Heritage Conserv Plan - 1983 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAL!I ANSAS HER I TAG EC 0 N S E V A TI.ON PLAN J NUARY 1983 Prepared y: PL NNING DEV LOPMENT SERVICES, INC. 62 1 st NA TIO AL BANK BUILDING WI HIT At KANS S 67202 (31 ) 262-045 The preparation of this d cument has b en funded with the assistance of a matching grant-in~a; from the De artment of The Interior, Herit- age Conservation and Recr ation Servic , under provisions of the National Historic PreserV tion Act of 966. I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I I I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION THE NEED TO PRESERVE --- Salina's historic resources include an impressive variety of architec- tural styles and many other structural and non-structural artifacts which serve as visual remnants of the past. They provide a physical link to earlier periods of development and show how Salina's early resi- dents lived and worked and how they built the community into what it is today. There are many reasons for preserving our heritage. First of all, these buildings and places were constructed by our predecessors as they built this town and community. They are visible reminders of the joys and hard- ships of settling our city. Second, in most cases these buildings repre- sent a style which is no longer being constructed. They add detail, charm, and excitement to our community at a time when plain and simple is the rule. Third, most were well constructed. Replacement costs today are often prohibitive when compared to rehabilitation. And fourth, they serve as a lesson about building and about how our ancestors lived. As Salina continues to grow in size and population, the appearance of the city is gradually altered. New buildings and spaces are created, sometimes at the expense of old ones. Although much of what is new may also be "good", an architectural legacy cannot be created. By defini- tion, that had to occur over time by earlier generations. More signi- ficant, many earlier styles are no longer being produced because of construction costs or changes in architectural taste. In addition, historical structures provide valuable and desirable floor space that frequently costs less to rehabilitate than to demolish and rebuild. Preservation of our historic resources not only saves some of the past but also adds to the future. The Heritage Commission was created by Ordinance #8760 in November of 1979 by the Salina City Commission. The ordinance caused the creation of a Heritage Conservation Commission to advise the City Commission (generally) on matters of historical and cultural conservation. This board is charged with the responsibility of identifying buildings or sites of historic significance, the specific features of the buildings or sites to be protected by the ordinance and recommendati on to the City Commi ss i on that they be des i gnated "HC' - Heritage Conservation. The Heritage Commission also reviews improvement or repair work on designated Heritage Landmarks (either the entire building or individual features of the building) requiring a building permit and issues Certificates of Appropriateness on the proposed work. The Heritage Commission has the power to delay demolition of a designated Heritage Landmark in the hope that a compromise to preserve the structure or site can be reached. This Commission is also empowered to accept and spend funds from public or private agencies or individuals with City Commission approval specifically to restore or purchase Heritage Landmarks. Revised 6-16-82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION Page 2 Recognizing a need for an objective basis for decision-making about Salina's future land use and other issues, the Salina Heritage Commission initiated an historic preservation study to inventory and analyze the resources in the city that are significant. They selected Planning Develop- ment Services, Inc. to assist the City in making a study within the approxi- mate 1930 city limits. A concentrated area of study is illustrated as the shaded area in the sketch on page 5. Approximately 100 structures were selected for further research. This research will give the Heritage Commission and the Planning and Com- munity Development Department better insight into the substance of Salina's history and help to establish a framework for future inventories of structures, spaces, and districts. All of the criteria and survey forms appear at the end of this section. Principles of Historic Preservation 1.. Historic preservation is an activity which has economic, social and environmental benefits in the public interest. 2. It is generally more desirable to rehabilitate a structure for re-use than to demolish and reconstruct. 3. Local history is more effectively expressed and communicated when arti- facts are preserved in their original context, location, condition, and use. 4. Physical evidence of earlier periods of development should be preserved for future generations. 5. Preservation of local historic resources is an accepted and desirable function of government. Based on these principles, the City of Salina, through the S~lina Heritage Commission, hereby adopts the following goal, with related objectives and policies, which shall serve to guide the City Commission, Planning Commission, and other public bodies in decisions regarding preservation issues: HISTORIC PRESERVATION GOAL TO IDENTIFY AND PRESERVE SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC RESOURCES IN SALINA AS A MEANS OF IMPROVING THE ECONOMIC, EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, AND AESTHETIC ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL CITIZENS. OBJECTIVE HPl Foster an awareness and appreciation of Sa 1 i na I shi stori c resources by all age groups. POLICY HPll The Salina School Systems shall be encouraged to promote educational programs directed Revised 6-16-82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION Page 3 at developing an understanding of Salina's historic resources. POLICY HP12 Promotion of the city should respect the heritage of the community and express the value that its residents place on historic preservation. POLICY HP13 The recognition of early developers, architects, and builders shall be given considera- tion along with the structures and spaces that were produced by them. POLICY HP14 The Salina Public Library shall be devel- oped as-an-important source of information about local historic references. OBJECTIVE HP2 Ensure the integrity of Salina's significant historic resources in a manner consistent with existing state and national standards, including the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilition, to maximize the economic and altru- is ti c benefits. POLICY HP21 The Salina City Commission and Planning Commission shall use as a guide the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilition in all matters concerning historic resources which have been identified as locally significant for preservation. POLICY HP22 The City will assist, wherever possible, any individual or group desiring to receive local, state, or national registration for an historic landmark. OBJECTIVE HP3 Maintain the diversity of styles in Salina. POLICY HP31 The City shall encourage the re-use of sound buildings as an alternative to new construction. POLICY HP32 The appropriate renovation or adaptive re-use of existing buildings, especially the removal of facade coverings which are unsympathetic to the historic nature of the structure, shall be encouraged by the City. POLICY HP33 The City of Salina will attempt to accom- modate developers of historic structures who are unable to conform to existing codes and ordinances. OBJECTIVE HP4 Promote the use of private resources as a means for restoring historically or architecturally valuable buildings and sites. Revised 6-16-82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION Page 4 POLICY HP41 The development of a site in a recognized historic district or in the context of significant his- toric resources shall conform to design criteria which assure the continuation of a compatible environment. POLICY HP42 The economic value of preservation of historic resources shall be taken into consideration when decisions are made regarding the potential impact of increased trade in the city. OBJECTIVE HP5 Provide for the permanent protection of recognized or potentiãïTy significant archaeological sites. POLICY HP51 Any activity which may threaten the satisfactory investigation of archaeological sites should be delayed until such investigation is completed, as determined by the Kansas State Historical Society and the Salina Heritage Commission. 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I S A L I N A S A L I N A , HER I TAG E K A N S A S COM MIS S ION HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY - LEVEL ONE # 1 - 1. TYPE OF RESOURCE (Building, Park, Street Furniture, etc.) 2. ADDRESS 3. PRESENT OWNER ADDRESS 4. DATE OF CONSTRUCTION 5. ORIGINAL OWNER / USE 6. ARCHITECT / DESIGNER 7. EXTERIOR MATERIALS ARE THEY ORIGINAL? IF NOT, ORIGINAL MATERIALS IF KNOWN 8. SIGNIFICANCE (Areas to be investigated for significance i.e. architecture, local, state or national history) ARCH ITECTURE? COMMUNITY HISTORY? REGIONAL, STATE, OR NATIONAL HISTORY? 9. ANY KNOWN THREATS TO RESOURCE? 10. PRESENT ZONING 11. RECOMMENDATION: LEVEL TWO INVENTORY EVALUATION OTHER 12. RECORDER'S NAME DATE Rev. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEVEL 1 PAGE 2 13. PHOTOS OF RESOURCE (AT LEAST TWO CONTACT PRINTS) 14. LOCATION MAP: Rev. 9/82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S A L I N A HER I TAG E COM MIS S ION S A L I N A, K A N S A S HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY - LEVEL TWO # 2 - 1. LEVEL ONE INVENTORY # 1- 2. RESOURCE: 3. ADDRESS: 4. ACCESSIBILITY: EXTERIOR VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC WAY ? INTERIOR ACCESSIBLE ? 5. APPARENT CONDITION: EXCELLENT (NO VISIBLE REPAIR WORK NEEDED) GOOD (NO MAJOR REPAIRS, BUT MAINTENANCE NEEDED) FAIR (IN NEED OF REPAIRS) DETERIORATED (IN NEED OF MAJOR REPAIRS) RUINS NO VISIBLE REMAINS 6. DATE OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTED? ARCHITECT / DESIGNER DOCUMENTED? BUILDER / CRAFTSMEN 7. SIGNIFICANT EXTERIOR FEATURES (DOORWAYS, ROOF, FACADE, CORNICE, FENESTRATION...) 8. SIGNIFICANT INTERIOR FEATURES (FIREPLACE, MANTELS, FLOORS, ORNAMENTAL MOLDINGS, COUNTERS. . . ) Rev. 9/82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEVEL 2 PAGE 2 9. DEGREE OF ARCHITECTURAL/DESIGN INTEGRITY (AMOUNT OF ADDITION OR ALTERATION 'TO ORIGINAL DESIGN) 10. SIGNIFICANT SITE FEATURES (PAVING, FENCES, WALLS, GATES, PLANT MATERIALS, LANDSCAPE DESIGN, USE OF LOCAL MATERIALS...) 11. ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCE: STYLE OR PERIOD IS THIS A UNIQUE OR COMMON EXAMPLE OF THIS STYLE OR PERIOD IN SALINA , WORK OF NATIONALLY FAMOUS ARCHITECT OR LOCAL ARCHITECT LIST UNUSUAL CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES, DESIGN, ORNAMENTATION, ETC.: 12. HISTDRICAL RESOURCE: ASSOCIATED WITH A SINGLE EVENT ASSOCIATED WITH A RECURRING EVENT ASSOCIATED WITH A SIGNIFICANT PERSONALITY ASSOCIATED WITH A SIGNIFICANT MAJOR GROUP n '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEVEL 2 PAGE 3 13. CONTEXTURAL RESOURCE: ENVIRONMENT: 14. MATERIALS: DENSELY BUILT UP SCATTERED DEVELOPMENT OPEN EXTERIOR: BRICK WOOD CONCRETE METAL COMPOSITION OR TILE STONE 15. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: WOOD FRAME WITH LIGHT MEMBERS NAILED IN PLACE POST AND BEAM USING HEAVY TIMBERS MASONRY LOAD-BEARING IRON FRAME IRON FRONT STEEL FRAME WITH CURTAIN WALLS OTHER 16. NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 17. PORCHES: LOCATION l~ 2 2~ 3 3~ 4 5 6 multi 18. CHIMNEY(S): LOCATION 19. ROOF: GABLE CROSS GABLE MANSARD SHED FLAT HIP TRUNCATED HIP GAMBREL CUPOLA OTHER: TOWERS METAL CRESTING OTHER 20. DOCUMENTATION USED: OLD PHOTOGRAPHS COURT RECORDS COUNTY HISTORIES NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS CITY DIRECTORIES MAPS, PLATS, ATLASES 21. RECORDER: OTHER: DATE: Rev. 9/82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S A L I N A S A L I N A , HER I TAG E K A N S A S COM MIS S ION HISTORIC RESOURCES EVALUATION # 3 - 1. INVENTORY # 1 - AND # 2 - 2. RESOURCE 3. ADDRESS 4. STRUCTURES: (Buildings, Bridges, Gates, Etc.) IS THIS AN IMPORTANT ARCHITECTURAL EXAMPLE OF ITS PERIOD? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA IS THIS AN IMPORTANT EXAMPLE OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES? WAS THIS DESIGNED BY AN IMPORTANT ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, OR BLDR? Yes/No/NA NAME: IS THIS AN UNUSUAL DESIGN? IS THE INTERIOR ESPECIALLY NOTEWORTHY? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA IS THIS STRUCTURE AT LEAST 50 YEARS OLD? Yes/No/NA 5. OTHER RESOURCES: (i .e.-sculpture, landscape, railroad, etc.). IS THIS AN IMPORTANT EXAMPLE OF ITS PERIOD? WAS THIS DESIGNED BY AN IMPORTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA IS THIS AN UNUSUAL RESOURCE WITHIN SALINA? IS THIS RESOURCE AT LEAST 50 YEARS OLD? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA 6. HISTORY: IS THIS BUILDING/RESOURCE ASSOCIATED WITH A PERSON OF LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE OR NATIONAL IMPORTANCE? Yes/No/NA NAME: IS THIS BUILDING/RESOURCE ASSOCIATED WITH A SIGNIFICANT EVENT IN SALINA'S HISTORY? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA 7. ARE LOCAL BUILDING MATERIALS USED IN THIS RESOURCE? If so, describe material, date of manufacture, company, etc. Rev. 9/82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EVALUATION PAGE 2 8. ENV I RON~1ENT: DOES THIS RESOURCE CONTRIBUTE TO THE OVER-ALL SURROUNDINGS? IS THIS RESOURCE SITUATED CLOSE TO OTHER HISTORIC RESOURCES? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA IS THIS RESOURCE UNIQUE WITHIN ITS IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS? 9. INTEGRITY: Yes/No/NA IS THIS RESOURCE ON ITS ORIGINAL SITE? HAS THIS RESOURCE BEEN ALTERED? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA HAVE THERE BEEN ADDITIONS TO THIS RESOURCE? IS THIS RESOURCE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION? Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA 10. OVER-ALL RATING: MAJOR IMPORTANCE: INDIVIDUALLY THE MOST SIGNIFICANT RESOURCES IN THE SURVEY AREA BY VIRTUE OF THEIR ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, OR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ENVIRONMENT CONTEXTURAL IMPORTANCE: PROPERTIES WHICH ARE DISTINGUISHED BY THEIR SCALE, COMPOSITIONAL TREATMENT, DETAILS OR OTHER FEATURES. THESE PROPERTIES ARE ESSENTIAL CONTRIBU- TORS TO THE OVERALL CHARACTER OF THE AREA IN WHICH THEY ARE LOCATED MINOR OR NO IMPORTANCE: PROPERTIES WHICH ARE INSIGNIFICANT UNTO THEM- SELVES AND MAKE NO POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHARACTER OF THE COMMUNITY 11. COMMENTS: 12. EVALUATOR(S) DATE: Rev. 9/82