Comprehensive Park & Rec Study . . COMPRRHENSIVE PARK AND RECREATION STUDY SALINA, KANSAS STUDY OUTLINE Prepared By WILSON & COMPANY, ENGINEERS & ARCHI1~CTS Salina, Kansas SECTION I BACKGROUND STUDIES Relevant data will be collected and studies will be made of two principal factors having a direct bearing on a park and recreation system for the City of Salina. These two factors acc (a) Population Study and Forecast and (b) Economic Base Study and Forecast. A. Population Study and Forecast. Data shall be collected, analyzed, and projected regarding population in the City of Salina, Saline County, and the possible contributing area in and adjacent to Saline County. The regional contributing area shall be assumed to include McPherson, Rice, Ellsworth, Lincoln, Ottawa, Dickinson, and Marion Counties. The population, by age groupings, shall be determined for the population in the City of Salina and the con- tributing area. Population forecasts for the City of Salina and the contributing area shall be made. These forecasts shall be projected for 20 years in the future. Population projections for persons within . the City shall further be identified by age groupings. B. Economic Base Study and Forecast. Dáta shall be collected, analyzed, and projected regarding certain aspects of the basic econany of the City of Salina and Ihe adjacent contributing region. Personal income of persons within the area shall be studied in an attempt to forecast the anticipatedmedian income of persons in the area 20 years hence. r I \ i 1[: t t r Employment statistics shall be analyzed to detennine, and to project for 20 years, the number of persons in the City and region employed in basic employment categories. 1 SECTIUN 11 PARK AND RECREATION AREA INVENTORY - SALINA An inventory shall be made of park and recreation facilities available in the City of Salina. Included in the inventory shall be the following: A. B. C. D. Public (1) (2) Facilities provided in existing parks Facilities provided at public schools Quas i-Public (l)'. Facilities at colleges (2) Golf courses (3) Other organizations such as YMCA and YWCA Private and Commercial (1) (2) (3) (4) Bowling alleys Amusement parks Roller rinks Theaters Inventory to Include (1) Map showing, by symbol recreation area in the Table showing the type each site. Categories and number, the location of each City. of recreation facilities provided at to be limited to the following: (2) (a) Passive Recreation Facilities Arts and crafts Picnic spaces Shelter buildings Outdoor theaters Assembly halls, theaters Botanical gardens Community gardens Nature trails Arboretums Museums (seating capacity) 2 (b) Active Recreation Facilities na~;('h;¡ll rill'I.!:. :-:.,(\1',111 tÎI1'Idu Swilllluing pools Wading pools Tennis courts Golf courses Recreation Buildings (seating capacity) Tracks (run - skate - bike) , Bike trails Bridle trails Boating Camping Playground facilities for small children SECTION III - PARK AND RECREATION AREA INVENTORY - REGIONAL An inventory shall be made of park and recreation facilities available in the region surrounding Salina. These facilities shall be limited to the following: A. B. C. E. Federal Reservoirs County and City Lakes Roadsite Parks Historic Monuments A map shall be prepared indicating the location of each facility listed in A to E above. A list shall be prepared indicating the facilities available in each of the areas listed in A to E above. SECTION IV - DEMAND AND USE STUDY A demand and use study shall be made of park and recreational facilities within the City from data collected by interviews with representatives of the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Salina Park and Recreation Department Salina Public Schools Kansas Wesleyan University Marymount College Scout Executives YMCA Yl.JCA Owners or Operaters of Commercial Recreation Establishments 3 , . oSl!:C'l.'lUN v ESTABLISHMENT OF PARK AND RECREATION STANDARDS From information collected and studied in Sections I through IV above, park and recreation standards shall be established for various types of passive and active activities within the City. These standards shall be compared to those established by the National Recreation Association and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. A comparison shall be made between the established need standards and the facilities currently available in Salina and deficiencies in the existing park and recreational facilities system shall be noted. Additional facilities required to serve the community needs for the next 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, and 20 years shall be identified and described. SECTION VI IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Based on all previous study information, a 5-year park and recreation system improvement program shall be established. Proposed improvements to be developed within the first 5 year period shall be defined and estimates of cost shall be prepared. Priorities for improvements shall be suggested and methods of financing these improvements shall be explored. SECTION VII - STUDY REPORT A comprehensive park and recreational plan report shall be prepared at the completion of the study. This report shall present the results of all studies and shall include charts, graphs, maps, drawings, and written narrative material, all in sufficient detail to establish the basis for future park and recreation facility improvements in the Community. A. Preliminary Draft. 30 copies of a bound preliminary draft of the report shall be prepared for distribution to and review by all interested parties. B. Final Draft. 100 copies of the final draft of the report shall be prepared. These books shall be 8!"x 11" in size, plastic bound, and developed with graphic arts techniques compatible with the intended overall use of the report. 4 . . SEctION VIII - INFORMATIONAL BROCHURE An informational brochure or leaflet shall be prepared for wide dis- tribution to community citizens. One fhousand copies shall be printed. This document, either in the form of a 4-page brochure or fold-out leaflet shall indicate existing and proposed local and regional recreational facilities in drawing and marrative form. The graphic arts and printing techniques to be used shall be compatible with the intended use. 5