Filed ,for record .July 27, 1946, 11:05 1\.
Flsi e L. ~'epperly, He;,':ister of Deeds.
Vol') 5e
46 of
j -isc. . Paze' 154.
---...---.- - .. - -. - - - - --
COiilJEYIllfCE OF' ';;~~SJ~;EJfT
'l'EIL-; rm=~~HTuRE,
~"'D~d. ~ :hCi,sI' :---.,c,- A,í:::. J!.....~'.~.,-..-,'c.---....;)dar~..-.'. Of'_~J'- -~:--s'-s:-- -'~r':
:!, \',"l.r\'-1 .cA!'! L..l( !i\J-'~\j;:j;)U 1\.'! -.," 1',[. 1j~" I':;:, ,.'i..'-'
1946, by and between
1:/" of tl:e first part, and the CITY :)}<' SALDJA, I<JÚ'SAS, of
the second ;J[',rt:
Wl-JEREAS, the party of the second part, ',Jurauant to the
laws of the state of Eo..Dsas, has determi:1.ed it r:ecessary to
construct ston) se'irer iTo. 24; and,
VrmnE..i1.¿3, the party of the second part, as provided by law'.,
intends to ane" is r;oinn: to cause to 'be co:1.structed said storm ~¡ev¡er,
as in Ordinance ITlmber ..§L_£~_.lJlada ancl provided;
SO 1'TO , T'IE11E'.'Oœ~,In."L~SS¡~TH. That the partv of the first
of the SU,11 of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00)
part, in consideration^~ and other e;ood anrl valuable consideration,
receipt of which is hereby acknowle:lc-ecJ, jot}, horeby ;-;rant, bargain,
sell and convey unto second party an easement in, over and across
certai21. landG ovn<.ed in fee sim,Jle absolute by first partieG, ;nero
pc.rtieulo.rly described as follows, to-':,-5,t:
A tract of la21.(1. "'1 the northeast (IJE¿) one-QuartoI' of ::;ect:i.on
(S.U) Eleven, 1'0vTm;ìÜ) (Tl4S)Pourte¿n south, Ranp:e (R3T) Tin'ee
weGt, of Sixth (6th P. I.:.) Pr:"l!1ciple I.leri"¡.a;1, "Clore o.ccurat31y
described as follows: ~3e;inninr at a point OJ: the V:3,';t Line
of T;Ürteenth stree-c, (~i.t;y of Salina, Kansac;, extolded north,
an.d one hundred (100') feet north of tho nort~l line of lj}ood.-
land Avenue, City of Salina, Kal'lsa", extended "rest; thence
';rest sixty (60') feet; thence sout}1 one hundred (100') feet;
thence west three hundred fifty four (354') feot more or leGs,
to rip;ht-of-way of channel of Dry Creek; thence Gouthea:3terly
followin'-" said ri'~ht-of-wal1 sixtv one (61') feet; the'lce ea"t
four hundred twenty--b,'ïO ('122') f~et ]:lore or less, to the vreé;t
line of said Thirteenth ,c;troot extended north; thenc:: nort'l
alom' said west lino of 'Chi rteen-ch street one hundre:l sixty
(l6oi') feet, more or less, to the point of be~innin7:, all in
;::al:!.ne County, Kansas.
all for the rÌ'~ht of in:~ross and e~;ress b~/ Dart:,r of second par-t, its
sorvanté;, officers, w'1ployees and contractors therefor, ~Cor tl'1o Dur-
pOGO of constructin", maintaininr, ropa:r~L'r: and replac
sa:1.d s'conn so":er
and all co"uoctions, manholes, flush tanks, sluicon:at3s and other
appurtenances thereto, all iI' accord,a::-lCG vri th the pIan" and snec:i fic9.tio"'s
now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Sal~na, Which
such plans and sDecifications are hereb;y ÜlCorDorated herein ant;, mad,e
a IJ-",rt hereof by reference.
Volume ~H:j of '~isc.
1.5.5 .
- 2 -
"!i'irst parties covenant that tlw.y will 'irarra...nt and forever
defend t].,.o ënterect herein;-led unto SeGOlld .D?rt~/ arL~, its
successors, against said first parties, their heirs, and every
other person whomsoever l:x:rrul1y claim:i¡lJ'~ or 'co claÜn the sœne.
1'1";;,\'.(; , :!~RE(!'", we leave hereunto set our hand
on the
da;:, 9.nd year first
ereir written.
~-~ -~~~ )wvL
/} :- 0/ Q~
~_1JL_,J¿~J4. ~~.
--'-'" ...----
state of Ka...nsas
) ss
County of
"R'-;' T'" "" i,' ,n :è1.'"¡;'r crh -1- : .tt.' ~ ,., ./" d' f ()~. D.
.u.e, _.l"-""-"~J'-O-'UÜ...), ~ au Otl,l" -_.~-,_._- ay 0 r~'
1946, before J:18, the unders , a Fot'lry Public in anc1 for the County and
state aforesaid, Ga"le Edvmrd. Chanclar Van :TOSS anc1. Irma 1:1. Van TTess, his
1ivi fe,
and 1'rho are persoDally know:' to me to be the persons v"no executed,
t}w vrit~t:i.'1 :Ï,nstrunent of writinr; and SUC~l œrsons dilly acJcDowlerl,'"e,l
the execution of the sru~.
Hi '1'<-:' T I;;i(:,i Y
rmR:<XJF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
\> ri:;t ,pfficial
,- : 'v \ !;R j' 0,.'"
\' ',:
'°"1 the do:' and yo',r hob abo'm 'Hi:',:/, (' / ~
,otarv I:uol_c
expires ~4 f..' './t 14. L...f.' /. "
~--1.4J: - '7-1--1--1-- . --
fllf 'i' \ (. f -.{ ,-
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