Lot 2 - 5
THIS INDEN1URE, made this / ~ day of ~-- IlL
1944, by and between ;r ~ , K ~ -4- ~ --
part+ of the first part and the CITY OF SALINA, 1ANSA.S of the second parta
WI:Œ'REA.S, the party of the seoond part, pursuant to the law8 of
the State of Kansas" has created a Lateral Sewer Benefit Distriot No. 191
which includes only Lots Two (2) to Five (5). both inolusive" in Surveyor's
Plat 'lWeI ve (12) in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, according to
the recorded plat thereof, and
'WHEREAS" the party of the second part, as provided by law, in-
tenda to and 18 going to construct an eight-inch ~teral San! tary Sewer, be-
ginning at a point One Hundred Thirty-two and one-half feet (13Zà') South of
the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot Two (2) in said Surveyorts Plat Twelve (12),
and thence Fifteen (15) teet due east thereof in Ohio Street in said City"
thence directly West Five Hundred Eighty-ti ve (585) feet to a point Forty-
tour (44) teet due east of the West line of Lot Five (5) in said Surveyor's
Plat Twelve (12), and
SO NOW THEREFORE, WItNESSETH that the part-¥- of the first part,
in oon81deration thereof and other good and valuable 0 onsi de rati on, receipt
of which 18 hereby acknowledged, doth hereby grant, bargain, .e11 and convey
unto second party an easement in, over and across a certain portion of 8aid
Benefit Distriot, on and adjacent to the line of the construction of said
.ewer, more particularly described as to1lon, to-wit.
in Surveyor's Plat TWelve (12) in the City
of Salina, Saline County, Kanaa.s,
all for the right of ingree. and egress by party of second part, its ser'VlUlts,
officers, employees and contractors therefor, for the purpose of constructing,
maintaining, repairing and replacing said sewer and all connections, manholes,
flush tanka and other appurtenances thereto, all in accordance with the plans
and specifications now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of
Salina, which such plans and speoifioations are hereby incorporated herein and
made a part hereof by reference.
rac. 2
c_...~ of k_.nt
IN \'i ¡ M~~S WrfjttlEOf. ... haft btJt'Øàw ..t WI' band on the ða1
ud Y-I" fIrst heMin "l'lt_n.
Aceì ¡.~ IEt:4h1¡!U~ l'
. " -
i$ta .. 01' 1M.. }
) ..
coum.;y or -11M)
Ie It .....-.red. tlui., oa t1d. ~ ":'1 of ~1~'!':::f,'
IM~ Mt." -. e , ~, ~(j ",Þ a uta...-" pubiS. Ui IUldro,.
a1dO....tly a. 3._, .&8 "7~ ,""-þ.. eM .
...n.. ,. --...
te .. pe"._117 )mowa to '" 'the -- pt".OD- who eÞGUWd tMtONcoing
ht.ft.1'WØ= of wt1ltDI. U1I1 duly ao1c:now14tdpd to» _~1- or \-hI --.
11 WI1WiR$$ Yì~1œ(JF'. ! haw heJ!'Wråo øbMrlMd rq na- and
am- ..., .,rt.1.al _1 011 t... da;y &ncI -. 10"" "&.. 'L. .... ...
I " .. ~o..1'7 ~v.in..'
~¥C..s...l- ~.,1". ~ "Y I t I 11- r:
THIS INVRNfUHE, _de this ....LM..-- day of
1944, by and between ~ ~
part4 of 1;he tirst part end the CI'l'Y OF SALINA., DNSAS 01' the seoond pø.r1a
1JHERF~S. the ¡::e.rty of the .eoond part, ,pursuant 1;0 thel lawlS of'
the State of Kansa8, haa created a Lateral Sewer Benefit r¡ietrlot No. 191
which include. on1;r ¡.at. '1\1ro (2) to f"i w (5), both Inclwal ve, in S:urftyor'.
Plat 1Welve (12) in the City of SalIna, Sdlne County, Kansaa, according to
the recorded plat thereof, and
VmEREA.S, the ¡4rty of the .eoond pilrt, .a provided by law, in-
tends to and is going to oonatruot an eight-inch Lateral Sanitary ~enr, be-
gl~ at a point C\I1e Hundred Tn! rty-1nro and one-halr te. t (132~') south of
the liorthe...t (NE) corner 0,(' Lot 'tWo (2) in said Surntyor'a Plat ~('welve (12),
and th.noe Fifteen (15) feet due east thereot' in Ohio ~treet in aid City,
thenoe directly 'fIe at Five Hundred Eighty-tive (585) feet to a pob'Lt Forty-
tour (44:) t..1; 4\18 .at of the West line of Lot F1ve (5) 1n ...14 8uJ"'ftyor'.
Pla,t '1Wel... (12). and
SO HOW TtJEBEFO:!E, WI'mESSB'1'fI that the part+ of the :(,1)"8t part,
1n Gonalderatloa thereof end O'ther good and valuable oOZldderatlol1, receipt
of which 1. hereby a.1mowled.¡ed, doth hereby grant, bargain, .ell and oon""y
un~o ..Gond party an eA.ement in, owr and aoro.. a ..rte.ln portion of said
Benefit Distriot, on and adjacent to the Une or the construction of said
..... r , me re
particularly de..ribed as foll~, to-witl
~ ~ ~-~ (£1)')-
~ M~"'L ill
in SurY8yor" Plat TWelve (12) in the City
of' SaliM, Saline County, Ian....,
all tor the rigbt of iDg~s and egress by ¡:any of .eoond put. 1t. eerft.Zlta.
ottloera, ..ploye.. and contractors therefor, for the purpose of eon8truotin&,
alntaining, repairing and J"eplaoinr, Baid. .....r al'Hi all oonneot10ns, manhol..,
flush taDka 8J'!d other appurtenance. thereto. all in accordance wi-th the plan.
and apeoltlo&tlon8 now on rile in 1;118 cffice 01'. the City Clerk oj> the City of'
SaUna, which such plan. Md apeclf'loationa ..re hereby lnoorporated herein and
_de.. part hereof by ref'erence.
Pap 2
CO11""~. of k....rtt
II ,*ImßS 'ftrŒREOF. we have tw.....to .et our band on the day
and year 1'11'1t :he:re1l1 written.
'( %~ fJi.¥~
sta 1:8 of IAA.. )
) ..
ctnmty 01' _lbe)
Be it ..--e:re4, tbat on ttti.
dayof' _"I
1 K . 'betore -.
. a ".17 pub1i. 1m an4 tor
aid cowa1ly ... State, 0....
~. , ..
..... T
to me per...U,. known to 'be the -- penon whe aeouted 11M f'orego1q
lanruaeø or wtllli-c. an4 duly a.knowledged tà8 ø8Utlcm of tM --.
IN nttlF..ss riHEJ!lOF, t aft he:reurrto nbeor1'bed rII'J na. aud
att1ød ay otn.1al ...1 on the ,..,. aad 1-1'1&8\ aDO"" written.
Jq <:881..1- bpi,...
- -. -
THIS INDENWRE, made this I ~ day of ~,
l~.~~ ~ ~PJ~.7-., ~
part-'::!:f of the first part and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS of the second parta
WHEREAS. the party of the second part, pursuant to the laws of
the State of Kansas, has created a Lateral Sewer Benefit District No. 191
which includes only Lots Two (2) to Five (5), both inolusive" in Surveyor's
Plat Twelve (12) in the City of Salina. Saline County. Kansas, according to
the recorded plat thereof, and
WHEREAS, the party of the second part, as provided by law, in-
tends to and is going to construct an eight-inch Lateral Sanitary Sewer, be-
ginning at a point One Hundred Thirty-two and one-half feet (132i') South cf
the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot Two (2) in said Surveyor's Plat Twelve (12),
and thence Fifteen (15) feet due east thereof in Ohio Street in said City,
thence directly West Five Hundred Eighty-five (585) feet to a point Forty-
four (44) feet due east of the West line of Lot Five (5) in laid Surveyor's
Plat iWelve (12), and
SO NOW TBEREFORE, WIWESSETH that the part.6!::L. of the first part,
in consideration thereof and other good and valuable consideration, receipt
of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby grant" bargain, sell and convey
unto second party an easement in" over and across a certain portion of said
Benefit District, on and adjacent to the line of the construction of said
âewer, more particularly described as follows, to-wit.
4:f~C4)'- n~
.~ PLÄ- ~
in Surveyor's Plat TWelve (12) in the City
of Salina, Saline County, Kansas,
all for the right of ingrees and egress by party of second part, its servants,
officers, employees and contractors therefor, for the purpose of constructing,
maintaining. repairing and replacing said sewer and all connections, manholes,
flush tanks and other appurtenances thereto, all in accordance with the plans
and specifications now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of
Salina, which such plans and specifications are hereby incorporated herein and
made a part hereof by reference.
, ,
., Þ-
Page 2
Conveyance of Ea8ement
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. we have hereunto set our hand ~on the day
and year first herein written.
State of Kansas)
County of Saline)
Be it remembered, that on this { ~ day of ;¡~ "7'
194~" before me, , a notary public in and for
:s1~if ~~~~ :;:::~
to me personally known to be the same pers°I\i.. who executed the foregoing
instrument of 1f'Í'tting, and duly acknowledged the execution of the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
subscribed my name and
ve ~ tten.
affixed my official seal on the day and year laB
My Commisoion E:<pire~ Y(, ff(t?J-.
~ .. ,,~
/ .~ ~ ( -i <, V/',< 1"/ -I' o¡ Jc
c.. . \- - '-" ð- c}'" :.t if
/ ~ THIS INDEN1UHE. _de thlo I M day.~ ~}~...., ~
'Í -. by .and be_n A. 4-. ¡;J ~ eo. ~.-
~ P~.I .
part ~ of the first part and the CIfi OF SALINA, UNSAS of the second parta
WHEREAS, the party of the second part, pursuant to the laws of
the Stat. of Kansas, haa created a Lateral Sewer Benefit T'istriot No. 191
which includes only Lota Two (2) to F'ive (5), both inolua1ve, in Surveyor's
Plat Tnl ve (12) in the City of Salina, Saline County.. Kansas, according to
the reoorded plat thereof, and
WIIEREA.S, the pañy of the 8eoond pitrt, aa provided by law. in-
tend. to and 18 going to construct an eight-inch La'teral Sanitary Sewer, be-
ginning at a point One Hundred Thirty-two and one-half teet (132l') South of
the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot Two (2) in said Surveyor's Plat 1Welve (12),
and thence Fifteen (16) teet due east thereof in Ohio Stree'b in aa.ld City,
thence directly West Five Hundred Eighty-five (585) feet to a point Forty-
tour (4.t,) teet clue eaat of the West line of Lot Fl"fl!1 (5) in said Surveyor's
Plat 'lWeI... (12), and
SO NOW T!ŒREFORE, WI'mESSE'm that the part~ of the first ¡:art,
1n conl1deratlon thereof and other good and valuable consideration, receipt
of wh1oh 18 hereby acknowledged, doth hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey
unto second party an ea8ement in, over and aoron a certain portion of said
Benefit Di8triot, on and adjacent to the line of ~}e construction of said
sewer, more
particularly described a8 to11~., to-wit.
k ~ ~ ~ (fTf)þ
in Surveyor'. Plat ~.lve (12) in the City
of Salina, Saline County. !{anaa..,
all tor the right of' lngre8. and egre.. by party of' second part, i tIS .8r'V1Ult.,
offioers, employe.. and contractors therefor. for the purpose of' oonstruoting.,
Jll&1ntainlng. repairing and replacing said sewer &rid all connectloXl.s, manholes,
tlueh tanka and other appurtenances thereto, all in accordance with the plans
and specification. now on file in the of'fice of the City Clerk of the City of
Salina, which such plans and 8peoifioations are hereby incorporated herein and
made a part hereof b~l referenoe.
Pap 2
Con....~ of :&a...nt
IS Yi1m;~¡S fJ!;l'EmJìOF. .. haft MnàW .., O\AJ" Mild on the day
and 1-1" tlrR _MU wr11Jten.
~~ C.ß ~.&1
., ... .
sta w or Ian.- )
) ..
county ot Sa1iA.)
Ie it ..........4, . t .. tRia
ð&;y tit
1M . betore -,
. .. ..." pu1)11e irk and tor
_ld County and state. ea.
..... ,.-. -
,- , . ~~-
to - :p4JJ"8œaU;y JcDown to H ~ -- pen- Who eseouwd the toreco1ng
1aùnaeô of wt"'taa. aM 4û:r...Ja::uJWled¡ed tM ø~l<m ot the ....
IB WlSSS YijiEJreOF, ! ha.ve he:NUto nbacr1Md rq nAme uti
att1øc1 my' orn 8tal ....1 on the day anð JOt' 1..., above wrl ttø.
~o\a~ pu,rrô
'JI,1 ".....1- J.spi....
..~ '-
C()ff'f¡¡tYAWO1t OF iAS'fJiE1iT
THIS IJ'DIlI1'VRE. _4e th11 ~ day Or ~~-;;~.7 þ
1*. 1»'"":,, 118- . ~ ~ r!}- -~ . , ""':"Y¥'"
-L._~~.........._----,_.,--._--.---. ~. --._--, ..-
part~ of $he :tlrlt pan .... ~ CITY 0' SALIa, JW1SAS tt the 8001\4 ¡a"""
WHERIU, ,.. pt.n, or the .eoon4 p&rt, pu'8U8.J!t to the !aWl or
the S.te of ru.",. Me oreat8d .. IA:teral ~ewer Benent Dhtrlet No. 191
whioh 1nol\1Ù8 _17 Lob '1'wo (2) to n.,. (5), both 1nolv.e1,". in Bu...-.yoJ'"
Plat 'lwei... (12) in the Ciqrof Salb_. Saline Cøœty.. lid..., accor41D.g 1;0
the recorded plat thereot'. an4
.8J'IWS. the p8.~ of the HOond ¡art;. ... provided by law" in...
wnü to and 11 p1Dc to Oon8tnWt an elp~beh Lawral Sanitar;y Sewer" be-
¡1.DÐ1q ... .. po1n~ One Huaub..41h1rtT-two .and. o.ne-œlt tNt (1:1511" South §t
... Jonbeu11;(ø, 10""" ot Lot 'fwo (I) in .&ld SUrw~r" Pla" 'Mln (11),
ud tbeDOe fttteft (Ui) t.." d1ae ..t th.~ot 1a OhiGh...., 1n hid C1~.
--heDM 41....'11 --I' Piw B1m4N4 tU.(I;ht)'-rs... (loa) r.., to .. point For\,..
'our ('") ten due ..t or ~he ....t Uno or tot Ft." (&) in ...14 SUl"ftfO1"1
Pl..t 'lWeI.,. (12). ud
SO 1(11 'DII5Ø1roa, WI'DIESSE'nI that the part-,/:- of the tirst part,
1D e.a1......ts.- ---reof aDd other good and _lu.ble oOJ1a1c1.er.Uon, reoeipt
of 81oh 1a ....by uknøwleqad, doth hereby grant. barpin, ..11 and oonwy
\U.\to ...oad part,. &:A eaHllel1't. in, owr and ....088 . ..rtt,1n portion or laid
Ben.ttt Diotl"1e't. - u4 adj...t ",0 the l1n. of 'tho oOll8tnotloD of ..1d
"'1'. .... partleularly de.orlbecl aa follows, too-wit.
"".' ~.M-_.~ ..C~._.._--
...,,~._~.~....,.....v,.,. ...,-..,.,..~".,,-....,.,.._..- -..-,-.-..-..- '-~'"
-~-.~--- .. -----
~" "--_.~
t" S""'70I". Plat !w1,.. (12) ÙI. tM Qlt;y
., $aU-. Sali.. Oouatr. faa...
.11 tor ... rip' ~ iJIIN88 øc\ oll'Mo1tJ party of" ..._cl1*~ tta .........-.
omeara, ..,l.,..a ad o_t~OP8 tMretor,. tor tho parpoae or oonat1"\lottac.
ata_I:Q1n&. ",.11'181 ... "pla.1ng oate! ....." uð aU .....ü..., _12"-010..
,.1,... ~... 8Ù ..." .PJN"'.uo.. '\1\01'8-. .11 tit .......... wt.. \he p1øl
uel. a..alti_tloa8 BOW OIl tile ia the otriM ot the CUJ7 Clerk ot ~ Ct.,,- et
Sa11_, wldoh 8.h plaaa and 8peolftoa't1au U'8 _1'8~ iMOrpofttM hereia_4
~ . pan 118NO1' 1IÞ7 Nt......
, ....'"
.' "
Page 2
Conveyance of Ea8a:m.ent
IN 'WI1'l'4"ESS WdEREO:F'. we have hereu1'11;o set our hand
on the day
and year tir8t herein written.
ste. te of f.ansas )
) n
County ot Saline)
Ba it remembered, tlw.t/~n this "yA.I dÐ.y o~ ~'..G" , '
194'i.. beforp, me.. -~~¿~ ' e. notar;y public in and tor
sai d County a!1d Sota te, c all's ~ ~ 9S ~ ~ I ~ """""
..;¿.... -~.¿~-_._- --"'" ....-.-- --,-_.- " -"---'-
-.-.. .------..-
to me persol!1!l.l1y knO1i1Il to be the same person_who executed the foregoing
instrument of wrt-ting, 8,nd duly aokD.owledged tho execution of the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and
affixed my official seal on the day and year last above written.
) ,'" "
My Co:mm.1ss1on Expire. #c.y /~ 1'lt::...6'c
-, .'
TIIIS INDENTURE. made this I ~] daY.Of .7~=-. r-
194.£:. by and between ~ ~. ~
part't- of the first part and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS of the second part.
WHEREAS, the party of the second part, pursuant to the laws of the
state of Kansas, has created a Lateral Sewer Benefit Distriot No. 191 which
includes only Lots Two (2) to Five (5) both inclusive, in Surveyor's Plat
Twelve (12) in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, according to the
recorded plat thereof, and
'WHEREAS" the party of the second part, as provided by law, intends
to and is going to constnot an eight-inch Lateral Sanitary Sewer, begiIUling
at a point One Hundred Thirty-two and one-half (l32!) feet South of the North-
east (HE) corner of Lot Two (2) in said Surveyor's Plat TWelve (12), and
thence Fifteen (15) feet due east thereof in Ohio Street in said City" thence
directly west Five Hundred Eighty-five (585) teet to a point Forty-four (44)
feet due east of the west line of Lot Five (5) in said Surveyor's Plat Twelve
(12), and
SO NOW mEREFORE, WIWESSEffi. ~at the part~ of the first part,
in consideration thereof and other good and valuable consideration, receipt
of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby grant, bargain, sell end convey
unto second party an easement in, over and aorO8B a certain portion of said
Benefit Distriot" on and adjacent to the line of the construction of said
sewer, more particularly described as follows, to-wit.
in Surveyor's Plat Twelve (12) in the City
of Salina, Saline County, Kansas,
all for the right of ingress and egress by party of second part, its servants,
officers, employees and contractors therefor, for the purpose of constructing,
maintaining, repairing and ~placing said sewer and all connections, Jœnholes,
flush tanks and other appurtenances thereto, all in accordance with the plans
.. .'
Page 2
Conveyance of Easement
and spacifica tions now on file in the office of the Oi ty Clerk of the Oi ty
of Salina, which such plans and specifications are hereby incorporated
herein and made a part hereof by reference.
IN WI TNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand
on the day
and year first herein written.
f?fffj! ç s/ ~
state of Kansas)
County of Saline)
BE IT ~ERED. that on this M day of :;~,.. tr 'Y .
194.i, before me, , a notary public in and for
said County and State, came
to me personally known to be the same person_who executed the foregoing
instrument of writing, and duly acknowledged the execution of the ~e.
IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and
I/y COJmd..sion ExPl:' 'Y{
i tt¡fj
affixed my official seal on the day and year last abo