Smoky Hill Museum Floor Remodel / ALA Document B155 - Electronic Format Standard Form of Agreement. Between.Owner and Architect for a Small Project 1993 SMALL PROJECTS EDITION BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES, wP ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONSULT WITH MlATIORNEY BEFORE SIGNING IT. SOME STATES MANDATE A CANCEU.ATION PERIOD OR REQWRE OTHER SPECIFIC DISCLOSURES. INCLUDING WARNINGS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRAcrS, WHEN A DOCUMENT SUCH AS THIS WIU BE USED FOR WORK ON 'I'HE OWN£R!S PERSON~RESIDENCE. YOUR ATIORNEY SHOULD INSERT AU LANGUAGE REQWRED BY STATE OR LOCAL LAW TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS AGREEMENT. SUCH STATEMENTS MAY BE ENTERED IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. ORIF REQWRED By. LAW, ABOVE THE stGNATURESOF THE PARTIES. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT D40L. . . Copyrighl C 1m by The ~erican Ins.tilul~of Archilects, 17)5 .New York Avenue, N:W., Washington. D.C., 20006-5192.. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quolation of its provisions wilhoulthe written permission of the AlA violaleS the copyrighllaws of the Unilèd Slales and will subjeetthe violator lo legal pros~ct1tion . . '... . This AGREEMENT is made: March 12. 2003 (Date) BETWEEN the Owner. City of Salina 1300 West Ash 1 Salina. Kansas 67401 and the Architect: DMA Architects. PA 12035 E Iron #100 1 Salina. Kansas 67401 for the following Project: . Smoky Hill Museum ~xhibitf1odr remodel proiect. T}. "wner and Architect agree as follows. . ARTICLE 1 ARCHIJECT'S RESPONSIBI~ITIES The Architect shall provide architectural services for the project, including .nõrmal structural, mechil.n:ical and electrical design services. Services shall be performed in a manner consistent with professional skill and care. No.cost estimating services are being provided by the architect. . ... . 1.1 During the Design Phase, the .\l'dHtect-shaH perfal1ft4e following-4e5lE5t--Owner will provide an approvedäesign to the architect for use in developing the cònstructiondoduments. rl describe the project l'etlWfemeBls for the OviBer's appr~; ~ de'l£lop Ii desigBsêb:ltioBbeS£doB the appf&vedproject reqWremeftt:s¡ .3 1:IpeB the Ovmer's approve! efthe desiga solutioa, prepare Construction Documents indicating requirements for construction of the project; ¡naccordance with all applicable local. state and. federal laws. ordinances. regulations and reQuirement which in anyway affectthe construction of the project. . .4 assist the Owner in filing documents required for the approval of governmental authorities; and .5 assist the Ownér in obtaining proposals and award contracts for construction. 1.2 During the Construction Phase; the Architect shall act as the Owner's representative and provide adminiStration of the Contract between the OWner and Contractor. The extent of the Arçhitect's authority and responsibility during construction is described in this Agreement and in AIA Docùment. A2oS, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction of a Small Project. Unless 0' THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173S NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C.. 20006~5292. AlA DOCUMENT 8155 - 0\. --¡{-ARCHITECT AGREEMENT-SMALL PROJECTS EDITION - AIA~ - WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: b155citysalinamuseum.aia - 3/1212003. AlA License Number 1112743, which expires on 4f3Q12004. Electronic Format. B 155-1993 1 AlÍ€h-en-mHial payment retainer of--dellars#-t-5ftall-èe-peid upon execution of this f.gr-eement 8fld shall be credited to the fine! ~ 6 ~ The Ar-chitect shaY be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the interest of the project. plus 8fl administratŸ¡e fee ef percent ( (LISt reimbursable items.) 6.3 If through no fault of thè Architect the services covered by this Agreement have not been completed Within eighteen months of the date hereof, compensation for the Architect's services beyond that time shall be appropriately adjusted. 6.4 Payments are due and payable upon receipt óf the Architect's invoice. Amounts unpaid ~ (.3Q) days after invoice date shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate of one and 5/10 percent (.1&%.), or in the absence there()f, at the legal rate prevailing at the principal place of business of the Architect. , . ,... '....,. . .. . . ~) (Usury laws and requirements under the Federal Truth in Lending Act. sinúlar suteand local consumer credit laws and other rquJations at the Owner's and Architect's principal places o(business, the lOCation oftbe Project and elscwh"tre may afft:CI the vaJidityofthis provision.) 6.5 Architectural Services not covered by this Agreement include, among others, revision~ due to changes in the scope, quality or budget. The Architect shall be paid additional fees for these services based. on the Architect's hourly rates when the services are performed. ARTICLE 7 OTHER PROVISIONS 7.4 7.5 7.6 ... (Insert descriptions of other services. and modifications 10 the terms of this Agr~menl) . 7.1 . Items under lined or highlighted have been added to this document. 7 2 Items struck our have been omitted from this document . . - 7.3 DMA Architects. PA carries $250 000 of professional liability insurance. workman'scompEmsation and general liability insura~ce. . . IUs understood that the Owner's design consultant is Barking Dog~D~signGròup. . The architect agrees tÇ> work with and coordinate workwith the ownerandtheìr consultant The arcnitectwill include in the bid documents the fixtunng reQuirements for the project. .. The general construction work and the fixture work wilrbè bid as two separate bids. under one bid package. r This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. (If required by law. insert cancellation periOd. disclosures or oth~r warning sutemcnts above. tbe signatUres.) OWNER. . . zn~~, (Signature) . De.AA/Ç A. f:/.rl"~~/'- .O7-y A~ H~W- (Printcdname.lideandaâdrcss). .-.. ~ ARCHITECT. .. DArchitects PA - Ð yvu. . . .. ~ (Signature) . Donnie D. Marrs, President 2035E. Iron #100 I Salina, Kansas 67401 (Printed name. tide and address) " ~ '^Q3THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF A~CHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W.. WASHINGTON.. D.c.20006-5292. AlA DOCUMENT 8155. ,va-ARCHITECT AGREEMENT-SMALL PROJECTS EDITION - AIA~ - WARNING: Unlicensed photocopyingYlólates 'U.S. copyright laws and is sutJ ..ct to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User DoCument: bl5Scitysalinamuseum.aia -- 3/1212003. AlA License Number 1112743. which expires on 4130/2004. Electronic Format 8155-1993 3 \. r~' \,:,'\ ~ ., !~. I I J D M A Architects, P A 2035 East Iron #100 I Salina, Kansas 67401 Pboœ: 785-82U:002 I Fax: 785-823-2910 Frmai1: domnarrs@dmapa.com I Web: dmapa.oom "MariamanJe at Marymount- November 15, 2004 Dee Harris Smoky Hill Museum 211 West Iron Salina; Kansas 67401 RE: Smoky Hill Museum Remodel Dear Dee: Pursuant to our previous discussion, the owner architect agreement dated March 12, 2003 shall be amended as defined below. This amendment is necessarY due to the owner's change in the design consultant Scope of services. The architect shall use the design consultant design dOcuments dated 12-08-03, and complete the construction documents, bidding and construction administration for the project without the assistance of the design consultant. . . Based on an hourly rate of $75 per hout the maximum compensation shall be increased from $5,8QO to $12,300.00 'plus reimbursable printing and postage as follows: . 1. This change has eXPanded the architect's scope of services item 6.1.1 to include (A) field measurements of the existing building, (B) re-drawing of the exhibit design to fit within the existing space, (C) Construction detailing of all the exhibit components. The incre~ in scOpe of services Will increase the hourly maximum fee from $1,950 to $7,800. This fee includes code compliance, bidding documents and securing of a building pennit for the project. ... . 2. The fixture bid documents will be excluded from the project at this time. Should the owner request the architect to assist with the fixture bid documents. a review of the actual scope of work will be done and any adjustmentS to the contract fee will be made at that time. 3. The electrical engineeriIig services defined by item 6.1.3, has been expended to include fixture selection, electrical engineering and power requirements. The maximum fee for this portion of the work will be increased to $1,500.00 . 4. The bidding service fee will be un-changed. . . 5. . The construction administration hourly maxinmm fee of $1,400 will be increased to a maximum fee . - of $3,000.00 .. . . 6. The printing and postage cost maXimum fee of $400 shall be changed as follows: The architect will bill the owner the actual cost for the printing of the bid documents and postage for distributing of the bid documents required of the project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Upon approval please return a signed copy to my attention. . Sincerely, Consulting Architect ~ß~ Acceptance by: City of Salina .~De.'MKi~~C. M nrus . ssmger, Ity anager Donnie D. Marrs, AlA .cc: ~ike Morgan, John Highlcin D M A Architects, P A 2035 East Iron #100 / Salina, Kansas 67401 Phone: 785-823-6002 / Fax: 785-823-2910 E-mail: donmarrs@dmapa.com/ Web: dmapa.com "Mariamante at Mœymount" April 20, 2005 Dennis Kissinger Smoky Hill Museum 211 West Iron Salina, Kansas 67401 RE: Smoky Hill Museum Remodel Contract Modification Dear Dennis: Pursuant to our previous discussion, the owner architect agreement dated March 12, 2003, amended November 15, 2004, shall be further amended as defmed below, and as outlined in DMA's letter to Shawn O'Leary dated March 23,2005, a copy of which is attached. This amendment is necessary due to the owner's change in the scope of work during construction and the addition of having DMA Architects, P A provide the millwork bid documents for the project. Based on an hourly rate of $75 per hour the maximum compensation shall be increased from $12,300.00 to $17,100.00 plus reimbursable printing and postage as follows: 1. This change has expanded the architect's scope of services item 6.1.1 to include (A) field measurements of the existing building, (B) re-drawing of the exhibit design to fit within the existing space, (C) Construction detailing of all the exhibit components. (D) Changes requested by the owner during construction. The increase in scope of services will increase the hourly maximum fee from $7,800 to $8.850. 2. . This fee includes code compliance, bidding documents and securing of a building permit for the project. 3. The fIXture bid documents will be included in the project at this time. The fee for completing the bid and construction documents for the mil/work shall be $3, 750.00. 4. The electrical engineering services defined by item 6.1.3, has been expended to include fixture selection, electrical engineering and power requirements. The maximum fee for this portion of the work will be increased to $1,500.00 5. The bidding service fee will be un-changed. 6. The construction administration hourly maximum fee of$3,000.00 7. The printing and postage cost maximum fee of $400 shall be changed as follows: The architect will bill the owner the actual cost for the printing of the bid documents and postage for distributing of the bid documents required of the project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Upon approval please return a signed copy to my attention. Sincerely, Consulting Architect Acceptance by: City of Salina a~ Donnie D. Marrs, AJA/ .cc: Shawn O'LearyJ'john Highkin Dennis M. Kissinger, City Manager D M A Architects, P A 2035 East Iron #100 I Salina, Kansas 67401 Phone: 785-823-6002 I Fax: 785-823-2910 E-mail: domnarrs@dmapa.com/Web: dmapa.com "Mariamante aJ Marymount" March 23, 2005 Shawn O'leary CITY OF SALINA 300 West Ash, Room 201 P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-5040 Re: Smoky Hill Museum Main Gallery Remodel Dear Shawn: Below I have outlined the additional services requested by the museum and related architectural fees: 1. Adjustments to the platfonn dimensions, wall & floor finish materials: --------- 2.0 hours 2. Pocket door addition detailing : ---------------------------------------------------------- 8.0 hours 3. Changes to the painting fInish schedule: ---------------------------------------------- 2.0 hours 4. Silo curved door detailing: --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 hours 5. Millwork bid documents, bidding, & contract award:------------------------------ 50.0 hours Billing Rate: $75.00 per hour: --------------------------------------------------------- $4,800.00 What is the procedure for submitting these additional services, and who should it be addressed to? Please call to discuss. Sincerely, Consulting Architect 6l~ Donnie D. Marrs, AIA