SE4-8-T14S-R2W -- I I I , I, "", 1 ~:~,C \'O()K", ,1'.l--,?;Jge .:; f, I r~ '1 in: ;¡ I F.i. 1\ 1 C'l c c U 1'('1. l. F ~: LI:,L c\,Û~a:: 1_.; N:::: ,\3 I '1 t :, e ivia. t t e l' (' f t '1 C 10. p, 1 i C.:l t i (, t\ C It!' ,~ ) City of 3alí;-;<l, Ka;1':a". to th) dc:1crdLle ) Job" 1. YOUnbind L. '. ...-.:;,a11ey, JUdgèJ3 ) 0 f t 1;( , J) i s t r i c tee u l' t 0 í ~. a 1 i :) C! C c un t y . ) ha!l3aé;, fer the appointment of ccnì¡¡i~;sir);;er~, ) I to appraise and a~SU3B Jamdg~s by reason of ) It;: ceo:" d em 11 a. t ion L y t:1 e C ~ t Y 1'1 S.} 1 in a, ha n S ;j S , ) of cQrtai~ real estate herein for public use, ) Case ,i C . 23,5(15 ----------------------------------------------- ÇJ,T )'--'IJÜ~,~Ç,L ¡i.l~h..'-.5- Ç},1..1 I)".I Ç~~11';;. 5'1:";'!£: \.'F K.'.~T::.,~:, '..,LI;¡L CvU!':TY,ss: 1, D. L. ilarrison, City 'Iredsurer of the City of ~a1inil, Kansas, do hereby certify that on the 30th day of January, 1P62. t ¡¡ e g (; v ern in.; b <' d Y 0 f \, 11 c C i t Y 0 f ~~ a 1 i n a, Ka D. S d s, d U 1 y j) d " 5 He] ,'Ì Res<,luticn ;~o. .L::.J'~~..s~ directl,ng' tl,p City 'll'easurer of the City of Su1i1u, ~ansas, to deposit with the Clark of thG District Court of Saline Coa~ty, Kan~as, the sum of Seventeen-thousand Six-hundred Sixty-three an~ 92/10G Dollars ($17,663.92) i~ payment of tbe award made by the commissioners appointed by the District Court OL Sa1i:lco: CúuLty, Kansa:', in Case No. 23,505 t,¡at i:1 'lccorddn::e -"'11.':.;', :iai,j :J:i.I'ectioC1 ènd ~1uthorizati()n made , by the said bc,¡er'r,ing ;';cdy, I did c;", the 7./ 3'lY of February, 11ge2, dPCO6it ..itll 01ic) Cle!:l: cÍ the Distr,Lct Ccurt of E:ali':e Cou'1t" 1('ln"'1'~ tIle .::;um of ~:,(?ventc,'~¡,-thcus;j;¡d Six' ¡'unured :..,i.xty- I " j, " < ~"" three aau 92/100 Dúllar3 ($17,663.92) in ~aymcnt of the C C iil1Tl i s s i 0 r; e r '" taw a rum;i d c~ ins d i. J c a 3 e w hie;, r e pre Sic; n t spa y me n t fur tn(~ ea,,(~m,:Gts d,nd 13',0 condemn',J by the Ci'Lj of 5a1ina, I ha~lsas, whic)l is fully dR:JcriLpd in L~:!liLit 1\ which is ,--'ttacÍ1eù II l1eretc and macJe a part )'erc;<'f. IN ~lT~ESS ~H~HL~F 1 h~ve hCl'uuntn set my h~nd as City T I' e as U l' r} r 0 f t:1 {; C i t Y 0 f Sa 1 ì n a, l(a n;: as, 1: ;', is -y" d è:l, Y c f February, 1962. . -- ~¡j~,_. ----.--.- C i t Y '1' l' e :,1, sur e r .\T1£5'1: /J -~~~"'" C i'ley C-l.,er,k. , ,'.' '\ , -, , ,<' l-" " , ) l . '" .. 17 (,J 7.5 S- r T RACl T ¡{ACT 77 3foD 1. . (A) Pe r' lent h"",t~merlt u . ()) 'I C r s t r 1. ,/ Û f fiftcetJ ( 1 ;) ) J ~. ICt~t l,t no 1 ¡: .. i d t 11 , (i d 11 ~ !':, \ teet ¡';d.st ana ten ,}II) flJet t.s d"scribed ,u; f(] 1e'll,,: Wecit p ow h.i ((, From th ,OUth"d'3t cor'ner of tha Nur't""'t'st qu¡J;'tcr i,t>E ccr., .,,\ ~./4) ut Section eji?~ít (;:), '],~1iI'r;~hlr Fçurte.:o (14)::), - Hange 1..0 ~2) ,'ies.t, tiler-c,' :.",rth (If t!",e qudrter (1/4) sf:;ction lint, one thOJ6ii¡,J t...u t,~,;,ndrpd t 'II en t ¥ ~. () u r d. r. (j '3 fJ V en ten t h,.., (1. 224. í) 1 L' e t t () th € S:)uth line of the Mis~c)llrj'1j,:Cll1C K",:lro",j J\tgJ)t of ~d.Y. thenca WeS1; dlo!'!!, bald right '.Jf""d) j¡':e fi\ hundred twenty-two dnd seven-tenth;; (52¿.7) tuet tu t !: e ¡; cd n t 0 f b iii g 1 ¡¡ n i n g: . (100) ff~t to the South Thence lIne of ~vrth, Lrle":iundr d ldnC1 0 ()\. , owned ty the City s " 1 in, < , hd. n,.¡ d, !'! . of (B) Construction Eds€mellt Temperary o. \)/:5 " c res in t we ( ;¿ ) s t ri ps .. f .\ d nd , t 'lient y ( 2U ) feet E¡¡s t clod ,e, iJ .1.:\ cent to t h€' above-de::; cr i hc,j ea8empnt1 \.IlU f:iitLI':'/I (15) teet '("",6t to thelbove J~acr1bed edsement. '\ n J .¡d,jrl.ct:!IJt " ..ó . (A' t:dbcment Perœa.nea't 0.::5 ,.ere,;.; li' 'I ~tr.i¡.. of 1<lcd f1ftE~~n (15) feet 11: w1dt.¡, tel. (1 ) feet Sc,'~th clod 'I",-st, dnrj 11\-e (5) feet East and i'4(,rth of d line which is described as follows .oi?j?,'lnnin':!, at d pcint .:11ne hui,dreG twenty-o:1e and three- ten t h s {9 ~ j . :3) f eft N crt. ,1 n d 0 r1 e e t', IJ n. d red t h i r tee n l 1 1 3 ) feet West "f the Ncrtnwest corner of the bouthe....Et quarter (8~ 1/4) cf SectIon eIght (b), 1ownsh1p Fourteen (14) South, h¿~Ke TwL (¿) West. ~djd point 18 on NLrth propertv line of land now owned by the CIty of Salina, KdI1S,:L,. ' fIAncE North t\l>o'hundreiJ ninety-eight and tour tenths (2Ø~.4) feet. lherce West (parallel to Missouri- Pacific ~dilroDd Klght of Way) four-hundred fourteen dod ~~v~n t~ntns (4¡~.7) feet~ Thence Nurtn five (5) feet to of the ::i(;,U t h j 1 ¡; e 0 f i>11sBouri Pacific Ri~ht hailroad the W '1. ( ¡ ) T",m! ,)!"dry CO::ötructi"r¡ EL,r-:ement (j . '<3 'j, c r c" ,.. d 9 t rip 0 f 1 d :ì d t .1', i r t y .. f i ve (35) f fJ e t .¡d~ 1 J)lng adjacent tt th~ West and South of toe dbove deEcribed and bounded the ~dseDient pCJ'¡¡:,'~nent on Scut¡, ty 1:ha City of Kansa~. Salin(, Idod owne:j by , fo l' I \ ¿11::C, DOOK- ,ZZ.._Púge 3' C) ';' d '1 H p, '- 't " ; , f' ' (> 0 'j, " .. ,} ( .' " ,,-' ','<'" i " n t .1 .~ 1, ¡ 1'1 'Y " ) " ", ';, h<: n ( ( 1\ 8 lie, n ' ÎJ t ,) '.- r \, ,,' e ( H E ~ 1 ,~ l , ,"; ) () " ~¡ -it ,," -:. i, " \ ~,," 4 . t: '1',', . f 1, '! f. ( ~) ) "11 ' ') '", t c:,> . n j P '" t f, ;' " '.,~ (; W T: IS: :1 1)'1 . ;,e -' , 1 ,,",H';, ,.' (., ,;- C .'J J ,,1 r: r "'1 Wo, ct t r .ly'Pg " n wil:itb, d,;;fr~rtb;3'< by 1 ,1 '0 (' """',19'" 'J: . (A ,; i)t: ! ;.i! a. n (, Ii t u . \:~ ~] de ¡ ~. 1-' width, 1 ¡ '" I (\ j .1 \IIq Dc ¡.?\ [; I' r' I,' . 't h u r: d r P. r' 1 " t' ! E a. ,:J í: " # '- - " .. (;;,E~) , , ,: c t :; (> (: t. h ~ \, " ;, t <~ ( :¡:, ) fe~~* 1i n (,) t\>,~.'-",~]ndl(: ( i' t:: \ ',. ". ,',~, ",'~q;,'Î.ri.:J;j Iv (;} ) 'I .', t! 111 ,. è' C :,' 0.19 d, (: r (I ,1j f" 'I ¿ t "'I '¡ 1 Í'" 'Ii) '.. II 1; 1'11 ~/lisc. LUUK-..!1~",-_..J ù.ð\. Jfo / r,e a I :. 11 r l f ~¿ t , r', ,', i., ~; .'. , t " 01 ¡:: ..,~ -' ;, b " ,', .; l' 6\ ".", St " ': f- 1 j H' "i, '" e },: '¡' j '3!d , ~) "" ~¡ , ,1 " " ~ to i - ( :t ' ~) ;,; .. ..¡ , " ,. t r " <, , ',w(' ¡;, 'i :, e " (, () :t 'i t ¡ ~' ';;,~ ¡ " (, !!'. '1' ..' "" I' 't ' (.>:J ;' ,'" 4i ,) " !' t t , 1 ~ '1. ,> r, 9; C t'i,Jü \ ,; ; :' ':) U 1. I, "" (0.' .s t " el;" e ¡ to, f t ~ , ,j ,: l " ;! : . I-'} ~, " 'L: ø '" ,)<1 ;' ,: 1 t j, :.: Uf'!"r S ¡, A tp ~; ~ ,,\" ','" ',' t y - ,~ ,"", ': ") d " ., i-,.' 0'" ", rt t { 4, is g t' (; " S - , ¡ to I éJCh t'.¡rty (3:' ) ? ¡~ ,'; '1(.. '> t . t ~; ,,1 00... ," e ( , " \ ,;, Co . " , f e~~t ~; <' ') 1: " ',J J ,¡ i . ;, " ,. l ;, ,¡} .¡ L i. C j ... ) ) f D, ~ ,'1, . , t1 S " c C' 1" S t ~'t¡ ç t i ü n ¡' " ., e to' : " 1 f' , <1.'" ,~ ., it ¡..; r : i' l' 'j V ' l' 01 Feet " e 1 ;, " , " d ,3 ,;. "ü:¡ t tn ;!,~ 1.3 t " ~ì ,; t' ¡¡ r~ (';~O) t j 1.. tv feet I,: dCjilCtPt " ';<3 t ,: .;: ',' ; ! i, :; d" ('I'i e It' ;,' { ) f' ", t " "':: ") ,', ' ; ,;,j" ,I " )~, "-' ,', ,~ e :Ii '.' ': '(. ; p,'" by (,'ity 0:' \ (; ;', " .i]. i , ; 0,1; !;, ,\" . L ~; e 9.; €' n t , q \,Of n 1 <:,11 d l15 ) i Lfteen .;;¡ .. ¡', D t "t! i~ " C f r: t" : i, , " wtich clI::,;,;,:ribed ,;... 1;] '15 " '; t ( n r' t 'NO .. " 1 'J f: ) -:: n:~ ~ ,; <, c t, ,¡ ; ~~ [; ,)(\ ( ;,> .;¡, ~; , ., , t "'.1 t h '" f ,-, 13 t ;¡ t, v€' n ~< c, y t ,.. " of t he " :':the¡~ai, cOX':,...,' , ' ,¡ ;' , ~; -,." ," . ;", ,', t t ), ) . \ } 4 :> ' ¡' ;'] ~', h i ~, F'jtI't€,!;; '" , ~ fi~:e 'f' ',' ,~ r, > 1"1,(":(""" ;:rtr: -t:: i ;"1. y t h ..., .: C <B (p,\ralle~ i !' e c t t () f; WP!i~ .8nld ~, 0 ~:i;,;;hteer. d. "ì:¡ seven"tsnthu (2!t.?) tract of ldnd tc he g,; H l' '. ¡ "do r 'j " " 0" ¡,' r. ~" !. 'c f,alinü, ,} .: Ka n s ! S . '" t '. ,y '.. t ¡' ¡: ç t L C " '}ô"'~;~~"1~ j, " ~" " .' \ ;,.; ) anÔ ...tIIp.. c1 ldnÖ twenty"seven , '," <', ~.; . ,) r ": f' ,~ t lr wl;JtL t,~ th? :30 Ii t ÍJ and Sf~Ven ~rd !1va t¿Dth~ (7.5) fB~t in wj~th to t~~ ~orth lying nlC("g th" "",)J't!-j ::,< -> -it, ,¡Jdi'\ô ;H1d adjacent to the (',-Hcr'!:-, ¡"~;;"'I.ní?r"t """"n<l:.{!,,+ 1.;, !r.:!i'~;,'L,j...,_~-~)-,il.Q_Y,jL",-,,- (1~9-j ," 1. t'~ ct . " " T) , ¡\!.dS,~, ;J:' ',;' 2,,2 ~ì;~. gt¡ f :" ,X'; T h:,C-r t, !',,' ; I'; :' 1 .n , ., ¡vfi~c, J:30ûk____'1Z..., P~l~C> 3 ~2 J- e r:1i L ,-' '" t,,~ fi€IJ ; " ,'f-' Ii; 1 n >, . ,r, :'¡ "~f't~e!~ -: 1 ,') ! 88' tp tel t .' d " t and t .: n { 1 ,) i ee t ,",pst "" ;1 t , i 't' 1::' i,;; , t .. 1 j ,H' "II', 1 ,~ b f C') ; .j W B , ;~ ¡) ~ '" '" 8 (' " , ,t ;, út '}" i ", I' j, ~ x t" i' "~ , \!Ie{~t ¡DO }.¡ 1 r, <~ \ . 1 j r', e ;jni.Jn'.jn~,: , . t ~, " :'j 0 Ü '.n f., ,'\ ¡¡¡ t let'.t :. ',J. '" , \ , "1 .' thl"J¡¡an,~ 1. 'Ii !,;:~ S\1 . >;\Àfí¡j j! :' l d tenths \24~.',í y f-'. ¡; "\€ven e ,) '~n1/b vCL'o!!' ~) 1 . .:: 1', ¿ " l:¡ .' ; g r, : eat, t b ) . 'Tc,""sh:p f')lIrte~}), t' '> j-- t' ", .l tiu;;;th '1 h'~ { litO s Cj 1 ... l P.~ n '" , ,,; ,; ...t< t Wi', 11'1') r ',' ,) " H (. e.g~",y S:)¡. .'\"lJ tlJne-tentlis ";;f'I' R',iht..(¡t'W;i~' line (,r I' t f\H j, .:< . " ;; ,~; t' ,\:; ) and €t '~ ,;, d owrlde: £ ,.- ,):,.¡ " 4\,r'i!lit::. 1'!ìf' a lH, v';,> - ~j '! , ) n a :.' . I. 1 ;1 ~)f7;!'\g lO ) r:d :3 t of '.. en feet n"ici(;;,;,"". \),; i'c ' " ; \,0 t h ,~ l~as ~ \)rGpe!"~)' j in e uf 1!,¡;s¡,rJoroL'gh C II. '( S"j jna~ f..¡ n '" ",;¡; ~ ,d d it" ; 01 1'\ \ , .., . :¿>;Jð .! ~ " \, ,j, t"", ìo' I.' ~ \ f\, ) .,1 . ;: i ! f! {' t '1 (; i!í\ ,.., " r ,, , t. ,; c' ,I ,~ l i ,) t \ ì,) j '!\,.¿ '!\ >.,II! ~~ :, t ,) C' f e i;, , '1 t: l l' 1 r: J<>n~j thil'tv ! i '.. e i. 35 ) cO, ..:; ~ , r, ..~ ,d th &",at "",(1 ",d thE: acenl to ,¡ t-'. ,j.¡,!{(;:r1ì,)(!.! r- I¡, ¿i n .. J t ':a~e;(óe;1t. Ferman", ~; , ':J t ,¡~ e " 1: c r \~ .. L '" .- f f ¡ f t ~ (~ ~1 teet , .. ,-!' \, ... J : IW \ ..; I: ì¡ i j "tc ;,: ",11' ': ten \, 1 ;} .; f ¡;; B t "f>.8t ',;' ! 1. e.\;< 1 it n ~j '-' 1 i! e "",¡'¡C,();)fj'J t ,-, ., ;. t' "" S ; "If r\ , I:' 3!:! ~ . , . ., ' ( ; c t , h ß Pcuth of pr'ûper\,j i.ll1€ to rl (,cuntcy ;'j',:¡{)nntn¡¡, s t, e in!l\: one' !ìUfíjred lJ'ty of ,;, ~ .,,¡¡¡d üf Th..~ncl/' ..6~t d ;\ rl i ¡" 1\1 í:-' ) ,', 1 í u ,"~' ',' ¡ u ": j,{r.t" .\dOlìl,', ,.,¡ L , Thr~e \:3 ) to the ¡" Ii! . c') n I , + ' . .. :t " f ¡; ,.1 ! .. t. P "' f~ v e ;, 1 ,~:} W"".iò ~ of 1,.re "j,)uthedllt :;orner- : "'" '-' ;, !to, ri 1 ,j ,,", ,t.i f u ,'t h P. r Je!£criDed ;1 t /~.ir!ìt;.\'\. ,.. . , :~ ö ~, ,~ ',,¡ it') i ¡~ ü' ¡" >é e t l,x' ':' Yr!!; ¡:)<;, \; ;! , :'l VL- '. ' " V "'; ð j d ì, '5 ; I' a'" t !: t . ¿ ::;(J'J+ nwe3t {~!rner i ;" /o¡f '( ( , ve "", g h't U; ) ,,; tl ~ C Add.ltJG }. bin k (, > "" , j 1'1 \ fie Lot .:cU' ! ¡,¡~"r'.~,lll';j t. he ~ j, 1, fJ of North 'I: he t (. ~t'" t. (.¡ '1 .! : 1, f: r hL:Ddr-eri fifty 111n€ F' L / f 1 '" 1 ' ,¡ ':' t e \Î í "', i H "" '\ t!¡ ,.J N ) c t. II p::-operty :: \;" . '* J to , f Tr-;:,ct ( /í, " 1 ( ""I '3 t r u ': t ion L dB ;> ,'~' e:¡ - " r d ;' . ;:¡;, , ,1 n {' t' Ive (t15) fEet C1dti , ,. (' ~:-: rt y ';¡' " . ~, ."t ¡, rid " :j i ¡i c e" the d.ouve- '.> , ." ^ ," ,~ u ,. ,~;'~""1nf , ;' <i' ;;' " ~,' ¡; {. \(" " dÜ~\.', ......, 77 ¿~~ r~' rl..\ ç~~ T ',(!-.CI \ J; ,~~" - ,22_~, P1~;f'.3¿,3 " ,- ':{ , . (/, :' :1(;nt ;"',e;nf;;',t :' t;. r Iii (\ . ;,,--; L~ ) :, t r '; "; t 1 à to d t 'IV E' n t y - 1 i V l in r. \¥ ; s: :', C !' e (~: ) in 'Ale".,. ¡he first, rur.n;.¡,:.~ North-Scuth fOUl' ;'),1 fLPt '{¡fist ':'.nd 1..wPI.iy.one (21) 1"'(":.1. feet a r¡-,) l}'ln.; Ed.~t the;;; ,. JUnnlng Kast'WsMt lyin~~ (¡ í' ) c, '. C r' (j " nd ten f e,,:.t. Sf'", t i-: lfleøn (1:)) line wh¡ch N()rth ",. t ì6<l't .l -"lid -I £ j"~8;:::t'ibed '-"Oi f'ollDllt8: B~JBinning '1.t -" potnt ()!\ thj;; Nvrtn property linf'.! of Lot two (2), Block ~inB (9), Country Club Heights A J { 1 tï D n :.. ù. T b r e c, 3 .< 1 i n d.~ K ë, n ., d S . :.:. d j d i' {) i n t bel n g t. Wf' n t y - (> r;, {" (21:" t e f- t ~'H!'¡¡ t 0 f the No r t h tf ,,\:.-; t (.; (J l' n € r 0 f said Lot~. Thence SoutÞ (parallel to the East property line cl E~id Jd.) three-hundred (orty-four and eight t e ;, t t1 Iii (3 .~ -1 . b) ! f e t t 0 d f' Ü 1 :1 t ü ': the ~¡ () r t h pro p.. r t y line of Lut Five ~5), Block Nio9 (~)t shld Add. Thence West alo~g NGrth property Ilna cue~huodred n!nateen (110) feet ~~ th~ Nort~.~8t corner 01 Bald lots. ( B) Tømr.,.rar"j ,.: )n¡;tr~,ctlc\1 .Faeeœent 0..)5 "'-' strlD ui l",~d five (25) in {net twenty c r ',jj ,1 n v.'j ü t;) 1 Y j n g',! e.!:J t, i,: () r t h ; n d d. d j d ç e n t deøcritea per~~~ent 8 søœFnt. tv the d.bovü- '" .~ . í.J¡) t:Qi?ell;p')t. 1-'crmi,nen'l 0.>-;4 dOr..'?1 '~ ,~ ri~' n f 1,1 n d f if tee 1\ \. ]. 5) fee t i r¡ f t: ,., t W fJ Ii'. t a. n,j .:; Gut h f t {' n (1 0) f' f:t e t i (¡ widtl:, Cd f i ,¡ e Nc-:.-th ,".. d wh 1 c:\ rjeij.-::rlbed 3.$ fc:llowe; !:;,¡ B t 1;[..-, i 3 ¡, ;. ., :t-'€tjl.,inning ""t í.l/~d bJt!ct¡on l.in4\l J.. >, 1 n. t " " t OJ e Quarter d one'~~ndred forty five (145) ts@t West of the Nurthwest çç¡-n<1ti' of th.' SDu"~Le.-J.t.~ (1/4) çf Bee tic', sev,,'oteen (17), T 0 i1 8 ì\ 1 P t L' U t. t f" € n (14) ..:PütÌJ. (2) West. Ra'1go two TbOfnce ",ollth (pa.rdll.~l 1.0 th;;¡> &<!>st li~1\:' of. ti.e bouthwfJ.,t "'; u ,,' r t e r i.> e c t i '-' -J 17 "<4 '¿) t ü n (J 0) f e (, t " The I1 c eRa s t (püral1e! to t~e North line of said ciW )/t) one~hu"dr8d thirty-.tivf'I (1:35) feqt. Thence. South (parallel tü the EdSt line ~r bald dW 1/4) t~u'thouBan~ five-hundred &j~hty.nin€ and on.-t~nth '2~589.1) teet to the North Hivht ct~Way Itf'\e of la,nd no" own;,¡;d by th~ Count) of S;.111ne, Kdn3d'Pi. \ b) c,~m:'Cï,¡.r\' Cc'nstr',Ac-~'i,)~ Í',,¡,Be:rlBnt 2,.~~U "Cl'f.H strIp of t!Jirty'fi\'E'i (35) in feet "ldf1d 1n wlntj¡ lying II"',S:. ~nlJth ,.nd d.dJ'J.c"~nt de~cr1bp( ;pr~~ne"t RaYem~nt. t( the auGve '\ 41SC, ;,OCJ> ~7 7- P:1C!t' .3 ¿,3 Co. c, '. ¡' '(",( l' , .> \ , ',' '" ,I, ¡;; , ,,' rr' ; : ~ ',] j ~ ( 'j I ': ; \, " ;. I I ,', "H' [! " ,° ,j ". 1 , ""' L : , , i. ') ('q lJ ~: ", f,' , " .. . ,) € , F' . " , :; ~ ",;, (; ,', I', '. ", ::' ;.., ~ ,; ; : ,. " (; ì' ) II >,' ,1 t /; t c', " ,+ ( ¡, i I.;", :, l {,I ~ !. '. '. ",,¡ " .è n ; ~, ' . ,. I. L.1> 1. L ::C' .~; u t ~ , .. , ' - ",' ., \": t ;¡ r f",' ¡ t ," t r '! ì, '; '.', '. ,~: <" C ~ .'" '1 ", tit" , " , t (' :" ; " \. <" ¡ '8 "'-" ¡ t t:: I' t i : " " ' ¡ '., . " ~ t " ",,' " :r , ¡, ", 8 (' \. .;,; ( li,t ' .:: ," " I>; '- c 'e '? t " , \ r " I ( , ',' " ! t d , I , , " 0 " , ~ . i! " '. ' ,,' 't t ;; 1 ';; t , ~ ,"., ,: d J' F .\ ' ) ;, , ,', '.1, .'J ¡ J '" ,:,>', " , .-. 'if .:',:i d ¡ " {' ; e t ,~ { j ~. ;' '\ ! I " t '~ (.: ì u ,. ~ " I, \' j 1. n {~ " '~ " .' , t ie' î. , , ; ¡ n " ~ ,. Ir, 'i j " "(' / ' it )< d ¡, I,i! : 1 ", ' I, :'. ," '1 i , (, ') () } " y . , 1 " ) ;" f' r \ y c'/ ,lc t , t '- :' " "" : !..' :, f' ¡", ¡ ". ,: ',-, 'e j: )' " "i ~ ,. " ,< 'I ,) I' )' i;' ( 'j' ;, , q .: ¡ " ',,' p ,,;, i, ' "' r ~, ! '\ )' ,W , [, , \ " '. 'i"¡ ) , ,. t e .' t fr. " , . r' ~, ':' (' ,. , i ;,'ò '",j ; i ~" . ,\ ~ ,"" n 5 ~ ,': \ ': n \ ," 1 ' f- , I.. 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'.- ,-- 27.___- J',;,¿<' 3 ~ 7 ., . ,¡, + - ',I;,: 77 1) , ',> .3, 7 " ", ~.' '1' ¡:':\C'J. 1 kAC 1 l~c ~v{ïsc. Boc:::--, -,j'_7--P:".2f! .3 ~ 'B 1 7 . CA) Con"tructloo ~aao.ent T e 111 }. U r (\ I' / O.Ot) ",:";'f.;JI; in d ,.,trip of land two'!nty (20) toet in ","i.dtn Jnd ene Ii',¡n(j'õvd twenty (120) feet in length. sdid 8tr1~ Lei~~ tho E~8t twenty (20) feet of Lot c. r: (' (1), 1,1 0 c k f ,\ '/ (; (5) tin iAa y fa i r ).0 J it j 0 n . (A) Permcl.l1ent r: d. 5 € ¡;¡ t, n t i).C)] def""è; In ,t strl1" ',f Idad \.€íl <.10) feet 111 width ,.nd ("nc hundrelj tr¡,lr'ty (l:;O) feet 1;: length, 13 ;d st,1:, b€in~~ the L'3."it ten (lO) fe~>t 01 Lot ten (1;,). hiuck two (;:;). 1;1 :~;dvfd,lr ddltl0n. (H) T~'m r n"truct'\1i! rdry c iJdsem<é:nt 0.12 (~C!'P" :::,t,rip ..:f «} u ) 1. c, n j t '- r t: ¡ n fEet in "', width lying West ~t de",çrlt~<i perf!! \O2nt and it (1 J cl C f' '1 t to t b '" above' e ¡,¡ ,..!i1e n t . ~,1ísc. ";"'~),j~(,_,2_7 ,i U6c' 3 ~ S t !' " ¡ "", '- '> ,. " " '. " :. 0, 1 , 1 .. '-' '1 ., ,. ': " c. ! . <.l . . " d '. \.' \.. .:, :, . ), " .; t ," è. : " ,1 '. '" " ," :, \ . . ' :\ -- :: " c " .~, , * '. I' " " ~ f' ': x \ .' ,., , ~ " , 0.. ) " ,-' .' , 1 ' ~ <co Ii ; ,~ i' , 1 :! ,". L, ~\Hsc. ~, ..., .. 1~ 7'1 ",' 1. , " , ,', '.' , ~. I ~ í, " ; ,. , . ., , , ,; (, " ~. . ~ '" " 7,7 ~,,~p 3~ c¡ , ',' --' .,.\ '¡ ~. " " ¡. , ;. ,. I ~ ,. " Ci': t-i\ ¡ "~ '- .", \ {: P,~g('.3 ¿, c¡ " :-¡ ,', " !, " , '! ',' ~ ), , " ( ¿ , :, ", è, , ^ i ',' ,", ~, :1'- " . , I, ,. "",; .. i, . ", " A '. 4, " '" ¡ " ( " f.! ¡ ~ 't, I<is( ~(..:.)~~_.:J_7._,_Page 3 7 0 ¡ ;\ !, ' il i, ." " , v ) ; , . 1 ! , " ",' ,,! ! .. L . , l' " . ", , r " :, ; " t . ,j - V,'; 'i¡ ,- "j ", , " , , ~' (I L_-- " """ : I Pr~ ,'" ~ I, \ '; 0, . , 'co ,i ~, 3 ì{) . \ A ~ ", , .. ( t Cj:() ~ ,¡ " " \1'}'P~ '77 \ .ùL L.duk,.. { , . . \, 'N' :, ,. , . ¡ '" 'l l" :~ : " STAte OF MNSAS ì" V~/ J COUN1'Y OF SALINE f- ALED FOR RECORD IN MY (JfIŒ ON FEB 6 - 1962 AT q,..O'CLOCK M. A~ Dl!LY RECORDED :-..!J.. - OF ~T PNIE. .~ 5 c¡ - 3 7 I G. OF DEEDS Pa!?p ~ 7 I , .., . : , .. i,.¡' ;. .': , l .4 ~~~- '(:,,~ p",....l,.. 7 7 I) Ú;)L. 1."",',,--...----l. age .3 7/ 1M TH2 DISTRICT COURT LF SALINE COUNTY, K ',NS .}j In the Matter of the ,'.pplication of ) THE CITY OF S~LIN~, KA~S~R, '1'( THE ) EONC R,',LLE JuIL--i I. YC UNCi: .:',ND L. .',. NlcN,.LLEY 7 ) JU~GE& CF 'I'h"E DI STIUCT CCURT (F 5,ŒI NE ) I Cc.U;'¡TY, K'NS.~S, FCn. TEE :;.PPCI:'!T,v~ENT OF ) I CCI,,;MISSIONERS '1'( ..ppa/ISE ':ND,SSF~S,,) D,'.¡\':AGES ) BY In.'',cc~' OF TF'~ ('1: '~T'F.'!\; TIn" ny '1'1":' CITY OF ) I h~",-,. , d::""'Jl~,d'.... ....~ .,.'~. 8..LIl'T , KANS..S, CF cErt'l'"lìi EF.'.L~;)'L.TE HLHEIN ) I Fen PUPLIC USE, ---------------------------------------------- I Ca~!? No. 23,505 1~}~PC/>_J" C(l,~I.,IC.;;;IQN:;'::I~S the uuderDiCned, Cor~is~ioncrs, duly appci~ted by the We, Di~trict Ccurt of :';a11no C\iU'1ty, KéJ. '1 S ¿~S , in Case No. 23,505 en November 30, 1961, on written apolication of the City of Salina I do m~ke ~nd submit herewith our final report as follows: I I We duly c;Llalifieè1.E Cr'!".missioners by t'lking our o,<th and filin~ the same with the Clerk of the District Court on December 29, 1961, and did CaUse notice cf the time and place where we would meet and assemble fer the purpose of ffiRking Guch detcrrni~l' tic;o,s by .:Jublicaticn of ~uch ~otice in the Salina Journdl, ':,ali'1'l, Xan.sas, the officiRl City paper, on the 2nd d~y of JanUd.ry, 19 6;~ , "t t led3t fifteca day~ uri~r to the d~te of said meeting. " t rL' ~ i"nd ~orrect copy of said notice with proof ~f publication thereof h ¿:! :: be:; n f i 1. cd wi t:l the C 1 e r k (f t h r~ D i s t r :i. c tee l! r t ';., n d i.:; i'~ :'J. c; c a part h~reof by ref~rence. T h ,;, t pur ~ U a '1 t tel \',f , l.. ~. rO:c'nG.';t:30:-" City Attorney, pre-' p'i_rcd, executed and verified ao!ffidavit to establish th~t ~e strictly complied with th~ requisites of said statutes by maili~z a ~otic~ to the last-know~ address of each per~n~ in interest, which said f f i d a v i t h'),:c" b e ~~ L d u J Y f i 1 e d in the office of the Clf'rk ')f the District Ccurt of S'Lline County, Ea, n::; ? s , 3. ~; pro V '~ (~ " cJ by la"". (:~ the day 'end lour ~et forth in said notice, we Jul y m(~t',t the place t~?r~i~ st tOÙj and thßreupon proc~cded to view the r~ll I prcfJLrty I cd apprais~ the value of th? l~~d~, rights, E: d, san ',', '" t ;3 , etc. tak?D and 3.G?CSS th~ ather jam~ge dene or to be do~? ta t~n I o'vner~~ of suet pro)Y:rty cr ether :'c,rso1l3 or corpor_t',cns ,~ff~:ct:2d I thereby raspoctively by such appropri~tic~3. r r ThQ 13.nds, rizhts, C:::SCJ'CRnt.¿; ,;nd a,Ðuropriaticns ,~re :¡ccur~'.te- qP.t .C,"llt .-""'1d D.. U~,~,..p.red l'n ~.~,.~, I ly describf',j it': :~ep¿Lré",te trcl.cts :'3 - - L' ,'- - """ petition filed herein and in the notice attactGd Þ~rctc, and thA name of the record title owner8 a~d ot~er intprested persons are I set 0 U top pc:: it e t h (! U ll:~ be r f ('> l' ": ,~, c: 11 t r act ~ II D"ze~en," are tol.,e'1 by the City of odic , Ro"cao, for tho 'I I S l) e c i f i C ]1lJ, r p 0 s e S :_è S :;; e t for t 11 i 1 ¡ t h n J. t t .~,. c bed 11 C tIc e wit 11 C" il. C h Said tracts é:!',d OV!';er's intor(~st sl':}:J.rately ppr~ised 'lnd ~ach owner's damage , separ:.~tely >l,ssessed a. jere~n !tpr set out. 'i l' '1 C t 1 N,';;\iE C iT cvnr::;x:.: T~Îé' ~.issoLlri-Pacif5,c E(:'tilroad Company 1;1 ~'iansa5 V/"LUE C'F PER;\I:'EN'!' );m 'l'E:,;l"( iL\HY E ,c:E¡vl.E~';T T,~J(El\: ~~ -d-_lQ.QLQ, O- ,n,L CTIlE,f{ DPl\L.GE DUN'~ cn 'l'C BE DCi"L TC TIT: C\'!SEFUJ CF 1'1-'::; HE¡\:~,ISING P;:{CPLI:.T::: $ ,___2...5, ...O,Q. ,- T~..r.C),L D,,;I\~!'.GES: $ --_,_lZ5...ü_Q_- Tra,ct 2 II N Mb CF OV!"£'<: J. V~LUE GF PE~~~NENT J. VRnier & Lesta Vanier ~ND T~~PC~ARY E~SEMENT T"KEN: $-,- ;lQ,Q....,O 0 , 1 ! Tra:; OWNERS CF THE IlL:.,,' I,~I~¡G PECP}ZHTY: ~LL CTHER D~~"GE ~¡ NE CR TC bE DCNE TC $, - __2 9,1-. L¿G.", Ti..r...','.T"f)AIl¡ii',GE~ : $,-,_----Ql2.1L2..9, -- Tract 3 I N ~dh:¿ C F C ViNE il : N. I V,.LU:; CF PEEl\L.J':hlf1 J . Lore:-,son &. ::':sther Lorenson ß.:m TJ.:i"P(}U.i(Y l:.,.:, LrvlE:n' 'rc'.I:Er~: i,,_2.C}~,Q.Q-, ¡\LL C1'IIEIt DAlvl).GE ÐO1{E C.:.~ '1'( BE DC¡'iE T': THE VSN.'..:ns \:'F TIlE T;,':¡'i"INING PHCPEHTY: $" 2 ~L9.Q..-- I T""l'L ')"J',.,"r', ~:,' '.'~l\",.,.IL.::;': $ -'. ~ 2.-L.. 0 ll__,- Tract 4 :~,IVŒ OF C wm;; R: Jerry E. C'lC:ic1" Jr., subject tc ten~ncy I b,\SJ<:MJ~NT BCLD};R: Guy ,\. Thompson, Trustee, ?,Iissouri-Pacific II V'.LU];; (F PEHr;:ANE~n' R~~~;~J rr~;~:p~~:;~~n{~:.Sb?:IEln T ,',KIJ:: $--,1-'!:2..~QQ--- of T,eL' i,laber \L1. CiTnEH D.\;"L'.GI.: DGÌ'~E Ch '1\.. BE DCN!: 're T~ib CVL\iEHS CF 'rIU:; Ri':M.HI.;ING PIiCP:.ItTY: $ _.!.. 9~~ 5- - I TC'l' ,\L D,\I\lAGES: I ,,¡o damage to cascmc,,-t holdE!r founda $ --..!..?- 4 a,4 5 ,. II I Tr'3.ct 5 ¡~ .\ì\11; CF C ViN::::R: Jerry }~. C'-!£:::tck, of Lee MaÌ'.er Jr., subject to tenancy E /,EE;í¡lE.2>rr IIOL9£ R: Kan~as Power 8 Ii~ht Company and County cf Saline, State of Kanaas V..LU)..; CF PEH1I:I".:Œi\TT Jem TE¡',IPLILè.i.tY E"SEj\IENT T,".KEN: $ -,J.-L-l~Q.L9g_- ALL CTHER DA~~G~ DUNE OR TC BE DONE TC THB UWNER5 UF THE REMAINING PRGPERTY: No damage found to pasement holder. ~; ..__l""§'l.J.-'.6~- J I $ --l~ 3 5,.:hQ.9°1 I TOT ),L D ;\l\L.GES : Tract 6 N "AlE l ~ C W N 1:; Ii : Chas. F. ~eitz, Daisy Jeitz, George O. ~. Seitz, Henrietta Seity-Lutschz, Nellie Seitz and Estate of hary ¿eitz, Charles F. W. Seitz, Guardi~n, sobject te tenancy of P~ul Hed~rstedt ~a9nolia Fire Line Compa~y EASEMENT LCL.!:.ŒR: V,'.LUL OF PBIUL'.NENT ,.I"'D Tl:;¡:PCIU,HY E.'S:CìvlE!'-:1 T;ë\KEN: $ _~2-,,-"-n~ $ 00 I --,----,---_.1 ! I ,ŒL eTHER DÞMAGE DUNE OR '1'( BE DC NE 'f( I THE C. WNEr~s CF THE REìvI:.LH r-m PHC.PEETY: TV1'AL Ü.:'dí¡IAGES: No damage to easement holder found. 1; --__..Q.Q.Q_L 0 0 . II .t;;AMB CF CWNEH: I VI,LVB [iF PERMAN1~NT ;,lJD TEivlPvfL'.RY E'SETvlENT T~',KEF: ¡ I Country Club Heights Company, Inc. I I I I I I 640.0o_1 'l'r;.:.ct 7 $,-, ,':LL OTHER Di\l\L,GE DCNE OR 'Ie BE DC Nb TC T~IE C\'INEH OF THE REI,UUNI ;':G PHCPERTY: $ '-- ,JUL,__- I TVL\L DA:vl/'.G}~S: II Tract 8 $ -- E3_1..Q.....Q.Q_- I I N .i'~N;E C F C ViNEt{ : Riker Manor, Inc., Margaret Prescott-Wise, Edg~r W. Wige, First Hat'l B~nk of Ithaca, Trustee, subject to tenancy cf James Fairbanks Magnolia Pipe Li~e Company and County of Saline, Gta.tc of Kansas PERMAN~NT AND TEMPORARY E~SEMENT TAKEY: $_1, 71 o. QQ.... E/,SEMENT ~:!OLJ)EH: V/,LUB LF ALL (TUER DAMAGE DC~!E C It T( BE DO In.; ere THE OWNERS CF THE REM INING PROPERTY: $ -- _-1JL2 . () 2- TCT lL DAM.\GES: No damage found to easement holder. $ _..ì~.§, (bQ~~- - I Tract 9 NÙlVŒ OF OWNER: Roy ¡vI. Faith & Vern.'). ,\00 Faith, subject to tenancy of Claude Smith E'~SEMENT H(oLDEli.:~-I. 1\:. Crcs3wy VALUE CF PERMt.NENT i\ND TElVIPCHAHY E;'.Em;VIENT '1'/.1Œ1'.]: $.__2.£~¿,LQ.0_. ALL eTHER DAMAGE DCNE OR T( BE DONE TO THE CWNERS OF TUB REM', I NI NG PHCPEHTY: $ -l_Q.Q"LD 0 TCTlŒ DAM/,GES: No damage found to easement holder. $ --~6..2..-QO,- Tract 10 NAME OF (iV/NER: Fred Meyer, Jr., subject to tenancy of Paul Tyler VALUE OF P~RMANENT AND TEMPCilARY EASEMENT TAKEN: $ _,--1L2 5 It QQ.- ALL OTHER DAMAGE DCNE OR TC BE DONE TC THE OWNERS cF THE HE~ INING PROPERTY: $ - - ~Q.(4~ I TVl' rŒ DJUvIAGEB: $_925. Q.9_-- Trüct 11 I 'N ~:.' "'.; c', F' (, \I' NE' D . 'J,m,. ~., H. VALUE CF Edith W. Dow a~d E~tate of Alice M. Dow, Edith W. Dow, Executrix, subject to tenancy of Loren Cormack PEHlvÍ/,NFNT .!d'iD TEMPUEAHY EASEl\ISNT TAKEN: ! ,--22-;' ..QJL. ALL CTHER DAMAGE DONE OR T( BE DONE TC THE OWNERS OF THE REM^I~ING PROPERTY: $: _--.iO 0 .A (Ì lL TCT"Œ D/¡_MAGl~S: $ - ---1i.7 5_.J::,Q_,- I .. Tract 12 NkME OF C WNEH: Reuben V. Knowles & Lula C. Knowles VALUE OF PEHI\L_NENT ..::m TEMPCIU.HY EASETvl:iNT T .,KEN: $ :i~7.r,n ALL OTHER D~MhGE DCNE uR TO BE DONE Tl THE CWNERS OF THE REMArKING PROPERTY: $ ,. ---Q.Q..----- TOTAL Dj:,NUGES: $ --, 3 fJ7 .. 5 ~,- Tract 13 N.'I\¡i:;'; CF OWNER: Helen Forrey, subject to contract of V. F. Lundberß and Dorothy Lundberg, to tenancy of u. S. Hic~tRr V,',LUE OF PEHMANEN'1' !l.ND TE;,IPCHAEY EASEMr~NT TUCEN: sale with an':! subject $ -.2" 7...5 0.-1 ALL OTHER D~MAGE DONE UR TO HR DONE TO THE CWrfEHS CF TEE ru":M.UNING PRCPEHTY: $-, 100.00 'fCTAL DAMAGES: $_~~7 !...50- Tract 14 , I ¡NAME OF. OWNER: Alb~rt L. GEringer &.Edna L.enOra_Garinger, II 'subJect to mortgage 1n favor of Mary E. Stover V /ŒTJE C F PERJliI;\NENT ,.j.!'W TEMPCIL',RY 1;;';'SE ME NT T J~KT:N: $-_.-1..?_0. O~ ¡ 'ALL eTHER DAMAGE DONE eR TC BE CONE '1'( 1'91: (jW~-ŒRS CF THE REl\LUNING PRCPEHTY: $__,!..9,~~OO - I TOTAL D"IVUGE3: $- 1:5 5 0 . O~ Said damages to be apportioned among respective owners and mortgagees as their respective interests are determined, " I Tract 15 N,'.:vIE C F CW"I'BR: V,iLUE OF George C. Etherington L Kay C. Etherington, subject to tenancy of Don Ba1aun a~d subject to mortgage in favor of Lena J. Lambertson PBRlvL.NENT ~'..ND TEMPORAlty lL,SEMENT T!ŒEN: $ 400.0°_- I ) LL OTHER D .4.!\UGE DO NE C Ii TO BE DC NE TC I TTE CWNRRS OF THE REMAINING PROPERTY: L: $- 00 TCTAL DAMAGES: $-.-iQO. O_~,- Said damages to be apportioned among respective owners and Mortgagee as their respective interests are determined. II Tract 16 NAME OF OWNER: George C. Etherington & Kay C. Etherington, subject to mortgage in favor of Lena J. Lambertson V,\.LUE CF PERMANENI .~Njì TL:'.1p~H.:~nY E':.SEivIENT T~'ŒEN: $---~_:tQ..iliL- ALL OTHER DAMAGE DONE OR TC DE DCNE T( THE OWNERS OF TIlE REMAI~ING PROPERTY: $___O0_, - n TOT .\L lU,IvlAGES: $--~.....Q.O_-- Said damages to be apportioned among respective owners and mortgagee étS their respective interest are determined. Tract 17 N,è.;vlE cr (.WNER: .\.ubrey F. Reinhardt, Eloise L. Reinh3rdt and Estate of Mattie E. Reinhardt, a/k/a Martha E. Reinhardt, Aubrey F. lleinhardt, Administrator, subject to contract of sale in favor of Robert L. Marietta and Betty ~arietta Kansas Power & Light Ccmpany EASEMENT HOLDER: V,\LUE OF PERMAI\'ENT AND 'IEMPCILŒY E.\SEivIENT TAKEN: $_.lJl.Q,.OO ALL OTHER DAM~GE DONE CR TC BE DCNE TC THE CPNERS OF THE REM~INING PROPERTY: TCT/.L D,';'!.-IAGES: Said damages to be distributed among owners and purchasers as their interest may be determined. $ ,-_,_QJ1_- $ 100.0°-'-1 contract I Tract 18 I I N.'.I\Ii:.: OF CWNER: EASE ME NT Aubrey F. Reinhardt, Eloise L. Rein~ardt a.nd Estate of ;ylattie;::. Reinhardt, a/kid Martha E. Reinhardt, Aubrey F. Reinhardt, Administrator, subject to contract of s~le in favor of Robert L. Marietta and Betty Mari3tta HOLDER: Kansas Power and Light Company V/',LUE CF PEHi,L\NEN1 AND TEMPCHJ\.HY E..SEMENT T¡,KErJ: $- 1 eo. G 0 ,- \LL (THEn D.AMI~GE DONE cn TO BE DONE TC THE OWNERS OF THE RE~~INING PROPERTY: I $-,-_QQ___h"'_/ $ _----À.§.Q.... OD,. -I contract, I TCT,\,L DAM.\GES [;aid damage::, to be distributed amon¡;:; own9rs and purchasers as their interest may be determined. Tract 19 t\',\,ME C'F OWNEH: Aubre:' F. Hcd..hardt, 1.:10i30 L. ReiLh:~rdt and Estate of Mattie E. Reinhardt, a/k/a Martha E. Reinhardt, .ubrey F. Rei!1hardt I ;'.dministrdtor, subject to c~tract of sale in favor of Robert L. ~ariettR and Betty Marietta and subject to tenancy o~ Don E. Balaun BOLDER: KANS~S Power L Li~ht Company E ,\5E i\Œ ~I1' V.!\LUE CF PEHl\IJ,NENT AND TE:\:.F(lU,~{Y E.\SEl\IENT '!','KEN: $ --__b..Q.Q--L9_Q..- I jLL CTHER DA~AGE DCNE OR T( BE DONE TO I THE üw~mp,s GF TEE HE~LL'n NG PIWP~:; RTY: $ -~.Q.').....Q~ ! I TCT,L D",',T'GEc', $,___,20Q~Q.Q_- , Sai~ dam:~e9u;o be distributed amonz owners and contnct purchasers as their intcroFt may bE determi~ed. Tre.ct ~O NAME CF OWNER: Minnie ~. Haley and Isaac J. Haley, subject to contract of purchaee in favor of Lee Hardware Company and subject to tenancy of Doris Winslow VALUE (;F L \ND 'L\KEN: $_~~95.~?_- ALL OTHER DAM~GE DONE OR TO BE DONE TO THE OWNERS CF THE REMAINING PROPERTY: s - __~~~~5~ TOT Œ DAMAGES: ~~_~":..-A-8;-3~~..56- Said damages to be apportioned among respective owners and mortgagee as their respective interests are deterBined. Tr¿¡,ct 21 :t-LdvlE CF OWNEH: Hoy !'/1. Faith :>, Vern'-'i Ann Faith, tenancy of Claude Smith EASEMENT HCLDER: H.~. Crosswy subject to V.i,LU1~ CF LAnD TAE2N: $-__..,:1_5 ~QJJ.- /,LL GTHEI~ D.'.TvL~,GE DC:--rl~ eR Tl BE ;)\'NJ.; '}'( THE CWNERS OF THE REN~INING PHCP~RTY: :;.~ ---.--Q.cL_-- TCT/Œ D;UL.GES: No damage found to easement hnlder. ~; -- 7 ~ O,!,-Q.,o- Tract 22 I NAME CF Co VINER: J,....rry E. Cusick, Jr., of Leo Maher Guy /'.. Thcmpson, Itailroad Compdoy VALUE OF LAND TAKEN: subject to tenancy ë; ,4.SE ME NT HC LDE R : Tru~tee, Missouri-Pacific $--~ 00. °,9..- I ~LL OTHER DAM\GE DONE OR Tl BE DONE TC ¡'l'UE O'VNEHS uF TIlE HEM,\! NI NG PRC'B}~nTY: I rOTA-I. DAIVL\GES: Ih d~.. found to ease~.t holder. $,_,_lO~~_~- $-~~Q...~. t1Gro5 q-/ We, the undersigned, Commissioner, do further find that ~l of the damages assessed in the above and foregoing report should be assessed against the City cf Salina, the benefit of said eon- I I I struetion, extensio~ and installation of said sanitary trun~ lines, An addition to the Se~er Treatment Plant bein~ to the City ge'1crally. Hespeetful1y subuitted t hi ß _--'L~ da.y of January, 1962. ~~.. -"'--- :::~ Coo Grant P2<,,~-t~ ' Dervid L. MeRey olds . >~-===~. '--~~~ Leonard Wood " . r' ~ '2._-~ .. -~ ~ ,-"~~~~' ~ M O~9' ::þ--R/W -I I /2é:4,? r -------- ~_.._- -~ -¡- I I I ~. I ~ ~ I I -----1 , ._--- " , I '~ I I I , ~ IV'. , 11 ~ 0\ N -I-- -'!l ~ -~r--\ - +~ I, I I I " 'Ò.J " .. t; \;1 C l".J ¡1 , -,._---- - I I -------1 I I - -.--, 8 ¡ 5E: Co/' II y,/ (/4 I "'ec"or.814., I !.oJ I 0 i - I I -6 I ~. ~ca.c I,:;":' ' POI;' t of' ßé'.Q,/'n/"),7 '" ... -~-r'" "+, , . f I IS' Pe/','Y,CI/X'-.r.-r' é.a$e/T~I' I I DESCP/PTION OF EASEMENT ON RIGHT OF WAY OF THE ~11SS0UPI PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER. ~. 0.03 acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in width, five (5) feet East and ten (10) feet West of a I ine which is described as follows: From the Southeast corner of the Northwest Q~arter (SE cdr., NW 1/ij) of Section eight (8), Township fourteen (PO South, Range two (2) West, thence North on the Quarter (I/~) section I ine one thousand two hundred twenty-four and seven tenths (1,~~4.7' feet to the South I ine of the Missouri Pacific Railroad r¡g~t of d' way. ,thence ~/estalong said right-of-way I ine five hundred twenty-two and seven tenths (5,2.7) feet to the point of beginning. Thence North, one hundred (100) feet to the South I ine of land now owned by the City of Sa I ina, Kansas. TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES: 0.08 acres in two (2) strips of land, twenty (20) feet East and adjacen,t,to the above described easement, and fi fteen (15) feet "'é'st and ádjacent to the above described easement. ~. SALINA, KANSAS SANITARY SEWER MAINS .~'-"""" . .... <...- 60-170 I ¡ . --'-"'---' ... -"""""'-~'C"'~~-"'" -,......-...'-----., Permanent- 2gef +, j , - - --"--'--"+T'-- - - ----'--T-- - - . ¡ , . io, ¡ . ;~: i~ , I . I,"~ Point or be9ì"nir,9 <~\Cit'f or sotna --~-~ 1 , " I, ~ I co I I '.. Q ct I ¡.E J.J. I/QI}lC r ~ <.{ to.< I! '~ .., ., '* j t I '- ù ,\) .....1 1-- -- I - '. ~".. I 8 1 lJ <J, \) J -.. Ö' I v 3 ~ ' I ) if) I /' t "" ':) ! ~ t i I 1'\ I ' ~ Ii , /5P- '<41 . . t ~ ,.., - .. -"-~.? I. ~ .. .' -- .., . þ, I -A NW'/"J" Si' t/., ~'" .. ,- 7+ ."¡('clh)f¡ B 14,2. ---- DESCRIPTION or EASEMENT IN THE TRACT KNCWN AS THE J.J. VANIEP TRACT PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER C.~!} acres In a strip of land fifteen. (15) feet in width, ten (IC) feet South and '~est, and five (5) feet East and North of a line which is described as follows: , Beginning at a point nine hundred twenty-one and three tenths (921.3) feet North and one hu"dred thirteen (113.0) feet West of the North~ west corner of .the Southeast Quarter (Ill) of Section eight (8), Township fourteen (Il¡) South, Rance two (~) West. Said point is on North property I Ine of land now owned by the City of Sa' in'a, Kansas. Thence IJorth two hundred ninety-ei¡¡ht t. four tenths (~gü.l;) feet. Thence \'Iest (parallel to Hissouri Paci ficRa! I road Right of Way) four hundred fourteen and seven tenths (~1~.7) feet. Thence North five (5) feet to the South line of the Hissour; Pacific Pailroad Picht of \~ay . TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTIÓN PURPOSES , ¡ 0.83 acres!n a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet in width lying adjacent to the West and South of the above described permanent easement and bounded on the South by land owned by the CIty of Salina, Kansas. SALINA, KANSAS SANITARY SEWER MAINS ,- , ---~-~ = ',?_D_- ,--_... Jt . ~ Nt' ß '- ',', l, .' .. ... C/ ), ,\" /(: ~ ./ A ~)"'J'( j" /00' "r'.' ,( " ' ,/ . // , / (}"> , . OEsrPIPTICN OF EASEN~NT IN THE TRACT YJ~c\m AS THE N. J. lCPD~SC~ TRACT p ~P~.!AN ENT EASEHD: -: rop. SAN ITA PY SE\~ER. C.20 acres in a strip of land fi fteen (15) feet :o?' in width, five (5) feet West, ten (10) feet East..., and five (5) feet South of a line which is described as follows: , , . ',', - ", ,..,. : Eeginning at a point on the Quarter (1) section I ine thirty-five (35) feet North of the t~orthwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE1) of Section eight (r.), Township fourteen (It!) South, PanQe two (:) Hest. Thence \Iest ten (IC) feet, thence ~~Qrtr, (parallel to 3aid 1 section line) five hundred seventy-four and six tentt>s (~7';.C) feet. Thence.North forty-eight pm) degrees, five (5) f"inutes, thirty (30) seconds \'~st, ten t, rire ter.ths (IC,g' feet t.:; 'the jcjth : in/" of I and new cw"1ed by the Citv of S?I ina, Kansas. TEt.1POP APY EAS Et-1PIT FC P CCt~STPLICT 1 C'~ PU PPCSES O.l.:g acres in a strip of land thirty-five (3::) feet in width, lying adjacent to tre West and +~',rt.. (~"~ fe'~+ 'I" 'L'I'~~~- Iy,'n:- ",.-.;",(,o.n+ t~ +he cl, " --\.J ~C n vc " -<J v','- ,.. LV-' Scutt' cf t~e above described per~anert ease~e"t and bounded on the North by land owned by the City of Sat ina, K;o'.""ì"'s. \. St.LPJA, ~<A'~Sj..S SA/:ITAPv S;:\¡CP HAI'~S or, (.' "),, - : ¡~. I :~ :f '~ I, '¡ I':':"'!: I~ ~ ' 1~: ~ ~ Ii: i; I I! J¡~ /'//~-./ ~ Ii \Or ,>/. . ¡ '~ I .. ,/~ ~ i J,)' í, I! ¡ -+::: ~. 'I ... ~ I ~' ~ I - " ,I c: c:! ï Q) QJ - 0'1 V) I : I ~ ,t: 0 c: '~J 't.J ; '. , I c: 'I! ~. , ,~ 'I ¡ '.(.¡ ,~ (\ ~ -h. ~ C L, ClJ ~ c: '\--.. ' ð U ':) , ~ ~ l.. 111 V c: Q. 0 u & I aT ~ -" t ~:' ~1 ,;, " '.{', . ! ~-_-A ' 1 (-:;-;, - I' \ .v '. "f" -I' ,---' " .' ,0- ... ::.;c:C ~,-;4-2 60-170 " _._._,...",.,~--- .--,---.-".,.-- ~ 9:::S("PIP7ICN Or: CAS::J4[W:- It: THE: "7"7~CT V~;C\JI. A: :W: J.:::" rU~ICv ,",p. TPArT. " PEPMANEtn ~ASEl,'Dn FCP SANI:A"-Y ~[\/EP. c.on acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in widtr, the center line of wt-ich is described as follows: 8eçinninc at a poirt (on the 1 section I ¡ne) twc hun~re~ forty-eiGht & seven tenths (~~c.7) feet Cast of the Nort~west correr of the South- east quarter (5[J) of Section eight eeL 7ownst'ip fourteen (pt) South, Range two (2) Vlest. Thence t~orth thirty-five [1E) feet, thence \Iest (parallel to said 1 section I ire) two hundred eichteen and sever tenths (ZIC.ì) feet to the East boundary cf a tract of lal'1d to be acQuired by the City of Salina. TEMPCPAPY EAS[ME~T rCR CCNSTRUC-:ICN PURPOSES. C.19 acres in two (2) stri~s of land twenty-seven and five tenths (27.5) feet in width to the ~outh and seven and five tenths (7~5) feet in width to the North lying along the North and South sides and adjacent to the described permanent ease~ent in the J.E. Cusick J~ tract. W-& C-E SAlP:A, VMl~AS SANI~APY S[~~P MAINS '::.>çn/e ¡" ,:< ' J E, C Ii :~ Jr. ~, ; I . ') 1;:;( 7 <.. , '-.r ~. - , - :-: ¡ 30 " ,s., :<: .' , " ::J~: u' ,-, . I ,:', , >- - ~, ." : " , .. L' '10 ~'" . "- -V t';, 'r s :: '/.~ ., t' "- ; ;II_/~¡~:--:"~=~'=~'~~-: ~.--~~-~-=:-~' L =--:=~- -¡l ,- -1 " , - ~. C -.:;~i - ~- - -- --t'~J.-~~,,~I-;-'-~.T -.: -I : ~,1 ""'ß-'-"l., t, _Þ'..!/~_~_,_~'I",;_-_~ZJf,,1;i ~. l_,~ ~ 24SZ Pi', ,+, ' " ~.., - ' {. r- -.lin' ¡ 'í .. "'-'7; .' r~' ',~ :-~ CC-I7D .i <2--" ~ , ~ W-&t'E I .... ! . I r----- I -¡ :¡; .:, ,"" " " :' i " c) ! k ;-r¡ ! i ¡ I 'l"'¡ I . .... "- ~. () I( ) --_..,-_J ." ": .." ' ." v~.. '- i' t;.C 5~ ^" ~' L,:.,':; I ," "~ \¡, i'.... (-1 l, I, J.,~' .r-.,:-- " ""- ------,..~-:: "c. :...6 t- (N [¡<J (-ii' :,..E /; -- ,_r Se;.: ¿, '.;' ?.. DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF L~ND TC EC ACCUIRED BY THE CITY OF SALI~A, ~A~SAS FPOM J.E. COSICY JR. . O.C: acres in a tract describEd as follows: beginning at a point or the Quarter (1) section I ine twe~ty-seven and five tentt's (27.5) feet tlorth of the tJorthwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (J) of Section eiGht (CL Township fourteen (I~) Soutt', Rançe two (~) \'Iest. Thence Cast Hirty (3C) feet, thence North (parallel to said Quarter LJ) section line) thirty(30) feet. Thence Hest thirty (3C) feet to said q.uarter (1) section line. Thence South along said Quarter (l) section I ine thirty (3C) feet to the point of beginning. SAlP:A, VA~ ~A~ SMl'~A~V SE\/::;:r> HAlt!S ... 50-liD .' , . ~-~-- ' " . -_..... ..--- ',"'" -.,.. .....- .. - ~' " .:;J \.: "') ..),J v .... VI ) \.¡ ~ J V 1/4 See, Line f .E Nor~_5trefl.+ I I ~ Pain'" or beglr)nl,,;; 5{~ I .e / w -=13". 1/4 .see::, Line ~ Coun-tr'j Club fèoad, I 2,58',9______- J. E. qu.siclc. Jr. I E:ci.+ /Ine- - - [- -rof 'T ¡"T (,,~ - - - - Cons+ruction EaSEnïen+ ~- -, , ": . E:oe+borou9h Add./' ~ 'fI . It'¡ \..Ptlrrno,,'t...,....I'"'1+ E:C15ftrrH!!n+ ~1--50' 00 I I EAjrsoeOUGH ADD. .5 I' C -+ o¡w ~I <>, ~ Gina OL/"1:J1I;; ~ L ~ - - - - - _:,- - - - - - - - - - - - ¿ w CO;:: :> £: '/4 -,- - h. ~ £:as+bo,ow'J~ eoad i '/4 Sec, L iñe - - - J 1 N '/4 Cor 'sec, 8-',4'2.. . , - 2/24.7 - 5ec,I7-/4'ê: 0 1 0 W I\ . ,- ú "- -- + .. , ~ " "- t> v I/" , ~ 4 DESCÞIPTION OF EASEMENT IN THE TRACT KNOWN AS THE J.E. CUSICK JR. T~ACT ~ PERMA~ENT EASEMENT FOR SANITA~Y SEWER: o.Cg acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in widU five (5) f¥t East and ten (IO) feet ~/est of a line which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Quarter (II-) section rine two hundred ~rty-eight and seven tenths (2~e.7) feet East of the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (lIlt) of Section eight (8), Township fourteen 11ll) South, Range two (2) West. Thence South two thousand five hundred eighty- six and nine tenths (2,506.9) feet to the North Plght-of-Way line o~ land owned by Saline County, Kansas. The above described line being 16n (10) feet East of and parallel to the East property I ine of Eastborough ~ddition, City of Salina, Kansas. t . TEMPCRARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPCS:S. ,2.08 acres in a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet in width lying Jast of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement.' SAlllU, V,f'JSAS q SANITAPY s~wrP 'tAPiS 60-170 (, : ~ ~ ¡- ~I :á ~ l P a in + 0 r 6 e q Inn ¡Ii Q '- r--,. I ~ I... I La i B ~ J J ~ ----- ìl\C) I . 50u-fh proper-fl.j-L-:ne-3:l' I ;14~'-;-' Co unfri C/:...;b ~/el~hf~ .Add ~3 I, J .1., ~ Pe r rr. a hen +- <-\---- "- I ! ~ r a :s c rn rz Ï) + """"'~--J ' ' ! ~ ~ W-&+ C-( . . , ~ I i, Con.s+rl...ic-f!cn~ I, ~ I J E CJ .::5 e .m e .t-')'¡-' ~ , ' II ¡ :) "'I ~J ~ I : ~ D~SCQIPTICÞ or CASEt.'~):: p; :~!: -:-PAC'T If') I : ~¡ IO¡C\'HI AS ;H~ C.C. SCI-:-7 "'f"'Ar:T. () I 1 PEP~I:'~J['JT EA~:11Dn rcp SAli TM'v 0, II 0.0 5E'TZ' ~~~~P~cres in a strip of lane fifteen I: (15) feet in width five ('3) feet Last ! I and tef"l (10) feet \Iest of a 'ine which I is desc r i bed as fo II cws: I Beçinning at a point er tre ~outh proper:y II I ine of Country Club lJeiohts Add. Þ o. I ' three (3) to the City of Sa! ina, Kansas. II ¡ Said point being one hundred forty-five I (I~~) feet \/est of the Southeast corner of I I said addition. Said point is turner de-' II I scribed as beirg within.; City street ~ 135 ! known as Seitz Drive and is five (C) . : feet \Jest of tre Southwest correr of Lot I /~' ¡ eiGht (Ð), flock nine (9) said addition. ---¡ '-" I Thence ~.outh (parallel to the.Eas.t line 115' I of the ~;\'I I/~ ~ec. 17; IU-2) Sf x hundred t- ! fi fty-n i ne and four tenths (650.11) f~~t to II /G.3:~' . ¡ the ~Jorth property I ine of tr.e t...A. ;'(Ikerj I . : tract. J TEt.IPCPAPY CASEHOH FOP CC'~S¡PIjC;IO'J //4 ..see ¡Ine.-~-- - y) °UoPOSES. / ^/ VV Cor 5 £" 1/4 .:sec, 17-/4-2 A.A.2IKCe .scale '" =/00' ~ (J) \fì ~ C.[:1 acres in a strip of land thirty- five (35) feet i" width lying \/est and adjacent to the above descri~ed per~anent easement. ~ALI'~A, VA';SAS SAIi,TAPV S:\,:;:r) ~}.AP:S ec- 170 ,--\ ",."-",.,,.,.~........ ...' w-a.+ c't Z5 Exisf¡Í7.:; 1..otR. Eos~m~nf~, "- '~I ¿s.'.1 I I I I .Po/nf or be8inn"n9-~ ...... ....... ...... Scale /'.. /00' ßL OC K q -,----;---¡ '--------T, 1 I QJ I I I 8 I I.~ I 2 II ~/ I I I ð I ..J ,- I I I -- I I -~- I - J... - _.1 -, - -.J \ ....-- ---- ---- , I \ ---- 2S /'1~/ro!!~ Lcme '\ -- . I , - - , - - - - - '\, 3 -! 4,~! I I ~ ......" LlL ,.1 I I', .\ I ~r I I '\ \ - - - J Consfcl/cf/on I I \ \~ 4 I ' e.a$~rnent I 6 \ \....L L -., r'~.- - ,.. - ~ ~--~--¡~ I I I i -r-T I I I I I QT I "-~ Pcrmc:ment I I I I I S I : £.osem~nt I I I&,", t . I I r------ :..Jy'-XI-S 1179 I t I I Easement _I -- - --1 - -- .J - - -1 I-o, I 6 :t-- I I 10' E:dgeh1Ïl 'Road : è; r -- ,- - ---:"'1 r - - T - ,- Î -- - -, - -- -i V) '--!~..--"-11 I I ' I I 7 I , I 60 --- I I -j II I 7 I' I I. ,'r-----:-- "'1 I I I 151--1"I~ II I I I : r--" ..,- .,-'~ - - _J -- - -- L - - L - -...I L- - -- - -- J J COUNTRY CLUB HeIGHTS ADD"1 I No W Cor JE J1t~,J .J<:>c 17-/~'Z ~rmq'1.~ni E:as~/??(!>nt Exisf/n9 - . Ease-men;' , DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS ADC>ITION NO. THPEE (3), AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS COMPANY INC. OWNERS. . PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SAN I TAPY SEWER. 0.27 acres ~n'two (2) striøs of land twenty-five (25) feet in width. The fIrst, runnIng North-South and lyUle four PH feet West and twenty-one (21) feet East and the second running East-West and lying ten (1O) feet South and fifteen (15) feet North at a line which Is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North property ine of Lot 2, Block 9, Country Club Heights Addition No.3, Salina, Kansas. Said point ,being twenty-one (21) feet West of the Northeast corner of said lot 2. Thence South (parallel to the East property I ine of said add.) three hundred forty-four and eight tenths (3~~.8) feet to a point on the North property line of lot 5, Block 9, said add. Thence West along North property, line one hundred nineteen (119) feet to the Northwest corner of said lots. TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTPUCTION PURPOSES: 0.2ð acres In a strip of land twenty-five (25) feet in width lying West, North and adjacent to the above described permanent ease"'en t. SALI HA, KANSAS . SANITARY SEWER MAINS 80-17D .1'1 : .. -------"---'- 5 Y4 Cor. S~c 17-/4'2 2!/4 Sec. Line. '----~---1 \ P~rrnCJ,.,e n+ E:ose mGln:t C o,.,s + rue of í on E:a:se rn œ.n+:;;5 ~ '" C C ..... ~ ~ -0 I.- 0 1- t:: "'- 0 Q. IT.J ~ --It-- /0' ¡.,. I - I ~ \1) d 0 .... ~ ~ Y) a I\ A,A, el'K:.E:e \J .) + ~ , ~ I I SoU,.,.. Coun+'j e/VV I-i,.,......-j J ' '/4 Sac. L "'" 1J~o , ';:. ~ \) l. ~ 3 IJ , \J w DESCRIPT,IO/I OF EASEMCNT It! THE TRACT Y/IOWN AS THE A.A. RIKE~ TRAct. PEPMANENT EASEMENT FOR SANITAPY SEWER 0.P1! acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet In width, five (St feet West and South, ten (10) feet North and East of a line which is described as follows: . Beginning at a point on the Quarter (1/11) section I ¡ne one hundred forty-five (1115) feet West of' the Northwest corner of the Southeast (1/11) of Section seventeen (17) Towtlship fourteen (111) South, Range two (2),I'lest. Thence South (parallel to the East line of the SI'/I/it Section 17-111-2) ten (IC) feet. Thence East (parallel to the North line of said SI1//1I) one hundred thirty- five (135) feet. Thence South (parallel to the East I ine of said .SW //!.;) two thousand five hundred eighty-nine and one tenth (2,50g.l) feet to the North right-of-way line of land now owned by'the County of Saline, Kansas.' . TEM~ORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. 2.20 acres In a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet in width easement. I Yln~ West, l t. i I SAlt P~A, IfAt,SAS SANITAPY SEWE~ MAI~S South and adjacent to the above described permanent t \ ! I -I 60-170 ! I I JJ ~ ./ 'd ~ ¡ 1; 1( DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN AN ADDITION K~CWN AS T~E FAITH ADDITION. OW~ER: ROY FAITH ' , PERI~ANEN7 EASE/-1EfH FOR SANITARY SE\~ER. 0.1.H5 acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet In width, ten (IÓ) feet on the right hand side and fIve (5) feet on the left hand side of a line which Is described as follows:~' . I '1-1 ~I ~ I ~/ ,'1 ò (, t,~ I ~ ~ / ] .' J 0' (J-c 0:':- () 0 .(/1 \J ~<... 0 ~ IP 1~o ... .. v c ~ ~{? j IJ ---i .. I J Scale /~ /00' , 'L f ~o,;po Kør>""'" Girt! 0 J i , ¡ . , ,/ J ,.<' ~ 4 ~ 1 9 --- ,~-, ~. L I .j : ð 12 II '- ,. .. " C I! E ~ ~ ., 13 '0 ..... /4 0... c t c ¡;... IJ} /0 ... I 0 1",- IJ , Jr! II /2 13 -------.-- ë:_~<:Jt!!.vo/e ,Dr,'!e. ---_-m_._.., -.-- ,-.- /7 '-l- /O -~ I t' ò\ '3 e ., , , F'P.oinning at a point on the South píoperty lineof tile f"aith Adå~tion to the City of Salina, Kansas, whid' is ten (10) fee~lIorth ninety (90) degrees West of the Intersection of the South property line of Slid adøltlon and the centerline of Edgevale Drive (a street in said addition). Thence /Iorth one (I) degree, twelve (12) minutes Cast, seven hun~red eiQ~,ty-five (785) feet, thence North ten (10) degrees, twenty (20) minutes West, one hundred eighteen and eight tenths (1'8.8) feet. Thence North thirty-thirty (33) degrees twenty-four (2~) minutes West, one hundred eighteen and eigf1t tenths (IJ~.ß) feet. Thence '~orth forty-five:;P+5) degrees, four (10 minutes East, two hundred seventy (2ìO) feet. Thence South forty-four (1~I~) de¡;rees, fifty-six (~6) rninutee East, ten tiC) feet to the North boundary of lot one (I) Block ten (10) of the Faith Addition as recorded in the office of the Reoister of Deeds, Saline Count'j on II March 1959 in flat Book, Volume A-::::, rage 81. ' " TEMPORARY EASEM[~T FOR CO~STRUCTION PURPOSES. ~ 1.00 acre in a strip of land thirty-five (3C) feet in width , Iy n~ on the right hand side and ~djacent to the above described Permanent Easement. ~~LJNA, KANSAS SMlltARV SE\/(R r,lAINS .1- 178 I I ¡ ! ¡ I I '0 -I . CESC~IPTION OF A TRACT or LAND TO BE ACQUIPED BY THE CITY OF SAl~N4. KANSAS FROM ROY rA'T~. . ¡ 0.10 acres in a tract of land described as follows: SALINA, KANSAS SANITARY SEWER MAINS 1 I i O¡ 1\)' '\II I i , i ¡ i í I I I I ~ Q:-- 1 GO-lìD (if 'l-=- /I It ~" /I " \1 h ,\ II .!.. ~.:::::- ,}I -L a Q ~ :{ ¡... ...... 1 ~ 'I I j I " i. .... I 'I .30,1 >< Block 7õ1 13/4" P¡'pc: Ct.){/~"f,n9j I n'¡'Er~..c.+ion Fo,fh Lo f I!!J .J ~dd, if, (on u..s ¡ +h t: E: d 'jœ vole D,. ivtZ E:dgcvaltt.l - . . ~ " .. Dnv~ T - ----, . --""1 Poln+otbe9/nlìln:J B/ocI:.4 Q - Lof7, -' £:,Myres 12°' i l..s-Sou1h Lln~ Foí+h Add¡+/on 0 0 ...... AW NOe DIN 132"-,4 E:CJ!!IS+ Line ~ ç F. M £: YE: 12 Trac+ ' ,,---'--.. ... ,,-L-, t Pe rrna nen+, £:a.semen+ b . i .-2L It) .. " " ~ Of - ----- --==-T ,------ ---- Cons+ruc:.+lon .... , 0 + .. ~ .. .... " -- 0 U 'I) DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN A TRACT KNOW~ AS THE F. ~VtR TRACT. p:miANEUT EASE~1ENT FCP SANITARY SEWER. 0.50 acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in wIdth. ten rlO) feet East and South. five (13) feet \1est and North of a I ¡ne which is described as follows: , tleginning at a point on the South property I ine of the Faith, Addltior> to the City of Sa! ina, Kansas. Said point being ten (IC) feet Hest of the intersection:of the South property line of said addition and the centerline of Edgevale Drive (a street in said addition). Thence South ten (10) feet West of and parallel to the East property line of the F. Myer tract (a tract which I ies in the South hal f (S Ii;::) of the Northwest Quarter (NW Illl) of Section seventeen.( 17), Township fourteen (PI) South, Range two (2) West) one thousand three hundred twenty-six and four tenths (1.326.11) feet. Thence West (parallel to the South property line of said tract) one hundred twenty-three (123) feet. Thence South (parallel to the East property I ¡pe of said tract) ten (10) feet to the North property line of the A. Dow Tract. """ TEMPORARY EASEt-IENT FOR CONSTRUCTlCP! PUPPCSES. 1.17 acres In a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet '" width I~ing West, North and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. , t ,1~ltì. ~ I ¡ \ SALINA, KANSÂS SANITAPY SEWER.MAINS 60-170 '-, '1 I I A WNO d 0 (N. \ "<,'.."'.,..;.i.!j:r.:' . ' ,.. . . ',' . t, . .30,1 " . . ," . t.3'á:" , 4'; ~ a/Ock:. iõJ t-;/d" Plp;-~>t I ~,+':;.. 9~'I;;fE ;'~-:"';j.',.O" ~C1J+h ,~~:--'-1----~.'--- ~-i';;;+Li ;"-i------;--~'------;;;'~.,...rnQ n~¡;+ Lo+/~.J .. Addlilon UJI+h £ E:d'jœvøleo.rlv«, ,.,.'0' \<.;Jt '~L'.F. M.,.Y£:.J2,T,...QC+ £O:!H!rn~,,+ E"dócvalc. J. ......'1 .' . It) , ---'- -=--=--.L. . ~ -'JI j¡' -.~.; " . .-~.. .. It Drtv~ T b . . L ' --~, e:J'n"",n~ ".". . Block 41 S? ----..- .' .", ----r-~-- Lof 7 I . r:. IYf ,yo EiJâ'S~" '.t , .', ',' ~.30' , _'"J,r ~ . .., '. o. I . Sou th Un~ t:òi1-h Add,+ion 0 0 .... "" u -- +-, ---. .. i ..... " - Q u If) -11 ~--- .J- :.. COl'1s-tr-uc+/on E:O!5el'"11fZn+ } . t ,. ~ . ! , , ¡ '-1 . hI' ,0" . ' .' ,. JES('PtPTICÞ¡ or CASU~[~T PI ,\ TPAC' '(þJCW~; ASTHr f.MvÊØ.':rQAê'!';:'" r~r'!\:.'¡r::r(; ::A~D, [W~' rcp SAN I :Aoy SC\JCr,. o.!;r acres in a strip of land fifteen (13) feet ;o.idtf',. ten is 'Jescribed as fellows: t'e~¡nninJ i1t.-a point {)I'i He Scutt" property lineof t"e raith A¥r.itio" to He City of Salina, Kaf'lsas. Said'~,ci \t bei"'G ten (1(') feet \Iest. of trp.'.inte r$eC,.ticn of the sou. tn property' lín~ ot. S3. i.1.....ðd.f.itlon.'iHd t..re ce!'terl ineor.. [dQevalt!'Grí\le (8 sir ee.t In 5aid.aðd. itior>L ":'hence ::-'c'utr ten (10) feet Nest of and ~-arallel to the Cast '" perty I ire of the 1='. M)'er tract (a tract whicn I its in the Scuff-¡ ~a' f (5 1/;::) d He l!orHYfest Quarter (lilt 1/1;) of Section Sc'verltet?n (17),.TC'lwnsrip fourteen ( )i) ~outh, Pange'two (~) ~Iest) ene thousand three hundred twenty-si~ and four tenÜs (',3:'~.!;) feet.,':'h.'4!rI.Je Ife$t (para1lel tô the S~iJ.H proper..tY: lne of said tract) ('ne I'.ul'dred t'loenty-tloree (1::1) feet. Thence South (parallel to the ~8Sj,p'bpetJY lire of said. traC:;,t) tel' (IC) feet to the ':C'rth property line oft reA. Dc\'oìract. .'. f. . .. THH'CRARY !:ASC'-IE'¡-:- Fep (,CNST~UC'TlC" PU"F'CaS. 1.17 acres in 8 strip of la/ld. thirty-fiye (3!:J 1('.) feet EII!>t and Soutt., five (:}) fect~!est an(j !Iorth of a line ",hich . " UoTt~'and a~j~e~nt to the aboY~ descti,bed per~a"ept eaSe~e~t. 5ÁlINt,.,,1<~'i~$f~" "'HAt>\' 5g~~:¡"¡PI5 . . , "J'-------------- 60-170 ;I~ .,:1" 1 <1........1."".' ..,! ~1i 131,1 1/ .,.. ,R. ¡~. ::.J':" ~-~' ¡/ ~ , -, 'v /"";-;>-;' Q , '" v -" ¡ f.- " ,<)~ '~)¡ ~'J L- '{ " ' 'i i "! .. ! ,- -+- ~-- """--' '1- . ,c,:"I',',"-;/' en f E asc:' rne r f ~ I >'- ,"'- /'¡' - ,- -- -- - -- - - -- ' ,1..-- '-I Ii -.. \ r 1 I I ~ .\:::' , ~, V) c:' ~, " "< ':'b ~ t '"' rrJ, ,r: . I 'r- ~k.1 '..... 0 " i-... 4. .~ \( ,e '--" - ..-------' fII'" " CO!),:; f," uc f ion F ase."'! !e/7l--' " 'i-..; ~ 1 !)) '- : c: & I', " -..1-L C- 0, :--.., (' :, ~'r" " \, ¡-.... ~) 't ',,- ():~ ()" ,,> I~. ,,(j -. ~ () " . "'-, ~ A" [)c LN w U ----T"'"....., oð I ~ .5cQ/e /'; zoo' DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN THE TPACT KNOWN AS THE ALICE DOW ~PACT. PEPMANENT EASEMENT rOR SANITARY SEWER. O. tJ6 ac res in a st r:i p 0 f I an d f i ft een (15) fee t j n wid t h ten (10) feet East and five (5) feet West of a line which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South' ine åt the Northwest Quarter (NW lIt¡) of the Southwest Quarter (SW Ill.¡) of Section nine- teen (19), Township fourteen ( l~) South, Pange two (2) West, said point being ten (10) feet West of the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter. Said point is further described as being on the South line cf a tract of land krown as the AI ice Dow Tract. Thence from said point of beginning North one thousand three hundred thirty-three and nine tenths (1333.9) feet to the South I ine of the F. Myer Tract. TH1PORAPY EASEHENT FOP CONSTRUCT! atl PURPOSES. 1.07 acres in a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet in width lying West and adjacent to the ~bove described permanent ease- ment. SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS SANITARY SEWER MAINS 60-170 " ,'" R '"' 'I ~ ,-P"--""'// . L,-, ' -" , ~57~(!c. ! -, }f6 ..;-::-:C. L¡/?-=-'-~, P=r non,on-f ~.-,(",,-> "7I"~"'.. I I - '~':?~" -~ _or, -- ~~.' " ~~:-. , :~-f-~ ":t i -;r -- -c:n;7r~~:t/M ~a:em~nt~"'-- - -" [~~ R. V /(?o"./es - ~- I~ i I ~'~. II:) \) ScoI~ /'; JOO' ¡i.l.. c:~ ~ò ~!( ¡-- "Y ;k Lx \ ~-~~+-_u_~- -- ~~----- ì Q¿ ~ I'S 6 -J l.l..... s:i ~ 01 ~V) C) ~ II,) ~~ .1 Qj s. «I~g ~Q~ ~ i'~ '<I \ .~ \J " DESCPIPTION OF EASEMENT IN THE TRACT KNOWN AS THE R. V. KNOWLES TRACT. . PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER. 0.23 acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in width, ten (10) feet East and five (5) feet West of a line which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South I ine of the North half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sect'ion nineteen (19), Township fourteen (I~) South, Range two (2) West (N 112, SW lIlt, SW 1/1.1, Sec. 19-Ilt-2). Said point being ten (1O) feet West of the East I ine of said Southwest Southwest Quarter. Said point is further described as being on the South I ine of a tract of land known as the R. V. Knowles Tract. Said tract is described as the Sout" hal f (S 1/2) of the North hal f (N 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW lIlt) of the Southwest Quarter (SW lIlt) of Section nineteen (19), Township fourteen {I~)i South, Range two (2) West (S 112, ~t 1/2, SW 111.1, SW 1111, Sec. 19- 1~-2) and the East half (E 112)of the North half (N 1/2) of the North hal f (N 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 111.1) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/11) of Section ninetE!en (19) Township fourteen (11.1) South, Range two (2) West. Thence from said point of beginning, six hundred and fi fty-seven (657) feet North, parallel to the East I ine of said South- west Southwest Quarter to a point on the South I ine of the AI ice Oow Tract. . TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES: 0.53 acres in a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet in width lying West & adjacent to the above described permanent ease- ment. SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS SANITARY SEWER MAINS 60-170 JJ . . s. ~ Cor. S. £1/ ~ P B. Perru /5-" .,r," ';-',: 4- .--.-c "Q-/~/-2 I ~,~. v Ii;:) I. -/v ".j/V, _:...., / , ,':.: ,->.- "m, ;::'...' .,-, ' - '" -- ~~ I . Ll~ ,'é'C; LInE/: I ,-rrr.a, ,crt £':J~~, me:nt-.. : --! ~J t"r:- ." ~ L ,~r ,T, ~~-- '.' ~= ~~, - - ,-- '=--'-- -.7".. ~="t ~) ~ :~- ,. f_1 ~,-,~--- H- . ,. \ Ii '\1 9¡q~1-~~ \ ,I:~:: ,~ : '~I f,) 1') Construe lion Easernen/'~ :,.:::: , ! -.~::: [ 'iA~ -\.: ¡ '>-, ~ l ¡ / ft I ~l.'::: j,i;> fie/en Forre¿¡ - y - .~ ...; 06 -- t¡ I \.J t: I I~ ~ . ct í..: , -~ --; Q' ,,-~ Scale / "::: /00 I ~ ~ ,Q () ~ . " DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN THE TRACT KNOWN AS THE HELEN FORREY TRACT. ' PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER. 0.23 acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet irl width, ten (10) feet East and five (5) feet West of a line w~¡jch is described as follows: ' Beginning at a point on the Quarter (I/~) section I ine ten (10) feet ~/est of the Southeast corner of the Sout~west Quarter (SW I/~) of the Southwest Quarter (S\o/ lIlt) of Section nineteen (19), Township fourteen (Ill) South, Ran.ce two (2) West ISE cor., SW lilt, SW I/lJ, Sec. 19-1~':'2). Thence North ~aral lei to the East I ine of said Southwest, Southwest Quarter) six hundred fifty-seven (657) feet to the South I ine of the R. V. Knowles Tract. TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES: 0.53 acres in a strip of land thirty-five (35) fee!t in width, lying West and adjacent to the above described permanent ease- ment. . '.. ; SALINE COUNTY, KA~SAS SANITARY SEWER MAINS 60-170 ~... .. ..11 -~--'------ ' PQrmQ/')Qn'f ~D!/;émer1r J!--. , ~oO' :.,'. "'l.:;.Óf B 'L.t~:'" . " . " "', '/" r,', !, Q,".',"'r"',' ,0,'-'", .',t,.!,^",'."",.'.~,.",,~,',!"".,,'" :' ,1"f.J;;, , - ' ',¡,....'tl, I ~ ' '~,~ : . >,1 ~ t) ;,~'" .,,"".,1' " Î, ' 'I_I~, "",;;,;,',',¡l,t", ' , D Ese R I Pro eN 0 r, EASEMENT I N lOTS E I GMT (B!. 'N IIIE '( 9'!,/~D, /,~,..~,'~,',', :"'1,, ~ ,¡,,;,', ;,l,~,iTK E V I \L Ast Of L, ORÈTtO. SALI ME CPUNTV. KANSAS ,OWNER: A.l. GARINGER' , ,'.,~ ¡fig. " , PERt-IAtlENT EASEMENT ref? SANITARY SEWER. ' , ',Y' ",1(, !¡< " , o.~~ acres In a strip 'of land fifteen (1,6) feet ínWJdlh,~:flv~r(~~f~et East and,ten (10) feet West of a line described as follows: , Beginning at a poInt on the North property 1 Ine of tbe YìJlagel~o'(i.oretto e.ndten and sIx tenths (10.6) feet due West of the East line of the Northwest Quarter (tHt I/~)of ,the Northest Q4artelf (* 1/~)of Section thirty (30), Township fourteen ( ll) South, Range two (2) West, thence South: on,e, deore',e, nine MllI,Ù,te,' $,',7We,s,tH,,(,S,~,;~j),"',I.-O9,IV),' flY,e hU,n" dred, (ðOO) feet. thence due South, twenty (20) feet West of and parall el to said (ast I ¡Ine~. sè~e,nbund,r.. eldÞtY..1 ght (700il feet, more or I esa to the South II ne of the Northwest Quarter (NW lIlt) of the Northwest auar~er (NW I/lI) of S,<;tlon'~hi;¡i Y (30), Township fourteen (Ill) South, Range two (2) Vest. TEMPORAPY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. ,,' '}', ~'~1 1.0300,,'1. , std. of londtÞ ,t,.11 y, (35) ~"\'lf;.I.th 'l!.~o' Ü. Woot and ..j.".t to ,.ó., ..s.d b'd .".....t .",..." '~, :~j~, .. , ~ÅL ~~f. ~~:A.;sA~~1~' SÂNfTARr.',',~":".,,.,~, W,,',',,',,~,.,' ,','"M"'"'.m"..,,,....~~,'.,,S . ~',I:', t,,', j ",;,;',;,""",;:;';~',I".",',",',',,":,."f',t, ' ,;' " r".., ¡ ~ " ';;", , , 'f :;1 ~ ': f' 16-170 c of 0 ' '~ ft'\ 0 .C ,I... ~ ~Q. \, 1\1 ~ .... ~ l..) \.!S' ":J'; )~, n / .'l ð ,-;,7,ü' j,=;:t; - . -----~,~ Ii "v" ,,' ""\l,;4"$~~troéIIOn('c>".~m~nl ::,,' ": it/. ,"7 :;"" ' \",,:"::',U'~,<',: ,,", "., " ',' , ' 'J"'"",,' .,', '",-"",.'.,!,':"',",:' ',", \ "',',",',',,,6,',<,.'.,,',,','..",.'..'tJ:,.'.',,", ".".,"....,'"'...,..r:.,.,":"".'~,',.,',.,.,',.."".",..,.,',',','",:".'...','..~.,...,..,'"',",",.,"',.,,,:.:",'.êJ,""',,,"',"lI:'i;!'r.",I, n,,9Icrf", ," ' " ,4:.~,~_...........-",,-,""" "'.",.,,;<r;',"" " "'" , ,-Scc:alè:,."..(¡tO'" "",',"';,'< ;',ò"" " " DESCRIPTIOtl OFEASEHEtlT IN THE TRACT (NOWNAS'Î'H~'GføRG. : b."'E,Ttt£RINGtoN TRACT., ' , ' ,~" ,"" :';':C.:;' ",;",,", " " PERHANENT EASEMENT FOP SANITARY $£WER. ,'. ¡,,"';h','~ .:':~'", ", ' , 'I ' ," ,0 ' ", " '" "",. "',, , '..,. 0.20 acres in a strip of land f'fteeÍ\U~)f'et{rí.t'ff,.,',r, ~/,~',~, ':;Ú(lJ,','"f~.,t, \ttl$t South of a line which Is described as,fo,tlow9:.c~, '~"<,' ,,; ,,' ',' Beg I nn I no at apo'l nt on the Noft~eutP~ó~ertl°H~'(ø.i: ",tfIV8 (t$) ,'Block:thlrteen 03) of the Ghat Imar P,",zaAddlt !on: Said point' is ten (10) feet moreorles$ frôlllth>-.:;t(bl"th'Ccot!)et of said' lot, ,Thønce,Nodh. p~raHei to theEut noe of the Southwest aU,arter (SW '/~) of~,h,eHorth,we,,',.~,,~~..,(,.,t,tN,W:;i(1¡l.'qf SectJon,thrrt.vJ30).TownShlp, tòurt~,en (,Ill), South. Range two (2) West, Qn~ hundr,ed$.even.ø.nd sev,e,n,4er\tti'~"'~,l91.7),:fett,'The,,nce Ea.", tforty, ,(140) f.e~. "Thence N, orth;par~'hl to the East lIne øfthe South~est QI:IU'ter. (S""' IfJJ)of~..;Jlorthwut åuarter UfW t/I.¡)'of SetHor! tMrti {30LTow/:Ish'p fourteen (PO South, Rangetwò(2),West,~,,:foQr'Mì".Je..' :t,ft~t.wot~:ø21).'feet'lÎIoteorl.&s1ott\'" South line of lot eight (Ð)oftheVIUageofLoreUo. ',"";';'0',";,"('";:;'),:;:':"';",, ,', " ",' , ," , ",,','~: "";>'<~"'",;";,.,,,: TEMPORARY EASEMENT FORCONSTRUCTIONPURPOSES:;"cy'i" :C-\;',(';f "" , . 0 ,118 acres,' nasHI p of ,I and ,tll.l rtj~fl VI (àG)' lè,t tA~.~t"':J11"g,'W~t,NOfth and adjai:."t :'tòth..ÞOddeåcrJbed permanent ea~elllent, "'~"';:' ;':":.;"':,¡,,:}"; ):<;'~ "") , "; "'" ' , . ,-,;, , ' T1;f!. VI/loge of I..Clr~ffo .. feet ,East and " ;' " ., :':,' 60-170 It I,:, .. ~ ¡ W-&~ C-( \ , Sco/e /", 10(;,' . . DESCRIPTION or EASEME~T IN AN ADDITION In:C\m AS THE SH[LI~'AR PLAZA ADDITICN. PERMANENT EASEMENT rap SANITAPY SEVER. 0.22 acres in a strip of land fifteen (IC) feet in width lying West of and adjacent to the East I ine of lots six (6), seven (7), eight (6), nine un, ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (I~) in 81ock thirteen (I~) also ~~e Cast fift"en (15) feet cf Let tel" (I~) J fled h: rteen (I~) of He Shel irrar Plaza Addition. SALINA, !<ANSAS SANITARY S2WER MAINS "" 3 4 ò 0 0 Q I '-I I I , . 1__- ~ ..J .... 0 .... If) I/) ... ~ 6 Sarah Lane --7 : 6~-. " '.. I 8 C\ -' 10 /1 /2 I ¡1 I I /1 I ~ L+- I 8 c 10 .,'"J I I 60-170 - -10. , I -: i (' I \(; ; I ....... I c: : ~. I ,"- '- . () ~ j I I I . -4: I v , "'- I .... Q I ~; I ~ [' c: ~ I ð I ,{ I In I t.., I :1 "'- 'ù I I --,,-.....-..--...'--'--- Ea..S'r It!. - Mayfà/r Add. =:-t --- ~ C) ~ óo'j- ¡ ! i , i ~ - I ~ () « 0\ Hut? tin.:J -ton Road /20 80 Lot / Lot 2 I . 20 Constructl' n Ea.s~ment Q ~ L ~ ~ w , u - , ... . . ~. ScQle II~ 50' " Bloc/-< G€?O C. E tht:r¡n,9fol7 l- -::> -- DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN lOT ONE (1)6 BLOCK FIVE (5), IN MAYFAIR ADDITION. OWNER: GEORGE C. ETHERINGT N. TEMPORARY EASEMEhT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES: 0.06 acres in a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width and one hundred twenty (120) feet in length, said strip being the East twenty (20) feet of lot one (I), Block five (5), in ~1ayfair Addition. . SAlt NA, KANSAS SANITARY TRUNK liNES 60-- 170 - . --'---'---~--~--- -_.._...~--.~--- - m '---m-- ,-- ""--"-- t r¡ " - tAl- , 0 - I of I ~ - , I * I I 40' , ~ ~- ConSTruct; n f B/OC~2. I , ~._----j .3 0 . , /0 Pe rmanen 1- Easemen T East" 1!2 Mo,yro¡r :}d4'l /I , Scale / = 50 ~. r ~I T--- , 0 (T) Lof- /0 60' ~ ~ ~ £ 0.[3 ern ,-;.,. (7' Utility ECisement Iù c: )0.,. ~ Gé?O. C. E theringt-on DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN LOT TEN (10), BLOCK TWO (,!) IN ~AYFAIR ADDITION. OWNEP: GEORGE C. ETHERINGTON , PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SA~ITARY SEWER. 0.03 acres in a strip of land ten (10) feet in width and one hundred thirty (130) feet in length, said strip beinQ the East ten (10) feet of Lot ten (10). Block two (2), in May1'air Addition. TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CO~STRUCTION PURPOSES: 0.12 acres in a strip of land forty (~O) feet in width lying West of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. SALINA, KANSAS SANITARY TRUNK LINES ¡ . . 1:30- I 70 -,. '-------'-- - ----"---,~-.,-_.,- , h__'~-- -- ---- -- - - -,--_. .--" -"--"------"'-"-"--~"-'--~---'-""'" I . , 2) Q¡ . 35 CI~m.strt.Jct"(J'" £Qsemen t I{} ~ ~ Geo. C. Ethl2r/,., J to!? 'I I~ ~ - I {\J ~ ~ - . , ~ ~ ~ '-, 1 SW Corn<!'r . Sec. 30.Tl4S,R2W ! f ì .scale (!: 200' DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT IN THE ADDITION KNOWN ÁS MAYFAIR ADDITION. PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER. OWNER: GEORGE C. ETHERINGTON 0 80 acres in a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in width, ten (10) feet West of and five (~) feet East of a line which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of Section thlrt1 (3D), Township fourteen (I~) South, Range two (2) West. Said point is one thousand one hundred ninety-three and two tenths (IIQ3.2) feet East of the Southwest corner of said Section. Thence North, parallel to the East property line of Mayfair Addition, two thousand three hundred thirty-two (2332) feet more or less, to a point twenty-five (25) feet East of the Sout~east corner of Lot one (I) Block fiye (5), In Mayfair Addition. TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. 1.88 acres in a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet In width lying West of and adjacent to the above permanent easement. SA LI NA. KAN SAS SANITARY TRUNK LINES eo-17D \, - ;;.0 ß(þQI ~/Q' t- ,------- -1 ~ I '-,Iv ECor. AJ V,/'I-1 I ; ':r. Sec. 8, T/4:::> f ,c? ZE', I I I J..." .. , ~ ('(), -....: , - I ! W-& c-£ M /s so I.J r ,. i I ¡ ! tiiC Rai/roed _j¡-I R/ghf . of'- Vv'QY~~/ S cole ¡'~ 40Q I DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF lAND IN THE NWi OF SECTION 8, TI~S, R2E. A tract of land containing 10.99 acres, more or less. in the Northeast one-Quarter (NEi) of the Northwest one-Quarter (NWi) of Section eight (8), Township fourteen (I~) South, Range two (2) East of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Sa I ina County, Kansas, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North I ine of said Section eight (8), six hundred ten (610) feet West of the Northeast corner of said Northwest one-Quarter (NWi), Thence West, three hundred-sixty (360) feet, Thence South, thirteen hundred thirty (1330) feet, more or Jess, to a point twenty (20) feet North of the North I ine of the Missouri Pacific Rai Iroad right-of-way as said rai !road passes through said Section eight (8), Thence East, para! lei to said North right-of-way I ¡ne, three hundred sixty (360) feet, . . Thence North, thirteen hundred thirty (1330) feet, more or les~ to the point of beginning. TILSON COMPANY ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS t File 6O-17C Date .,