Block 12 // ì;": CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT '" / , THIS INDENI'URE~, m~de this/c-:: day of ,1/ / /2 ~'J1./¿'/ 1963, by and betwee~{)ff1}j" ¿ 1/'; ,//:,: ",';' , ',/4\rtJf the first part, and the City of Salina, Kansas, of ' the second part; and WHEREAS, party of the second part desires to obtain an easement over, upon and through certain land owned by the first party and hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, the party of the first part is the owner in fee simple of said land and is willing to grant said second part said easement; and SO NOW, THEREFORE, Witnessed: That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto second party an easement in, over and across a certain portion of land owned by first party, more particularly described as follows: An easement 10 feet wide through the east 100 feet of the west 200 feet of Block 12 of the Rep1at of Garden Homes Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point 100 feet north of the north line of Prescott Road and 100 feet east of the center line of Lewis Avenue extended: thence in a northeasterly direction to a point 150 feet north of the north line of said East Prescott Road and 200 feet east of the said center line of Lewis Avenue extended. for all rights of ingress and egress of second part, its servants, officers, employees and contractors for the purpose of constructing, installing, repair- ing, replacing and maintaining utilities and other appurtenances thereto in p erp etui ty . IN WITNESS WHEROF, the party of the first part has set his hand allan the day and year first written. Í) ;d A ~ ~Ì-=-- STATE OF KANSAS SALINE COUNTY )ss ) 'j / /,' -"Í / " " .~ ,/ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this i 'ì) '"'. day of ,/ /,{/, 1963, before me,~the unde~sign~, a Notary Public in and for said county and state came ., $.--' I' ""to' 11 k b h ,.:</, ,1oJ'" c' ',/ '!/'O L~/'i(' to me persona y now to e t e same person who executed the within instrument of writing, and duly acknowledge the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my mane and affixed my official seal on the day and year last written above. """ ,':<o"'\/\rj¡~,.,\ : \, , c : '- , . / , ,../;(' {- ! /!, ,,' Notary Public ',\:ì~: ~1-!;:ð'1!1:Ín~sSion Expires: " " , "';':";':'-::':0' "4'1/ " 0 0 ',,'\ ( AI) ê1JN¥; IJf -SAlINE tS$ fILED fOR RECORD IN MY OFFICE ON MA~:1 1 ~ Y-Jfì J .1\1 '-I- : c$Q...U'CWGKœM. A~ RECORDE()~ vo~l--:~ _0 J PAGE..:.' 10 - ~, . BEG, 'DEEDS ¡~ G {J~ .:t: ~ r::~ 5'7ttrJ 'a..t..~/ ~ ~~ , i / / /;/ c.-,¿/ oJ: 100 'Ii ¡ iJ7. / i " ',: ," it /, ' f CONVEYANCE OF EASEEENT \ ,',' '.' THIS INDmn;mE,.made .this " /,,'~ day of'I,//i).LA/' 1963, by and betwe8:l':1Jj;ï't'1:;{/.!n'Itf~'J,,'/u11>~.c..~f the first part, and the City of Salina, Kansas, of the seŒond part; and WHEREAS, party of the second part desires to obtain an easement over, upon and through certain land owned by the first party and hereinafter described.. and WHEREAS.. the party of the first part is the owner in fee simple of said land and is willing to grant said second part said easement; and SO NOW, THEREFORE, Witnessed: That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto second party an easement in, over and across a certain portion of land owned by first party, more particularly described as follows: An easement 10 feet wide through the west 100 feet of Block 12 of the Replat of Garden Homes Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point 75 feet north of the North line of East Prescott Road and on the center line of Lewis Avenue ext~nded: thence in a northeasterly direction to a point 100 feet north of the north line of said East Prescott Road and 100 feet east of the said center line of Lewis Avenue extended. for all rights of ingress and egress of second part, its servants, officers, employees and contractors for the purpose of constructing, installing, re- pairing, replacing and maintaining utilities and other appurtenances thereto in p erp etui ty . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has set his hand all on the day and year first written. STATE OF KANSAS SALINE C DUNn )ss ) BE IT REMEEBERED, that on this i~{A day of ~//-J(Ú,',' i, 1963, before !!l,f!i.",the undersign.ed,'", a.No,t,ary Public in and for said county and state came l:~¡f i~: L) v"¡ -1 'v (,:{ ¿'. - to me personally know to be the same person who executed the within instrument of writing, and duly acknowledge the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, , , :""I,¡official seal on the day , (',', I .,.:".::,:::;~,::.::::,:)/;: ';' /, 0 ,'"" /' , .... ~.. ~.. , [\~êh!.'~~ "~'~. ' . . .... p (... "'! ç"" ,'- ' .~ ~.,.", My Commission Expires: I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my and year last written above. " , I ,¡'. /' / '.' / (, ,,' / "') .: ~.// /-- / / / ',/ ,~' (~~ Notary Public (IV) " S1,'1"L Of X~"";> .: :: COUNT\' Of SiU.,\.~, ( Si;~, FILED FOR REOORO íN MY(JffCf ON M,A~¡ 1 :~ 1963 AT y: ,S,' ~::"'O'CtOCJ(eM. ANY OUI"Y. UI"Y REC(~DED ~A:1ÄAA "í'~ ~L-..z.-+..--oF':~,r ~Af.3E._S 7 I -r---(/ c7~_.pm "neEDS 1~ e,{l~ /,,~ .. .",", .' , .. .. L,cWJ.5 - .. . i J I .A I ~ ~ f't) V¡ Î\ V. ~ ......... ~ If ~I 6¡ -' ~ " ;r;~ I~~UJ~/TY &~Ii~ ---- ---- };;p~- --'\'\ .- - - - - ---- - ----------- ~ ~ ~ \ '\ \ I'}, )!, "'i \ \ \ ;~~.O \'\\ U:b Q \ \ , ~'J\;J tç \ \ 0 '" ... """ \ I \ '" \ \ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ / \ , ~""""-"-"-""--' çf- ~~ 1'1)" '\ 1 7?. CI) :b '\ ' !'I\ ::b~<A,' ~' (" ~'Í f\) "i ,\,~\, ~C\., 8~ \' 1" ~- ~.'~- \\ I trlOJ ,\ I í!>~~ \' ~-=-----=~~ o?~:3 - ~ ~-~~~ -, ,. f<\ ~ ~ I I I '\1 )¡) \{.II ' ¡ £ ~ ~~:t:. '- I I , J.... I\) I : ~~ : ~ I....' I 11) I VI : I W I ~~ I ~ ¡;; I': ~ IV ~ ,-i:' ~.. -5" I ..---/, " - ~£\) .... ~ ~ 13 "i ~ ~t-~.' ()¡ ~ !'!) ~ --I l"'i \J ~ I I f:,\1 ~I If, I '3t1 ", I , , <::' 'i: ~ I I ~ ç:: L. 1--4 1-( I :!J ~ 0 \J 0 ~<VI VI 11'<¡ I") \j ~ \)) ~ ~ '1 -- - s::::.. -.¡ .. ..... f'" ...... --f 't: . "---"""""" ""-.. ----- . J1I .._,-------- . .__...._-~-- -', -" \ \ / /