SE4-27-T14S-R3W ~~ i,¡fisc. ."Boo\ i ~ PA~ ~ - ¡? ~ ¿dÞ1 ~: DEED OF DEDICATION -------.-.-.----- KiWI; ALL ¡lEU BY TIIESE PHLSl::JTS: Tl1a t the :::,!,LL¡I> l\I RPOPT 1\.UTllOIUTY, éJ. Lod:i corporate and poli tic, does hereby qrant, dedicate and convey to 'rIIE GENEI~L PU3LIC a perpetual easement for the construction and mainte- nance of a public street on the followin<J tracts of land, to wit: (a). 11. PEFJ-.1AUE:JT El~smmNT for highway right of way and removal of borrow material over and upon a tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 14 E~outh, Range 3 ì;est of the 6th P.H., described as follows. DECHmEJC at the Southeast corner of said Section, thence :¡orth 00 dec:¡rees 48 minutes East, 79.9 fee t ¿l1on(" t_lle Las t line of said Section; thence tlortL 03 dcc;n2'~::':; 30 rninutes best, 85.1 feet; thence South 01 degree 30 minutes !o!est, 10.0 feet; thence ~;ortll })~: decírees 30 minutes \~est, 590.0 feet; thence North 41 Jegrees 25 minutes West, 153.6 feet; thence South 39 degrees 48 Qinutes West, 50.0 feet; thence Sout.ll 00 degrees 07 minutes East to a point on the South line, 825.1 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Sect.ion; thence South 89 degrees 49 r:1inutes East, 825.1 feet along said South line to the place of be- ginning. 'l'he above contains 1.55 acres, more or less, exclusive of the existing highway. (b). lI. PEFUf...AImNT EAsm:EN'l' for highway right of way and removal of borrow material over and upon a tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 14 South, Pange 3 ìlest of the 6th p.n., described as folloí:Js¡ BEGIUNIlJG at the Northeast corner of said Section, thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes East, 30.2 feet along the ~ast ]ine of said Section; th~nce North 88 ac~grees 30 mim~h:-'" V!est, 676.9 feet; thence South ll~ deqrc'c,:; 11 !ninub~~;. ¡-Jcst, 129.9 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes West, 50.0 feet; thence North 00 de~.irees 07 minutes West to a point on the I'Torth line, ::]25.1 feet ~':est of the northeast: corner of said Section; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes East, 825.1 feet alo~g said North line to the place of beginning. The above contains 0.48 acres, more or less, exclusive of the existing highway. (c). A PEHHl\NEN'l' I~AS:CI'1E~J'l' f or the cons truction and maintenance of a channel change and the removal of borrow material over and upon a tract of land in the LJortheast Quarter of Section 34, Township 14 South, Range 3 í-Jest of the 6th P .il., described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southerly right of way of the proposed highway and the East line of sLlid fjection; thence ;;orth 32 degrees 30 I;1.inutes ì'Jest, 52(.9 feet alorH] said riqht of \¡ay line; thence ;~outh OJ c1(:.gree 30 minutes ¡-'cst, 120.0 feet; thence IJorth 77 degrees ?() r:1inutes Ea~:;t., 206.2 feet; thence ;:JoutL 33 cìegn~er:; 30 rÜnutes East to a point on the Lest line, 70.0 feet :~outh of the place of beginning; Ulence c'.Jorth 00 decjrGes 07 minutes Hest, 70.0 feet along said EéJ.st line to the place of beginning. '{'he above contains 0.96 acre, nore or less. (ù). 1, PEP111\.LJLrJ'l' l~M~U1LN'l' for highway right of way and reQoval of borrow material over and upon a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Town- ship 14 South, Range 3 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: BEGIWIING at the Southwest corner of said Section; thence L\Jorth 00 degrees 48 minutes Last I 7~:.:; f2C:t alcll'] the \Jest line of said Section; Misc.- ;r- r# ) ~~ Mf8C. Boolr q,; P~QP ; g 7 thence South 39 deqrces 38 minutes East to a point on the \,çsterly rigll1: of \Jay line of the L-lissouri I'acific t:ai lroad, 79.0 feet iJorth of the South line of said ¿~ection I a::.; Illcasured ùlong said rai lroad rigL t of way liae; thence South DO deqrnes 10 minutes East, 79.0 f;::~c~i: along sai\..~ railroad right of 1¡;¡;¡Y line to the ~;ou th 1 ine of ,; ai<..~ ::';cc:tion; thence liorth 3') deqrees 43 ¡Ünute,j :;C,3t illong said ~outll line to t:he [lace of ;Jcqinning. The above con tains 0.04 acre, :-;,ore or less, cxclu::',iv,; oftllc c~;-:istin<J highway. (0). }',. PEPI.I]\;iL;~'1' l;¡,SL; iLl.;'.' for higbìt7òy riqh t of way and removal of borrow material over and upon a tract of land in the ~orthwest Quarter of Section 35, Town- ship 14 South, nan(Je 3 ""est of the 6th P .N., described as follows: Br::CINNING at the Horth\,,"est corner of said Section; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes East, 40.2 feet along the \\Tes t line of said Section i thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes East to a point on the ì'Jesterly right of viéJ.Y line of the :Üssouri Pacific Railroad, 41.1 feet South of the lJorth line of said Quarter Section, as measured along said right of way line; thence :~o!th 00 c\ec;rces 10 minutes ~';es t, 41.1 feet alone¡ :3iJ.icJ railroad ;:-i~jl¡t of \lay linc' to UlC North line o.L3ai,l ~;c'ct:ic)l); thence l~ortJl 39 degrees 43 min- ute,,; \':c,;t: ¿-¡.Iehle! :;aid :;ortlr line to the placl?- of begin- ni n<..: . 'i.'ltc' aLove con ta.ins 0.01 acre, more or less, tc;;.:clusivc of the c):isting higl"l'I"',ay. ~hc said Salina ^irport ^uthority hereby covenants that it is lawfully seized of the premises and has the right, power and authority to convey the rights granted hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Salina Airport Authority has hereunto caused this Deed of Dedication to be signed on its be- half by its proper officers ~vho are èl.,:.y authorized so to do an(~ ha;:, cau~,(~(: its COn)()l-ate sc;c:l to be ]¡cn~u't() affixed this ._-L~4- day of ;::::epteL:);cr I 1.969. .' -." .........."., ./.. '? 'ì RT AU"" . \" ... '. .e" ,"'."" ',< "- ; ~ ....' "...0 I,":, .. ~. ......... . '.?, ~ : - l L\ ~; i~fßnA ~~ê :..W't\" i . g .. tr',,\' ~ .. ;;; ".r °. .' eo, ..- .... '# 1"\.J;'~Jo,...~." .,' <. 41 ...c.- " <'" 4 I ., .. þ. ,..' "...........:..."", Sal+na lI.irp(;rt Z\uthori ty ,'. By .":¿ \'-.',-,--------_":'2:..~~==-c:.......> ,,' /~ II. -- J. Kennedy Chairman of the board of Directors e 'I '~'I.).~ /' L~C(~'o<~~Œ--Ld: i}_~ !.~_.. (-- L E6vli1rd Bell C" C ¡".' ta c¡ ::';',-\','1, OF ¡:/-~,J.'J,::, :.,_.~,.-;L CC;U:TY, :'3S: LT': n T~L; :E;:L:]:j'.};:~LLa t. ,:m tìÜs J.Ji..~- day of September, 1969., before me, the under~,ic¡ned, a ~Jotary Public in and for the county and state afores¿Üd, came I-I. J. Kennedy, Chairman of the Board of l\ÆifoC. Book 9' S- Page S" 9 7 ,~- Misc. Book qÇ- Partt 5 i g Directors of the Salina Airport Authority, who is personally known to me to be such officer and who is personally known to me to be the same perSOllviho c;.:ccuted as such officer the within instrument of vn:i tilVJ on lx,ìlalf of thr" said Salina P,irport ¡,uthori i~y and such person duly acknovJlcdged the execution of the same to be the act and deed of Ule Salina Airport Authority. IN TESTHI0UY WHEIŒOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above mentioned. ~./í;~N~. "'" . """""" ".iI.\' ".~ ,~ \ \.Ih\. .~., ",. '\ t. R '..."\~'. .~'. . ..:;; $~' I\~!,.. ." "', Ii . .,,' , ~.. - :,,~~~sse¡;.Þa Explrc::J: \fic \ \.' .f 4Þ "" .' U , ... ~ .~ ~ .' ~ , ;............' ~ .' , r: ' I" . _.~P~~=~~---;-~ .~~ L. O. Bengtson Notary Public _.~_16~_,rl~ ~, ,- ú--~ K ,,5' ~::::!! "I, .::. " tì'-J. '-.., , i- I <+- Mi~c. Book '73 Pagr£fi