the ditch below the ditch check. 3. Two new ditch checks are checks are required south of town on the Dry Creek cut-off channel to prevent further washing. Will project require additional new employees? YesD NoD Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No 0 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 60 Years PIWJECT ClASSlriCAlION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:YesŒl NoD 0 New 0 Exflans Ion 0 Rel,lacement 0 Renovalton 0 Other FY 87 $ 240,000 n PARTMEN1AI. PIHOIH TV: CIP COMMITTEE PIHORITY: Funding: [J Urg(!n t I~] Necessar'y 0 Urgent ~ Necessary or or ---- Funding Source: or ---- or ---- [] lies Irable 0 Desirable or of Sales Tax -- [slililiJl.ed Annual Cost or Operalton: $ $ $ 9 points [sLtlilaled Annual Cost or Maintenance: I:s tlmale¡J Amlllal Revenue: ESIiMATfD PItOJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Uate or Estimate 0 Refined Esltmate 1987 Cost IJreakdown: D Approx Ima 1.1 on 1985 Studies Plans & Specifications Land Ac(IU I sILl on Construction Renova lIon Demolition [(Iulflment Other- (SpecifY} lOTAL PROJEUEI) FUNUIN" sounc£s Current Revenue Existing Oond Fund Specta I Assessment Genera I Uh 1 I ga tt on Donds Revenue Oonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid {Spec try) State Aid ( Spec try ) Ol.her {Sped fy) TOTAL ----,-- $ 4U,UUU 200,000 240,000 $ ---'-- n :r r r ' .~ ,U n 91h ST OHIO BROADWAY BLVD (') r 0 c 0 (j) -I ST s:: ... Q Z 0 r I> (') :u I> :;E (J f3 (f) -I MARYMOUNT RD :0 0 Project No. 27 500 gallon pumper City- wide (j) -I I> -I fT1 (j) -I :0 0 Z I> < IT! TI n ):.. < fT1 '1) !) z_.-........ (') n c z -I ~ n '..J CM'I'Y OF SALINA ~ital Improvelnent Progran1 Project No.: 27 locat10n: Project Name: 500 gðl. Pumper/Rescue Truck Companion Project No./Descr1pt10n: Or1g1nat1ng Dept./Agency: Fire Oppartment Project Descr1pt10n. Just1ficat10n and Source of Heed: Purchase mid size pumper/rescue truck which would replace a 1978 light duty, like unit which, with the advent of the City/County EMS operation~ is not capable of handling the wear and tear being placed on it. Will project require additional new employees? YesD Noß W1l1 project requ1re land or r1ght-of-way acquisit10n? YesD No D Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 15 Years I'IWJECT ClASSIFICATION: (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YesG] NoD [] New 0 £X )ans Ion GJ nel)]acement lJ nenovaLlon 0 Other FY 87 IIrPAIUMrNIAI. PlumB TV: ell' COMMITTEE PIUOIUTV: Fund1ng: $~QQ.OOO (] Urgent [] NeŒssary [] lies Irallle 0 Urgent 0 Necessary 0 Uesirable of -L 3 of ----I Fund1ng Source: of of ---- ---- of Bond Issue of -- ---- [sllmalell Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ 8 points [sLlmaled Annual Cost of Maintenance: I.s lIUhlI.ed Annua I nevellue: ESliMATED PRO.JECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) 1986 Hate of Estimate aanuR r'y-J9R5 0 ne fI lied E s tima te 0 APIU'oX IlIIat 1011 Cost Oreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renova tlon Delllo Illlon Equipment Other- ~ Spec I Tÿ}- $ T OO~UmJ- lOTAl 100,000 PUOJECJEU FUNOINf1 souuns Current Revenue Existing Oond fund Special Assessment General Obligation Donds Uevenue Donds Uevolvlng Fund (service charges) $--- Federal Aid ( Sped fy) State Aid -(SI)eclfy) Oliler T Sped fy) lOTJ\l '-- I(/) () :r r r z CI ,U n 9th ST OHIO ST ;¡: Þ (¡'. Z ci r Þ :0 0 " r 0 c 0 (j) -i " ::0 Þ ~ 2J ~ if' - Project No. 28 Off-Street Parking Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD ;0 0 z þ < ,ITI "U Þ n "Tl R þ < ITI MARYMOUNT RD z-~ " 0 c z - ~ " ~' :J CK'1'Y OF SALINA ~ital Improvenlent Pro9rQm Project tlû.: 28 location: Kenwood Park P . t ~I . Off-Street parking roJec name,---- Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Bicentennial Center Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Based on average of 2,5 persons per vehicle, there should be parking for approximately 5,250 people. This is very inadequate. For example, 7,230 people attended the REO concert in the arena, while 560 people were attending the Shrine Fall Ceremonial in Heritage Hall. The problem very easily could have been compounded further if there had been activities in any of the adjacent County buildings. lack of adequate parking within convenient walking distance of the facility is an aggravation and deterrent in our efforts toward repeat business Will project require additional new employees? Yesr=J No~ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No ŒJ ESTIMATEO PRO,IEU COSTS Estlmaled Budgel Year(s) lJale of Esltlllale April 20, 1984' 0 Ueflned Estlmale Cost IJreakdown: g ApIII'oX I ilia LIon Studies 1'1 ans & Spec tf I ca tI OilS Land Acqulsllton Construction Renovalton Demolilion Equipment Other- ~ SI)ee HYJ roTAI. s 3116...-000 306,000 50 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: Years PROJECT CLASS I f I CAlIDN : .----, (For riP Corum. Use) Approved: YeslXJ NoD 0 New , [J Expans Ion 0 Rel,1acement 0 RellovaUon 0 Other FY 90 Uf('AIIJMENIAI. ('IUURITY: CII' COMMITTEE ('IHoRny: Funding: $ 153,000 GJ Urgent [) Necessary 0 Urgent 0 Necessary 0 Des t rab Ie of~ 4 of ----'Funding Source: of of ---- ---- of Sales Tax [] lies Irable of -- ---- Estimated Allnual Cost of Operattoll: S $ $ 7 points EsLlmaled Allnual Cost of Maintenance: rslllllaled Allnui11 Revenue: PIWJECTEO FUNOIN~ SOURCES Sales Tax Current Revenue Ex I s It ng Dond Fund Special Assessmenl General Ob II ga tt on Donds Revenue Donds Uevolvlng Fund (service eha ryes) Federal Aid ( S,)eel fy) Slate Aid ( SI)ec 17YT-- Other' County TSped fy) lOTAl --------. 153,000 $ 153,000 306}000 I) n :r r r Z ,c) ,0 n 91h ST OlilO 5T ~ >- l;) Z 0 r Þ :u 0 0) r 0 c 0 UI -i 0) .:u þ ::¿ 2! 'T] 0 (j) -i Project Nö. 29 Production Support Facility Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD 91h ST ;¡¡ a z þ < fTI T1 n þ < fTI "\) r.. MARYMOUNT RD z ~ 0) 0 c Z --I ;u -< n ;' ,'] CMrl'Y OF SAI--tl NA ~ital Improvement Prouram Project tlú.: 29 location: Bicentennial Center Project Name:~roduction Support Facilities Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Bicentennial Center Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: These facilities, or the lack of same, have a definite impact on the impression performers have of a venue and tend to influence their willing- ness to return for future engagements. The additional facilities would also provide increased flexibility, and shows, sporting events and conventions for hospitality of social rooms. With many of the events that use the arena we also could set the large rooms for break and client conference rooms. The additions are recommended for the west end of the arena on opposite sides of the large overhead door. Will project require additional new employees? Yesr=J No~ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No ~ Projected Useful li fe Expectancy of Project: 50 Years PROJECT ClASSlfICAlION: ,- (For CII>;Convn. Use) Approved: Yes£XJ NoD [] New [) Expans Ion 0 Olher 0 Replacement 0 llenovaLion FY 100 ,000 )[PARTH(NlAl IIRIORI TV: CIP COMMITTEE PIHORITY: $ Funding: 0 Urgent ŒJ Necessary 0 Urgen t of of ----'Funding Source: ---- 5 of --.!i QJ Necessary of -- 0 Desirable of ---- OUesirable of Sales Tax ---- fslllllaled Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ 6 points Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: 1 s LIma led Allllua I Ilevellue: i ESliMATEO PRO.IEU COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Hate of Esl1mate 0 neflned Estimate Cost IJreakdown: 0 A lIH'oxlmalioll 3/1/85 Studies II I ans & Sped fI ca II OIlS land AcclU Is It Ion Construction nenovatlon Delilol Itlon Equipment Other- ---'SpeclTYJ TOTAl pnOJECIEU FUNOINr. SOURCES Current nevenue Existing Oond Fund SpecJ.al Assessment General Obi Igatlon Donds Revenue Donds nevolvlng fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Sped fy J State Aid -- ( S,)ec I f Y r-- Olher T SI)ed fy) 1OIAl ----,--, $ - --1ílíh 0 0 0 100,000 -- $ 9th ST OHIO ST n () ::r r - z 'w ,U n ;:: I~ :u 0 (') r 0 c 0 (j) ~ (') XI Þ ~ 2.! ¿J (j) ~ Project No. 30 Arena Exhaust Fans Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD I I :u 0 z þ < fT1 "T1 n ¡¡.. < T "U r, MARYMOUNT RD z .......... (') n c z --i ~ r) CI'l'¥ OF SALINA ~ilQI Inlprovement Program Project tlú.: 1() location: Ril'pntpnni;¡l rpntpr Project Name:~ena Exhaust Fans Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency:~icentennial Center Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Two additional exhaust fans to help remove smoke and exhaust fumes from the arena. Two 40,000 CFM fans were installed in the east and of the arena in March of 1984. Two more are needed in the west end. Will project require additional new employees? YesO NoQ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No ŒJ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 5fl Years PROJECT ClASSlfICA1ION: (For riP Comm. Use) [J New 0 Expans Ion 0 RelJJacement I Approved: YesQ NoD IJ Renovallon Q Olher Additional equipment I FY 87 )fPAJUMENlAI. IIIUOIUlY: CIP COMMITTEE piHORny: [J Urgent [] Necessary Furiding.: $ 5,000 0 Urgent [X] Necessary of of ----I Funding Source: ---- of of ---- ~ lies Irable 2 3 0 Desirable of of Sales Tax -- fsllmaled Annual fost of Operation: S $ S 6 points E s l fIlIated Annua I Cos l 0 f Ma In tellance: r s Untilled Annua I Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSlS Uate of Estimate EstlmaLed BudgeL Year(s) 0 Refined Estimate Cost Ilreakdown: 0 I\JlJlr'Ox Ima II UII Studies PI ans & Spec If I ca II OilS Land AcIIU I s It tun Construction RellovaLton OeUloltLton E(IUlpUlent Other- ( Spec 11Yl- 1O1Al I'ROJEClW rUNIJINft SOURCES Current Revellue Existing Oond fund Special Assessn~nt General ObligatIon Oonds Revenue Oonds Revolving fund (service charges) federal Aid ( Sped (y) State Aid -- ( SIJec I f Y T Other {SIted fi} 1O1Al s hOOO 5,000 s . 1(1) () :r r r Z IC'I ,U n 9th ST OHIO 3;:- » t;') z 0 r- Þ :u a Project No. 31 Storage Building Community Services " I (/\ --i () r 0 c a If) --i " ::0 Þ ::E 2:! ¿¡ "U f) ::0 a z þ < fTI "Tl 0 þ < IT\ (f) --i MARYMOUNT AD z ~ " <) c Z --i 3? n J CI'I'¥ OF' SALINA ~ital Inlprovenlent Pro9ram Project tlû.: 31 location: ~~y Park Project Name: Stnr;¡gp RlJi 1 di ng Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: rnmmllnity Services Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: Need for building to house nowing, irrigation and park maintenance equipment. Win project require additional new employees? YesD Noß Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No [i) Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 I'ROJECT CLASSifiCATION: GI New [J Renovalfon 0 Expans Ion 0 RelJhcement 0 Other IIrl'ARrMl:NIAt IIIUORI TV: CH' COMMITTEE I'IHORITY: [] Ur!)enl of 0 Urgent [1 Necessary - Years (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes(!] NoD FY 86 9 of of -'Funding Source: Funding: $ 20,000 - (l<] Necessary 11 of -- (] lies I rabl e 0 Des t rable 01 of -- - hUmale,1 Annual Cost 01 Operation: S $ $ ------- I: s lima led Annua) Cos l ( I' Ha Intenance: ------- rs lIlIIa Led Annua I Revenue: ------- " " - 'T ;)dle~ IdX 6 points ESliHATED !'RO.IEU COSTS EsLlmated Budget Year(s) 198ß Oate of Esltmate 1/15/85 0 Refined Esttmate Œ:J APllt'oX I ilia lion Cost IIreakdown: Studies "~tans & Specl flcalfons Land Ac(IU I s tl I Oil (ons tructtOIl Renovattoll Demo II t loll E(lul Jment Olher- ---¡ SIJec t TYl- $ 20,000 mrAL 20,000 I'ROJECTEIJ FUNIHNft SOURCES Curren l nevenue (sa 1 es tax)$ Ex I s tt II!) Dond Fund Special Assessmellt General Obllgattoll Donds Revenue Donds nevolvlng Fund (service charges) 20~OOO federal Aid ( Sped fy) Slate AId --(Spec I fy) Other TSpedfÿ) -- 1O1AL 20,000 H, ~ /L ,U D 9th ST 01110 BROADWAY BLVD 0 r 0 c 0 If) -I 5T ;:- - Q 2 0 C þ 0 :u þ :¿ ð :u 0 (f) -i MARYMOUNT RD :u 0 Project No. 32 Office Expansion Police Department U¡ -i Þ -I n1 If) -i ;u 0 Z Þ < 111'1 "T1 0 þ < fT\ "\J ~ z~""""" 0 () C Z -i ~ n .. J:? CMrl'Y OF SALINA ~ital In1provelnent Program Project tlû.: 32 location: Between Plol ice & Sheriff Buildings Project Name:~ffice Space Expansion Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Stll inti Pol ice Department Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: To enclose area between police and sheriff buildings for future expansion of office space, Records Division, etc. This is an area approximately 471 x 16' wnl project require additional new employees? YesO Noß Wnl project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No [XI Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 50 pnOJECT CLASSIFICATION: GJ New 0 Il,enova LIon ~ Expans Ion 0 Other 0 Replacement UHARJMENrAl rlUOIU TV: clr COMMITTEE J}IUORIlV: [J IIrgent [] Necessary of 0 Urgent ß Necessary of of ----'Funding Soijrce: Funding: $ 30,000 -- of ---- GI UeslraÞle 0 Desirable of -~ 2 of ---- Isllllkll.ed Annual Cost of Operalton: S $ $ 50~ 0000 J:sltmill.ed Annual Cost of Maintenance: Isllillilled Annual Ilevenue: - Years (For tiP Comm. Use) Approved: YesfK] NoD FY 90 Sales Tax 6 points ESTIMATED PRO.)ECT COSTS Es timated Budget Year( s) 1986 1/85 na te 0 f [s ttma te 0 Ilerlned [sllmate [] Approxlmatton Cost Breakdown: Studies J) I ans & Spec If I ca II OIlS land Ac(IU I s I lion Cons truc lion Renovallon Demolition [(Iulpment Other- ~ Spec I fYl- $ roo,ooo JOTAt 100 ,000 rllOJECHD FUNOINr. SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob It ga It on Donds Revenue Bonds Revolving fund (service dmrges) $ fedenl Aid ~Speclfy) Slate Aid ( S )ecl fy) OUter T Sped f y ) 1OlAL ~ --- f) () :r r r Z 'ø ,1) n 9th ST OHIO ST s: '" ø .,. Õ r Þ :II 0 (') r- a c 0 U) - (') :u þ ::i 2J '1J 0 (j) - 'I Project No. 33 Road Repairs Mt. Calvary Cemetery BROADWAY BLVD UI - þ - f11 (j) -i þ < f11 TI R þ < rr¡ MARYMüUNT RD z-~ (') ¡) c z -~ ~ n ,- CM'I'Y OF' SAI41NA ~ilal Improvement Progranl Project tlü.: 33 location: r.pmetery Project Name:---- Companion Project No./Description: Cemetery Roads Originating Dept./Agency: General Services Project Description. Justification and Source of Heed: Renovate existing cement stabilized roads in the cemetery and seal. Existing seal has deteriorated to the extent that restabilization may be required. Will project require additional new employees? YesD NoQ Wi 11 project requi re land or right-of-way acqui sHion? YesD No G] Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 20 Years I'HOJECT CtASSIFlCATION: -- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:YesD NoD lJ New 0 bpans ton 0 Other 0 Rel)1acement LXI llenovaLlon FY 88 IIH'AIUMrNIAl rIUORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PIUORITY: $ 60.000 Funding: 0 Urgen t of 0 Urgent of - Funding Source: -- [) Necessary of 0 Necessary of ---- [] lIeslrable of Q )estrable of I Sales Tax [sLilllilled Annual Cost of OperatIon: $ E s l hila led Annua I Cos t 0 f Ma I ntenance: ~ $ I 5 points [sll/llaled Annual lIevenue: ESliMAlCO PROJECT COSTS E s ttmated lIudge t Year( s) lIate of Esttmate 0 lIeflnetl Estimate Cost Dreakdown: Studies Plans & Spectflcattons Land Ac(IU I s It loll Construction Itenovatlon Demolition Equipment Other- ~SI)ectfy) lOTAl 1987-88 ---- 1985 -- I.X.J Approximation $ 60,QPO 60,000 PIWJECJEO FUNOINfi SOURCES Current Itevellue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Dollds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Specify) State Aid (SI)ecl1ÿT- Other TSped fy) lOJAl ~ ro ~ ~ c:r: U -=:t~ M 0::: . O.¡..> 7.',... ~ 'u ~ .¡..> ro U~c.. ~ 0 '1""').,... 0 s::: s::: ~ ~ :::I c..V')X: Q > ...J ~ ~ Q <=: 0 a: ~ ST ,CLCUD ST f- <f = (j', t- <J') Q J: 0 1 N '<J M,:!.GNCLIA RD SCHilliNG RC c.rl'Y OF SALINA ~itQI Inlprovement Progroln Project tlú.: 34 location: Mlln. Rec. Area P . t N Senior Citizen Recreation Area roJec ame: Companion Project No./Description: Hun. Park Master Plan Originating Dept./Agency: Community Services/Salina Recreation Comm. Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Construct pond, shelter building, sidewalks, grading, seeding, landscaping, game area, lighting, stc., for senior citizen recreation area. Will project require additional new employees? YesO N00 Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No G] Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years PROJECT ClASSlflCAlION: (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved:YesCKI NoD iii New 0 bilans Ion 0 Other 0 Replacement 0 RenovaLton fV 86 UrPARTHCNIAl 1IltlOIH TV : CIII COMHI nEE l'IHORny: funding: $ 72 ,000 [] Urgent [] Necessary ~J lIeslrable 0 Urgent of of ----I funding Source: -- 0 Necessary of of -- of Sales Tax 1 ~ Desirable 8 of -- ---- I.sl1l11aLed Annual Cost of Operatton: s ----- $ 2,500 $ ----- 5 points EsLllllaLed Annual Cost of Maintenance: i. s L hua lml Allnua I Revenue: ESliHATfD l)nO.IECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) !Jate of Estimate 0 RefIned Esltmate 1987-88 1/15L85 Cost IJreakdown: [X) AIIIH'oxlmatlon Studies I) I ans & Spec If I Cd It OilS land Acqu I s I lion Construction Renovation Delllollt Ion E(IUI )ment Other- ( Sllec t TYl- 1OTA' I'ROJECJ[U FUNUlNr1 sounns Current Revenue Exlsttng oond fund Special Assessment Gene ra I Ob It ga ti 011 lJollds Revenue oonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) federal Aid Slate H~ecfìYJ --TsllëClryf Olher T Spec If y } 1O1Al $ . LJ,300 5~700 UJlOO 72 ,000 $ 72 ,000 . 72 ,000 ~ .~ f) () ::r r ,- ? C\ ,U n 91h ST OHIO 5T ~ þ C\ z a r þ ;u 0 BROADWAY BLVD () r- 0 c 0 U) -t (') ;u þ ~ ð 13 Project No. 35 Softball Diamonds ~1un. Park U) -t Þ -i m (J1 -i ;u 0 z þ < !m TI ¡=¡ þ < rr¡ z--"""'" () <') c z -- ~ () " CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement ProŒram Project tlo.: 35 Location: Mull. Rec. Area P . t Name" Ball Diamonds roJec "---- Companion Project No./Description: Hun. Park Master Plan Originating Dept./Agency: (ommllnity Services/Sal ina Recreation Comm;.ssion Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Will provide for construction and lighting of two additional softball diamonds at Airport Park to replace two diamonds at Schilling. Will project require addHional new employees? YesO NoG] W1l1 project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD NoQ Projected Useful Life Expectancy of Project: 25 Years PROJECT ClASSifiCATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:Yes(i] NoD 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Other ŒJ Rep1acement 0 Renovatton FY 88 )[PAltTMENrAL PRIORITY: CII) COMMITTEE PIHORITY: 50,000 $ Funding: [] Urgent 0 Urgent of of " -I Fundlng Source: ---- 0 Necessary n Necessarv - J [X] Des i rab Ie of of ---- ---- Q Ues i rable 7 of -~ of New Sales Tax - Estimatecl Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ 5 points Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Anllual ftevenue: ESliMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Oa te 0 f [sUma te 0 Refined Esltmate 1989-90 1/15/85 Cost Breakdown: (]I Ap H'OX I ilia tI 011 I Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction RenovaUon Oemo 1 I t ion Equipment Other- ~Specifyl TOrAl PftOJ£CTEU FUNUIN(1 SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob 1 i ga U on Donds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service chit ryes) Federal AId (Sped fy) <: 1:. h', "L I J"'U"'" ,"U (S )eclfy) Other TSpeclfy) TOfAl ----- $ 3.000 47,000 50,000 $ 50,000 50,000 1m n I .- r:: z Ie> ,U n 9th ST OHIO ST s þ e> :? 0 f-': þ :u 0 n .- 0 c 0 (j) -i (') ::u þ :¿ ð '!J 0 'J> -j Project No. 36 Entry Walks Replacement Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD \ I ;¡:¡ 0 Z Þ < fTI "U f) 'T1 0 Þ < fTI MARYMOUNT RD z .......... n 0 c Z "i 3! n .- "J CI'I'Y OF SALINA ~ital In1provelnent Program Project rlo.: 36 location: Bicentennial Center Project Name: Entrv Walks ReQlacement Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: ßicentennial Center Project Description, Justification and Source of lIeed: The entry walks both on the north and wouth sides of the lobby are rapidl~ deteriorating. Cracking, spalling, and settling are not only causing the walks to become unsightly, but hazardous as well. There is a total of approximately 3,386 sq. ft. in the north walk and 4,042 sq. fro in the south walk. Based on an estimated cost of $3.00/sq. ft. for removal and replacement, total cost would be approximately $22,284. The brick strips which were installed for aesthetics should be eliminated. They will be a' constant problem due to eneven settling and water penetration. Will project require additional new employees? YesO 'NoQ Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No em Projected Useful l1 fe Expectancy of Project: 50 Years PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (for CIP Comm. Use) Approved: YesGJ NoD 0 New 0 Exl)ans loll IX] Replacement IJ Renovation 0 Other IIrPARlMENrAl PIHOIHTY: CIP COIflIT1H I)IHORIlY: fY 88 funding: $ 2.l.D.OO G Urgelll 4 of 5 of ----I funding Source: 0 Urgent ---- 1-1 Nfwp<:<:arll I_J "-----"'.1 n Mh"'h~~~~" L.J n"...,,;;>;, U I .J of -~ UI ---- ---- 0 lies Irable -- of -- Sales Tax ~ Des 1 ;-able of ---- Eslllllaled Annual Cost of Olulralton: E s lima ted Annlla I Cos l 0 f Ma In tenance: $ $ $ 5 points [s lima led Annlla I Revenue: ESliMATED PRO.IEU cosrs EsLtmaled ßudgel Year(s) Oate of Estlmale ~G--l9..8~- 0 RefIned Estimate @ Al'lH'uxllllatiun Cost IJreakdown: Sludles Plans & Specifications land ACt uls Itlon Cons lructlon Renovation Delllolilion Equipment Other- ~ Spec Hÿ} $ l2,284 - 1OrAl 22,284 I)ROJECJEII FUNIHNr. SOURCES Current nevenue Ex Istlng 1J0lld Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob 11 ga tt 011 lJonds Revenue Oollds Revo 1v I ng Fund (serv I ce elm rges) $ Federal Aid (SpeclfYJ Stõte Atd --{Speël fy) Other HI)ecl Iy) -- TOtAL ,-,- 9th ST OHIO ST f) 'n :r r r Z 'C'I ,U n s: þ C'I Z 0 r þ :u 0 n r 0 c 0 UI -j n :u þ <: lJ f3 (ft -j Project No. 37 Lobby Carpet Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BLVD ;0 0 Z Þ < 111'1 "1J 1') MARYMOUNT AD TI R 1:- < ITI z---""""" n 0 C Z --I ~ Î n .-' c CI"I~Y OF SALINA ~i'QI Inlprovelnent Pro9ram Project tlû.: 17 location: Bicentennial Center Project Name:---- lobby Carpet Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Bicentennial Center Project Description. Justification and Source of ~eed: Estimate includes floor preparation, carpet and installation. Special preparation will be required for the brick strips. Cost also includes a larger mat area to extend 8 to 10 feet inside each bank of exterior doors. Wi1J project require additional new employees? YesD No(3 Will project requi re land or right-of-way acqui sition? YesD No I?L] Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 5 Years PROJECT ClASS I FI CAT ION: - ---- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:YesŒ] NoD 0 New 0 Expans ton 0 Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other FY 90~ "fPARTMENIA'- PRIORITY: (I P ComITlH "ltiORI TV: Funding: $ 2flJ)OO tJ Urgent of 0 Urgent ---- ,~ Necessary 3 of 6 11 Nnr.."""".." '-~ ~ ---- '--I "~~~JJU' J OUeslrable of [J Des t rable of -'Funding Source: ~JC VI of Sales Tax [sltmated I\nnual Cost of OperatIon: $ $ S 5 points Est hila Led I\nnIJa I Cos t 0 f Ma In tenance : I:s lima Led Annua I Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT cosrs Estimated Dudget Year(s) Ua te or E s tlma te 1.L2.V 8 5 0 neflned Estimate Cost IIreakdown: ~ I\PllI'oxllllilLlun Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqulsltton Cons true lion nenovaUon lJemo I I lion Equipment Other- (SI)edfy) lorAl s --20.~OOO --- -20.000 l'IlOJEUm FUNIJINr. SOURCES Current nevenue Exlsttng Oond Fund SIJeci it I I\ssessmen t General Obi tgaLton lJonds Revenue Dunds Revolvtng Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) (' I, - 1- ... I Jt.dt.~ nlu --rSllec Iryr-- Other {Sped fYJ TOTAL $ -- -~----- f) n I r r "7 6 ,U n 9th ST OHIO " r 0 c 0 U) - ST ~ Q 2 0 r þ " ;U þ ~ ð fJ (J) -j :u 0 Project No. 38 Ceil i ng Fans - Heritage Ha 11 Bicentennial Center BROADWAY BL VD ;u a z þ < fTI MARYMOUNT RD " n þ < fTI z-~ n n c z -1 ;0 -< n r- J I ~, CI'I'Y OF SALINA ~ital Inlprovement Progran1 Project tlú.: 38 location: Bicentennial Cf'ntf'r Project Name:---- Ceiling Fans for Heritage Hall Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Bicentennial Center Project Description. Justification and Source of Need: We have 8 variable speed ceiling fans in Heritage Hall. This request is for 8 reversible 3-speed ceiling fans to be installed with the present 8. This will give us 4 fans per quarter section. WilJ project require additional new employees? YesD NoG] WilJ project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No GJ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 Years ESTIMATED pnO,JECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) (late of Estimate 0 Iteflned [sLtmate 1/29/85 0 Approximation Cost ßreakdown: Studies Plans ~ Specifications land Anlu I s I LtO" Construction ftenovatton Demolition Equipment Other- ---¡ SIJec I 1YJ lOTAl s 3-,034 3,034 IJ New IfICAlION: (For liP Comm. Use) 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement Approved: YesGJ NoD IKJ Other Additional FY 90 - I'IIIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE f'IUORITY: Funding: $ 3,000 of 0 Urgent of - Funding Source: -- of n Necessary of - - 3 of 3 GJ Des t rab) e of Sales Tax - - la I Cos t 0 f Opera Lion: S ,a) Cost of Maintenance: $ 5 points Ia) Itevenue: $ - PROJECT ClASS 0 Renovation ()U'An rMEN1AI. 0 Urgent [] Necessary ŒI Ues Irable ( s I. Ima ted Ann E s ti RIa ted Am [sLhll<lled Ann PROJ[CfE(I FUNDIN~ souItcrs Currellt ftevenue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob II ga t 1 on Donds ftevellue Donds ftevo Iv IlIg Fund (serv Ice charyes) federal Aid s { Spec ITYJ State Aid --T Spec I f y J Other TSpeclfY} -- lOfAl 91h ST n r 0 c 0 U) -- OHIO ST :[1) n :r r 1:-: z !e> .0 n s þ e> z 0 r Þ :0 0 Project ~o. 39 Complettion of Fire Stn. #3 Belmont, Key St. VI -- Þ -I fT\ VI ~ n ::0 Þ ~ (j ::0 0 :0 0 2 Þ < ITI TI n þ < IT) (J) ~ MARYMOUNT AD z-~ n () C 2 -- ~ " r' ;c 0 CI'I'Y OF SAI-4INA ~itQI Inlprovenlent Progranl Project tlo.: 19 location: Relmont & Key Streets Project Name:----Completion of Fire Station 3 Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency:Fire Departmen~ Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Complete basement office section on new South Salina Fire Station which was removed from original construction due to cost and avail- able funding in 1984-1985. Cost estimates include furniture and fixtures necessary for occupation upon completion. wnJ project require additional new employees? YesO NoQ WnJ project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesO No G] Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 50 Years PROJECT ClASSIFICAlION: r-- IJ New 0 Replacement (For riP Comm. Use) Approved: YesD NoD KJ ExIHms Ion 0 Renova t Ion 0 Other FY 90 nfl'ARTMENTAt "IIIORIlY: CII' COMMITTEE: I'IHORIlY: Funding: $ 200.000 [] Urgent [xl Necessary 0 Urgent of of ----'Funding Source: ---- 1 of 7 n NoC'P<;<;;¡rv ,-" ..------. J of ---- ---- 0 ()es Irable Sales Tax 0 Desirable of of -- ---- [s lima lell Aruma J Cos t 0 f Opera lion: $ $ $ 5 points [s lima led Annlld J Cos t 0 f Ma In tenance : I: S lIllI<l L(!d Annt/a I Hevellue: ESlIHAT£O I'RO.IEU COSTS Es lImated Budget Year( s) [late of Estimate 1987 January 1985 0 Hefllwd [sllmate Cost ßreakduwn: (X] Appruxllllallun Studies "Ians & Specifications land Acquls Illon Cons true tlon Renovation Oelllolltlon Equipment Other- (SfJectfYJ unAl I'IIOJECI EU FUNUI Nr. SOURCE S Current Revenue Ex I sting Oolld Fund Sped a I I\s ses smen t Genera I Ob 1 I ga It 011 Oonds Revenue Oonds lIevolvlng Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) C', -., - ..,. ')('dU~ ,,'U -, SpeClTYT-- Olher TSIJeci fy) 1O1Al ---,---,--- $ l~.UUU 130,000 50.000 -.5....JlOO 200,000 $ ------,- - 9th ST OHIO ST n :r r C I~ ;0 a ~ Þ Q Z 0 !: þ :u 0 Project No. 40 Central Bus. Dist. Redevelopment Santa Fe Avenue, 7th, 5th Sts. n r 0 c 0 I ( BROADWAY BLVD U) -I n ;u þ ~ ð è} :ö 0 z þ :~ "\) 1') "TI Õ Þ < m U) -I MARYMOUNT RD ~ z n 0 c Z -I ~ n r ;0 a carry OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project No.: 40 Location: Central Business District Project Name:~ntral Business District Redevelopment Companion Project No./Description: N/A Originating Dept./Agency: Bus i ness Improvement Di stri ct Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Property Acquisition, Demolition, Parking lot Construction, Construction of Arcades, Landscaping, etc. Will project require additional new employees? YesO Nom Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesŒ! No 0 Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 25 Years PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement m Renovalfon 0 Other OHARTMENTAl PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: --- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes 0 No 0 0 Urgent of 0 Urgen t n Nørøc:c:".." I.-J "~~~~~~'J ~I' VI ... u_-----,_.. LJ 11~l.I::~~dr'y 0 Desirable of 0 Desirable Estimated I\nnual Cost of Operation: S Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: ~ EsLtmated Annual Revenue: S FY Funding: $ of . Funding Source: or of ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) FY 86 and 87 Oa te of [sUma te June 1985 0 Refined Esltmate IX] Apprux I ilia tI on Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans 1. Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL s 6,500,000 PROJECTEU FUNUINI1 SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Special I\ssessment General Obligation Donds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (service charges) federal Aid ( Spec try) State Aid CDBG (Sited (y) Other Sa 1 er Tax TSpec fy) TOTAL -- ,------,.. s L.5O0~OOO 400,000 4.600.000 6.500.000 -= 9th ST OHIO ST n :r r C IÔ .:u n :¡: Þ Q :2! 0 C þ ¡g BROADWAY BLVD (') r 0 c 0 II) -i (') .:u þ ~ ð i9 (J) -i MARYMOUNT RD Project No. 41 Handicapped Accessibility Public Facilities Citll-wide (J) -i Þ ñ1 (J) - :¡¡ 0 z þ < 1m "U l) -r¡ ¡=¡ þ < fTI z ~ (') 0 c z - ~ (') r .:u 0 cl"rv OP SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project No.: 41 location: Public Buildinqs in Salina Project Name:----Handicapped Acc~ssibility Companion Project No./Description: N/A Originating Dept./Agency: fJ/A Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Renovation and additions to public facilities in Salina to provide access to those facilities by physically handicapped persons. Will project require additional new employees? Yesr=J No[&] Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? YesD No [XJ Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 20 Years PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: -- (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved:YesD NoD 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement IXI Renovation 0 Other OEPARTMENTAl PIHORITY: CIP COHMI nEE PRIORITY: FY $ Funding: 0 Urgent of 0 Urgent - n Npf'.p<;<;ilrv of n U~r~rr~_.. L-J "~--~-_.J - LJ ""'-"3301 J' 0 Oesirable of 0 Desirable of I . - Fundlng Source: _C UI of Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: S Estimated Annual nevenue: S ------- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS IJate of Estimate Estimated ßudget Vear(s) ---19.Bfi June 1985 rn Refined Estimate Cost ßreakdown: 0 AplH'oxlmaLlon Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 It Ion Equipment Other- {SpecifY} TOTAL $ ~1-QQL -1_~nn() PROJECTEtJ FUNtJINr1 SOURns Current Revenue Existing ßond Fund Special Assessment Genera I Ob 11 ga tI on Oonds Revenue Oonds Revolving Fund (service cha ryes) Federal Aid (Specify ) State Aid CDBï S,)ec I f Y fn Other County n-k i nd lspect fy) TOTAL s 1?3.000 12,000 135,000 - 9th ST OHIO ST 10 :r r C I~ .u C! 3:: þ Q 2 a C þ :u a BROADWAY BLVD 0 r a c 0 VI -i n ;u J> ::E 21 ~ :ü a z ~ (TI Õ n þ < (TI () a c z -i ~ n r :u a Project No. 42 Entry and Streetscape Municipal Rec. Area z ~ CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Pro9ram ProJect tlo.: 42 location: Municipal Recreation Area Project Name: Entry and Streetscape " " Part of E. Crawford recreation area Companlon Project No./DescrlptlOn: development Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Design and construction of park entry and adjacent area. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [] Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ [] Urgent 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of -I Funding Source: ......, -- U Necessary 0 Desirable of of of of 0 Des irab 1 e Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Rejected: Yes Uo Estimated Annual Revenue: S $ S ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1986 ŒI Approximation 10-1-85 S tudi es Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo I It I on Equipment Other- ~Speclfy) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Donds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I<;narirv\ \-t"~~.'JI State Aid (Specify) Other 1 Sped fy) TOTAL s 2.500.00 31 500.00 --4.000.00 38~000.00 s -- () x r C ,2 G) ;:¡¡ n 9th ST Ot110 Project No. 43 Passive Rec. Area Municipal Rec. Area ST I BROADWAY BLVD (J) -i n r a c a U) ....¡ n ;:¡¡ þ ~ (1} ¿g '\) l) ÕI R þ < /TI ~ ¡;. G) z a C þ z-""""- ;:¡¡ a n 0 C 2 -i !! n r ;:¡¡ a CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project tlo.: 43 Location: Municipal Recreation Area Project Name: Passive Recreation Area Companion Project No./Description: Part of E. Crawford recreation area development Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Development of hiking, biking, jogging, and exercise trails and related facilities. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement [] Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of . . S Fundlng ource: n Necessary 0 Desirable n flprpo;o;;¡rv ~ ..------'.If of of - - 0 Desirable of of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Rejected: Yes f40 Estimated Annual Revenue: $ $ $ ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Date of Estimate [J Refined Estimate Cost ßreakdown: 1986 []Il\pproximation 10-1-85 ' Studies Plans & Specifications land Acqu I s It I on Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- -,Speclfy) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing ßond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation ßonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Spectry ) c:.",.... Aid ........... ".u (Spectry) Other 1 Sped fy) TOTl\l $ ::I 000.00 ::10,000 DO 8,000.00 ~1. 000.00 $ 91 OHIO .J) () :c r C I~ ;u 0 f ST BROADWAY BLVD CENT[NNIAI R 0 r 0 c a II) -i ST 0 ;u Þ ::£ 21 èj ~ Þ GI Ô C þ :u a Project No. 44 Youth Playground, Tot Lot Municipal Rec. Area II) - :ñ a z þ < 1m "U 1) "11 0 Þ < fTI z ....... 0 0 c z - ~ 0 r :u a I CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program . Project tlo.: 44 location: Municipal Recreation Area Project Name: Youth Playground and Tot Lot Companion Project No./Description: Part of E. Crawford recreation area development '. Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Playground and picnic area to serve general area patronage. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of . Funding Source: n Necessary ~ J 0 Desirable n Noro..."",.... L-J ..~~~....... J of ~ç UI - - 0 Desi rable of of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes rlo Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: s s s Es tima led Annua I Revenue: ,- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Oudget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate 1986 Cost Oreakdown: ~ Approx i ma t I on 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- -(Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Oond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Oonds Revenue Oonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) I"L_L- .~. .)t.dt.~ f\IU (Sped fy) Other 1 Sped fy) TOTAL S 3 . OOO.JlO 14,00000 23.000.00 40.000.00 $ 10 :r r C 16 .u u 9th ST OHIO ST / CENTENNIAl .1 0 r 0 c 0 IJ) -t :¡:: Þ Q 2 0 r Þ :u 0 Project No. 45A Neighborhood Park Development Phillips, South Park (') ;u þ ~ 2J ~ "\) 1) T ñ þ < 11'1 ;¡:¡ 0 z ~ '11'1 IJ) -I MARYMOUNT RO .......... z (') 0 c Z -t ~ (') r ;0 0 CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project tlo.: 45A location: Phillips Project Name: Neighborhood Park Development Companion Project No./Description: 45B & South Parks Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Development of these 2 park areas per plans prepared in 1986. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful li fe Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New Approved: Yes (For CIP Comm. Use) No 0 Expansion 0 Rep1acement 0 Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of . . Fundlng Source: ,-, u_--------, LJ n~l.~::'::'dl'Y r-"1 .. U Necessary 0 Desl rable of of 0 Desirable of of Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Rejected: Yes Estimated Annual Revenue: $ $ S .,... u_-,-.-.-,_.--. 110 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Es lima te [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1987 £XJ Approximation 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renova tt on Demo11tion Equipment Other- ~Spedfy) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Specia1 Assessment Genera1 Ob1igatlon Bonds Revenue Donds Revo1vlng Fund (service charges) Federa1 AId ($pectry) State Ãid Other (Sped fyl 1 Sped fy) TOTAL $ 4,000.00 38.000.00 15 OOO~OO 57.000.00 s 9th ST OHIO ST 10 :c r C Iß ::0 0 s:: Þ Q 2! a C þ ::0 0 Project No. 458 Neighborhood Park Development Centennial Park (') r a c 0 BROAOWAY BLVO U'I -j UI -j I ( I (') ::0 Þ :;E 2J ð ::0 0 z þ I~ ~ !) -n Õ þ < fTI U'I -j MARYMOUNT RO 7-~ 0 a c z -j ~ (') r ::0 a CITY OF SALINA Capital Project tID.: I!!!'provement Program 45B location: Centennial park Project Name: Neighborhood Park Development Companion Project No./Description: 45A Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Develop neighborhood park per plans prepared in 1986. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of . F " S undlng ource: n Necessary 0 Des irable n UprpO:;O:;illrv L-O ..------"J of of - - 0 Desi rable of of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes Uo Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate 1988 Cost ßreakdown: IX] Approx I ma t I on 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo I It I on Equipment Other- ~Speclfy) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing ßond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid (Sped fy) C::.,.... IILI .....u.... nlu (Specify ) Other 1 Sped fy) TOTAL $ 35,OOO..oQ 8,000.00 43.000.00 $ Proj ect No. 46 Golf Course Equipment OHIO ST Municipal Golf Course BROADWAY BLVD 9th ST () r 0 c a 1II -i n :r r C z 'G) ;:0 a () ;:0 þ ~ ð è3 "U ~ "TI n þ < m ~ þ G) :z 0 C þ z ......... ;:0 a () a c z -i ~ n r ;:0 a CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project tlo.: 46 location: Municipal Golf Course Project Name: Purchase Golf Course Maintenance Equipment Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Self explanatory. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project:- 10 Years PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent of 0 Urgent No X (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No FY 11 .,--------- L.J nt:\.t::':'oIY üf- of . Funding Source: Funding: $ n "'oro....,..... LJ .................. J ~ç u. - 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of- - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: S $ S Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: Rejected: Yes No ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Oudget Year(s) Date of Estimate 10-1-85 1.llil7 0 Refined Estimate Cost Oreakdown: []J Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquis Hlon Construction Renovation Demo lit I on Equipment Other- ~Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Oond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Oonds Revenue Oonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Sped fy) rL_'-- A~. .:>ldle I\IU (Sped fy) Other 1 Sped fy) TOTl\l s 30 000 00 30 000.00 $ t 9th ST OHIO ST n :r r C z IG) ;u ~ ;;:: p G) ð !: þ ;u 0 BROADWAY BLVD n r 0 c 0 If) - ;u 0 z ~ 1m "T1 n þ < m n 0 c z -; ~ n r ;u 0 Project No. 47B Maintenance Facility Municipal Golf Course z-~ CITY OF SALINA Capitol Project rlo.: I~rovement Pro9ram 47 A Location: Municipal Golf Course Project Name: Maintenance Facility Companion Project No./Description: 47B Originating Oept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Construct maintenance building and related faci~ities for Municipal Golf Course and Municipal Recreation Area. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 20 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New' 0 Expans ion 0 Rephcement 0 Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of ----'Funding Source: n tJ~-----_.. LJ ""::\.C;);) 0 I ~ ,--, .. U necessary _r UI of - 0 Desirable 0 Desi rable of of Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Rejected: Yes 140 Estimated Annual Revenue: s s s -,---- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Dudget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Dreakdown: 1987 og Approximation 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Cons tructi on Renovation Demol Hlon Equipment Other- -(Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Donds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid (Specify) State Ãid (Specify) Other '( Sped fy) TOTAL $ -~ooo.oo 60,000.00 ...lD_, 000 . 00 7S 000.00 s - 9th ST OHIO ST (') :r r c: Iii ;u 0 ~ Þ GI ð c þ :0 0 BROADWAY BLVD 0 r 0 c 0 (j) --i :0 0 z ~ 1m TI ñ þ < fT1 0 n c z -i ~ 0 r ;u 0 Project No. 47B Maintenance Facility Municipal Golf Course z ~ - CITY OF SALINA Capital , Project tlo.: I~rovement Prouram 47B location: Municipal Golf Course Project Name: Golf Course Maintenance Building Companion Project No./Description: 47A Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Completion of maintenance building and adjacent facilities started in 1987. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful li fe Expectancy of Project: 20 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [] Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgen t of of . Funding Source: - n Necessary n Nørøc:c:;¡r\l I-J ..------. J of nÇ u. - - 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes flo Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ S $ Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Dudget Year{s) 1988 Date of Estimate 10-1-85 0 Refined Estimate Cost Dreakdown: []J Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Cons tructi on Renova it on Demolition Equipment Other- ~Spedfy) s 75.000.00 TOTAL ~1000 . 00 PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Donds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (SpecHy ) c.......~ AI" ....u.."" nlU (Specify) Other 1 Spec try) TOTAL I 91h ST OHIO '0 :J: r C I~ ;0 n CE NTlNf'!!AL.Jl BROADWAY BLVD \) r 0 c 0 II) -i ST ~ y Q :2 0 C þ ;0 0 ;0 0 z þ I~ TI ¡=¡ þ < fTI "IJ f) \) 0 c z - ~ \) r ;0 0 Project No. 48 Campground Area Municipal Rec. Area z ~ CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Prouram Project tlo.: 48 location: Municipal Project Name: Campground Area Recreation Area Companion Project No./Description: Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: RV and overnight campground development. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement [] Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of ----'Funding Source: of n tdn~n~~~_.. LJ "':=-.<:;);)01 y _c u, r--. .. LJ I'tecessary ---- 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of ---- Estin~ted Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes 140 Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ ~. S Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost ßreakdown: 1987 [i) Approximation 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ~Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing ßond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Donds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (service cha ryes ) Federal Aid (Specify) State AId (Specify ) Other lSpecHy) TOTAL ..- $ __4,000-.-00 28.000.00 10.000.00 4~ 000 00 $ 9th ST OHIO ST n :r r C I~ ;u 0 ~ to Q 2 0 r þ :u a Project No. 49 n r 0 c a Restroom Facility lakewood Park BROADWAY BLVD U¡ - þ ¡; ¡j) - U) - " ;u þ ~ (IJ i9 "\) f) õ ñ þ I:i\ (fI - þ < m MARYMOUNT RD L .... ""'" " 0 c z - ~ " r :u a CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project rlo.: 49 location: Lakewood Park Project Name: Restroom Facility Companion Project No.IDescription: Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Replacement for existing south restroom building. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 20 Years PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent of 0 Urgent No X (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No FY of of of "F' undlng Source: Funding: $ n Necessary 0 Desirable 0 Necessary - 0 Desi rable of of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: Rejected: Yes No ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Re f1 ned Es lima te Cost Breakdown: 1987 Ga Approximation 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demol Hion Equipment Other- ~Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal AId (Spectry ) State Afd (Spectry) Other lSpectfy) TOTAL $ 15,000.00 3.000.00 1 R OOO~ÐO s ro QJ V1 !'... -0 ex:: ¡:; a 0 In E u ro QJ c::: 0 £::) z ,.... ,.... ro +-> ,.... 0- U ro 'QJ .£: u ......, +-> 0 4- ¡:; !'... 0 :3 Q.. (/) ::E: 1 N ~ ~ z ~ U1 0 > -I aJ IRON AVE >- , ~ 3 Q <t 0 a: ItI CRAwFOF1Q ST .CLOUD ST M¿~GNOLIA RD ~ V1 ~ V1 :: ø 0 :r 0 CHILLING RD CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project tlû.: 50 Location: Municipal Project Name: Softball Diamonds Companion Project No./Description: Recreation Area Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Construction of 3 softball diamonds and supporting facilities adjacent to existing diamonds. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For CIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement 0 Renova t i on 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of . Funding Source: - n Necessary n Npc.pc;c;i'lrv L-..I ._-------.1 of of - - 0 Desirable 0 Desi rable of of - Estin~ted Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes No Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: S $ S Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Dudget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined EsUmate Cost Dreakdown: 1988 £XI Approx imatlon 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- -(Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Dond Fund Specla1 Assessment General Ob1igatlon Donds Revenue Donds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federa1 Aid ( Sped fy) State AId (Specify ) Other 1 Sped fy) TOTAL $ 5.000.00 TILJ)OO.OO 4 000 00 87.000.00 $ - 91h Sf OttlO ST 10 :r r C z 'G) .::u 0 f CfJill.lf~!AL..u () r 0 c 0 UI -i ~ Þ G) ~ 0 r þ è{ Project No. 5l A Tennis Facility Plans Municipal Rec. Area BROADWAY BLVD () ;u þ ::;¡: 2} ~ "U 1) ;u 0 z Þ ,~ TI Õ þ < fTI 7 ~ n 0 c Z -i :!l () r ;u a CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Pro9ram Prc..;ect tID.: 51 A location: Municipal Recreation Area Froject Name: Tennis Facility Plans and Specifications Companion Project No./Description: 51A Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Plans and specific preparations for development of tennis complex at this area. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful Life Expectancy of Project: Years No PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [] Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of . .. Fundlng Source: n Nor.."""..., L-J .n............. J .--, 1I_______u LJ nt:\.t::>:>dl'Y ~ç UI or - 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes 110 Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: s S $ Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) 1988 Date of Estimate 10-1-85 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: rn Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demol Hion Equipment Other- ~Specify) $ lli. 000 . 00 TOTAL 1f5 '000 00 PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha ryes ) Federal Aid (Specify) ~.. ... :)[ð le 1\10 $ (Specify ) Other (Specify ) TOTAL (") :r r C z IG) ;u 0 9th ST OHIO f CENTENNiAl H, (') r a c 0 VI -; 5T ~ þ G) L! a C þ ;u 0 BROAOWAY LVO (') ;u » ~ 21 ð "tI }:) 'TI ¡=¡ Þ < m :ö a z ~ 1m (") (") c Z -i ~ (') r ;u 0 Project No. 51B Tennis Facility Plans Municipal Rec. Area 7 ~ >1 CITY OF SALINA ~ital Improvement Program Project tlo.: 51 B Location: Municipal Recreation Area Project Name: Tennis Court Construction Companion Project No./Description: 51 Originating Dept./Agency: Department of Community Services Project Description, Justification and Source of Need: Construction of 8 lighted tennis courts at this location. Will project require additional new employees? Yes No X Will project require land or right-of-way acquisition? Yes Projected Useful Life Expectancy of Project: 30 Years No X PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: (For tIP Comm. Use) Approved: Yes No 0 New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: FY Funding: $ 0 Urgent 0 Necessary 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of ----'Funding Source: of- of 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: Rejected: Yes Jlo Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: s ~. S ~stimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1B89 IX)l\pproximation 10-1-85 Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demol Hion Equipment Other- ~Speci fy} TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid (Specify) Other -( Spec if y ) TOTAL s 135,000.00 13f1.000.00 $