South Salina Drainage Improve CONCEPT DESIGN STUDY for SOUTH SALINA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Prepared for CITY OF SALINA SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS February 17,1994 1.1111. BUCHER, WILLIS & RATLIFF I.'I'I~ ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. ARCHITECTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T ABLE OF CONTENTS Background 1 Field Invesigation and References 1 Engineering Methods 2 Evaluation of Options 2 Recommenda tions 4 Stage-Storage for 100 Year Storm Appendix A State Board of Water Resources Appendix B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONCEPT DESIGN STUDY for SOUTH SALINA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS BACKGROUND In previous studies, ("The South Salina Drainage Study", and "Selected Drainage Improvements in South Salina") a large drainage area south of the City of Salina was identified which currently drains through the City and adds to drainage problems in town. The report "Selected Drainage Improvements in South Salina" recommended a drainage ditch along the south side of Schilling Road to intercept and divert the flow to sand pits east of Ohio Street where it would discharge into the Smoky Hill River. Changes in regulations governing the water resources in the state of Kansas have made it no longer feasible to discharge water into sand pits. This concept design study considered the feasibility of several other options for diverting water away from the city, east along the south side of Schilling Road including: detention storage, pumping over the dike, and sizing a structure through the dike to allow for the passage of the peak flow through the dike. This study was also to determine the recommended elevation for improvements to Schilling Road so that the road acts as a dike to prevent water from entering town from the south, and to set ditch grades and elevations for the proposed improvements so that the property on the north side of Schilling Road could develop and discharge storm water to the south into the proposed drainage ditch instead of north into the current city storm sewer system. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS AND REFERENCES For this report a field investigation of existing conditions was conducted to identify drainage areas, probable route for a diversion channel and location for penetration of the existing dike. The field work also included locating all drainage structures which cross the Union Pacific Railroad tracks on the west side of the drainage area to determine the drainage which may be coming from the west side of the tracks. Existing drainage structures along the dike were located and the river water surface elevation as of Dec. 7, 1993 (Elev. 1219.1) and the approximate river channel elevation (Elev. 1209) were determined. A bench run to set temporary bench mark elevations from the railroad tracks to the river was completed and the temporary bench marks were documented for use on construction. A field entrance which provides access to several oil wells near the river was identified and will require a drainage structure across the proposed diversion channel. "South Salina Drainage Study for the City of Salina, Kansas," "Selected Drainage Improvements in South Salina, Kansas," and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps as well 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I as existing contour maps of the area were used to determine drainage areas and to select the most probable diversion channel route and dike penetration. ENGINEERING METHODS Five drainage areas were identified for the study as shown in Figure 1. Drainage area (DA) 1 is an area between the Union Pacific tracks and Ohio Street which currently drains from Mentor through south and west Salina. Area 5 is the area south of Schilling Road and east of Ohio Street, and Areas 2,3 & 4 are areas of potential development with drainage to the south across Schilling Road if the diversion channel is constructed. The peak flow for the 100 year design storm for Area 1 was previously calculated and published for the study, "Selected Drainage Improvements in South Salina ". TR-55 graphical method was used to determine the peak flow and time of concentration for the 100 year design storm for the other four areas. The peak flow and time of concentration was input into the dimensionless unit hydrograph for each area and then combined, allowing for lag time in the diversion channel, to achieve the composite hydro graph as shown in Figure 2. The existing contour maps indicate a low area which would act as a natural detention area, as shown in Figure 3, if the grade on Schilling Road were raised. The detention area is large enough to hold approximately 12 inches of runoff from the entire drainage area with zero discharge. A 100 year storm would result in approximately 5 inches of runoff. Currently the grade elevation on Schilling Road in the study area is generally 1238.00 until it reaches the dike. The grade on Schilling Road should be raised to a minimum elevation of 1246.00. The proposed grade as shown in Figure 4 raises the Schilling Road to 1246.50 from the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to Ohio Street, and raises the grade to 1246.00 from Ohio Street to the Dike. This will require approximately 2000 feet of grade changes and resurfacing on Ohio Street as shown in Figure 5. The grade changes in Ohio Street will be completed under a separate road improvement project. The current elevation of Schilling Road between the Union Pacific Railroad track and Ohio Street will provide more than adequate protection for a 100 year storm. EVALUATION OF OPTIONS Four options for handling the runoff were identified as listed below. 1 Pump entire runoff over the dike. 2 Construct structure through the dike large enough to pass the peak flow. 3 Use staged storage and gravity discharge to pass the flow through the dike with a smaller structure and detention. 4 Use a combination of staged storage and pumping to pass the water through the dike in low flows and pump over the dike when the river is at the 100 year flood elevation. 2 I =,r¡' .~ i", ~~- 245 HI -/2..1 I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I 1.:,Q ~- '0',=313,,:. DA 2 80 Ac Q100=126Cfs 1245 ...~.,o~~t+~~:¡c;~.¡;: -- .. - -~~-'U . - <{ u=c-.!. - Q.. ~ /2..7 - --7" . r-.. / -/' ~--- (1)' ::) ~ ,~,~_o=~~~- DA 1 909 Ac Q10o""286cfs 1248 0 '~A' 1252 0 . =\, /252 12 I~================ 8M FARRELLY ¡~D. " H " " " " ===============.!l!1 1256 13 /266 " II II II II II 'II II II II II II II ~=" " " "0 :: Oil ells II II " ::" " II II II " II . - ,,'- - ,~JI M~TOR "D~3 II " '11 " !I 'I -;:, 0' 0 ¡ 8t\ /259 1 ,~ 262 " Il \. -- ., , "" DRAI 1239 ',,- -----,,/ ( \. '\\ 'W '\\~ \~7 ':1" \, " ,,'~.,-.' cß-,' ' >:\,;::.v: ,~~~~ . ~\ - /24/ ' ---- , ---- ~ WE 2:4 /237 1297 DA 3 80 Ac ~OO=196cfs DA 4 80 Ac Q100=289Cfs x ~. ~ :;". - f'~,: ,0 \~ Ii 'l ~~\I\I \, ~ .. 'lb~-i~J'.\~ 1203, ,~:';:_, 'J " . .,,;~ ' c~ ~ . ,= ~'. r ~.~.. I ~); ':'" ,';=:-' ':':---':.--C!) ,( - ) II \ " 1254 .:-:;..~."o \, 1254:',:' 1244 . 0 " ... ~========" 0 - 2: 0 12..8 .. , . /"250 ------ . /255 '-"- .N.-, 23' \\,~ :.' \:r, ,- it:" ,t" I; - :1 Ii.. II IDA 5 535 Ac Q10o=63~cfS 'i~~~'" /330 .~ / Sandpits i // /~/ :7 I 0 ,~ /2..6 "J ..__0-." 1263--- ~ . ,\ ',.; Pit 111253 II II " II II II II , \ ~ _on_--:------ .-.. _0 '-"--'" , ) //:, f>-Z ß /1258,' 1Á>°'?/' !/~ 0 ,/ ) 'I I " ~ /:". 'T"--~ "\ :.., / -.....,,/ p~ 1253 (ì \. " l .. ' " , :'. /260 '126/ .--"ø~~' " ¡.¡j-'258 "1262 .\ ~ :: II" 0 ~' ," u ' " MAP=='~====~~';'- II~ . it crn FIG. #1 ::~""..,,"'¥..Il Il II /265l/~, \ :: ,../ 0\ AGE AREA ------------------- 900 8001 700 -- 600 (/) ...... E- 500 ~ 400 ~ 300 :r: 0 200 (/) 0 100 0 AREA #1 -n - Ci) . ~ I\) COMPOSITE HYDROGRAPH FOR 100 YEAR STORM TOTAL ./---- AREA 5 /--'--- " ..~Bê~ 1 // '--- " -¡-TT1-¡ I I I \ I. \ 1 r-¡"\ I 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 2.00 6.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 26.00 30.00 TIME (hrs) AREA #3 AREA #4 AREA #2 AREA #5 TOTAL ""~',' ';",.""", ,,' 'i';" 4 37XI I ,.... . t- ~' , ît \,,< ):Þ",;': ,:",~ ','" ',' ','!\'; 'iJ'- ;'; t'~'t >¡'- " ,jlf'-fc' -/ "'Ii" '," . ., 51XO 34X2 D- ie:( \;E a: ::> 0 I- Z 0 0 e:( w a: e:( w ~ e:( Z - e:( a: c , , ,~ -.:J =è" ----,--_. 49XO -~~ -,,' - 46X5 ~ t, J 47X~ . .,:J~" "'; , ,'1;5* \~" r,'~,;,f .:."" c::c.cc,:-cc m- ----- 46xI '~, 7t:~"~""",.",~"",-.,,., , ':':-. ,:' ';i" M ~ . CJ - u. ) "-- :;;: ,'" \ \ ~, êO' '" ,,'-., ~_. '" <: 49XO . ~~; i oQt\ ~--k ( "'0' ~ 41X3 -, I (------ . " 47XI 47X2 I I I I I I I I 1250.00 1245.00 1240.00 1235.00 lIE Ii a: :) 0 0 + 0 1250.00 1245.00 1240.00 1235.00 1230.00 1225.00 1220.00 w Z - ... ::a: to) ~ 2 EL.-1245.25 EL.-1246.50 EL.-1246.50 III Z - ... ã ~ :I EL-1246.00 0 0 + 0 (II) 'EL.-1246.00 1210.00 ," I I I , , I EXISTING GROUND ~--------------------\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PROPOSED ROAD GRAVE L SURFACE / ./ III ..."./ ~ EXISTING ROAD -------- --- a ---------------- PROPOSED ROAD - PAVED SURFACE ~ I PROPOSED ROAD -------- - - --eXISTINGRõÃD- -- - ~--- GRAVEL SURFACE -- -....... "" ..... ..... ""----- -- 0 0 + II) ~ -0.10% II. DITCH-1238.00 0 0 + 1ft 0 0 + 0 ".. 0 0 + 0 N . .... (I) 0 0 0- 0 1IIt::a: + + 0 1ft 4D....J N N \,ill"'" 0 0 + 1ft ".. -0.10% If.. DITCH-1230.08 { DITCH-1233.50 0 0 + 0 II) 0 0 + II) II) 0 0 + 0 CD 0 0 + II) CD 0 0 + 0 .... 1245. 00 1240.00 1235.00 If.. DITCH-12aa.10 0 0 + 8ft (II) 0 0 + 0 lilt 0 0 + 10 lilt 0 0 + II) .... 0 N + œ .... 'I. DITCH-1208.96 0 0 + 0 CD 0 0 + 0 0 ".. 0 0 + II) CD 0 0 + 0 0) 0 0 + II) 0) SCHILLING ROAD PROFILE 1250.00 1241.00 1248.00 1235.00 1230.00 1225.00 1220.00 1215.00 1210.00 1205.00 FIG. #4 - - - - -----~-------- --- - --- 1245.00 - - - PROPOSED ROAD 1245.00 1240.00 -- 1235.00 1230.00 1225.00 1220.00 "11 - Q . :tt= (II 0 0 + 0 C') - -- EXISTING ROAD 0 0 + 1ft C') 0 0 + 0 .... 0 0 + 1ft .... - - - - 0 0 + 1ft 1ft 0 0 + 0 CD . Q II: CJ Z :; ..J % u U) 0 0 + 0 1ft OHIO STREET PROFILE - - - 1250.00 1240.00 1235.00 1230.00 1225.00 1220.00 0 0 + 1ft CD - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This option was not given serious consideration because pumping the entire flow over the dike would be cost prohibitive and impractical. It was held as a last resort if no other option could be found. Option 2 - Construct structure large enough to pass peak flow through the dike. To pass the peak flow through the dike would require a structure the size of a triple 9'x5' box bridge. This would also require control gate installation to prevent the river from backing up through the bridge. A gate installation for a structure this size would be very costly. An equivalent size bridge structure downstream at the field entrance would also be necessary to allow access to the oil wells and the wheat fields. Option 3 - Staged storage. With the natural detention from constructing Schilling Road to an elevation of 1246, there is 1500 acre feet of storage available with water surface elevation at 1246. At water surface elevation 1244 there is 885 acre feet of storage available. The water surface at elevation 1244 will remain largely within the confines of the ditch and detention area with only a minimal encroachment onto existing farm land to the south. The calculated runoff from a 100 year design storm is approximately 670 acre feet. The 100 year river flood elevation from the flood insurance maps is 1242 at the location of the proposed penetration through the dike. With the amount of storage available, staged storage with a small discharge structure through the dike is a cost effective option. Inflow hydrographs were routed through a 60 inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) to generate an inflow/outflow hydro graph as shown in Figure 6. Stage storage tables included in Appendix A show that a 60 inch RCP would allow a peak discharge of approximately 219.6 cis and would have a water surface elevation of 1238.4 in the detention storage basin. The 100 year composite hydrograph was also routed through the detention storage assuming the river at its 100 year flood stage elevation 1242 and the water surface in the detention equal to the river elevation as shown in Figure 7. The water surface in the detention will rise to an elevation of approximately 1243.4 with a discharge rate of 138.5 cis. At 100 year flood elevations, drainage areas 2, 3 & 4 will not be able to drain across Schilling to the south. These areas should be required to have detention storage to store a 10 year storm, and water will have to be pumped across Schilling Road when high water conditions exist. This is anticipated to occur only on rare occasions when the river elevation is up and additional rainfall fills the available storage. Option 4 - Staged storage with portable pumps to assist in flooding conditions. With the amount of storage available, it is not practical to pump the main detention area at any time. With the river at its 100 year flood elevation at 1242 and the detention basin equalized to 1242, there is still 553 acre feet of water in storage. A single 1500 gpm pump would take 95 days pumping 24 hours per day to empty the basin. Multiple 3 ------------------- 900 800 700'. -- 600 C/) u... 0 500 - ~ 400" 0 .....J 300" LL 200' 100 0 "'11 - G) , =M: CÞ INFLOW & OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPHS FOR A 100 YEAR STORM ROUTED THROUGH A 60" RCP ---------------'~L.Q~TFLO~_..__.- ........ _.-- _. ',,-- \ ",--- 1.- ----------------------------ï-____C- -_cL;;;;". - ___1- I ---- 30.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 TIME (HOURS) ---. INFLOW (CFS) OUTFLOW (CFS) ------------------- - C/) LL () - 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 ~ 0 ....J LL "T1 - Q . ~ ..... INFLOW & OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPHS FOR A 1 00 YEAR STORM ROUTED THROUGH A 60" RCP WITH A CONSTANT TAIL WATER ELEVATION OF 1242.00 COMPOSITE ~- OUTFLOW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pumps would drain it more rapidly however, it would be even more costly. At elevation 1242, the water volume is completely stored within the detention basin and diversion channel and will cause no property damage, therefore it is recommended to store the flow until the river recedes and then release it. There is ample storage above elevation 1242 to provide protection from additional rain. RECOMMENDATIONS Option 3 - Staged Storage and Discharge is the recommended option with the proposed improvements as shown in Figure 8. The profile for the 20' flat bottom diversion channel is shown in Figure 4 with the Schilling Road Profile. The budget cost estimate for the improvements is itemized in Figure 9 and has a project cost of $1,029,373. The proposed improvements will have a typical section as shown in Figure 10 and will require a control structure through the dike with a flap gate and sluice gate as shown in Figure 11 in accordance with Corp of Engineers' Standards. Areas 2, 3 & 4 will need storm sewer designs and detention storage compatible with these improvements. They should drain across Schilling Road to the south and have head walls with flap gates to prevent backflow through the City of Salina. 4 - - ---------- 'IU.. iWiI,."."."."',, "",ll I,,' '" .,.",j,""..,...,.,.,...,...,.."..,., ',...'" I ==~==================~"\'~,'" -,,",-""~..,' """"'" ',,"',; ~ ~ ,j "-f r ,:'10" '. "J"'" , ..d 1'1 ~'-'-" ,,~,.. 'I: " ~'] -+: ';"~,l.!~:.;~;¡\;':' , '\ : "..:.JI- ~r L~VEE OUTLET ~23'" I,' .' 6',~(~'X,5""",,~' R B, (~,II "CONTROL STRUCTURE I /'~-"-'II 1\\ '\~,_L_=!,A: ¡ // I DA 2 '" I.QA 3 I DA 4 , , Vi Substation - '1"', '( ", '\ - Drive,in Thett~I, . " 35 ", ,- 'j /2..3 '--' /, ..:.t '" '" ... ((~J .'~':"",,",,',,'" "', ,'" E!, ,:' ", ,~; ".. r-.- ¡ SCHILLING RD. I I /253 I) ') (,,' ,II II -n I: - lP ~ ~ "/256 ~(X) )'4 11' '~~r~ I /1 8M B f1ß' III ~248 J;, " II , II : (( " 1/ , " : 1/, " 1/ / ,=~ ,/ ~ --- ._J'I!:~.~~, .~~,~,l~~~ . ,-". "'""',] ~ú;- /247 ~\ \ ) J'/oli/l, li N , "-\, /252112'~=--cc-\,J- /252 WATER WELL RD. JM /255 :: 11256 II II ,!=== ¡i a II ',: (B!~ -===m_=====,)J "113 II', - - - , /237 .., \ \ 0\ =======\==' , " """...... ...... 1248 \ ) , t.:, DA 5 I' f50- . 1", .'~R,~~tfJ,~,_. ..." "",;.-:--¡,~ ) / "",;,~,'.,I) /" ~' ((:;;'"1:i:(~~.~~:' 'I' "Ii {~ , "';J'I/,':¡-"/"",-" 1-""", I'll II, ".; "~ I "'\- > :~:-::-- t, ,I/,f', I \ / ""----~, , I ' '-. , 'I " 7 '~' '\" I /252 ft5' , ' , "'~~~", II d~." ' , .'" ~~1'\ , , ,~ ~ ~ /252 ¡",-, "', ' i/ I ~ L, Ii ) '~~~, «r;'~1 ~ ,~! PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS~- ? ,~, 0 :E: 1/252 - 0 en -t . (~.}3V~69 ~" ) /25.. \ 1\ ,lì2s3 II II II II II II II, Pit }l ii , J , I - - - ) I I \-¡ c;"b=~~-:, . , ' 'r' . \, . /322 i ) ( j(tl=; /( ¿ . ~,::.i,~'/ j ,") : " / I / . ,ç~==O'=-iìl-~/~ ., . ( iN 11,0 / . / /1 I 11(, r \ ) /-.../ ./ ( ----~...-,_. - ---"/296--r- r ) I Schilling Road Drainage Cost Estimates I Item Quantity i Units Unit Cost i Sub-Total I i I Earth Work Common Excavation 198,278 cy $2.50 $495,695 I Embankment 68,934 cy $0.50 $34,467 $530,162 I Drainage Structures I 6'x6'x59' RCS 1 each $12,840.00 $12,840 60"x127' RCP 127 LF $140.00 $17,780 Drainage Control Structure 1 each $3,462.00 $3,462 I 5'x5'x62' RCS 1 each $10,827.00 $10,827 $44,909 I Surfacing I Ohio St. to dike (Light Type Surfacing) 2,099 cy $18.00 $37,778 Ohio St. (Asphalt Surfacing) 52 tons $45.00 $2,340 I $37,778 I Construction Cost $612,849 I Engineering Fees $61,000 Const. Engineering $61,000 $122,000 I I Right-at-Way Right-of-way 27 acre $600.00 $16,200 I Easment 161 acre $450.00 $72,450 $88,650 I Sub Total $823,499 I 25 %Contingency $205,875 Total $1,029,373 I I FIG. #9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I > ; I I&. 0 I to- % CI æ w ~ 2 )( 0 a: G. G. e > ; % a to- e e 0 ~ a: 0 N w z :J CIa !z to-:) !!O >ea: wCJ I I I , I I I I I I I I I ." I ". I I I I I I I I I J I I ( I I I I l \ ~. \ '.. z 0 - t- O W U) ~ c( 0 - D. > t- FIG. #10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I w ~ CJ A. C ..J u... w Q ¡¡ II: W > æ W II: ~ .. u ::) II: .. fn ..J 0 II: .. Z 0 U w .. c CJ w u 5 ..J (I) w ~ - Q t ~ 0 .oJ u... 1ft ca . ca N N ... . 0 I @) I:L U II: W ...I - &L 0 a:: a- t- W ...I t- ::) 0 W W > W ...I . 0 co CD 0 . 0 C') N ... . ..I W FIG. #11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 APPENDIX A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STAGE-STORAGE FOR SCHILLING ROAD DRAINAGE STUDY 100 YEAR STORM ROUTED THROUGH A 60" RCP i ! ¡ DELTA I CUMULATIVE I SURFACE: WATER i ¡ TIME I INFLOW I OUTFLOwl STORAGE I STORAGE i AREA, SURFACE I I (HOURS) I (CFS) I (CFS) : (AC-FT) I (AC-FT) ! (AC) : EL (FT) ! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 1230.2 0.50 384.21 96.07 11.91 11.91 7.9 1235.2 1.00 564.29 172.45 16.19 28.10 24.2 1236.1 1.50 779.09 206.32 23.67 51.77 42.8 1236.8 2.00 819.28 231.45 24.29 76.06 56.1 1237.3 2.50 703.74 232.26 19.48 95.54 64.0 1237.6 3.00 523.23 232.85 12.00 107.54 69.3 1237.8 3.50 367.24 233.18 5.54 113.08 72.0 1237.9 4.00 318.29 233.35 3.51 116.59 72.0 1237.9 4.50 298.72 233.46 2.70 119.29 74.6 1238.0 5.00 294.56 233.56 2.52 121.81 74.6 1238.0 5.50 301.03 233.66 2.78 124.59 74.6 1238.0 6.00 302.29 233.76 2.83 127.42 76.1 1238.1 6.50 299.95 233.86 2.73 130.15 76.1 1238.1 7.00 289.26 233.96 2.29 132.44 76.1 1238.1 7.50 280.84 234.04 1.93 134.37 76.1 1238.1 8.00 273.99 234.10 1.65 136.02 77.6 1238.2 8.50 262.49 234.16 1.17 137.19 77.6 1238.2 9.00 244.10 234.18 0.41 137.60 77.6 1238.2 9.50 226.35 234.19 -0.32 137.28 77.6 1238.2 10.00 204.01 234.16 -1.25 136.03 77.6 1238.2 10.50 177.32 234.09 -2.35 133.69 76.1 1238.1 11.00 151.99 233.98 -3.39 130.30 76.1 1238.1 11.50 131.56 233.84 -4.23 126.07 74.6 1238.0 12.00 114.88 233.67 -4.91 121.16 74.6 1238.0 12.50 100.10 233.48 -5.51 115.65 72.0 1237.9 13.00 88.25 233.26 -5.99 109.66 69.3 1237.8 13.50 78.47 233.03 -6.39 103.27 66.7 1237.7 14.00 70.44 232.79 -6.71 96.56 64.0 1237.6 14.50 62.41 232.53 -7.03 89.53 61.4 1237.5 15.00 54.91 232.27 -7.33 82.20 58.7 1237.4 15.50 47.76 231.99 -7.61 74.59 53.4 1237.2 16.00 41.16 231.70 -7.87 66.72 50.8 1237.1 16.50 36.76 231.40 -8.04 58.67 48.1 1237.0 17.00 32.36 227.75 -8.07 50.60 42.8 1236.8 17.50 28.62 216.22 -7.75 42.85 34.8 1236.5 18.00 25.32 205.16 -7.43 35.42 29.5 1236.3 18.50 22.02 194.55 -7.13 28.29 24.2 1236.1 19.00 19.40 184.39 -6.82 21.47 19.8 1235.9 19.50 16.78 166.45 -6.18 15.29 11.3 1235.4 20.00 14.74 145.07 -5.39 9.90 4.5 1235.0 20.50 13.09 116.68 -4.28 5.62 3.2 1234.0 21.00 11.44 75.03 -2.63 2.99 2.3 1233.1 21.50 10.23 45.99 -1.48 1.51 1.5 1232.3 22.00 9.02 27.76 -0.77 0.74 1.0 1231.7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I STAGE-STORAGE FOR SCHILLING ROAD DRAINAGE STUDY 100 YEAR STORM ROUTED THROUGH A 60" RCP i i ! I DELTA I CUMULATIVE I SURFACE I WATER ! I TIME INFLOW i OUTFLOW! STORAGE I STORAGE AREA I SURFACE I I HOURS CFS i CFS : AC-FT i AC-FT . AC ¡ EL FT 22.50 7.94 15.78 -0.32 0.42 0.5 1231.0 23.00 7.06 9.83 -0.11 0.30 0.4 1230.8 23.50 6.18 7.53 -0.06 0.25 0.3 1230.7 24.00 5.43 6.29 -0.04 0.21 0.3 1230.6 24.50 4.72 5.42 -0.03 0.18 0.2 1230.5 25.00 4.11 4.70 -0.02 0.16 0.2 1230.5 25.50 3.67 4.12 -0.02 0.14 0.2 1230.4 26.00 3.23 3.64 -0.02 0.12 0.2 1230.4 26.50 2.93 3.24 -0.01 0.11 0.2 1230.4 27.00 2.66 2.92 -0.01 0.10 0.2 1230.4 27.50 2.40 2.64 -0.01 0.09 0.1 1230.3 28.00 2.13 2.37 -0.01 0.08 0.1 1230.3 28.50 1.86 2.10 -0.01 0.07 0.1 1230.3 29.00 1.59 1.83 -0.01 0.06 0.1 1230.3 29.50 1.34 1.58 -0.01 0.05 0.1 1230.3 30.00 1.11 30.50 0.88 31.00 0.65 31.50 0.42 32.00 0.18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIII BUCHER, WILLIS & RATLIFF 11'1'1"" ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. ARCHITECTS February 1, 1994 Shawn O'Leary, P.E. Assistant Director of Engineering Engineering Department 300 West Ash P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 RE: Schilling Road/South Salina Drainage Improvements BWR Job No. 93-403 City of Salina Purchase Order No. 9300241 Dear Shawn: I am forwarding a copy of the information we received from the Division of Water Resources regarding pennits and approval for the Schilling Drainage Project. Please call if you have any questions and we can discuss this. Sincerely, BUCHER, WILLIS & RATLIFF Glenn D. Knak:, P.E. GD KId 1 Enclosure . 609 WEST ~ORTH STREET. SALINA. KANSAS 6ì401-2064. 913/82ì-3603. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KANSAS STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Phillip .1., Fishburn, SecretJf\' DIVISION OF WATER RESOVRCES DJ\'id L. Pope, Chief Engineer- Director (,)01 S, K;¡,nsas Avenue, Second Floor Topeka. K;¡,nsas 66612-1283 ()13, 296-3ïlï FJX (9131 296.11ï6 January 31, 1994 MR GLENN D KNAK PE BUCHER WILLIS & RATLIFF 609 WEST NORTH STREET SALINA KS 67401-2064 Re: Permit/ Approval Requirements Drainage Improvement Project Trib. to Smoky Hill River & Dry Creek Saline County WSN: CSA-OO33 Dear Mr. Knak: This is in response to your letter of December 21, 1993, which requested the determination of permit/approval requirements for a proposed diversion ditch south of the City of Salina. This diversion ditch would be located south of Schilling Road for a distance of approximately 2 miles. The ditch would be situated in the NE 14 of Section I, Township 15 South, Range 3 West, and in the N 1/2 of Section 6 and the NW 14 of Section 5, Township 15 South, Range 2 West, Saline County, Kansas. Our review of the proposal finds that the following permits or approvals are required from the Chief Engineer of this agency: I !I I I , '""I ".on",\1 ,," "" 1. The drainage areas in Area I and Area 2 are both more than 320 acres. This makes the area subject to the jurisdiction of the Chief Engineer of this agency under K.S.A. 82a-301 to 305a. The proposed diversion ditch will change the direction of natural flow for run-off from the two areas. The drainage ditch will also dump into the Smoky Hill River where it will likely require some modification to the floodplain and bank of the river. Any outfall structure or ditch which intersects the bank of the stream will require a permit under K.S.A. 82a-301. An application, application supplement, and plans which meet the requirements of the enclosed regulations should be submitted to the Chief Engineer for approval as early as possible. A sample set of plans for a channel change is enclosed. The proposed diversion ditch intersects or passes through the flood control levee at the east edge of Section 6. This levee is a local protection flood control levee constructed by the Corps of Engineers for the City of Salina. You will need to obtain permission from the Corps of Engineers and the City to modify the levee. The levee project has previously been approved by the Chief Engineer in accordance with K.S.A. 24-126. The modifications to the levee must be approved as a modification to the approved plans. The plans for modifications should be submitted to the Chief Engineer with a request for approval of revised plans. 2. 2~6.4623 2%.608 I ,),!¡co 'w"os W"o'"ructuros 2%.2658 :%.2~33 '.\'"or R,.hts 'octlon :96.34~5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II Mr. Glenn D. Knak. P.E. WSN: CSA-OO33 Page 2 This proposed project must go through the environmental review required by K.S.A. 82a-325 to 327 before approval can be given. The application and plans should be prepared and submitted as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delay in obtaining a permit. JAH:cb Encl. pc: Mr. Leonard B. Bristow Very truly ~ours' ,1 ~~/o.~ ." John A. Henderson, P.E. ( ) Water Structures Engineer - Kansas River System Unit Supervisor I I OBSTRUcnONS IN STREAMS K.S.A. 82&-301 to 305a I 82&-301. Permit or consent of chief en2Íneer reQuired to construct dams or other water obstructions: excePtions. Without the prior written consent or permit of the chief engineer ot the division ot water resources ot the state board ot agriculture, It shall be unlawful for any person. partnership, aSlOCiation. corporation or agency or political subdivision ot the state government to: \a) Construct any dam or other water obstruction. (b) make, conauuct or permit to be made or constructed any change in any dam or other water obstruction. (c) make or permit to be made any change in or addition to any existing water obstruction. or (d) change or diminish the course, current. or cross section of any stream within this state. Any application for any permit or consent shall be made in writing in such torm as specilied by the chief engineer. Jetties or revetmenu for the purpose of stabilizing a caving bani: which are properly placed shall not be construed as obstructions tor the purposes of this section. History: L. 1929. ch. 203, Sec. I; L. 1978. ch. 431. Sec. 6; April II. I I 82&-301a. Exclusive renlation and supervision of daOl8 and other water obstructions by chief enl!ineer. It is the intent of the legislature by this act to provide for the exclusive regulation of construction, operation and maintenance of all dams or other water obstructions by the state to the extent required for the protection of public safety. All dama or other water obstructions are declared 10 be under the jurisdiction of the diviaioo of water resources of the state board of agriculture and the chief engineer thereof. The chief engineer or his or her authorized representative shall supervise the construction. modification. operation and maintenance of dams or other water obstructions for the protection of life and property. History: L. 1978, ch. 431, Sec. I; April II. I 82&-302. Same: maps. plans. profiles and specifications to accompany application. Each application for the consent or permit required by K.S.A. 821-301 shall be accompanied by complete maps, plans. profiles and specifications of such dam or other water obstruction. or of the changes or additions proposed to be made in such dam or other water obstruction. and such other data and information as the chief engineer may require. History: L. 1929. ch. 203, Sec. 2; L. 1978, ch. 431. Sec. 7; April II. I I 821-303. Same: conditions to permits: unlawful acts. The chief engineer of the division of water resources shall have power to grant or withhold such consent or permit or may incorporate in and make a part of said consent or permit such lerms. conditions and restrictions as may be deemed by him or her advisable. It shall be unlawful 10: (a) Construct or begin the construction of any dam or other water obstruction, or (b) make or begin any change or addition in any dam or other water obstruction, except in accordance with the lerms. conditions and restrictions of such consent or permit. and such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the chief engineer ot the division of water resources. History: L.1929,ch.203.Sec.3; L. 1978,ch. 431,Sec. 8: April II. I I 82&-303a. Rules and renlations by chief eDl~ineer. The chief engineer of the division of water resources of the state board of agriculture shall adopt and may from time to time amend rules and regulations in order to establish standards for the construction. modification. operation and maintenance of dama and other water obstructions and to administer and enforce the provisions of this act. History: L. 1978. ch. 431. Sec. 2; April II. I 82a-303b. Insøection of dams by chief enl!ineer: access to private property; costs of insPection. In order to secure conformity with adopted rules and regulations and to assure compliance with the terms. conditions or restrictions of any consent or permit granted pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 821-301 to 821-303, inclusive. and any amendment thereof. the chief engineer or an authorized representative of the chief engineer shall have the power and it shall be his or her duty to inspect any dam or other water obstruction. For the purpose of inspecting any dam or other water obstruction. the chief engineer or an authorized representative of the chief engineer shall have the right of access to private property. Costa for any work which may be required by the chief engineer or the authorized representative prior to or as a result of the inspection of a dam or other water obstruction shall be paid by the owner, governmental agency or operator thereof. History: L. 1978. ch. 431, Sec. 3; April II. I 82&-303c. Violations of conditions or restrictions of permit or of rules and rentations; orders of chief enl!ineer; remedial measures; emelYency situations. (a) Whenever the chief engineer finds that; (I) The construction. modification. operation or maintenance of a dam or other water obstruction is in violation of adopted rules and regulations or of terms. conditions or restrictions of a permit or consent granted by the chief engineer or, (2) conditions exist in the construction, modification. operation or maintenance of a dam or other water obstruction which may present a hazard to the public's safety, he or she shall issue an order to require the correction of any such violation or condition existing in the construction. modification, operation or maintenance of a dam or other water obstruction by the owner or operator thereof. An order may be issued to require the removal of a dam or other water obstruction. The order shall contain the chief engineer's findings concerning any violation or conditions existing and shall prescribe the corrective action to be taken. (b) Whenever the condition of any dam or other water obstruction ia so dangerous to the safety of life or property as not to permit lime for the issuance and enforcement of an order relative to construction. modification. maintenance or operation thereof, or, the passing of inuninent floods threaten the safety of any dam or other water obstruction. the chief engineer shall immediately employ any remedial means necessary to protect the safety of life or property. The chief engineer shall continue in full charge and control of any such dam or other water obstruction until the same is rendered safe or the emergency occasioning the remedial action has ceased. History: L. 1978, ch. 431, Sec. 4; Aprilil. I I I K.S.A. 821-304. Same: excCDtions. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any dam which impounds thirty (30) acre feet of water or leu. History: L. 1929, ch. 203, Sec. 4; L. 1933, ch. 330, Sec. I; L. 1978, ch. 431, Sec. 9; April II. 821-305. History: L. 1929. ch. 203, Sec. 5; L. 1945, ch. 389, Sec. I; Repealed, L. 1978, ch. 431. Sec. 10; April 11. I I 82&-305a. Unlawful acta: penalties; injunction. (a) Any person. partnership, association. corporation or agency or political subdivision of the alate government who violates any provision of this act or of any rule and regulation or order issued pursuant thereto shall be deemed guilty of a clau C misdemeanor. Each day that any such violatioo occurs after notice of the original violation is served upon the violator by the chief engineer by restricted mail shall constitute a separate offense. (b) Upon request of the chief engineer. the attorney general shall bring suit in the name of the state of Kansas in any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin (I) the unlawful construction. modification. operation or maintenance of sny dam or other water obstruction, or (2) the unlawful change or diminution of the course. cUrTCnt or crou section of a river or stream. Such court may require the removal or modification of any such dam or other water obstruction by mandatory injunction: History: L. 1978. ch. 431, Sec. 5; Aprilil. I I DWR 2-600 (Rev. 03130/93) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INDEX K.A.R. 5-40-1. 5-40-2. 5-40- 3 . 5 -40-4 . 5-40-5. 5 -40-6 . 5-40-7. 5-40-8. 5-40-9. 5-40-10. 5-40-12. 5-40-13. 5-41-1. 5-41-2. 5-41-3. 5-41-4. 5-41-5. 5-41-6. 5-42-1. 5-42-2. 5-42-3. Rules and Regulations K.S.A. 82a-301 to 305a Division of Water Resources Kansas State Board of Agriculture ~ Definitions Dams; plans and specifications 2 Specifications 5 Preparer of maps, plans, profiles and specifications 5 Determining capacity of reservoir 5 Waiver and stricter requirements 6 Other maps, plans, profiles, data and specifications 6 Application 6 Adoption by reference - Engineering Guide I 6 Adoption by reference - Engineering Guide II 6 As built drawings 6 Safety inspections 6 Channel changes; plans and specifications Channel changes; water velocity Channel changes; side slopes 7 7 7 Channel changes; construction by erOSIon 8 Channel changes; disposal of excavated material 8 Channel changes; vegetative strips on new channels 8 Stream obstruction; plans and specifications 8 Stream obstruction; minor 9 Stream obstruction: pipeline crossings 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4-27-92 DWR 2-500 Rules and Regulations K.S.A. a2a-301 to 30Sa Division of Water Resources Kansas State Board of Agriculture 5-40-1. Definitions. As used in these rules and regulations, K.S.A. 82a- 301 through 30Sa, and by the division of water resources in administering K.S.A. a2a-301 through 305a, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section: (a) "Application" means the formal document submitted to the chief engineer requesting a permit, in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. a2a-3Dl through 30Sa, that authorizes the applicant to proceed with the construction of a proposed dam, channel change or stream obstruction. (b) "Authorized representative" means any staff employee designated by the chief engineer to perform duties and functions on behalf of the chief engineer. (c) "Channel change or stream obstruction" means any project or structure, including any dam, that: (1) (2) state. does not extend above the higher natural bank; or alters the course, current or cross section of any stream of the (d) "Chief engineer" means the chief engineer, division of water resources of the Kansas state board of agriculture. (e) "Dam" means any art ificia 1 barrier, together with appurtenant works, which does, or may, impound water. (f) "Freeboard" means the vertical distance between the maximum stage attained in the design storm and the top of the structure. (g) "Navigable stream" means the Arkansas river, the Missouri river and the Kansas river. (h) "Perennial stream" means a stream, or part of a stream, that flows continuously during all of the calendar year, except during an extreme drought. (i) "Permit" means the formal document issued by the chief engineer to the sponsor of a project, that authorizes the sponsor to proceed with the construction of the dam, channel change or stream obstruction. (j) "Reservoir" means the area upstream from a dam which contains, or will contain, impounded water. (k) "Stream" means any watercourse which has a well-defined bed and banks. The stream need not flow continuously and may flow only briefly after a rain in the watershed. The drainage area above the point in question must exceed 160 acres or a greater acreage designated in writing by the chief engineer, except I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Surface areas at top of dam Acceptable scale less than 30 acres 30 acres through 100 acres more than 100 acres one inch to 100 feet one inch to 200 feet one inch to 300 feet The location of the dam shall be superimposed on this map. Topography shall be shown by contours at two foot intervals. For dams more than 20 feet in height, contours may be spaced at greater intervals, but shall not exceed five feet. In addition, contours equivalent to the elevation of the lowest uncontrolled opening (permanent pool), elevation of the crest of the emergency spillway, and elevation of the top of , the dam shall be shown. The elevation of each contour shall be clearly noted on the map; (d) Cross section of dam site and longitudinal section of dam. The cross section of the valley at the dam site shall be taken along the axis of the dam. A separate cross section view shall be used if necessary to clearly show the details required below. The details on this section shall include the follow- ing: (1 ) (2) (3) (4) - (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Elevation to which the top of the dam is to be maintained and the elevation to which it is to be initially constructed in order to provide an adequate settlement allowance; elevation of the stream bed; location and elevation of the crest of the emergency spillway; location and elevation of the crest of the principal spillway; elevation of any berms; original surface of the ground; proposed elevations and dimensions of cutoff trench; location and elevation of outlet works; location of test holes showing materials encountered in the section; and location, description and elevations of all foundation drains; (e) Cross section of dam. A cross section of the dam at the deepest point shall be shown. If the cross section is variable, a typical section shall be shown for each reach with proper description of the reach by stationing. Additional cross sections along the axis of the principal spillway and the axis of any other outlets shall be shown. Cross sections of the dam shall include the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Elevation and width of the top of the dam; elevation and width of any berms; slopes of upstream and downstream faces of the dam; elevation, location and type of slope protection; zones of earth embankment; dimensions to which the dam is to be constructed to provide an adequate allowance for settlement; 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (j) Spillway discharge capacity data. (1) A curve or table showing discharge capacity of the emergency spillway, in cubic feet per second, shall be developed and shown on the plan. (2) A curve or table showing discharge capacity of the principal spillway, in cubic feet per second, shall be developed and shown on the plan. (k) Each application for a permit to construct a class (c) high hazard dam shall include an emergency preparedness plan. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-302; effective May 1, 1983; amended May 1, 1985; amended May 1, 1987.) 5-40-3. Soecifications. The specifications for dams, channel changes and obstructions shall be prepared on 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheets of a good grade of white bond paper. The specifications shall be in sufficient detail to assure that the works will be properly executed and shall comply with currently accepted engineering practices. The specifications shall include provisions for: (a) Adequate supervision during the period of construction by a person qualified to design the structure; (b) notification of the division of water resources of the status of construction; and (c) inspection by representatives of the division of water resources. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.$.A. 82a-302; effective May 1, 1983; amended May 1, 1987.) 5-40-4. Preoarer of _os. olans. orofiles and soecifications. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), each map, plan, profile and specification submitted to the chief engineer shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer who is competent in dam design and construction or channel changes or obstructions, as appropriate. These details may be prepared by someone working under the direct supervision of a licensed profess iona 1 engineer, if that engineer approves and places the engineer's seal upon the plans and specifi- cations prior to submission to the chief engineer. (b) Each dam which impounds less than 50 acre-feet at top of dam, which is less than 25 feet in height, and which is a class (a), low hazard dam as defined in engineering guide-l may be designed by a person competent to design a dam of this size and classification. Channel changes and obstructions, except those on navigable streams or those having a mean annual flow of 100 cubic feet per second or more at the proposed location of the project may be designed by any person competent to design a channel change or obstruction of this size and classification. (Authorized by K.$.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-302; effective May 1, 1983; amended May 1, 1986; amended May 1, 1987.) 5-40-5. DetermininG caoacitv of reservoir. To determine whether a dam impounds 30 acre-feet of water, pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-304, that measurement shall be made at the lowest elevation of the top of the dam. (Authorized by K.S.A. 1981 Supp. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-302; effective May 1,1983.) 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I intervals, or more frequently if specifically requested by the chief engineer. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-303; effective May 1, 1987 . ) 5-41-1. Channel changes: olans and soecifications. Plans for a channel change shall include: (a) A general location map or aerial pho~ograph, showing the present alignment of the stream, location of the proposed channel change, section lines, property lines with names and addresses of adjoining landowners, drainage area, a north arrow, a bar scale and any other prominent features; (b) a detailed plan view of the project with stationing shown, including as many other views as necessary to fully describe the project; (c) a profile drawing along the centerline of the proposed new channel. This profile shall extend five times the channel width upstream and an equivalent distance downstream from each end of the new channel. The stationing shown on the plan view shall correspond to stationing on the profile drawing. This drawing shall show the present ground surface, the present stream bed, and the grade line of the proposed new channel; (d) cross sections of the existing stream at locations immediately above and below the proposed channel change. The location of these cross sections shall be described and shown on the plans. The elevations of the top of the existing banks and bottom of the channel shall be shown; (e) at least one permanent bench mark conveniently located for use after construction. The location, description and elevation of the permanent bench mark, to which all elevations are referred, shall be shown on the plans. Reference to the national geodetic vertical datum of 1929 to a tolerance of plus or minus one half foot is required on all channel changes involving perennial streams and where detailed floodplain data are available. Project datum is acceptable on all other channel changes; (f) a cross sectional drawing of the proposed new channel, including dimensions. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-302; effective May 1, 1987.) 5-41-2. Channel changes: Mater velocity. The new channel shall have a conveyance capacity equal to or greater than the old channel. The water velocity after the completion of the proposed channel change or stream obstruction shall not exceed a permissive velocity. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-303; effective May 1, 1987.) 5-41-3. Channel changes: side slooes. The side slopes of the proposed new channel shall not be steeper than one foot vertical to two feet horizontal unless the applicant submits data and analysis to show that a steeper slope will be stab le. (Authorized by K.S .A. 82a-303a; implement ing K. S.A 82a-303; effect ive May 1, 1987.) 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (g) the land for which easements or rights-of-way are to be acquired if the proposed obstruction affects land other than that owned by the applicant; and (h) unless it is clear that the impacts of the proposed project will be contained within the channel or limited to property under the control of the applicant, a hydraulic analysis determining the pre-project and post-project water surface elevations for the two-year flood and the 100-year flood shall be prepared and submitted to the chief engineer. . (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-302; effective May 1, 1987; amended T-s-12-30-91, Dec. 30, 1991; amended April 27, 1992.) 5-42-2. Strea8 obstruction: .inor. If a proposed stream obstruction will not decrease the cross sectional area of a stream channel at the location of the obstruction by more than IS percent, the plans required by the chief engineer shall be equivalent to the type submitted to the United States corps of engineers with applications for a department of the army permit. Such obstructions shall include weirs, causeways, low-water crossings, low-head dams, intake structures, boat launching ramps, pipeline crossings, outfall structures, marinas, boat docks, jetties and revetments. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-303; effective May 1, 1987.) 5-42-3. Strea8 obstruction: oioeline crossin9s. (a) All pipeline and buried cable crossings of streams having 50 or more square miles of drainage area above the proposed project site require a permit from the chief engineer. The chief engineer reserves the right to require a permit for a pipeline or buried cable crossing on a stream having less than 50 square miles of drainage area, if necessary, to protect the pub 1 i c interest, pub 1 i c safety or the environment. (b) Underground pipe 1 i nes and cab 1 és sha 11 be bur i ed at a suff i c i ent depth below stream bed to prevent exposure. On navigable streams underground pipelines and cables shall be buried at a minimum depth of seven feet beneath the stream bed. On all other streams, underground pipelines and cables shall be buried at a minimum depth of five feet beneath the stream bed. Pipelines and cables shall be buried sufficiently into the banks to allow for a moderate amount of stream meander without exposure. The minimum depth may be waived if it can be shown by the applicant that the underground pipeline or cables are adequately protected against erosion. (c) After installation, the channel and banks shall be restored to the natural elevations and configurations as nearly as possible. Armoring devices shall be installed when necessary to ensure bank stability. Surplus excavated material shall be disposed of in a manner which will not obstruct the channel or act as a levee. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a-303; effective May 1, 1987; amended April 27, 1992.) 5-43-1. Sand dredgina operation: olans and soecifications. Plans for a sand dredging operation from a stream shall include: (a) A general location map or aeria 1 photograph showing the stream, locat ion of the proposed sand 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I streams, materials shall be removed only from areas and in a manner approved by the chief engineer. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.S.A. 82a- 303; effective May 1, 1987.) 5-43-4. Sand dredging: ooerations conflicting. If more than one operator proposes to operate within a 'given reach of a private stream, then all conflicting applicants shall be required to submit proof of easements or other legal authority to operate. If more than one operator proposes to operate within a given reach of a navigable stream, the chief engineer shall determine which operators shall be permitted, based on the following criteria: (a) The capability of the applicant's equipment to operate within the desired area; (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) the applicant's need for the material; the applicant's existing operation, if any; the anticipated date the applicant will begin operation; the applicant's history of operation; the anticipated plant completion date; proof of the applicant's easements and right-of-ways necessary to operate; date of application; and (i) any other relevant factor. (Authorized by K.5.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.5.A. 82a-302; effective May 1, 1987.) 5-43-5. Sand dredging: ooeration setback. Sand dredging operat ions located outside the channel of a stream shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the bank of the channel. There shall be a minimum slope on the sand plant side of not greater than one foot vertical to four feet horizontal. (Authorized by K.S.A. 82a-303a; implementing K.5,A. 82a-303; effective May 1, 1987.) 11 I <~.~,;, I THE STATE - -.~/ ~----:: ~/~\ l :,'.. "'... - .~ _-.:.! \~. ~'~.::;~~--- --/..'. .~.~- -_:~ I \~ OF ,A~;S:\S I ST:HE BOARD OF ,\GRICl'L Tl'RE ,.,._..~...._""" Phillip A. Fishburn Acting Secretary APPLICATION DIYISIO',' OF \VATER RESOl'RCES I 1)",.,,1 L Pope, Clller fn!!rneer I for Permit to Construct OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREA~IS K.S.A. 82a-301 to 305a I I PLEASE USE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF PAGE. I .\pplication is hereby made for the written consent or permit of the Chief Engineer. Division of Water Resources. pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-301 et seq. by: I 1. .\pplicant: Telephone ','0.: Address: I 2. Name of Stream or \Vatercourse: 3. Description of type and purpose of proposed construction: I I I I .f. Legal description of location: I I I .5. Complete plans. maps. protìles. specifications, all papers and data shall be filed with this application and made a part thereof. I 6. Copies of Environmental Reviews. Environmental Impact Statement. letters of comment and any other information pertinent to the requirements of K.S.A. 82a-325 through 82a-:327. Water Projects Environ- mental Coordination Act. have/have not been conducted and are/are not attached and made a part hereof. - Signature of :\pplicant: I Date: Title: DWR 2.100 00 Re' ~ ,8' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Application Supplement Water Projects Environmental Coordination Act K.S.A. 82a-325 to 327 Questionnaire Completion of this questionnaire is required before your application can be processed 1. List the Designer's name, title, address and telephone number. 2. Is your project a ----stream obstruction,----- dam,----- change in the course, current or cross-section of a stream and/or _levee, floodplain fill or other such Lmprovement? (Check all that apply) 3. What are the environmental impacts (e.g. Lmpacts endangered species, historic sites, wetlands, project? to threaten~d or etc.) of your Submit any environmental impact statements or assessments that have been prepared on this project. 4. How are any riffles (areas of fast moving, shallow water running over rocks or gravel), permanent pools, or other aquatic habitats affected by your project? s. To what extent is riparian (stream-side) vegetation or habitat, including timber, being removed? Please quantify the amounts in acres or other unit measurements such as number, size and species of trees. I FORM DWR 2-101 (Revised 3-04-92) I I ~, ,':,,\":':':-:':-.:'.',:.'\ I THE ST.-\.TE ! .~_.- ~'~-,~-\ (.... ...' -'c. '- .c, 1 \.;~.~~:~~- ._-:/ \~ OF KA:\'SAS I ST.-\TE BOARD OF .\GRICCLTCRE ~~~"' Phillip A. Fishburn Acting Secretary APPLI CA TI 0 N DI\'ISIO'\ OF \\'ATER RESOURCES I DaVId L Pope. Chief Lm~ineer I for Permit to Construct OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREAMS K.S.A. 82a-301 to 305a I I PLEASE USE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF PAGE. I ,\pplication is hereby made for the written consent or permit of the Chief Engineer. Division of Water Resources, pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-301 et seq, by: I 1. Applicant: Telephone :"Jo.: Address: I 2, ;\Jame of Stream or \Vatercourse: 3. Description of type and purpose of proposed construction: I I I I -1. Legal description of location: I I .5, Complete plans, maps, profìles, specifications, all papers and data shall be fìled with this application and made a part thereof. I 6, Copies of Environmental Reviews, Environmental Impact Statement, letters of comment and any other information pertinent to the requirements of K. S, A. 82a-325 through 82a-32ï. Water Projects Environ- mental Coordination Act, have/have not been conducted and are/are not attached and made a part hereof. I - Signature of .\pplicant: I Date: Title: D\\"R 2,l()()(J() iRev ~\~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Application Supplement Water Projects Environmental Coordination Act K.S.A. 82a-325 to 327 Questionnaire Completion of this questionnaire is required before your application can be processed 1. List the Designer's name, title, address and telephone number. 2. Is your project a ----stream obstruction,----- dam,----- change in the course, current or cross-section of a stream and/or -----levee, floodplain fill or other such improvement? (Check all that apply) 3. What are the environmental impacts (e.g. impacts endangered species, historic sites, wetlands, project? to threatened or etc.) of your Submit any environmental impact statements or assessments that have been prepared on this project. 4. How are any riffles (areas of fast moving, shallow water running over rocks or gravel), permanent pools, or other aquatic habitats affected by your project? 5. To what extent is riparian (stream-side) vegetation or habitat, including timber, being removed? Please quantify the amounts in acres or other unit measurements such as number, size and species of trees. I FORM DWR 2-101 (Revised 3-04-92) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATER PROJECTS ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION ACT K.S.A. 82a-325 through 82a-327 K.S.A. 82a-325. Water projects environmental coordination act; purpose. (a) This act shall be known and may be cited as the water projects environmental coordination act. (b) In order to protect the environment while facilitating the use, enjoyment, health and welfare of the people of the state of Kansas, it is necessary that the environmental effect of any water development project be considered before such water development project is approved or pennitted. History: L. 1987, ch. 400, § 1; July 1. K.S.A. 82a-326. Same; defmitions. When used in this act: (b) (a) "Water development project" means any project or plan which may be allowed or permitted pursuant to K.S.A. 24-126, 24-1213, 82a-301 et ~. or the multipurpose small lakes program act, and amendments thereto; "environmental review agencies" means the: (1) Kansas department of wildlife and parks; (2) office of extension forestry; (3) state biological survey; (4) Kansas department of health and environment; (5) state historical society; (6) state conservation commission; and (7) Kansas corporation commission. History: L. 1987, ch. 400,§ 2; L. 1989, ch 118, § 192; L. 1991, ch 290,§ 10; July 1. (a) K.S.A. 82a-327. Same; review of proposed project; considerations. (b) Prior to approval or issuance of a permit for a proposed water development project, the pennitting agency shall obtain a review of the proposed project for environmental effects by the appropriate state environmental review agencies, and shall consider their comments in determining whether to approve or issue a permit for such project. The permitting agency may condition the approval of or permit for the project in a manner to address the environmental concerns of the environmental review agencies. In reviewing a proposed water development project, the environmental review agency shall consider: (1) The beneficial and adverse environmental effects of a proposed project on water quality, fish and wildlife, forest and natural vegetation, historic, cultural, recreational, aesthetic, agricultural and other natural resources; the means and methods to reduce adverse environmental effects of a proposed project; and (2) DWR 2-603 March 23, 1993