Maintenance Responsibility , SALiNA HUTCHIN$O~ CHANUTE JUNCTION CITY WINFIELD ties to the City of Salina for the maintenance of the radio communica- tions equipment as listed on the attached pages. We are providing the following at a flat rate per unit per month charge: 1. ~perienced, FCC licensed and factory trained technicians with multiple backup. All bonded and properly covered by liability and workman's compensation insurance. 2. Modern precision test equipment and largest stock of com- munications parts in the mid~est. ~enty-four hour availability and priority seNice on all base stations and emergency equipment. Emergency service on any unit when requested by a department head. All parts and labor required by no~al wear and tear usage, to maintain ~he equipment in proper'operabing cendi~ion and in accordance with FCC specs. ECC required measurement certifications. 6. FCC license renewal applications and assistance in comply- ing with their rules. 7.Complete periodic preventative maintenance inspections as required to maintain maximum reli~ility. 8. ~stems consulting and ~echnica! adviae. ~r charge for the above seNices, detailed on the atta~ed pages, is $~??.80 per month. New equipment bein~ currently added will amount to $2S.00 per month for a total of $502.80. . Page 5 GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE COMPANY February 5, 1970 Our service does not include charges for things beyond our control such as; damage by acts of God, accident, fire, tampering or abuse, telephone lines, antenna and electrical power systems, modifications and instal- lations, outside interference or batteries. These items are handled on a time and material or firm quote basis. Our agreements are for periods of one year with automatic renewal unless terminated by 60 days written notice prior to the anniversary date. We hope this arrangement continues to meet with your approval. We ap- preciate very much the City of Salina's patronage and will make every effort to warrant your and the other city officials continued confidence in us. Sincerely, 0thal D. Vrana bjh Encl: