CIP 1965 - 1975CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF SALINA KANSAS 1965 0, SALIrVA �Fti�Iiti1 P,V a,, ov 6X401 ' The preparation of this Capital Improvement Program was financially aided through a federal grant from the Urban Renewal Administration of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, under the Urban Planning Assistance Program authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended I L S O N COMPANY T NGINEERS ARCHITECTS 1 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS CITY COMMISSION Robert M. Stark, Mayor Charles Casebeer Ralph Exline Carl R. R.undquist G. N. Waddell PLANNING COMMISSION C. A. Brooks, Chairman Raymond Haggart Wilber L. Johnson William H. Odgers W. M. Ostenberg John Ryberg Milton Thelander Gilbert Wenger Phil Wilcox CITY OFFICIALS Norris D. Olson, City Manager Charles Delgado, Administrative Assistant Duane Pearce, City Planner Harold F. Harper, City Engineer Harold E. Peterson, City Clerk Donald Harrison, City Treasurer L. 0. Bengtson, City Attorney TABLE OF CONTENTS Page The Capital Improvement Program 1 Capital Improvement Programming Procedure 2 Municipal Finance 2 Receipts 3 Table I - Summary of Receipts 3 Expenditures 3 Table II - Summary of Expenditures 3 Tax Collections 4 Table III - Percentage of Tax Collected 4 Table IV - Comparison of Percentage Share of Tax Dollar by Each Government Unit 5 Tax Rates 5 Figure 1 - Trend in Tax Rate - Major Governmental Units 6 Figure 2 - Tax Rate in Mills 7 Table V - Tax Rate in Mills 8 Bonded Indebtedness 8 Table VI - Trends in Existing Bonded Indebtedness 9 Table VII - Bond Retirement. Schedule, Board of Education 10 Assessed Valuations 10 Table VIII - Projection of Money Available for 10 -Year General Government Operations 11 Project Priority List 11 Table IX - Proposed Capital Improvement Projects and Priorities 12 Financial. Program and Schedule 13 Table X - Capital Improvement Program Schedule 14 -15 Methods of Financing 18 Table XI - Methods of Financing - First Three Years of Capital Improvement Program 16 -17 Table XI.I - Summary of Methods of Financing 1966 -1968 18 Table XIII - Summary of Capital Improvement Projects, Priorities and Methods of Financing 19 -24 Water Supply Study 25 A Page Proposed Project Requests 26 Civic Center, City Library, .Park Improvements, Sand Pit Recreation Area, Golf Course, Carver Center, Fire Stations, Slough Lining 27 -44 Map 1 - Proposed Improvement Projects after 44 Street Improvements 45-60 Map 2 - Proposed Street .Projects after 60 Waterworks Improvements 61 -66 Map 3 - Proposed Water Works Projects after 66 General Construction and Improvement 67 -77 Map 4 - Proposed Sanitary Sewer Projects after 77 N THE CAPI`A.L IMPROVEMENT. PROGRAM The Capital Improvement Program is published as the final part of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Salina. The purpose of this report is to initiate capital improvement programming for the City Officials to use as a guide to provide, within its financial ability, for the needed improvements of the City and its future growth and development. A Capital Improvement. Program can be defined as a listing of all pro- posed public improvement projects, together with the priority of their construction. it can provide a sound and orderly approach to long - range fiscal planning, and furnish a means of assuring that projects will be carried out in accordance with predetermined priority of need, coordinated with the community's ability to pay. This programming is a function of the planning agency and the City Manager, together with the cooperation and advice of the department heads whose activities are affected. The Capital Impr °ovement Program is usually designed for a period of six years, but it is reviewed and updated annually. The Capital Improvement Program will include: 1. All public improvements within the city whether they are paid for by Federal Aid, property tax, special assessment, water revenue or other revenue sources. 2. All. public projects which have been started but not yet completed and which require additional appropriation. 3. Replacement and reconst'ructi'on other than ordinary mainte- nance. The program involves the construction, acquisition, and improvement of facilities rendering municipal services, such as streets, parking facilities, public highways, airports, parks, bridges, public buildings, water and sewer utilities and other public projects which are necessary for and benefit the entire community. Of major importance is the principle that any proposed Capital Improve- ment Program should be flexible and not create an excessive tax burden. Should the proposed program. cause a large increase in the mill rate, the program should be reduced. Should the tax base fail to grow at a predicted rate, the projects would have to be deferred to a later starting date than originally planned. On the other hand, if there is more money than originally estimated, then the projects should be carried on at a faster rate. In any case, community benefits and project priorities must be considered carefully, 1 There are many advantages in adopting a Capital Improvement Program. Project financing and bond issues can be planned to maintain a balanced and uniform tax rate.. The City Government can schedule bond elections _ and. bond issues to take advantage of favorable interest rates, thereby saving on total project cost. A Capital Improvement Program will also permit the purchase of real estate for future improvement in advance whenever, the price market is fa- orable. All. sections of the community will receive impartial trea_ment. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMING FROCEL?U In the preparation of the Capital Improvement .Program, consideration must be given to the City's history of finance, present standing, and the future projections, '..n programming capita, improvements, three major steps are required: a study of municipal finance, preparation of a project priority li.s7, and preparation of a financial program and schedule. The municipal finance study will inchude the following seven items: receipts, expenditures, p.-operty tax ]a--,ri.es and collections, comparison of percentage share of tax- dollar by each. government unit, trend in tax rates, bonded indebtedness, and assessed valuation. With all this information, a determination can be made of the bonding capacity and financial. ability of the City to undertake the proposed program. The project priority list assigns the order of priority to the proposed program. Careful consideration was given to the most pressing needs of the community, the projects that offered. the greatest benefits to the community, and the future needs of the city, The financial program. will determine the amount. of general obligation bonds that can be issued, th.e time of issue, th,e interest rate and the mill levy required in +b.e fuiture. The proposed Capita'. Improvement Er.og -am, upon completion, is presented to the Planning Commission, who will in turn recommend it to the City Governing Body, who h.ave the .final . to decide whether such proposal will be adopted, modified or MUNT.CIPAL FINANCE Income for the municipal government is Jeri,,, -ed from the tax levy on real estate, unencumbered cash balances from the previous year, revenues from. State collected taxes, and permits, fines, fees and franchises. The main expenditures are for general government operation, general improvements, and ge.n.er.al. we'fare, Bonds are issued to pay the debt and meet the demand of increasing expenditures. The three most common bonds issued by the a :. *_y are General t�bl.igar. ion Bonds, Revenue Bonds and Special Assessment Bonds. 2 On 31 December 1964, the City of Salina had 2.4 million dollars of General Obligation Bonds and 2.3 million dollars of Special Assessment Bonds outstanding. As of 30 June 1965, the Salina Board of Education had 3.5 million dollars of General Obligation Bonds outstanding, Receipts. The receipts of the City of Salina increased from 3,5 million dollars in 1955 to 13.3 million dollars in 1961, . as shown in Table I. The largest sums, besides the General Operating Funds, are for the Water and Sewage Department, Bond and Interest, Social Security, parking meters and construction. TABLE I SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS CITY OF SALINA (THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS) 1955 1956 1.957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Total of Funds Budgeted 2,644 2,.305 2,206 2,563 2,860 3,239 7,591 6,403 6,007 5,069 Total of Funds Not Budgeted 905 1,873 2,620 3,166 2,186 6,029 5,725 1,871 3,654 1,642 Grand Total 3,549 4,1.78 4,826 5,729 5,046 9,268 13,316 8,274 9,661 6,711 Source: Salina Audit Report, prepared by A, H. Leckband and Company. Expenditures. Table II is a summary of expenditures by major category from 1955 to 1964. The general, trend is increasing due to the infla- tionary effect of the economy and the increase in government operations. The annual. expenditures from 1955 to 1964 ranged from a low of 3.5 million dollars in 1955 to a high of 12.3 million dollars in 1961. The expenditures for 1961 were the highest for the past ten years because of the exceptionally large amount of money spent on the plater and Sewage Department, street surfacing, and curb and gutter improvements. TABLE II SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES CITY OF SALT NA (THOUSANDS OF' DOLLARS) 1955 1956 1.957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Total of Funds Budgeted 2,338 2,61.0 2,393 2,638 2,823 3,172 7,021 6,289 6,121 5,069 Total of Funds Not Budgeted 1,126 1,853 2,558 3,313 2,085 5,971, 5,320 2,195 3,679 1,664 Grand Total 3,464 4,463 4,951. 5,951. 4,908 9,143 12,341 8,484 9,800 6,733 Source; Salina Audit Report, prepared by A. H. Leckband and Company 3 Tax Collections. 'he City of Salina has a high percentage of tax collections. Table III v-.ows the tax collections for a period of fourteen years. The percentage of levy collected ranges from. a high of 100 in 1960 to a low of 98,00 from 1951 through 1.957. The average percentage is 98.6. The percentage of special assessment collected is also shown in the same table. 'The range is from 83.32 percent in 1964 to 99.76 percent in 1961, with an average of 93.2 percent. 'The reason why 1964 has a low percentage of special. assessment collection is the closing of Schilling Air Force Base, When many families are moving out of the community, ix is likely that some special assessments will remain unpaid. The government units which. levy and collect r.ax: in Salina include the Salina .Board of Education, the City of Salina, Saline County, the State of Kansas, the Salina Recreation Committee and the Salina Library. The Salina Board of Education levies and collects the largest amount in comparison with other units. The Salina i:ibrary became independent in tax levying in 1.958. Table IV lists the percentage share of the tax dollar that each unit receives. TABLE III PERCENTAGE OF' TAX COLLECTED CITY OF' S.ALInTA 1951 -1.964 Fiscal Percentage of Levy Collected Period During Fiscal.Periodl 1951 98,00 1952 98.00 1953 98,00 1954 98.00 1955 98,00 1956 98.00 1957 . 98.00 1958 99.00- 1959 99.001 1960 100.00 1961 99.00- 1962 99.00+ 1963 9900+ 1964 99,00+ Percentage of Special Assessment. Collected2 95.00 95.00 9.5.00 95.00 95.00 90.00 9.5.00 95.00 93.00 93.00 99,76 91.76 89052. 83,32 1Figures for 1951 through 1957 are taken from t.h.e Kansas Tax Rate Book. Figures for 1958 through 1964 are taken from the Annual Financial Report, City of Salina. 2A11 figures are taken from Kansas Tax: Rate Book. 4 Salina Board of Education City of Salina Saline County State of Kansas Salina Recrea- tion Committee Salina Library TAPLE IV COMPARISON OF PERCENTAGE SHARE OF IAX DOLLAR BY EACH GOVERNMENT UNIT 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 37.1 36.21 37.30 37.03 37.99 39.45 39.09 39.58 38.10 39.70 31..0 29.10 30.80 33.46 31.54 30.79 39.79 27.38 29.80 28.60 28.2 27.51 37.70 24.04 25.22 24.52 25.90 27.79 26.60 26.40 2.2 5.74 2.73 2.56 2.30 2.23 2.12 2.09 2.10 2.00 1.5 1.44 1.47 1.22 1.28 1.21 1.15 1.14 1.10 1.10 - - - 1.69 1.67 1.80 1.95 2.02 2.30 2.20 Source: Annual Financial Report, City of Salina Tax Rates. Figure 1. shows the trend of tax rate in mills for the three major government units from 1951. to 1964. The graph indicates that the City of Salina had a relatively stable rate compared to either the School Board or Saline County. The School Board and Saline County had similar mill rate increases, both at a faster rate than the City of Salina. Figure 2 is the tax rate in mills for the City of Salina for a fourteen year period from 1.951 to 1.964. The total tax rate includes general operating, bonds and interest, and all other levies. According to the 1966 . Budget Report prepared by the City Manager of the City of Salina, the fund levy limitations are as follows: 17 mills for General Operating, 1. mill for Noxious Weeds, 2 mills for Firemen's Pension, 2 mills for Policemen's Pension, 1 mill for Flood Works and Levee, 1 mill. for Tree Maintenance and 3 mills for General and Special Improvement. There is no fund levy limitation for Social Security, Public Employees Retirement and Bonds and Interest. General government operations include. City Commission, City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Court, Police Court, Building, Engi- neering, Fire, Inspection, Park, Police, Street, Waste Disposal, Street Lighting, Traffic and Parking, Airport, Swimming .Pools, City Planning, and Group Insurance. For the budget year of 1966, funds for Band, Cemetery, General Improvement, Memorial. Hall, Public Health and Industrial Fund are included in the general. government operations. For the past fourteen years, the general operating mill rate ranged from a low of 8 mills in 1951 to a b.igb of 11.9 in 1.964. The average is 10.4 mills. From 1951 to 1964, the Bonds and Interest mill rate has ranged from a low of 3.4 in 1951 and 1952 to a high of 9.4 in 1958, . 1959 and 1960. The average is 7.2 mills. Levies for other purposes have ranged from 1.1 mills in 1953 to 6.8 in 1964. The average for the total tax levy was 21.3 mills (Table V), 5 TREND IN TAX RATE Major Governmental Units ........... ........... . ....................... ...... ....................... .... .......... ............... ................................... ..... ...... .... ......................... ...... ................... .......... ...... ....... - ---------- - .......... ... . .... ... ... .......... ..... .............................................. : : ; ! + 5 AL INE COUN T Y: :wi... A............................ :SCFi00L.B04RD: ..+ . y ..: { 1}'{•. :} }iii::}:•.•.; :.::.: ;.: ;. k ? ''may. {; #• {:•:.. i {•.;}. }; } r } v •:.: . {;} k ...'.,'::::. r::.::::;,•:: .{• Y:$;. r.�i: .. MEMO., h : {:}} r,...:'$:Y{:• •.{. ...1 f.•:.::::: ::.'.•:::•;:i• {.;; } }• f viii :' ?.G�'`�:b��i • :' ::•::•: :iti :i•; }} } }:: :i: iS:: �: �y: t•:•' t::• :•r:•: {;�:•'.: >:�:•:•r:•:':�:�: ••Xti�•.`•CITY OF•SALINA• :: �::• r• ::::::::::::::�:::::•: }ire 0 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 YEAR Source: Kansas Tax Rate Book League of Kansas Municipalities FIGURE 1 6 100 80 60 40 20 N J J_ 2 TAX RATE IN MILLS City of Salina, Kansas 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 YEAR 30 25 20 w F- Q 15 J J_ 10 5 0 aALL OTHER LEVIES BONDS AND INTEREST GENERAL OPERATING Source; Kansas Tax Rate Book League of Kansas Municipalities FIGURE 2 7 TA3L ?s V TAX RATE IN MILLS CITY OF SALINA Year General Operating Bonds and Interest All Other Levies Total 1951 8.0 3.4 3.2 14.6 1952 8.4 3,4 4.2 16.0 1953 10.0 5.0 1.1 16.1 1954 8.4 5.3 4.3 18.0 1955 9.1 6.2 3.7 19.0 1956 9.6 6.1 4.2 19,9 1957 11.6 8.4 2.9 22.9 1958 11.4 9,4 3,2 24.0 1959 11.6 9.4 3.2 24.2 1960 11.3 9.4 3.4 24.1 1961 11.6 8.9 4.1 24.6 1962 11.5 8.4 3,0 22.9 1963 11.6 8.7 4.6 24.9 1964 11.9 9.2 6.8 27.9 Average 10.4 7.2 3,7 21,3 Source: Kansas Tax Rate Book, League of Kansas Municipalities. Bonded Indebtedness. The trends in existing bonded indebtedness for the City of Salina are shown on Table VI, which shows that, for a period of twenty -one years, 1964 to 1984, the existing indebtedness of General Obligation .Bonds and Special Assessment Bonds is decreasing, while that of the existing Waterworks Revenue Bond is increasing. The purpose of this increase in Waterworks Revenue Bond principal payments is that it tends to keep the debt almost constant every year as the interest payments decrease. In this case, the people in the future will be paying approximately the same share of the debt as those citizens living in the city at present. The sums of the three types of bonds are in a decreasing trend. Table VII is the Bond Retirement Schedule for the Salina Board of Education. This table indicates that the School Board is in a sound financial condition since all bonds will be retired by 1980. EE. Total Source: Annual Financial Report, City of Salina, 1964. *As of 31 December 1964 G] Total Indebtedness $520,081.79 555,130.34 525,841.40 508,700.10 463,029.80 412,124.80 385,860.60 352,084.10 345,937.80 332,980.70 327,986.70 317,905.60 308,493.60 318,493.60 324,402.10 300,385.70 311,294.20 311,853.70 251,989.20 217,448.40 221,539.90 $7,613,564.13 TABLE VI TRENDS I.N EXIST'ING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS* CITY OF SALINA City' s Share on Special Waterworks Fiscal General Bond .Assessment Revenue Bond Year Principle Principle Principle 1964 $203,000 $2109081.79 $107,000 1965 216,000 229,130.34 110,000 1966 179,000 236,841.40 110,000 1967 167,000 226,700.10 115,000 1968 131,000 217,029.80 115,000 1969 101,000 191,124.80 120,000 1970 101,000 164,860.60 120,000 1971 101,000 131,084.10 120,000 1972 101,000 11.9,937.80 125,000 1973 101,000 106,980.70 125,000 1974 101,000 96,986.70 130,000 1975 101,000 81,905.60 135,000 1976 101,000 67,493.60 140,000 1977 101,000 67,493.60 1.50,000 1978 101,000 68,402.10 155,000 1979 73,000 67,385.70 160,000 1980 73,000 68,294.20 170,000 1981 73,000 63,853.70 175,000 1982 13,000 53,989.20 185,000 1983 13,000 9,448.40 195,000 1984 13,000 8,539.90 200,000 Total Source: Annual Financial Report, City of Salina, 1964. *As of 31 December 1964 G] Total Indebtedness $520,081.79 555,130.34 525,841.40 508,700.10 463,029.80 412,124.80 385,860.60 352,084.10 345,937.80 332,980.70 327,986.70 317,905.60 308,493.60 318,493.60 324,402.10 300,385.70 311,294.20 311,853.70 251,989.20 217,448.40 221,539.90 $7,613,564.13 TABLE VII BOND RETIREMENT SCHEDULE* BOARD OE' EDUCATION SALINA, KANSAS Year of Years In Which Bonds Were Issued Maturity 1947 1950 1953A 1953B 1956 1960 Totals 1962 $63,000 $44,000 $25,000 $1.2,000 $60,000 $60,000 $264,000 1963 63,000 44,000 25,000 12,000 60,000 60,000 264,000 1964 63,000 44,000 25,000 12,000 60,000 60,000 264,000 1965 63,000 44,000 25,000 13,000 60,000 60,000 265,000 1966 63,000 44,000 25,000 13,000 60,000 60,000 265,000 1967 63,000 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 270,000 1968 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 207,000 1969 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 207,000 1970 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 207,000 1971 25,000 13,000 65,000 65,000 168,000 1972 259000 13,000 65,000 65,000 168,000 1973 25,000 13,000 65,000 65,000 168,000 1974 13,000 65,000 65,000 143,000 1975 65,000 65,000 130,000 1976 65,000 65,000 130,000 1977 65,000 65,000 1978 65,000 65,000 1979 65,000 65,000 1980 65,000 65,000 Totals $3789000 $396,000 $300,000 $1,669000 $950,000 $1,190,000 $3,380,000 *Bonds retire 1 February and 1 August Sources Salina Public Schools Assessed Valuations, The assessed value of the City of Salina increased from 43 million dollars in 1955 to 60 million dollars in 1965. There are two reasons why the assessed value of the City is very important. The majority of the city revenue is derived from. the real estate and property tax, which is based on the assessed valuation, and the assessed valuation will determine the amount of the General Obligation Bonds that the City may issue. 10 Table VIII is the projection of the amount of money which will be available for the general government operations for the next 10 years. The average annual. percentage increase for the past 10 years, which is 5.0 percent., is used to project these figures. The table shows that 19.4 million dollars will be available for general government opera- tions in the next ten years. The projection is based on the General Operating Fund from 1957 to 1965, which includes Band, Cemetery, General Improvements, Memorial Hall, Public Health and Industrial Funds. TABLE VIII PROJECTION OF MONEY AVAILABLE FOR 10 -YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS CITY OF SAUNA Year _Money Available 1966 $1,541,584* 1967 1,618,663 1968 1,699,596 1969 1,784,576 1970 1,873,805 1971 1,967,495 1972 23065,870 1973 2,1699164 1974 2,277,622 1975 . 2,391,503 Total $19,389,878 *1966 budget. PROJECT PRIORITY LIST' Table I.X is a list of the proposed Capital Improvement projects and their priorities. The projects are those suggested in the City Plan of Salina and those resulting from consultations with the City Manager and City department heads, The project. priority designations are as follows: Priority 1 includes all projects which will be undertaken in the first 4 years of the program, Priority 2 includes all projects which will be undertaken in the second 3 years of the program, Priority 3 includes all projects which will be undertaken in the last 3 years of the program, and Priority C is a continuous program. Federal Aid is utilized where applicable so that more projects can be included and costs to the City will be minimized. The more important sources of Federal Aid are the uousing and Urban Development Act of 1965 and revised Public law 660. The Housing and Urban Development Act. of 1965 permits Federal. Grants of up to 50 percent of the cost for open space development, and 2/3 of the cost for neighborhood facilities. :Public Law 660 provides funds for the improvement of storm and sanitary sewer systems. P1. The City finances t.h.e projects by General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Bonds and Special Assessments. Table IX shows that the total. Federal Aid for the next ten years will be $667,462. The total cost to the City will. be $6,060,262, TABLE Ili PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND PRIORI.TIES1 1966 -1975 CITY OF SALT.NA. �2 Cost to Federal Aid. Other the City $1,100,000 675,000 1.20,000 100,000 9,7502 Total Cost Priority Project of Project 1 Civic Center $1.,100,000 9,8622 1 Library 675,000 3 New Fire St at ion 22,0002 in East Salina 1120,000 2 New Fire Station 17,5002 in South Salina 100,000 1 Oakdale Park Improvements 1.9;500 1 Sunset Park Improvements 9,500 1 Edgemere Park 19,724 1 Enclosed. Ice Skating Rink 275,000 2 Ind.i.an Rock Park Building Project 44,000 2 Riverside Park Improvements 15,000 2 Thomas Park Improvements 35,000 C City -wide Park Development. 70,000 1 Land and Property Acqui- sition, Sandpit Lake 83,000 1 Sand Pit Recreation Area Development 300,000 1 New 18 -hole Golf Course 2502000 1 Carver Recreation Center 1.00,000 1 Slough Lining 120,000 C Street Improvements 1,990,000 C City -wi.de Str >Pt Overlay, Sealing and New Pavement 483,0005 C Waterworks _ xp r ovem.en+ s 1,99S,600 C City -wide Sidewalks 70;000 C Storm Sewer on 9t.h from Bond to Prescott 152, or�o C City -wide Sanitary Sewer Construction 550;000 C Dry Creek Drainage Project 80,000 C De-- silting Smoky Hill River 144;000 C Separar.i.orn of Sanitary and Storm Sewers 500,000 �2 Cost to Federal Aid. Other the City $1,100,000 675,000 1.20,000 100,000 9,7502 9,750 4,7502 4,750 9,8622 9,862 1.83,0003 92,000 22,0002 22,000 7,5002 7,500 17,5002 17,500 35,0002 35,000 41,5002 41,500 150,0002 150,000 $ 250,0004 66,6003 33,400 120,000 1,980,000 483,000 19998,6006 70,0007 152,000 550,0007 80,000 144,000 120,OOC8 380,000 Priority Project 1 Sanitary Sewer from project are. 5t,owrn F+onnie Ridge P�jmpinq 2, Station to Existing Aid 24 -inch Easr Main 1?rban Development. Act. Sewer a mile east of 2/3 Federal Ohio at Magnolia by Section 703 of "Industrial. Area 2 Sanitary Sewer from Wayne Avenue � e east of Ohio to Quincy 2 SanLtary Sewer from East Main Sewer, 5. Magnolia to .Air Base total Road 2 Sanitary Sewer from. $1,498,600 Schilling Complex ro Ponds and $ '-00,000 East. Main. Sewer 1 Iron Avenue Bridjae Repair iota] Notes 'o -a.l. Cost. Cosa to of =P�o jecct Federal .Aid Other. the City $ 43,000 $ 43,000 40,000 40,000 85,000 85,000 120,000 120,900 15,000 0 15,000 $9,596,324 $667,462 $2,868,600 $6,060,262 I. Details of each project are. 5t,owrn in a. following section of this report. 2, 50% Federal Aid by 1965 Housing and 1?rban Development. Act. 3� 2/3 Federal Aid by Section 703 of 1965 Housing and. Urban Development Act, 4, Revenue Bonds, 5. 1/3 of rbe total cost ,SI,470,0005 of the Con`inuous Program. 6. $1,498,600 Revenue Ponds and $ '-00,000 Special. Assessments. 7. Special Assessmenrs. 8. Federal Aid from - evi.sed Public :law 660. F I NANC I .Ai; PROGRAM. A �1' The proposed financial program will include the following! 1, T'se of a�,ailable Fede.xal and state .funds where applicable, 2, Issuance of $6,060,262 in general obligation bonds as follows Issue Noe 1, S?,000,000 in "967 to run 20 years, obtain authority of electorate in 1966. Issue No. 2, $2, ()00,000 in 1968 to run 20 years, obtain authority of elecrorat. in 1.96?. Issue No. 3, $2,060,262 in 1910 to run 20 years, obtain authori ty of electo -ate in 1969., 13 TABLE X CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE City of Salina, 7966 -7975 P" y BOND ISSUE NO. 1 BOND ISSUE NO. 2 �PQ GOO�Oc GOO Pvp v �<1 v{ 0 ���G �0 `QP �5 \QP �y Q` G 4q �? 1966 $230,720 $295,273 1967 213,617 278,160 $50,000 $60,000 1968 173,040 261,990 55,000 58,500 $50,000 $60,000 1969 139,524 230,039 60,000 56,850 55,000 58,500 1970 126,675 198,344 65,000 55,050 60,000 56,850 1971 133,808 160,058 70,000 53,100 65,000 55,050 1972 130,876 145,320 75,000 51,000 70,000 53,100 1973 127,945 129,114 80,000 48,750 75,000 51,000 1974 124,964 116,064 85,000 46,350 80,000 48,750 1975 121,808 98,337 90,000 43,800 85,000 46,350 * The City's share on Special Assessments does not include the uncollected delinquent taxes. 14 15 �"I BOND ISSUE NO. 3 P4r GHQ Pv PP5 `� JOG p Jp J�PO J�P O $525,993 $62,505,072 8.4 601,777 64,405,292 9.3 658,530 66,305,512 9.9 599,913 68,255,340 8.8 $60,000 $63,600 685,519 70,155,560 9.8 65,000 61,800 663,816 72,055,780 9.2 70,000 59,850 655,146 73,956,000 8.9 75,000 57,750 644,559 75,856,220 8.5 80,000 55,500 636,628 77,756,440 8.2 85,000 53,100 623,395 79,656,660 7.8 15 TABLE XI METHODS OF FINANCING FIRST THREE YEARS OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM _ City of Salina, 1966 -1968 1966 -1968 °All these figures are 1120 of the 20 -year bond principal plus 3% interest 61/4 of total project cost `30% Federal Aid from revised Public Law 660 d50 Federal Aid by 1965 Redevelopment Act 16 OI- — P G 0C G\" PP 5 /1 p �p�� �P.JI��J �p�� �Py�vy�� �O Psi — QQ �p CIVIC CENTER $1,100,000 LIBRARY 675,000 SEPARATION OF SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS 95,0006 $28,500 OAKDALE PARK IMPROVEMENTS 9,750 9,7504 SUNSET PARK IMPROVEMENTS 4,750 4,7504 EDGEMERE PARK 9,862 9,8624 WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS $630,000 $208,500 SLOUGH LINING 120,000 — CITY -WIDE SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 550,000 CITY -WIDE SIDEWALKS 70,000 GOLF COURSE 250,000 — TOTALS $2,014,362 $52,862 $880,000 $828,500 °All these figures are 1120 of the 20 -year bond principal plus 3% interest 61/4 of total project cost `30% Federal Aid from revised Public Law 660 d50 Federal Aid by 1965 Redevelopment Act 16 1967 0 p`' o 1968 o O to ° 2 y o o`er 10 o P p� J Pvy� ? COQ' Q-P 2 Pyy �Ov�V 00 CI Oy �try 0 J0 4i 50 0 00 Pyy p 00 C Q Py $ 86,350 52,986 7,457 766 374 775 $49,455 $16,367 9,420 43,175 5,495 19,625 $158,128 $69,080 $65,037 17 $ 84,700 51,972 7,314 $28,500` 751 9,750d 367 4,7504 760 9,8624 $48,510 $16,054 9,240 42,350 5,390 19,250 $155,104 $52,862 $67,760 $63,794 1966 0 p y o`' 0 y O o� 1Iy �\o v X02 P Pyy C11100 PO 0 yQ Pyy $ 88,000 54,000 7,600 781 381 790 $50,400 $16,680 9,600 44,000 5,600 20,000 $161,152 $70,400 $66,280 1967 0 p`' o 1968 o O to ° 2 y o o`er 10 o P p� J Pvy� ? COQ' Q-P 2 Pyy �Ov�V 00 CI Oy �try 0 J0 4i 50 0 00 Pyy p 00 C Q Py $ 86,350 52,986 7,457 766 374 775 $49,455 $16,367 9,420 43,175 5,495 19,625 $158,128 $69,080 $65,037 17 $ 84,700 51,972 7,314 $28,500` 751 9,750d 367 4,7504 760 9,8624 $48,510 $16,054 9,240 42,350 5,390 19,250 $155,104 $52,862 $67,760 $63,794 Table X shows the principal. and interest payme.o.fi.s for the nexr 10 years. The table indicates the approxima:r_e levy that could be expected and what margin wo�ild '_,e l.ef�- to finance other programs. Although there is no debt: li..nita -, ion for first class cities of less than 50,000 population by the Kansas St.ar.e es, Ihis program. is designed so that a 9.9 mill n.axlm im would no' be. exceeded when the existing debt is taken into accoint. The, Bonds and Interest levy for 1966 is 9.9 mills, which was passed as of August 1965, The program will maintain the current 'revel. of improvements wit...hout. creating an unusually heavy tax burden. METHODS OF FINANCING Table XI shows the methods of financing the first three years of the Capital. Improvement Program, T`he ' methods include: General Obligation Bonds, Federal Aid, Revenue Bonds and Special. Assessments. I'ahle XI1. is the summary of Table Xl.. TABLE XT S IiKMARY OF M.ET :i ELI! S OF P NANC i NG 1.966 -1968 CI'xY OF SALI_NA Gene.ra.i. Obligation Federal Projects 8on.ds_ Ai.d Revenue Sp ec Lal Bonds Assessments Civic Center $25a,t�G0 Library Separation of Sanitary and Storm Sewers 22,_371 $28,500 Oakdale Park lulproveme.nts 2,298 0 7 5n Sunset. Park Tmpro "semen *s 1,122 4,750 Edgemere Park 2,325 9 •62 Waterworks Improvem.en+ $148,365 49,10_ Slough Lining 28,260 City -wide Sanitary Sewer Construction City-wide Sidewalks Golf Course. Totals S474,384 Grand Total LN' 129, 525 16,4k5 59 $52.u62 $?0 ,240 $191,111 .a O r .4 W :C N N N N N M M N N N N rf H rl H rl N N r-+ H H H N N N N N M M N N N N r-i H 4 4 � ra H H H H O U2 O +J _:T O ro u O O •,4 O O U u) O O O O au O O O N to O O O O O c; •r+ u O O O O Lr) U c0 a) O z a > o O O � PQ O O w O H O O W w O� 0 CZ c w �4 -C� O u) N -4 O u') C/J O (a) O Q X- 1, O +-' x � � O r� —4 o u1 O cz _4 M x4 Q u `o ,4 S4 Cn O w H H E4 H ai O H /[4�' H ray H W Ei a U H O r H z W O H a--1 U b�} 414 b4 E� O tr4 r E4 -6 ° a P � w U w w O U b4 U H H .l U � ul I H .a O r .4 W :C N N N N N M M N N N N rf H rl H rl N N r-+ H H H N N N N N M M N N N N r-i H 4 4 � ra H H H H O O O O _:T O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O Lr) cr) 1l O O O O O O O O O O Lr) O� c Cl) O Lr1 O O u') Lr O O 1, .-a r-I •ra 00 O r� u1 O -:t M —4 � M N N H a 4J r 7� b�} 414 b4 b4 tr4 r E4 -6 ° :f b4 b4 b4 -(. � b4 b4 .l � I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I m c O a) +� +s a.J +.1 P-1 4 a -P r -W +3 �% -P • n 41 a-+ +.+ -P U) m to ui -4 M u u) ca m a) O m m m m O O O 0 3 0 0 r-♦ O> O O O O w O O O O U U U U Z U -4 ca U U U U U a4 U U U U Q) U) r-i -4 Cl) -4 1-1 r-+ - r4 H H x r- r1 r1 b0 r-a H O r1 C H ro ca +-j ro m ca ro m w ro co CZ r Ca ro w ca F: CZ ul Co a) m a) cz 4-3 4-3 G 4-J 4-J +J u -P •a O 4-J u +) •ra 4-i +-) u +-3 •r4 +-+ +5 +-J 5 +J 5 +) o O a) O a 0 C0 O::j o w 0 0� 0 O +} o b O c 0 u O M. o F F-+ 5E-� �E4 off v'G)E -1 <4 E-' �H H �H -4H a)&A off 0E4 > Q) O o a N w �,w •4 � � o S& H Q rd a. I W u) m .4 w a H 5 (1) co (1) CO 4--1 cz H .l MS (1) f 4 ca pa4 H i4 f- s-4 o 4 u u u ca ro N x ro w +} a) u u w x x w rw cU w W W w C, H ca U U f4 w ca o u o m a) u w o 4 w �+ u 4 m o b b 1-1 4-J ct p. u) U m u, � x ro (1) a) O (1) co ca x4 I r� ro m u 'd .S& b r--1 w > • 4 5 (3) m z bD C~ m G u 1-4 w b O > +-J a o 1 C w a C/) w c7 u H H x U 1 n n n H H r4 N Cl) U) �o 1l 00 m � —4 r--i r1 H r-1 H r-f r-I H H r-I N N N U 19 U !r ro r~ r., w w O ul b 0 N 2 93 +J ro N U � N u) Ci. N cn U) U) N � m G 't7 N � o N as C4 ro w o N •,-f w r~ -4 0 ca •�4 +-f bmn DC >C SC SC 5C �< br x 5C — N � � A O O O O O +3 o O O c O O Cl, O O c c O c o O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C w a a w w a T O O a0 Uf) m r O M r, M � O M —4- C: _ O —4 O O L1 O N OC^ 4t 00 u9 LrI, fv 00 00 rl rl a--f b9' b4 fA b�} Ef} {¢i b9• ( b b4 b4 ti4 EA• �• tPr to tA. b4. O �- ro .J •,4 G •a 4-: +% +} 4-� N 441 4- +} +, += += 4-3 1 ,4 m • 4 m ul (n cz U) u) ui U) N a) to rjw ua u) uJ ua u) m co C v,. CO 0 rf o 0 o a G o 0 o r-+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as U ro U U U U U U U m U U ro U U U +1 U Ci U U• ^, r, U7 C-) + G + +� CO +, ro m� CO w ro ro m L m ro ro r ro co co +j m ro o m m ro U ro m =J +s m +-+ +) •ter + 4J } +, O + } .0 Co +s +a +, -P O O ro 0 0 ro 0 0 0 O G G O 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O. 4 O +' +` C, H ro H H F' H O H •4 F-1 G r' CO F-+ H H +) H o H ZI -+ X C r- pa Sa 2 4-:' 4 -P ro C • 4 of G N bD •r_ N O ur G E m •, 4 .4 U) c2 -4 • rr u) > O b O b 4-2 O O U w — N O O W O O O O >1 -4 W +� 4 " rd a) R • 14. .11 -P +- u) O ro � m � O O C N o m +J +1 += 3 bL 3 bV w •ter > (15 s �4 Z ro ro b -4 10 -4 N V) U N _ H U] Cl) 04 O G �.4 4" G O is N •,4 bb ­4 L c ) rz U k b >1 C' D bjC va •14 P o .1--. O ca 0 GZ4 44 H b w + v b A ± 4-' � W W -P 3 S: z += m to O 3 rx 3 3 f4 ro --1 o N o a �j •4 ro o 0 0 4- N _o O s O 4) O 1 Y � — U W Z H U U Cra F-4. Uf a U 0� 44 O U Pa U U C va r\ r\ f r r•e "a r.., s°•. !�. O r-? N Cl) �' lro > N --4 N Cl) -7t Lr� r, --4 --1 � l4 w o N Cl) r--, ^ ' N N (N N X11 M M M M M t` 7 •4 S-3 a 20 _ m +J ro (1) -4 u � ul a� C() m boo •.4 u U 7 � ro a) r~ a > O •,4 a) pa rT4 W 44 -1 O ro O � -d w +-) � G O ca 4-; N ro O A O >� X �< �< +-, ca •4 N O o r~ O O +S O a-+ O •4 O O O G O o 0 ro O +-) O a d te + -4 4-) u] r+ O N O 4 A C b01 y, ro�l a a 0 u v A+ CIA Z rCi +) a+ 4) >a ro 44 3 0 • z : ro C • 4 >, U 5^ +J - 3 m 00 a) O o =j U cn +- u -4 cu a ro o � � a� � U) ro -A O w b o -) O O" +J .-+ • r4 ro 0 w +1 pa' O bD u1 00 A U A a) ro .N H yg I bD 8 La I a) I +-� U -4 W •4 -4 UI ro +P I +1 44 4J O fT4 +I U) 0 .. U] r- >, r--1 ro O a) d7 ca r0 (A G CO +- a CO O cn bD , o v a cn G�4 O o W o •,4 0 0 O 00 : A r+ G�D ro A �4 (1) bD U a) U U O D U U ro 0 u 5 bD U O O F4 +1 (1) ✓~ • r1 ro O> v U w •,4 O >, •.a CO O 44 ro •rl a) 3 m w • 4 (3) -4 � tll -4 w ul x .s- d' 0 O C 0 r G 44 W ca ry ro w ro 4 ro O a ro U co o _r u u• 4 W a •4 M 4-J M >, a-J +-J u +1 a o +I Fes-, P bD 0) G vi U x 0 0� ro m o u o o 3 0 r~ o bD 0 +-3 N r-+ O F-4 O p -A H ro H LO 0 0 a) A ro N 0 ro W —4 G u1 4-4 t0 -P > �, 0 U +1 +1 A 0 W bD W a +I > ro 44 (1 r U) U Qi w x (1) �-: Ld +I U U r7 > U -A 1 +-J ro ro 0 .rl P4 H w O O w w O rO 44 j• 4-3 U n1 M Z A O m O w u r� A U +J +- m m G C a) 44 y, U \ 0 bD w H G O 4- r ro u1 •4 U] CO +1 rO O a) U O A O ca to � C Pa •'4 +P • 4 Co ] 4 +I G-1 U] S O U U W U a G U• 4 v] ro a) c0 +-) u1 • 4 A 'O � 7 a) ro ro CO Lr4 (W x Sa cn 41 3 4- xx >~ c M. ZI o CO � � +1 a o r- —q � +, � u 'O s-, a) to u1 0 • r4 m ro�d 0 0 U O m , CL O a 0 W U� 0 O bD ro ,-+ a, .4 N 3 Ul CL +I �:: W ro > • 4 0 W O -3� +-) ro a) t4 w •4 m 1 a) �o �3: uc73 ua �� c�vla ark H P4 w r+ u •,4 Q' N ro A o ro I ro A u b •4 CO A u .b +I ro 3 �....�� I 00`.�v..v H � N M tf1 O � r-q --1 —4 r-4 .4 w Pa 21 m - a 0 m •4 C) a) U) a(1) ul co bD � a •,4 (1) U to r~ > o -,4 (1) as w 0 44 r1 o ro W b U) (1) •,4 o 4 w (1) r- 0 ro -r4 W -P CO a bD � A 0 z? ru 4-� bD m 0 o ro Q) 0 o o c O O O C) C.: � r3 O O L= ^ O o T) 14 t I- E O r C I a co 3 0 0 � m p +� t ca N E o �o U o (1) rn w •,4 ro +J + .. � o r, a 3 8 rx rr ca o o a) r •4 O 44 ro +J :I ro •4 m o 0C) 4-3 o>1 w u �4 o w o v f» •4 � U a o U G R u t 0 44 Z ,< v1 Sa V] O t , 4 0 U C 0 C N 44 N 1-4 -4 ro O CO 7d 4-) C +J +J +J �71 O U O > O a-J u) — bD O O 4a a) O 41 [ii O C - O u) u .14 C/) --j G u) ro ::1 rd U S U ra U ( , a) ul 1-a O ro 'o 0 0 .n U 1 O ,. 3 w - +J q .o o •14 a-V- " o u ::� � —4 -P or h -- � - G ro ul ro bD +J M a ro O + cn C) r ro ,-, u ro�4 o ro ro 4J -W G 4J 'Ja !~ .. 44 .._. fY7 C -0 (ar (1) 0 3-j 0c) !~ -4 1..1 . O 41 X 0 0 0 O o 0 . - c u �4 O. •,4 o 0 0 +J +J o 0 r-) O E— C? H —4 C2-1 0 O in ol U O O w cn F-1 0 +, O M� 3 •a W, o P4 E 0 1 a u) a 4- (N co u) :J ,z- aJ O •'-! +-; .0 0 •.+ '1-W C).. U) a) U M -4 0 0 3 � +J � 44 -,4 Z •4 W r a) ro o t LO (1) o U) u ' r, co o ro o • n E 4J Ej +J O Q O R: 44 O U, a-% C O \ C w o >, o a. u) +J o m 4 0 04� c u) +J --4 0 3 ro Pa U :j u � r+ .4 = a • J +J >, �. -�2 +.1 + O � f u o G i b •,± (1) cu O o�) ro U •- -t ZJ E IC }` _t, u +J • ri r-i C15 F 0 ::j Z= G ro O bD ro �--! a-J 4-1 p 0 0 • r-1 • r-I W. N N 3 <4 o b .' •- — .I-- �-, -1 -C �4 ro m rn�, 0 0 M 0 � U) � o fL � (� u;✓ U UHO�o ?3L U 44 N ro 'n C ro-n 1 ro U Q) 4� b0 Y 4J ro U r\ o ,4 N O N N C"! N z? m +J r-4 G ro � •,4 El a a� bD G •,4 a b G > o SC >C >e DC >C bC 5C >C bC •a a) as w w o ro w b co (1) •a o a) 4 w (1) a —, o cn •,4 r� +) ro bD •a c5 -4 0 23 q o 010 o o O O o � O b o o +J o •a 0 0 0 O N O o O 0 +-) ul O ca o O ca o o W o 0 0 N o V) O-4 In O 0 U O o ro Q) o a o 0 a w 00 a a 3 w b 3: N O N O N N O (3) O n>1 N M 10 j• Lo a U 4-J vI G N 3 + ro- o r, v� b z O -64 � b4 -64 co �6 • •A 16} b a a �. G ti4 10 b4 � 3 b4 O O00 O I W P x w Sa 1 O- P G I ro (1) 3 -4 P •'a I a) U I ro O I bD I G I M ! G P 44 C13 -4 A co ­4 CZ w N 44 +� w +J 0 O N rT4 4-J O cd m C4 +J U) • a-J 4-J w G W m '�'' 1 O o w J P14 o O U o —4 O (10 m o s O G ul ro o !-+ a) 03 G mA CO g m -4 m U U U� u U� U U U U FZ4 o U o o x G U G O U G o U -a O O bG0 U -Z rri > r7 bD O O O ro -4 G O -4 00 O •-+ ro 44 ,-a yJ -1 ro 4& � O -i !•.c -4 G r-+ G CO -4 -4 • 4 -4 w •4 ro�� ro o ro PQ -4 ro m ro •-1 Co rn ro o m U O ro o ro m ro ro 3V G -P +-+ a +W a 4J U +s G a-j rX4 b 4-5 +-J w +J O 4J +-+ G +J cam) +) G w Q) O G 00 H a) o U co o !`c ro O O O o 17 O 0 3 0 O Lr) o ca r- 0 •14 O G 0 U H H•4w H U H 4- O H+�H co F-4 - aH •4 off roH s� H U! I o U ul U bD N G w 0 3 (1) cn � 4-J +-) O W u a fy -4 a) E o G G O ul G +) G U G G G m G •,-c G +� O a •rI ro ! bD +} U O U .a 4 4 •,4 _-j -4 G U -Zt W O (1) ro b0 G U a) •� ro O CZ -q cd O ro� ul a) U) -4 -4 O G G 0 5� � 5 W G a) U O O 4� 4 ! 0 � bD o 1- 0 0. u) w P (z a x •4 U) co ° a) ul P u u u u a O G-4 .,4 a w ca 4-J to a G -P G ro G CO G -P G A O • 4 a) ro w a) a P 4-1 41 a ° cu G ..a G (1) x 44 O G m (1) •,a a. • 4 -4 cn •tea m cn +s > 0 3 o ul 4 ro G I a N fQ I O N 4J 1 a) N ,'� P ro a N a) N G( O 'd .� •'4 O•,4 .� H ,--4 � 00 a) w 44 0 ,.0 -4 4-. ro 4 Cl) \ O 0 ol a U U O O 41 0) U C C G ,4 G ro -P G U • 4 (1) t O N 4-1 bD 1 N n ro 1] a) - O o .� O ro -4 P ro ul ro G a) O b N Cl) j° in �p a-+ O -4 M M Cl) Cl) Cl) co Cl) f- P44 23 U2 4-1 r4 r ro w C.) � X (� — P, m bD a U — ro w a r� > o .,4 U wx (44 r4 — 0 cz o a +-3 U � r4 O cli 4-) � ca O A O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 41 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bDa a N 0 a a a , a O G cU c`') Lfl U O Lfl 4J 0 0 N 0 0 U3 O N • 4 Z •'4 4t 00 N I! u1 u'1 00 -:t i4 O Q, •r4 -4 N SG r4 C Ul r-+ N u1 � Z G , 4 f+ -+ +J ,1 N P4 bD -b } � 4>4 cfr � fig O <A• 4 tfr 4A• 4y4 M <A• O 4 3 i U U ! U U) x I I -It 1 I O 1 1 ca I I I ! I O bD ca CO U Iv i I -4 4-1 7' w 4J 4 4 4J 4, 4-j 4J W 4J 4-+ 4-� -P 4-J (b 4.3 U m, a c0 m cn W m ul bD w cn P4 co U) Ul w m 4 m 0 ad X-1 o o> 0 •'4 0 F~ 0 0 0 o O 0 •�4 0 O U u 0 U U 6 U cli U U U U o U U w U G C7 4J N r. •i4 ; Ti r4 41 U 4� U co r4 ,r4 •r4 -C: 1-4 CO r4 r4 r4 r4 a) r4 r4 U r--i > r4 M r4 — b Z 1r 1 0 CO • 4 CZ r, M 4! 0 M •.4 ro c0 N 0 W CO N CZ •r4 CO co W 4J Fes. � 4 M 4 >, 4-% U) Pa 4, .L" 4J 4-1 w 4% N 4.1 •r i 4J C i 4-J 7 4J O o O N (4-4 o 0, O co o cd o u o 0 4 O 0 0 0 0 G 0 LW [-4 W O H UH3 H W UHF H H� 4-)H UH WFH —+H CZ H off ( a ct +� U b ul E S•4 0 •'4 W r, a) o >1 rro.�vv 0 W o �4 — 4J U V p 4 c0 m bD w CJ w w -4 0 41 i4 bD o U 44 U) G) 4! 'l7 Li 4 1-- 44 {4 44 w cz P-1 Cl) co cli >2 4j U I •.4 Z4 •14 -4 .4 cU 3 4-; r .14 CO n H w k U<4 w s4 ::I c4 6 3 al I •� .4 0 o vI bD U U r4 U o• U U U b 4 r ro E w P4 0 • 4 (1) O 5 c» (1) O G.) 4a N CO W •,4 U) Q — U 1~ u] 4 •r4 Z$ m 4-> w c/a C (3) Z bD •rf '417 S4 I., cz •r4 Q) 3 U ,y. 1r 0 i= O m > i4 •r4 i4 r4 i4 c cv . '4 r4 : cz 'd m 0 m 3 : 3 w 14 ca F4 bD 4-} 4-) N '0 41 0 41 Z 4-• 41 i S rl I U •'4 4t _ 7 =$ •'4 cd 3 1✓ C •r4 •.4 bD .4 U) S4 OJ � V] cl w o G 4� U F4 O G w C M � ca 0> � ! a C: r4 cz ul CA w c0 0 cd co w ••4 4-> •r4 1.4 N u U] ro U) v] U) U v] U Q Q U) H r4 N Cl) -::t Ln n. 00 � •ter � � � v v .� u v u v � 4-1 '4 - W 0 r4 r4 r4 N N N U U U U U U •'4 P4 24 -- WATER. SUPPLY STUDY Funds have been included in the Capital Improvement Program for a study of Salina's future waterworks system requirements, including water supply, transmission, treatment, storage and distribution. The study would include the .following 1. Projected Water Requirements to the Year 2000. This phase of the study should update all previous consumption and population growth projections. 2. Capability of Existing Water Supply, This phase should determine present and predicted performance capabilities of the existing water supply sources Smoky .Hill River and local well field. 3. Capabilities of Potential Future Supplies, This phase should include studies of Kanopolis,�Wi.lson, Glen Elder, and Milford Reservoirs, possible transmission routes from each., alternate methods of conveyance, capital and operating costs, water quality and quantity, and legal considerations in each case. At least three potential routes of conveyance exist between Kanopol.is Reservoir and Salina, aside from the Smoky Hill. River. The study should consider each alternate with all associated costs and preferences due to quality, losses, etc. 4. Location and functions of Additional Treatment and Distribu- tion Facilities. This phase should include capital improvement fund projections for required pumping stations, clarification works, storage facilities and expansion of arterial. and distribution mains. Creation of the Salina Airport Authority and the sudden upturn in the industrial outlook require that Salina's water distribution system be expanded rapidly, The Schilling water system, now being acquired by the City, can be utilized in an efficient manner only by connection to the present City distribution system, This phase should also include a new and comprehensive hydraulic study of the entire combined systems, updati.ng previous hydraulic studies and taking into consideration the potenti.a) expansion of the systems for both industrial and residential. supplies. The hydraulic study should be made by use of the McElroy !network. Analyzer,. The results of the analysis would be utilized to determine proper arterial main sizes and locations and the proper locations and capacities of pumping stations and underground and elevated storage facilities. The Capital. Improvement Program. contains $1.2,000 for the water supply and hydraulic studies and the preparation of *tie study report. This should be supplemented by approximately $10,000 for City- furnished flow and pressure recording equipment permanently installed to imple- ment control of system, but used initially to provide accurate data for the hydraulic study. 25 PROPOSED PROJECT REQUEST'S The following pages contain copies of proposed project requests. Priority designations are as followso Priority 1 - Projects to be undertaken in first 4 years of program Priority 2 - Projects to be undertaken in second 3 years of program Priority 3 - Projects to be undertaken in last 3 years of program Priority C - continuous program 26 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT -- 1. Project Name: Civi:. Center 2. Location: Ninth and Seventh.; Ash and Elm 3. Description: Construction of a City - County Building under the first Urban Renewal Project, 4. Purpose or Justification: 'To replace the cld and inadequate City Hall and County Courthouse, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated 1965 Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1968 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $1,100,000;00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 27 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT - -- 1. Project Name: City Library 2. Location: Ninth and Seventh, Ash and Elm 3. Description: Construction, of a new City Library under the first Urban Renewal Project, 4. Purpose or Justification: To replace the old and obsolete City Library, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated 1965 Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1968 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $6759000,00 — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: f•'] PRIORITY NO, 1 SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUE`? DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Oakdale Park Improvemerit 2. Location: Oakdale Park. 3. Description: Resurfd_t grid llgr,t roi,.r ter�r s cur; s, replace old backstops. Rebuild six shuffleboa�cd . New ligt_r ir7g for sl,utLlebo-rds, �:roquet, roque and ping -pong tables- New buiidir,g for shuffiebvazd ar.d games equipment, Shelter and meeting building, 4. Purpose or Justification: See page 30, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated 19'Dr' Year Construction to be Started 196b Year Project to be Completed 19(D 6 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction19.50�,0U Equipment Uncl, furnishings) Other TOTAL $19. 500.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: $1;000:00 8, Estimated Life of Project:10 -15 Years Submitted by: 1� K. Rirklefs D2te: -9.65 29 Project Name: Oakdale Park Improvements Location: Oakdale Park Purpose or Justificaticn: Tennis court surfaces in bad condition. Old woven wire backstops should be replaced with chain -link 12 -foot high fencing. Shuffleboards developing cracks. Lighting for shuffleboards, croquet, r.oque and ping -gong old and in bad condition. Games equipment building small and inadequate. Oakdale ParK needs shelter house and meeting place to replace old Claflin Hall which burned down years ago. This building was greatly used for large group meetings, union church services, etc. 30 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Sunset Park Improvements 2. Location: Sunset Park 3. Description: Tennis court rebuilding, backstop replacement, shelter house. 4. Purpose or Justification: Six tennis court. ,s badly cracked, Old woven wire backstops in poor condition. Need shelter house as there is none there now. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated 1967 Year Construction to be Started 1967 Year Project to be Completed 1967 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction $99500,00 Equipment (incl, furnishings) Other TOTAL $9,500,00 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: $500,00 8. Estimated Life of Project :10 -15 Years Submitted by: I. R. Ricklefs Date: 29 -65 31 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Proposed park pla: -+. for the Edgemere Addition 2. Location: Bounded by Cypress Drive, Birch Drive, Hemlock Drive and Choctaw Avenue 3. Description: To develop a new park over a period of time, not to exceed three years. 4. Purpose or Justification: A aew park is needed in this part of the City to serve the nearby neighborhood, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated 1966 Year Construction to be Started 1966 Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $199724,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 32 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Land and property acquisition 2. Location: Sand pit lake northeast edge of Salina. Land southeast of Salina adjoining river. 3. Description: Sand pit lake known as Old Putnam Sand Pit and land of approximately 20 acres, Land southeast of Ohio St. and Belmont Ave., approximately 50 acres, along Smoky Hill Rivera 4. Purpose or Justification: City needs sand pit lake for boating (sail boating, trolling motors), swimming, fishing and picnicking, Need land southeast of Salina for park in that area as city grows in that direction. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 1,000,00 Land or R of W 75,000.00 Construction 5,000.00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) 2,000.00 Other TOTAL $83,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: $5,000.00 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: I, R, Ricklefs Date: 7 -2965 33 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Sand Pit Recreation Area Development 2. Location: Putnam Sand Pit Area 3. Description: To develop this area into a recreational area, 4. Purpose or Justification: Part of City's open space program. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $300,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 34 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Enclosed ice skating rink 2. Location: Not definite 3. Description: To build a new enclosed ice skating rink 4. Purpose or Justification: A new recreational facility to serve the entire City. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $275,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 35 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT - -- 1. Project Name: Golf Course 2. Location: Present Municipal Airport 3. Description: Conversion of Municipal Airport land into a new 18 -hole golf course, pending move of Municipal Airport to Schilling, 4. Purpose or Justification: Part of City's open space and recreational program. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $250,000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 36 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT ---- 1. Project Name: Carver Center Improvement 2. Location: Carver Center 3. Description: Rebuild the entire b!ai:ding 4. Purpose or Justification: To replace the existing obsolete building, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $1.00,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 37 PRIORITY NO. 2 — CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Building Project: — 2. Location: Indian Rock Park 3. Description: Shop and storage building, outdoor theater 4. Purpose or Justification: As park develops, there is need for new building for shop and storage to replace old inadequate building. Salina needs outdoor theater for band concerts, plays, etc. 5. Project Time Schedule; Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started 1970 Year Project to be Completed 1971 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 1,500,00 — Land or R of W Construction 40,000,00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) 2,500,00 Other TOTAL $44,000,00 — 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: $1,000,00 8, Estimated Life of Project: 25 30 Years Submitted by: 1e R. Ric.klefs Date: 7- 29--65 38 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Thomas Park Improvements 2. Location: Thomas Park 3. Description: Develop east_ side for better picnicking; modern toilet facilities on both sides of the park; and hard surface drives on east. side. 4. Purpose or Justification: General improvement 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $35,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 39 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Riverside Park Improvemen *s 2. Location: Riverside Park 3. Description; New toilets, walks, iights, improvement of parking area; and nine picnic tables, ttree fire p.Saces r.eeded, 4. Purpose or Justification: To make the existing park a better recreational area and raise it to star.darde 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1912 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $1.5,000.00 — 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 40 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Park 1. Project Name: Park Development 2. Location: City Parks 3. Description: Pave, build picnic areas, construct shelter houses, construct rest rooms. Water lines and sanitary sewers, 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation; beautification; make more use to public, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Conti,uous program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 7,000,00 Land or R of W Construction 63,000,00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $70,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: 50 Years Submitted by: H� F. Harper Date: 7-28-65 41 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT 1. Project Name: Fire S, at ion. 2. Location: Quictcy anal Magc)oiia 3. Description: Cor,srr,ctio ! of a new 1-ir.F Statia,. PRIORITY NO. 2 Fire 4. Purpose or Justification:, serve the soutt; side. of the City, 5, Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans -- Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $!00,000,Or" — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Fire Department Date: - - -28 6:5 42 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Fire 1. Project Name: Fire Station. 2. Location: East. Crawford 3. Description: Construction of a new Fire Station, 4. Purpose or Justification: To serve the east side of the City. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1975 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $120,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Fire Department Date: 7- •28 -65 43 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Slough Lining) 1. Project Name: Slough Lining 2. Location: Crawford to Cloud 3. Description: To line,, grade and pave ditch 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation, beautification 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated 1965 Year Construction to be Started 1965 Year Project to be Completed 1968 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $12,000.00 Land or R of W Construction 1.08,000,00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $120,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: 50 Years Submitted by: H, F. Harper Date: 7- 28•..65 44 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1966 -1975 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ' MAP 1 t 0 t ' CIVIC CENTER • LIBRARY SAND PIT RECREATION :•:• AREA DEVELOPMENT FIRE STATIONS O PARK IMPROVEMENTS 001/1 GOLF COURSE t' ' 0 CARVER RECREATION Q CENTER SLOUGH DITCH - ' WI L S O N . COMPANY EN6.INEER5 4 ARCHITECTS 1 PLANNING CONSULT gNTS 0 /4 �2 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Ninth, Cloud to Ash 3. Description: Widen both sides from Ash to Iron, Kirwin to Cloud; new road from Iron to Kirwin. 4, Purpose or Justification: To improve the traffic condition. and to accommodate the increased traffic volume in the future, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl, furnishings) Other TOTAL $448,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 45 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST — DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvemer!t 2. Location: Cloud, Ninth to Highlard 3. Description: Road wideni °.g. 4. Purpose or Justification: To improve street condition. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans — Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl, furnishings) Other TOTAL $L'i,000,00 -- 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 46 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Crawford, Missouri Pacific Railroad to Ninth 3. Description: Widen from railroad to Phillips, from 11th to 10th, New road from Phillips to llt'h, from 10th to 9th Street. 4. Purpose or Justification: General street improvement, to accommodate future traffic. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $109,000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 47 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Fourth, Iron to Ash. 3. Description: New road 4. Purpose or Justification: To improve street condition leading to the _ new Community Inn, 5. Project Time Schedule: — Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans — Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $57,000,00__ — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 48 PRIORITY NO. 1. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAIN SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Iron, Fifth to River 3. Description: New road 4. Purpose or Justification: Bad vertical alinement. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $100,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: WE PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: South, Broadway to Ninth 3. Description: Widen. road from Broadway to railroad; new road from railroad to Ninth, — 4. Purpose or Justification: To improve crosstown traffic. 5, Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 . 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans — Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $123,000,00 — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 50 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Prescott, Highland to Oakdale 3. Description: New road 4. Purpose or Justification: Bad alinement. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL 87;000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 51 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement. 2. Location: Cloud, Broadway to Ninth 3. Description: Widen both sides of the street, 4. Purpose or Justification: To improve street condition and accommodate _ future traffic, 5. Project Time Schedule: — Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $46,000 00 — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 52 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Republic, Highland to Santa Fe 3. Description: New Road 4. Purpose or Justification: The width of the street is not uniform, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $ 83,000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 53 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2, Location: Fourth, Crawford to South 3. Description: New road and wider., 4. Purpose or Justification: To improve street condition., 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $156,OOOa00 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 54 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM! SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement. 2. Location: Ohio, Greeley to Ash. 3. Description: New road 4. Purpose or Justification: Width of street is not uniform, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1975 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $151,00m o 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 55 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Crawford, Ohio to Mary- mount 3. Description: Widen both sides of the street. 4. Purpose or Justification: To accommodate the future traffic volume 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1975 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans — Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $270,000°00 -- 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 56 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2, Location: Broadway, Ash to Ninth 3. Description: Widen both sides of the street. 4, Purpose or Justification: Improve street condition and accommodate future traffic volume 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1975 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $183,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 57 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement. 2. Location: Cloud, Quincy to Obio 3. Description: Widen both sides of street., 4. Purpose or Justification: Improve street condition and accommodate future traffic volume, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 975 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL -t8l 000,o� 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 58 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement 2. Location: Cloud, Highland to Quincy 3. Description: Widen the road 4. Purpose or Justification: Improvement of the street and for future traffic volume, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1975 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $71,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 59 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Street 1. Project Name: Street Improvement. 2. Location: City -wide 3. Description: Overlay, sealing, new pavement, to continue overlay program, pavement to come by petition 4. Purpose or Justification: Street. improvements 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Continuous Program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 1.45,000 — Land or R of W Construction 1,305,000 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $1,450,000- — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: 40 Years Submitted by: H. F. Harper Date: 7 -28 -65 *Only 1/3 of this amount, or $483,000 will be used on the Capital — Improvement Program for the next 10 years. 60 PROPOSED STREET PROJECTS 1966 -1975 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MAP 2 O 1 � 1 ■ ■ EtA'1i�i1•r�, � • i y ftt11 - ftltt# #itiiiiiiitli11t11`. its ■ all i• j�it #11tt11 /111 /!1111! /= Ht /!H, 1966 -1970 1111111t■i 1971 - 1975 111111111 \/\/I L S O N COMPANY ENGIN EERS Nortrx ARCHITECTS PLANNING CONSULTANTS '�4 Y2 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT hater 1. Project Name: Waterworks Improvements 2. Location: See page 62 3, Description: See page 62 4. Purpose or Justification: These projects will provide for the connection to the Schilling system, water supply to the south industrial area and general reinforcement of the distribution system. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL See page 62� 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: BI WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENT'S Location and Description 12 -inch Mains Glen to Iron on Marymount Road Wayne to Key on U.S. 81 10 -inch Mains Loop Sacred Heart High School and South Junior High School grounds (Cost borne by schools) 8 -inch Mains Republic to Wayne along West City Limit. Cloud Street West of U.S. 81 Bypass South Street to Cedar on Thirteenth Loop St.. .John's -Military Academy grounds (Cost borne by school) Miscellaneous Replace overhead power lines at plant with underground lines Install fire alarm signal, at plant Replace 4-inch main across Crawford at Front Street Move check valves from. east to west side of Channel. Drive Total for work described above $180,000 Other Work Water system study* Pressure and flow recording equipment* First 1/3 of 6 -inch reinforcement mains shown on Map 3 16 -inch Main ._ 1.966 Magnolia tower south to Westinghouse - 10,500 LF 12 -inch Main Northwest edge of city, Walnut to St. John's Military Academy - 12,000 LF Continuous new construction in new developments, pay by Special Assessments at $50,000 per year *See page 25 Tot .a.1 Average :a 12,000 10,000 44,000 1.26,000 108,000 $480,000 (Revenue Bond) 200,000 (4 years) $6809000 $170,000 per year PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT —Water 1. Project Name: Waterworks Improvements 2. Location: See page 64 3. Description: See page 64 4. Purpose or Justification: General reinforcement of distribution system, second connection to Schilling system, and additional supplies to north and south industrial areas. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 . 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL See page 64 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 63 WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS Location and Description 12 -inch Mains Viemont to Beverly Drive on Crawford (Loop to Schilling) Cloud to Albert on Ohio 10 -inch Mains Iron to Ash on Fifth Street Quincy to Ohio on South City Limit 8 -inch Mains Ohio to Front on Union Pacific Railroad right -of -way Ninth to U.S. 81 Bypass on North Street Walnut to Ash on Oakdale Marymount to Eastborough on Country Club Road Country Club Road to Glen on Eastborou.gh Southeast from Prescott and Ohio East of Ohio on Republic Fourth to Quincy on Cloud Total for work described above $215,000 Other Work Second 1/3 of 6 -inch reinforcement mains shown on Map 3 44,000 16 -inch Main — Fourth to U,S, 81 Bypass on Crawford - 5,200 LF 62,400 1.2 -inch Mains St. John's to Stimmel on 5th and west to U.So 81 - 4,000 LF 36,000 Crawford from U.S. 81 Bypass to Centennial - _ 2,800 LF 25,200 Centennial from Crawford to Schilling - 8,500 LF 76,500 — U,S, 81 frog. Key to Westinghouse -- 8,000 LF 72,000 Air Base Road, U.S. 81 east to U.PRR - 2,500 LF 22,500 $553,600 (Revenue Bond) Continuous new construction in new developments, pay by Special Assessments at $50,000 per year 150,000 (3 years) Total. $703,600 Average $234,500 per year 64 PRIORITY NO. 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Water 1. Project Name: Waterworks Improvements 2. Location: See page 66 3. Description: See page 66 4. Purpose or Justification: General. reinforcement of distribution system and additional elevated storage. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1975 . 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment Unc1. furnishings) Other TOTAL See page 66 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years 65 Submitted by: Date: WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS Location and Description 12 -inch Mains Ohio, Prescott to Magnolia and west to tower - 14,000 LF $126,000 Ohio. Pacific to dike and west to U.S. 81 - 8,000 LF 72,000 Elevated tank near St. Johns Military Academy 120,000 Booster station - Crawford and Centennial 30,000 10 -inch Mains Fifth, Stimmel to Culver Road and west to U.S. 81. - 6,500 LF 45,000 8 -inch Mains Wayne to Magnolia on Huntington and Ohio to Huntington on Magnolia - 4,000 LF 28,000 6 -inch Mains Last 173 of 6 -inch mains shown on Map 3 44,000 $465,000 (Revenue Bond) Continuous new construction in new developments, pay by Special Assessments at $50,000 per year 1.50,000 (3 years) 'T'otal $615,000 Average per year $205,000 66 In W N O CL O ce CL N V W O w CL Y O Ix W H a 1 Q � M 0— Q o�// m a. F- Z W W O w n. J Q F- 0- Q V u� o. •o %0 O� r- Z z N F Z O Q c v d w w ,(r) W F zo J 0 0 u o z C z �Uwaa O C7 ■ Z N N W 0 , = LLJ CD Cl- � 1 _ W Z Z Q Q W � W O H Q C W CD I— 1— W N W Q J J W Q J W LLJ I— W > 3 Z Q N J o cD o co %o Q C = LLJ Q W 3: i�- U 3 • iirrfrri Ilk «• • . tt ®:R ; �iiir- � � � nnnnririuuiiri�uui�i�uuurrruuni ` $Bi U lir _ ■ru. rig ■ II{ Il�iiiiiiilrril w � . ♦�♦ � w' ♦♦ irrrrit 'riRIIMIiilliiiilAEIIIiIi1I no r an #II #I! fi In W N O CL O ce CL N V W O w CL Y O Ix W H a 1 Q � M 0— Q o�// m a. F- Z W W O w n. J Q F- 0- Q V u� o. •o %0 O� r- Z z N F Z O Q c v d w w ,(r) W F zo J 0 0 u o z C z �Uwaa O C7 ■ Z N N W 0 , = LLJ CD Cl- � 1 _ W Z Z Q Q W � W O H Q C W CD I— 1— W N W Q J J W Q J W LLJ I— W > 3 Z Q N J o cD o co %o Q C = LLJ Q W 3: i�- U 3 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Sanitary Sewer) 1. Project Name: Sanitary Sewer. Construction 2. Location: Bonnie Ridge Pumping Station to existing 24 -inch. East. Main Sewer, 1/4 -mile east of Ohio at Magnolia ('Industrial. Area), 3. Description: Laying of 12 --inch new sewer and 8 -inch force main. 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation, To carry sewage from the developing industrial area adjacent to the southern portion of the city, 5, Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1966 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $43,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 67 PRIORITY NO. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST — DEPARTMENT Construction (Bridge Repair) 1. Project Name: Iron Avenue Bridge Repair 2. Location: Iron Avenue at Fourth Street 3. Description: To repair the bottom of the bridge so that it will be safe to be used. 4. Purpose or Justification: The bottom of the bridge is in poor condition. The concrete is falling off and reinforcements are exposed to air, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1969 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL 115,000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: .: PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Sanitary Sewer) 1. Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Construction 2. Location: Wayne Avenue, 1/4 mile east of Ohio to Quincy 3. Description: Laying of 15 -inch rsew sewer 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation, To Carry sewage in the developing southern part of Salip.ae 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1970 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $40,000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: .• PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST — DEPARTMENT Construction (Sanitary Sewer) 1. Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Construction 2. Location: East Main Sewer, Magnolia to Air Base Road 3. Description: Laying of a new 21 -inch sewer. 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation. to carry the sewage of the Industrial Area. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1970 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $85,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 70 PRIORITY NO. 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Sanitary Sewer) 1. Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Construction 2. Location: Schilling Complex to East Main Sewer 3. Description: Laying of new sewer and building of a new pumping station. 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation, Connect the Schilling Air Base sewer with the East Main Sewer 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 1972 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans Land or R of W Construction Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $120,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: Date: 71 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Sidewalks) 1. Project Name: Sidewalks 2. Location: City -wide 3. Description: Repair present, sidewalks and build new. 4. Purpose or Justification: Regular program 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Continuous Program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 7,000,00 Land or R of W Construction 63,000,00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL �70,000,00_ 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: 20 Years Submitted by: H. F, Harmer Date: 7­ 2 8.- 65 72 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Storm Sewer) 1. Project Name: Storm Sewers 2. Location: Bond Street at Second Street to Prescott Avenue at Ninth Street 3. Description: 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation, To carry storm waters in built up areas. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Continuous Program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $15,200,00 Land or R of W Construction 136,800.00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $152,000,00 7, Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: 100 Years Submitted by: H. F. Harper Date: 7• -2865 73 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Sanitary Sewer) 1. Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Construction 2. Location: City -wide 3. Description: Laying of new mains, laterals and intercepting sewers to keep up with population, 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Continuous Program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 55,000,00 Land or R of W Construction 495,000,00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $550,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: 50 Years Submitted by: H. F. Harper Date: 7 -28 -65 74 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Water) 1. Project Name: Dry Creek Drainage Project, 2. Location: Walnut Avenue north to dike 3. Description: To straighten, narrow and grade creek south of Walnut and leave approximately 3 feet deep, North of Walnut to be approximately 9 feet deep, 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation, beautification 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Continuous Program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $_8,000,00 Land or R of W Construction 72,000, 00 Equipment (incl, furnishings) Other TOTAL $80,000,00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project:futureYears Submitted by: H, F. Harper Date: 7 -28 -65 75 PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Water.) 1. Project Name: De,- silting Smoky Hil: River 2. Location: 3 Miles, Cut -off ?o Dam. 3. Description: To scrape sludge from river after it has been drained low. Deposit sludge on banks, cover with good earth ar�d landscape, 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitatior and to make more riven water storage, 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated Continuous program Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6. Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 14,+00 -- Land or R of W Construction 129,600 Equipment Uncl. furnishings) Other TOTAL $i44 „000.00 — 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8. Estimated Life of Project: Years Submitted by: H. F. Harper Date: 7 - - � 8- 6 5 E PRIORITY NO. C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUEST DEPARTMENT Construction (Storm Sewer) 1. Project Name: Storm and Sanitary Sewer Separation 2. Location: Original Townsite 3. Description: Remove storm sewers from sanitary sewerage system. 4. Purpose or Justification: Sanitation. Eliminates or reduces load on sewage system and plant. 5. Project Time Schedule: Year Project to be Initiated CQn t inu ou g ,LLogram Year Construction to be Started Year Project to be Completed 6, Estimated Cost: Studies and Plans $ 50.000.00 Land or R of W Construction 450,000.00 Equipment (incl. furnishings) Other TOTAL 1500,000.00 7. Estimated Annual Operating Cost After Completion: 8, Estimated Life of Project: 100 Years Submitted by: Date: 7 -28 -65 77 H. F. Harper 43SWONd S-111SNOJ 9--ld $1 J311N J:f 'p' N1YOY SM33 N19N3 A N V d W 0 NO s -1 1 M 0 NOI1d1S ONIdWnd 111..1..® 11.11.... (30403) „ 8 I m a SPIN Imam „Zi 10111 M NEW „Si SNIVN V dVW WVN9ONd 1N3W3A08dWl IVildVJ 9L6L -996L idlalsnONI S 1n ro 21 d 213 M 3 S A 2M I N d S 31VA]dd onond 43SWONd