Administrative Brief August 26, 1977 To: From: All City Commissioners N. D. Olson, City Manager Subject: Monday, August 29,1977, Commisssion Meeting Bill Harris and Keith Rawlings both advised that you are interested in announcing your architectural selections on Monday. l, therefore, had Shaver and Bieberly present their agreements so that we would have them available for the Mayor1s signature at that time. Both of them used the Standard AlA Architect Form, so I have xeroxed for you only those pages upon which they have typed any terms or conditions. Shaver somehow thought they were getting both projects and will bring over a new page 1 prior to noon on Monday. I did not place the item on the agenda as I did not have any specific instructions that this was your intentions. Jerry (Chairman of the Seat Circus) has asked that we remind you about the 5:30 meeting with Hoover Company on Wednesday, August 31 at the Country Club. Consider yourself reminded. Floyd Mat1edge (with HUD) called me today in response to the Mayor1s call to Kilbride concerning the belated wage determinations. He again related that they IIshould be issued the first of next week", we'll see. Martha Rhea called and asked us to ask you to keep Monday, September 19, at 3:30 p.m. open to attend the dedication of the art bought for public buildings. Such dedication will only take 10 minutes and she will send formal invitations to each of you. ~lQJv