Lot 13, 15, 17, 18, Block 8 ~ .-~' .. , " .'" .~', ~. \ii6c Book SJ.j Pagt: 9 ~ Jwt IC':> part . ld tho Oity of ti&lina. l~aa of the ,~ 261949 iy fan II pursuant 'to tJ~. :t.aw,or ttJ:. AJJI\t8STRACT CO., ... ... Beer1t Db:triot Wœib.,. 140 w111011 i_iud.. to 'fwct.;r (10 ).. 1t œh _1881... 1Þ 91 0I'ì~' G ,. t: :)c.lina. S..1 in. County II 118'" J e.QOoi"d.~ to . - ¥1~t!1AS.. th9~y ()t the ianau, .- .....U<t .. lat oaly ru.ook , tUl&'l tot. nine, 'Woo4lrtiM t..~dt~ior, to t1u~ C tho ~..clØdpDt thereof" ~JŒ¡;;U. tht, ~~ of tw. ¡o1:nt to oonetruot tU1 .. _i8tJir~ aœol0 in ~ 1i?~ 3tr~ NId 21 teø1i .... lit tN1; on.. 15.- 81 to th8 08'bfll" 11M of' e.a .. . ~1o to b. <J~tNO~ tINt, a.ndb~lrm1ng a1J ...1 ftOl"th 108 r..t. 1&rt- ... prwi.ded by law ~ to &.m 1. ft tat.....l a.u.1t.'U"J{ S8W6Ir. '"c~MSni a., 1m wh.1eh 18 . .t.et ..øt of 'bM...t 11u ()t of the loU'tlh Une or Ji~18.n4 AvonUtÞ. tb...G ~ or the IOtdlh line of WOodl ¡U14 A"f'Q'tlua. -..r:t oaR ot Seœnd øw.ñ, 8Þn&td noñb k . '~111 hnt.. 11- or aid &l1ey 6&1 1. to bo Muiruoted 1%1 Wo04kn4 ..~"f'8'\UO tt\œ14. so lOif. Ti:W.3:i""t:1:, Vu.tœ8. era iå I3If1 _".0.1 am ot- h".jr aokn_l~'?;Ñ .... 1 aa .....-nt in. tmh" U4 ad &""0- to tha 1.. ,. ~~~b~ ~ Atoll"" .......,. ~(17 ) it the 'fI&J!'t It.", of tn t1\"n partin ,u'.It~a,j,'" and _1_b. õ«i.i4wß.!:. $,QU, ...ipt; of .hiGh 1. ~. ~in. ..11 and OQQ'fty UAto ..and ~ a .....18 J8titm of Aiel B..r1t D1~o'.. em I'UOt~ of said ."". ...... pañiculal"'ly ~~(>~) I ~/O-Íl--'. /.s-J ~ /I~ J ¡j T-~ .{ '\ " 14~ lUðOkBlgbt (a) 1ft Woodl - 8U. AU fOt' i:be .tgw. ""~ oft'1Mt'8 " .. CMm.tN.'tin!~. -.1BU.1n_. 8nhuloe, tluah tank.8 and ~M plL..,. and 8 ;:_ta.~ t1 'Jt City of: ~l 1m. \'Ith:io.~ ..:."" M,..i.¡l &nti _(te Q pan be ' d1i;1.an to "the 01ty of $&111:-. Þ.U.i'O County. ... an'- .... or f*f'ty ot ..... iJN"'t 11 1 t:8 4 oet:re.otœ. uborer..... tat' the pur!,",* øt Ú'iø-' cd. ..ç1aob~¡.,: .~ld ..... ani! all 0 11nU1d.... Ap~.I&DQ.. t_wo.. all in aoøcrd~ø \1i'l1;h ft tileu1 'bÞ offioe of". ct~l Cler:kof' the and .,_1tioatiM'A are heft 'by 1noor;ot'ntri ret....... It IN¡~i l'ni!~:¡S ,>1!"!;;t:;£{JP. WG han hwfI1n Wt'1ttCl. 0 ..~ OW" band 00 tho -1 and yel\U" tll"'.t , STr,T~ U' 1;::,5:,3 "f- LU\JI';I{(J..,.--LI:H:. F!d:.D ¡>~"¡; ì;L::];, Of'! 't J.~" """ 1 ::)"",,'! 'ti¡ . "'.1.- a ' .12. _/N.'\'Jt~""~,!b,J"T"'-I"i'^' or:\W-.è'1 f. . I -'--"~LL i/.i..'-.~--'.~Lf $1.'!,ri or It',l':;'lS~.\..,.~l, I"r;;¡" " .~, - >. .' ¡-}~........ " J :32 CQI1j'f'f OF 5iH..nr~ ) ( -.f '-? /7// t Qt1 '\hi; \,7 - da', of /: Ç/ / ~ .--1'1- ):ubl'io 1n ~"--' ~//:..- " I '" OJ, .", ..", ---. t , ,~ " ~ to "per. 11.7 b8m ø b 1ut~~",.r writ:btg and d , ." j U.: -/j " "-'"J*i',"1',,", , ~";.~4 'f,¡'~i":,~,~~""'t,,~ I "'-- - ,"41í~". ~f".,#,,~.U¡ t_...... ~~~y~},:~~;~~y ¡¡~J:ìd yeø.r 1a ~: :;:,j~1~~~~(~H! " S1i. " è~;¡~J .bã\Ùcìlt ~r'l" }~~; t ... "'.Ol'1{i who -.outed tJhe foresøÛ3ß knawled¡'dM ~ &leCNtl:m ot the .... ¡) tmb.w1bød DI'J' m~ ~d a.ffù:ed ttty offioial O"f. ~1tt.u. / / ..Lþ~¿f<4:;' ~-zÇ~A- ¡ ;\, "t""'.'T"'>'(:~"'i.'.';'.'.'~.""O:'.'"-~. .::~....é'~~T~6'JI~"¡";;;;;';"'ý~1>J.itI!'.~if~':~JØr."",~",,,~'~~W'!R'.~,~:r.'!j-""""""""" ". "'...."-*..."'-,.."" , ,w~,~..- -. ~~"'Z1'i~':"">""'-'!::':"::""/~""":""':",",V.I..:..,.:,",""'N',":, ," ","" ,... .'..",... ",~.. . ~ >. ~ ~Æ~. Book_sq-___Page 97' cmm::rA1iGt: 0)' F.ASFu~r¡rr -- . ~- .. ,~: --~ !B1S nmD1'llRf~ , made tilt. ~ - day of ~ ' Ci : :; ::' 4.~)~~. " 19... by anti b(tftøu "1 IJ" =.7'--- of ~M tin't part a.n4 the City 01' Salina. &Luu or tbe .80on" ~. tho pIU"ty of ,he 800nel. pt'I.rt.. pursuant to the la.. of the 8'1\11. of _nA., Ja- .rat4td & lateralS..,. B-..t1' Dbt,.iot ...1" 240 wh1oh 1aølu4.. . alyBloo1c" and Loi;ø 11110 (9) .. '1'wenty (20). bftn ....,..,.. in &lf1Ok 8. Woo41ud Adci1tlon to tbe City tJt Salina. 861:11-:18 CGumy~":......., .eoordinr: to thø NOordH plat 'th....ot. 'fmiIaMS. tl-. þU"ty ot 10M a.em. ;¡.rt- "provided by law ~ to .. 1. lobe 'bo oo.truot ana\ßht iDoh Lttter-e.l SanItary S.'" b4JI1.~ at - at.tins -.,.1. in Frœrt: Str.... whioh 18 " ten .at of the ...t U.M of "'ont s".~ .&Dd II ,8ft 8t.Ir'th ('It tb4t .'I)U'th l1rw of Y1oocUand A~. thenoe wet 119 tMt .. .. 11».1t a ten DOI"th ot tn. .utb 1m. of lføocl1aDd A.,.enue. to 'the oenis.. line of art ..11.8)', nut .-t tJt 6eøond 5trM't. ---. nonà 1;0 . . r.IIa.J:1.bol. to \HI oooøtru.o'toda thence loutb in Gent.. 1iDe of ..id alley 032 ' tM't. and ""es1Jm1ng ..t 8.1d lI'ILnhole to be oanstrl.U.tWd 1n Woodlan4 A't'8nU6 thU4Ut aorth aœ ttañ. ; 8°. NaY,. TJf:.H~Fm P. . Wi. tncf'.e1th i:ho:. t thrl ¡8rt;; .' Of. the tirn }'U't 1u ot~.l" ....;;101'1 "hw'aot' ø.- oth8r 1004 aad valua'b.Je oorUl1derv.t 1o~. 1"...1" of which ia hweby a81m_ledgM -. Mllay gI"I.Jl'tJ. bargain. ..11 and ......,. Wlto ...0Dd p&rty aa -....n. in. oftr qd ....... a O$.1"tain p8'tioa 01 .aid. B818t'1t 1)1-"1°". - ... a4ja" to the ltae of theY~J'Uotl~:t of 8ai4 "". mora ~oUhJ"l:Y!J ' Ù8orlbecS u toU~ to-wtt I ~ ~ (1 J ~ ~ ( It) ., ¡ ','" I"."'."'.'." i'" ~ í; I I I I I I ;1.11...... " j! i:'. ,-" ~."';¡ ~: ~~ ~. .~, ~. iir' 11181oe1o: 1Ugl'dr (8) :in Woodland Add1tiOll to theJ City ~ 8&l11Ja, hl1~1a County, r.n IU. All to,. the 1'11" .f ~... 8I1d ecru- ot party of ....... p8rt.. ;t ta ............ omura. 88p~. and. oatftotor"8 tblilret.... tor the purpo,. ot aOtll~tru<,tin4:~. _lata.bd.UC. repa1riJar. ad ,..plaoln, l&1d ..... u4 all. œl1eotiœa. m!U1holes, flUsh ta.ttk8 andcñhfï1l'" al)~.. t>terno. 8.11 in aOOWÓlWO& with thfJ ,lane &ad epeo1t1...t1ona now on 1"110 j,t!, thv office or the City Cl.rk ot the 0ity of ~-. wb1oh eUGh plalla And .ptIOifioll\~don. ..,... btNby 1nowporat... MNill and. ad. .. ~ M;'80t 'byrer_.M. 11 WITm¡:'¡¡$ Vfflír:Ir~¡jF. .. haft hertmnto ..t dUZ" hand on tn. day and .)"Rr tirS't herein .".,1tt-.. STATE (;F ,(,;:';5,4;;; r: t 5" ~~.LJ -- J - CÛ<J¡-¡"v"",r.UN,:\'~ ~ ~.,., FILlD fé:1 RE';ORD IN iiIY Cffl~; - , . . ~ . .. on L~'i~ Y 24 1949 AlDOW.LiìJ)¡1:øl~~ o,rL"CI\J}r,~ f-,NO LliD R'CQRgij)q "'" 1.""" Vu:.s~~.....__QF~,1Ir'G£7..1 IVIt\r Z 6 1949 STATE OF 1tA~¡'._~:_.m_~OFDELD;; 8y Gonn 02' SALl1JiE ) C. W. Lt'MM ABStUQ cG., lie. ~ . . f ' ['us., tmtó1\ :hi:i; ru:îI. ~ ~~;? Mid County 19.. v ÄTED -. '! , 1 ....... " '" to ... ,.....11,. k'88n to b. tlw ..... peraøn- who 8tltNt.d ~he t..opU1g !n$"~~ or 'WI"ltbg and duly ao.D1owledl';Ñ tlw 8øout1onot tlhea... ' - ,I. d iJ,~')'" <,~:"ø:...'.i..~...'.'.,."~..~...'.'..)~~..".,.REú}~ I haw hereunto elUbe.,.lbH. m:r -- and a.f't'1xocl my ott18h\1 l""':'.~,..Y~-dAY and y_r 1rut abO't'.1I'I'1t'teu. :: "' "'!'>,:"-~:\;fm~': .,.. : I ,,; \.:'~.\.:..;~-.;.::.).:...:....:.~"'.i."':""/";""."'~'..'.;.:Y.'...); ~ .0 ~ <t,"'.:~i{t,t,3'~2~>;¡i: q~ ~~, / ~ ',/l.!:<.,:.~.~"" ",;:",.' . /'::? .. ",W,at'5'.k\ì:ts.,'~,i,~ '~-{""l";I'~. /r.;¡ //-p (.) -~I;:,:"',,",""""J~"""'¡"H'" ,- "~~,';~-, " "'" ~~'~'-'t."~-""" ~,,"Zi_'~~""( "." . "'"'," , \. ,~~ .. "~"~-'-, ~-~~"~""--"-_.- ..-- . '- .. .. .. tvfi¡c. BoüL 5.1/ Page I CJO '~ , , ,/ , OOmTEYAICli Or' i-:;ASEI':'!'T 1 .- ~s l!lllll!lruu. _e.th~. Z ~ or ~ . 11119. by IWd b_.... '~~~L:¿¿'~ - =,4 or the f'1rat ¡:aM; and the 01t~r of Salina" lIi.aeu ø.f th....,o.'" ~. t~~.r f)f: the looond part, P'U".uant to the law. fit the Stat. 01 ' ran.a, baa creat... .. lAteral $..... B81'18t"1tDbtr1ot lumber 140 which lDOlu40. aly Block 1 and Lot. N1no (9) to twenty (10).. 'both Slla1al,;;". in .1ook 8. We04land itdditioo to the City ut Salina, Saline Oounty, KIm..... ..oordin" to the ro(';oroied plð.t thfirGot 0 TO.U~ÀS# the ~l at the 8_on4 part, aa prortcied by law i", to A1Jd 1. ¡Glue to oonetruot IIJ1 eight iDoh Xatora1 Sat:ll'tary Sww, b"l""lftg at an extati.tlt; m!Jhol. in Fr~ Street whioh 1. 29 føet ..ot of the -.at; 11- ot Front $1;r", ..wI II teet 11ØI"bh ot the south line at Woodla.nd Aftnue. theMe ..at lit teet - .. line 22 ten aørbh ot the eouth 1me of WoocUan4.1..-.._, to the ..tet' 11- øt a.n e,11..". next eano! SøoM Str.~. _oded AOI"th to . auhol. to b. eonatruoiseci! 1menoe south in cent.. 11.- of: laid aUey 812 teet. and bee;11W.lng at MitA -.rù101. to b. OOn8'W'uoted in Wo041an4 AT.me then.e aerth lOa l'Mt. i So lOW. flfi'UFOU'I. W1t.De..ith that -the paM; ~ of the fir" part in oem.1el- ...tlon 'herr.ot and othe good and ftlua'b1e one1d.8I""tlon. r..eipt ot ",hioh 1. D....b;:, acknowledge. cIoea heN~ grant, harcain.. .011 and oorrt'ey un1:ø ...tmd pQ"t:lJ an -MlWnt in, 0.... and a...... a oer1:a1D ~1- of ...ld 1-.t11: tiA'tl"loi;, 011 art4 adjao. to the Un. ot thct oonetruotion of' 1&14 .---. ¡nor. Þu"'td.ouhrly 4øoI"1be. .s tollØllft to-w1t. ~ ~(/FJ ¿:¿:"-c..-<-e-( ~(~O) ~i 1n Blook: light (8) in Woodlar:d Addition to 'bho City of Salba. Salh1. County" - IJU. All tOI' the rieht ot 1J:agr... and epoøs of party of ...... PN"'fIi. 1v Ii~. orno.,... ..,loye.8 and cumtJl'&o1;cra theref'cre. fer' thopurpo.. or aoNltif'uotlnr,. -in-.in1ng. l"Ç&ipinr an4 r.plAo1nt, 8aid ..... g4 all e~tlO118. -.aholca. flush tanks and crth:er appurtOtliU1c.. thGrno. &.11 'in aootrd.tu:aeo with the plane aDd epeo1t1cG\tions MIll 01). tne ~.u tbeot"t1.. Gf' t11o City Clerk 01' the City 01' Se.l ina., ",hioh l\IOh þ1ana and specif1oatiot18 are be... 'by 1nowpon.ftCi ha,..1n &.nd _d. a part bet'oot by ro1'....noo. 1Il WIT:m.¡;SS \íjd}'î;tlEOP, ..baTe heretœto 8,Ot; our hand on the day and yeAr first h.,..tn written. ~:f'~\3:jD~ :P?:\:?:~'~~D\ \~~ í,'¡'{ r:mcr ~ ~ Lt. IV" 1.,'- l ~ r~T I ~1 ~ ~t ~; ON L~ rAY 24 1949 , , '" ,'t ¡\:'~ ~;c¡'D J.lDOWL.~.r:a.-r q, O':L'JC\'d::1"1 ~¡¡~:¡ .u~ " ","=,1.° d ..11 W . . ~" 71 C.C T f',~" , . S. I. »r. ..,. . ,c::-.'(,L...- .. 'p";:\~m.G.Cf'I),.J)J StAn OJ' IA!i!SI:.. ~~.~,~ )'-.w....-."'\ J ~... OOlftr OF SALIn) w~ ~STATEQ ,!,," ....tw. .. and State. MAY 261949 By C. W. LtQ ABSTIACT CO.,'" ,/ C, d ' "- OIl tMe ~3 - day 01' , ,ø¿:>, . 1949, .. loti,." 1'\11>110, ~ atlCl!ø' Mid Oouftt:y ..-c'-"~~, ".t";^< ~.. to .. p...onal1y ì::I.18n to be the .... per"~ who aeoutoct 'Íu tore¡oixl¡ iu't1nmertt oJ." Wl"iting and duly aoknowledï;ed the .xeeutlon of the AIM. '" , , '~" ~.!~~~'ß'.Yf£f.f.:RÌOF 1 haTe hereunto Rb.or1bod my name and a.tf'ixe4 my ott1o1al ~~:~"',;~:.~:r and ~r_r -la" abav. _11;1;811. / . . ~~lJ~ì~i~ez'r~' " /I~f!,~~~ '¡f~:~~3,;¡}j}~~Pli(;~E' I f/~ß/-¿;~', , . ';"~"'~:'~'\:~:-:,~.,~>., , , ,~, '" :",.. ,. .' " . , . "-'. .' .. .. \. '. ~c, Book s4 Page / ð/ J CONV:IY/.tiCE OF BASEMEilT .' ~i5£ë~~ ~3I~ Part / eô part , of tr..e firat part e.nd the City ot Salina, lanea. ot the ."on4 WHEREAS. the party of the .e_%lcl part, pur.uant to the law, of the State of Ian.., hu or_te4 a lateral 8war B..tit Diatrict Number 260 which inolud.. only Block 1 and Loti 1Un. (9) to Twenty (20).. both hwhll1ve in Blook 8. Woodland Add.1tioll to the Clty¡ot Salina, Salinlt County. Kansa.. Aoool"dirl~ to the reGord" plat thereot. . WRlmEU, the party of the ."on4 part, a. provided by law Ift'tend. to and 18 ¡Gin¡ to ooU8truot an eight iaoh lAtO1"liLl SanitCirj Sew.., beginning 8.t an existing anh.l. in Prout StrWt whioh 18 h teet -.t of the .eat 11M ot Front ats-ild e.nd 21 teet north ot the IQuth Une of WoocUarul 4TetlU. th.no. w.at 1&9 teet on a line 21 teet north or the lØuth line ot WoorUandÄVOAU8, to th4Þ oenter line of e.n alloy. next e..øt of Second Street. .nond.ed north to .. anhol. to be 0 outruo...edJ t.noe .outh in oenter 11no ot aa 14 .. Uey 5S! teet. and b-.;1zm.ing a\ Mid mt.r!hol. to be oo..1ruoted 1». Wo04:&a.ncl A'Nbue then.. north 808 ten. 80 ICJli, THF.ulJI'(R1£. Wit...1th 'bhat the part L ~~. ot the tirn part in oon.tel- enUon th..-eo!' and other goo4 and w.luabJe 0..:14.,.1\\t10n, r.eipt ot whioh 1ø hereby acka".,le~ed 4oee beröy grant, be.r~1a. .011 and cOlTN)" unto I_ODd. party an --.en'" in, over and o..r... a certain ;p88tion of ...1d l...ti't D1$trlot, OIl and a. djaoeut to the lino ot \"¿Jna~ruot.ion ot 8a1d _.81'. .. more pa~ioularly 4e.crlbed... tol1~ to-w1ta ~ -r-~{/Ð) I -&~jl.l-J ~ ~~J cud ~(/,;) ~ t? . ¡c.} in Bloek Eight (8) !xl Woodland ~ddition to the City ot 8&111.1&, Sù1n. County, KIIIlaa8. All tor the right ot lngreal and ogres8 at party ot "'0114 pan, 1tl .orvanttl\. ottio.ra, employ... and oœtraotora tberetcre, for tho purpose ot 'oonltJ"Uoting, ..1ntain1ng, repairih,t and. rep1aoing 8..1d lewer and all c œneotiOl1I, -.nholoa iJ flush tanbJ and other appurtønano.. thw'ño. all in Aooordance with the plaÎuJ and Ipeolt1oatione now on tile in thø otttoe of the Oity Clerk of the City or Sa1 ina, which .UGh plans and specifications Ue n.re,-hy 1noorporatect her.in and_do.. part he ,'eot by' refW&Ll00. i IN i.lTNESS ¥~OF. we haT. hereunto .et ov hand on the -Y and year fir8t heroin 'WS"itten. 5TAF("~ \\dss .' 7;!!~.&-t ~c..~ ';'YJi'¡¡)Ur .,...,.....,-.\,.¡ "iv:JF~CE tE ffl ~ . ..', ~n!) F' "n.,LI , ,., ¡ hllU Iv>' 'k'" UD""UlJGUEm'°'l ¡'~AY 241949 AI ~ 7-'Í. . ~.' TATED' r.;:¡. ,~" ~'1 ~¡¡J LUU \\ l/\~JED BTAi'II or 1\AI,¡S'~\~Jd;Lt:...t.~';,~~~ / MAY 261949 COOTY OF SALnJ1f-~ ' 8y .I t, C. W. LTMN ABSTIACT CO., .. tba t on th18 ~ --- day o£ /i, d , 19". .. 1I9tJilry Publics in 8.1l 01". al ounty ,/-.""'.f!;~5::.ú'/ .. F,/ / / --' ,/} .."" ~-?"'- - ,. ~v .¿':'. ;; .//-¡ -::y /' ¡j Ú /.' /Æ.. <"/</~.. "':--t <- ,,"j . ,,;' . c;::::,-:/~, .. /;::;/ ./~ ' ,':~{:~ ,~'(;~c<r Æ"~ /"C: <'" ::iI' ':f$. betore me änd Stat., .4 to me p...onaUy knGllm to be the ... per.em. ,/ who .eouti.a the foregoing"" lJU1:t;X"II.1alIIØ1t ot W1"lting and dulY' aoknowledged ~8 fteoution of the same. ,,<, ;\ ¡¡ C ';',) ,:<~:Wl~#;.(~~1OOF I have her8'Wl1to aub8oribed my name and attixed my otfi01al ',,'~le\OJÚ~,p~~41 and year 1tut above wrltten~ .~ Yi{i~~~1f~ ~f" ']ft\, !-è9.~~\)): Olj EXPI'F"(;' & J' .' ¡.,;? / .,;:- J ""¡,!,.,,~., ,..' ,';' ' . ,."" . r /~ / / . ,j/ /~ of"".~, )¡e¿~, ,;~~~,;..~..".'t-