Smoky Hill River Bridges I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SA LINA, KANSAS CITY COMIVITSSION Ha roId Jaeger, Mayor E. P. Wenger Carl Ramsey Don McCune Ralph Exline Leland Srack, City Manager Harold F. Harper, City Engineer REPORT ON REPLACEMENT OF SMOKY illLL RIVER BRIDG ES February, 1959 BUCHER & WILLIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS KANSAS CITY, MO. SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUCHER AND WILLIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS James D. Bucher Shelby K, Willis P. O. Box 583 625 E. Crawford Salino, Kant. Mr. Leland Srack City Manager City Commission Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Srack: Presented herewith is our "Report on Replacement of Smoky Hill River Bridges" in Salina. The studies include proposed alternate schemes for replacing the existing bridges across the River at North Ohio Avenue, Elm Street, Ash Street, Walnut Street, Mulberry Street, Oakdale Avenue, and for a new crossing at South Ohio Avenue. Alternate schemes for the various crossings are accompanied with estimates of cost. These estimates include the cost of removing the existing structures, the cost of relocating existing utilities which cross the River on the present bridges, the cost of constructing the new crossing, and the cost of replacing existing pavement and curbing necessary to complete the proposed facilities for traffic. By choosing the most economical alternate for each of the crossings, it appears that replacement of all seven bridges can be accomplished for a total cost of approximately $305,700.00. Studies of the seven crossings included herein brought to light additional problems beyond the scope of this report which prompted us to make several recommendations for your consideration in planning for future traffic needs in Salina. Wf= have included these additional recommendations in the Summary of our report. We respectfully submit this report for your use, and express our appreciation for the cooperation and assistance of the City Officials. It was a pleasure to be of service to the City of Salina. Yours very truly, BUCHER & WILLIS ~1(/J1;; illis SKW:jt I I I I. I II. III. I IV. I I TABLE 1 TABLE 2 I TABLE 3 I TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 TABLE 12 TABLE 13 TABLE 14 TABLE 15 TABLE 16 TABLE 17 TABLE 18 TABLE 19 TABLE 20 I I I I I PLATE 1 PLATE 2 PLATE 3 PLATE 4 PLATE 5 PLATE 6 PLATE 7 PLATE 8 PLATE 9 PLATE 10 PLATE 11 PLATE 12 PLATE 13 PLATE 14 PLATE 15 PLATE 16 PLATE 17 PLATE 18 PLATE 19 PLATE 20 PLATE 21 PLATE 22 PLATE 23 PLATE 24 PLATE 25 I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION LOCATION & ALIGNMENT OF STRUCTURES & STREETS STUDIES OF STRUCTURE TYPES SUMMARY LIST OF TABLES North Ohio Avenue Estimate of Cost 5 x 4 Reinf. 'Concrete Box Culvert Estimate of Cost 60 inch Corrugated Metal Pipe Elm Street Estimate of Cost 5 x 4 Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Estimate of Cost 60 inch Corrugated Metal Pipe Ash & Front Streets Estimate of Cost 5 x 4 Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Estimate of Cost 60 inch Corrugated Metal Pipe South Ohio Avenue Estimate of Cost 4 x 4 Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Estimate of Cost 54 Inch Corrugated Metal Pipe Mulberry street Estimate of Cost Continuous Concrete Two-Girder Mulberry Street Estimate of Cost 18 ft. Dla. Multi-Plate Pipe with Wingwalls Mulberry Street Estimate of Cost 18 ft. Dia. Multi-Plate Pipe with 3 to 1 Slopes Mulberry Street Estimate of Cost 20x 20 Relnf. Concrete Box Culvert Mulberry Street Estl mate of Cost Continuous Steel Beam M ulbeny Street Estimate of Cost Reinf. Concrete Haunched Slab Mulberry Street Estimate of Cost Reinf. Concrete Flat Slab Mulberry Street Estimate of Cost Welded Steel Frame Mulberry Street Estimate of Cost Reinf. Concrete Rigid Frame Walnut Street Estimate of Cost 18 ft. Dla. Multi-Plate Pipe with Wingwalls Walnut Street Estimate of Cost 20 x 2(J Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Walnut Street Estimate of Cost Continuous Concrete Three-Girder' Oakdale Avenue Estimate of Cost 18 ft. Dla. Multi-Plate Pipe with Wingwalls Oakrlale Avenue Estimate of Cost 20 x 2CJ Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Oakdale Avenue Estimate of Cost Continuous Concrete Three-Girder Replacement of All Seven Bridges Total Estimate of Cost LIST OF PLATES General Plan North Ohio Avenue Crossing Elm Street Crossing Ash & Front Street Crossing Mulberry Street Bridge Oakdale A venue Bridge Walnut Street Bridge South Ohio A venue Crossing Design Standards Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulber-ry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Mulberry Street Walnut street Walnut Street Oakdale Avenue Oakdale A venue Continuous Concrete Two-Girder Alternate 18 ft. Dla. Multi-Plate Pipe with Wlngwalls 18 ft, Dla. Multi-Plate Pipe with 3 to 1 Slopes 20 x 20 Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Alternate Perspective of 20 x 2(J Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Alternate Continuous Steel Beam Alternate Relnf. Concrete Haunched Slab Alternate Reinf. Concrete Flat Slab Alternate Welded Steel Frame Alternate Reinf. Concrete Rigid Frame Alternate Reinf. Concrete Arch Alternate Twin Multi-Plate Arch Pipe Alternate 20 x 20 Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Alternate Continuous Concrete Three-Girder Alternate 20 x 20 Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert Alternate Continuous Concrete Three-Girder Alternate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I r , ! l l \1'" , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REPORT ON REPLACEMENT OF SMOKY HILL RIVER BRIDGES I. INTRODUCTION The need for new bridges across the Smoky Hill River has long been recognized by the City Officials and citizens of Salina. Replacement of these structures, however, has been wisely postponed until flood control measures on the Smoky Hill River in the vicinity of Salina were initiated. Now that these measures are virtually assured, the City Officials can reap dividends from them by realizing appreciable savings in the replacement of the bridges across the River. With the cutoff channel bypassing Salina to the East, the waterway openings now required at the bridge sites can be materially reduced. The principal purpose of this report was to determine the approximate cost of replacing seven obsolete and deteriorated structures crossing the River within the City limits. The replacement of the structures at each site involved two basic considerations. The first consideration was the location and alignment of the new structures and the realignment of the streets in the vicinity of the crossings. The second consideration was an economic study of the various types of structures that could be used to transport traffic across the river at these chosen locations. studies were made for River crossings as follows: North Ohio A venue Mulberry Street Elm Street Oakdale A venue Ash & Front Streets South Ohio A venue Walnut Street A plan of a portion of the City which includes these seven crossings is shown on Plate 1. Crossings at Walnut Street, Mulberry Street and Oakdale Avenue are in the park areas and these structures are proposed with openings which will per- mit pleasure boating, as well as ,discharge the design quantity of water. There- fore, studies for these sites were limited to span bridges or large culverts. The four other crossings considered in this report are proposed to be compacted earth fills with culverts designed to discha rge local storm drainage. Pre- liminary surveys were made in the field and crossings deemed best suited for each of the seven sites were developed in sufficient detail to permit reasonably accurate quantity take-off and estimates of cost. Studies and plans of the various sites are included in the report. II. LOCATION & ALIGNMENT OF STREETS & STRUCTURES Each crossing will be discussed individually, outlining the considerations which led to the recommended location and alignment of the structures and the streets. In replacing the structures, it was deemed important to make the great- est possible improvement in the alignment of the streets crossing the River, as well as those intersecting near these crossings. For the sake of economy, it was also necessary to consider the alignment of the structure. These two as- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pects of the problem were often at opposite extremes and the most practical solution necessitated a compromise. NORTH OliO AVENUE There is no change contemplated in the alignment of Ohio Avenue as it crosses the River. At this location, boat travel is not encouraged, thus the size and type of crossing need be considered only from the aspect of drainage. The crossing can be accomplished with a culvert structure and a compacted earth fill. Any means of changing the river channel to reduce the length of structure would require acquisition of expensive right-of-way. It is believed that no economic gain would be realized if this latter method were employed. There- fore, the proposed culvert should be constructed along the centerline of the exist- ing river channel at a skew of ap1=roximately forty degrees. The final grade of Ohio Avenue should cross the river on a tangent. A plan of the proposed cross- ing is shown on Plate 2. ELM STREET The proposed replacement of the structure over the Smoky Hill River at Elm Street will not alter the alignment of Elm Street or Oakdale Avenue. A culvert type structure, under a compacted earth fill, is adequate at this site. The alignment of the existing channel at Elm Street permits the structure to be constructed at a fifteen degree skew without making a channel change. The final grade line should correspond to the existing grade of Elm Street adjacent to the River. A plan of the proposed crossing is shown on Plate 3. ASH & FRONT STREETS The present alignment on Ash Street requires no revision. Under the existing conditions, the location of the River necessitates a broken alignment ST. I~D~I I:D~I ~ ;1 ..".j .~\, ;'~::i;' '-At ~ 8 h r-- f'l] ~ ;tv );- , -" L- o \ I I~C~~ I~C- II GEN ERAL PLAN II ~ II FIFTH sr. II FOURT."-' S II . "T THIRD ."..r.11 I ~. seCOND sr.I I . ::.,. ....... """,:: . o D I 04KDAu-,lr A VB. < ~ ~I ~ AVB '\ ~I II A ve:. " KANSAS . ~ )I!' ~ I. II ~ti ~ OH'O AJ I Q ~'O>''"'''' ~ ~. ~~ / II Ii ~ ~I " I ~I I ~ :"1 I I I~CI ':C I"C IC IC SALINA BRIDGE REPLACEMENT REPORT or jog on Front Street. According to the recent Salina Traffic Report, Front Street is proposed to become a minor north-south arterial. Replacement of the present bridge with a compacted earth fill and a drainage structure will per- mit correction of this broken alignment on Front Street to a desirable ninety degree intersection. This construction will require a rather long culvert structut'e. However, additional cost of the culvert is justified by the resulting increase in traffic capacity on Front Street. Final grade of the relocated intersection should conform to the existing grades on Ash Street and Front Street. The improvement in alignment of the streets at this crossing, achieved by the replacement of the existing bridge, is shown on Plate 4. MULBERRY STREET Studies at Mulberry Street were based on the construction of a span bridge across the Smoky Hill River. It is recommended that the centerline of the new structure parallel the existing bridge. This will permit ninety degree crossing of the River, yeilding a minimum length of bridge. By increasing the width of the bridge roadway to twenty-six feet, and altering the curbs at the bridge ap- proaches, the alignment across the River can be substantially improved. Due to the local nature of the traffic using this structure, skewing the bridge to com- pletely eliminate a curve in the alignment of Mulberry Street is not warranted. The final grade across the River should conform to the existing street grades adjacent to the improvement. A plan of this proposed layout is shown on Plate 5. OAKDALE AVENUE Through traffic on Oakdale Avenue is severely 'bottlenecked' at the cross- ing of the River. This condition is further aggravated by frequent peak demands I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH OH 10 AVE. CROSSING qj ~I "t o ..... .c o <: PLATE 2 N .......... .... "- ;~ :~"" --', \, ":":,,,,,'" .,~ " \ \ \ \ \ BUCHER a WI LLIS 1:[;' \ \ \ .... \ , '\ '\ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , SALiNA BRIDGE RELACEMENT REPORT ~ III lei ..I Q. C) z en lJ) ~ o ti w 0: I- lJ) I- Z o 0: Lo.. d5 % lJ) <( If) III ~ cl ..J Q. C) z en lJ) o 0: o I- W W 0: I- lJ) ~ ...J W ~ (f) ~ "t ~ ~~.~ :ts: pUO~[} 1 Z -a .~ 0.,;1/117' Cl/opyOO -<.: CI) ~I 141 l- II: o 0. III II: ... Z III 2 III () cl ..I Q. III 0: lIJ \!I o ii: lD cl z ::::i cl (I) lS' IUOJ.:I (I) ::; ..J i cO II: III J: U :J lD l- ll: o Q. III II: ~ Z III ::!i III U cl ..J Q. III II: III (!) o lr lD cl z ::::i cl (I) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I \/) J l-J~~ l! ~ JC7I ~ \\7LJ~\fl l1j IIJ (.) <t '\ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~\ \~ ~ g ~~ \ \ // I~ \\ ;\\/ ~ '\ f~ \ '\; . ::J "., ~\1 ~,'. ~ "" ~~ \ ',\. ' ~ "'-. \ '=~~ ~~~~ \ ~- ('''\ ltJ <.::> Q a:: ill ~ ~~ ~ ~~;;-"';'C\ ~ 0:)H~ w ~ //:::::..., ~/f:~:.lliw ~/.::::'HW' i l&' pu=S ~'II-II~III~iili'il1. ~ . t"llllll.:..:,m W I- oc{ ..J n. ~ ~~ U .C: 8 ~ 13 ~ V) ~ of..; ~ ::)) (f) ::i ..J ~ to D:: W :x: o ::> ill :';S' PJ/L/J. generated by the recreational and civic activities which take place in Kenwood Park. Oakdale Avenue provides a necessary outlet for the numerous activities in this park. Furthermore, it is an inviting route for through north-south traffic between Crawford Avenue and Iron Avenue because it has a minimum of intersecting streets. Elimination of the 'bottleneck' at the River would make Oakdale A venue the logical minor north-south arterial through the park area. This plan is contrary to a proposal which would make Front Street a minor north-south arterial between Crawford and Iron. Several alternate plans for improving the movement and control of traffic were considered at the Oakdale Avenue crossing. All studies were limited to the use of a span bridge over the River since boating is permitted in this vicinity. Studies varied from a scheme with only minor changes in the present alignment to a scheme which projected Oakdale Avenue across the River with no curvature in alignment. The recommended realignment, shown on Plate 6, is a compromise between these extremes, and provides a reasonably economical structure with a minimum sacrifice to traffic movement. This scheme proposes relocation and enlargement of the existing traffic island to channelize all traffic movements south of the bridge. The roadway width of the proposed bridge should be a minimum of forty feet. The gradient of Oakdale Avenue on the recommended alignment should be lowered to the grade existing approximately one hundred feet north and south tof the bridge. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I OAKDALE AVE. SRI DGE PLATE 6 :jUJ II I' !I " I H Ii II Ii I 1'1 Qj Ii ii' ~ 'II ~ I~L~~~c~ ... ~~ >'. .->- ----- > I ~ . Smoky Hill Dr: II ~~~- - - . I~ PI 11 II : I' A : ,I lj ! Ii I II 1 Ii;;!, 4(7 j1 - J ! A ! d I I il I S I! I l1J I' cz I -=--===co---~ ~ Park Place Oakdale Or; 000. y-J y..e(l BUCHER a WILLIS WALNUT STREET Considerable study was given to the crossing at Walnut Street with re- spect to it's usefulness as minor east-west arterial. To make best use of this crossing, it will be necessary to relocate Gypsum Avenue between Front Street and OakdaleAvenue. This relocation would eliminate an undesirable jog and permit through traffic to continue east of the River. The relocation of Gypsum A venue would require the acquisition of expensive right-of-way between Front Street and Oakdale Avenue. However, if this relocation is not accomplished, the advisability of replacing the Walnut Street Bridge is questionable. When Fourth Street becomes a major north-south arterial, as recommended in recent traffic studies of Salina, the cro~sing at Walnut Street could be abandoned without materially altering the movement of east-west thru traffic and with only minor affect to local traffic. Fourth Street would serve as a feeder route between the crossings at Iron Avenue, Mulberry Street and Crawford Avenue. The authors recommend one of two alternatives. Either replace the existing bridge and relocate Gypsum Avenue between Front Street and Oakdale Avenue to meet the proposed structure, or terminate Walnut Street at the River after Fourth Street is improved to carry through north-south traffic. If the former alternative is chosen, the proposed Walnut Street Bridge would be constructed as shown on Plate 7. Under these conditions, a roadway width of forty feet should be maintained across the River. The final gradient should be lowered to conform with the existing grade of Walnut Street and Front Street on either side of the crossing. I III !I I l- t-- 0:: 0 ltJ 0- I l- II/ ill w <t a:: ..J 0- Iii II I l- ii i: 2: I II 'I W I il ~ II ~ I ~ II w (.) 'i.: i! <t ~ il ..J I 0- I lJJ ::::: a:: i: ltJ (!) I ~ a a:: 0 CD ~ <t I 2: ..J <t (j) I I --- i I wi -- ~ 0 I 0::: m I- w w I 0:: I- (j) I ~Z~ ~ ~"""""'l:: ..J c::t 5 I I \;'Y I ~ ---- I ) :.;s; puoo~S' I (/) :1 ~ <0 I ffi I 0 :;:) I I CD SOUTH OHIO AVENUE North of Crawford Avenue the Smoky Hill River crosses the right-of-way for the proposed extension of Ohio A venue. The extension of Ohio A venue is planned to cross the River on a straight alignment. Boating is prohibited at this location, therefore design of the proposed structure may be limited to drainage requirements. Construction of a culvert type structure under a compacted earth fill will adequately meet these requirements. A minor channel change at this site is desirable, however, this change would require relocation of an existing, forced main, sanitary sewer. Any saving realized by the channel change would be offset by the relocation of the sewer. For these reasons, it is recommended that the proposed culvert be constructed in the center of the existing channel at a skew of approximately twenty-five degrees. The existing forty-two inch diameter storm sewer on Ohio Avenue right-of-way should be extended to outlet into the side of the proposed culvert or pipe at this crossing. A plan of this crossing is shown on Plate 8. DESIGN STANDARDS The width and number of traffic lanes proposed for bridges or roadways at the various crossings are shown on Plate 9. In general, standards are based upon recommendations set forth in the 'Traffic and Street Needs' report for Salina published in 1958. However, in the interest of economy, the roadway widths on the proposed bridges were reduced to forty feet for four lanes of traffic and to twenty-six feet for two lanes of traffic. Considering the speed limits enforced within the City and the omission of parking on the bridges, these widths are be- lieved to be ample. Structures should be designed to support H-20 S-16 loading in accordance with the latest edition of the American Association of State Highway Officials. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOUTH OH 10 AVE. CROSSING BUCHER a WILLIS pp ! Qjl ~I ,Qi -"1 ~I Q 10 'V;I <k> =[~~il lI:ill; ~-II flllill~ i;~~jil~ ii;i;!i!;;! ::'!':1:'--; :Ui';:l~j~.. I I '~II I II I I 1/ I I II I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I I I . I I II I I I I PLATE 8 N SALINA BRIDGE REPLACEMENT REPOR ~ , < ..,., '. .... A' ." I. , I'J .... . . ", . TYPICAL SECTION OF MULBERRY BRIDGE /6' e4' l 13' J ~, .. 1-, :M'_":~,, , . .. ,',-':',':-:,;:;;,-':,;. .;...1"" 24' /6' I ~ ' ,,: ~n;,';,;..., " " i" ',.', ,,",""," , .:" '-1"""'.,, . ~.. , . . ......... 3:1. .":''.''~'}S'''<'' .' 1:",~;.,;i.:~.!}/c':'I~Y1;/; ';,:.-.' " , ' . :"~L.'IA>':Li;_'" I .~. "- -. '.. ~., .... : ;r-"I" ; ...', J, ". 1 "'.~ SOUTH OHIO AVE. 18' 44' 18' 3: ELM a FRONT STREET BUCHER a WI LLlS DESIGN STANDARDS PLATE 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 40' RO~DWAY 'W "', '. ' ' ',' 'i,~J,~~ 'I .. " ~ ~ .~ .;.",.' TYPICAL SECTION OF WALNUT 8 OAKDALE BRIDGE NORTH OHIO AVE. /8' 48' /8 I I ASH STREET SALINA BRIDGE REPLACEMENT REPORT III. STUDIES OF STRUCTU RE TYPES With the proposed location and alignment of the streets and structures determined, it is possible to determine the types of structures that are feasible at each site and make economic comparasions of the various alternates. Es- timates of cost for the alternate crossings studied are based upon quantities taken from preliminary designs. Unit prices assigned to the items in the estimates of cost were derived from current bid prices on similar work in the vicinity of Salina. As previously stated, crossings of the River at North Ohio Avenue, Elm Street, Ash and Front Streets, and South Ohio Avenue are proposed to be com- pacted earth fills with the drainage crrried thru culvert type structures. A preliminary survey of the drainage requirements was made in sufficient detail to determine the approximate size of the drainage culverts. This study was based on the following premises: a) That during any appreciable rainfall the fifty-four inch diameter inlet control structure in the diversion dam northof Crawford Ave- nue would be closed. b) That the present river channel would be maintained free of debris and that the ponding area would not be reduced in volume by filling any portion of this channel. c) That the rate of rainfall runoff reaching the river was controlled principally by the capacity of the existing storm sewers. How- ever, these preliminary computations are predicated on an in- crease in storm sewer capacity of approximately fifty percent to I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I allow for possible future replacement and additions. d) That fifty year design storm should be used in the derivation of the size of the proposed structures. It was not deemed feasible to design for storms of greater magnitude as the depth of water in the Iron A venue Cutoff during maximum floods (100 year frequency and greater) would probably limit the flow from the existing channel into the Cutoff at their junc- tion near North Street. Based on these premises, drainage computations indicate that the structures at North Ohio Avenue, Elm Street and Ash and Front Streets should be sixty inch diameter round pipes or box culverts of equivalent capacity. The size of the waterway opening for the structure at South Ohio Avenue should be equal to that provided by the inlet control structure which will be con- structed upstream from this crossing in the diversion dam. The drainage area between the inlet control structure and the South Ohio Avenue crossing is not sufficient to require a structure larger than a fifty-four inch round pipe or its equivalent box culvert at South Ohio Avenue. Economic comparisons were made for two alternative structures at each of these sites. The first alternate in each case utilizes a reinforced con- crete box culvert structure. The second alternate is based on a corrugated metal pipe. The estimated costs of constructing each crossing with either of the alternate types of structures are given in Tables 1 to 4, inclusive. With the exception of the estimates for the crossing at South Ohio Avenue, the estimates include an item for removing the existing structure and a quantity of approach pavement. South Ohio Avenue is not paved and it is assumed that paving in the TABLE 1 NORTH OHIO CROSSING ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE 5 x 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT Compacted Fill' Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel 6...in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Sod for Slope Protection 10,000 cu. yds. @ $ 1.00 103.2 cu.yds. @ 55.00 10,800 lbs. @ 0.15 1,200 sq. yds. @ 5.00 500 line ft. @ 2.50 700 sq. yds. @ 0.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost $ 10,000.00 5,676.00 1,620.00 6,100.00 1,250.00 350.00 $ 24, 996. 00 Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE 60-INCH CORRUGATED METAL PIPE 1,000.00 ' 3,704.00 $ 29, 700.00 Compacted Fill 10,000 cu. yds. @ $ 1. 00 Corru. Metal Pipe 50-in. , 10 ga. 254 lin.ft. @ 42.00 Grouted Stone Pavement 31 sq. yds. @ 3.50 6..in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement 1,220 sq. yds. @ 5.00 Concrete Curb & Gutter 500 line ft. @ 2.50 Sod for Slope Protection 700 sq. yds. @ 0.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost $ 10,000.00 10,668.00 108.50 6,100.00 1,250.00 350.00 $28, 476.50 Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 1,000.00 4,323.50 $33,800.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 2 ELM STREET CROSSING ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE - 5 x 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT Compacted Fill Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalks Sod for Slope Protection 10,000 cu. yds. 82. 3 cu. yds. 8, 730 lbs. 1,330 sq. yds. 660 line ft. 267 sq. yds. 650 sq. yds. @ $ 1. 00 $ @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ 5.00 @ 2.50 @ 3.50 @ 0.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 10,000.00 4,526.50 1,309.50 6,650.00 1,650.00 934.50 325.00 ALTERNATE - 60-INCH CORRUGATED METAL PIPE Compacted Fill Corru. Metal Pipe, 60-in., Grouted Stone Pavement 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalks Sod for Slope Protection 10, 000 cu. yds. 10 gat 204 line ft. 31 sq. yds. 1,330 sq. yds. 660 lin. ft. 267 sq. yds. 650 sq.yds. @ $ 1. 00 $ @ 42.00 @ 3.50 @ 5.00 @ 2.50 @ 3.50 @ 0.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 10,000.00 8,568.00 108.50 6,650.00 1,650.00 934.50 325.00 $25,395.50 1,000.00 3,804050 $30,200.00 $28,236.00 1,000.00 4,264.00 $ 33, 500.00 TABLE 3 ASH & FRONT STREETS CROSSING ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE - 5 x 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT Compacted Fill Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel 6-ino Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalks Sod for Slope Protection 36,700 cu. yds. 146 cu. yds. 16,900 lbs. 3,670 sq.yds. 1, 400 Uno ft. 620 sq. yds. 800 sq. yds. @ $ 1. 00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ 5,,00 @ 2.50 @ 3,,50 @ 0050 $ 36,700.00 8,030.00 2,535.00 18,350.00 3,500.00 2,170.00 400000 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE - 60-INCH CORRUGATED METAL PIPE Compacted Fill 36,700 cu. yds.. Corru. Metal Pipe, 60-in. , 10 ga. 396 Un" fto Grouted Stone Pavement 31 sqo yds. 6-in. Reinf. Conca Pavement 3, 670 sq. yds. Concrete Curb & Gutter 1,400 linoft. Concrete Sidewalks 620 sq. yds. Sod for Slope Protection 800 sq. yds. @ $ L 00 @ 42000 @ 3.50 @ 5.00 @ 2050 @ 3,,50 @ 0.50 $ 36,700" 00 16,632.00 108.50 18,350.00 3,500000 2,170000 400.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $71,685.00 1,000.00 10,815.00 $ 83, 500.00 $77,860.50 1,000000 11,639,,50 $ 90, 500000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 4 SOUTH OHIO STREET CROSSING ESTIMA TE OF COST ALTERNATE 4 x 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT Compacted Fill Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel Sod for Slope Protection 8,500 cu. yds. @ $ 0.50 $ 4,250.00 62.3 cu. yds. @ 55.00 3,426.50 6,040 lbs. @ 0.15 906.00 700 sq. yds. @ 0.50 350.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $ 8,932.50 Extend 42-in. Storm Sewer Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 800.00 1, 367.50 $11,100.00 ALTERNATE 54-INCH CORRUGATED METAL PIPE Compacted Fill 8,500 cu. yds. @ $ 0.50 $ 4,250.00 Corru. Metal Pipe 54-in. , 10 ga. 186 line ft. @ 35.00 6, 510.00 Grouted Stone Pavement 31 sq. yds. @ 3.50 108.50 Sod for Slope Protection 700 sq. yds. @ 0.50 350.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $11,218.50 Extend 42-in. Storm Sewer Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 800.00 1,781. 50 $13,800.00 Note: Pavement is not included in this estimate because no street exists at this location at present time. II TABLE 5 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE I - CONTINUOUS CONCRETE TWO GIRDER BRIDGE BRIDG E Class I Excavation (Dry) 31 cu. yds. Class II Excavation (Wet) 60 cu. yds. Class AAA Concrete (Superstr.) 162 cu. yds. Class A Concrete (Piers) 75 cu. yds. Reinforcing Steel 55,650 lbs. Piles, 12-in. 900 line ft. Handrail 180 lin. ft. APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement 772 sq. yds. Concrete Curb & Gutter 215 line ft. @ $ 6. 00 @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ 6.50 @ 8.00 $ 186.00 1,200.00 9,720.00 4,125.00 8,347.50 5,850.00 1,440.00 @ $ 5.00 $3,860.00 @ 2050 537.50 Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $30,868.50 $ 4, 397.50 $ 35,266.00 1,000.00 5,334.00 $41,600.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o 'l;!l_"",~_- llJ I- <t -1 n. I- W W a: _~L-- l- (/) >- IX 0: llJ m .J -~' - :J ..- ..2: ~I .--~ .-'r -}" ....';1" :-- , , , -- - --- ~._- ~ <:::l , I 2J :-- ~ -" t:'_~_ " -.J CL ~ ~ \) \:') - I \! 1<:.\ (j \r ..... ~ ~'p ~ ....... -c- --- ..1., ------J ------ -, - \~ illl \\ 1'1' I ~:~ II -II] II lil'l III ~ \) , I 1:>., t, ) t \) ., ~ (\~ I --L ----------- --.- -- - - },_",,-c, l=-:--r- - -='--=-y- _: =1 " I I I I I I I I I I I r.' I ~", 1/::;,,.-,(.' ....'1 I 17' ..J (. ")f ,,'....... <1.->""\ . <_, -- r-- -----("--t -~- I I ! I I I I I I I 1___ L _ J _.J_-1 - ---- ----, - - -- - ---,- -- r-r- ----1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r-+- - '-~-- : I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I __L__ _.J.__~ i~r-=- ~r l I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ',. L_l~- - J-::-J _ l I( _-\1 --.____ .,- - P..::.:.p' -- -- 5r I " ll.l W l- I- I i w <t u:: a::: z (.) IT. 1- Z lu 0 l- I -1 (.) <t l'J (/) 0::: u ::> -"r 0 W ..1 :::> 0 L! Z Ct: IU - G::: .... ~ Z . '-d 0 0 () (.) 5 u .... r,.. U <~ .....'1> _I 'j, (l) z o ~ <1: > W -.J LtJ (j) -1 ..J ""'7'- > d5 n:: III r ( -, IAl vicinity of the River will be delayed until the flood control diversion dam and inlet channel are functioning. A contingency item is added to each estimate to cover, among other things, the relocation of any utilities which presently cross the River on the existing bridges. As previously stated, studies of structure types at Walnut Street, Mul- berry Street and Oakdale Avenue were limited to those providing openings large enough to permit boating through the park areas. The location of these structures in the park areas warrants that some consideration be given to appearance pro- vided that esthetics can be achieved economically. By permitting appearance to govern the design of the bridge railing and terminal posts, and by specifying rubbed finishes on all exposed concrete sur- faces, any of the alternates included herein should present a pleasing appearance to the public. Nine alternate types of bridges were studied at Mulberry Street in sufficient detail to permit a reasonably accurate quantity take-off and thereby arrive at an estimate of cost. Two additional types are shown for which estimates are not included. An attempt was made to study practically every type of structure normally in use for the span length range of these bridges. For the purpose of these studies, estimates are predicated on the assumption that abutments, piers, and counter forts are supported on friction piles 50 feet in length with a penetration of forty-five feet below the river channel. Local geologists report that a bearing strata sufficient to refuse penetration of point bearing piles in the vicinity of all three bridgessites .is at least seventy feet below the streambed elevation. Plans and Elevations of the several alternates for the Mulberry Street Bridge are shown on Plates 10 to 21, inclusive, with the accompanying estimates J of cost shown on Tables 5 to 13. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Advantages of several of the various alternatives should l:E emphasized. Alternate I, shown 'on Plate 10, is a continuous reinforced concrete bridge with two concrete girders supporting the twenty-six foot roadway deck and two five foot sidewalks. Studies indicate that this type of bridge is slightly more economi- cal than the other types for foundation conditions and the roadway width existing at Mulberry Street. It offers the advantage of all concrete structures in that practically no maintenance will be required after construction is completed. A perspective of this alternate is shown on the Frontispiece. Alternates II and IV, shown on Plates 11 and 13, are culvert type structures employing reinforced concrete wingwalls to retain the roadway fill. A perspective of Alternate IV is shown on Plate 14. These alternatives require foundation piles only for the support of the counterforted wingwalls. Specifications should be writ- ten for these structures to insure the preparation of an adequate bed or foundation under the barrel of the box culvert or pipe. Unit prices assigned to certain items in the estimates for these alternatives have been increased to allow for the cost of temporarily diverting the river flow away from the foundation during the construc- tion period. Alternate III, shown on Plate 12, utilizes a multiplate culvert pipe without earth retaining wingwalls. The compacted fill around and on top of the structure is constructed with flat sideslopes. Alternates II, III and IV are enclosed struc- tures which do not collect debris or invite loitering around the premises as do the open span alternatives. Structures of steel as exemplified in Alternates V and VIII on Plates 15 and 18 are not as economical as concrete structures when span lengths are re- latively short as they are at the Mulberry Street site. They also have the disad- TABLE 6 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE IT -18 FOOT DIAMETER MULTI-PLATE PIPE WITH WINGWALLS CULVERT WITH WINGWALLS Class I Excavation C lass A Concrete Reinforcing Steel 18-ft. Multi-Plate Pipe Piles, 12-in. Handrail 220 cu. yds. 196 cu. yds. 24,200 lbs. 30 line ft. 1,200 line ft. 204 line ft. APPROACH BACKFILLING & PAVEMENT 6...in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Sand Backfill 1,015 sq. yds. 200 line ft. 1, 000 cu. yds. @ $ 6. 00 @ 45.00 @ 0.15 @ 175.00 @ 6.50 @ '8.00 @ $ 5.00 @ 2.50 @ 2.00 $ 1,320.00 8,820.00 3,630.00 5,250.00 7,800.00 1,632.00 $ 28, 452.00 $ 5 , 075. 00 500.00 ~OO.OO ~ 7,5r;5.00 $36,027.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 5,573.00 $42,600.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I llJ I- <J: ..J a.. I I I S~ I I I L:i I I \.1.1 I a:: I- en , >- I a:: a:: l l1J I (l) .J I => ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I r~- I I I I ocrdwoy__ hS: I I :--- ~ I I I I I := = ~-=-~ \=l I tJ L ,I I 2 I -=-= ----~ --- I I I I I I I I I :-. t-.j I I I I L I c6' /?, z <l -l a.. 1- \ I-l--~~\i~~~~ - , " \ \\ ;\' <N \ \ :.:.:.:.:~ ':d-~~~ L~-- ~7T JII,I",II, '\ g I~ r" ) 1."",".I"",'li,N.,.,. : ~ - =~I;'l::;:~ -i ~ 11th' ,) W - = == = J -t.f~~~ / I...Cj--- 1 / 1 1 I I Ir~____ = -Li ~~~~~ I L ----- I I . C) ,I '\l ::::1 W I- <t 2 a::: w a:::~ W<t I- WW ~~ <to. ow -00 ~ -.J a.. I 5 ::::> ~ l- n:: o a.. w a::: I- z w 2: W U <t .J a.. W a::: w (!) o a::: CD q: Z .J <t (/) (/) .J .J 3: <0 a:: W I o ::::> ro TABLE 7 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE III - 18 FOOT DIAMETER MULTI-PLATE PIPE WITH 3 TO 1 SLOPES CULVERT 18-ft. Diam. Multi-Plate Pipe 115 line ft. 18-ft. Diam. Multi-Plate Pipe Cut Bevel & Bolt APPROACH BACKFILL & PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 4-in. Concrete Sidewalks Handrail with Terminate Post Embankment Grouted Stone Pavement Sod for Slope Protection 1,015 cu. yds. 430 line ft. 127 sq. yds. 240 line ft. 3, 870 cu. yds. 115 sq. yds. 600 sq. yds. @ $ 175. 00 Lump Sum @ $ 5. 00 @ ,2.50 @ S._pO @ 5.00 @ 2.00 @ 3.50 @ O. 50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $ 20,125.00 500.00 $20,625.00 $ 5,075.00 1,075.00 444.50 1,200.00 7,740.00 402.50 300.00 j)16,237.00 $ 36, 862. 00 1,000.00 5, 538.00 1> 43, 400.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C\I w ~ ...I Q. i I, ~ !?6' Roaa'..voy Ii II Ii II i.'1 )i j I 1.1;' ,li,,1 ~ I , I'! IJ"1 ti, ~I Eli(: ----- ~.,:; l' ~l:'-.';I'::,':, 1"A . I" U, - " ---"; , ; C~, -j' ~)--j:'-' -- - -- -1j~l:j :::>1 Ii ::i I --,::1 ! I! I 1-&'" ',!,I --1"1 i ] ('ii' -"'1, :,1 ii ! =' ~ s'l. I :E~. , I I:/; ',- I:I? :--- ~ / = CV , I ~ " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ill: I. I I I f- a:: w 0 Q. Q. W Q. a:: WW f- f-I- 2 <(<t W ...12 ~ Q.D: W _w ~~ (.) <t ::J<l ..J ~ Q. W - a:: (X) w <!> 0, a:: fI) <l 2 ..J <t (J) z o ~ > W ..J W <h 3 3: co a:: w :r: t) ;:) co TABLE 8 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMA TE OF COST A LTERNATE IV - 20 x 20 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT CULVERT WITH WINGWALLS Class I Excavation Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12~in. Handrail 290 cu. yds. 285 cu. yds.. 38,300 lbs.. 1,200 lin. ft. 204 lin. ft. APPROACH BACKFILLING & PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Sand Backfill 1,015 sq. yds. 2 00 lin. ft. 1, 000 cu. yds.. @ $ 6. 00 @ 45.00 @ 0.15 @ 7.00 @ 8.00 $ 1. 740.00 12.825.00 5,745.00 8,400.00 1,632..0~ $30,342..00 $ 5,075.00 500..00 2,000.00 lP 7,575.00 $ 37,917.. 00 @ $ 5.. 00 @ 2.50 @ 2.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies 1,000.00 5,783.00 $4,4,700.00 I ~ I W I- <t ...J a. I I I I I I I t- W W a:: t- en I >- a: 0: w I m ..J ~ :2 I I I I I I I I '6Il I rr T I !, [6' Roadway 5' I I I . I I I I I. I t -. '. : J : C\) - (1== =-- =-~-=-~ 1 +- I ::: I I (J - - [I , , -- I I ~ I I ) . ~~-f-==- ~ -L,... I , I I I I I I I -- I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I l l I l. I ....1... z <{ ...J a.. ::: Cl ,I "" ..... ....... W I- W O:::w 01- Z<t Oz (.)0::: OW w~ (.)<t 0::: 01- l1..0::: ZW G:i~ 0:::::> 00 NX XO oal \ N I \ r-~__ :.~j ~..::.:-- I \ L::t = =::. I \ I 1-\ I -~ \ I , I \ I , ri:':== :::x::. c;:== - 't-5'==-- \ \ -1 z ~II I ~ li;i;,lii I <{ ---~IJ~I I ~ Iii I...J .J W I--- I I I / !...______ -Lra== j-- - - - - t=1 0'== Lg:.-== I I I I I .\ I I , I : I I l I Ird== -= tJ g== r I LlOr-==- I I 1 I- 0:: o 0.. W rc I- z W :.ii: w o <t ...J 0.. W (!) o 0::: CD <t Z ...J <t (f) (f) ...J ...J :: ca a:: w :r: (.) ::> al vantage of requiring the maintenance of paint. Other types of structures commonly used are included in Alternates VI, VII IX, X and XI on Plates 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21. Alternates on Plates 20 and 21 were not developed in sufficient detail to include detailed estimates of cost as inspection revealed that they were not in the lower economy ranges. A comparison of the alternates indicates the maximum range of costs possible, and emphasizes the importance of making economic studies prior to final design of a structure~ Studies at Walnut Street and Oakdale Avenue were limited to those which proved to be most economical at Mulberry Street. Results of these studies are shown on Plates 22 to 25 with accompanying estimates of cost on Tables 14 to 19. It is believed that further studies at these sites would result in needless repetition. Attention should be called to the fact that the culvert type structures proved slightly mors economical than the continuous concrete giraer alternate for these structures with the wider forty feet roadway. IV. SUMMARY As regards location and alignment of the structures and the street patterns in the vicinity of the crossings, only the recommended solutions have been includ- ed in this report. All alternative structures will satisfy the requirements for drainage, will permit boating in the park areas, and can be designed to enhance the general appearance of the sites. Therefore, the authors believe that the choice of structure type at all of the locations should be governed by economy. To obtain maximum economy in the culverts, it would be advisable to permit al- ternate bids on either corrugated metal pipe or concrete boxes. I lJ) V a:: 4J 4J Z I.LJ C) I ~ z <t 4J ...J C) a.. z I- ...J I ::> (/) Z 0 0 lJ) I ...J ..J j d5 I a:: 4J :I: () ::> Q) I I I w <9 0 a:: I 00 I- W W a:: I I- (f) >- a:: a:: w I 00 ....J :) ~ I I I I I I I I I I IJ f cl z I :i <l (/) IJ.. 0 I >- I- <:3 TABLE 9 MULBERRY STREET BRIDG E ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE V - CONTINUOUS STEEL BEAM BRIDGE Class I Excavation (Dry) 93 cu. yds. Class II Excavation (Wet) 60 cu. yds. Class AAA Concrete (Superstr.) 100 cu. yds. Class A Concrete (Piers & Abut. )120 cu. yds. Reinforcing Steel 28,300 lbs. Structural Steel 48,500 lbs. Bearing Devices 3,550 lbs. Piles, 12-in. 1,300 line ft. Handrail 186 line ft. APPROACH PAVEMENT 6.,.in. Reinf. Conc~. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 772 sq~ yds. 215 line ft. @ $ 6.00 @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @0.17 @ 0.50 @ 6. 50 @ 8.00 @ $ 5.00 @ 2.50 $ 558.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 6,600.00 4,245.00 8,245.00 1,775.00 8,450.00 1,488.00 $ 38, 561. 00 $ 3,860.00 537.50 $ 4,397.50 $42,958.50 Total E;::;limated C()L)~3t.ruction Cost Removal of Existing Bricl,qe & F:lVc:rlll'~nt Engineering & C:mtingeneln;.'~ 'I'OTALEi3'TlMATE OF COST 1,000.00 6, 441.. 50 $50,4.00:'-00 I 10 I w J- <t ..J Q I I I I I I I- W I w 0= I- CJ) I >- 0= 0:: W CD .J I :::> :2: I I I I I I I I , n n n r I 'I II I' 5' , e~ ~Rr 00111:;11_/ , 5' II 11 ,I I II I I I I II " 'I I -... :, I ~ II I II I " , , I' I I I I ~ ~ , ,I I ~ I I I I I I II I II I I 1 : I I I I I ,I I II II I :-.. I, II I t~ I II ,I I I II II , I II 'I I II II , u U U U I ~~~~ :si_~..::;:r~.--... . ~~'""!.'~'-~,~'~I':'~-=;::.'Z"i"T~':=n:,;;:~..::;~-:-...r::.;o.-::::;:'~~:4:"';'::;l"c.:.:::-,~,:,<,;,:-,:,~..__~~,,:;ir.:~;;;~'- , J- rr 0 w Q J- w <t 0:: Z (/)0::: J- :)W Z O~ ILl ~ ::><t w Z (.) -~ <t I-ct ..J Zw Q Om w Q 0:: ..J W W W <.!> I- 0 (/) ct: 'Q) <t Z - ..J <! ,1 (j) t\1 (\) z ~ 0 \:.) ~ Z ,I \) I- <( ~ ~\ ~ -l ~~ n. I W -l W " l:;) . I ~ (/) :J ..J ~ d:) 0: W I Q :) en TABLE 10 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE VI - REINFORCED CONCRETE HAUNCHED SLAB BRIDG E Class I Excavation (Dry) 43 cu. yds. Class II Excavation (Wet) 94 cu. yds. Class AAA Concrete (Superstr.) 196 cu. yds. Class A Concrete (Piers) 117 cu. yds. Reinforcing Steel 68,900 Ibs. Piles, 12-in. 1,100 line ft. Handrail 180 line ft. APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 772 sq. yds. 215 line ft. @ $ 6. 00 @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 50.00 @ 0.15 @ , 6. 50 @ 8. 00 $ 258.00 1,880.00 11,760.00 5,850.00 10,335.00 7,150.00 1,440.00 $38,673.00 $ 3, 860.00 537.50 $ 4,397.50 $43,070.50 @ $ 5. 00 @ 2.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Bridge & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 6,429.50 $ 50, 500.00 I ~ w I ~ ..J a. I I I I I I t- I W 11J 0:: t- en I >- 0: 0:: W I CD ...J ::> c-:;: ~ I I I I I I I I ~ , ,-, --- ~._-- . ,- ---- -- ( .--'] :.. ~--- I----~-.--- I I I I I I I 5'1 c:/ Pc::;;.::/;: l2f:/ r.' ~ --i -----r---~ T- I I , I I I -~ ---I----_=. I - =-=..- - - ~ --- I I I I --- I I I I I ~ I I ' 1 I ~ I I I I I -- I I ~ I --- 1---- -l 1- - ~ -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - 1--- -I-. - f- 0:: 0 W n. wI- w I-<t 0:: wZ f- 0::0:: z: OW w z~ "'.- 0<( w 0 0 m <r. o<t ..J W..J n. O(/) ltJ 0::0 ~ ~w ltJ z:I: l') -0 0 Wz _. ~ 0::::::> rr: fl) JJ_~ CD , I <t "- :I: <t :z ---.- -- ::i \ <t (f) C) I , , [ ~l .) ---- I Z I 0 ...... z ~ [ <{ <J: ~ \J > \S) ,I -.J - I l:::l W \') \J -.J a.. s.) " w . () ~ =. L_-_- ~ ..... (/) ..J ..J 3: ~ 0:: W I Cl :J CD TABLE 11 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIM:A TE OF COST A LTERNATE VII - REINFORCED CONCRETE FLAT SLAB BRIDG E Class I Excavation (Dry) Class II Excavation (Wet) Class AAA Conc. (Superstr.) Class A Concrete (Piers) Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12-in. Handrail 34 cu. yds.. 61 cu. yds. 215 cu. yds. 89 cu. yds. 70,730 lbs. 1,300 line ft. 180 lin.ft. APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 772 sq. yds. 215 lin. ft. @ $ 6. 00 @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 55. 00 @ 0.15 @ 6.50 @ 8.00 $ 204.00 1,220.00 12,900.00 4,895.00 10,609.50 8,450.00 1,440.00 $39,718.50 $ 3,860.00 537.50 $ 4, 397.50 $44,116.00 @ $ 5.00 @ 2. 50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 6)584.00 $ 51,700.00 I r-- w I f- <;i ..J Q. I I I I I I I I- l1.1- It! cr I- CJ) I >- a:: a:: w I (D .J => ::E I I I I I I I I s' t'6'.. ~oadm:ll 5' -'1- ----- l..___ W I I I I I I I I I I I ..... " I I \J I i I I :',',::.- ,J :~:....- .... r- --j: ,.'h ..._ . .." ....,., ....,... I I , I I _....Jm, ,J. I , I I I '. I I~-) i- --, " -~--- 'j- --_.._-~ .-._--- __ .u.____ ___ _ () I (\1 I J__ I I -, I I l I I -- -::1.. 1 1 I I I I I , I :-- t\j I I I I I I I ! l I::: J --= - f- (i': WW 0 Q. f-f- W W<t (i': 0::2 00: f- ZW Z Of- W O...J :2: <t w 0 0 Wal <t O<t ...J 0::...J Q. OUl W LLf- Q:: 2<t W -...J (!) WLL 0 0:: a: t CO ~ ~, <t ..... Z ...J <t Ul ".';3 0' . I ' , ...." ('I ""I ' , '''\.' .. \, ;~~. \1 ! <I. ,.J n. b ~I ~ '~ .,~::.:::::..:--:::~~~-=- -= I III 1,).1;11 -.. --illl/ 1:11 Iii II . <:) ~, ~ . I\) ~I .... ::::> o I- c:t > W -.J W Ul ...J ...J == cO 0: W :I: o ::) CO TABLE 12 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE VIII - WELDED STEEL FRAME BRIDGE Class I Excavation (Dry) 98 cu. yds. Class AAA Concrete (Superstr.) 100 cu. yds. Class A Concrete (Piers & Abut.) 38 cu. yds. Reinforcing Steel 20,570 lbs. Structural Steel 88,400 lbs. Piles, 12-in. 1,300 lino ft. Handrail 186 line ft. APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 772 sq. yds. 215 line ft. @ $ 6.00 @ 60.00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ 0.22 @ 6.50 @ 8.00 @ $ 5. 00 @ 2.50 $ 588.00 6,000.00 2,090.00 3,085.50 19,448.00 8,450.00 1,488.00 $41,149.50 $ 3,860.00 537.50 .L..!!}9r;- . 50 $45,547.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 6,853.00 $ 53,400.00 I m I ILl ~ ..J a.. I I I I I I ~ w I w lr lii I >- lr lr W CO -' I ::> ~ I I I I I I I I I 5' 2'6' Roadwaq 5' n n n n I II II - I II II II " II I II I I' ,I II :... , I t\J I ,I II , I' II I I' II I II l, II II II " II -- II II II I I I II - II ~ ,j Ii II II - - ~ -- II II II C\J II II I ,I I I II I I I II I I I' I I II I I /I I I II I I II I , ~ II I ~ I II I II I II I I II J I u lJ I I.J 2 <t ....I a.. I- Q: ILl 0 ~ a.. <t ILl Q: 0:: l1. ILl I- ..J I- Z ILl <( ILl ILl 2 :E l- ll::: ILl (f) ILl 0 0 ~ <( ILl ....J 0 <( a.. ....J ILl ILl ll::: :;: ILl (!) . Cl ,~ ll::: " al <( 2 ..J <t (f) ~ ~C) , ,I ~~ ",-"'-' z o l- e:{ > W ....I W )p " (f) :J ..J := 10 ll::: ILl :I: o ::> m TABLE 13 MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE IX - REINFORCED CONCRETE RIGID FRAME BRIDGE Class I Excavation (Dry) Class II Excavation (Wet) Class AAA Concrete (Frame) Class A Concrete (Footings) Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12-in. Handrail APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 128 cu. yds. 240 cu. yds. 337 cu. yds. 154 cu. yds. 120,250 lbs. 2,300 lin. ft. 204 lin. ft. 772 sq. yds. 215 lin. ft. @ $ 6. 00 $ @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ 6;.50 @ 8.00 768.00 4,800.00 20,220.00 8,470.00 18,037.50 14,950.00 1,632.00 $68,877.50 $ 3,860. OQ. 537.50 $ 4,397.50 $73,275.00 @ $ 5.00 @ 2.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of ExIsting Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 11,025.00 $85,300.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (1) W f- <t .J Q. + t!'6' Roadwo: I !' I i I I II i I I ~ 'i' I ' I Ii I j' ! II I l!1 --- ---tJiU !~L__-L__ I II l-~ ~ ill I 1'1 ~! I : ! Ii, 1-1 ! I ! I I \\ (j) I I 10_ ,Y I -, ~ I 1ll >- Ii, I I a:: : lY. .', I I ll.i! 1 I WI I, 0 I I -n il 1 i __,_ ~II_TI,I'--=-- ,,- -- ~ I 'I !fi-- II ' il , I I I: I i ,:' I ' II: I I I! I I I I I I I I 11 ...... ~ z <.( ..J CL , Cl " ~ .... r I I ra --- - '=:::..-: -Jt~~~~~ I / I / I.-~::.=:.~ -.L-:l Cj==-=_ - ~tc:J---- I .... a: w 0 Wf- fu t;j ~ Q: ll: 0:: '-' (.) W z: Z f- W O..J :'i!: (.) <( IJJ o lJJ 0 lJJ ~ <( (.) <{ ..J a: ll: n. o LL lJJ LL Q: Z 0 W Lij ~ (!) ll: ~ Cl 0:: rn <( z -' <( U) z o - f- <( > W ..J W (/) :; ..J ~ to Q: lJJ J: o ::> CD o (\/ W I-- <t -1 a. t I- tl.l lu a:: l- (/) >- cc: CiC W CO ..J ::> Z I I II I I I I 5'1 2(o'Roa iwG.l,I 1.1' 1 I I I ... I I ~ I I I 1--- --- n ~ f------- ~ , I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ () H- II \ - , - -- I' ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I r'----:- -- H LI- -- -_.- H I ' I I I I I .... ., I I ~ I I I I! I I- 0:: W 0 a. I- W W a: 0:: W OI- l-- 2 <( Z 02 W 00: :E OW W W~ 0 <( o <t ..J 0: Q. o J: IJJ LL 0 a: 2 a:: W - <( \ W <.!> 0: 0 \ 0:: \ CD \ <t Z \ :; \ <( \ (/) \ \-:n '" I I -U I, II 1\ III . :2 ,II -~!I 0 ~ ~~ I- Z a <l <1: .1 ( > ~ ~ w -' -....:: lilli, -' a.. Ii W !if II (/) 3 == <0 a:: W :I: (} j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - C\J W I- <t .J Cl.. 1 ~ w W 0:: ~ en >- 0:: 0:: W m -' ::> ~ I 5' ~6' Rcxx:I~L/ 5' -,- -, I I I I I I I ,. I I I I i I ...... ~ I I I I I I 1= ===== ====.:: M I I I I I I I ~ b ~~-----~r~= ~-= ~ CJ ----- ...--...--- , I ----- ---- ~ I I I I I I I --- ~ ::.-- -- -=- -:: -::... - -:-~ = bJ I I I I I I I I I I ...... " I I \\) I I I I J . 1 -- _.............h_ z (:) ,I ~ " c:t -1 a.. ~ta.:lIJ:~.IJ~~i.ll!lu.;......u''"'I'....-.r -"'-''''"'','i~' w ~gs I- llJ [, CL ~ ~ ~~ Cl.. Z " ~ ~ I~ =><t ~ :2 ,~w lit) ~ ~ i~ I- <l.: .! llJ Ii ~n:: ~(I) ~~ I I I I I I I I , I I : ",c. 1- ). f== ::: I /' i : {------"j,,111111 5 : \ ,II '1/ ~ '- --~T=' 110!!!!!- CJ=~~ ~:,i i C'" .-'1/1 ~il,r _s - - - ~ ~ i Ji~1 _ w! L____~- 2J~=_--=. :-- -- '---1iA=== I / : / : / L_ jCJ=== '- - -r' r-I---- ,- I Lr-- : / \ \ \ \ \ -. \ .~~ \ '.J -~~ I~ ;4 ~ .'~ ~ 11 'i.1 ~~ ~ ~l ,j 14 ~ " " ~ ~l I ~~ ,J ~1 ~~ ~---1 I' ---1 1 ~ ::-:: 11 (AJ ~ i ~ f.~) tt c~: -... ~~""A1&'#.;.&I.:-~';..l.tr.I'\i;~..tP.JH~....;;:t!:::";<;'i:~ TABLE 14 WALNUT STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE I - 18 FOOT DIAMETER MULTI-PLATE WITH WINGWALLS CULVERT WITH WINGWALLS Class I Excavation Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel 18 ft. Multi-Plate Pipe Piles, 12 inch Handrail 267 cu. yds. 210 cu. yds. 26,200 lbs. 45 lin. ft. 1,200 lin. ft. 220 lin. ft. APPROACH BACKFILLING & PAVEMENT 6 -in. Reinf. Conc. Pa vem ent Concrete Curb & Gutter Backfill 755 sq. yds. 200 line ft. 1,760 cu. yds. @ 6. 00 @ 45.00 @ 0.15 @ 175.00 @ 6. 50 @ 8. 00 @ 5. 00 @ 2. 50 @ 2.00 $1,602.00 9,450.00 3,930.00 7,875.00 7,800.00 1,760.00 3,775.00 500.00 3,520.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $32,417.00 7,795.00 $40,212.00 1,000.00 6,088.00 $47, 300.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A summary estimate of cost of replacing all seven bridges considered in this report is shown on Table 20. The type of ,structure found to be most economi- cal at each location was used in arriving at the total estimated cost of $305,.700.00. The existing bridges, with their poor alignment, broken gradients, and narrow roadways, warrant replacement on the basis of obsolesence. In addition to being obsolete, it is evident from a standpoint of structural stability that they have seen their "best days". In the case of the bridge at Elm Street, which has been severely battered by past floods, there is a question as to how much longer it can remain in service. Assuming however, that traffic demands can be given primary consideration in a recommended construction sequence, the first priori- ty should be given to the crossing at South Ohio Avenue, since there is no structure in existence at this location. The construction of a South Ohio Avenue crossing and improvement of this street between Crawford Avenue and Iron Avenue will provide a much needed north-south arterial through the eastern limits of the Ci ty and will remove some of the traffic load from Front Street and Oakdale Avenue thru the parks, as well as, Fifth Street and Santa Fe Avenue. In addition, the crossing at South Ohio will hasten the development of areas already within the City limits, but heretofore rather inaccessible. Second in line for replacement should be the structure on Oakdale Avenue in Kenwood Park. A wider bridge with improved alignment and better traffic control a~ this location will greatly reduce hazard and congestion during periods of peak traffic generated by the activity area in Kenwood Park. The replacement of the Elm Street Bridge is recommended for the third priority in the construction sequence. This structure is of timber construction and numerous bouts with flood waters have imparied its stability and increased TABLE 15 WALNUT STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE II - 20 x 20 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT - 220 SKEW . BRIDG E Class I Excavation Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12-in. Handrail 310 cu. yds. 357 cu. yds. 48, 500 lbs. 1,200 Un. ft. 220 lino ft. APPROACH BACKFILLING & PAVEMENT 6-ino Reinf... Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Back Fill 755 sq.yds... 200 line ft. 1,760 cu. yds. @ $ 6.00 @ 45.00 @ 0.15 @ 6.50 @ 8.00 @ $ 5. 00 @ 2.50 @ 2.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $ 1,860.00 16,065.00 7,275.00 7,800.00 1,760.00 $ 34, 760.00 $ 3,775.00 500000 3,520000 _$ 7, 795.00 $42,555.00 1,000.00 6,345.00 $ 49,900000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1\I (\J w ~ -l a. 611 I- W W a:: I- if) I- :::> z -1 <:t: 3 II II \ II \ III \ II I II' \ II ll~ 01- wo:: oW 0:> 0...1 lL.:J ~o?: w><W o::o:t: m(f) o W 0 C\JI-(\J xw'" 00:: C\JO Z o o ~ I;J ,I I ~ ..... z o I- <:t: > W .....J W I- 0= o 0- w a:: I- z W ~ 'W MO ~<( ,~.J '0- .UJ '0:: W (;) o 0: m ,<t !z .J <( (f) (f) :i -J 3= ct:) 0:: t.LI ::t: o ::> m TABLE 16 WALNUT STREET BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE III - 3 - REINFORCED CONCRETE GIRDER - 220 SKEW BRIDG E Class I Excavation Class II Excavation Class AAA Concrete (Superstr.) Class A Concrete (Piers) Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12-in. Handrail 48 cu.yds. 96 cu. yds., 244 cu. yds. 125 cu. yds. 85,050 lbs. 1, 400 line ft. 208 line ft. APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter 445 sq. yds. 200 line ft. @ $ 6. 00 @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ ,6. 50 @ 8.00 @ $ 5. 00 @ 2.50 $ 288.00 1,920.00 14,640.00 6,875,00 12,757.50 9,100.00 1,664.00 $47,244.50 $ 2,225.00 500.00 $ 2,725.00 $49,969.50 1,000.00 7,530.50 $ 58, 500.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rf) i- N! wi r-: <(' .j o...! "('J , / . -c{." ~ j I 1 ,-,...c.;," ~ /4./" II ./" - ~l ~/i "f,f~' \' '1-'/1 II!; I ~;;/ 1 /1 I I I . ! _/lt~r;f=-:r-~1 I I I I I I I ~ -:'~11-i! I: I I I I -\\1\ \ II_LL' do,;;1o way I !, .~.I1 '\\'1 II' I I -t---liol~l I \ " I I,ll , \ i~ I I I I j I I d . \ I: I II I I I / )::::--1 I i \ H II: I ).- / /! I '\ Ii! II 1,../:;';1 1/ I I 1 I II...... ---:....... / I I I t_ : I J .............., I _..----f 1'1 I, \ \ '; I: i I ____ ~ I ! ll;?()-- \ \:, I;. ,-----l, I 1~'J~I----(: ~ z I I . v' I " \;;/!,(~, I ,~1! ii ~ , j; <'''',\ , .: ~rl I I i A/i i~\-' ,.,,,,J~ ,,' '. :,~i/H":Yj I j j ~ I! I II --:: l!; ! ~!/11 I q I 'I ;;, ; i! ,/'J;::: I I .,; 'iJ..../,....-"f II! III i' I L,'1"'" I I i i: ~ 1_",'; I 1 i; !.,"';::-'("I" I , 1; :': ::," - ; I I I ,I i I I , i I . ; I i III I i ii , I I ;1, I ~ i ' I I I Ii h , I U- I II I~/;J!I------ ,,: ! I I ..............J ....-{t'," ;)J , " . I L.............., I/- I I,' I' l/r'~.....-...........--::-1 ;, ~., ~.............. I i,; ,i,:,; ! ./"/" ,. Y( ....... I >nl..........,'~~l i i9.......;,~ I .I--'-i,.?~ ,...__~,~....-; I ~- \ i I I I L\,~ !J:::j t~j (r~ '-'__w~ ~ I~ r--:7 ~ l.J Q: ) a:: Ct: w 11- o I- i'Z Z ..J :;". !w o <t ;.;;o)~ o I.. W '..:2: r- ~ ~llJ (I) W (j) iO ~ ~ ~ !~ '- ',"'" ;-- llJ ... ::: w 00:: oJ: I- ~,...; ! ,"' "-i .' ~ ~ j I: i :l ! !-',~l ;; I :1:;- ,illl fUli I II ~I! ---- " I,; ---- 2 ~.U I ct~::~: i' d:===-=- ~ 1---- - ---- w C!> o a:: CD oCt I~ <t (j) (/) :J ..J 3: cO Cl:: w I~ maintenance costs on the present bridge. From a structural standpoint, re- placement of the Elm Street Bridge is more urgent than is the replacement of the other structures. Next in line, from the standpoint of traffic benefits to be realized, is the replacement of the bridge at Ash Street. Crossings at North Ohio Avenue, Mul- berry Street and Walnut Street can follow in any desired sequence. While the scope of this report was limited to a study of the seven river crossings which have been discussed herein, it was necessary to observe and analize the movement of traffic over a large portion of the city to arrive at recommendations pertinent to these seven crossings. These observations brought to light several additional recommendations which the authors believe worthy of mention in considering a long range program for meeting Salina's future traffic demands. It is recommended that consideration be given to improving the inter- section of Oakdale Avenue at Iron Avenue to increase the tr.affic capacity of this inters ection. It is recommended that future planning include a new crossing of the Smoky Hill River at Greeley Avenue. This crossing would serve two needs; first, it would provide an outlet to the east for traffic generated by the activities in Kenwood Park and would afford much needed relief for Oakdale Avenue during the periods of peak demands; secondly, it would provide an access for residen- tial areas developing east of the Kenwood Park, as well as, a connecting link between Kenwood, Oakdale, and Indian Rock Parks. It is recommended that consideration be given to a new crossing near the intersection of Prescott Avenue and Front Street. This crossing would provide a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I TABLE 17 OAKDALE AVENUE BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE I - 18 FOOT DIAMETER MULTI-PLATE PIPE WITH WINGWALL CULVERT WITH WINGWALLS Class I Excavation Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel 18~ft. Multi-Plate Pipe Piles, 12-in. Handrail 267 cu. yds. 210 cu. yds. 26,200 lbs. 45 line ft. 1,200 line ft. 220 lin. ft. APPROACH BACKFILLING & PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Con. c Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalk, 4-in. Ba ckfill 2, 980 sq. yds. 890 line ft. 45 sq. yds. 1,760 cu. yds. @ $ -6.00 @ 45.00 @ 0.15 @ 175.00 @ 6.50 @ 8.00 @ $ 5.00 @ 2. 50 @ 3.50 @ 2.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies - TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $ 1,602.00 9,4GO.00 3,930.00 7,875.00 7,800.00 1,760.00 $ 32, 417.00 $ 14,900.00 2,225.00 157.50 3,520.00 $20,802.50 $53,219.50 1,000.00 8,-080.50 $ 62, 300.00 TABLE 18 OAKDALE AVENUE BRIDGE ,ESTIMA TE OF COST ALTERNATE II - 20 x 20 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT - 220 SKEW BRIDG E Class I Excavation Class A Concrete Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12-in. Handrail 310 cu. yds. 357 cu. yds. 48, 500 lbs. 1, 200 lin. ft. 220 line ft. APPROACH BACKFILLING & PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalk, 4-in. Back fill 2,980 sq. yds. 890 lin. ft. 45 sq. yds~ 1,760 cu. yds. @ $ 6.00 @ 45.00 @ 0.15 @ 6.50 @ 8.00 @ $ @ @ @ 5.00 2.50 3.50 2.00 $ 1,860.00 16,065.00 7,275.00 7,800.00 1,760.00 $ 34, 760.00 $14,900.00 , 2,225.00 157.50 3,520.00 _$ 20, P02. 50 $ 55, 562.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Bridge & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 8,337.50 $64,900.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I v C\J W ~ ...J a.. f:,lj I I Ii 1--(~ \ \ \ dp'_l3o?dW,OY W :J Z W > <I: , ~ ./ ~~ -- ,..... .,.------ ///.............~ /"/ ,...,/'"" ---../""'" .-~ W -l <I: o ~ <I: o /- III. \ \ " :\0 i i , I D !- tJJ 0: U LU C-' "~ c5::J LI.. => zo:>- - .->> l.JJ >< w n::0:r. en(/) o w 0 C\Jr-~ x W 00:: NO Z o o \J ,I ~, " z o f- <I: > W ...J W \ 1 ,,.- ~5 Jo.. ,W ~: 12 iW :a w o <t ...J 0.. W a:: w ~ a a: OJ <t ,2: ...J <t r (/) :J ...J ~ cO cr: W J: {.) ~ TABLE 19 OAKDALE AVENUE BRIDGE ESTIMATE OF COST ALTERNATE III - 3 - REINFORCED CONCRETE GIRDER - 220 SKEW BRIDGE Class I Excavation Class II Excavation Class AAA Concrete (Superstr.) Class A Concrete (Piers) Reinforcing Steel Piles, 12..in. Handrail APPROACH PAVEMENT 6-in. Reinf. Conc. Pavement Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalk, 4-in. 48 cu. yds. 96 cu. yds. 244 cu. yds. 125 cu. yds. 85,050 lbs. 1,400 line ft. 208 line ft. 2,460 sq. yds. 890 line ft. 45 sq. yds. @ $ 6.00 @ 20.00 @ 60.00 @ 55.00 @ 0.15 @ 6. 50 @ 8.00 @ $ 5.00 @ 2. 50 @ 3.50 $ 288.00 1,920.00 14,640.00 6,875.00 12,757.50 9,100.00 1,664.00 $47,244.50 $12,300.00 2,225.00 157.50 ~14,682.50 $61,927.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Removal of Existing Structure & Pavement Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST 1,000.00 9,270.00 $72,200.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 t\l W I- <t ..J 0- '(,JJ w :::::> z w > <c ~/... / ,;.;'; ~I ~ /;;::_;;.; _1"" ~----- I I I /,'1...... -I - I I I I I / i-I :: I II I I I 'I I I I ____ I _'!~L Ro woo ' I I I \ \ I I I - I -,---"'- 1- 5' \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I. I_J I \ I I I I J.............:::......~ 1 \ I I I / ~I 1/- I I I ..-.// 11---....1-;-...........1,1 I -\, \ I n I J .. /t I I ' \ \\\\1 : I k ----r I I /11 5~- z \ /111 11..--_(1 \ <l I U r- - - I (-- _ _I _ 1 1\ ..J I ~ \ I I I I) 1/ - a.. I I I 1 I / I~ I I \ :: : _... : f I I I _1 I I I I .....J.~ I _\\~\'/, I I I J J....;:......1......1 I I I )./...... 'I I I '. 11'....:-....../1 I I \ \ I (I 1 I 1 1 I \ ::: I': I II I \ I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I ---- I I I I I //J/ 1 // II II,)~// ~ I I I~/cj~ --t ~--:'I~ I ) /~ I ~ ' \() . I " 9 ~ '\l' '::: \t I W wI- 1-<1: WZ 0::0:: UW zl- 0-'3: u<tw (/) 0:: ~ ::>w(/) 000 ::> 0:: t\l z-C\1 _C> I-w Zw 80:: :r: I- l- n: o 0- w 0:: I- Z w ~ w U <t ..J 0... W 0: W C> a 0:: co <t Z -' <t (/) (/) :J ..J ~ d3 0:: W J: U ::> Q) TABLE 20 REPLACEMENT OF ALL SEVEN BRIDGES TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST North Ohio A venue Elm Street Ash & Front Streets Walnut Street Mulberry Street Oakdale Avenue South Ohio A venue TOTAL ESTIMATE OF COST $ 29,700.00 30,200.0u 83,500.00 47,300.00 41,600.00 62,300.00 11,100.00 $305,700.00* * This total is based on the most economical alternate at each crossing. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I minor crosstown arterial between Ohio and Fourth Street to serve a growing residential area east of the River. This route would relieve some of the traffic from heavily loaded Crawford Avenue and would serve as a direct access to the Indian Rock Park area. Fourth Street has been recommended to become a major north-south arterial from the south limits of the City to Iron Avenue. When this vitally needed improvement is constructed, it is recommended that the Iron Avenue Bridge across the existing Smoky Hill River be revised to permit construction of a ninety degree, maximum capacity, intersection at fourth and Iron. It may be possible to accomplish this without completely replacing the Iron Avenue Bridge. These recommendations for future planning are indicated on the General Plan, Plate 1. BUCHER & WIL'LIS Consulting Engineers I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I )