Lot 3 'I ',i ~ \!isc, BooLLt ~__Page 3 ~ 3 C:"'.,\VL'id;~CL l£ L",;:'L;.ll~N'l 11) I;., INj)L:HL;hl~ , :',~.~iJL '1Ll;:' 1:ç 7. dl Y (f July, 1 (}.;):2 , I) Y ,¡;, c1 b(~tweell CLLL.:...'lIhiE Li'lL:.o. and ,\G iL5 ;,1. ~,PIL~, !¡Uc¡banJ ,,\nd ',¡iif,,:, lef ò:.>aliilil, hdn'id~3, of the first p.J,rt, ;Ljd T1L~ CI'IY ¡~F ldLlIi,'" h.N8,;L, of t11e ~'(-,ccnd part; .lI1Li, '"fiL j, E ',.:;;, party cí t )¡ c ",ücünd ;1 I't ':~r.",i~',),: tee L t1 i 1] d,r, ,J;¡:ieUC¡¡t uver, li j) U ¡~ d. C j t ]) l' U U f: h C (: rt :\ i 11 J: L 'I d C ',,' Il e c] Ly t,]", pal't'ieG of the fir.c;i ¡'<.iI"!. d.' '1(;. ein:lftc:r ,lc.icrilJcd; dnci, \.HLhL",..., t:,,: j'Jdi't ips c,f t"IC' fi::,:t lidI't ,ll'l' thc ú\Vl.cr,: in :fee :c:i.rnplc cí s'lid L,u,rj ,.lnd ire \\':111n[' tu ,;rdnt ~:did GCCC!1U l'"rty è;aid e"5t'~mcnt; <ind, ;; l, Nl \i , T lŒhLFl itL, ",I'l'm~l,;....Elh: '1 :1d t th", :Jdrties uf the first jJ èl r t i n c u n Lid (' r tic ti cf t 11 'J sl1m of One Dc)l!;ir ($1.00) dnd ether geed and vclludble ccnsldcrd,- tiC11S, rl~(;eipt of whiG!: is ¡-¡':reby ac:kncwledged, dl' by the:;': presents, GrdtJt, bargdin, s e 1 ] and C () 11 V () Y uuto secc¡¡cJ party '.1 n easement in, ever dnd dcrO:JS a certain portico ef Idnd cwt1(,;á by parties of the first part, more particuldrly described ,13 follows: 1 11 {> 1. as t 'f e í1 (1 0) f e (' t () f t )¡ e \" c ,it L i g 11 tee 0 (1 t) f¡ e t l' f Lot 'three (3) in Pershing Hcit~hts Audition tü the City of :.,alind, ::':;aline County, ¡{,ins'is, fer all the rights oJ inbrtJ'3': and egre'3 of :3UCC:ld party, its scrvdnt:J, cfíiceró:, eitlplcyees and contrd,ctur:; for t:.,c' p~¡rjJcse co¡¡,:tructi¡;t~, ,instal1inh, rcp,iiring, repl<.icing ,loci 1'1dir:tdi:¡jng any public utilities 'l11d d:iY ctljp]' '1)'purtCi'J1I1CC" theretl 'in lJ 0 l' pet u i t y . ( f IN \.I'l,~L:.-:.., l"Ll,;tLLF the: sd.id lìdrtiC',~ , .r 'J .L t 1,1; fir" t r'd i't hav,:; c ,¡ U c.' e d t I, i" d '.: e d to be " ii', :; c (1 tho day a:1ù year la:3t .;iJC'V'} hritt<.'n. ~ ~' " .~ ~~b' ;7/d e ~WÄ~- -4ff~~!~ ---.a~LL2'~; J 'lZ¿~::,,::¿~ (/ ¡/ :::1.',11. cF K.;~:..,..;;:", ~-',LINE ClUNIY,,",;: BL 1'1 hLi\lL:,:LLhLLJ that on thi'3 ,_2_n- j'lY cf Jul:?, 19C:~, LeÌcr(: It1 e, t 11 e u n oj e l' ,; i g n ed, ,1 N () tar y :" u 11 1 j c i.:J d n d fer t fj ceo !j n t y an J stdtC afcr(:said, CrUfiC CeIf.,stinc d. ;..pies ,lnu ,ignc,; II;, ;"piE's, 11 U " ]) a II d ;.lll,; Iv i fe, '>,!1 (' are pc: r" ç 11 a.] 1 y ]: r: C Iv n t c met c Let h C' :J a !II." per:; C li ~, w h (, ex e cut e d t h ':! ','I i t 11 i n i 11" t rum en t c f ',I r i tin g ;¡11.j S IJ C h persons duly ,¡c1;nc\\'l(Jd¡~Cd t;1(; :xecut:icll of the "dr.ie. I;, ".,'l'l:Ü,~',~ '" ¡;] ¡;}, (, F I ì'i-; v': t1 e r i.' U n t ( ;" C t my b ,u; d dud affixed my cfficia] seal t c u a Y d n ,1 yea rIa ~; tal, eve Vi r í t t C 11 .' £~~fL L~¡J~~",=----- ,', . ,,'.> ;~ctary PuLlic .-' . ;'¡'Y" C,)mmj.{ss:i ell - " \', ,.: LX P ire s :'t~~{! ,-'?,¿ Lcl? 6=_.. " \ Sll',lEOf KANs",£ ('.. (/Ý ) COUNTY OF $AUN~ S ~... FILED FOR RECORD IN MY {JitŒ ONJUL 1 6 1962 AT /t' r$£O'CLO~~M. AND. DULY RECORDEQ <'L /~~:::~WA.T PA.G£~ g 3 ,/7)<17 Lf-t...IiEG. Of PEED$ M l'S~ B~."nt, ... '--. VI.,>. 76 "Daçl~ 1. <;> 33 -5'ft'Y ~ vc. -e~ 1..,3 0