Administrative Brief January 20,1978 From: All City Commissioners N. D. Olson, City Manager To: Subject: Monday, January 23,1978, City Commission Meeting H-l: I visited with Larry briefly about the Park Board item since he will be playing golf in Phoenix on Monday. There are really only two areas you need to decide upon in order to draft the ordinance. One would be the purpose of the board and the second the membership of the board. It appears from previous conversation and Karen's suggestion that the purpose would probably be to "study, formulate, and recommend short and long range plans for the growth and improvement of the city's parks, playgrounds and related facilities". Also from prior conversation you may wish the board to make recommendations on policies related to the administration of same. Of the cities George contacted, board membership was probably equally divided between 5 and 7 member boards. OTHER ITEMS: Steve Jennings called me Wednesday concerning a possible change order on the Bicentennial Building that would permit the steel fabricator to process some of his work in a somewhat different fashion than called for in the plans. The change would result in a savings of $16',800.00, however, the contractor would require an additional 42 days on the project. I am sure the enclosed letter from G.E. Johnson is addressing the same subject. Ray Voskamp and Shelby are both out of town Monday, however, Steve Jennings will be here at 3:30 to discuss the subject. The letter from Mrs. Bilgere is self-explanatory. We talked with her husband today asking if she intended for it to be placed on the agenda. His answer was no, that because of the span of time since collecting the names she felt that she and some of the signers might be embarrassed if the list was made public. Their interest was simply a point of inf~rmation that these names were collected in such a short period of time. I am enclosing the letter from Jim Lacy to myself concerning the mini-pumper we have budgeted for this year. His request in the last paragraph does deviate from past policy, however, he apparently has good arguments for not requesting public bids. It appears that Pierce Mfg. and American Fire are the only companies that can provide the 500 gallon front mount pumper on a one ton chassis. Lawrence recently acquired two of these identical units, advertised for bids, received two, neither meeting the specs so ordered directly. Newton also attempted to find fabricators for the same type of pumper and couldn't so ordered their unit direct. Jim feels the price is right, he has seen the Lawrence trucks and feels the quality of workmanship is extremely good. We can legally order this unit direct but I have chosen not to do so without your concurrence. I will have brochures available Monday to explain the unit a little better. All City Commissioners January 20, 1978 Page -2- We tried to set up a meeting with the Airport Authority for Monday to discuss again the baseball diamond situation. Mike Scanlan advises that 3 of his board are out of town next Monday and appears now that he may not even have a quorum for his regular meeting on Tuesday. When his board members return to Salina he will attempt to set up the same meeting for January 30. I called Gene Hardesty today concerning the scoreboard for the Bicentennial Building as their contract expired De~ember 28,1977. He advises that they were able to obtain only one sponsor ~4 needed) for the 15' board they proposed. He felt rather confident that he could obtain the subscribers for the 11' board as the price would be approximately $8,000.00 less for each subscriber. I suggested that he obtain the commitments, if possible, and he could then submit a new contract to you for your consideration. Jr¡ ~ (þv' '. .' . . '. 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""""" ....---------------- 1- ~ 3- 7( CITY OF SALINA FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS 222 WEST ELM TELEPHONE NUMBER AREA COOE 913 821-0411 SALINA. KANSAS 61401 January 11,1978 MR. N. D. OLSON City Manager City of Salina, Kansas Dear sir: I am submitting for your consideration specifica~ions for one mini-attack pumper for the City of Salina Fire Department. I must emphasize at this point that an apparatus of this type may not receive the recognition from the I.S.O. that an apparatus in total com- pliance with N.F.P.A. #1901 would receive, but the use of the mini-attack pumpers in the fire service is gaining in popularity. It is my recommend- ation that we give serious consideration toward the purchase of this unit. The cost of the attack pumper is approximately $30,000 with a six-month delivery date. These specifications are complete with the exception of the 2-way radio, which I would recommend we purchase from Communications Service for approximately $800. As American Fire Equipment Company of Salina and pierce Manufacturing, Inc. of Appleton, Wisconsin are the only equipment manufacturers who can cooper- atively comply with the 500 gallon per minute front-mount pump specification, I am requesting permi~sion to deviate from the bidding process and place an order directly with American Fire Equipment of Salina. ;ï:-=~l? 4- /~-'i~AMES E. LACY // Acting Fire Chief Salina Fire Department JEL/gp MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ,,/ - ,:" "::..:~> . P. O. BOX 2139' COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADO 80901 AREA CODE 303 473.5321 ,., ,j January '13>..1978 '" \, ,--' . , ~ ~J t""(ò>~J \1. ~: .- '110 \:\\~\'1 \, l} ) t'\ Mr. Norris D. Olson, City Manager City of Salina, Kansas P.O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 RE: BICENTENNIAL COMMUNITY CENTER SALINA, K!\NSAS Dear Mr. Olson: We would appreciate your review of Section 12 of the General Conditions of our contract. In a building contract of this nature, changes in contract amount and time will unavoidably occur. To protect the City of Salina from unknown additional expense, Bucher and Willis has provided that no changes in the contract work can be initiated without a change order executed by owner, architect, and contractor. We are concerned that the need for a chan~e will become evident at the time the work is to be performed and thus delay our progress. Since our contract does not allow us to proceed on verbal instructions, we would be forced to suspend operations on a particular work item and request a time exten~ion for the period between suspension and receipt of the executed change order. Such a delay would be costly to both contractor and owner. . There is a remedy to this problem. As Section 12 of General Condi ti ons states, "The change order may be s ;"gned by the arch i tect alone, provided he has written authority from the owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority ~s furnished to the contractor upon request". This document would allO\'I Bucher and ~Jillis to instruct us to proceed on a revision. If time was not critical, our proposals could be reviewed and agreed upon using methods A or B. If construction progress would be delayed by the time required for receiving quotations, the actual field cost, method C, could be ordered. If any further explanation of this circumstance would be of OFFICE & YARD 310 S. FOURTEENTH STREET "" Mr. Norris D. Olson, Project Manager January 6, 1978 page 2 assistance, we would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience. Establishment of an owner1s agent with authority to order additional work, will insure that no unnecessary delays will occur. We will appreciate your assistance. Very truly yours, G.E. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. ~m.U W.M. Beutel' Project ~1anager WMB/jca CC: Bucher & Willis Consulting Engineers, Planners and Architects Enclosure " lí!.. CHANGES IN 'rIfE Hom,: 12.1 ~~}¡;:_~!~Sl~~~~~~,~-~: '1'11(' O',.;nc]:, vJi tJlont invalidating the Con- tract, may o:cder Chanqes in ,the Hcnk \vi thin UH~ general scope of the Contrac l: consi::;t.int} of adcli t_ions, ùclcl:ions or other revisions, the Contr~ct Sma and the Contrilct Time Leing adjusted accbrdingly. All such ChangGs in the \'lork r:;hall be <:1.1..1l:hori:¿od by Change Order, and shall bc executed Und'è)rthe applicable conditions of the Contri1ct Documents. l\. Chan9c Order i,; é1 \vrit.t:en onlcJ:" -¡-.otIle Contractor siqLed by the OHn::>r ð.ndt:he Ar:chitc(;t, issued éJLter .the e}~ccution of '::he Coa- tract;aut~orizing a dlangc in the Wo~k or an adjustment in the Con- tract: SU,1i\ orLhe Contract 'ritlC. Al ternativp..J.y, the Change Order may be signed by -the A1:chitect 'alone, provided he has \,1):it.ten authority from the Ownsr for such procedure àhd.that a copy of such written a1'.th:)ci,ty is, £ L1rnÜ3hc:':~ to t.hc Cunt:racc.cn::' 11pap reques t. 1\ Change Order 1(1.:;,;/ alsD L~ ~;i(FJ.E::à. byl'.he COlJ!l.l:(),ctO}::' if he ilqree:3Lo -;::11e adj'.Lt.-" merIt:. . iu t.Le Contrélct. S'.,m o:c the Cont:rê.!,~:t '.l'Üne. 'I'lH-~ Con.tI:d.ct Sum ant" t:he Conl:.J:¿<cL: 'l'iJè'lC": lW':'Y be ch¿)ng(~c1 only by Ch¿lilge Order. 'l'he C(J~,1~ 0.>:' c1-:-(~Cli t "tel the:, O\"ner ):e~:;lÜ'c.in~:: f1::-0I11 a Change in the "Jork shr:.ll he d~i:eY"llincd in one:: or mOJ:-l' of .tlJr.,- :to:I.1Ó',.¡ing ,o'ùys; ('t' ~1Z'tllod 1'.: l"íethocl D: Jl1.et hod c: By agreed u~j.t prices; or By a9rC(~d lUl'lp sum; or If neither I.~(~tlìod A nO}: J.ictJ~oc1 B can be i'l9reGc1 UPO{\ befo]>:' tJF:' extréì war}: is ~-;tar1:edf . the Con tracL:or sl1¿Ül be. paid hj ~ ac~'::.'.~1:,_J~:5:.~ß ~osl::. of the ""lark phIS f i fteoll pcrC'3nt, 0-5'.',) toY: t,he vlOrk 'v,'hich he pcrfon:lès wi'll, his 0\'111 forcc3 and/or the Cont:L-;1.ci:m: '-3J1è.tll be pc.:i,d 1-.112 ~lì.b-. cant,raG tor I s ~~:.~'~ll¿1.\5_.;::-:1~L.!::'?.':.!::. o:Z the \'lorJ~ plus twenty percent (20~) fu~ WOJ:k which is performed by his subcontractor or subcontractors. ~ Where cxtrQ wor)~ is performed un~cr Method C, the term actual - .-------. field coo~ of such exi~ra vlOrk Ü; hereby dc£:~n(~ù to be and sh;_1.Ll in- clude: «1) 'l'he pay:col1 cas t fay; <:111 \'lor)~mcn, suell ¿::s fon~mp.n, mechanic~:>, craft:sm(~n, laborc:cs¡ (D) tll'? COé;'t of allll1otcrio.ls and supplie;-, not furnished by the O\y~wr; (G) reut.dl for all poT,ýer-dj- i ven egl1ip!',l(:n~.: at V.lj:Lcc;;:l--upon rates fo)~ th(~ .time actuLtlly employed cn: l\5cd in t:he p,:.:rfoJ:lllancc c,:r 1.:he exl'ra work; (el) tl:(1n~j:)o]:tation clvŒgcs necessarily incu1:":Led in conncct:ion \~it,h icU1V cquipr:lcnl: authori%ed. by the l\xcllitp-cl..: for u::;c on said c'xtra \JOrJ: and \,1hi.ch is net alrc>ùÔy 011 the job i (e) all PO\'¡Cl:, fuel, l'.\brj can ts, \Jatcr, and similar opcrai:- ing cxpcn~.:;es; (f) all ineic1cntcll C}:pC )~.;r"~; incnrred as a di:r:p.cL-. J:esult of ~'..1ch c):t,ra \,m:'d:, :i.nc;ludin~ :'alcs ()J: use ti1XC'.~; OJ) mélter.LéJl~;, CC-7.9 payr-olltaxes, a11(1 the ac1di LLon.:ll prOWl urns fo:[ construction J.)(Jnc1~j, \yorJancn '~; compen ~Ji1l.ion, publ ic liabi 1 i t:y and l)1"OP(' 1:" t Y di1rn~l~Jc, and other insurance required by the Cont:ri1ct \,¡here -the p"t-erniums therefor. are based on payroll and Il1ùtcJ:ial cosb-~. '1'11c l~rchitcc-t mùY direct the form in \'lhich the actual fic~lèl Co~:;t shë:!J.l be )~cnt, -.-------------- L and may also specify in wri-tin9 bcfon~ th:; \'¡ork comIne-mces the method of doing Ule \york and the typo and kind of måchincry and equipment, if required, \\Ih i ch shall be used in the pCl: forraancc of extra \,/ol.-k under I-íethoc1 C. If machinery or Qquipment.. i~J required for extra \'lork, the authorization and bDsis of payrnent. for the use thereof shùll be stipulated in the written extr~ \\Iork order. The applicable "plus" perccnté1ge (15% or 20~) of the <1ctuùl field cùst- to be allowed and paid to the Contractor shall constitute full compensation for profit, overJlcad, superintendence, fi_eld office expense, and all other elemèh-ts or cost not embraced ,ú thin the actual field co~t as herein defined. r--.. ~ ~ If the Contractor claims that additional cost is involved be- cause of (1) any written interpretation issued pursuant to Par~graph 1.2, (2) any order by the Owner to stop ~he Work pursuant to Para- graph 3.3 where the Contractor was not at fault, or (3) any written order for a minor change in the Work issued pursuant to Paragraph 12.3, the Contractor shall make such claim as provided in Paragraph 12.2. ~ 12.2 Claims for Addi-tional Cost: If the Con-tractor wishes to --------- make a claim for an increase in the Contract. f~~urn, he shall give the Architect written notice thereof within t~enty (20) days after the occurrence of the eyent giving rise to such claim. This notice shall be given by the Contractor before-proceeding to execute the Work, except in an emergency endangering life or property in which case the Contractor shall procoed in accordance with Paragraph 10.3. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. If the Owner and the Con-tractor cannot. agree on the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum, it shall be determined by.the Architect. Any change in the Contract Sum resulting from such claim shall be authorized by Change Order. 12.3 MiY'..m:- Chan~r~s i_n tly?~_~~rk: The Archi tect-- shall havo . aut-hoLi-ty to orde:c minor chanqes in the ~'lork ~ involving an adj ust-- m~~nt in the Conl:J:act Sum or an exlension of the Contrac-t 'rime and ~- . - not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes may be effected by Field Order or by other written order. Such changes 5h<111 be binding on the Owner and the Contractor. 12.4 Field Orders: The Architect may issue written Field Orders ,.¡hich in te:r.-pret tl~l-~-Con tr<1.C t Docl1ment~.> in accordance Hi th Paro.gra D11 ~. . ... . 1.2 or .which order ¡ninO):- chë:nl<Jes in tho \vOTk in accordance Hit.h J.Jm:-él- - qraph 12.3 \vit.hou L clEtJ19('~ i!l Conlract S\.1111 or Cont:J."act ~eime.. 1'110. Con- tractor shall carry out such Field OrdcrD promptly. . GC-30 (]D"\J~~ General Services Administration - Region 6 1500 East Bannister Road Kansas City. MO 64131 January 13,1978 RECEIVED JAN 1 7 1918 Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City-County Building 300 W. Ash Street P.O. Box 746 Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Olson: This has reference to and will confirm our meeting with you and Commissioner Jerry Simpson last January 11, 1978, regarding the City's interest in acquiring the former Schilling Air Force Housing area in Saline County, Kansas. , The contract appraisal has been completed establishing a price of $5,500,00 for the housing area and $130,000 for the gas and electric utility distribution systems, or a total price of $5,630,000. As discussed, we are currently working with the Kansas Power and Light concerning the sale of the utilities. If they purchase the gas and electric systems, the price to the city for the housing will be $5,500,000; if they do not, the price will be $5,630,000. If neither sale is concluded plans will be made to offer the property for sale, as a whole, by sealed bids. Please advise us as to the City's desires.and intentions concerning the purchase of this property as soon as possible. In the meantime, in order to avoid compromising any possible public sale offering and voiding competition, it is requested, as discussed, that the above prices be kept confidential and not publicly disclosed until such a time at least as a sales agreement has been reached between all in- terested parties. Please advise if we can be of further service or assistance at this time. Sincerely, /~ ~ ~ ,If'" ~/)/ /'./1 '/ ,.. ~/ f; . {k/y4t:('/ , Øl;j;;;~ CHARLES W. MC KINNEY ,-~.-J Director, Real Property Division Public Buildings Service --. "'" - --.- , January 17, 1977 . - ... Notes from Tri-Governmental Council meeting January 16,1978. Pat Bolen elected chairman. Motion made and carried that the City representative serve as vice chairman. Helen Crawford later pointed out that this was in conflict with the By-Laws, that the vice chairman is to come from the same entity as the chairman and with only one representative from each governing body, this is an impossibility. This is one of several flaws which she pointed out in the present By-Laws. It was decided that Pat Bolen would work with Mrs. Crawford and Glorine Shelton on suggested By-Law changes and have it on the next agenda. On the matter of energy, Bob Riordan and Dave Hansen recommended to the Council that a Coordinator be employed and that a joint study * committee be established with representatives appointed by each body. t40ti on by Duckers, seconded by Lockard that the present fi ve member com- mittee (appointed by the City) continue and that the Board of Education and County each appoint two additional representatives. Bob Riordan to serve as temporary chairman. The committee would be responsible to the Tri-Governmental Council. ' On the matter of salaries, after considerable discussion, it was agreed that the City and County would provide each other with names of employees, job classifications and gross salaries. Don Jolley was not available to discuss the two items which he had Lauren Gray to place on the agenda. No.1 would be a joint computer operation and the second was the central location for the purchase of gasoline. It was agreed that these items should be discussed at the administrative level. The County is considering some type of computer operation and apparently the Board of Education is interested in making some kind of a change. So far as the purchase of gasoline is concerned, it was agreed if this is a problem for the Recreation Commission, they should be able to work something out with the City or County similar to what is being done with Civil Preparedness. The matter of sidewalk to Parsons school, we felt that the initial step would be for the City Engineer and CDunty Engineer to discuss it along with Dr. Sherraden of USD305. Note: A memo was sent to Dean Boyer regarding this matter on January 17, 1978. A report of their preliminary studies should be made at the next Tri-Governmenta1 Council meeting which is scheduled for March 20th. ~t1 William E. Harris Deputy City Manager WEH:bc cc: Norris D. Olson * The role of the Coordinator, salary etc., will be a part of the study. The Mayor said he would take action to dissolve the present City appointed Energy Commission.