SW4-14-T14S-R3W . ,í J f-.:, II. ,; K~¡ ,\ ;. 0 <r> ,! :¡ C: i3 Lh:n Y '" w , '-' EASEME~T ~O. 00 I 3t JACK BEvERLY - An easement In the south~est auarte~ of Section Iq, TownshiP I~ south, Rano" 3 west of tne Sixth Principal t.4eriolan In Saline Count" Kansas, more partIcularlY aescrloeo as fol ¡o~s: 3eginnlng at a point 558 feet north of the south 1 ine ana 15! feet east of the ~e5t line of sal(! SectlOf1 14, thence nortn parallel with said west ¡ine 583.7 ff'€'t. thence east 50 feet, thence south parallel to sail! west line 6!ì.7 feet, tne'1ce west 50 feet to pclnt of beqlnninq. EASEMENT NO.2 JOHN w. SRNA - An easement In tne southwest quarter of Section I~. TownShiP !4 south, Range 3 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian In Sai:ne Cou.,ty. Kansas, !'lore particu- larly aescrioeo as follows: ¡jeqlnnlng at i! POI'lt i2~1.7 feet north of the south line ana 131 feet east of the west line of said Section Iq, tt-,ence north 200 feet, thence east 50 feet. thence south 200 feet. thencf' west 60 f!'et to pOint of Of'Qln~ nq. '¡'d'~ I rT It»; ILL AlE. IlJ :> 4: ~ uJ "-> -1: ::r: EI3ENhC;,',EK AJDITI'Jf, j 'I fo- (') ~I 01 u.. ~ <[ Y- (....) 0 <D 'Jiu:or;f AlE. . 558 I l CORNER STONE EA,-~E~.:fì;T I ¡; "'" 1 / '~ , ,,)11 I t~ 3.';L I t; E SCALE: .. I L SON S a I ì n a :3 ~,~ ¡ Eye F F'j K ~ T 0 I~ :°1 J t: v, E R J¿ C. 1 ~, T-1~-W, cc)~r;TY, f\ M,':; A S I . :c i 00 . & COIHANY ENGINEERS (a~sas I ~ 5 2 152-~~