Lot 12 - 13, Block 2 ~~" . . "",-" Misc. Book go Page~ .!70 CONVEY,\NCI~ gF EASJ:;MEl'tT THIS INDENTUHE, made this 13th day of May, 1963, by and between HIKER-MANOR, INC., a corporation duly organized, incorporated, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, and having its principal place of business and office at Salina, County of Saline, State of Kansas, of the first part, and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, of the second part; and, WHEREAS party of the second part desires to obtain an casement over, upon, and through certain land owned by the first party as hereinafter described; and, WHEREAS party of the first part is the owner in fee simple of said land and is willing to grant said second party said easement; and, SO NCW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Cne Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considera- tions, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto second party an easement in, over, and across a certain portion of land owned by the first party, more particularly described as follows: A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot Twelve (12), Block Two (2) Hiker- Manor Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas; thence north five (5) feet along the west line of said Lot Twelve (12); thence east on a line five (5) feet north and parallel to said south line of Lot Twelve (12) to the west line of Beeehwood Road; thence south ten (10) feet along the west line of said Beechwood Road to a point five (5) feet south of the Southeast Corner of Lot Twelve (12); thence west on a line five (5) feet south and parallel to the north linr of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Two (2), Riker-Manor Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas, to a point five (5) feet south of the Northwest Corner of said Lot Thirteen (13); thence north five (5) feet along the west line of said Lot Thirteen (13) to the point of beginning. for all the rights of ingress and egress of second party, its servants, officers, employees, and contractors for the purpose of constructing, installing, repairing, replacing, and maintaininG any public utilities and any other appurtenances thereto in perpetuity. ATTEST: -1/ I;; ¿/IIY-, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said party of the first part has caused this deed to be signed on its behalf by its president thereunto duly authorized so to do and to be attested by its secretary and has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year las(t .above written. sr k ' ¡\Á..<;;' ~\.N ) { ü, t.'~~1~NE sss. RIKER-MANon, ~NC. Htw f()~ ~ìJ~O IN MYDmÅ“ By ?? ~ /t?~ t ON MAY 1419~3 AT 'President ~ ! :;",. , O'CWCK!i? _.:.¿. . .' .At j\~ .ÐVLY ~~EO - . ..oFli.. ~~L.~5 0 -/ G . (J" f.t£Ds STATE CF KANSAS, SALINE COUNTY,ss: BE IT REMEIiIBERED THAT on this .l3.1b day of l\Iay, 1963, before ., Book~___Pa~ .150 -1", ..¡... .. , ,""\. .", (.~ '.-." ¡viisc. Hook 0' 0 r Pa~e J 5""; me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State aforesaid, came A ~ Riker president of Riker-Manor, Inc., a corporation, and \! T. Pi ker , secretary of said corporation, who are personally known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument of writing as president and secretary, respectively, and said A, q Piker as president of said corporation, duly acknowledged the execution of the same as president of said corporation and acknowledged the same to be the act of the corporation, and \r r Riker, as secretary of said corporation, duly acknowledged the attestation of the same as such secretary for and on behalf of said corporation, and that he affixed there- to the common seal of said corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I affixed my official seal on have hereunto subscribed my name and the day and year 1 t above/i,e,'" ritt~.n. ~. ',I , ; "" i "." ,/ . ," ;I'viy\'èóñunission Expires: Auf 7>/ . !r¡(;~ () p . go Pa~ .;75/ {V;"", Book I 1 I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I I 4 I I II 4 I I II I I I I 11.5' I I 11.5' lIS' lIS' 1 I C) I 12 ~ C) Q;) 5 Q;) -5 12 ~- -,c::~~'~.!ILlTY I I~- --'-:-,- ---~ ~ . /!cc¡://,""dj 'r?"" ~ a C) 6 I I, ":,, / 3 ~ C) 6 ~ Q;) Q;) I 1/."" Q;) ~ ",. " I I ....,J ::t: ~ ~ - Q;) 7 14 Q;) Q;) 7 14 ~ 0, 0, ~ 01 60' lIS' lIS' 60' I IS' liS' 13 NORTHWOOD ~¡ I î' I I I I I I "!"rrr,a.r"ont ;;:a$~rn'!"nt for U:;U\t\,.". H~R~n~ing at ~hÞ south w~st rorn~r of l~t 12, F]oc~ ¿. Rik~r-~anor Addition to th~ City of ;a1!na. Kansas. (l)Th@nc~ n~rth ~ fe~t a)ong ~~~ W~$t l\n~ of s~\~ lot 12, (;;)t:,enc~ ea5t on a 1 :,\ OI '.1 t !"f'.t north'lnd para1l..1 to said sl)uth¡ : n~ of Lot 1 ¿, t.o the \oI!'.S t l' n.. 0: Be",rhvOO:1 Road. (J)thenc~ south 1J fel"t alone the Wl"st ¡ in!" of ~a\~ B"ech~ood ':;oad to a PQi~t t:, f!".et ~Ollti-, of th... c;outh....st corn":- 01 LIt 12. (4)ther.cl'\oIl"st on a l~n...::; f!".fI'.t south and Dara)l,.} to tfq" nort~ }in!". of Lot l'J, Blor::~ 2, Ri).:.¡-Ma.'1or AddItIon to tr-!'" City of 5a~ inri, ¥al"sas ~-.o a t)o~TIt <, r""...t ,:;o\J~h of thl! Nortr; "'lOst r:or;¡"'r of sa);) 1ot!"I, (~,)tt1f!nrf' north r,.,.t a:ùn,; tb!'! 'Jest )jn'" of 5"11,jJol; ì! tLJ tt'",," poi,~~~ 01 :".¡:':-'r.in!', LANE ~ ~ ~ t3 ~ N 60' I SCALE-I';'/OO