CIP 1980 - 1985 CITY COMMISSION Roy A 11 en Ke; th Duckers Dan Ge;s, Vice-Mayor Karen Graves, Mayor Merle Hodges Acting City Manager Bi 11 Harri s C I T F Y 0 CAP I TAL S A IMP R 0 V E MEN T S 1 9 8 0 - 1 985 CIP REVIEW COMMITTEE Acting City Manager: Bi 11 Harris Acting Assistant City Manager: George Wood Pl anni ng & Community Development Di rector: Assistant Planning Director: City Clerk & Finance Director: John Palm Don Harrison City Engineer & Director of Utilities: May 7, 1979 i CERTiFi=:C:::J?Y Approved J>ì.A"'e. 5""") I q7q . L I .Resolution No. -~pc- _ÎCf - L N A PRO G RAM Sa"lna C'lt" PI"""",; . j 1<..' " " : . CJrnm. ... Chairman ~ p. Secretafv ~J CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Sherry Denton Jerry Exline Keith Rawl i ngs Joyce Fent, Chai rman Lyle Lightfoot Don Morrison Dean Boyer Carl Ramsey Glorine Shelton, Vice-Chairman Gaylord Spangler Norman Yenkey Keith Rawlings, Secretary A C K NOW LED GEM E N T S The CIP Review Committee wishes to acknowledge the input and support of the various individuals, boards, commissions, agencies, and City departments who have contributed to this document. Also, the efforts of the Planning Commission in carefully reviewing it are deeply appreciated. Local government owes these laymen and professionals a debt of gratitude for their commitment to a better community. We would be remiss if we did not also gratefully acknowledge the patience and skill of Becky Hall, Linda Webb, Marcia Penrod and Judy Maxey in typing both a rough and final draft of this program. CIP Review Committee ('~~"'n~ '.',,~rI r""",rI; "'::>+"'" U<::UI~<:: nuuu, IJUUIUIIIU"UI i i Page ii. i i i. 9. 16. 17. 20. 113. 119. CAP I TAL IMP R 0 V E MEN T S PRO G RAM 1 9 8 0 - 1985 Table of Contents i. City Officials Acknowledgements Table of Contents l. 6. Introduction and Commentary List of Kansas Cities Using a City and/or County Sales Tax 7. User1s Guide 8. 8. Ad Valorem Millage for the Past Ten Years Total General Obligation Bonded Indebtedness Financial Schedule General Obligation Indebtedness Based Upon This Schedule List of Projects by Functional Area Project Forms Appendix A - Capital Improvements Form Instructions Appendix ß - Completed Project Forms i i i INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY The purposes of a capital improvements program are to ascertain the community's capital improvement needs over the next five to seven years; project revenue sources and expenditures; and serve as a planning tool for local government in meeting these needs. A capital expenditure is either very sizable or has a long life expectancy. Examples would be buildings, land acquisi- tions, fire apparatus, water treatment plant expansions, and major renovations to facilities. There are several major benefits resulting from such a program: 8. It provides a plan of city improvements which might be linked with other public agencies' improvements (i.e., the school-park concept). 9. It provides necessary lead time to develop spe- cific plans and specifications for projects, as well as applications for federal and state grants. 1. It shows the public that objective analysis of existing needs has been applied. 10. Finally, it forces the City to seriously review its revenue sources for both operating and capital items. This necessitates a policy review of needlessly deferring maintenance and future projects. 4. By projecti ng the fi nanci a 1 commitment annually, it seeks to minimize the impact on local tax rates, keep- ing the rates relatively constant. ' The process followed by the City of Salina closely resembles the usual guidelines for such a capital improve- ments program. The project forms and directions were de- veloped by a Capital Improvements Program Review Commit- tee. This committee consists of the City Manager, Adminis- trative Assistant, Planning Director, Assistant Planning Director, Finance Director, and City Engineer. The forms were given to all department heads, related agencies, and boards and commissions for submission of possible projects. City staff participated in several regular and special meetings of these groups to offer assistance in the request stage. 2. It is increasingly demanded by federal agencies and lending institutions to prove that comprehensive planning and sound fiscal policies are practiced. 3. It allows for coordination in timing, location, and financing of interrelated, complex projects. 5. It reveals long-neglected areas of need, there- by facilitating comprehensive planning. Upon completion of these forms, the CIP Review Commit- tee met to discuss priorities. Several departments and agencies were requested to furnish additional information, ",nrl CAInA C;t-A ;nr-n""t-;"nr- I\+t-"", """",,+..1 , "l;h^",~t-;"n t-h" U,IU"'VIII~""\"<:: III"'P<::\..\.,IUII..:>. ",\.,<;;. \..UI<;;IUI Ue:"Ue:IU'-.UII, '-lie: committee established priorities, analyzed the financial situation, and established the proposed financial schedule. The Preliminary Draft Capital Improvements Program was then 6. It provides realistic appraisals of future needs and available resources to meet them. 7. It provides a priority-setting process including citizen groups, agencies, city departments, the Planning Commission, and the City Commission. sent to the submitti ng agenci es and boards for comment. The comments have been forwarded to the Planning Com- mission and the City Commission for their çonsideration. K.S.A. 12-704 (1976 Supp.) states that the Planning Com- mission must review the document and make its recommen- dations to the City Commission. The City Commission then takes action on the document. considering the feedback from all other interested parties and the Planning Com- mission's comments. The complete project requests, with any attachments, drawings, and/or photographs are on file in the City Manager1s Office. Please feel free to come in and study them at will. Upon recommendation by the Planning Commission, and acceptance by the City Commission, with any adjust- ments, the document becomes an accepted planning tool for both bodies. Independent of the resolution accept- ing the document, the City Commission needs to consider implementation of the first projected year. The com- mission must decide if it agrees with the level of expenditure and the priorities which were established. The resulting financial schedule then becomes the cap- ital budget for the ensuing fiscal year. It is offi- cially accepted as part of the capital outlay operating budget by passage of the budget ordinance. As with any p 1 anni ng tool, the Capital Improve- ments Program must be updated periodically. Annual or biennial updates should be undertaken, depending upon the number of projects which are funded. The process is rather lengthy and should be integrated with other long-range planning efforts. As this is the:> -f;Y'ct lonrb- -e:> ;n nl/e:>Y' c;v I/Ø~Y'C:: the:> rIP rnmm;ttøø ...,,~ "'J'" UIJ~U"'~ ." ~.~. J'" J~""J, ...,,~ v.. v~"""'"",,~~ strongly recommends an update next year. Thi s woul d allow the findings of the proposed transportation and parking study, the park and recreation study, possible update of the City's 701 Comprehensive Plan (to be phased in stages), and in-house fire protection studies to become part of the program. 2 The updating should fall under the auspices of the Planning Department and the City Manager1s Office. Plan- ning should have operational responsibility with broad oversight and direction from the City Manager's Office. Financial Considerations The foremost consideration in any realistic long- range planning endeavor must be financial resources. A considerable amount of time has been spent in the analysis of the City's ability to fund the necessary pro- jects. What follows is a review of that financial capac- ity both presently and in the immediate future. It would be helpful to refer to Page 16, IIGeneral Obligation Indebt- edness Based Upon This Schedule.1I Long-term improvements can be financed following either of two basic philosophies: IIpay as you goll or "pay as you use". Simply defined, the former means you finance projects from existing operating funds, without going into debt. Obviously, few cities are in a finan- cial position to do so, although some smaller projects can be funded in this manner. The latter simply means the city uses bonded indebtedness to pay for major im- provements. Proponents say this is the most equitable means since payments are spread on the tax rolls over a period of years. Thus, those citizens who use the fa- cilities in future years will also be paying for them. Inflation is another argument favoring debt-financing. Municipal bonds' interest rates near 6% compare favorably with overall inflationary levels of 9 - 13% annually. Thus, a project built for $1,000,000 in 1980 will be n~;rI -fAY' "rith -f'ltolY'Ø rlnll~Y'C:: nnc::c::øc::c::;nn le:>cc hlll1Ïnn t'""u ,~, n."" 'U"U'~ ~~"U'J t'~JJ~JJ"'::¡ '~JJ U'"'J"'::¡ power. The obvious drawback to debt financing is the cost of borrowing money. In addition, a reasonable limit on bonded indebtedness as a percentage of as- sessed valuation must be maintained. Fifteen to 20 percent is considered reasonable, depending on the overall financial condition of the city. However, when interest rates begin to rise significantly for new bond issues, the city is being penalized by the market for excessive amounts of debt. Our 1978 level of bonded indebtedness (sum of G. O. Principal and Special Assess- ments Principal) was $11,021,000. That figure repre- sented 11.89% of the assessed valuation of $92,689,917, which does not include the Schilling Industrial Area. The proposed financial schedule would represent $3.5 million in additional debt by 1985. Obviously, assessed valuation will rise significantly during this period. Assuming a valuation of $100,000, 000, the percentage of debt would be 14.52%. This is well within the 15 - 20% rule of thumb most cities use. However, bear in mind that this level does not include most of the sug- gested street improvement -projects or the linear park project. These projects would leave little bonding capacity for further deficit financing. A note is necessary here on the Kansas Lid on Ad Valorem Taxes. While bond and interest repay- ments do not fall under the tax lid, they do come from the mill levy. Therefore, significant increases in deficit financing still must be met by existing reve- nue sources. This puts a further strain on the ad valorem (property) tax as the major revenue source for the ci ty. In attempting to analyze the financial condition, numerous variables become extremely difficult to project for several years: inflation in general; growth in as- sessed valuation; state legislative changes affecting revenue sources; the future of General Revenue Sharing hallnnrl laPA. ;:¡nrl cnar;f';r;:¡llll +ha ;:¡-f-far+ n-f ;nr",a;:¡carl ~'-JV"U °JU,', u"u -'I"-'-""'U"J' """ U"""" VI """"\-u-'\-u costs in the operating budget caused by inflation. In regard to the latter, bear in mind that as inflation increases the operating budget, there will be less money available for capital outlays. The Kansas Tax Lid makes no provision for inflation. Inflation is partially offset only by the increase in assessed valuation of the city, and its growth through annexation. Since accurate projections are so difficult, findings are based upon several assumptions, or constants, which should be kept in mind: 1. Project estimates are based upon present costs, regardless of the budget year. Therefore, the cost of a project in 1984, for example, would actually be more than projected. Bear in mind, however, that the entire CIP will be updated annually or biennially. 2. General Obligation bonds are projected at a 6% annual interest rate, which is only slightly higher than present rates. 3. General Revenue Sharing will not exist past 1980. It is presently being discussed by committees in the U. S. Congress. Even if passed, only a small percentage of the past entitlements have been allocated for capital items. 4. Community Development Block Grant funds will not be available to the city after this entitlement year. In the future, we will be competing for discretionary funding, rather than having an entitlement grant. Therefore, this source is not assured and cannot be relied upon. 5. With the emphasis on a balanced federal budget, or at least a reduced deficit, many federal funding sources will nvor.h:>hl\l hr. ",r.rI"r"r.rI -in t-hr. nr."'" -F"t-"",r. Anl" m;n;m"'31 rI~n~nrl I-"UUUUIJ U\- 1'-'O"'lA'-'-'OU III ""\:; II~UI IU"UI\:;. VIIIJ ""11 IIIIU I UCI-'CIIU- ence on federal or state grants is reflected. Obviously, such sou~ces will be vigorously pursued, thereby reducing the City's projected cost. 3 Recommendations The enclosed Financial Schedule reflects the CIP Review Committee's recommendations for both priorities and financing. In addition, we recommend that the city seriously consider a referendum on a local option 1/2~ sales tax. Under KSA 12-187 et. seq., Salina can either suggest a city or county 1/2~ sales tax to the public. Under the county sales tax, the distribution formula is as follows: one-half of the proceeds from the tax are dispersed according to assessed valuation; and the other half according to population. Obviously, under a city sales tax, all proceeds would go to the city. The latter would mean more revenue for the city. The sales tax is virtually "clean" for the city administratively. The State collects the tax in a similar manner to its own sales tax, and forwards the money to the municipality. Presently, prescription drugs are exempt from the State sales tax (since 1977), and any new city sales tax must exempt all farm machin- ery. In addition, the State Legislature recently ex- empted utilities from the State sales tax. Attempting to estimate the potential revenue from a city sales tax is difficult. The State Department of Revenue totals sales tax records by counties, not cities. Therefore, one must make a calculated estimate as to the percentage of retail sales in Saline County actually taking place in Salina. Several different sources were contacted for information, including the Salina Chamber of Commerce, the State Department of Revenue, and the Leagüe of Kansâs Münicipalities. After receiving re- tail sales, the exemptions must be deducted, especially the newly-created utilities exemption. The League estimated a county sales tax would have amounted to $1,473,921 for State Fiscal Year 1978. The Chamber of Commerce's sales records would have yielded $1,398,809. The difference is in the base data, with utilities included in the League's estimate. Public utilities statewide were 9.41% of total retail sales. Subtracting that percentage from the League's estimate would leave a total of $1,335,226 from a county sales tax. Without hard data on farm machinery sales, and the per- centage of county retail sales actually taking place within Salina, it is virtually impossible to accurately estimate revenue from a city sales tax. However, those two vari- ables should not decrease revenue below $1,000,000. There- fore, this is a conservative projection of revenue from a city sales tax. Using the formula for a county sales tax, Salina's share would have been $1,008,095 based on 1978 assessed valuations and estimated populations of 41,000 and 47,000. This does not account for the farm machinery exemption. A sales tax is the only other major source of revenue open to Kansas cities. State law specifically outlaws use of a city income tax. Opponents of a sales tax will argue that it is regressive - meaning a low-income individual pays a higher percentage of total income in taxes than does the more affluent one. This is based, however, on the assump- tion that the more affluent will save and invest surplus income. By contrast, the property tax is seen in theory as proportional - meaning as the value of property rises, so does the tax. However, with homes increasingly being used as an investment hedge against inflation, the home's value rlnnrnl+- ..."ofl"",+- +-h", ;nrl;\I;rlll:>l'c- :>h;l;t-\I t-n n:>\1 t-:>vt:>c- Tn UU<::JII" 1<::11"""" ""'-' "'U'Y'U""'" J "'U""'J "V I"'J "...".'-J. ~" short, the incidence of ~ tax has both positive and negative impacts. The central issue here is that Salina is overly dependent upon one source of revenue - the property tax - 4 and must seek alternative sources of revenue. The lid on property taxes has already forced other Kansas ci ti es to the sales tax, as Page 6 indicates. As inflation con- tinues, the already severe strain on local revenues will become intolerable. At that point, either additional rev- enues or serious cutbacks in services and maintenance will have to be forthcoming. One major advantage of a sales tax is that a very sizable portion of it will not be paid by Salina resi- dents. ßeing the center of-a-major trade area, Salina attracts numerous area shoppers who would be paying the tax. With the opening of the Bicentennial Center, the percentage of non-resident shoppers is likely to increase. Numerous arguments will be heard that a sales tax will damage local retail businesses, but following implementa- tion in other cities such results have not occurred. Another advantage of the sales tax is the virtual freedom from administrative costs. While a property tax demands sophisticated assessment practices and records, the sales tax is administered by the State a t no cha rge to the ci ty or county. A third major advantage is the potential for property tax relief, at least until inflation raises prices in future years. Sales tax revenues will offset the need for additional mills on the property tax levy. The fourth major advantage is that a sales tax, unlike property taxes, is elastic - it grows or declines with the economy. For instance, if business within Lhe collllliuni ty pt'OS pet's, thet'e wi 11 be ; nct'eased reta; 1 sales and retail sales tax revenues. A property tax doesnl t reflect the economy, but rather reflects an in- flated value and assessment for the same home or business during inflation. 5 The only serious disadvantage is the taxis regressive nature, which was discussed earlier. We cannot overemphasize the seriousness of the reve- nue shortage. A simple comparison of the financial sched- ule with the suggested projects, many of them deemed "Necessaryll, points out the inadequacy of present revenue sources. As funds become scarce, major capital items and major maintenance projects are among the first to be cur- tailed. Serious deficiencies result in three to five years, causing the more severe financial problem of replacement costs at inflated prices. We have already approached or entered this stage in several areas, which the enclosed financial schedule attempts to address. If a sales tax were enacted, the resulting revenue would make many of the unfunded projects financially feasible. In addition, much of the added revenue could relieve the pro- perty tax burden. Whil e many capital improvements must, and should be funded with bonded indebtedness, a sizable number should be handled with annual operating funds. To do other- wise unnecessarily raises the level of debt and curtails other possible debt-financed projects. As should be readily apparent from the Financial Sched- ule, very few projects could be scheduled for 1983, 1984, and 1985. The sales tax could help alleviate this problem without increasing the millage rate. In addition, some projects could easily justify larger expenditures if the funds were available. One example is street maintenance. $175,000 annually for contracted overlays doesn't approach the level of investment necessary. (It should be noted that _.__.._1 -.....---.... ~-~._...._----- ~__I.... ,^__11.. - ___~...._1 ~~_.._.._,--_.... C1II1IUC11 ::'Ln::tL IIIC1I/1Lt/lC1lll.t \::,/1 l. rtC1IIY C1 1.C1¡J1l.C11 11I1¡JrUVtllltlll., but is so large and essential, that it is included to both emphasize its importance and to earmark the available funds.) The sales tax is certainly no panacea for the City, but it is a significant step toward improving its financial ability to meet its responsibilities. LIST OF KANSAS CITIES USING A CITY AND/OR COUNTY SALES TAX* Below is a list of Kansas cities and counties which have implemented a 1/2t local option sales tax. As mentioned in the narrative, the county sales tax is distributed according to both population and assessed valuation. The city sales tax allows all proceeds to be forwarded to the city. , Referendum Year I 1971 1974 1975 . ...---..--..-.- . ,----", ---...-." ------- 1977 ,..----,- 1978 I. Governmenta 1 Unit --- .. .-.. Lawrence Manhatten _..Jop.eka_..._._... --- -..--.... (j~Q fY, çQuntYm..,........ ,. -,.. Johnson County Seward County -_..__}JY,Çl[ldQtt~..ÇQunty .." Galena Leavenworth - Reno County ..-..-.,...-.- Ogden Overland Park Leawood Arkansas Ci ty Atchison Ottawa Prairie Village Spivey Wellington Geary County (another 1/2t) Mission _...- -1 J *Source: League of Kansas Municipalities, Research/Information Bulletin #42, Vol. 2, February 6, 1979. Additional information on possible referendums in the recent April General Elections was unavailable. 6 Following this brief outline of the CIP are several tables which show prior millage rates and explain our funding and priority schedule. As mentioned earlier, the schedule will be updated annually or biennially when the project requests are renewed. Therefore, the most essential financial years to consider are 1980 and 1981. After the schedule is a list of the submitted pro- jects by functional area, which is helpful in discussing a given operational area. Then, the project forms them- selves are enclosed. Each form has a description and justification of need. As stated earlier, amplified versions of these descriptions, with charts, photographs, and other attach- ments are available in the City Manager's Office. Also on the forms are a project classification, and depart- mental and CIP committee priorities. The CIP committee did not number priorities, but broke them down into Urgent, Necessary, and Desirable. Following that class- ification, the committee further broke down each cate- gory into several groups, with Group I having a higher priority than Group II, and so on. This reflects the fl exi bil i ty essenti alto adequately program the projects. Estimated project costs and funding sources are specified when possible, noting whether this cost is a refined estimate or merely an approximation. The last third of each form is for updating progress on each pro- ;A('t Th¡:\ ;:,rtll;:,l nY'n;Art rn<:t<: ;:,nrf <:nllY'rA<: nf fllnrfinn J~~~' ".~ ~~VU~. t-"~J~~v ~~~v~ U'"U ~~U.~~~ ~. 'U'"~""::I can be noted. Also, spaces for noting the budget year USER'S GUIDE 7 and project starting and completion dates are available. When a project is completed, it can be placed in Appen- dix ß until the program is updated by staff. Appendix A contains the instructions given out with the project forms. They should shed additional light on the entire process, and on the forms themselves. This booklet should be relatively straightforward. However, municipal finance is a difficult and complex subject. Hopefully this narrative has touched upon the necessary rudiments, However, if additional explanation is necessary, please don1t hesitate to contact either the City Manager's Office or the Finance Director. AD VALOREM MILLAGE FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS* TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FOR FINANCIAL SCHEDULEl Assessedl Tax Budget Year Valuation Mills Year Principal Interest 1969 $64,118,643 30.75 1970 Present G. O. Bonds $ 7,614,000 $3,310,124 1970 62,020,11 0 32.38 1971 Present Special Assessments 3,407,000 638,044 1971 62,260,300 31.50 1972 Sub-Totals $11 ,021 ,000 $3,948,168 1972 65,475,933 31.38 1973 1979 Park Bond 250,000 82,500 1973 68,526,811 30,71 1974 1980 Park Bond 250,000 82,500 1974 71,696,415 31.26 1975 1980 G. O. Bond2 1,000,000 330,000 1975 76,913,084 30.13 1976 1981 G. O. Bond 500,000 165,000 1976 82,561 ,430 30.00 1977 1982 G. O. Bond2 1,000,000 330,000 1977 91 , 122 ,060 35.91 1978 1984 G. O. Bond __500,000 165,000 1978 92,689,917 37.82 1979 TOTALS $14~~!00Ql $5,103,168 * Source: City of Salina Annual Financial Report for Year Ending December 31, 1978, Page 30. lThis table does not subtract annual payments of bond principal and interest. Therefore, the total debt would actually be smaller than $14,521,000. lThe Schilling Industrial Area is not presently taxable for Bond and Interest Payments; but is taxable for General Fund operations. Thus, it is not included in this table. 2These are aggregate totals of several possible bond issues for given projects. Some may actually be the City's share of a 12-6a special assessment project, such as the East Crawford Street widening, 8 FINANCIAL SCHEDULE FOR LISTED PIWLIECTS ßASED UPON PRESENI FINANCIAL RESOURCES 1 9 8 0 - 1 9 ß 5 1 7 9 9 .~--~- ,..----..-.----- Genera 1 Genera 1 L j J CollulIuni ty '.)..I.'..'.oJ.e._c.t .. .1.. .. P..ro~e._c~ . ." ......1 Ge. ne..r..al.. jOb1i9. at ion Revenue IIJIP.rovement..Reve~ue. ..us..e..r ..s.peC_l."a. I.. D.evelol~lIIelit ~~ ~I~~!~=_- ---------,_~~~~,nl~!_~~~~~~..:=.Ju~(-=-"" _Bo..nd..~ ." Bo_nds- ," (f..a~k) Bo~~~ .. Shanng -,-._~f~es- ,..~:~s ..~~,~_..~~,l~ck- b~nt #UTL-l ""---"-----0,.--- #PK/REC-l -'--liP R7RIC=Z-- #PK/REC-3 tIPK/REC-4 ,.....-- . IIPK/REC- 5 #UTL-2 #HR-2 ---¡¡Îm- 1 #UTL-3 Connect S. Key Acres to 12" Main on South Ninth .....-.----- Swimming Pool Deck Replace- ment Renovate Sunsët-fennis Courts - m""'__-""___h_._- Schilling Restrooms/ Concessions Park/Recreation Study -- .-..--... ""---"---- ~ I vey Park Improvemen-t---S--- -- _.~---_..__.. 12" l~ater Main on Wayne Ave, Quincy to Ohio ---------,._----- Memorial Hall 3" Water Line -~----- .. .. "'-"--- Memorial Hall Heating Plant - ...-----. ------'---- Storm/Sanitary Sewer Separation (Partial) TOTALS $8,000 -- $6,000 --'--' $37,500 $28,000 $15,000 $50,000 $50,000 --- $1,500 $21,000 --.. ~--_._,-- ._----- $415,000 ---..".... _..- '<---'--- $6,000 $130,500 $58,000 $437,500 9 Project Number :--.-:.:=:-.--- #PK/I<EC-6 flPK/REC-7 ...... . #PK/REC-8 '---. IIPK/REC-9 IIPKjREC-10 #ST-l #FD- 1 #FD-2 ..-.--.---.-....., #FD-3 #5T-2 #EP- 1 ¡1ST - 3 IISAN-l IIUTL-4 rINI\NCIAL SCHEDULE FOR LISTED PROJECTS BASED UPON PRESENT FINANCIAL RESOURCES Fire Apparatus - 85' Articulating Boom ..., --.........., "-"""""-"""--- Fire Radio Communications Equipment _... ......, ""--"".... ...,------- Transportation and Park- i ng Study _. "'-""""""""-"""'--.-" _. ""---"'----'-'1"""----.--'+'--'-----,1------>- Emergency Preparedness Sirens (3) .~.. . ....... --.....-.....---.-.-- ---- 9th and Magnolia Inter- section Project .,.-.......,__.--Descri p-~----- Schilling Diamond Lighting Centennial Park Comple- tion -- . ..". ,........-.....,.......-.-..-,.- Lakewood Park Completion Sunset Diamond Lighting ..._- .---..---..- Upper Indian Rock Park Completion -"Annua lStreêt-¡;'ai n- tenance ._-" Fire Apparatus .. Pumper ,..--.-..,..---,---.,------ Landfill Compactor Study of Sewage Collection l ~UIllP _Stations & Collectors General fund 1 9 8 0 - 1 General Obligation Bonds --.-- $150,000 $200,000 $20,000 $23,000 .._--- 1 9 8 5 9 8 0 Revenue Bonds 10 General Improvement (Park) Bonds $45,000 $75,000 $75,000 $30,000 $50,000 _.._._._....._-_.._"~--- -_. Revenue Shari ng $25,000 $27,000 User Fees --- 75-:Ö00 $40,000 Special Gas Tax Colllmunity I)(~ve 1 opmen t Bloc kG)' a II t -.....----- $175,000 ......., """--'-"'-. --...<---.---- I 1 11T\l1v J.r\L JvIILlJULI. IV" I.IJILI) "I\UlIL\.I.) DII')LIJ UI'UI'i I'I<I:':)LI'U '11'1J\I'IL1HL 1<!:JUUI(Ll:> 1 9 ß 0 - 1 9 ß 5 1 9 8 0 ,...,...- Generql General Comlllunity Project Project General Obl igation Revenue Improvement Revenue User Special Development Number' Oescri pt ion Fund Bonds Bonds (Park) Bonds Sharinq Fees Gas Tax Block Grant ---... .. ---.-.- #ST-4 Renovate Iron Avenue B ri dge $50,000 _.._-- ----,.- ._-- #ST-6 9th and Otto Street Sign a 1 s $23,000 -. #EP-2 Emergency Generator - SPD $13 ,000 HUTL - 5 1211 Main on Cloud Street Dover to Uasket $25,000 --'--'---, --- #PK/REC-13 In-House Desiqn Plans $5,000 .-.....-.........--..- . --".--..,-....- --~._. TOTALS $18,000 $443,000 $275,000 $52,000 $140,000 $198.000 .. (Rev. 6/79) 11 , ...",,'-.,,'- .H,IILUULL Iu/\ LJJ'LIJ II\VVLl' ,} DII,)LIJ ul'un nH:")LI~1 "lI~l\l~l.,lI\L I<L)UUJ<l.,t::> -- Project Number Project Oescrir)t ion General Fund ._-- -----.- #FD-4 South Salina Fire Station #ST-6 Ohio and Albert St. Traf- fic Signals ...._.-.,..~,-_.- Broadway Pedestrian Crosswalk -..- ---- Police Garage Addition $7,610 #ST-7 #PD-l ~-- #IIR-3 Memorial Hall Roof Tarring ----..---- UF! RS $10,000 $6,000 '--"""-' #FD- 5 .. -"-'----.'----- #PK/REC-ll C1 ty Nursery $5,000 , .. .- #ST-8 .'.-.----- Crawford Street Widening - Ohio St. to Eastern City Li rni t Cleaning of Dry Creek #DRN-l #5T-l -~- Annual Street Maintenance #EP-3 1980 - 1985 1 9 8 1 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds User Fees Special Gas Tax 18.000 $175,000 Community Development Block (ìrant -- Civil Preparedness Sirens """""'--"-----I_i~__. . I $18,000 I I #lJTL-6 Storm/Sanitary Sewer. .. .. .. . .. . . . I. ,-_...._-_..__L~~.?-~ration (Partial) I I $100,000 I I I I I I I $300,000 $25,000 $500,000 $40,000 12 (Rev. 6/79) FINANCIAL SClIl:.DlJU HJH LISllIJ PHUJLCIS LH\SI:U UPON IJI<LSLNI IIN/\NCl/\L I<LSUUI<US 1 9 ß 0 - 1 9 ß 5 UPK 1 9 A 1 ,--_.._--- . General General ColI.nuni ty ecl: Project General Obl igat10n Revenue Improvement Revenue User Special Development er Description Fund Bonds Bond s (Park) Bonds Sharing Fees 6as Tax Block Grallt .-- .. - .. REC-12 Remodel and Expand Kenwood Pool $70.000 .- -....... ....---- - -8 Study and Plans for Water --...--- !reatment Plant Expansion $50,000 -7 Extend 1211 r1ain on South Ninth from Saturn to Mag- nolia $36.000 .- ...... ,.. ..-- .. -- - TOTALS $46,610 $965.000 $70.000 $86,000 $193,000 -......---, ...-. -------..----. ---....---- Pro, NUlIl HUTl HUTL (Rev. 6/79) 13 FINI\NCII\L SCIIEDULE nm LISTED rrm\)ECTS UI\SLIJ UPON PHESUH rIN/\NCII\L IŒSOlJHCLS 1 9 B 0 - 1 9 B 5 -..-..--- 1 9 8 2 Project I Project ,...Number "- _.._u_...Desç.!'...iptioll (~enera 1 Fund General Obli9ation Bond s Revenue Bonds Genet'al Improvement (pa rk) Bond s Hevenue Sha ring "ser Fees ,u- ..... --..- ""'n-.___.. """n"""'_"'--",- ,- -' ------. -- -- --'--'---- ----.. ---.-,.... COIIIIIIIIII j I,V ~pecial D('veIOJ:III(."nl: 0 (1(15 lax- Block (¡¡-ant .1 ".n. , .,...., - ,-...--. -.... #ST-l Annual Street Main- tenance Storm/Sanitary Sewer Separation Fire I\pparatus $175,000 #UTL-6 r------ #FD-6 $72,000 $150,000 ! #ST-9 Ohio Street Widening from Gree 1 ey to Elm .. "n- - --n- ,.. ...._~,- .... -..- --..-. ----.- Community Theatre Shop -"- ---,. $870,000 I #rJ\- 1 I I L_~~==__. 136,000 - - ...n ... ."-4==,::.-:::::.::.:c.c:-==.tO=--=--::'-::-:===-" -"-... '.---.:..::-c-",-,--=-===,~-- , - I ! $175,000 I 1 :------,1.....--.,-. --. ---- -""'- -. -_un_. ..- "-. '_'n'____,~-- TOTALS $36,000 I $1 ,092,000 1 9 8 3 #ST-..l. .. I ~~~:.~.~~eStreet Main- ,._.,_nni---r----r-_nn_,nnnr-__n__,.__-, ---:-------- $175,000 1- _....'_..--,- "--------"--I---__..1ain- I L-J l #GC-l ~J Golf courser.;! I " , , -- --~ ~~k 1~~:;: :62_==::.~=:o. == -='~-=~!::'::':'" -----=J ~o - :. ~~~~> ~. ;7 ,:., 0'00 .. -..----n_____- ---- I L.....--.. ! I ______n.. 1_..____---- 14 Projec t Number ------ - #ST-l #GC-2 #ST-10 #ST-l FINANCIM. SCHEDULE rOf{ LISTED PIW,JECTS BI\SED UPON PHESENT fINANCIAL HESOlJHCES 1 9 U 0 - 1 9 8 5 9 8 4 Proj cc t ---- - - Descril)t ion General Obligation ßo no s Hevenue ßonds Gener'a 1 Improvement (Park) ßoncls General Fund --_. .---.-.-.. . --'-"".----.-. '-------'------..'---- -.---.--.. .-----.-------<------------+--- Annual Street Main- tenance -"'------ Golf Course Cart Paths Completion of Crawford Street Project $500,000 TOTALS $500,000 9 8 5 Annual Street Mainten- ance TOTALS . ..'".1 ~~~A:~_-_T~~~~.=~= =1 ~~~~~ iio~ °iL_-L-~4 75 , 500 15 Hevenue Shari n User' fees -----.=:::.-=::=:::.=l=::.:.-::=:::=-:".:c:c .I.-====::~..:--:::.: - $5,000 -----.. $5,000 - Spec i ill r;a s Tax ill 5_LQQIL- _$175,000 $175,000 $175,000 ~ I ~~J!'l":~~;- COIIIIIIII II i ty Deve I opm(~1I1. 111 or: k (inul t I ,----- l4 3 7 ,5_°...9- Fiscal Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOTALS Existing Bonded Indebtedness --- $ 906, 182.00 877,798.00 840,257.00 753,092.00 732,627.00 712,144.00 668,771.00 649, 11 2 . 00 587,690.00 514,525.00 474,013.00 458,738.00 442,488.00 426,238.00 409,988.00 393,088.00 37 fi, 188. 00 359,125.00 342,063.00 $10,924,127.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION INDEBTEDNESS BASED UPON PRESENT FINANCIAL RESOURCES (Excludes Special Assessments) 1979 $250,000 Park Bond $ 40,000.00 38,500.00 37,000.00 35,500.00 34,000.00 32,500.00 31,000.00 29,500.00 28,000.00 26,500.00 $332,500.00 1980 $250,000 Park Bond $ 40,000.00 38,500.00 37,000.00 35,500.00 34,000.00 32,500.00 31,000.00 29,500.00 28,000.00 26,500.00 $332,500.00 1980 $1,000,000 G. O. Bond 1 $ 160,000.00 154,000.00 148,000.00 142,000.00 13 6 ,000. 00 130,000.00 124,000.00 118 ,000. 00 11 2 ,000. 00 106,000.00 $1,330,000.00 1981 $500,000 G. O. Bond $ 80,000.00 77 ,000. 00 74,000.00 71 ,000. 00 68,000.00 65,000.00 62,000.00 59,000.00 56,000.00 53,000.00 $665,000.00 1982 $1 ,000,000 1 G. O. Bond $ 1 60,000. 00 154,000.00 148,000.00 142,000.00 136,000..00 130,000.00 124,000.00 118 ,000. 00 11 2 ,000. 00 106,000.00 $1,330,000.00 1984 $500,000 G. O. Bond $ 80,000.00 77 ,000. 00 74,000.00 71,000.00 68,000.00 65,000.00 62,000.00 59,000.00 56,000.00 53,000.00 1§6~_L~o.o~-2Q 1 These are aggregate totals of several possible bond issues for given projects. Some may actually be the City's shal'e of a 12-6a special assessment project, such ás the East Crawford Street widening. 16 Total Debt $ 906,182.00 917,798.00 1,078,757.00 1,062,592.00 1 ,190,127 .00 1 , 1 51 ,644.00 1,170,271.00 1,129,612.00 1 ,047 ,190.00 953,025.00 891,513.00 830,238.00 669,488.00 591,238.00 465,988.00 446,088.00 17F. lm~ nn ~'~"'HJ.V'J 359,125.00 342,063.00 ~J2.5L~~J_2L. 00. #CA-l #CA-2 #CA-3 #PRN-l #EP-l #EP-2 #EP-3 #FD-l #FD-2 IIFD-3 #FD-4 #FD-5 #FD-6 IIFD-7 #FD-8 LIST OF PROJECTS BY FUNCTIONAL AREA Cultural Arts Funded -- Shop Area for Community Theatre - 1982 Unfunded -- Communi ty Arts Center Relocation of Imagination Place Drai_n~ Funded Cleaning & Scraping Dry Creek - 1981 Emergency Pr~aredness Funded -- New IIThunderboltll Warning Sirens (3) - 1980 Emergency Power Generator - 1980 New IIThunderboH'Harning Sirens (2) - 1981 Fi re ~e£artment Funded Acquisition of a Custom Chasis 1250gpm Pumper - 1980 New Aerial Apparatus (Articulating Boom) - 1980 New Radio Communications Equipment - 1980 New Three Bay Fire Station in South Salina - 1981 Manaqement Information Gatherinq System - 1981 Replacement/New Equipment (Pumper)~ - 1982 Unfunded --- New Fire Station in North Salina Fire Training Center 17 #GC-l #GC-2 #HR- 1 #HR-2 tlHR-3 #LlB-l till B- 2 #Ll B- 3 #PD-l #PD-2 #PD-3 Go If Cou rs e Funded New Sprinklers on Golf Course Fairways - 1983 Cart Paths for Fairways at Golf Course - 1984 Human Resource . . ILJD_cte_ct New Heatinq Plant for Memorial Hall - 1980 or p.<1rlirr Replace 3" Water Supply Line - 1980 or earlier Memorial Hall Roof Tarring - 1981 Library Unfunded New Library Carpeting Branch Library - Friendship Center Smoky Hill Historical Museum Police Dep~rtment Funded --- Garage Addition to Police Building - 1981 Unfunded Mini-Computer for Records Controlled Access Vehicle Impoundment Area Parks & Recreation ---_.- Funded #PK/REC-l Replacement of Concrete Deck Around the Pool - 1979 #PK/REC-2 Renovate 6 Tennis Courts (Sunset Park) - 1979 #PK/REC-3 Construction of a RestrGom/Concession Facility (Schilling Diamonds) - 1979 #PK/REC-4 #PK/REC-5 #PK/REC-6 #PK/REC-7 #PK/REC-8 #PK/REC-9 #PK/REC-10 #PK/REC-ll #PK/REC- 12 #PK/REC-13 #PK/REC- 14 #PK/REC-15 #PK/REC-16 #PK/REC-17 #PK/REC-18 #PK/REC-19 #PK/REC-20 #PK/REC-21 #PK/REC-22 #PK/REC-23 #SAN-l Parks & Recreation (cont'd) Long Range Park & Recreation Plan - 1979 Improvement of the Central Area of Ivey Park - 1979 Replacement and New Lighting on Two Diamonds (Schilling) - 1980 Renovation of Centennial Park - 1980 Complete Development of Lakewook Park - 1980 Sunset Ba 11 Di amond Replacement Li ghti ng - 1980 Complete the Development of Upper Indian Rock Park - 1980 Establish a City Nursery - 1981 Remodeling and Expansion of Kenwood Pool - 1981 In-House Oesign Plans Unfunded Replace Sunset Park Band Shelter Outdoor Handball/Racquetball Facilities at K.T.I.-S.R.C. (Gym) Interior Improvements on K.T.I.-S.R.C. Gym New Swimming Pool for South Salina Basketball & Tennis Courts - Carver Center Park Improvements Implementation of the Smoky Hill River Study New Tennis Court Lighting Addition of Two Indoor Handball/Racquetball Additional Tennis Courts Sanitation Funded New Landfill Compactor - 1980 Courts 18 #ST-l #ST-2 #ST-3 #ST-4 #ST - 5 #ST-6 #ST-7 #ST-8 #ST-8A #ST-9 #ST-9A #ST-10 #ST-10A #ST-10B #ST - 11 #ST-12 #ST - 13 #ST-14 #ST-15 #ST-16 #ST - 17 #S T - 18 #ST-19 #ST-20 #5T -21 #ST-22 #ST-23 #ST-24 #ST -25 #ST-26 #ST-27 Street Funded Annual Street Maintenance Program (Contract) - 1980, 181,182,183,184,185. Transportation/Parking Study - 1980 Magnolia Widening at Ninth St. for Left Turn Bays - 1980 Bridge Deck Rehabilitation (Iron Ave.) - 1980 Traffic Lights at Ohio and Albert - 1980 Signalization of Ninth and Otto Intersection - 1981 Repair the Pedestrian Overpass and Redesign East Ramp (Broadway) - 1981 Widening Crawford Street East of Ohio - 1981 Replacement of Traffic Signals at Ohio & Crawford - 1981 Widening Ohio Street from Greely to Elm - 1982 Replace Signals at Ohio & Iron Intersection - 1982 Crawford Street Widening, Ohio to Broadway - 1984 Replacement of Traffic Signals at 9th & Crawford - 1984 Replacement of.Traffic Signals at Santa Fe & Crawford - 1984 Unfunded Crawford & 9th Intersection Improvement Iron & Ohio Intersection In~rovement Street Construction - Ash/State Street Renovation of Ohio Street Widening & Construction of Marymount Road Widening & Construction of Magnolia Road Widening of 9th Street Street Widening & Construction - South Ohil Street Street Construction - East Crawford Street Widening - Cloud Street <::trppt '^lirlnninn R. rnn<::trlJrtinn - <::nllth Ohio ~v'~~v "'~~""':1 ~ ~~..~v',^~v"/" ~~~V.. ~...~ Widening Ohio Street from Elm to Pacific Street Construction - Mat'ymount Road Street Construction - SE 29th Street Synchronization of Intersections with Fire Lanes Construction of Cloud Street, 1 Mile East of MarYlllount Replacement of Railroad Crossings Around the City #UTL-l #UTS-2 #UTL-3 #UTL-4 #UTL-5 #UTL-6 #UTL- 7 #UTL-8 #MISC-l #MISC-2 #MISC-3 Utilities Fun~ -- South Ninth Main Cross Connection - 1979 East Wayne Water Main - 1979 Separation of Storm & Sanitary Sewers - 1980 Sewage Collection System Study - 1980 Cloud Street Connector Main Separation of Storm & Sanitary Sewers (Completion) - 1981/1982 South Ninth Street Main - 1980 Unfunded Water Treatment Plant Expansion Mi sce 11 aneous Unfunded -- Day Care Facility Increase Office Space (City) Public Transportation 19 Vi ::E: U") 0::: 00 a 0"1 L..1- t-- U w a '""'=' 00 a 0"1 0::: 0... (:' N tt ;¡; r- ..., I - -- I CITY Oi~ SALINA Capit'ol Improvement Program F'rojec t No. CA - 2 Location Salina Community Theatre, 303 E. Iron Ori( inatinq Department or Aqency and Project Title Salina Arts Commission Community Arts Center ------- Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This project would combine the Relocation of Imagination Place and the Shop Area for the Crnrununity Theatre into one project. The building would be an addition on the Community Theatre Building. It is anticipated that 25% of the costs could be financed through donations. !'IW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New [X] Expansion 0 Replacement lJ Renovation [J Other D[PAIUMENT/\L prUORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] Urqent 0 Urgent of of - - - fXl NpU'<;<;iH'V 1 of ? ,_--, .. J --"--- -' ~ n Nprf>"ilY'V L-----.J ..-------. J of - I]Ucsirablc of [K] Des i rab 1 e Group_20f ~ - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lstiliidted I\nnual Cost of t~ilintendnce: Estililitted I\nnual f{evelllw: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred 2179 ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid , ~ . - -.: t ~reclry ) State Aid Other [Specify) (Specify) 22 TOTAL $ * * * $162,000.00 $ - ACTUAL PROJECT COS1S I Proj ec t /I -~~..:: 2 Year{s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipmcnt Other- (Specify) rOT AL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Sped fy) State Aid fSpeci fy} Other ßpeci Fyl TOTAl $ --------- ------- ---- ---- $ -_. --'-- --- -- ------- CI'1'Y OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. ~-L- Undetermined Locati on Oriuinatinq Department or Agency and Project Ii tle SRGLArts Commission ---g~JQç~tiQn of Imaginatio~ Place J¡;sU'ipLion, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This project involves the relocation of Imagination Place to a more central location. It will have to be moved soon, if the School Board re-opens Schi 11 i ng School where it is presently located. PIW,JECT CIN;SIFICAIION: [] NI;W 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [] Henovation [X] Other Relocation ULP/\lnMINT/\L P'UOIUTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: lTI Urgent (SRC) 0 Urgent 2 3 of of - - - Lx! NeCl':;sJry (Ar.}_L of ~ 0 Neces s a ry of - [] Des i r'd/JI e IX] Desi rab 1 e Grou!L10f Ì- of -- FsLilildled /\nnual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ LsLilllated I\nnual Cost of r~dintenJnce: L<-;l.illldLl'd I\nnudl Hl'venue: ',--------.--------.. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te of E s ti ma te Deferred None Available 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid TC:n"~'¡~ \J JCl_I'YJ State Aid (SpecifYT Other (Specify) TOTAL 23 $ $ ACTUAL PIWJECl COSTS IProject # C_A__::-_3 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land I\cquisition Construction Renovation Demolition equipment Other- $ _.. rS!)ec i Fy) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES - Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßoncls Revolving Fund (service cha rges) $ -- Federal Aid f('..",,~"t~ \.) JeI...IIYJ State Aid --n11ecífY1 Other \SlieCífyj TOTAL ---- CITY OF SAI-IINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. DRN - 1 Loca t i on Dr}' Creek Channel Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering/1973-80 CIP Cleaning and Scraping Dry Creek Description, Justification, and Source of Need: This overall project will improve the flow and capacity of Dry Creek and will therefore aid drainage in the southwest and south portion of Salina. This portion of the project will consist pril1larily of clearing of brush and saplings in the creek bottom. Assistance from the Kansas National Guard is possible. PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: [] New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Cl ea ri ng LJ Renovati on [] Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: NOT APPL I Cl\ßLE [] Urgent of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent of - II rJPCf><; <:;(H'V L_J--.--------J of rxJ Nnr{)<: <:;¡ r\l GrouD 1 fì f 3 t.-' ..,,-~~~~. J -~ ~. - - [J Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lstimated I\nnual Cost of Maintenance: Es tima ted l\nJ1ual I<evenue: '----.- ----... ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1981 ---- D Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- Clearing (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid ( Specify j State Aid Othe r (Specify) (Specify) 24 TOT J\L $ 40,000.00 $40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $40,000.00 ACTUAL PIWJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # DRN - 1 Date Completed_- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- \Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid {Speci f Y ) State Aid .- Other (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL $ ----- - -- $ _n-- 12-ITV OP SJ\.I-ofINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. EP - 1 Location Kenwood Park Fire Department Station #2 Stewart School Uri<jinalill(J DepaY'llllcnt or Agency (¡lid Project Ti tI e Sa 1 i na-Sa 1 i~Q!m~Y _EmeßL~£reD. ------- f'!~!1~hund~rbQlt"- W¿\rrÜng Sirens ¡Iescription, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This project represents expansion of the city's emergency preparedness warning system. Federal funds (D.C.P.A.) are available on a 50-50 basis. If these funds become available, six sirens would be purchased rather than three. I'I<O,IICI CLASSIFICATION: I!J New 0 [xpans ion 0 Rcplacement L] IÜ~llovdti()n 0 0 liter I)LI'/\ln~lLNT/\L PIUOHLTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Lx] U rlJen l [X] Urgen t -L- of --L GrouvL of ~ '-"1 Nl'<:e<;SUV of OJ J_----- n Nf>u'ssarv <--' . . J of - LJ DesiralJle --- of - 0 Desirable of - hlillldt(~d I\nnwll Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lslilll{ILed 1\lInual Cost of t~aintellance: ¡',Iillidted 1\lInual Hevenue: . __0-'_'----------- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated l3udget Yeads) Date of Estimate 0 Refi ned [s timate 1980 2/79 [X] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid Revenue Sharing I('.---~C.\ ppec I I Y ) State Aid Other [Spec if y 1 (Sped f.Ÿ1 25 TOTAL $ 27~000.00 $27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 $27,000.00 ACTUAL P {QJ[CT COSTS I Project #I~_-1 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: - Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Henovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ \Specify J TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existin~J Bond Fund Special Assessment General ObliQation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rQes ) $ Federa 1 J\i d -------,.,,--.~ t JpecHY} State Aid [Sped fy) Other TSpecifYJ TOTAL CI'1~V OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program I'roject. No. ~-~- Location Police and Emergency Operations Center Uri<jindLinlJ Department or Agency and Project Tille Salina-Saline CountY-.-Bnerg--frep. _J_c!}!~rg~!1~X!~LJ~~neY'a tor - l)l~<,cripLion, ,Justification, emu Source of Need: The emer<jency equipment (communications, radar, lights etc.) connected to the emergency generator leaves no reserve capacity. If all the equipment is turned on, the generator must function at capacity. The current en~rgency generator is approximately 20 to 30 years old. Replacement parts are no longer available. There is the poss i bil ity of federal matchi ng funds in the future. 1'lm.JELI CL/\~)S[rJCAT10N: fJ New 0 Expansion IiJ Replacement I] I~enoviltion 0 Other D[I'AHIMLNT/\L PRlOIUTY: CIP Cor~MITTE[ rfUOfUTY: [] lJr<jen t 0 lJr<jen t of of --- - - I] Nece~s¡¡ry of 1 IXI Necessarv Group 1 of 3 .~ J' - 1 - I] DeS i rcthl e ---- of - CJ Desirable of - I <;tillidled I\nnudl Cost of Operation: $ $ I..stillialed Allnudl Cost of t'1aintenance: 1st i Illd ted /\lInuill ¡{('venue: $. -------- -- -- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f [s t i ma te 0 [{efined Estimate 1930 2179 ŒJ Approx ima ti on Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I r - ! r , ppec I I Y ) State Aid Other rspe¿rryj ( Spec ify) 26 TOTAL $ 13 ,000. 0-0- $13 ,000 . 00 $ 13.000.00 $13,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project #EP.~£ Yea d s) Budge Led Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equiplllent Other- $ --- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds I<evenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid --.--...-~ tSpeci fy) Stdte Aid Other fS peëTFŸl ( Spec ifÿ) TOTAL ---- L N,. Iproject # EP - 3 C IT Y 0 F S A I .H\. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1981 reads) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nò. EP - 3 Location To be determi ned - 0 Refi ned Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina-Saline Co. Emergency Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Preparedness - New IIThunderbo It" Warni ng Si rens Land Acqui s Hion Land Acqui s ition Construction 18,000.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition This project represents a further expansion of the Equipment Equipment ~i ty' s emergency preparedness warni~g system. Other- Other- Federal F~nds (D.~.P.A.) may be avallable on. a -(Specify) (Specify) 50-50 basls. If ln fact these funds are avallable, four sirens would be purchased rather than two. In addition some of these sirens would be located TOTAL $18,000.00 TOTAL in the county and perhaps the county could pay a portion of the cost. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ 18,000.00 Current Revenue $ [] New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [J Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) IÐ Urgent 1 of 1 m Urgent Group 1 of 2 Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 1Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $18,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 27 0 1I::"t ~ '" L I N '" - IPro ject # FD - 1 C I T Y ." '" ~ .1-'1.. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECl COSTS ' ---- Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed. Project No. FD - 1 Location NjA [J Refined Estimate DO Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Fire Department Studies $ Studies $ , Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications - Acquisition of a Custom Chassls 1250 gpm Pumper Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation ., Demolition Demolition Salina is badly in need of an,additional purn~er to malntaln Equipment 150 000.00 Equipment a reasonable level of protectlOn and to provlde a necessary Other- ' Other- reserve of one dependable piece of apparatus. The city's (Specify) (Specify) last nßjor equipment purchase was in 1973 (Engine #1 and Ladder#l). The Fire Chief indicates that many of the first 1 ine ,engine~ ~re approach~ng an age where the~ are of TOTAL $150,000.00 TOTAL marglnal utlllty. Some pleces of reserve equlpment are practically useless. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES I'(H).JECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ ŒJ New 0 Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment IJ Renovation 0 Other General Obligation Bonds 150,000.00 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEI)ARIMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) ŒJ Urgent 1 of 5 [] Urgent Group 1 of L- Federal Aid Federal Aid II Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid [J Desin1o1e -- of -- 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Lslill1ated t\nnual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) {Specify) Estimated I\nnual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $150,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 28 CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. FD - 2 Location N/A Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Fire Department New Aerial Apparatus (Articulating Booæ} Description, Justification, and Source of Need: This piece of equipment would be utilized to replace Ladder #2 (1947). Ladder #2 would then be utilized as reserve/ training equipment. The "Articulating Boom" is an arm with a bucket at the end (similar to what KP&L util L:es), this permits greater flexibility in cramped areas such as alleyways downtown. PHO,)ECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expansion ŒJ Replacement 0 Henovation 0 Other OEPAHTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: IX] Urgent m Urgent of 1 5 Group 1 of ~ - n NI'r(~<;<;;.¡rli LJ "'-~~~~~'J nt.laracc;>I"\I L-...J ..~~~......~. J of n-f v. - - 0 Desirable 0 Des i rab 1 e of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estililated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 2/79 0 Refined Estimate 1980 oa Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 ition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid ( Sped fy) Other -( Specify) 29 TOTAL $ ~QQ.OOO.OO $200,000.00 $ 200.000.00 $200,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS lproject # ~ ~ Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- $ ( Speci fy) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ . Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid -- -------- (Specify) Other ( Sped fy) TOTAL CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. FD - 3 AILE; re Location Stations Originating Derartl1lent or Agency and Project Title Salina Fire Department New Radio Communications Equipment .- Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Much of the Fire Departments radio equipment is of the vacuum tube type. These units are unreliable and parts are difficult to obtain. Due to several unique phenomenom there have been difficulties in the past with calling in additional equipment from the scene of a fire. The new equipment proposed would rectify much of this situation. PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: [] New 0 Expansion ŒJ Replacement [J Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: GJ Urgent GJ Urgent of -5- Groll ! 1 of l- :1 fl Necessary of ~ ---- n Necessarv '--' J of - [J Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Lstimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual I{evenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate GJ Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1980 2/79 D Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- (Specify) $ -2l.JOO.OO TOTAL .$63,100.00 PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Federal Aid D.C.P.A. (80-20) I r- 'r , p Jec 1 ry } State Aid ( Sped fY) $ 121620.00 50,480.00 Other ( Speci fy) 30 TOTAL $Jil~ l1)Q~OO ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started IProject # FD - 3 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid Other (Sped £y) (Specify) Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) TOTAL $ --_. $ C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # FD - 4 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1981 Year(s) Budgeted . Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. FO - 4 Location South Sallna [] Refined Estimate ~ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Fire Department Studies $ Studies $ . '" Plans & Specifications * Plans & Specifications New three bay flre statlon ln South Sallna. Land Acquisition * Land Acquisition Construction * Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation- .. " Demol ition Demol ition A new three bay.statlon lS needed.ln South Sa~lna Equipment Equipment due to the contlnued growth of thlS area. ThlS Other- Other- additional station is necessary also due to ~he (Specify) (Specify) annexation of Schilling Manor and the necesslty of keeping Station #3 (Airport) on standby for ai r-crash rescue. TOTAL $300,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [1 Renovation D Other General Obligation Bonds $300,000.00 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds D[PARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) lÐ Urgent 2 of 5 IXJ Urgent Group 1 of 2 Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $300,000.00 TOTAL Lstimated Annual Revenue: $ 31 CITY OF SALINA Capital Inlprovement Program Project No. FD - 5 Location Not Applicable Oriqinating Department or Agency and Project Ti tl e Sa 1 i na Fi re Department Management Information Gathering System Description, Justification, and Source of Need: This computer system is a pre-packaged system known as UFIRS (Unifonn Fire Incident Reporting System). The system has the following benefits: 1. I nforms the Chi ef of the severity of fi re and effectiveness of countermeasures. 2. Produces supporting data for code changes and enforcement programs. 3. Information and direction to fire prevention education. 4. Supplies useful data in planning for growth, new development and construction. PHO,JECT CLASSI FI CATION: [Xl New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [] Renovation 0 Other IJEPI\IHMLNT/\L PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [X] Urgent 0 Urgent of -Í- of 5 of - 0 Necessary ŒJ NecessarYGrou!! 1 0 f 3 - 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $-- Estimated l\nnual Cost of ~1aintenance: Estimated l\nnual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year( s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate 1981 2/79 (!] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- Computer Software (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I,..... ! r \ ppec I I Y } State Aid Other (Spec ify) (Specify) 32 TOTAL $ $ $6,000.00 $6,000.00 6,000.00 - - $6,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject # ~lL.::...5 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui s ition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ (Specif.Ÿl TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ ---- Federal Aid ( Speci fy) State Aid Other (Sped fy) ( Sped fy) TOTAL C IT Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # FD - 6 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year( s) 1982 Year( s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. FD - 6 Location Not Applicable 0 Refined Estimate []] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Fire Department Studies $ Studies $ . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Replacement/New Equlpment (Pumper) Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation . . Demolition Demolition Thl~ equ~pment c?uld ser~e the new South Equipment 150,000.00 Equipment Sallna Flre StatlOn (Project # fD -4) or Other- Other- be u!ilized to repla~e an existing piece -(Specify) (Specify) of flre apparatus WhlCh would no longer be useful. TOTAL $150,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ ~ New [] Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds 150,000.00 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service NOT APPLICABLE charges) charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid n Necessary of ----- 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Des"irable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $150,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 33 CITY OF SALINA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject # FD - 7 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) ~udgeted . . Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. FD - 7 Locatlon Undetermlned . . [J Refined Estimate QgApproximation at th1 s tune Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Fire Department Studies $ Studies $ . ... Plans & Specifications * Plans & Specifications New Flre Stat1on 1n North Sallna Land Acquisition * Land Acquisition Construction * Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition The Fire Department is in the process Equipment Equipment of collecting information to justify Other- Other- . this need. The cost figure shown is (Specify) (Speclfy) extreme 1y rough. TOTAL $300,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ DO New [] Expansion [J Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund . Special Assessment Special Assessment 0 RenovatlOn 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges} 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid ŒJ Necessary 1 of ~ ŒJ Necessary Group 1 of -2- (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ -(Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL [stin~ted Annual Revenue: $ 34 CITY OF 5ALINA Capital Irnprovement Program 1)l'lJ,kcl No. -IJ?-=_JL.- Undetermined Location dLthi 5. time Ori<jir1dtin<j Department or Agency and PY'ojec L Ti t1 e SaLina Fi re Department ....Ej re - T Y' a in1..illL!&niIT Dl'sU'iptiuII> ,Justification, and Source of Need: Adequate training facilities are needed to develop and maintain the required knowledge and skill of firefighters. Unfortunately, the Salina Fire Departn~nt has no convenient access to adequate training facilities for individual or for company drills. This nearly always is reflected in poor teamwork and lack of efficiency in any actual major fire fighting operations. l'IW,Hcr CLASSIFICATION: IXI NevJ [11<cnOVd t ion I] Expans ion D Other 0 Replacement DLI'ARTMIN I/\L PIUOIUlY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [iJ lJ nJf: II t 0 Ur<Jent -.-i-- 0 f Í-.- of - [J NeCeSSilY'Y -- of - [] IJt~sit'able --- of - rXl NecessaryGroup 2 of 2- 0 Des i rab 1 e of - I'>ti'llilled I\nnual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lsl.illlilll~d 1\/HIUJl Cost of Maintenance: 1~,lillldLl~d I\IIIIUJI I<cvenue: .-_.____0.0 ESTIMAfED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred None Available 0 Approximation $ Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNOIN(ì SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid fc-~~~~.¡::..\ \J Jt:c lay J State Aid - (Specify J (Specify ) Other 35 $ TOTAL ACTUAL PIWJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # ~.Q-=-~- Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- [Sped fy) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid 7,.. . r --,: ppeClrYJ State Aid Other ( SpecifY) ( Spec i fY1 TOTAL $ - $ - CITY OF' SALINA Capital Improvement Program PI'u,kct No. GC - 1 Location Municipal Golf Course Oriuinatintj Department or Agency cHId Project Title General Services -~~~VJ ~pri nJ<J ers on~iiQlf çQt,1T$eFilln'¡iiYs Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This project would consist of adding two new sprinklers to each fairway. These sprinklers were left out of the original project to reduce the overall cost. They should be added in order to keep this grass green. 'IHw:cr CLASSIFiCATION: I] New [J l{cJlovation LX) Expansion 0 Other 0 Replacement DLPAI{II'1LNT,'\L PfUOI~lrY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: I] IlrlJcn L 0 Urgent of of --- - - I-~ Necessary __L- of ~ 0 Necessary of - I] I)(~sircl ¡le of [i) Des i rab 1 e Group 1 of -L -- IsLilllciLed Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ LstillklLt:d l\nl1ual Cost of t~dintenance: L s L i IIliI Led Al1l1UiI 1 Hevcnue: $ ----'---'-'~---'--'-- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate 1983 2/79 GJ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Henovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid , (',",nn~ ç~ \ -'\-,c<... I I Y J State Aid Other fSPeCTtyj ( Spec i fy ) TOTAL 36 $ * 6,800.00 $6,800.00 $ * * j;6,800.00 ACTUAL PROJLCT COSTS I Project #~C.::l. Year( s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Henovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Spec ify) TOT AL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES ,- Current Hevenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid I ('.. ..! /" , p JeCi I Y ) State Aid {Sped fy} Other {Specify} TOTAL - C I TV 0 F S 1\ L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # GC - 2 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1984 Year{s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nó. GC - 2 location Municipal Golf [] Refined Estimate DO Approximation Course Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency . and Project Title General Servlces Studies $ Studies $ . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Cart Paths for Falrways at Golf Course Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction (In House) * Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition This project would serve to ma~e.the course Equipment 5,000.00 Equipment playable sooner under wet condltlons. I~. Other- Other- addition it would keep the carts from rUln1ng -(Specify) (Specify) the grass on the course. These paths have been repeatedly requested by many players. TOTAL $5,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ * Current Revenue $ Œù New [] Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund {service Revolving Fund (service charges) * charges) [X] Urgent 1 of -L- [] Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid DOesirable of - [i]DesirableGroup 2of-L- (Specify) (Specify) - Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ ""(Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $5,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 37 CITY Ol~ SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. HR - 1 Location Memorial Hall Corner of 9th and Ash Originating Oeparbnent or Agency and Project Title Degt. of Human Resources New I~ating P]ant for Memorial Hall Description, Justification, and Source of Need: The present boiler in Memorial Hall is extremely old and is badly in need of replacement. It has been estimated that the existing plant will last a maximum of two years. The cost for the heating plant includes a sump pump to prevent basement flooding. PIW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expansion IX] Replacement [J Renovation D Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent Group 1 of 1 of IX) Urgent - - r-l Neces s a rv L-J - n Npr.p<;<;ilrv I--I----------J of of - - GJ Des i rab 1 e ----.-1- of --.L.- 0 Desirable of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ minilnaLJnçreage Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ reduction $ -0- Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1980 or earlier 3/79 ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid Commun),!:y D~xe}oprnent ppecnYJ State Aid Other ( Sped fy) {Specify) 38 TOTAL $ 21,000.00 $21,000.00 $ 21.000.00 $21,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS (project # l!fL:-l Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Speci fy)-- $ TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid { Sped fy} State Aid (Specify) Other (Specify) TOTAL Y OF SALINA . Irroject #HR - 2 C I T ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS ' Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 or earlier Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 3/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. HR - 2 Location Memorial Hall 0 Refined Estimate (!] Approximation Corner of Ninth & Ash Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Ori~ illating Department or Agency and Project Title Human Resources Dept. Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications _Replace 3" water supply line Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 1.500.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition The present water supply line is badly corroded. Should Equipment Equipment this line break in the basement, much damage could be Other- Other- caused as there is no sump pump to remove the water. (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL jl ,500.00 TOTAL- PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New 0 Expansion [X] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment 0 Renovation 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) IX] Urgent 1 0 f ----1- GJ Urgent (',rrHlp 1 of -2- Federa 1 Ai d Federa 1 Ai d Community Development $1.500.00 n Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Sped fy) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ -0- (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ -0- TOTAL $1,500.00 TOTAL F s ti ilia led Annua 1 Revenue: $ -0- 39 - I CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. HR - 3 Location Memorial Hall 9th and Ash Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Human Resources -- Mel1JoriQLl~aJl_Roi:LLIarY'ing Description, Justification, and Source of Need: This project is primarily preventative maintenance, involving the curved portion of the roof over the auditorium portion of the building. This portion of the roof was not tarred or repaired during the recent renovation of the building. JIW,)ECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement IK] Renovation 0 Other D[PI\RTMI~NTAL PHIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgen t 0 Urgent of of - - L~] Necessary ~- of ~ Œ] Necessary Group 1 of ~ DOesirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estililated I\nnual Cost of Maintenance: [sl:il1laU~d Annual I{evenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1981 3/79 []I Approx i ilia t ion Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federa 1 Ai d [r----_J£..\ \ .)f1el. I I Y J State Aid Other (Spec itYJ ( Speci fy) 40 TOTAL $ 10,000.00 $10 ,000. 00 $ 10,000.00 $10 ,000. 00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started (project # ~R~3 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Specify) State Aid Other \SPecify} ( Speci fy) TOTAL $ $ CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Jroject No. LIB - 1 Location public Libr~r~ 301 West Elm Originating Department or Agency and Project Title _Salina Public Library Board New Library Carpeting Description, Justification, and Source of Need: During 1979, the Library building will complete 11 years of service. The carpet has held up well, considering traffic of several thousand per week. It is, however, nearing the point of replacement. PIW,)ECT CL/\SSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expansion [] Replacement 0 Henovation 0 Other [)[PARrMENTAL prnOHITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent 0 Urgent of of - - IX! Necessary 1 of 2 ~. - _.- - 0 Necessary of - [J Desirable of ŒJ Des i rab 1 e Group 30 f 3 - Esti"ßted Annual Cost of Operation: 0.00 0.00 Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ $ $ 0.00 EstilllaLed 1\lInual r{ev(~nlJe: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred 2/79 ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I c - - -~""T":\ \.) Jel.IIY) State Aid Other (Specify) ( Spec ify ) 41 TOTAL $ $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Irroject #LIB - 1 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equiplllent Other- $ (Spe-c if y) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ --- - Federal Aid I " . r , ppeCl ry) State Aid ( Specify) Other "(Speci fy) TOTAL Clrrv OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program I' ¡,oj ec L No. .-!JJL..=-.L Location Friendship Center, 746 Commanche Ori~illdLill~ Depar'LmenL or Avency and Project Title CD Public...J:iearings/CIPnReview __CQillUl1 t1&1¿____Branch libr.illY-- Fri endshi p Center Description, Justificdtion, and Source of Need: The need for a branch library was expressed at the n~st recent CD Public Hearings. The CIP Review Committee real i zed that space was potenti ally available at Friendship Center in the former day care area due to the status of day care at that facil ity. 'HO,IICT CLI\~)SlFICATlON: [] Ne~'J I] Henovdtioll [XJ Expdllsion 0 Other 0 Replacement UL ll\l<mLNI/~L PIUOf<I1 Y : NOT APPLICABLE [J lJr~J(~1I t of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent of - 1-1 f'J1' 'f><; <;rI r'll () f L_J "'_'----nn--'J --- ... -- n N..rp<::<::ilrll L.J ..~-~---. J of - L] Des ¡raId e of [] Des i rab 1 e GrouQ 10 f 3 - LsLinldLed !\nrlLlal Cost of Operation: $ $ $ L')tillli1t(~d Annual Co~)t of r~i1intenance: L~,LìlllclLcd 1\11 I1lJ dl I<evenue: ---..---..-----...---'- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Da te 0 f Est i ma te None Available 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Bredkdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDINÎ1 SOURCES Current r~evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify ) State Aid (Specify) 0 the r -----'-fr:::-:\ TSpecll-YJ 42 TOTAL ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS lproj ec t # LlB__-:g.. Yeat'{s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ---- ( Spec ify) TOTAL _... ACTUI\L FUNDING SOURCES ,- Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid -- (SpeciTYJ 0 tIler (Specify) TOTAL CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Pt'oject No, LIß~~__- Location Oakdale Park Originating Department or Agency and Project Title <;{llin{l PlJhli,- I ihrat'YHßnard -_SJno.ky Hill His to ri '-(I 1 MilS Pllm Description, Justification, and Source of Need: The present museum is operated as a historical research branch of the Library. The present building has been occupied since 1956, and its size was inadequate then. Massive additions have been made to the co 11 ect ions, much of whi ch is in storage, Public interest is at an all time high and is increasing. PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: [ÿJ New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement 0 I{enova t ion [J Other DE PAIHMENTl\L PRIOIU TV : CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent IX] Necessary 0 Urgent n Necessary of of - - of 2 2 of - - 0 Desirable of ŒJ DesirableGroup 2 of ~ - Estilllélled Annual Cost of Operation: $ 80,000. 00 $ 40,000. 00 $ 120,000,00 Lstimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Deferred 2/79 [K] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equ-¡ pment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid 'C'~~~~.r..' \ J Jt:l- I I Y J State Aid (Specify) Other (Specify) TOTAL 43 $ 20,000.00 90,000.00 1~500.000.00 300,000.00 $1,910,000.00 $ - - ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # LIB-3 Year(s) ßud~Jeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui s ítion Construction Renovation Demol it ion Equipment Othet'- $ - (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing ßond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid Other (Sped fy) ( Speci fy) TOTAL CI'I~Y OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. Location 200 Blk. of NorU I' [l--=-_J 11th between Park & Elm ()ri~Jinating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Police Department __!iar_9..9~1\ßdi ti on to Pol ice Bun din~ Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Additional space is needed to store the motorcycles and jeep. No space is available in the existing garage. Space is also needed for vehicle searches and cleaning of police vehicles. PIW.JECT CLASS I F I CAT ION: 0 New (]I Expansion 0 Replacement [J {enovation 0 Other )[PAInMENTAL PRIOfUTY: CIp COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urqent ŒJ Necessary 0 Ur~Jent of of -- - 1 1 rxl Nt~cessarv Group lof 3 ,---' J' - of - [] Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 120.00 $ 100. 00 Estimated ¡\lInual Cost of Maintenance: Is ti ilIa led Annua 1 I<evenue: $ N/A - ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1981 2/79 0 Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha ryes ) Federal Aid I r..- "- - ~c. - , ppec I I Y J State Aid Other rsPeillYJ (SpecifY) 44 TOTAL $ * * $7,610.00 $ 7,610.00 '1;7 fiH1 no ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year( s) Budgeted Date Started [project #PQ_-:.J. Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (set'vice charges) Federal Aid (Speci fyj State Aid Other (Speci fy) (Speci fy) TOTAL $ $ -- CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program '['o.iect No. PO ---~- Location Police Bldg. 255 N. 10th - () ri IJ i na t i n~J Dt' J¿H'tlllen tor A~Jen cy dfld Py'o.iect Title Salina Police Department -- ~IJ~ CQrlIE~~t~r -.fo r_- re cord s Dl':;cription, Justification, and Source of Need: Computerized records are becoming a must in law enforcement for reasons of instant retrieval of arrest information and wanted ~nformation. This will also improve security measures re- garding access to records. There is a slim chance of getting 90-10 funding from L.E.A.A. for this purpose I'IW,II Cl CLASSIfICATION: I] New 0 Lxpdns ion 0 Replacement L] ~(~novdtion 0 Other DII)/\ln~1[NI^L PRIOIUTY: CIP COMMITTEE PIUOIUTY: [J Urtjen t 0 Urgent 0 Necessary or of --- - - r-) Necessary of of - - LXllJesi ~'d ¡1 e ___L of -~- ŒJ Desirable Group lof -L I S[ilildted Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ l:;tinldted 1\lIrlual Cost of ~ldilltenance: I stinldtt'd A,llltl¿ll <evenue: --------- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Es timated Budget Year( s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost ßreakdovm: Deferred ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction I<enovation Demol Hion Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current <evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Ai d rC".",~,ç..\ \-'I'CLIIYI State Aid (Specify) Other TSp e ci f.Y) 45 TOTAL $ 78,000.00 $78,000.00 $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS (project # ~Q-::_Z Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Da te Comp 1 e ted -- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Deilio 1 i t ion Equipment Othey'- $ --- (Specifyj- TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES ,- Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid lro ,.....",-,- ~Jpeclry) State Aid ----nPeci fy) Other ( Spec ify) TOTAL ~IYrY OF SALINA Capital Inlprovement Program Project No. PD - 3 ----- Adjacent to Location the existing Police Bldg. Ori<¡inatiWJ Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Police DeQartment --..- Con!!^QllisLð~~~~~_YE:t1i cl~__lfllQoundrnent Area DeslTiption, ,Justification, and Source of Need: The City presently impounds vehicles in two pri vate 9arages, wi thout securi ty fences. Cars are also left around the police building. This could lead to the destruction of vital evidence, vandalism or theft from the premises. A fenced in area adjacent to the Police Building would limit the possibility of these problems. PIW,]ECI CLASSIFICATION: [~ New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [J Renovation [J Other DLP/\RTMLNT/\L PIUORlTY: CIP COMMInEE PRIORITY: [] Urgent [] NecessM'V 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of - - of of - - l1J Dcsi rab 1 e 2 of 2 --- - [!] Desirable Group 20f 3 Estililated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lstilllat(~d /\nnual Co';t of Mi1inLenance: 1_~;Lillldt(>d AllrJual ¡{('venue: ESTIMA1ED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate Deferred 3/79 Ii] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid { C....""-;ç,, \ \JIJ"'L.II.YJ State Aid (Specl fy) Other TSpecify ) TOTAL 46 $ 10,000.00 100,000.00 90,000.00 - $200,000.00 $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budqeted Date Started -- I Project II ~J!..::: _J Date Completed ---- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify ) TOT /\L ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service chanjes) Federal Aid rr.--:::__,~c..' \ JIJt::c I I Y I State Aid TSi) e c i f y-r-- Other ( specITÿl TOTAL $_.. ------ ----- ---- $ ----- ---- . ------ cl"rv OF SALINA Capital Inlprovement Program Project No. --EKLREC.::.1 Location Kenwood Park Pool Oriuinating Department or Auency and Project Title Park Department _.. Replacement of concrete deck around the pool Description, Justification, and Source of Need: The existing deck is cracked and broken and does not drain. The costs indicated are materials only. The City 1 abor and equi prnent can be util i zed to complete the project. PRO,JECT CLASSIFICATION: CJ New 0 Expans i on [!] Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other [)EPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMt1lTTEE PIHORlTY: ŒJ Uruen l rl Necessary 2 Group 2 of 1 of 1 ŒJ Urgent - - n Necessary 0 Desi rat 1 e of of - - 0 Desirable of of - -- Eslilllated Annual Cost of Operation: 0.00 0.00 $ $ $ 0.00 FslÍllldled Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate 1979 2-22-79 ŒJ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui s ition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- ( Speci fy) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ICnn,..~+"'\ '-'1-""'-1'.11 State Aid ( Specify) Other { Spec i fy } TOTAL 47 $ 6,000.00 $6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 6,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started [project # PKL~Ç-l Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonns Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid r;-:::-::~ \J JeLIIYJ State Ai d Other (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL $ --- $ :C I T Y 0 F S J\. L I N A ESTIt1ATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PHOcJECT COSTS I Projec l # PK/_BEÇ-2 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1979 Year(s) Budgeted PK/REC 2 Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. .. - Location Sunset Park [] Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Oriyinatiny Department or Agency and Project Title Park Advi sory Board/SRC Studies $ Studies $ . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications I~el~ovate 6 tennlS courts Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation 3/,~OU.UU Renovation The tennis courts in Sunset Park drain poorly after Demolition Demolition --- a rain and are cracked enough to render them Equipment Equipment practically unusable. The project would regrade Other- Other- and resurface the courts to minimum standards for (Specify) (Specify) tennis courts. TOTAL $37,500.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES IJIW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund . Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovatlûn 0 Other General Obl igation Bonds General Obl igation ßonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPJWTMENIAL PRIORITY: UP COMMITTEE PIUORITY: Revolving Fund {service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) [Ð Ur<JPnt 4 of ~ rn Urgent Group 2 of 2 Federa 1 Ai d Federa 1 Aid Park Board rTl Necessary 4 of 8 n Necessary of {Cn,.,~~l'..\ f\r.)'I}~l.~~I£IY'.J\ t.'-' - - - -- - \.Jf-1Cl-I',1 I ,- SRC State Aid State Aid 0 IJesit'able of - 0 Desirable of - (Speci fy) (Specify) . " Other _Gen. Impr. Bonds $37.500.00 Other Eslllliated Annual Cost of Operatlon: $ 0.00 (Specify) (Park) (Specify) Estimòted Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ 0.00 TOTAL $37,500.00 TOTAL Estililated Annual Revenue: $ 0.00 48 C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PHO,JECT COSTS I Project # PK/REÇ-3 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1979 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. PK/REC-3 Location Schillinq . 0 Refined Estimate ~ Approximation Baseball Diamonds Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Recreation Commission Studies $ Studies $ . . . . Plans & Specifications 2,000.00 Plans & Specifications - Constructlon of a restroom/concesslon faclllty Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 76,000.00 Construction Description, .Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation - The need for this facility has been called to the Demolition Demolition attention of the city staff and the City Commission by Equipment Equipment the SHC and the Babe Ruth Organization. No concession Other- Other- facilities exist in the immediate vicinity and the (Specify) (Specify) nearest restrooms are in the KTI Gym. The SRC indicates a possibility for a Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Grant (50-50) TOTAL $28,000.00 TOTAL for the project (formerly Bureau of Outdoor Recreation). PHOJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Plm.JEel CLASSIFICATION: .. .. Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New 0 [xpanslOn 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund - . Special Assessment Special Assessment Ll RenovatIon 0 Other General Obl igation Bonds General Obl igation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds ULPARTMENTAL PIUORlTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) 0 Ur'gcnt of -- ŒJ Urgent Group 2 of -1-. Federal Aid Federal Aid [8] Necessay'y 2 of ~ 0 Necessary -- of - (Specify) (Specify) - State Aid State Aid LJ Desirable of - 0 Desirable -- of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Gen. Impro. Bonds $28,000.00 Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 1,500.00 (Specify) (Park) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ 500.00 TOTAL $28,000.00 TOTAL Estill1iJLeu Annual Revenue: $ 2,000.00 49 CITY OF SALINA Capitol Improvement Program PI'oject No. PK/REC-4 Location Citywide Originating Department or Aqency arH1 Project Title Salina Recreation Commission ~~-r~e Park and Recreation Plan - Description, Justification, and Source of Need: The existing park plan (Bucher & Willis, 1967) is badly outdated. A plan of this type would establish a direction for Salina's Park and Recreation Programs. The cost of the study should be borne equally by the SRC and the City. A possibility also exists for a federal grant ("701" planning) to fund the plan. PIW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: D New 0 Expansion ŒJ Replacement 0 f~enovation [] 0 ther DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: []] Urgen t IKJ Urgent 1 of 3 GroupJ of 2- - n Necessary L--.O ~ n Np.cp.s s iJ rv ,~. ---...... of of - - 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Anlilial Cost of Operation: $ $ $ !!LA N/A Estililated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estililated Annual Revenue: N/A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refi ned Es timate Cost Breakdown: 1979 12/79 [X] Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Delilol ition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ".. 'r \ \:)peCITYJ State Aid (Speci fy) Other Gen. Impr. Bonds Tšpecify) (Park) 50 TOTAL $ 15,000.00 $15,000.00 $ $15,000.00 $15,000.00 ACTUAL PIW.JECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started r Project # ~~/RE..Ç-4 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOUf{CES Current Hevenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ~peci fy) State Aid Other (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL $ _. --- $ "- '1~IT,\T OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Projec I. No. PK/REC-5 L\l.ey2 ark Location - SW corner - Ohio/Magnolia Ori~inatin<J Department or Agency and Project Ti tl e Park Advi sor.!'J?Q?reJjCAC IIIIPr:gyernent of the central area of I'£.~ Park Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: Current funds are earmarked for the completion of the park outside the street system (restrooms & shelterhouses). This money would be used to complete the interior of the park. The cost figures are dependent on the design plans the park department submits. The funds shown in the costs/funding section are extremely rough approxililations. PIW,J[CT CLASSIFICATION: ŒJ New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PIUOIU TY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [X] U rgen t 0 Urgent of 2 4 of - - n Necessary 0 [Jesi I'd b 1 e of ~ Necessarv Group 10f 3 ~ ~'- - 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated AtHlui.ll Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) 1979 3/79 Da te of Es ti mate [] Refined Estimate IZJ Approx imati on Cost Breakdown: $ Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- LandscaPin(/Const. ( Speci y) -§Q.1000.00 TOTAL $50,000.00 PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha ryes ) $ Federal Aid - 1('.- ". - .! c.. , \ .) !ec I I Y J State Aid (Specify) Other Gen. Impr. Bonds (Specify) (Park) $50,000.00 TOTAL $50,000.00 51 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I ProJec t # ~1S!J.EC-5 Year( s) Budgeted -, Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- $ (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid y-;:---~ ppec 1 'y) State Aid (Sped fy) Other (Sped fy) TOTAL C I ,..... Y 0 F § A. L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # PK¿REC-6 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Year(s) Budqeted . . Schilling Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed ProJect No, --EKLREC-6 LocatlOn ß b 11 d' do Refined Estimate ŒJ Approximation ase a lamon s Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Ori 9 i na ti n~ Department or Agency and Project Title Salina Recreation Commission Studies $ Studies $ '" Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications .Rep.lac:ement and n~w llghtlng on two dlamonds Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 4~,UUU.UU Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demol ition Demol ition Relighting the northeast diamond and lighting the south Equipment Equipment west diamond. The northwest diamond currently has a Other- Other- licJhting ability of about 5 ft. candles; 20 ft. candles (Specify) (Specify) is considered adequate. The lighting of these diamonds will provide for the expected increase in the adult 45 000 00 program in the future. TOTAL ,. TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PHOJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ Cl New 0 Expansion [i] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund - - . Special Assessment Special Assessment Ll RenovatlOn 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revenue Bonds DEPJ\RH1LNTAL PRIORITY: CIP CO~IMITT[E PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service - charges) charges) [] Urgen t of - 0 Urgent of - Federa 1 Ai d Federa 1 Ai d ŒJ Necessi1ry 6 of ~ ß] Necessary Group Jof ~ (Specify) (Specify) --- State Aid State J\id [J Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - ~specifY) (Specify) Other en. Impr. Bonds 45,000.00 Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 900.00 (Specify) {Park} (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ 500.00 TOTAL $45,000.00 TOTAL Estimatpd I\nnu;)! I~evcnuc: $ 0.00 52 CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. PK/REC-7 Location Centennial Park, East of Birch Drive Originating Department or Agency and Project Ti tl e Park Advi sory~oard/Park Dept. Renovation of Centennial Park ----, Description, ,justification, and Source of Need: The project will involve the complete renovation of the existing Centennial Park. The park when renovated could be utilized in conjunction with the neighborhood center located in it. The cost figure on this project is extremely rough. It is hoped that the Park/Recreation Study will indicate the services needed in this park. I'IW,HCT CLASSIfICATION: [J New ŒJ Expansion III Replacement [J Henovation 0 Other DEPAI{ [MENTAL PIUOIHTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [iJ Urgen t '-l Necessarv ~~ - 0 Un)ent of 4 3 of - -- - of !Xl Necessarv Group 2of 3 L_' J ---'-- - - IJ Des i rab 1 e 0 Desirable of of - - Istilililted I\nnual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Fstillll\ted Annual Cost of Maintenl\/lce: Istililated I\nnual !{(~venue: ._. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost ßreakdown: 3/79 1980 (!J Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- Landscaping (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I r.- .. - 'r \ ~.)pec I IY} State Aid ( Specify) Other Gen. Impr. Bonds ( Speci fy) 53 TOTAL $ *' * "* $75,000.00 $ $75,000.00 $75,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year( s) Budgeted Date Started [project # ~~LREÇ-=-7 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Henovation Demolition Equipment 0 ther- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOUHCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Speclfyj State Aid (Sped fy) Other (Sped fy) TOTAL $ $ - CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. PK/REC-8 - Location Lakewood Park Approx. 1500 blk. E. Iron Originatiny Department or Agency and Project Ti tle Park AdvisorLQgaXclLPélrL[)¡:pt. Complete develoQment of Lakewood Park Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Lakewood Park is felt to hold the most potential of any park in the Salina Park System. Any development of the park will have to include a decision as to the status of the lake (pond). The cost figure on this project is extremely rough. It is hoped that the Park/Recreation Study will indicate needs in this park. PlHk)[CT CLASSIFICATION: [J NevI liJ Expansion 0 Replacement [] Renova ti on 0 Other DLPAR1MlNTAL PRIORIry: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] Urgent [XI Necessary 0 Urgent of of - - 2 0 f --3-... 1X1 Necessarv (',mllf) ?of' 1 u..-O ~ ~. ~ ~ ,,~ ->0<.- 0 Desirable -- of - 0 Des i rab 1 e of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Fstilll('\ted 1\lInual ReVf~nue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 3/79 [J Refined Estimate 1980 [X] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 ition Equipment Other- Lan~scaPi.~ Speclfy) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid Ir_- -.I .0..\ pfJec I I Y J State Aid (Specify) Other Gen. Imp. Bonds ( Spec ify) ( PãrT<) 54 TOTAL $ * * * $75,000.00 $ $75,000.00 $75,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # PK/RE~-8 Dale Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demol ition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Specify j Sta te Ai d Other (Specify) ( Sped fy) TOTAL $ $ - C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Projec t # P_~¡REÇ-9 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Year(s) Budgeted S t P k Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed PnJject No. PK/REC-9 Location unse ar 900 Block West Republic 0 Refined Estimate [! Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency. " and Project Title Sallna RecreatlOn ComnllsslOn Studies $ Studies $ . . . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Junset Ball Dlamond Replacement Llghtlng Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 30,000.00 Construction Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation fhe current lighting system for this diamond is just Demolition Demolition harelyadequate. The major problem is the light poles, Equipment Equipment several are rotted and must be replaced along with Other- Other- wiring and fixtures. SRC indicates a possibility for (Specify) (Specify) a Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Grant (50-50) (fonl~rly Bureau of Outdoor Recreation) for the project. TOTAL 30,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES prW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: '. Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [J New 0 ExpanslOn GJ Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund . Special Assessment Special Assessment [J f~enovatlOn 0 Other Genera 1 Ob 1 i gati on Bonds Genera 1 Ob 1 i gati on Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMLNTAL PIUORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service -- charges) charges) LJ Ur~Jent --- of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid l~Necessary 7 of~ ŒJNf'cessaryGroup2of~ (Speciíy) (Specify) State Aid State Aid [] Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) - . '.' Other Gen. Impr. Bonds 30,000.00 Other Lsllmilted Annual Lost of OperatIon: $ No Increase (Specify) (Park) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenanc{~: $ No Increase a 00 TOTAL $30,000.00 TOTAL [s t i ilia led Annual Hevcnue: $ . 55 ---- .---- - CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. PK/REC-lO ----- Location Unner~i~n Rock Park Ori gi na t i nu Department 0 r Agency and Project Ti tle Park Advisory Board/Park Dept. _Complete the_..Qeve]QQ!!1ent of Upper Indian Rock Park Description, Justification, and Source of Need: It is felt that this park has a lot of potential that has never been fully utilized in the past. The cost estimates for this project are extremely rough. It is hoped that the proposed Park/Recreation study will enable the costs to be defined more exactly. PIw.JECT CLASSIIICATlON: 0 New IX] Expansion 0 Replacement GJ Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PIUOIU TV: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgen t 0 Urgent of of - - []] Necessary ---L- 0 f 3- r;¡ Necessarv ('.vYllln 1 of 1 . ~~ - y",_u..,"-t'---W ---""-- [] Desi ra!> 1 e 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ t Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Lstilliated Annual Revenue: ~. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Date of Estimate 3/79 [J Refined Estimate IX] Approximation Cost Breakdown: $ Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Ott1er-~ - (Specify) * * * TOTAL $50.000.00 PROJECTED FUNDINh SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid /r___~r:..\ \_)fJeCIIYJ State Aid ( Sped fy) Other Gen. Imp. Bonds (Specify) (Park) ~$50 ,000.00 TOTAL 56 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ~~LIiEC-lO Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ - (Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessn~nt General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid ( Specify j State Aid Other (Speci fy) (Speci fy) TOTAL CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program I) roj ec t No. PKjREC-11 Location West of Dry Creek (Thomas Park) OriyinatineJ Depay'tlltent or Agency and Project Title Park Advisory Board Establ i sh a City Nursery _..... Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: The City recently acquired a former nursery and is currently utiliziny the existing stock in Ivey Park and at other locations. This project would involve the replenishment of that stock and other expenses involved in utilizing this area as a ci ty nursery for park purposes. PIW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: [] NevI (i] Expansion IX] Rep1 acement I] Renova Li on 0 Other D[PARTMENTJ\L rfUORlTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Uryent [JJ Necessary 0 Urgent of of - - of 3 IX] NecessaryGroup 2 of ~ 3 - [] Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - lstilililted I\nnual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lstilililted Annual Cost of r~aintenance: Lstililated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate 1981 2/79 [X] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- Nursery Stock (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid ~-~.C,,' \ J leL I I Y } State Aid ( Specify) Other ( Speci fy) TOT AL 57 $ ~mr:1JU $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Projec t #PKLRIT-ll Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renova ti on Demolition Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid T ",,--.-,,-, ppecny) State Aid Other [Sped fy} ( Speci fy) TOTAL $ - _._- - $ ---- ----.- CITY OF SALINA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject # PK/IŒC-12 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year( s) 1981 Year( s) Budgeted '. Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. PK/REC-12 LocatlOn Kenwood Park 0 Refined Estimate m Approximation Pool Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Sal ina Recreation Commission Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications 5,000.00 Plans & Specifications I~emodelinq and Expansion of Kenwood Pool Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 50,000.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition Recommended improvements would include tripling Equipment 15,000.00 Equipment the existing deck space, adding sun shelters, Other- Other- relocating and enlarging the con~ession a~ea, (Specify) (Specify) installing a spray area, convertlng to COln operated lockers rather than baskets, (cut operating costs & increase revenue)and converting TOTAL $70,000.00 TOTAL the shower and dressing areas to more efficient use. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New ŒJ Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund . Special Assessment Special Assessment [ RenovatlOn 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid [J Necessary 5 of ~ I!J Necessary Group 2 of -1- ( Sped fy) (Specify j State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Gen. Impr. Bonds $70,000.00 Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Park) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $70,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 58 clrrv Ol~ SAI-4INA Capital Improvement Program Project No. PKjREC - 13 -- Location Ivey, Centennial, Upper Indian Rock, Lakewooa and Thomas Park Or i IJ i lIil L i IIIJ Depa rt.lllent or Agency - . (\lId Project Ii tie Park Advlsory Board --- Design Plans for City Parks -------- .._---------..--- IIcsn'iptiulI, Justification, and Source of Need: This project involves the creation of design plans for the developillent or redevelopment of several city parks. It is anticipated that this could be an in-house operation. The money has been budgeted for supplies and expenses related to the creation of these plans. JI«),J CI CI/\SSIFIC/\TION: [] New [] Expilns ion 0 Replacement I] I<ellovation iii 0 ther -- De~i gn IILI'I\I{I~1INI/\L PI<¡OlnTY: &] th'tJ(~n l 1 of 4 - LJ N(~Ce';~ilry --- of - LJ lIesira/Jle of - CI P COMMITTEE Pin 010 TY: 0 LJruent of - ~ Necessary Group lof ~ 0 Desirable of - $ $ $ NjA N/A LsLillldLed Annual Cost of Operatioll: LsLillidLed Annual Cost of Maintenance: 1';Lil1li1Led I\rll\ual H{'venue: NjA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate 1980 3/79 lÐ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid f c: .. ^ ~.¡ .ç;-,ì \ J I Jl_"... I I'y J State Aid (Specify) Other (Speci fY1 TOTAL 59 $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject #P-'~!RE.c-13 Year( s) Budgeted Date Star'ted Date Completed -- Cost ßreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ (SpecifY) lOTAL ----- ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing ßond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ - Federal Aid n-..,^^~ç:..\ \J~ll:L II:! J State Aid Other (Specify) ( Spec ify) TOTAL ------ CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program 'roject No. PK/REC- 14 -.."-- Location Sunset Park Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CIP Review Committee RcQlaceSunset Park Band Shelter Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: JIW,JECT CLASSIFICA' ION: 0 New [J Renova t i on 0 Expansion [] Replacement 0 Other DE P ARH1[NTl\L PR lOrn TV : NOT APPLICABLE 0 Urgent -- of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent n Necessary of - [l Necessary [] Desirable" of of - - of [] DesirableGroup 3 of 2- - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estililated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Da te 0 f Est i ma te None Available [] Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid f('~~_~£..\ \JfJeL.IIYI State Aid Other (Specify) (Specify) 60 TOTAL ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project #P..~_~EC-14 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- ( Speci fy) TOT J\L ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid 7"-;:-----~ \~pecHy) State Aid Other [Sped f,YJ ( Spec if Y1 TOTAL $ -..----- --- - $ --- CITY OF' SALINA Capital Improvement Pro_gram Project No. PK/REC- 15 location KTI-SRC Gym 3142 Scanlan Originating Department or Agency and Project Ti tl e Sa 1 i na Recreation Commi ss ion Outdoor handball/racquetball facilities at KTI-SRC Description, ,lustification, and Source of Need: This project will quadruple our facilities of this kind for public use in all but the most severe of winter weather. Racquetball is the fastest growing SPOy't in the community and facil ities for it are extremely inadequate. PIHlJf:cr CLASSIFICATION: D New !XI Expansion 0 Replacement fJ I~enovat ion 0 Other DEPARTMENTM. PRIOrUn: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] lJrljcn t rxl N(~cessary 0 Urgent of of - - 3 8 n Necessarv 0 f .~ ~ -- - of - [] Desirable of ŒJ Desirable Gro~30f ~ - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: 0.00 0.00 $ $ $ 0.00 Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: [stimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred 2/79 ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify ) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid Ir.__..J(" , ~ .) .Jt~L I I Y J State Aid Other (Sped fY1 (Specify) .. 61 TOTAL $ * * $36,500.00 $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budqeted Date Started T Project # ~URtÇ- 15 Date Completed -- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid Other {Specify) (Specify) TOTI\L $ _. -_.. ---- - $ --- CI'I'Y OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Pr()jt~cl No. PKjREC-16 ------- Location KTI -SRC Gym 3142 Scanlan ---- Ori<Jin( tin~J Department or l\<Jency dud Project fitle Salina Recreation Commission -_n~~I~_c.ig..r~!I1£1:gvements non KTI -SRC Gym Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This project includes the remodeling of the existing building pertaining to weatherization and energy conservation of the different areas, modification of areas as to handicapped access- ibility, upgrading the plumbing, mechanical and ventilation systems. I'IW,JFCI CLI\SSIIICJ\TION: [] New 0 [xpans i on 0 Replacement IJ {enovat ion 0 Other JlI)/\ln~1[NI/\L ,HIOn ITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: I] Ur~¡en t of 0 Urgent - 181 ~kcessary -1-- or ~ []lh\siratJle__of - of - !Xl Necessary Group :bf ~ 0 Desirable I sl illidted I\nllual Cost of Operation: Lstilllclled 1\""\Jal Cost or Maintenance: $ $ $ No c.Lillldti'd 1\lllIual I<evt;nue: "-------- of - Inc. No Inc. No Ine. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated ßudget Year(s) Date of Estimate IiJRefined Estimate Deferred 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land I\cquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal I\id f c-~~ ~u-:-;¡ \J¡.Jt::l-IIY) State Aid (Spec-ify) Other (SpecifY) TOTAL 62 $ 4,4000.00 * * 'f( ..t48, 375.00 $ -- ACTUI\L PROJECT COSTS (project 1IP~/ß~Ç:-16 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ --- ---- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obliuation Bonds Revenue Bonds Hevolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid , I' . r , pfJecl ry ) State I\id Other (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL - clrrv OF SAI..../INA Capital Improvement ProJlram Project No. -----E..KLRlG.::lJ South Salina Location Ori<jindlillt] Dèpar'tlllent or Agency dlld I'rojecl Ii tI e Park Advisory ßoard/SRC ___New__~\:ÜI!!llJhl~Lfoo 1 for South Sa 1 i na Ih~S(Tipli()n, .Justification, and Source of Need: This project would serve to accomodate the swimming pool needs of the newly developing areas of town. It is hoped that the Park/ Rec study incorporated earlier in this document will poi nt the di recti on for thi s added facility. This project is repeatedly mentioned at the CD Public Hearings held annua lly. PIHJ.JIU CLASSIFICATION: [~ tj(~w I] IÜ~nova lion [J Expansion 0 Other 0 Replacement ULI'/\RIMENI/\L PIUOnITY: CIr COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] Ur<jen l 0 Urgent 0 Necessary of of _._- - - II NecessdrV of L__' - .--- - Irj Des i rd h 1 e __1/1- () f -112 of - ŒJ Desirable GrouE-lof ~ F~.liliidted Annual Cost of Operdtion: $ $ $ L~;Lillldled ¡\lIlIual Cost of Mdilltendnce: Is L ¡llld led ¡\IIIIUd I I~evenue: ~--_.._-_._- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimdte D..eterred N.oneAYa5j ab 1 e 0 ({efined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Bredkdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment 0 ther- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current I{evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ~~-:--~-ri:~ ~.)fleLIIY ) State Aid Other (Specify) (Speci .Fÿ) TOTAL 63 $ $ ACTUAL PIWJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # P..KlREC-17 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation DelilO 1 it ion Equipment 0 the r- rSpecify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessiliellt General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid _. (Specifyj State Aid \specify) Other (SpecTfYJ TOTAL $ ..-- $ CITY Ol~ SALINA Capital Improvement Program 1\ \'o.i ed No. .......E!<_lBE C-~8 Location Carver Center O\'i lJi nd ti nlJ Department or A~Jency and Project T i tl e CD_PubLic Head ngs _!3asketbé!lLan~Tell!lÌs Courts - Carver Center- lJesU'iption, JusLification, and Source of Need: The need for these facilities in the northern part of town has been expressed at the most recent CD Hearings. Memorial Hall currently provides most of the basketball areas and no tennis courts are available in the north part of Salina. l'liO.ILer CLASSIFICATiON: [x! New [J EXpiHiS ion 0 Replacement [] I~l~novat ion 0 Other IJlI'/\HH1LNT/\L PIUOIU IY: NOT APPLICABLE [] Urgent -- of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Uruent 0 Necessary of - L] Necessdry []Desil'Jhle of of -,_nn_n - of fÐ Desirable GrouL10f ~ - FsLillld!lld /\nnudl Cost of Operation: $ $ $ ["tillidled /\nnudl Cost of Mdintenance: IsLillidler! Annudl {cvcnue: [STI~1ATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budgct Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Deferred None Avail ab le 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui s ition Construction Renovation Delliolition Equipment Other- [Specify ) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( <:r){~rl f" Y \~I'~~"JI State Aid Other (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL 64 $ $ ACTUAL PIWJECT COSTS I Project # PKLE~Ç-18 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction I~enova t i on Demolition Equipment Other- $ (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid -'------rT::. ~~ \.J Jt:L IIY } State Aid - (Specify) Other [Specify) TOTAL Clrrv OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program l'I'ojecl No. PKjREC- 19 ---- Location Oakdale Park Ori~illdLil)(J Deparlilielit or A~ency dllll Project Title Arts Conll1ission - _J...il! ~..J~!E~9-,,_~me n t s ----.. IIl'su'ipLion) ,Justification, and Source of Need: These park improvements consist of lighting, water taps and additional benches for seating. These improvements would be primarily of benefit to the Smoky Hill River Festival. The Arts Commission indicates the need for lighting to be urgent, and the need for water taps and seating to be necessary. l'IH),He! CLASSIHCA1ION: I] N(~w fZJ Expans ion 0 Repl acement [J 1(('110 va t i on 0 Other ULPAHH1LNr/\L PIUOIUlY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: L8J U ryen t 0 Urgent of of -- - - [}J Nl~ces<;dry -- of - 0 Necessary of - lJ Ih~sir'iJhle -- of- ŒJ Desi rab 1 e Group 20 f ~ LsLilildted Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ IsLillidLed 1\llIIual Cost of ~1dintenance: sLilll,lted l\nlluiJl {evenue: $ <--- - ESTI~1ATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f E s t i ma te Deferred None A'liÜlable 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Oemol ition Equipment Other- [Spec ify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Spec i a 1 I\s ses smen t General Obligation ßonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federa- Aid f"--~r' ~ Jpec I I Y ) State Aid [Sped f11 Other TSI)ecfry) TOTAL 65 $ $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # E_KilŒC-19 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost ßreakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Lilnd Acquisition Cons truction I~enova lion Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Speci fy) .. TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current I~evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal IUd rs-pecify) State Aid Other rspecíT~ï1 ( Spec ify) TOTAL Clr¡'y OF 5J\LINA Capital Improvement Program PI'oject No. ~LßEC- 20 Location River Channel Smoky Hill Orí9inatin9 Derartlllcnt or A9cncy and Project Ti tie Park Advisory Board Implementation of the Smoky Hill River Study --"~-'------'- )pscription, ,Justification, and Source of Need: The Park Advisory Board has previously endorsed this concept. Illm,JEU CLASSIFICMION: IX] New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement [I Henova t ion 0 Other )[ )AlrTl1LNT/\L PH IOH I TY: of CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: LJ Urgen t - 0 Urgent r-l Necf's S iH'V L._' J of 11 N(>îp"i'trV '--' "------"J - l~] Desiré¡ ¡le _1- of ~ of - of - OJ Des i rab 1 e Group 2of ~ Eslimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lslimdl¡>d Annual Cost of r'1aintenance: [slilllalcd Annllal Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: lXJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment 0 the 1'- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federa 1 Ai d 7" . r , ppecl ry ) State Aid Other r5PeCTfÿl (Speci fy) 66 TOTAL $ Contained in Study $ ACTUAL PROJECr COSTS (Project #PK/~~Ç:-20 Year(s) ßudgeted Date Started Date Complet(~d - Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Othor- ( Sped fy) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNOIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Specí fy) State Aid Other fSpecITYJ (Specify) TOTAL $ ----- ---- ------ ---- $ ---- ----- -- ---- --- C1i~rY OF SALII~A Capital Improvement Program Project No. ~BEC=-11 Loea t i on Sunset LJ v~ and --- Oakdale Tennis Courts Oriqinatinlj Departluent or A<.¡ency and ~)roject Title -.2.alina Recreation Commission __JtewJgnni s Court-1i9.btiOQ Description, ,Justificòtion, and Source of Need: New Lighting needs to be installed on the courts at Ivey Park and lights need to be replaced on four courts at Oakdale and three at Sunset. '({().IEC r CLASS I F I CAT I ON: liJ New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [] Henovation 0 Other DI p/\I<ml NTI\L PIUOIUTY: of CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [J Urgen t - 0 Urgen t -- ~] Necessary [] Desir'able 8- 0 f -.lL of 0 Necessary of - of - [iJDesirable Group a>f 3 - Estimated Annual Cost: of Operation: $ $ $ Istilllated Anrllldl Cost: of. ~1aintenance: rstimdl.f'd I\nnual I«'venue: 500.00 500.00 0.00 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred 2/79 [X] Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction r~enova t ion Demo 1 i tí on Equipment Otller- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid fr-.....!r \ \.) !eCIIYJ State Aid ( Specify) Other ~ (SpeclfYJ 67 TOTAL $ * * $38,500.00 $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started IProject #P~L~Ç-21 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existin~J Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid Other fSí)eci fy) (Specify) TOTAL $ --- ------ --- ---- -" $ -..-- ¡CITY Ol~ SAl..tiNJ\. Capia'al Impr~vement Program -. Project No. ---P-KLRECn Location KTI-SRC Gym 3142 Scanlan -------- Origillatinq DCpilrtJllent or A~Jellcy dlld Project Ti tie _.~ina Recreation Commission __AQ9i tJQJL of -.t~~Li ndoor Hp.I1ç1þaJl-Bélçquetba 11 courts Description, ,hl,;tifici1tion, and Source of Need: This project will quadruple Salina's facilities of this kind for public use. Racquetball is the fdstest growi ng sport i n the community and facilities for it are extremely inadequate. At present we are totally unable to satisfy the dell1iìnd for courts. The project also includes shower facilities. PIW,JLCI CLI\SSIFICI\T10N: [] New [] Expansion 0 Replacement [] Rellovation [] Other IWP/\RIMUH/\L I'HIOIH TV: CIP Cor~MITTEE prnORITY: [] LJt'~wn t 0 Urgcn t of of '--- -- - [] Necessary IX] Dcsirilble.. 1 0 Necessary of of -- - of 3 ŒJ Des i rab 1 e Group 4:> f 3 - Estililated /\nllual Cost of Op(~ration: 1,500.00 800.00 Ls t im.. \.(>d /\nllua 1 Cos t 0 f Ma in lelli.Hlce: $ $ $ 0.00 Istilllilt!'d /\nlluill I{{'venue: - -------- - ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost t3reakdown: Deferred 2/79 IX] Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I('~~_~.c..\ \.J Jel.IIY J State Aid Other (Specify) ( Spec i fy) 68 TOT/\L $ 1< 1< 't( $111,100.00 $ ACTUAL PRO,JECT COSTS Year(s) ßudgeted Date Started --, (project # ~lß~ç-æ I Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTI\L ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obliyation Bonds Revenue lIonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I r' . ,- ,.. ppeclrYJ State Aid Other [Sr>eë"ìTvl ( Spec Ïfy) TOTAl $-- ---- --_.- ------ $ -- -- ------ - - CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. PKjREC- 23 Location To be Determined Originatincj Department or A~Jency and Project Title Salina Recreation Commission Additional Tennis Courts -..--..-------- Description, .Justification, and Source of Need: The details of this project should be dealt with in a long-range plan. New and additional facilities are needed at the present time. The cost would be $10,000 to $12,000 per court, without lighting. I'!W.JECT CLASSIFIC/\TION: riJ New 0 Expans i on 0 Replacement I] Henovation 0 Other D[PAHH1ENTAL I'IHOIHTY: ell' COMMITTEE PtHORITY: D Urgent 0 Urgent of of - - n Necessary n Necessary of of - - llû Desirable -~ of ~ ŒJ Desirable Group 20f 3 Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ 1,000.00 $ Fstimèlted Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated /\nnual Hevenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Date of Estimate 2/79 0 Refined Estimate ŒJ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ {Specify} TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha ryes ) $ Federal Aid ~~~~ç..\ \ Jln:l.-' I J J State Aid (Specify) Othe r (Spec i fy) TOTAL 69 ACTUAl PROJECT COSTS I Projec t # ~~jRIÇ-23 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed -- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Henova ti on Demolition Equipment Other- $ \Specify} TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current r{evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid ~:r7"""\ \ .)pec I I Y J State Aid ( Sped fY1 Other (Specify) TOTAL CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. S/\N - 1 ---- Location ctt-'l Landfi 11 ------- Orí~Jinating Department or Agency and Project Title Department of Services ~- Landfill Compactor Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: A new compactor was budgeted in 1979, but due to increased costs and lack of funds, new compactor wheels were purchased instead to make the existing unit useable for another year. PfW,JECT CLASSIfICATION: 0 New 0 Expansion [XJ Replacement I] Renovation 0 Other ULPARTMLNTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Œ:J lJr'gen t []] Urgent Gr~1JQ 2 of 1 1 of 2 - nNecessarv of '--~ ~ -- - D Necessary of - 0 Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lstil1lated I\nnudl Cost of Maintenance: Estilliated Annual I~evenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 2/79 Da te 0 f Est i ilia te 0 Refined Estimate ŒJ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Cons tructi on Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ 75.000JlD (Specify)-- TOTAL $75,000.00 PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ . Federal Aid I("'~__J£..\ \ ':>JJec I I Y J State Aid Other (Specify) (Specify) TOTAL 75,000.00 70 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject #SAI'L:-__l Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui sit ion ConstnJction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Speci fy) State Aid (Spec i1Yl Other (Speci fy) TOTAL $ - $ -- --- c,'rv OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Irojec t No. ST - 1 Location To be determined each year Oriqini.ltin<J Ot~parllnt~nt or Agency dlld Py'oject Title Enntoeerin_q -_..__J\rmuaL Str_ee(lkii ntenancuroqram (contractQfl LJeStTiption, ,Justification, and Source of Need: An annual street maintenance program should include surface maintenance, broken and sunken curb replace- ment, broken and sunken intersection radii and stonn sewer catch basins. If properly executed this program could con- ceivably extend the useful lives of our streets. 'IHLJECT CI ASS I F I CI\TlON: [] New CJ Expdnsion 0 Replaceillent lill{enovation IJ 0 ther DUJ ¡\IIIMI NI J\L Pin OIU TV : CI P COMMI nEE PIUORITY: [X] Ur~Jen t [X] Urgent GrGllP--l 11 Necessary 0 Desi fable --1-- (If ~ of -z- [] Necessdry -- of --- of - [I Desirdble of of --- - LstiliklLed Annlla) Cost of Operation: $ 1J~, 000. 00 I';tillltlted ¡\nnIJal Cw;t of Haintenance: $ $ NfA LsLilliLlteu Annual r~t~venue: 0.00 --- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estifllate Cost Breakdown: ~8D [i] Approximation N/A Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Hevenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid IT--:,-', ~ ~ .ç--::-~ \ JfJCL I I Y J State Aid (Specify) Other Gas Tax TSpeci fy) 71 TOTAL $ 175.000.00 $175,000.00 $ $175,000.00 $175,000.00 ACTUAL PIWJECT COSTS I Project # Sl__-=_J Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: . Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui sit ion Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ (Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special I\ssesslllcnt General Obligation Bonds Revcnue Bonds I~evo 1 vi ng Fund (serv i ce charges) $ Federal Aid "..--~ ~ ~peci TY} State Aid ( SpedTY1 Other (Speci fy) TOTAL CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Pr~gram Project No. ST - 2 Cit'Lw idf Location Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Planning ~ransport~~~n/Parking Study Description, Justification, and Source of Need: This project would update the 1965 Transportation Study and would serve to aid in the determination of street illl Jrovellients in the future. Also included would be a study of the parking 'situation in the Central Business District. There is a reiliote chance for 100% Federa 1 fundi ng for thi s project ("701" planning funds). prW,J[CT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New [] I{enovation [J Expansion OJ Replacement IXJ Other Study OEPARrMENTA'- PIUORITY: CII' COMMITTEE prnORITY: III Urgent [J Necessary [] Urgent 1 of 1 Group 1 of -L - n Necessary of of -- - []Desirable 0 Desi rable of of - - Eslilllùled J\nnual Cost of Operation: $ --1i,LA $~ $ N/A Eslililated J\nnual Cost of ~1aintenance: Estililated I\nnual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Oa te 0 f E s ti ma te 2/79 0 Refi ned Estimate 1980 [X] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current I~evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid Ir..__~r..\ \ JIlt'.c I I Y J State Aid (Specify) Other Revenue Sharing ( Speci fy) TOTAL 72 $ 25.000.00 $25,000.00 $ - 25 .QOO~O $2~,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started lproject # ~L.::_2 Dale Completed -- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid r-,..-....",..---. \JpeclrYJ State Aid Other rSpeci fy) ( Spec ify) TOTAL $ --- - $ ---- CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Pro_gram Project No. Location Ninth and ST - 3 Magnolia Intersection Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering Dept. Magnolia widening at Ninth St. for left turn þays Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Widening Magnolia Road from Ninth Street to Highland Ave. to accommodate a separate left bay at Ninth Street and Magnolia Road. PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New ŒJ Expansion 0 Replacement 0 Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent GJ Urgent GmLl~l of ---L- of - rl Npc:p<;<;¡:¡rv L,I,-J - p- - - - - oJ n Npc:p<;<;arv L--J---------oJ - of -'- of 2 0 Desirable 0 Desirable - of of - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 2/79 [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1980 ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it i on Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid l.....__~.c:..\ \J let.llj' State Aid ( Sped fy) Other ""( Spec ify ) TOTAL 73 $ 23,000.00 - $23,000.00 $ 23, OŒ1.LDO - $23,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # X~_=---3 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started --- Date Completed___- Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ (Specify) TOTAL _.-_...- ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (sf'rvice charges) $ ----- ------- Federal Aid I ('.._-~ \.J lel..-I 'J' State Aid Other rsrec TfYJ (Spec i fy) TOTAL -- - CI'l~Y OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project: No. ST - 4 Location Iron Avenue -Íßri dge at Channel ChanS, e Originatin'j Department or Aqency and Project Title Engineering Dept. Bridge Deck Rehabilitation --- ------- D{1scription, ,lustification, and Source of Need: The surface condition of the bridge deck is very poor <iue to large spalled areas. Removal and replacement of the entire deck surface is required. Patching is ineffective. I'IW,JECI CLASSIFICATION: 0 New IXl Renovation 0 Expansion 0 Replacement 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] Urgen t ŒJ Urgent of 5 5 GroupZ of L- - rî NpîP':;<;iJrV l_J .. - ..- - - ..--.. J F. tllnrac c ;¡ \"\1 L..J ,,~~~........~, J of ,-,f VI - - [J Desirable [J Des i rab 1 e of of -- - Estilliated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual I~{~venue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 2/79 1980 [XJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction I<enovation Demo 1 ition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Spec i ty) State Aid Other (Specify) ( Speci fy) 74 TOTAL $ lli 000 . 00 lL~}OOO.OO $131 )000.00 $ 50 , OdO~oo 8J....!000.00 - $131,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # ~J_:_~ Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ---- (Specify) State Aid Other [Sped fy) ( Spec ify) TOTAL $ -- $ ---- CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. S1 - 5 Ohio Street Location and Albert Avenue Ori tj-¡ na ti IItj Department or Agency and Pn)ject Ti tle Engioeerinq DeRt~ Traffic ~i9..~ts ~mÜQ_- andMbert. nescTiption, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This project would consist of a semi-actuated traffic control system to reduce the number of accidents and create gaps in traffic on Ohio, so minor street traffic can Ilierge safely or cross Ohio. PHO,JECT CLASSIFICATION: [X] NevI 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [J Renovation 0 Other nEPARTMENTAl PIUOIHTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent [i] Urgent GrQ!lP.2 of of ..L- - rYl Nc'Î.PS <;i1 rv l~-" - - - J n Nprp<::<::ilrv L-J "------'J of -'-- 1 of - [J Desirable 0 Desirable of of - - Estililated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ L5lililated Annual Cost of Maintenance: [5 L ¡mated Annua I R(~venue: L....-- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 2/79 1980 ŒJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ~Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current r~evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid (Specify) Other Gas Tax (Specify) 75 TOTAL $ ___500.00 4}500.00 1 3 ,000-:00 $ ULllOQ. 00 $ $18,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject #~_L=-_5 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renova ti on Demo 1 i ti on Equipment Other- $ ------ '(Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid {Specify) State Aid -- (Specify) Other (Sped fy) TOTAL cl'rv OF SALINA Capital Improvenlent Program Project No. ST - 6 L 0 cat ion lntel"S.el:L1 on~ f rllnth and OttO---.-2tœe.t2 Ori~inatin(J Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering Signalization of the Ninth and Otto intersection Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: A fully actuated traffic control system to reduce the nUillber of accidents and to create gaps in the major street traffic so the minor street traffic can safely enter or cross the major street. I'I<O,)ECT CLASSIFICATION: [~ New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement [J Renovation 0 Other ULYI\RIMENT/\L rrUOIUTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [J Uy'gen t 0 Urgent of of - - [[) Necessary of ? !Xl NpcessiJ rv (',rolln 10 f 1 '-'-'-I-. .-J -"__.'__H_-=-- ? - [] nasi rah 1 e 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estililated I\nnual Cost of t1aintenance: FsLilllated I\nnual I~evellue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate 1981 2179 [i] Approx i ma ti on Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I " ! r , ~Jpec I ry J State Aid (Specify) Other Gas Tax. ( Specify) 76 TOTAL $ 500.00 4,500.00 18,000:00 $23,000.00 $ $23,000.00 $23,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Trroject # ~I_-:.._§ Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTI\L ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Sped Fy) State Aid Oth{~r {Specify-Y---- {Speclfyj TOTAL $ --- --- -- $ ---- CI'1'Y OF SALINA Capital Inlprovement Program Project No. ST - 7 Location Broadway at Cloud Street Ori~inatin~ Department or Agency (HId Project Title Citizen Colliments CD Public Hearings ._J~air,- th~~P.'.e~desJ:Ei9t')Qve!pass and Redesign East Ramp Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: The pedestrian bridge is badly cracked and large pieces of concrete are falling off, especially along the ¡,amps. The City Engineer has also suggested the redesign of the eastern ramp for better alignment with the existing system. !HOJECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Redesign IKI Renovation [I] Other O[PAfnMLNTl\L PRIORITY: NOT APPLI CABLE 0 lJrgen t 0 f - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Uryent of - [] Necessary of !Xl Nf~cessarv r,rf) n 1 0 f 1 '"'-' J ... - -. , - -"-- - [J Desirable -- of - 0 Desirable of - Estililated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estillidted Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual I{evcllue: --- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1981 2/79 (]I Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo li t ion Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid , r.c - _! £.. , \.)pecIIYJ State Aid Other (Specify) ( Speci fy) 77 TOTAL $ * * * $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $25,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started lProject # ST - 7 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid 7 ~ . ~ , ~~peclTy ) State Aid (Specify) Other (Specify) TOTAL $ --- $ -"- CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program )roject No. ST - 8 Location Crawford St. from Ohio St. east to the ci ty 1 imi ts OriginatiWJ Depay'tment or Ayency and Project Title Engineering Department Widening Crawford Street east of Ohio --"----------" 1)(\sCt'iptiun, ,Justification, and Source of Need: Crawford Street represents the main east/west street in Salina. This project would involve the expansion of the bridge and widening of Crawford to four lanes with turn lanes at the intersections. PIW,JECT CLASSIFICI\TION: Iii Ne~" OJ Expansion 0 Replacement [XJ Renovation 0 Other IJEP/\RrMENTAL PRIORITY: NOT RANKED 0 Uryc>nt of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: GJ Urgent GrQ1UL lof 2 --- - Il N(!ccssarv L---' ~ n Np.cessarv L--J J of of - - [J Desirable of [~ Desirable -- of - - Fstilliated /\nnudl Cost of Operation: $ $ $ I.stimated /\nnlJal Cost of Maintenance: LstilliaLeu Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: 1981 3/79 [XJ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo I it ion Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES Current I~evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid I,... -- .. - -, r - \ ~ .)pec I I Y } State Aid * Other (Specify) ( Specify) 78 TOTAL $ * "* * "* "* $2,100,000 $ -soo,ooo.oo 1 2.§QQ..J)OO . 00 $2,100,000.00 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started IProject # _~I_-:_8 Da te COlllp I etect - Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Delliol ¡tion Equipment Other- (Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Speci fy) State Aid Other {Speci fy) ( Specify) TOTAL $ --- -------- $ -- - C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST - 8A Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1981 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. 5T - 8A Location Ohio & Crawford . 0 Refined Estimate []] Approximation IntersectlOn Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering Studies $ Studies $ ." Plans & Specifications 500.00 Plans & Specifications Replacement of Trafflc Slgnals at OhlO & Crawford Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 4,500.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition 15,000.00 Demolition Fully actuated traffic control s~stem with Equipment Equipment sera rate 1 eft turn movements to 1 ncrease Other- Other- the capacity of the .inte~section and to -(Specify) (Specify) reduce the number of accldents. TOTAL $20,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES ** Costs included in the Crawford Street PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: widening projects (St. - 8 & 10 ) Current Revenue ~ Current Revenue $ 0 New 0 Expansion ŒJ Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment 0 Renovation D Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) [] Urgent 1 of ~ [K] Urgent Group 2 of ~ Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessélry of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify j (Specify)-- State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 1Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 79 I þ . - al 1 N' C I T Y 0 F S J\ L I N 1\ ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST - 9 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1q82 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nó. ST - 9 Location Ohio Street [] Refined Estimate 00 Approximation From Greeley to Elm Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering/Planning Studies $ Studies $ .. . Plans & Specifications * Plans & Specifications Wldenlng OhlO Street from Greeley to Elm Land Acquisition * Land Acquisition Construction * Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation * Renovation Demolition Demolition This project is needed for two primary reasons; Equipment * Equipment 1. Ohio Street is one of the primary North- Other- Other- . South streets in the City and this section (Specify) (Speclfy) is extremely hazardous. 2. As further support for the Bicentennial Center. This project would ease access TOTAL $870,000.00 TOTAL to the center for 1-70 to the north. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New ~ Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment ~ Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds 870,000.00 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) U1 Urgent 4 of 5 [X] Urgent Group 1 of -L Federal Aid Federal Aid n Necessary of - n Necessary of - (Specify) (Sped fyj State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 1Specify) (Specify) Estinæted Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $870,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 80 I C IT Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST - 10 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1984 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. ST - 10 Location Crawford St. 0 Refined Estimate [!J Approximation between Ohio & Broadway Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering Studies $ Studies $ .. . Plans & Specifications 139.900.00 Plans & Specifications Crawford Street wldenlng, OhlO to Broadway land Acquisition land Acquisition .. ... Construction 1, 74g ,1 nn nn Construction Descrlptlon, Justlflcatlon, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation , Demolition Demolition Widenlng of Crawford Street from Broadway to E uip ent Equipment Ohi~ ~o accomodate four lane traffi~. In Oiher~ Other- addl~lOn separ~te ~eft turn. lanes wlll ~e -(Specify) (Specify) provlded at major lntersectlons. Trafflc signal equipment is also included in the project. TOTAL $1.889 ,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ D New m Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds 500,000.00 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) []I Urgent 1 & 3 of -2- IXJ Urgent Group 1 of ~ Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - * 1,389,000.00 (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation:. $ "(Specify) "(Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $1,889,000.00 TOTAL Es ti ma ted Annual Revenue: $ 82 C IT Y 0 F S J\ L I N J\ ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST - lOA Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1984 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. ST - lOA Location Ninth and 0 Refi ned Estimate [] Approximation Crawford Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering Studies $ Studies $ '" Plans & Specifications 500.00 Plans & Specifications Replacement of Trafflc Slgnals at Nlnth & Crawford land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 4,500.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition Fully actuated traffic control system with Equipment 15.000.00 Equipment separate 1 eft turn movements to increase Other- Other- the intersection capacity and reduce the number -(Specify) -(Specify) of accidents. TOTAL :#20,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES ** Costs included in Crawford Street widening PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Project (St. - 10) Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New Q9 Expansion ~ Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds . Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) [] Urgent 4 of 4 [R] Urgent Group 2 of 1-- Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 83 CITY OF SALINA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject # ST - lOB Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year{s) 1984 Year{s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nó. ST - lOB Location Santa Fe and [J Refined Estimate QOApproximation Crawford Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering Studies $ Studies $ . . Plans & Specifications 500.00 Plans & Specifications Replacement of Trafflc Slgnals at Santa Fe & Crawford Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 4,500.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation . . . Demolition Demolition Fully actuated trafflc control system wlth Equipment 15,000.00 Equipment separate left.turn movement~ to reduce the. Other- Other- number ~f acclde~ts and to lncrease the capaclty ~Specify) (Specify) of the lntersectlon. TOTAL $20,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES ** Costs included in Crawford St. widening PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Project (St. - 10 ) Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New [] Expansion Oil Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund {service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) GJ Urgent 3 of ~ III Urgent Group 2 of..L Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ 1Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 84 C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST - 11 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred * Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. ST - 11 Location Intersection of 0 Refined Estimate [!] Approximation Ninth & Crawford Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Engineering/Planning Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications 30,000.00 Plans & Specifications Crawford & 9th Intersection Improvement Land Acquisition land Acquisition Construction 302,000.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition Widening the intersection on the 9th Street Equipment Equipment sides (north and south) to accomodate four Other- Other- lane traffic plus separate left turn bays. (Specify) (Specify) The widening of 9th Street would be from Charles to Bond. * Until Crawford St. is improved TOTAL $332,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New ~ Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) [] Urgent 2 of 5 00 Urgent Group 2 of ~ Federal Aid Federal Aid n Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ -(Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 85 Ip . t #ST - 12 C IT Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS roJec Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s} Deferred * Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project Nó. ST - 12 Location Iron Avenue [J Refined Estimate QaApproximation and Ohio Intersection Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Ori gi nati ng Department or Agency. . and Project Title Englneenng Studies $ Studies $ . . Plans & Specifications 26,000.00 Plans & Specifications Iron & OhlO Intersectlon Improvement Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 260,000.00 Construction Description, Justification. and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation . Demol ition Demol ition Widening the intersection (ea~t and west sldes) Equipment Equipment to accomodate four lane trafflc. Separate left Other- Other- t~rn lanes will be constructed: Iron would be ~Specify) (Specify) wldened from Kansas to Connectlcut. * Until Ohio St. is improved TOTAL $286,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New ~ Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds OEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges} 0 Urgent of - ŒJ Urgent Group 2 of -1- Federal Aid Federal Aid [] Ner.essary 1 of 2 0 Necessary of - (SpecÏfyj (Spe-cify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ -(Specify) lSpecify) Esti"~ted Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 86 C IT Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject # ST - 13 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. ST - 13 Location Connection of 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Ash to State Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Titl e Pl anni ng Department Studi es $ Studi es $ . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Street Constructlon - Ash/State St. Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition This connecting link between Broadway and the Equipment Equipment Mo-Pac tracks is all that is needed to provide Other- Other- a continuous East-West arterial throug~ the, . ~Specify) (Specify) city from N. Ohio Street to the west clty llmlts and on to 1-135. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ ~ New [] Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - ŒJ NecessaryGroup 1 of -L (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid I] Desirable 1 of 2 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 87 CITY OF SALINA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject #ST - 14 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project Nö. ST - 14 Location Ohio Street 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Greeley to Wayne Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CIP Review Committee Studies $ Studies $ . . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Renovatlon of OhlO Street land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition Th~s section of Ohio St~eet seems to be a E ui ment Equipment malntenance problem as lt was construc~ed O~he~- Other- to residential.stand~rds and not ~r~erlal (Specify) (Specify) standards. ThlS project would ellmlnate the washboard effect as traffic moves down Ohi o. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New [] Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment ~ Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service NOT APPLICAßLE charges) charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid n Necessary of - [!] NecessaryGroup 1 of ~ (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 88 CITY OF SALINA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS IProject 1ST - 15 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project Nd. ST - 15 Location Marymount Road 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation from Crawford to Magnolia Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Planning Department Studies $ Studies $ . '. Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Wldenlng & ConstructlOn of Marymount Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation .. Demol ition Demol ition With East Salina developing and especlally Slnce Equipment Equipment Cloud Street is not proposed to cross the Smok~ Other- Other- Hill River.this project i~ necessa~y to effectlVely -(Specify) (Specify) loop trafflc around the rlver. ThlS was proposed by the 1965 Metropolitan Area Transportation Study and continues to be carried on all adopted Land TOTAL TOTAL Use Plans. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ oa New [] Expansion [] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [J Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) D Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid ŒJ Necessary 6 of ~ ŒJ Necessary Group lof -L (Specify) (Specify) --- State Aid State Aid D Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of ~1aintenance; $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 89 C IT Y 0 F' S)\ L I N A. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project #ST - 16 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project Nd. ST - 16 Location Magnolia Road 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation from Centennial to Marymount Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Plïmning Opp;¡rtmpnt Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications J,linpning !(, Conc;trtldinn of M;¡gnoli;¡ Rn;¡n Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition Traffic volume has increased 130-280% since 1963. Equipment Equipment The Mid-State Mall, Schilling Industrial Area and Other- Other- continued residential growth will only increase ----(Specify) (Specify) volume and need. This project would be consistent with all adopted Land Use Plans. A portion of this project is outside the current city limits. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ Q] New (K Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment 0 Renovation 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) 0 Urgent of ---- 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid rxl Necessary 5 of ~ [!] Necessary Group lof .-2- (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of ---- 0 Desirable of ---- (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estinßted Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 90 I C I T Y 0 F SA L I N 1\ ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST - 17 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project Nó. ST - 17 Location 9th Street 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation from Cloud to Euclid Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Planning Department Studies $ Studies $ . . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Wldenlng of 9th Street Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation -- .. Demol ition Demol ition Traftlc volume has lncreased on portlOns as much Equipment Equipment as 60-70% from 1963 when this project was Other- Other- recommended for construction by the 1965 Metropolitan ~Specify) (Specify) Area Transportation Study. One of only two North/ South through streets in Salina. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New ŒJ Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovation [] Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid ŒJ Necessary 1 of 8 ŒJ Necessary Group 1 of -1- (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ -(Specify) (Specify) Estinßted Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: t 91 .. CI'l'Y OF' SALINA Capital Improvement Program I't'oject No. ST - 18 ---- Location Ohio Street from Magnolia to Schilling O\'iuiniltin<j Departillent or Agency dlHI Project Ti tle PlanninfLD~Qartment ___~tr~~1..JJ.L~!}in9-& Construction - South Ohio Street 1J(~scription, ,Justification, and Source of Need: Traffic volume has increased from 350-440% on portions of this street since 1963. Growth continues in this area of the City as predicted in the 1964 and 1974 Land Use Plans. This project was originally sub- mitted as a portion of a larger project which was split by the CIP Review Committee. The remainder of the project is contained in project #ST 21 'HO.JEO CLASSIFIC/\TlON: 11] NerJ [X] Expansion D Replacement LJ Henovatioll 0 Other IJLP/\lnMLNTl\L PH lOin TV : CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] Uruell t 0 Urgent of of --- - - I Rl t'kcessdr..Y LJ )l~si\'dble 3 of 8 ~ Necessary Group 20f ~ - 0 Desirable of of - - lstiliialed /\lInudl Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Lstillklted /\nnual Cost of Maintendnce: L~, t i IIld Lt~d /\1 II II iiI I I{evenue: -- - ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate Deferred None Ava il ab 1 e 0 I<efined Estimate D Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo I Hion Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PI<OJECTEO FUNDING SOUI<CES Current r~evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds I<evenue l3onds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid , C:,,^^~ .1=.. \ ~J JCl..,IIYJ State Aid Other [specTfY1 ( SpecifY) TOTAL 92 $ $ ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST _=_J8 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost I3reakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obl igatlon Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service dlarges) $ Federal Aid ~............,. p Jec I I Y ) State Aid ---{Spec fTY1 Other (Speci fy) TOTAL CI'I"Y Ol~ SALINA Capital Improvement Program Pt'o.il~cl No. ST - 19 Location E. Crawford East 1 mile from the city llmlts Ori~Jindtínu Depdr'tlllent or ^gency and Project Title --I.:lannin.g-Dppnrtmpnt _._~:tr..~~t cons,truction - E. Crawford 1Jt.~sCt'iplion, ,Justification, and Source of Need: This street is in the heart of the major growth area of the city and should be constructed prior to further development. This project is outside of the current city limits, but is consistent with adopted ldnd use plans. PIWJLCI CLN;SIIIC/\TION: LXI Ne\'I IIJ Expansion 0 Replacement I] Henovdtion 0 Other [)[P/\HIMLNI/\I. PIUOIUTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: (] lJrgen t 0 Urgent of of ---- - - ¡xl ~JI'I'f";<;drv L~J"_V.-----"J 7 8 fVl Npr¡:>,,;:\rll r.rnlln ?nf 1 ~ ..-~-~~~. J ~'--r- -~. --.::::- of - [J )e~;h'd )le -- of - 0 Desirable of - Islilildted /\nnudl Cost of Operation: $ $ $ L'JLilildled /\nnual Cost of Maintenance: L~)lillldl('d I\nnuitl I~evellue: ..--.----- -- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Da te 0 f Est i ma te None Available 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approx imati on Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid Other [Spec i fy ) (SpecifY) 93 TOTAL ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ~:r~19 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid Other (Sped fV) ( Speci fy) TOTAL CI'I'Y OF SALINA. Capital Improvement Program Project No. ST - 20 Location Cloud Street from Broadway to Ohio Ori!jilli:\tin!j Departlllent or Agency and Project Title Planning~pepartment Street Widening - Cloud Street Description> ,Justification, and Source of Need: Traffic volume has increased upwards to 60% from 1963. This project was proposed in the 1965 Metropolitan Area Transportation Study. PI{(),JECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New I] I~enovdtion ŒJ Expansion 0 Other 0 Replacement IJlI'I\HTMLNT/\L PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] Urgen l [] Urgent of of - - f-Vl NpCf',>sarv uu - - ., IYl NPîP<:;<:;iH'Vf'..""",r'\ ? ) f ~ i1>-Jo,-----_OJUIVYI-"" ". ~ /I 1 of ~ [J Uesirdble -- of -- 0 Desirable of - F~Li"ldted Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ IsLimated 1\lInudl Cost of ~1dintenance: I ',tillldted 1\lInudl Revenue: -- ~- ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s} Deferred Date of Estimate None Available 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid - (Specify) (Speci fy) Other 94 TOTAL ACTUAL PIWJECT COSTS lproject # ST - 20 Year( s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Cons ty'uct ion Henovation Demolition Equipment Other- (Specify) $ ---- TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolviny Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid [Speci fy) 0 the r 1 Speci fYJ TOTAL Clrl~Y Ol~ SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. ST - 21 Ohio Street Location ----"-- lliJle 1 montH t<LMac!no 1 i a Ori<jindtinu Department or Agency dill! Project Ti tle funning Department __5tœe..t Wi derÜng and r.onstru..cJ.iD~....sooth..1)hio Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Traffic volume has increased from 350-440% on some portions since 1963. Growth continues in this portion of the City as predicted in the 1964 and 1974 Land Use Plans. This project was originally submitted as a portion of a larger project which was split by the CIP Review Committee. The remainder of the project is contained in project #ST 18 . --- JIH),JLCT CLASSIFICATION: [i] New [X] Expans ion 0 Replacement [J I{enovalion [J Other D[P/\HTMLNTJ\L PIUOIUn: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [J Urgent 0 Urgent of of -- - - Ixl NeceSSdrv L'-U ~ 3 of --1L IYl Nprp<;<;i\rVI'-.Y'()11n ? (If { ~ ""______HJ ~'~"'" ~ -. --::!- I] Desirable 0 Des irab 1 e of of - - Lslillldl:ed /\nnudl Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Islillidled Anllual Cost of Mdinlenance: L s l ì IIlit U:d /\nllual I<evenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year{s) Date of Estimate 0 Refi ned Est i lOa te Cost Breakdown: Deferred None Available 0 Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction I<enovation Delllol ition Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid ( Speci fy) State Aid ( Specify) Other (Specify) 95 TOTAL $ $ ACTUAL PI<OJECT COSTS I Proj ec t # ~I--=-21 Year(s} Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOUI<CES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid ( Spec ify) Other (Specify) TOTAL CI'1"'Y OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. ST - 22 Location Ohio Street from Elm to Pacific O~'iuinatinu Depay'tillent or A<Jency LInd Project Title Planning_Qe¡)artment __~tQenir!iL9hi~_from El m to Pacifi c Description, .Justification, and Source of Need: This project would complete the link with 1-70 and the Bicentennial Center and ease traffic circulation problems for the center. 'IH).)[CT CLASSIFICATION: [J New (X] Expansion 0 Replacement IJ !(ellovation 0 Other I)LP/\HH1lNT/\L PIUOHITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: [] II r!)en L 0 Urgent of of --- - - ŒJ Necessary [] Uesirùhle 2 of 8 !Xl Necessarv r.rOIIO ?of :I ~ ~ -.. - -., - --=-- 0 Desirable of of - - LSlillidLed Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ 1st iliid Led I\IHHld I Cos l 0 f Ma i ntellance: LsLilildled Annual Hevenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year( s) Da te 0 f Est i ma te 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred None Available 0 Approximation $ Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo I ition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current f(evenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid 1{'..~~~.1:..\ \ .) Jt:c I I Y } State Aid Other rsreCTTYJ ( Speci fY1 96 $ TOTAL ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started [prOject # S_L=..12 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Cons tructl on Renovation Demol ition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Spec ify j State Aid Other (Specify) ( Specify) TOTAL $ $ C I TV 0 I~ SA L I N A. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project /I _~L_=- 23 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estinßte None Available Date Started Date Completed Project No. ST - 23 Location Marymount Road 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation from Cloud to Magnolia Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Ori<Jincttin<J Department or Agency ctnd Project Title Planning Department Studies $ Studies $ . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications __~treet ConstructlOn - Marymount Road Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description) ,Justification) and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation With E. Salina developing and as Cloud St. is not Demolition Demolition proposed to cross the Smoky Hill River this project Equipment Equipment is necessary to effectively loop traffic around the Other- Other- river. This was proposed on the 1965 Metropolitan (Specify) (Specify) Area Transportation Study and continues to be carried on all adopted Land Use Plans. This project was originally submitted as a larger TOTAL TOTAL project and was broken out by the riP Review Committee. The remainder of the original project submission is lIST 15 . PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PIW,JLCI CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ I]] New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund - - . Special Assessment Special Ass~ssm~nt lJ Henovatlon 0 Other General Obl igation Bonds General Obllgatlon Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DLI'AIHMENTAL PIUORITY: eIP COMMITTEE PIUORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) [J Ur~Jent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid pq Necessary --..§-- of -L [J Necessary Group 30t --L- (Speci fy) ( Sped fy) State Aid State Aid 0 tJesirctl}le of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Lstiliidted Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Lstilllctted Annual Cost of Ma-intenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL L~)lilllrited Annuctl Revenue: $ 97 C IT Y 0 F § A L I N J\ ESTINATED PfWJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # ST.._=_24 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year( s) np.fp.rrp.o Year(s) Budgeted .. Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project No. ST - 24 LocatlOn 1 Mlle East of - Marymount from Country Club 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Road to E. Cloud Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency ¿¡nd Project Title Planninq Department Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Street Construction - SE 29th Street Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, ,Justification. and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demo 1 -j t i on Demo 1 it i on This street is within 1/4 mile of existing growth Equipment Equipment and should be constructed prior to development. Other- Other- This project is outside current city limits but (Specify) (Specify) is consistent with adopted Land Use Plans. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PIHJ.JECf CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [XI New [J Expansion D Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund u . . Speci a 1 Assessment Speci a 1 Assessment LJ I~enovdtlon 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds IJLI'I\IUMLNT/\L PHlORlTY: CIP COMMITTEE PIHORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service ...~ cha rges ) cha rge s ) LJ LJr~Jenl -- of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid [xl Necessary R of 8 [] Necessary Group 30f 2- (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid I] Des i rable of - 0 Desi fable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other LstilildLeu Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Lslíllldlt~d J\nllual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL L s t i Ilid ted I\nnllal r~evenue: $ 98 t-. C IT Y 0 F § A L I N A ESTIHATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project #S~_~5 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted '. . ST 25. Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed ProJect No. - Location Central 0 Refined Estimate [X] Approximation Blisinpc;c; nic;trirt Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Oriuinatinu Department or Agency dnd Project Ti tIe Engineering Studies $ Studies $ Synchronization of Intersections with Fire Lanes Plans & S~e~i!ications 2.000.00 Plans & S~e~i!ications ..----- Land AcqulsltlOn Land Acquls1tlOn " ... . Construction 5,000.00 Construction 1!t:~SCr1ptlOn, ,JustlflcatlOn, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation The project consists of the synchronization Delll~lition (~ern~lition of existing signalized intersections with Equlprnent 94.000.00 Equlpment controlled fire lanes in the Central Business Other- Other- District. This means the lights would all (Specify) (Specify) turn red to cross traffic enabling the fire apparatus to move through the intersection much more quickly. TOTAL UQhOOO.OO TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES IJIW,IITI CLASSIFICATION: -- -. Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ LJ New 0 ExpanslOn IX] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund - .. . . Special Assessment Special Assessment I] Henovatlon 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DLP/\I(IMINTAL PIUOIUTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service - cha rges ) cha rge s ) 0 Urgen t of - 0 Urgent of - Federa 1 Ai d Federa 1 Ai d [] Necessary -- of - n Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) - State Aid State Aid LXI Des i rdb Ie 1 0 f -L [i] Des i rab 1 e Group 10f -1- ( SpecifY) ( Specify) Other Other Estiliidted Annual Cost of Operation: $ TSpecify) (Specify) Isliliidted /\JlnLldl Cost of Mdintenance: $ , . TOTAL TOTAL Lsllillilled I\lInuill I~evenue: $ 99 CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Pr'oject No. ~I-=- 26 Cloud Street Location 1 mile east of Marymount Ori~ inating Department or A<Jency and Project Title PlanningQ~partment - Construction of Cloud St. 1 mile east of Mar~mount Description, Justification, and Source of Need: With E. Salina developing this project is needed to link Marymount Rd. to the North-South section line road one mile east. This project is currently outside the city limits. JIW,JECI CLASSIFICATION: II] New 0 Expans ion 0 Replacement [] Henovati on [J Other D[PAlHMLNTAL PR lOIn TV : CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Ur9cn t 0 Urgent of of - - 11 NpŒssarv '--, J n Npf:pC:;<;òrv '-J-----------J of of - - [] Desi rab 1 e 2 2 ŒJ Des i rab 1 e Group? 0 f -L of - estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Hevenue: $ ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred None Ava il ab 1 e 0 Approximation $ Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN(ì SOURCES $ Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ~ !r \ p~eclrYJ State,Aid Other (Specify) ( Specify) 100 TOTAL ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) ßudgeted Date Started I Project # ~I.._:"_f6 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renova ti on Demolition Equipment Other- (SpecifY) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue ßonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Spec ì1Yl State Aid Other [Spec i fy) (Sped fy) TOTAL $ -- ----- $ C IT Y 0 F SA. L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # sT - 27 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s} Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project No. ST - 27 Location VariolJ" point" [J Refined Estimate [] Approximation around the City Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CD Public Hearings/CIP Review Comm. Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Jle.Q..Ùìcement of railroad crossings around the City Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation DellJol ition Demol ition This project is frequently mentioned at all CD Equipment Equipment Hearings. It involves the replacement of railroad Other- Other- crossings with rubberized or steel crossings which (Specify) (Specify) are not as subject to weather damage as wood or asphalt. It is important to remember that the railroads are legally responsible for the crossing TOTAL TOTAL maintenance. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New 0 Expansion IX] Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment [J Henovation 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIOIHTY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service NOT APPLICABLE charges) charges) 0 Ur'gent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid [J Necessary of - n Necessary of - ( Specify) ( Specify ) State Ai d State Ai d 0 Desirable of - [R] DesirableGroup 3 of ~ (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 101 C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # l!TL ~1 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1979 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2179 Date Started Date Completed Project No. UTL - 1 Location South Key 0 Refined Estimate [K] Approximation Acres area Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Oeparbnent or Agency and Project Title Water and Sewerage Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications South Ninth Main Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 8,000.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Dej,¡o 1 it i on Demo 1 it ion To connect the distribution system from the Equipment Equipment South Key Acres area to the 12" water main Other- Other- on the west side of South Ninth Street. -(Specify) (Specify) TOTAL $8,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PHO,JECI CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New [] Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund - . Special Assessment Special Assessment [J RenovatlOn 0 Other Genera 1 Ob 1 i gati on Bonds Genera 1 Ob 1 iga ti on Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PI{IORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service NOT PRIORITIZED charges) 8,000.00 charges) [J Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid rxJ Necessary -~ of ~ n Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost or Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estilllated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL -18,000.00 TOTAL Estilllí.lted Annual f{evenue: $ 102 CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. UTL - 2 Quincy to Ohio Location Wayne Avenue - Originating Department or Agency and Project Ti tl e ~ater and Sewerage East Wayne water main Description. Justification, and Source of Need: Install 12" water main on Wayne Avenue from Quincy to Ohio. PRO,jECT CLASSI FICATION: [] New ŒJ Expansion 0 Replacement [J Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: of CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 NOT PRIORITIZED Urgent -- of - D Urgent - rxl NeCf'ssarv L_' ~ 1 of 4 n NpC'p<:<:ilrv L-J .._-------" - [J Desi rab 1 e of 0 Desirable - - Es lima led I\nnua 1 Cost of Operation: $ $ $ I.stlmated Annual Cost of ~1aintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: of - of - ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [] Refined Estimate 1979 _?/79 OCJ Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demol ition Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid 7 r . r , plJecny} State Aid ( Specify) Other -( Spec i fy ) TOTAL 103 $ 50,00o.Od $50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $50,000.00 ACTUAl PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # ~I,=-::-__2 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Spec ify) TOT J\L ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid ( Speci fy) State Aid Other (Specify) ( Specify) TOTAL $ --- $ C IT Y 0 F S J\. L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PRO\JECT COSTS I Project #UTL - 3 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 12/78 Date Started Date Completed Project No. UTL - 3 Location Various locations 0 Refined Estimate []] Approximation around the city Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CAC/Engineering/Planning Studies $ Studies $ '. Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications - SeparatlOn of Storm & Sanltary Sewers Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction 327,700.00 Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demo 1 it i on Demo 1 it ion Elimination of cross connections between the storm and Equipment Equipment sanitary sewers would reduce the load on the city's Other- Other- sewerage treatment plant (no longer treat storm water), (Specify) (Specify) eliminate the objectionable odor and eliminate a possible health hazard. The following locations are included; Ash Street from 10th to Dry Creek, Intersection of Ash & Ohio; TOTAL $327,700.00 TOT/\L 8th from Weil to Prescott, 5th from South to Center, 4th from Center to the river channel, and Crawford from 9th to 10th. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES )ROJECr CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ [] New 0 Expansion [X) Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment Special Assessment 0 Renovation 0 Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund {service Revolving Fund (sey'vice charges) charges) ŒJ Urgent 1 of 1 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid Community Development 327,700.00 r-1 Necessary of - ŒJ Necessary Grnup lof .l- (Sped fy) ( Specify j State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ -0- (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ -0- TOTAL $327,700.00 TOTAL Fstimated Annual Revenue: $ -0- 104 - I CITY OF SALINA ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PRO,JECT COSTS IProject #UTL -_.4 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Con~leted Project No. UTL - 4 Location Citywide 0 Refined Estimate I[] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Water & Sewerage Studies $ 40,000.00 Studies $ . Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Sewage Collectlon System Study Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Construction Construction Description, ,Justification, and Source of Need: Renovatiòn Renovation A complete study of the sewage collection system Demolition Demolition pump stations and major mains. Several of the Equipment Equipment existing pump stations and major collection mains Other- Other- are overloaded by the volume of sewage they now (Specify) (Specify) handle. TOTAL $40,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: - . Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ 0 New 0 ExpanslOn 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund . Special Assessment Special Assessment lJ '~enovatlOn ŒJ Other Study General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIr COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service NOT PRIORITIZED charges) $40,000.00 charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid ŒJ Nf'cPsSilry 1 of 1 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Specify) -~.._- ----- - State Aid State Aid [] Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of O(Jeration: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated I\nnual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $40,000.00 TOTAL E s li ilia ted Annual Revenue: $ 105 C I T Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAl- PROJECT COSTS I Projec t # U_ll_:._5 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1980 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 2/79 Date Started Date Completed Project No. UTL - 5 Location Cloud & Broadway 0 Refined Estimate IX] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Ti tle Water and Seweraqe Studies $ Studies $ Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications Cloud Street Connector Main Land Acquisition Land Acquisition ---- .. ... Construction 25,000.00 Construction Descrlptlon, Justlflcatlon, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition This project involves the installation of a 12" Equipment Equipment water main along Cloud Street from Dover to Other- Other- Haskett. This main is to cross connect the (Specify) (Specify) distribution system on the east side of Broadway with that on the west side of Broadway. TOTAL $25,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDIN~ SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES IJI~OJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ fJ New (i Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund ... . Speci a 1 Assessment Speci a 1 Assessmen t 0 Renovatlon 0 Other General Obl igation Bonds General Obl igation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service - NOT PRIORITIZED charges) 25,000.00 charges) [] Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid []] Necessilry 3 of ~ 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Sped fy) State Aid State Aid lJ Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estililated Annual Cost of ~1aintenance: $ . . TOTAL _$25,000.00 TOTAL Istlll1i1ted Annual Revenue: $ 106 C IT Y 0 F SA L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # un - 6 Capital Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) 1981/1982 Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate 12/78 Date Started Date Completed Project Nó. UTL - 6 Location South Santa Fe -- 0 Refined Estimate []] Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CAC/Engineering/Planning Studies $ Studies $ .. Plans & Specifications * Plans & Specifications SeparatlOn of storm and sanltary sewers Land Acquisition land Acquisition Construction * Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demolition Demolition Elimination of this area of cross connections Equipment Equipment between storm and sanitary sewers would complete Other- Other- the project. This would eliminate an unnecessary (Specify) (Specify) load on the city's sewage treatment plant (we would no longer treat storm water~ eliminate the objectionable odor in this vicinity and eliminate TOTAL $l72,OOO.OC TOTAL a possible health hazard. PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ ~ New [] Expansion ~ Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund . Special Assessment Special Assessment [] Renovatlon [] Other General Obligation Bonds 172,000.00 General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service charges) charges) [] Urgent 1 of ~ 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - m Necessary Group 1 of ~ (Specify) (Specify) State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - 0 Desirable of - (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estinßted Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL $172,000.00 TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 107 CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Pro_gram Project No. UTL - r Location Ninth and Magnolia Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Water and Sewerage South Ninth Street Main Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Connect the existing 12" deadend main on South Ninth to the distribution system at Ninth and Magnolia. PRO,JECT CLASSIFICATION: 0 New 0 Henovation []I Expansion 0 Replacement 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: of CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 NO.T PRIORITIZED Urgent of - 0 Urgent III Necessary - 4 of 4 0 Necessary - 0 Oesirable of 0 Desirable - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estililated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: of - of - ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refi ned Es timate Cost Breakdown: 1980 ?J79 DO Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- -(Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) Federal Aid /r.___1£..\ \ ':> Jec I I Y } State Aid Other (Specify) ( Specify) 108 TOTAL $ 36~000.00 _$36,000.00 $ 36~000.00 - $36.000.00 ACTUAL PRO,JECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started IProject #UIL-_8 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acqui s Hi on Construction Renovation Demolition Equirment Other- (Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Srecial Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid (Sped fy) State Aid ( Specify) Other ( Speci fy) TOTAL $ ---- $ CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program - Project No. UTL - 8 Location South & Front Streets Originating Department or Agency and Project Title Water and Sewerage ~ter Treatment Pl ant E2mansi on Description, Justification, and Source of Need: This project involves expansion of the treatment and storage facilities at the Water Treatment Plant. We have approached our capacity on peak days for the past several years. I'IW,JECT CLASSIFICATION: IJ New [) Expansion 0 Replacement [] Renovation 0 Other DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY: CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: NOT PRIORITI ZED 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgen t [!) Necessary of - 0 Necessary 0 Desirable 1 1 of of - - -- - 0 Desirable of of - - Estimated Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: Estimated Annual Revenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate [J Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred 2/79 ~ Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demo 1 it ion Equipment Other- (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid l('n^^~+..' \..J11C:\-IIY I State Aid ( Specify) Other (Specify) 109 TOT J\L $ 50,000.00 850~000.00 $900,000.00 $ ACTUA~ PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started I Project # !!IL_~~ 7 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- (SpeclfyJ TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid T,,--.---¡=--'\" ppecll y ) State Aid Other (Sped fy) (Specify) TO1AL $ --- $ CITY OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. MISC - 1 Location Centennial Park Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CIP Review Committee Da~Care Facility Description, Justification, and Source of Need: The need for this type of facility, in this area has been established with the construction of Friendship (Centennial) Center. This area contains the highest concentration of fernale- headed households in the city. 'f{O,JECT CLASSIFICATION: ~ New I] I<enovation 0 Expansion 0 Replacement 0 Other IJEPAHTMENTAL PRIOHITY: [J NOT APPL I CABLE Urgent of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent n Necessary 0 Necessary 0 Des i rabl e of -- of - of - - ~ Desirable Group 30f 3 of [stin~ted Annual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ Estimated Annual Cost of MilÍntenance: Estimated Annual Hevenue: ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Date of Estimate None Available [] Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Delllol ition Equipment Other- $ (Specify) TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) $ Federal Aid ('~~~~.¡:..\ \ "pc\- I '.1 J State Aid ( Specify) Other ( Specify) TOTAL 110 ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS Year(s) Budgeted Date Started IProject #MISc._= 1 Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- ( Specify) TOTAL ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid { Specify j State Aid Other (Specify) ( Spec ify) TOTAL $ -- ----- $ CI'1~Y OF SALINA Capital Improvement Program Project No. MISC - 2 --"--- Location Undetermined Or i U i nil t.i ng Depa rtmen tor Aqency dlld PY'oject Ti tle CIP Review Corrmittee __JJ!çreas~g.._...Qffi ce SQ2.ce Description, Justification, and Source of Need: As the City grows in population, increased staff is needed to serve the added population. This project would be a long range one, included now only for completeness. PIW,JLCT CLASSIFICATION: GJ New [] Henovation [Xl Expansion D Other 0 Replacement )[YI\ln~1ENTJ\L PIUOHITY: - NOT APPLICABLE LJ Unwnt --- of - CIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY: 0 Urgent of - [J Necessary of [¥l Necessary Group 30f ~ - [J Desirdble -- of - 0 Desirable of - Estililated I\nnual Cost of Operation: $ $ $ lstilllclted Annual Cost of Mdintenance: I s L i II Ii! led 1\lIlIlti! I I~evenue: ESTIt/1ATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Budget Year(s) Date of Estimate 0 Refined Estimate Cost Breakdown: Deferred None Available 0 Approximation Studies Plans & Specifications Land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ {Specify } TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service charges) Federal Aid I {' . ! r , t =>pec I 'y} State Aid $ [Specify ) Other " TSpecifY) 111 TOTAL ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS I Project # MISC - 2 Year(s) Budgeted Date Started Date Completed Cost Breakdown: Studies Plans & Specifications land Acquisition Construction Renovation Demolition Equipment Other- $ {Specify} TOT J\L ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES ,- Current Revenue Existing Bond Fund Special Assessment General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revolving Fund (service cha rges ) $ Federal Aid (Specify) State Aid -- (Speci fy) Other "[Specify} TOTAL C IT Y 0 F SA. L I N A ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ACTUAl PROJECT COSTS I ProJec t # MISL- 3 Capitol Improvement Program Estimated Budget Year(s) Deferred Year(s) Budgeted Date of Estimate None Available Date Started Date Completed Project No. MISC - 3 Location Citywide 0 Refined Estimate 0 Approximation Cost Breakdown: Cost Breakdown: Originating Department or Agency and Project Title CAC/CD Public Hearings Studies $ Studies $ .. Plans & Specifications Plans & Specifications - PubllC TransportatlOn Land Acquisition Land Acquisition ---- Construction Construction Description, Justification, and Source of Need: Renovation Renovation Demol ition Deillol ition This project is being mentioned with increasing Equipment Equipment frequency at the past few year's CD Hearings. Other- Other- In fact, it was the most mentioned project this (Specify) (Specify) past year. Federal grant money is being made increasingly available for such projects. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT CLASSIFICATION: Current Revenue $ Current Revenue $ ŒJ New 0 Expansion 0 Replacement Existing Bond Fund Existing Bond Fund - . Special Assessment Special Assessment 0 RenovatlOn D Other General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds f)[PARH1lNTAL PRIORITY: CIr COMMITTEE PRIORITY: Revolving Fund (service Revolving Fund (service NOT APPLICABLE charges) charges) 0 Urgent of - 0 Urgent of - Federal Aid Federal Aid 0 Necessary of - 0 Necessary of - (Specify) (Speci fy) - ."----- State Aid State Aid 0 Desirable of - ŒJ Desirable Group 30f ~ (Specify) (Specify) Other Other Estililated Annual Cost of Operation: $ (Specify) (Specify) Estimated Annual Cost of Maintenance: $ TOTAL TOTAL Estimated Annual Revenue: $ 112 (/) c: 0 .,.... +-> u ::5 S- +-> (/) c: ~ < E S- >< 0 ~ lJ... a z: (/) L.J..J +-> 0... c: 0... g.¡ < == QJ > 0 S- o.. E ~ ~ re +-> or- 0.. re u M ~ ~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FORM INSTRUCTIONS In completing this Tonn, it is imDortant to be as complete and concise as possible. The fom may be typed or handwritten. The attached schedule indicates the ~ime frames for the various phases of the project. The ulti- mate goal is to have the Capital Improvements Program completed and apDroved by the City Commission in time to be useful in preparing the 1980 Budget. It is, therefol~e, requested that these forms be returned to the Planning Department as soon as possible. If any questions arise, please do not hesi- tate to contact: George Wood at 823-2277 (Local 21) or John Palm at 825-8183 (Local 39). The Capital Improvements Program provides for a priority schedule of capi- tal improvements for a six-year period. Biennual Review and the adding of two years to the scope of the program makes it a continuous process, in which an up-to-date sche!dule of projects will be mai-ntained. It is impt'otant to keep in mind that capital improvements are public im- provement proj E!cts havi ng a consi derab 1 e 1 i fe expectancy and wi 11 i ncl ude such items as: thoroughfare and street improvements; construction of or addition to city buildings; sewer & water improvements and extensions; park improvements; other public facilities; and the acquisition of land. Major pieces of equipment, such as fire trucks, while strictly speaking, not public improvements, should be included as they require major expenditures. In order to develop a Comprehensive Capital Improvements Program, it is nec- essary for information to be provided in comparable form. Standard forms have been provided which list the necessary information. You are encouraged to pro- vide additional information on separate pages, particularly regarding projects classified as urgent. Before capital improvement projects are submitted to the Salina Planning Commission and the Salina City Commission, they will be reviewed and prioritized by the CIP Review Committee. This committee is established by administrative policy and consists of the City Manager and his staff, Planning Director, Assis- tant Planning Director, City Engineer, and Finance Director. Form ComDletion Project No. : CIP Review Committee will establish this number. DO NOT COMPLETE. Location: Locate the proposed project as precisely as possible. Ash or Crawford Street, between Santa Fe and Ohio. Example: 300 W. Originating Department or Agency and Project Title: List the name of your depart- ment, board or commission, and the general nature of the project. Example: Engineering - Separation of Storm and Sanitary Sewers; or Park Board - Park- land Acquisition in East Salina. 114 DescriDtion, Justification, and Source of Need: Discribe the project and its effects as completely as possible. Include its relationship to other pro- jects if applicable. Also include the source of the project. Example: citizen input, board decision, or department head determination. ~his sec- tion, with any supporting documentation, is your opportunity to convince the CIP Review Committee, Planning Commission, and the City Commission of its improtance.) PROJECT CLASSIFICATION SECTION Check the appropriate boxes in this section. please spE~cify. I f II Other" is checked, Departmental Pdority: Check the appropriate box based on the following criteria: Urgent: Projects which cannot be reasonably postponed. These may be needed to complete an essential, partially finished project, to maintain minimum service, or to meet an emer- gEmcy situation. Necessary: Projects which should be carried out within a few years to meet anticipated needs of a current departmental program or for replacement of unsatisfactory facilities. Desirable: Projects needed for proper expansion of a program. The nature of this project is such that it can be postponed until funds are available. Within each priority classification also include a priority in the blanks marked II of II. Example: a project marked urgent could be the third most important urgent project of five. Therefore, it would be marked: 0 Urgent 3 of 5 CIP Review Committee Priority: This section is where the Review Committee sets a citywide priority of the project subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and City Commission. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION. Estimated Annual Costs & Revenue These sections are included for appropriate projects. If the proposed project has none, write "N/AII. Include any costs or revenue thi s project will generate. These estimates will be used for planning purposes only. 115 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Project Year(s): DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION. The crp Review Committee will project funding years based upon availability of funds and priorities. Date of Estimate: were made. Include the month and year the estimate of project costs Check the appropriate box for the type of estimate. If the project is classified by the department head as urgent, a refined estimate must be provi df:d. Necessary or deferrab le projects can be approximati ons; however, if refined estimates are available, they should be included. If refined estimates are not available for necessary or deferrable pro- jects, include a rough total cost estimate. PROJECTED FUND:NG SOURCES This sect"ion of the form is to be filled out to the best of your know- ledge, particularly the Federal and State Aid portions. If you have used a funding source in the past, include it. If you know of no avail- able funding sources, contact Don Harrison, Finance Director, regarding local funding sources, (example: G. O. bonds, revenue bonds or special assessments) or John Palm in the City Planning Office (regarding outside aid from Federal or State sources). Current Revenue: These funds come from taxes, interest on invest- ments or similar revenue creating sources. This funding source is by far the most economical as interest costs are avoided. Existing Bond Fund: This project could be funded by existing bonds. Example: Park Improvement Bonds. Special Assessments: Kansas law provides for assessment of up to 100 percent of improvement costs to benefited properties. For further information, see K.S.A. 12-6a et. seq. General Obligation Bonds: This source of funds can be used for pro- jects that have citywide benefits or for federal matching grants. These bonds are repai d by 1 evi es on all ci ty properti es for per- iods of up to 20 years. Revenue Bonds: These bonds are usually sold for utility system improvements or for improvements to other enterpri se-type ci ty activities. These bonds may be issued for up to 30 years and are payable from service charges made by the utilities. 116 LLL 'NOllJ3S SIHl 313ldWOJ 10N 00 'ssa~6o~d uo 6u~daa~p~oJa~ pue sasod~nd a^~+E~+S~U~illpE ~OJ papnLJu~ s~ uo~+Jas s~~l S3J~nOS 9NIONn~ ONV SlSOJ lJ3rO~d lVnlJV TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR CIP PREPARATION January 23 ...... Forms to Department Heads, Boards, Commissions, Agencies, and Related Governmental Units. February 21 ..... Forms from Departments, Boards, Commissions, Agencies, and Related Governmental Units. February 21 to March 14 .... "" Planning Department and related staff analysis. March 14 to March 28 """'" CIP Review Committee meets to establish priorities. March 28 to April 4 ... .....' Committee prepares the draft document for review. April 4 to May 1 ..... ...... Review of the draft document by Boards, Commissions, Agencies, and Related Governmental Units. May 1 to May 8 ...... "'" Revision of the document by the CIP Review Committee. May 8 to May 29 .......... Joint and separate workshops with the Planning Commission and City Commission to discuss the document and process. Early June. ..... Planning Commission submits its recommendations to the City Commission. Early June ... ... City Commission takes appropriate action on the priorities and tentative level of funding. Early June .. .... Accepted programs are included in the preparation of the 1980 Operating Budget. 118 tn E !... 0 I.J.... .;...J c::I U <lJ >< ....., ....... 0 0 !... Z 0- W 0- -c 0- <lJ ~ .;...J <lJ ..- 0.. E 0 u 0) ..- ..-