Graphic Design Serv Add #1 AGREEMENT FOR GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES "ADDENDUM" \~t' This ADDENDUM, made on this -Í- day of August, 2005, in Salina, Kansas between the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER", and Michael Gutierrez Design, hereinafter referred to as the "DESIGNER". SCOPE OF CONSULTANT'S SERVICES DESIGNER agrees to complete additional graphic design work for the Smoky Hill Museum Gallery Renovation Project (PROJECT), as specifically set forth: a) Design additional Crossroads o/the Heartland education and interactive labels. This will be done in conjunction with Museum staff and will include: I) DESIGNER will be responsible for developing a design theme for education and artifact identification labels. 2) Design 4 flip-books, 8 interactive labels, and 1 artifact identification label completed by dates specified in below details. Label specifications: Sect Label Label Details Deadline Type Date 1.5 Flip- Title: Extinct Animal Species of Kansas August 5, book 15 pages plus cover page 2005 8.5 x 5.5, flip upward -Y2 inch margin on top for hardware Content: 1 b&w drawing and paragraph of text on each page will be provided 1.5 Flip- Title: Modem Animal Species of Kansas August 5, book 30 pages plus cover page 2005 8.5 x 5.5, flip upward -Y2 inch margin on top for hardware Content: 1 color photograph and paragraph of text on each page will be provided 1.8 Inter- Title: Crossroads of the Heartland Video August 5, active Text: Take a journey through the crossroads of the 2005 Label heartland in this 5-minute introductory video. Learn how Salina's unique place in the heartland of America has helped it become a crossroads of business, transportation, and social exchange. You'll encounter the people, places, and events that have left an indelible mark on the fabric of the Smoky Hills region. 2.9 Inter- Title: How Indians Used the Bison August 5, active Content: 8.5 x 11 graphic will be provided 2005 Label 2.10 Inter- Title: Native American Reproductions August 5, active Text: Reproductions of everyday items used by Native 2005 4.10 5.6 5.8 6.11 6.12 6.14 7.9 All Label Inter- active Label Flip- book Flip- book Inter- active Label Inter- active Label Inter- active Label Inter- active Label Arti- fact ID Americans, including parfleche, buffalo hide rug, rawhide ba , hoe, arrow, soon, and moccasins. Title: Traveling to Kansas Content: several color illustrations and text, a roximatel 15 x 10 finished Technological Advances in Farming 30 pages plus cover page 8.5 x 5.5, flip upward-Y2 inch margin on top for hardware Content: 2 color photographs or b&w illustrations, and 2 ara ra hs of text on each a e will be rovided. Title: Guide to Field Crops 20 pages plus cover page 8.5 x 5.5, flip upward -Y2 inch margin on top for hardware Content: I color photograph and 1 paragraph of text on each a e will be rovided Title: Milling at the Crossroads Video Text: approximately 100 words of text provided Title: Milling Process Breakdown Text: approximately 100 words of text provided Title: Experimental Mill Size: approximately 16x20 Content: 2-3 color photographs or graphics, and up to 3 ara ra hs of text rovided Title: Growing A Community Video Text: Towns use laws and ordinances to govern the community. A board of five trustees governed Salina from 1867 to 1870, when the town became a third class city guided by an elected mayor and five councilmen. In 1878, Salina became a second class city and was divided into four sections called "wards." In 1920, Salina became a first class city, and changed to a city manager form of government. The commissioner-manager system remains to this day. Learn more about the City of Salina in this 13-minute video about ci services. Develop an artifact identification label template that can be modified and manipulated by museum staff as needed. Refine and revise designs according to staff evaluation input: 1) Issue revised labels to staff for review and comment 2) Meet with staff to discuss revisions 3) Issue final label and interactive designs b) 2 August 31,2005 August 31, 2005 August 12,2005 August 5, 2005 August 31,2005 August 5, 2005 August 5, 2005 August 5, 2005 3 OWNER agrees to provide to DESIGNER: a) OWNER will work with the DESIGNER to complete the labels, providing review, information, and resources as required. b) OWNER will provide access to script, artifacts, graphics, and photographs as required for label design, as well as other information needed to expedite the process. OWNER will handle DESIGNER'S requests for information in a timely manner to avoid delays. c) DESIGNER'S COMPENSATION AND SCHEDULE The OWNER shall pay an amount not to exceed three thousand two hundred and forty dollars ($3,240) for services provided by the DESIGNER under this Addendum. OWNER shall pay DESIGNER according to the terms and schedule set forth. a) Each check to DESIGNER shall be made payable to: Michael Gutierrez Design, 2035 E. Iron, Ste. #236, Salina, KS 67401. b) OWNER shall make payments to the DESIGNER according to the following schedule: I) Fee will be based on actual hours spent on the project at an hourly rate of $60. 2) Cost of Services provided by the DESIGNER shall not exceed a maximum compensation of$3,240 for completion of the project. All payments shall be subject to OWNER'S review of product workmanship and conformance with Scope of Consultant's Services. Payments will be made by c) OWNER within thirty (30) days after receipt of DESIGNER'S invoice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date written below. OWNER: CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS By: ~e~ DESIGNER: MICHAEL GUTIERREZ DESIG By: Title: City Manager Title: I.)"-J rJ \? lL. Date: ~ - l\- - \::) SO Date: ~/3/t:5