Solid Waste Study, Phase II I CDM Camp Dresser & McKee ~ 'il ;~ n I-~ 'j~ '.1 '\'.j ~] "1 " oJ j Zl ~ ~ fA ~ h'!'~ iif'; 1'" DRAFT DF ~ I I ~ I I I ~ It] CITY OF SAUNA SOLID WASTE STUDY PHASE D . April 12, 1993 CAMP DIUlSSER It McKEE INC. I" North MaIbt - Sulle 910 Wic:hitl. ItS 67202 (316) 262_ .~..,. . . I i' ;.} I' I. I I I ,~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Sedlon 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 '.0 6.0 7.0 \SI\UNA\lel.OOI """" ,,' TABLE OF CONTENTS r t f I l . .' . , n...trl)IliOD r;" , Pqe Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I-I AssessmontoftheActiveLaDdfillSite ......................... 2-1 ~ ,~ 2.1 Field VisilslDala CoUectioo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1 2.2 ReviewofOpenllllDllProccdunla ...................,..... 2-1 2.3 Subsurface Invesliplion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-2 r I ~ , ., I " ~ ~ . '. Closure oftbe Acti.e LaDdfilI Site. ........................... 3-1 3.1 Proposed Final Surface Elevations ......................... 3-1 3.2 LaDdfilI Cap ......;..,............;..,............ 3-1, 3.3 Surface Use and VegetaIioo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-2 ImpouI She ~A.F . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... 4-1 4.1 SiteDevelopmelll Plao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-1 4.2 Soil1la1ance Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 4-1 4.3 NPDES Surface w_ Proeedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-1 4.4 Bue Grade E1evations ................................ 4-1 4.' Final _ E1evations .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 4-2 4.6 LiDor and '--bolo CoUection System Altemaliveo .............. 4-2 4.7 ComttudIoaandDemolitiooW_ ....................... 4-3 4.8 Speoia1 W..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-3' - - ; " ~ ~ I' ll.....ini\llLife_.................................. 5-1 '.1 Projeeted Solid W.... Oenerationlla... ..................... 5-1 '.2 Active Arei ll....inilli Life ............................ 5-4 '.3 Proposed Expansion Area Remaiuing Life . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ,.. , , ConcIuaions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-1 Reco.....q..duions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-1 c.._ollldfMbtt:. - < il ::,";:~::,~\;~;,j~,:;, ,i;~:'~;~Bt~;:..;~;~e:*?j;ti'~~:'~~~&~~;,~" ~,C'._ e-.v. ''';'' ""-';': ,:':l,;:";;,,.~<-, Sedlon Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H \So\LINA'ISSUlltl "',.,. Gj ~ I' .~ " " :'.. :~, t. ~ LIST 01' APPENDICES [1 Jl ~ ril : 1':1 ~ ~-~ i.,' . o..crtpIIon Existing D~ Arei ~elopmeut Maps Landfill Openllono and ~ Procedures (Draft) DailyCover~ SubSurface Inveotisaljon Rqlort (Draft) f,j ~ J .' :~_. i' i. W ~ f<:i ~ ~ ~ ,?d ~ ~ SIO~IDrainaa. ~ < '-'i., Soil Balance Analysis Landfill LiDor System Eva1~ Pm-nltAFT , . ".- . , UI ~ ;i ~~ [] ~ ":'; ~ ~ ~ I m ' I I ~ .' . ~_"JldMbtt:. "" - . '.- Hi . "]:::~~:,~;Pf:'~,i'::~:"~'-c:', 'k;J:"i~;&~;,.4.:.'~i;~;;;~\~4iF',:;:&1V.t!~~~Mtti!~~ _~~L,;~*"""~~~";-m~titt ' ~ . ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl tJ l 1.0 INTRODUCTION The primary federal legislation for solid waste management is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCIlA), first enacted in 1976. The objeetives of RC1lA are aimed at protecting hwnan health and the environmeot while preserving material and energy resources. The United States Eoviromnenta1 Protection Agency (USEPA) promulgated the Subtitle "0" regUlations in Oorober 1991, establishing criteria for municipal solid waste landfills (MSWLFs). These new regulations include location restrictions, facility design and operating criteria, groundwater and methane gas monitoring requirements, and financial requirements. These regulations are having an immediate impact on municipal solid waste management and facilities. The State of Kansas solid waste regulations are found in Kansas Statutes Annotated (KSA), Chapter 6'- Public Health, Article 34-Solid Waste, and Kansas Admini.trative RegUlations (KARl, Article 29-Solid Waste Maoasement. In 1992, the Kansas lesis1ature passed HB2801 whiCh amends the Kansas Solid Waste Statutes. The Kansas th ~ ~HE) is currently reviewing the task of rewriting KAR Article 29 ,~~OD and State legislation. ~ On October 9, 1993, alllandfiUa in the United States are to be in compliance with 40 CFll Parts 2'7 and 2'8, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Crileris, also known asllC1lA Subtitle "0". To accomplish the task of compliance, most active landfills will close active ~ ..-- prior to the Oetober 9 """"u.... The entities owning these facilities will have to choose w_ to reioeate to new approved ..-- or get out of the disposal business totally. " L", , , , , , " ~ ~' .,{ ,i iii! D' 'It: :1' , I I ,~ ~ LD Regulations for closing an active disposal site are covered by both federal and state statutes. RCRA Subtitle "0" states in Pll1'll8'aph 2S8.I(d): "MSWLF units that receive waste after October 9, 1991 but stop receiving waste before Oorober 9, 1993 are exempt from all the requirements of this part 258, except the final cover requirement specified in 2'8.60(1)." State of Kansas closure requirements are outlined in KAR 28-29-12. This regulation discusses the genera1 fonn of required closure plans and IOIig term care for disposal areas to be closed. ,'~ t Camp Dnsst!r &: McKu In&. \SAlJNA\I"UIOl "',.,. I-I },T;\\"~;~}1,:,'~i'\;;,,,f:-&' ';~t.;:'''['_' Ii '-.J Ii U o o , ~ 2.0 ASSESSMENT OF TIlE ACTIVE LANDFILL SITE 2.1 FIELD VlSlTSlDATA COT.T.F.cnON Ii L Camp Dresser It McKee Inc. (COM) conducted field visits to'the City of Salina Municipal Solid Waste Landfill and met with Jim Hill and Bob Helm of the City of Salina (City) to discuss present and past landfill operational procedures. CDM collected all additional data required which was not availal>le in the Phase I files. This included existing site disposal sketches which denote approximate locations of wastes which have been disposed on she. The types of wastes which have been disposed are recorded in the landf1ll historical site sketches and files. ; i; U r: I.' 1';1 '--' CDM subcontracted Bucher, Willis and Ratlit'f (BWll) to provide a current aeria1 survey and topographic map of the site to assist in assessing available cover material, available airspace, application of solid waste ~ , , c.:_' at the workilli face, and ~o map have been provided to the cl sl. ..JtL)V ",iT the landfill site. Copies of the I L~' 2.2 IlEVIEW OF OPEJlATIONAL PROMmIJRF.~ ~ COM mapped the progressive locations of past 1andfill developmeut (Appendix A) from exislill8 records and site sketches. The following conclusions were reached: ,~ ,c-- ! . Precise (surveyed) locations of landfill trenches are not available but site sketches provide sufficient data to determine the approximate "footprint" of past disposal areas. ~ I ,_J . Landfill records and site sketches also denote approximate locations of "other-than-ordinary" wastes which were disposed on site. o o il w The current working face is progressing in an east-to-west direction and has crossed the east/west midway point. The current disposal operation constitutes the third vertical layer within the total "footprint" of Camp Dreuu d: McK<< l1Ic. J \SAlJNA\&S5UKll """" 2-1 'n;', ' 11 ~ the landfill. The types of wastes which hav. been disposed of in these three lay.rs are recorded in the , , laodfill historical sit. sketches and files. Th. horizontallimi18 of the current workilli face is best depicted by the topographic map which was completed by BWR in November 1992. , , COM revi.wed all current operation and maintenance references, observed the operational practices taking plac. at the landfill, and cooducted ....ral meetinga with City staff to discuss the operational procedures at the facility. COM reconnnend$ that the City begin plaooing the preparation of a complete Landfill Operations and Maintenance Plan which will be pan of the Stat. permitti\ll require.-s for subsequent landfill .xpaosion. A draft fonnat is included as Appendix B which outlines those items gen.rally required in a solid waste facility operations plaos. COM has reviewed current daily cov.r requirements to assist the landfill staff in identifying oew sources of daily cov.r. A summary of this analysis is included as Appendix C. An estimated 24,700 C.Y. of daily cover and 116,200 C.Y. oflina1 cap ial'l be~red to close the ac!iv.landfill sit.. COM r.commends these materials be D _A."W,ji.tf tfl No. I expansion. 2.3 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION COM reviewed previous hydrogeologic investigations of the landfill site and exislill8 data concernins the current groundwater monitoring program. COM additionally eva1uated other maps, publications, w.ll reports, and any available data related to subsurface conditions in the area. ! , , A report on COM's analysis of the subsurface eonditions is included as Appendix O. Th.report includes a discussion of the groundwater modeling and analysis that was used in the development of a sampling and analysis program which will meet EPA gujdel~ as well as properly ......ing the current and future . groundwater quality of the site. The report develops specific conclusions and recoJ1V'1e1'dltions for the further analysis and development of groundwater proteCtion controls for the existing and expansion areas. .1 i I ; - , , C4rJfJ Drus~r cI: McKu Inc. J ] \SAUNAIWS.OOl """ " 2-2 .'~ 1 I r 3.0 CLOSURE OF THE ACTIVE LANDFILL SITE 3.1 PROPOSED FINAL SURFACE F.I.F.V.o\TIONS , I i I ! ] , I 'I "1 , I I Utilizing the aerial survey information previously developed', preliminary final grade elevations were developed for the active disposal area. Preliminary drawin8s are included as Appendix H. These drawings represent the elevations of the final CAPPED area which will be ready for re-vegetati.on. Using these final elevations and comparing them tathe elevations of the landfill from the aerial survey, CDM calculated an estimated closure date of November I, 1993. 3.2 LANDFILL CAP I I: 1 , I I The program to cap the active (Appeodix H). Additionally, a into the preliminary drawillis 'as a preliminary drawing detail. CAP MATIi'.RIAI.~ - Assessment of the current application of cover at the working face and quantities and sources thereof, were discussed previously and an analysis provided in Appendix C. Closure of the active landfill must be in accordance with USEPA "Subtitle D" regWations, which require that the landfill cap coosist of a minimum 6-inch erosion layer capable of sustaining native plant growth,' wtderlain by an IS-inch infiltration layer havilli a permeahility less than or equal to the permeability of any bottom liner system or natural subsoils present, or a permeability no greater than' lx:tO'"' cmIsec, whichever is less. The intended post-closure use of the landfill is wheat cultivation. Under USEPA Bulletin 40 CPR Ch.1 '[ (7/1/91 Ed.) Section 2'7.3-', the land surface overlyilli a solid w.... faeility cannot be used for cultivation of foockhain crops if it is within three feet of the solid waste, unless it can be demonstrated - that the faeility is in compliance with the requirements set forth in said section. Furtber investigation ~ Cdmp DTU3U cI: McKu Inc. r.) \5AUNA",""O(lI "',.,. 3-1 -'- would be needed. to determine the costs. associated with demonstrating compliance with these requirements. Initial estimates suggest that it would be more cost effective to design the cap a minimum of three feet thick and thereby avoid the costs of attemptiDg to demonstrate compliance, which may in actuality not even be possible. Utilizing the results of geotechnical investigations, it is evident ~ the soils in the area are adequate for use as infiltration and erosion layers for capping the active landfill area. CLOSURE CONSTRUCTION COSTS - The costs for closure construction are outlined in Figure 3-1. In this figure, CDM shows the construction costs for materials found on-site as wen as the coats should materials have to be delivered from an off~site source. It must be noted that these costs reflect the overall costs associated with the 1andfill closure, much of which will be perfonned by the landflll operations staff. However, these costs do reflect the closure cost impact to the City. - The sideslopes slope in most cases. These slopes are depicted in the preliminary drawings included as Appendix H. Stonnwater and seneral site drainage has been reviewed for the eotire site and the atl8iysis is included as Appendi>: E. Additionally, aU preliminary site stonnwaterldraiDage requirements ha.e been addressed in the Site Development Plinand the preliminary drawings of proposed future expansion (Appendix H). 3.3 SURFACE USE AND VEGETATION This analysis was done taking into account that closure of the existing landfill will be in accordance with , USEPA's "Subtitle D" replations as discussed in the previous sections. These regulations require that the landf1ll cap consist of a miniJnum 6-inch er\lSion layer capable of suaW.ning native plant B'owth, uoder1ain by an IS-inch infiltration layer having a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of any bottom liner system or natura1 subsoils present, or a permeability 00 sreater than Camp DrasO' d: McKn Inc. \SALINA\85S8.001 "',.,. 3-2 , , I j Ii I __J .. ~ ; i J I ~J 1 , - ] J j '-"l I , -, --,=-- - ----:=::=....... ..! [_..1 1- I CITY OF SAUNA MUNICIPAL SOUD WASTE LANDFILL CLOSURE COSTS Quantity Units Malerlals Labor Equipment Total Cost Total Cost Cost Cost Cost perUnil perUnil perUnil per Unit Final Cover - Clay (Onsile) 141,570 CY $0.40 $2.50 $2.90 $410,553 (OfIsite) 141,570 CY $15.80 $5.64 $14.32 $35.76 $5,062,543 Final Cover - Topsoil (Onslte) 141,570 CY $0.40 $2.50 $2.90 $410,553 (OIfsile) 141,570 CY $12.10 $5.64 $14.32 $32.06 $4,538,734 Final Cover - Compaction 283,140 CY $0.21 $0.39 $0.60 $169,884 .Flnal Cover - Testing 58.5 Acres $667.00 $39,020 Final Cover - Seeding with Wheal 58.5 Acres $1,250.00 $73,125 Methane Gas Venting 58.5 Acres $2,750.00 $160,875 Stormwater Drain System 58.5 Acres $1,a67.00 $97,520 , Total Costs with Final Cover Obtained Onsile = $1,361,529 Total Costs with Final Cover Obtained OIfsile = $10,141,700 Final Cover Area = Clay Layer Thickness = Topsoil Layer Thickness = Distance to Haul from OIfsite = 58.5 Acres 18 Inches 18 Inches 20 Miles (Round Trip) FIGURE 3-1 Page 3-3 I ,-.i lxlO"S em/see, whichever is less. However. conversations with KDHB indicate that the State will require a minimum of three feet of final cover if the land is to be utilized to support food chain crops. Additionally, the infiltration layer will likely be required to rruUtVA1n a permeability less than or equal to lxlO-s em/sec. The seeding information contained in this report is based upon conversations with Tom Maxwell, the Agriculture Agent at the Saline County Extension Service. The three alternative post-closure uses originally proposed by CDM were: . Cultivation . Pasture . No use Eachaf these alternatives requires seeding the cap of the closed landfill with some fonn of vegetation that will be capable of holding the erosion layer in lace, and at the sametime whose roots will not penetrate the infiltration layer as litis woul~l;~" ~f~r~'(n,\.. cover vegetation with shallow ":.:.:. '~'>,~ .' ,'~ ~ilil: root systems is preferable. HowJ!&/4t ritti - ., cons. of a tight, continually hydrated and impermeable clay. root penetration will be minimized. The first alternative will convert the area to agricultural use for cultivation. The recommended crop for this alternative is wheat because it is well adapted to the area soils and bas a relatively shallow root system in comparison with other crops. Given the right soil conditions, wheat roots can penetrate as deep as 5 feet. Therefore, a 5 foot earthen layer would be required to prevent penetration into the infiltration layer unless a tightly hydrated impermeable infiltration layer is in place. With an existing landfill closure area of approximately 58.' acres. a , foot earthen layer depth would require 472,000 cu. yd. of fill material. However, if a tightly hydrated infiltration layer is utilized, only a 36 inch final cap system is , required. This equates to 283,000 C.Y. of fill material. Another point of consideration for this alternative is that grades on the closure area may be as high as 3:1 (20.5%) in some places. This could pose an erosion risk if cultivated, with resulting degradation of the cap. The maximum grade to have minimal erosion risk under cultivation is 10-15 percent. Camp Druser cl McKee Inc. lSALINAlll:I'S.OOI 415mb 3-4 ',I II i I ' '..1' ~ " " , , ,I!' 'I!' " 'I ' !I :! II, I: 'i , -, , I , Ii Ii 11- , The second alternative is to convert the area to pasture. The recommended cover for this alternative is a mixture of native grasses, Indian grass, big bluestcm, little bluestem, and side oats grama. These grasses are aU well adapted to area soils. Given the right soil conditions, big bluestem roots can penetrate as deep as 10 feet. while little bluestem and side oats grama roots can penetrate as deep as 7-8 feet. Therefore, a 10 foot earthen layer would be required to prevent~root penetration into the infiltration layer unless an impenneable infiltration layer is provided. This would require approximately 944,000 cu. yd. offill material. The third alternative is to Dot use the area, and simply plant it with some vegetative cover to prevent erosion. The recommended vegetative cover is a native grass with a short top growth, as a native grass would require minimal maintenance and short top growth would pose a much smaller fire hazard than long top growth. Two short grasses recommended were buffalo grass and blue grama, both of which have a 10-12 inch top growth. Buffalo grass and blue grama roots can penetrate as deep as 5 feet. Therefore, a 5 foot erosion layer would be ired to prevent root tion into the infiltration layer unless an impenneable infiltratio~(I;~~:;tr. .'I":"l: ire approximately 472,000 cu. yd. of fill material. Seeding an area Jl:.tlffil ~t .~o as much as Seeding it with blue grama seed. Therefore, blue grama is the reconunended cover for this alternative. The City of Salina staff has indicated that the cultivation option is preferred, and all subsequent analysis has proceeded with this option in mind. Camp Drus~r d: MclU~ l1Ic. \SAlJNA\&5;5l.llOl "''''. 3-' 4.0 DISPOSAL SITE EXPANSION , . "I l.j < 4.1 SITE OEVEWPMENT PLAN ! - I I I COM has prepared a site development plao (SDP) as part 6f the preliminary drawings presented in Appendix H. The SDP drawing depicts the active landfill footprint in relation to future expansion alternatives. Initial lateral expansion to the north is recommended with development continuing to the west, south, east and north in that sequence. 4.2 SOIL BALANCE ANALYSIS The soil balance modeiing was completed and the resnlts included as Appendix F. II 4.3 , 'W-p<w'~' Ab. &'4 1, ~!~ \ CDM has investigated the impacfb ~~~itJ~ thJ~relate to development of the landfill site and recommends the City submit for a pennit once the site drainage plans are complete. The initial filing deadline has passed but indications suggest that the USEPA does not plan to penalize those entities that put forth a good-faith attempt to comply. J 'I "I ! j ! 4.4 BASE GRADE ELEVATIONS ,I - I 1 Utilizing groundwater depth data from the 1985 and 1988 O.S. Fent reports, base grade elevations were established for the disposal site expansion. Base grades were designed to maintain five (5) foot minimum separation between the top of the upper most groundwater aquifer ~ the cell base. Preliminary base grade drawings are included in Appendix H. Camp Dr~ss~r .& McKee Inc. \SALINAIB55I.llOl 415193]1 4-1 \ L. ~ 4.' FlNAL SURFACE ELEVATIONS The final surface elevation drawings for the landfill expansion area are included in Appendix H. The primary design criteria for these drawings was two-fold. First, the final contours were designed to have an end use of cultivation, thus requiring gently sloping top elovations. Second, the overall height was designed to correspond to the final height of the active landfill closure. 4.6 LINER AND LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES CDM has spoken with State and Federal regulators with respect to regulatory requirements regarding application of liners and assessment of materials for this application; leachate collection systems and related materials needs; groundwater monitoring programs; operational guidelines and record keeping; and anticipated closure and post-closure requirements at the site. The State, in conjunction with the USEP A, is currently funding a ~tud landfills. The future of landfill "':' ~4fff alternative lining systems for State . J:i.inir: n the outcome of this study. '" --1 ... ,"." , However, until this study has been completed, which may not be until the later part of 1993, landfill owners must proceed with design plans which comply with current regulations. CDM has prepared a preliminary analysis of potential liner systems for the Salina MSWLF. This study is included as Appendix G. CDM is recommending a modified composite liner for the Salina MSWLF. The liner system alternatives are included in the preliminary drawings (Appendix H). Leachate product is typically handled in two ways. In many cases it is collected in a leachate evaporation pond where it is allowed to dissipate through evaporation. In other cases it is collected and then transported to a treatment facility (Le., municipal waste water treatment facility) for processing. CDM , is recommending the use of the evaporation pond system for the Salina MSWLF due to the positive evapotranspiration index for the area. 1 1 .1 I I J Camp DruS~T d: Mc~~ Inc. lSAUNA\85S8.<101 4ISI93Is 4-2 , I. 4.7 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTES "Construction and demolition" wastes are generally defined as materials considered to be not water soluble and non-hazardous in nature. This includes. but is not limited to; steel, glass, brick, concrete. asphalt roofing material, pipe, gypsum wallboard, and lumber from the construction or destruction of a structure. Also included in this category are rocks, soils, tree remains, trees and other vegetative matter which normally results from land clearing or land development operations for construction projects. ,I Construction and demolition (C&D) wastes are exempt from RCRA Subtitle"D" landfill criteria provided they are not mixed with MSW. C&D waste landfills are required to be permitted by KDHE, but are not currently required to be constructed as lined facilities. Co-location of C&D waste disposal facilities and MSW landfills is allowed under current Kansas llegulatioos. il , It is highly reconunended that unlined areas oortheast of !he g~~l'!!sed expansion area be used for C&O waste disposal. The precise area : l~l.!~ P clearly apparent after subsequent drilling has taken place to better eIo~iC stticturcs in this area. I , 1__- C&O wastes are typically handled as a bulky waste during disposal. Special care must be taken by the landf1l1 operations personnel to ensure that all C&D wastes are free of deleterious, hazardous materials and conunon MSW. both of which are not to be commingled with an unlined CltO waste disposal facility . 4.S SPECIAL WASTES ~ Special wastes are typically defined as the wastes accepted at MSW landfills which necessitate special . handling, separation, and/or recovery. Special wastes should not be' confused with hazardous wastes which cannot be accepted in MSW landfills. Special wastes consist of but are not limited to, animal and food processing wastes, bulky wastes, and low density wastes. The handling of these wastes are discussed in Section 5.4 of the Draft Operations and Maintenance Plan included as Appendix B. I I, r~ Qunp DruSe/' de McKee Inc, lSAUNA.W'S.OOI 4/'l93b 4-3 II ""1 An area of concern for the City of Salina is the co-disposal of sludges with MSW. The Part 258 Criteria for MSWLF's were jointly promulgated under the Cleao Water Act (CW A) and RCRA authorities and apply to all MSWLF's in which sewage sludge is C<HIisposed with household waste. Under this rule, the co-disposal is permitted given that the sludge is not" classified as a liquid waste containing "free liquid" as defined by Method 909' (pain Filter Liquids Test), as described in "Test Methods for evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods" (EPA Pub. No. SW-846). Ii An area for the handling of special wastes has been shown in the preliminary drawings. The area is located in the same proximity that the City is currently using to collect and recover tires and white goods. This area can be expanded to include other items the City determines salvageable. This might also include an area designated as an aeration site for hydrocarbon contaminated soils, sand trap sludges and other materials designated by the City for similar treatment. '-""'" , ')447"'"'' '{:-',: ''';:J. ffi ::::~::: .::: fi~w ;,\ J M': H')~bf' jJ~0)\~1 ~ I ,A. ~%-""'~'" _..,,~K:;b'i:':'Y;^',. A. I II I Camp Dresser &: Mc~e IN:. \SAUNA~R.OOI 4151931. 4-4 ,-- ,-- , , L 5.0 REMAINING LIFE ESTIMATE , , ' '.1 I ! i ,-- j ,~ '.1 PROJECTED SOLID WASTE GENERATION IlATES Prior to analyzing landfill capacities, an analysis of solid waste generation is in order. Analysis of the projected future disposal rates for the City of Salina MSWLF was approached using current data supplied by the City Landfill operations staff. It must be stressed that this data was gathered usilli a cubic yard estimation of all vehicles entering the landfill. No scales were in use to measure weight. The system in use was very well documented, however, and should serve as a fair approximation of quantity received. , , I' 1 - Using 1992 yearly figures, the gate house quantities were adjusted to reflect in-place compacted quantities after disposal. Using population projections supplied by the City of Salina P1anning Department, a 'Per Capita Disposalllate (lbs/dayr,gvRd (Fil'" p- . ..P'i~; rate was 9.0 Ibs/day which is higher than the conunoniy pubh , fVer!!ai>>f .0 II/day. ___ ,,' _ ,,,t. "1h""./(, ":Sl j~t. Because most communities anticipate local, state, and federal requirements mandating waste reduction, CDM conservatively projected future disposal rates to remain constant and not grow. As the City develops programs to further reduce the waste stream, these projects will likely decrease accordingly. This analysis only accounts for the current population base encompassed within Saline County. If the City expands its service area to include any neighboring counties. these projections will increase proportionately. Figure '-2 graphically portrays the projected disposal quantities throughout the year 2050. " L , II, ! Ii' , Ii j r-: ! '.I, ~ i ,_ , Camp Dresser cI: McKee Inc. ,- \SAlJNA\898.CIOI 41'1931. '.1 '- ----- " ... OIlY OF SAUNAISAllNE COUNTY PROJECTED WASTE GENERATION (WITHOUT REDUCTION) 1980 ,_ 1995 2000 2IlO5 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Actual Actual projected projected Projected projected Projected Projected projected Projected :;ity of Salina Population * 41,840 42,300 013,300 44.300 45,500 46,700 47,932 49,196 50,493 51,825 &line Coo lation** 49,900 49,300 50,167 51,029 52,058 53,079 54,121 55,183 56,265 57,370 ~. Quant' ross- 217,464 262.4n 298,996 304,134 310,263 316,351 322,559 328,889 335,342 341,922 OisJXlS8t Quantity (adiusted. CY]*** 120,149 145019 165,195 168,004 171,420 174,784 178,214 181,711 185,2n 188,912 .. Cacita O' Rate ladiusted. tbsIdiP..11 6.7 8.1 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 * Salina Comprehensive Plan (through 2010, estimated after 201 0) ** s.Iine County Planning Oepartment (estimated efter 1990) *** Adjusted for in-pIace compaction FIGURE 5-1 Page 5-2 L._--c_ ,-------- - I -~----.'--------'----'-- - - --- -- -. --- - ------ - _ _ _ . _ __H ------- -- ---- -- --- I I i 1__ , C --1 I i ii -:i 1-" ,i i_ ! CITY OF SALINA MSW LANDFILL PROJECTED DISPOSAL QUANTITIES 2050 2040 2030 ... ~ 2020 2010 2000 1990 145,019 169,389 176,156 180,312 184,563 188,912 '165,763 173,439 178,214 182,424 186,731 Disposal Quantity (CY) (Adjusted) Figure 5-2 -,- 1 iJ 5,2 ACTIVE AREA REMAINING I.TFF. Utilizing the previously developed topographic map, a preliminary fina1 grading plan was developed for the active disposal area (Appendix H). Comparing this grading plan to existing grades, CDM determined the remaining available airspace as of November 16, 1992 tO,be 302,000 C.Y. This quantity can be further subdivided into three categories of fill material; waste, daily cover, and fina1 cap. I , I Ii CDM estimates that nearly 34.5 equivalent acres of the approximately 58.5 acres which comprise the existing landfill area have been final capped with the minimum three foot thick material cap. The remaining 24 acres will require 116,000 C.Y. of final cap material. The remaining airspace, 186,000 C.Y., will consist of waste and daily cover, typically at a four (4) to one (1) ration. This will account for about 37,000 C.Y. in remaining daily cover and 149,000 C.Y. of waste. From the table shown as Figure ~16-~7'~~pond~ g~'~"i~?li'f^'ii Figure 5-2, th~ projected ~~te g~neration quantity for 1993 is .15"''\'fj~{. J1"f01 the 149,000 of estlmated remammg airspace for waste will last until al!ibu(NolIll..&4, ,Mi93,","""" 5.3 PROPOSRn EXPANSION"RF.~ REMAINING UFF. Using a similar process to the previous section, the available airspace of the proposed expansion area was determined by comparing the design base grade and fina1 grade elevations. The available airspace was calculated as 20.13 million C.Y. This quantity was further subdivided into final cap for 300 acres, daily cover and MSW. The breakdown of these three quantities is: . Final Cap - 1.45 million C.Y. . Daily Cover - 3.74 million C.Y. . MSW - 14.94 million C.Y. Comparing 14.94 Million C.Y. of MSW to the cumulative projected generation rates shown in Figure 5-3, it is estimated that the proposed expansion will have an estimated life through the year 2076. , I Camp Drustr &: McKee Inc. \SALINA\1I558.001 4/519311 5-4 \ 1- r J _.~_~__..__._____.m____ "-.---..."-. -, -...._-- - - .--- ., _ __'~;'-C-':U' ._~_ __ ~_ r-.) L~-] C.-1 r i '-I :.. [ -! 1- -) (1 ! I 11 il r--l ; J i CITY OF SALINA MSW LANDFILL PROJECTED SW GENERATION QUANTITIES 2080 2070 2060 2050 ... 2040 III CD >- 2030 2020 2010 2000 /" / V ./ / / - / / . /' / / / / I1III1 I1III111 1IIII1 IIII11 III III III1IIII 11111111 I II I I II I I I II I II I I 1990 161,160 3,228,968 6,446,449 9,778,469 13,178,524 1,669,014 4,823,640 8,097,892 11,478,315 14,878,733 Generation Quantity (CY) Figure 5-3 (Adjusted) r , r: r' I w , w 1 : tJ r I , r- " j r ) I L_ r-. L ~ ! ! ,--! ~ , 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 1. Under current disposal rates, the existing City of Salina MSWLF facility ~ill reach capacity by November I, 1993. 2. An estimated 24,700 C.Y. of daily cover material and 116,200 C.Y. of final cap material will be required to complete the close out of the current landfIll site. 3. Although previous hydrogeologic investigation has been completed, additional drilling, testing, and evaluation is required to meet current regulatory guidelines with respect to groundwater protection. 4. The uppermost aquifer underlying the entire landfill site has not been positively identified. 5. --.,W"'"~;"" ";:;;;:;:::"49:: b. "y~~w""":':;'~: ::~~;"';'<::::f""~.: Re ional oundwater fIo' Ie W ii, 1 JL ti,tti~' ~ol.:; g gr _~~#v ."I::t"AC*:Jl\.3L.. ' Jill. 6. Extensive silty to sandy clay sequences underlie the landfiJl site. 7. To date, ground water quality standards have not been exceeded for the parameters analyzed at landfill monitoring well locations. 8. After closure, the landfIll site will be convened to agricultural use - cultivation for wheat. 9. The City of Salina MSWLF will require an NPDES surface water permit. 10. KDHE will require a composite liner and leachate collection system as well as all Subtitle"D" design criteria on all future permitted MSWLF's. Camp Dresser'! McKu Inc. \SALINA\mS.OOl 4"193 It 6-1 '1 l , J II. The evapotranspiration index for Salina allows for the positive evaporation of leachate as a source of handling/processing. 12. Construction and demolition materials can be disposed of in unlined cells at site co-located with a MSWLF. 13. Saline County currently disposes MSW into the City of Salina MSWLF at a rate of 9.0 lbs/day per person. 14. The active disposal area will reach capacity around November 1, 1993. 15. The proposed MSWLF expansion area has a projected lifetime through the year 2076 at current population growth rates and a stabilized MSW generation rate. ~~F'''''~~~ '-YT^'<W\k'''1~f>>>~~1 *~ ~-J ~;::: ''>.<, 0%" ~~ ~ Jd^.j'i~j Jl:~\~..__..lL'~,.,J~J;:: II ,I II ,I ;'1 I 1:1 I; I Camp Dnsstr d: McKee Inc. \SAUNAW58J101 41"93 b 6-2 II' 1,1 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The City of Salina accept no MSW into its existing MSWLF facility afler October 8, 1993. 2. The City of Salina begin the preparation of a complete Landfill Operations and Maintenance Plan for future operations. 3. Daily cover and final cap materials should be taken from the area designated for Cell No. I expansion. 4. Six additional groundwater monitoring cluster wells and three single wells should be driiled at the landfill site to further analyze and monitor groundwater quality. Sampling of these wells should begin immediately in accordance with federal and state regulatory requirements. 5. Seven additional borings slwu\4 bed:o!!!pleteg at thl;,[an4fllLsile to further identify this lithology :0:::'::: :;:~::: :,:,>;, i,::::.' .,,:;:. ;:::,,:, _ :: ::' :::~:::: ': .""" ',.,., .w. ........,. .....w. ,',',,", ," , ....,._ of the area. Additional ge~lJl!I4J-@.Oty~t~!~oul~e coiucted to more fully characterize the 'N.",_ :.".:. .... .... soil materials. 6. Two additional pump tests should be performed to detennine groundwater transmissivity and flow velocity in the landfill area. 7. The City of Salina should submit for a NPDES surface water discharge permit upon completion of site drainage plans. 8. The City of Salina should utilize a modified composite liner system in its future MSWLF expansIOn. 9. A leachate evaporation pond should be constructed for leachate collection and ultimate handling. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALINA\8558.001 4/5/9315 7-1 , i f-~ i J 10. An unlined Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste pit could be sited to the northeast of the proposed MSWLF expansion area. 11. An area be designated for the recovery and collection of special waste items which the City can sell, reuse, or reprocess. 12. The City of Salina should not accept MSW into the active disposal site beyond October 9, 1993. '''Mr''''''''i &'T'f'~;~ i!h,) ,.~ 'I} ': ..~~,...~. .; .Jl~L. ~ ."Ut, Camp Drtss~r &: McKee Inc. \SAUNA\~58.001 4/519311 7-2 "1 ,'- ! I! I' I I "'W"'~IX"I'-'W,w"'~ Jlbll;"l;~1L :'tl' (,i 'i EXISTING DISPOSAL AREA DEVELOPMENT MAPS ~ c , Comp Dresser &: McKee Inc. , ,- \SAUNAW.58.00t 4/.5l93b ,- [, '. / - / . I L..- I LEGEND DISPOSAL TRENCH BOUNDARIES LANDFILL BOUNDARY COM onvironmental engint!/(!Jf'$, scientists, planmlnt. dr management consultants CITY OF SALINA MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE FIRST LEVEL TRENCH DIAGRAM r MAINTENANCE ~ ,",CO", STORAGE BUILDING n I LEGEND D DISPOSAL HI-RISE SEGMENT BOUNDARIES LANDFILL BOUNDARY CDM environm.ntol .ngin"". scjiJnt~tlJ. planners. 4c management consultants CITY OF SALINA MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE SECOND PHASE - HI RISE STORAGE BUILDING r MAINTENANCE ~ '"""" '1 I, ~ , LEGEND o DISPOSAL HI-RISE SEGMENT BOUNDARIES LANDFILL BOUNDARY CDM environmental fHIginHf'$. scientists. planners. 4r management consultants CITY OF SALINA MUNICIP AL SOLID WASTE FINAL PHASE - HI RISE STORAGE BUILDING r MAINTENANCE rr:'o '"U'" 11 II , ,I Ii II: 1_.'. , I' II Ill, r I: Iii 11[]i4"HC;'1 ,"".,-" -, I)"" ,,~ . . . , )@LJ\t:~~..~:::.. ~. .';:..,A>~L. ; LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Camp Df'tSSer dr: McKu Inc. \SAUNA\8558.lXU 415193 b '- ,~ , , , L_ r L r- L I ,I '- ,- , l_._ c- I i '-- , i L" I- i il_ I Ie " [: I I l~ 1_- APPENDIX B OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (DRAFT) 1.0 INTRODUCTIeN This attachment is prepared as a proposed outline for an operations and maintenance manual for the Salina Municipal Sanitary Landfill. It is designed to be used as a guide for the preparation of a manual to outline the operational and maintenance procedures necessary to ensure the safety and environmentally sound practices for the City of Salina and its constituents. 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 Saline County Solid Waste"'f-]1i..~.',J'I8q,\ JI"JIII"I[iC:, i~l\' 2.2 A.....,Dtable Wastes Incoming wastes should be monitored by a waste inspector at the facility entrance and by the operator at the active landf1ll face. The facility superintendent or his staff bas the authority and the responsibility to exchllle any wastes that they believe are unaccepta)>le. Containers having a capacity greater than or equal to 20 gallons should be only accepted if they contain a nonhazardous waste which bas been completely discharged, as evidenced by the removal of both the top and bottom ends, and/or the presence of numerous large punctures in all sides of the container. All labels must be removed or covered over. Camp D,.,ss~r &: McKn Inc. \SAUNA\1I558.00t 4151930 B-1 2,3 Site Lavout and Onenrtina Facilities I I , 2.3.1 Stonn Water Control Run-on must be prevented from draining into the excavated section of the landfill by dikes constructed of fill material. Ii 'I , ' , Run-off from the active landfill areas must be physically controlled by the use of intermediate cell berms and passively controlled by limiting the placement of solid waste (solid waste set backs) from the inside edge of the landfill berms. To comply with EPA stormwater regulations, a stormwater permit must be obtained unless it can be shown that all stormwater is retained on site. I Final cover of the landfill should be interfaced with the bottom liner containment such that, when used in conjunction with this sysl' '{~i\1t-~iecti~ry 'P,"\~l~ isolate the disposed wastes. )i _:U*11r~?,~~ ,j~!1~~ ,1..'1: ;w~1 All surface contours should be gfl11lelfto';\:~\nJMn-I~'of two!tercent on the top with 4: I side slopes, and desigued to collect runoff and direct it to a perimeter drainage system. ! i 2,4 Ooeratina Schedule The first half hour of each day should be spent performing daily equipment maintenance checks and preparing for daily operations. The end of each day should be spent performing equipment maintenance checks, refueling, recording operation and maintenance data, repositioning litter fences and working face markers, performing general site clean up and securing the site. For security purposes, the site access gates should be locked when the landfill is closed. A security guard should , be considered during all closed hours and holidays. 2.5 SalinSl T .s:rondfill Staff Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. \SAUNA\lW8.001 4'"'' b B-2 I , 2,6 Emel'l!encv TeIeohone Numbers r L A list of emergency telephone numbers should be prominently posted near all telephones, in the scalehouse, maintenance building, and administration building, and should be updated whenever one of the emergency contacts or phone numbers changes. L_ 3.0 CELL OPERATlNG'PLAN 3,1 Introduction 3.2 Initial Ooeration and Fin! Lift c. Only residential or "fluff" lift material should be placed in the firSllift. This "fluff" layer is initially applied to protect the liner from intrusion from large objects that are typically found in conunercial solid waste. Once a "fluff" lift thickness of 5 feet is reached, connnercial waste may be placed. Cover will be placed over the reY1"u,~ of Th ~ ~.~ with Section 4.0 of this manual. ..,I:t..,.)J~r .JIC\tl;:';... ..i:'~::~ll\.. .JI~~~~' .-~It 3,3 Second and Subseo1- Lifts ,- , All lifts, except the first, should be no more than ten feet in depth until the fina1lift. A cell depth of ten feet is considered to be near optimum for compaction machinery and provides safe lines of sight for the equipment operators and personnel at the top of the active landfill face. 3.4 Fina1 Cover anll Closure , i, .~~ i l_ The proposed fina1 cover should consist of a layer of an impermeable, cover material, and a native soil and cover and vegetative layer which will promote vegetative growth. The final cover should prevent migration of water through the refuse layer, which will prevent the formation of leachate. Final cover should only be placed when between six to seven acres are in the fina1 grade elevations. At areas less than this, it becomes uneconomical to efficiently install the fmal cap. , I , - I Ill' Il , Comp Dresser &: McKu Inc. L\ \SAUNA\8S:58.001 4r.i1931. B-3 I , II 4.0 BASIC LANDFILLING PROCEDURES 1 , 4.1 Introduction This section describes the basic procedures for daily landfill operations including l~fill management objectives, the "area" method of landfilling, working face practices and startup of first and subsequent lifts. The landfill should be operated in strict accordance with ihe procedures described herein. 4,2 Method of Oneration The landfilling technique used will be the "area" method. Unlike the "trenching" method, where solid waste is buried in a trench, the "area" method involves the placement of solid waste in lifts of approximately ten feet. The final arrangement, after capping, resembles a pyramid which stands at a height greater than the original elevation. The primary considerations in the area method of landfilling are truck unloading position, the distance to the borrow or stockpile storage area for cover, the method of transporti~ cover Mt,lllft Wjf'g .B!~ ~~ over which the cover material IS transported to the working f""':hE~JhI~:~lli.~t~mtal<lrrmement of refuse at the working face. Properly locating unloading trucks facilitates the spreading of refuse, compaction, covering, and cleanup. Trucks are positioned at the top of the lift being developed. Lateral confmement of vehicles and refuse is especially imponant to avoid wasting soil cover material. Temporary barricades such as 55-gallon drums or wooden horses should be used as daily width markers for guiding equipment operators, and for traffic control. Vehicles transporting refuse and cover material to the working face are routed over previously filled areas, whenever possible, for additional compaction of refuse and soil. However, vehicles are not routed over areas that have been completed and landscaped. Alternatively, except for first-lift operations, unloading vehicles can ill' positioned at the base or toe of the landfill being developed, whereby spreading and compacting can occur in an "uphill" direction. The fill will be graded and maintained at all times to prevent ponding. Camp Dresser ,& McK6t Inc. II I " 11-- \SALINA\~II.OOl 4/5/9311 B-4 i- 4.3 WorJclm. Face Practices 4.3.1 Startup and First Uft To preserve the integrity of the liner system, no vehicles are permitted on top of the protective layer to avoid damage to the cell liner . The waste is dumped at the top of the active ramp, spread toward the base and compacted. At the end of each working day, theTefuse should be covered with soil to control odors, vectors and litter. Daily and intermediate cover material should be available from the next phase of development. Scrapers can be used to excavate and haul the material from the borrow area to the working face where it may be spread by either the compactors or the bulldozer. Six inches of soil is applied each day, as daily cover. Excavated material from on-site borrow areas should be used to supply daily cover requirements. In addition to applying required cover, the following tasks should be perfonned at the working face at the end of the day: position litter fences downwind of the active area, redefine the next day's working area b~ ~epoSiti~ning portable IDlIft~.t:.,'t, ~%w'1t, :p~ 55-gallon drwns, and inspect the facIlity's perlDleter fence and IPP~' s.lm AL,}F J1k-.'h.....A.. :..mk)&L"' ..JlL 4.3.2 Subsequent Lifts Trucks and the compactor will be permitted to operate on subsequent lifts. Bulky wastes delivered to the facility, and any stockpiled bulky wastes received during construction of the first lift, can be filled in subsequent lifts. Daily operating procedures including positioning traffic controls and litter fences, application of daily and intermediate cover, and soil erosion control and site maintenance tasks should be implemented throughout the development of all lifts. Once the final landfill elevations bave been reached, fmai cover should be applied to the landfill in accordance with Section 3.3. 4.4 Cnn1onAMiOD Compaction of the solid waste placed should be in accordance with best operating practice to acbieve an average in-place density of at least 1350 pounds per cubic yard based upon 20 percent cover Camp Dnsser &: McKee Inc. \SAUNA\8S58.001 41519311 B-5 material by volume. The waste should be compacted to a uniform grade which is not steeper than four horizontal feet to each one vertical foot, or as shown on the operations and maintenance contract drawings. To achieve the maximum compaction, three to five passes of the compactors should be performed. Lift thickness should be placed in lifts of two feet. 4.5 SOU US8l!e Soil usage should be monitored on a daily basis. Counters should be installed on the scrapers for use by the operators. The monitoring of soil usage is important for maximum use of airspace at the landfill. 5.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5.1 Waste JlAnler Resoonslblllties The Solid Waste Management D, ~"~'Id TIf'~'lrlf ~Uling V~iCles comply with all state and local laws and regult~1~4t~~~~I\Of this operating plan. All waste haulers will not allow waste from their vehicles to litter the area or local roads. In addition, waste haulers will observe local speed limits and traffic and safety regulations. 5.2 Vehicle AI'AIRCI. WRaltb.- smtllTnlftllldlno All vehicles disposing of waste at the facility enter and leave the facility through the access control gate located at the southeastern comer of the site. , i, Ii 5.2.1 Waste HaulIng Vehicles All waste hauling vehicles entering the site will proceed directly to the vehicle Weigh Station where the gross vehicle weight is obtained and recorded. Camp Druser &: McK~e l~. \SALlNA\~5lI.001 "'193' B-6 -! rc ! After being weighed, all waste hauling vehicles will proceed directly to the working face, where the Landfill Attendant will direct them to their unloading points. Once unloaded, the vehicles proceed to i , the Weigh Station so that their vehicle tare weights can be recorded for billing purposes before they , leave the facility. 5.3 Access Roads / II I Good maintenance of site roads is of uuncst importarice. Potholes, clogged ditches, and debris on the roads should receive immediate attention to avoid damage to equipmetl\ and to allow proper , stormwater handling. Mud should be removed for safety and for efficient vehicle movement. L Future access road construction will be necessary as other landfill areas are developed. These access roads will generally be gravel based. All roads will be cross-sloped or crowned to ensure adequate drainage. 5.4 SnIIlf"iAI Wastes RAndllno ,-,,'->-,~... "%'~"i"@.. 1- 'Thf^'"^'> >~"''''''':,:"''''VM ..,..,.,. "*"" ..,... -":,:,,,. .::~. " ~ , ~:;:~: .~:< .~>: '~*'"".::' ~ '<:1.:' ~#, k>.; t.h~' ~w r,: AA"'~ --.,. ~,~ %: ~~: L .,..:\ M-l: if.,. .:' ~ >>" .~>;:' .~*, j.:>>>:< . .~. IN '"' ' ." ~, 'M'. ""'. ^' ,~,~>" 'w., .A~;:~".",~:W ,A,L 'l~L..;;L. ,j@>.j[~:;:,,," :b. ,- I I Section 2.0 identifies the types of waste that are acceptable for disposal at the facility. If chemical drums or any unacceptable wastes of a hazardous, infectious or liquid nature are delivered to the landfill, the identity of the collectorlhauler delivering the waste and the identity of the waste generator must be reponed to the Kansas Department of Health & Environment. The waste generator is responsible for removal of the unacceptable material from the landfill and for proper disposal. Most of the wastes accepted for disposal at the landfill can be received, unloaded, and disposed of as described in Section 4.0. However, certain wastes require special handling because of their physical or chemical nature. These wastes are discussed below. r , L i L_ 5.4.1 ,l.n;mal and Food ~'1ll Wastes [ [ Food processing wastes include materials generated in canneries, packing plants and similar operations which are often highly putrescible and offensive. A trench must be dug at the toe of the I' Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. ~- (.::- \SALINA\85S8.001 41"" b B-7 , L working face where the food processing waste is to be dumped. The trench must then be covered immediately. Dead animals should be deposited near the toe of the working face and covered along with the other refuse. If a large number of dead animals are received, they should be buried in a specially dug trench or pit and covered as soon as possible. ,{ 5.4.2 II~ ~aste Bulky waste consists of large items, such as furniture, appliances, trees, branches and stumps. If not handled properly, these wastes can rapidly deplete landfill capacity and shorten the life of the site. If possible, special programs should be developed to provide alternative uses for these materials to eliminate landfill disposal. In.order to avoid damaging the liner system, no bulky waste should be landfilled directly on the landfill base. Instead, it should be temporarily stored in a designated area until the first lift is completed. h*-.'W.....,"'.., "~m"""f: .f ,..-:.~.r''4:-. r'Mr"'''>'':~ During development of the seco~ul~ent.i', bier ~.;a. ~hould be deposited at the toe of ~y! ..Wf if. "1.;&.-" .r>:*' .*,;ffi~': tV the working face during the day,llf"tfiifflt'jlerilli(g; 'pflofto plac€rilent in the cell, compressible bulky wastes should be crushed, if possible, by the compactor to the smallest practical size. Any remaining voids should then be filled with general refuse. Low density wastes such as brush, leaves, yard trimmings, synt\)etic fibers, loose plastic film or foam, and robber and plastic scraps or shavings also require special handling. These materials may present problems because they rebound after being run over by the compaction equipment. To improve compaction, low density wastes should be spread into layers one to two feet deep, covered with regular waste, and then compacted as usual. The weight of the ,regular waste helps keep the low density material compressed and contained. Special handling procedures are necessary for powdery wastes such as sawdust and other dusts that can be disturbed by the equipment and blown by wind. 0_ in the air, they may be ha2ardous or annoying to facility personnel if they are inhaled or come in contact with the skin. Personnel working J ~ Dress" &: McKee Inc. /. , II ,: II \SAUNA\8558.001 41519311 B-8 i " in areas with powdery wastes should wear protective clothing and the appropriate respirators. Depending on their properties, powdery wastes may be controlled by applying soil or regular refuse to reduce the amount of airborne particulates in the area. .i I Demolition materials will be disposed of in specially designated areas which do not require lining. Demolition materials consist of material such as "brick, mortar, broken concrete, and similar material produced in connection with the construction or demolition of buildings or other structures. 5.5 Scav_n.. Policy Scavenging through waste is prohibited. 5.6 Surface J)pinAOe All surface water runoff will be managed in accordance with applicable permits. Storm water facilities should be inspected re~fQjI~fiC"itinu~rly 'I;illt~i!J.~~ described herein. Storm water should be directed to the drainageIihailliel;flichi!!1 ~~gelat' a minimum of once per year. Jf.1......jW .JiliL~ilkj~j~L Jt\., ' AR.. 5.7 I..""g,.hAfp UAnAlhllnent Discharge of leachate will not be permitted except through the leachate collection system. 5,8 SoU Erosion and ~<!Dt Control The on-site soils are very susceptible to wind and water erosion. Every effort should be made to minimize erosion of landfill side slopes and avoid sedimentation of adjacent areas. 5,9 Litter. Dust and Vector Control Camp Drtsstr cI: McKzt Inc. \SAUNA\85:18.()OI "''''. B-9 5.10 Site Cover MSIInAoNllflftt .t Sufficient quantities of cover material should be available at all times to ensure proper operation of the landfill. All daily cover material should be obtained from borrow areas on the landfill site. Solid waste management staff should be required to conduct excavation of these borrow areas, which are the future landfill cells, to proposed bottom grade to the extent to which cover material is needed. I .~ ,J Each evening, 6 inches of soil, as daily cover, should be placed on all exposed fill areas. The depth or thickness of cover material should be measured after compaction with at least one pass of a bulldozer or other suitable equipment having a gross weight in excess of 10,000 pounds. Daily records of the amount of cover material used should be kept. The Facility Superintendent sllould keep a detailed report of the amount of cover material used on each day of the preceding week. Use of daily cover should be closely monitored by the Facility Superintendent. 5.11 ODeD Burnin.. Pollcv ",::6^ ~.::~ . i~~'V":1:~ i\ -"'t.'1^''':::::;' ?:"j:::~W"1 :~n ,v " '~";~ t:::,: , ~~~, ~:' 1~:' :, ;$\ ~~~ t~, ;.~~ :" VA N\4. . d ., ~ < ~~~ ~ ~ '~~;;, .r ,O:::?'- :::::;.~ x w.. jF~, ,#' M "{h. F",:,'x~n-m ~ ~m Open burning is prohibited on the'faii'dfilfi'ile:",,,,,,.,,A ",''''.""", 5.12 Fire Prot.....ion and Control An adequate water supply, personnel, andlor fire fighting equipment should be readily maintained on site to extinguish any and all fires. '_ ,I 5.13 T....I.....ent Weather and Stonn F.merI!eDCV Procedures S.141~!U'hSllte and Stonnwater UAnAOPment I>uriIU! Maior Storm EVMlh . i Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. \SAUNA\1IS58.001 41519311 B-IO 5.15 Site Insoection and !\fAint.."once ,~ During both the active operating and post-closure periods, routine site inspection and maintenance should be required at the landfill to ensure that the facility can be operated efficiently and in an environmentally-responsible manner. ,~ I , 'j 5.16 Noise Control Noise levels at the facility must comply with applicable OSHA and Kansas requirements. 5,17 Odor Control '1 , Ii Operation of the landfill should not result in odors associated with solid waste being detected off site by sense of smell in any area of human use or occupancy. Adequate cover material should be placed to control odors. I ':7 5.18 RecorrllcH!nino "'ff(...~t:\ J,.. 'iii'"""':::: t~"% ""', ''''::' ,:;::;:., ."'.->. ~ < ~, ",., ..,...., ,",.,,,., ~." ::;:? <':;:;: f.<'" "." ....,... ~m ~." >>h< .,J~C%~:I.\.,..):,~ ~~~l\N~w ~ ~.,Ii, r' I The site operator should be responsible for maimainlng logs and records of all visitors to the facility, all facility inspections, and of all accidents. 6.0 EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The equipment operator should be responsible for seeing that landfill equipment is properly maintained and carefully used to maximize its productivity, and should be required to provide daily maintenance. 6.1 Heavv Eaui......nt ,- u 6.2 S,tJatinnAI"V OnPratino Ii'nni'l'WltlOnt r I~ C-, Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. ,~ \SAUNA\85SUXlI "''''b B-11 L' 6,3 EouiOOlent MAim....Ante Reouirements 7.0 MONITORING OF GROUNDWATER MONITOR WELLS 7.1 Introdl1f"tion 7.1.1 Gauging Water Levels in Monitor WeDs 7,1.2 Sampling Groundwater from Monitor WeDs 8.0 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 8.1 Data MAnSllDPIIlNd' Rnd Accountina 8.2 MSIIn1U1I1 Scale House OnIaJoAtif'IIH "'=$W"",*"-. "1g;""<::1:.. #: r""*' }:_,%~ff.% . ~~ilii ~~i~~~t~{t:$' l'~t~. ID.l4 1 t :~' '> 8 3 l.AndfiU Onerations MRnD~"~ b *8 i:~.}:Ap, :j-, ~t< . .._;.~,.:;..:,.~. ,- ' "..dC. 'Vh.-A.-...@L..At.. ;1..,~ ! The Landfill Superintendent should constantly monitor certain key parameters in order to keep the landfill operating smoothly and efficiently throughout its active life. These parameters include: 1) Rate of site utilization; 2) Rate of cover material expenditure; 3) Leachate generation; 4) Machinery use, maintenance costs and fuel consumption; 5) Operating costs; and 6) Safety records. I, 8.4 Penn"",.' MSlnAOMnIPJlt and Tndnino I' I' All landfill personnel should learn their own tasks as well as proper landfilling procedures, and should also understand the purpose and importance of sanitary landf1lling. Tfaining guides are available from the U.S. EnvirolUllenlal Protection Agency through the Technology Transfer Program, as well as training programs and seminars presented by private firms and educational institutions. In addition, equipment manufacturers generally offer training in the use of their specific products. Camp Dresur &: McKee Inc. \SAUNA\8S58.00l 4~1931s 11-12 8.5 Work Safetv Prol!ram Safety precautions and procedures are implemented at the landfiU in order to minimize accidents and job-related illnesses and maintain a weU functioning waste disposal facility. Strict adherence to proper operating methods and maintenance procedures, as described in this operating plan, will reduce the number of potentially hazardous conditions. 8.5.1 Responsibility For Safety 'I I , It must be emphasized to all facility personnel that each individual is persoually responsible for exercising safe working procedures during hislber own job performance. Management Responsibilities , I ~' The LandfiU Superintendent must: I) Have a copy of all operating safety procedures on-site at all times; 2) Provide safe working CQ~;~i~e~r~R"rsTel "mln4jpg,I9jvision and maintenance of safe equipment, tools, materials, and .Ql.,,1n1i\&t'3) PIlIvidcf&u!erDplyees with necessary safety -:::;-.:. '("'::'":::_ -:.;:::::_:__ :.':''''''''':'':'', V:' .~:- information; 4) Select employees<<'ho!~re'lli1~ifiia t6li~rfbtm th~d~ork required of them; 5) Provide equipment, education and training on safety procedures, which should be continually reviewed and upgraded as necessary; 6) FoUow OSHA standards; 7) Contactloca1 police and fire departments to apprise them of potential hazards at the waste disposal facility, and to ensure that they are familiar with access routes to and around the site; 8) Keep a list of emergency telephone numbers at each telephone site at the facility and update this list as numbers or contacts change. i Employee Responsibilities Site operator employees will: I) See that safety procedures are foUowed; 2) Learn to recognize . , I ~ potentially hazardous actions or conditions by analyzing jobs, work areas, and procedures from a safety standpoint; 3) Eliminate hazards as soon as they are recognized; 4) Identify non-correctable hazards with warning signs and devices, establish and maintain safety procedures for these hazards; and 5) Use protective clothing and equipment whenever appropriate. Camp Drustr &: McKee Inc. \SALINAW,S.OOl 4/519311 B-13 8.5.2 Safety EquiJBDent Certain types and items of safety equipment are provided at the landfill in fulfillment of OSHA standards . Protective Clothing 8.5,2,2 Safety Devices 8.5,3 EquiJBDent Hazards Personnel should be well trained in the use of all equipment and tools which they may operate. 8.5.4 Explosion and Fire Hazards Gas detectors should be used to tc;M.Ml! 100000Qps w~re ~I!jV$ljj;~iIf' may be present. J!t.,.,'i"llr<ll;' ):!!jtLJI~1 i 1 Ji . 8.5.5 Traffic Hazards 8.5.6 Facility Housekeeping 8.5.7 Safety PrOp..... A safety program must be established at the facility to ensure that safe working procedures are understood by all site operator personnel, to provide an opportunity for all to discuss safe working conditions, and to keep everyone continually aware of safe operating procedures. 8.5.8 Accidents & Injuries 8.6 Communications Camp Dnsstr &: McKee Inc. \SALJNA\855B.OOI 41Sf931s B-14 :1 APPENDIX C ".,"......M,. ":<''''''"^''''',', }:': ".,., ",." ,.,...:,,:;~;.;.,,:::; JQK~!~~s Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SAUNA\lI:558.001 4/5193 Is APPENDIX C DAILY COVER REQUIREMENTS Current Area Using DCA engineering software, the remaining airspace of the currently operating landfill area was calculated. This was accomplished by comparing existing landfill contours to final estimated contours. The following daily cover requirements were developed. As of November 1992, a total of 302,000 cubic yards (C.Y.) of material was required to bring the hll1dfill to the desired final contours depicted in Appendix H. It is further estimated that 24 acres of the 58.5 acre landfill site remain to be capped. Twenty-four (24) acres of three (~lf~~ilJi:iP -'tes'IJM':tlibf cap. This leaves 186,000 C.Y. of fill to be completed. 'il::i;;"ii,AltL JII:ip The daily cover to waste ratio is typically four (4) to one (I) which amounts to 37,000 C.Y. of daily cover required to complete the close out of the existing landfill area. CDM recommends this daily cover be taken from t1ie area designated for CellI. By using the Celli area, the City will save money in future excavation costs as well as maintaining the shortest haul distance to the northern fill areas of the existing landfill site. Exoansion Area The area designated in the preliminary drawings (Appendix H) as the future expansion area, encompasses approximately 300 acres. Again using DCA engineering software, the airspace volume between base and fmal grade contours was calculated at 20.13 MM C. Y. Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. \SALINA\1I:558.001 4'''''' . C-I Final cover will account for approximately 1.45 MM C. Y. of the expansion area volume which leaves 18.68 MM C.Y. Assuming a 4to I waste to daily cover ratio, 3.74 MM C.Y. of daily cover will be required for the expansion area. W'^;1ir'\ ,:;:,,< @ ,."., .8t. \SALINA\8SS8.OCll 41~193 b Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. C-2 APPENDIX D I SUBTt";~:lrl~RT (Bound As A Seperate Report) Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALINA\8S58.(XII 41~193 Is DRAFT ~.". '<Co,"'''''' .@,w .,,' .., "' " & :: ~~~ m", ....,~,~~v. CITY OF SALINA SOLID WASTE STUDY PHASE m APPENDIX D SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT CAMP DRESSER & McKEE INC, 155 North Market, Suite 910 Wichita, Kansas 67202 (316) 262-004 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section fBG 1.0 INTRODUCTION....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2.0 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ..... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.1 STATE OF KANSAS SOLID WASTE REGULATION. . . . . .. 2-1 2.2 USEPA 40 CPR PARTS 257 AND 258 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.3 USEPA 40 CPR 265/TEGD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 3.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS ................................. 3-1 3.1 PREVIOUS SOIL BORING PROGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3.2 VERIFICATION OF SUBSURFACE GEOLOGICAL DATA ... 3-6 3.3 MATERIALS TESTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 4.0 IDENTIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER USAGE AND FLOW PATHS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.1 AREA WATER SUPPLY WELLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.2 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4.3 SEASONAL AND TEMPORAL FLUCTUATIONS IN GROUNDWATER LEVELS ....................... 4-4 4.4 IDENTIFICATION OF THE UPPERMOST AQUIFER. . . . . .. 4-4 5.0 CHEMICAL GROUNDWATER QUALITY .................. 5-1 5.1 mSTORIC WATER QUALITY DATA ................ 5-1 6.0 PLACEMENT OF DETECTION MONITORING WELLS ......... 6-1 6.1 PLACEMENT OF DOWNGRADIENT DETECTION MONITORING WELLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.2 PLACEMENT OF UPGRADIENT MONITORING WELLS . . .. 6-1 7.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN ..................... 7-1 8.0 CONCLUSIONS................................... 8-1 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.............................. 9-1 10.0 REFERENCES ................................... 10-1 8558.001193/1 rev 416.. 1 Fi2llre 1 2 3 4 5 liST OF FIGURES LANDFILL SITE CITY OF SALINA - SALINA, KANSAS 1985 LOGS, O.S. PENT 1988 LOGS, O.S. PENT AREA WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION MAP PROPOSED BOREHOLE/MONITOR WELL LOCATION MAP BS58.CK1419311 rev 4/6 am ii lm 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-3 9-2 LIST OF TABLES Iabk llI&t 1 HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATORY TECHNIQUES 3-1 2 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUSLY COMPLEI'ED SITE TEST BORINGS AND MONITOR WELLS 1985 3-7 3 SUMMARY OF MATERIALS TESTING RESULTS 3-9 4 SUMMARY OF LOCAL WATER WELLS 4-1 'I 8SS8.(I04J93/1rev4l6_ 111 LIST OF APPENDICES Annendhc A SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN B WATER SUPPLY WElL LOGS (Refer to Figure 4 for Well Locations) DATA C TABLE 5 - SUMMARY OF WATER QUALITY LABORATORY REPORTS D KDHE MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVELS SSS8.004J93l1rev 4/6 lID iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND This report presents the results of Subtask A2 - Subsurface Investigation for the Salina Landfill Project. The scope of work for this subtask, pursuant to the agreement for Study and Report Professional Services, is listed below. · Review previous site investigation reports; . Review the current groundwater monitoring program; · Evaluate additional maps, publications, and well data; · Develop a sampling and plan program to access current groundwater quality; · Provide recommendations for program expansion, based upon United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) groundwater monitoring guidelines. Previous available investigations in the area were performed by O.S. Fent with associated reports dated 1985 and 1988 (Hydrogeology of the Salina Landfill). Additional geologic maps, topographic maps, and well log data were compiled and evaluated from various state and public agencies for the Salina area. 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION The Salina landfill is located approximately 3 miles southwest of the City of Salina, Kansas. The site is located in Section 7 of Township 15 South, Range 3 West in Saline County. The landfill currently occupies 60 acres of the 640 acres the City 8558:004193/1 rev 416 lID 1-1 owns at this location. The site exhibits relatively flat topography in the central and southern portions of the property with increasingly higher topographic relief to the north. The facility has received municipal solid waste from the City of Salina from the mid- 1970's to the present. The central, 60 acre portion of the site has been filled and will soon be closed. The entire site is fenced. An access road surrounds the site with the current facility entrance located on the east side. The existing site facilities include: . a gate house; . an access road; . maintenance building/shop; and . a limited monitor we11 network. Based upon personal communication with Mr. D.S. Fent, the Salina landfill site was previously developed by a Federal Housing facility called Camp Phillips. Word of mouth from former residents/workers indicates the possibility that hospital wastes may have been disposed of in the area of the current landfill. The specific type and/or volume of wastes are unknown and not verifiable. SS58.004I93/lm>4f6_ 1-2 2,0 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The current governing regulations applicable for the Salina Landfill site include the Kansas Statutes Annotated (KSA) Chapter 65, Article 34, and Kansas Administration Regulations (KA1l) Article 29 and the USEPA, 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria; Final Rule (dated October 9, 1991). In addition, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Groundwater Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document (TEGD) is used to evaluate and design groundwater monitoring systems at waste disposal facilities. The TEGD primarily refers to regulation 40 CFR 265. The specific section of these regulations which apply to the hydrogeologic characterization and site monitoring are described below. 2,1 STATE OF KANSAS SOLID WASTE REGULATIONS The applicable sections of the KAR include: . gas generation <2'% (LEL) in on-site structures and at facility property line . Closure plan to include: leachate collection gas control cross-sections of site post closure O&M - treatment monitoring plans detailed site description These state regulations are generally silent on specific groundwater monitoring and water quality standards. 855UI04f93fllW4I6-. 2-1 2.2 USEPA 40 CFR PARTS 257 AND 2S8 Subtitle D of RCRA establishes the fiamework for controlling the management of nonhazardous solid waste. The specific parts of these regulation which refer to hydrogeologic characlerization and site monitoring relative to Task A2 of this contract are: . Section 257.3-4 . Section 257.3-8 . Section 258, Subpart B . Section 2'8, Subpart D . Section 258, Subpart E . Section 258, Subpart F These regulations address groundwater and wellhead protection, groundwater monitoring and corrective action, fault areas, seismic impact zones, unstable areas and explosive gas control. 2.3 USEPA 40 CFR 26S1TEGD These regulations govern the guidelines presented in the TEGD. The six major aspects addressed are: . characterization of site hydrogeology; . location and number of groundwater monitoring wells; . design, construction and development of groundwater monitoring wells; . conlIaCt and implementation of the sampling and analysis plan; . statistical analysis of groundwater monitoring data; and . the contract and implementation of the ......ment plan. Appendix A presents the site specific sampling and analysis plan compiled based upon the TEGD guidance. &S58.004I93/IMV4/6.1l11. 2-2 3.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS SITE HYDROGEOWGIC INVESTIGATIONS There are certain investigatory techniques that landfill owners, at a minimum, should use to characterize their sites. Table I below enumerates these investigatory techniques. An owner who has performed the level of site characterization necessary to design a RCRA groundwater monitoring program will be able to supply any of the necessary deliverables (cross sections, maps, etc.), listed in the final column of Table 1. TABLE I HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESI1GATORY TECHNIQUES Investigatory Tasks lDvestiKalory Todmlquos Data Presentation FormaUAss_..ent Outputs Definition of Subsurface (Geology) . Survey of existing geologic . Narrative description of geology information . Soilboriap . Geologic ctOfifHieCtioas . Geologic mappiDa: aDd material '. GeoloJic Soil Map (I' - 200') tests (grain-size. standard peodntion_,olc.) . Geophysical we1110gs . IIorin& Logs . Aerial photograpby . Raw data md interpretative analyses of maIcrial test Identification of Groundwater Flow . InstaIlatioD of piezometers; . Narrative description of Paths (Hydrogeology) water level measurements at groundwater with flow pattems differa11 depths and locatioos . Slug tests and/or pump tests . Water table or poteDtiometric maps (plan view) with flow IiDes ( l' - 200') capture mnes, aquifer characteristics Determination of Groundwater . Tracer studies .. Hydraulic cross-section. flow Flow Directions (including vertical velocities and borizonal components of flow) asSlt(IOU93/1 rev 416 IIll 3-1 To date, most of these techniques have been completed with the exception of detailed geologic cross-sections, definition of the interre1ationship of the shallow and deeper aquifers, close-in landfill site water quality analysis, and identification of impacts to area receptor wells. The investigations and data collection to date were performed by O.S. Fent, in 1985 and 1988. The hydrogeologic inveatigation report (Hydrogeology of the Salina Landfill; 1988) included information on soil borings, materials testing, installation of monitor wells, and aquifer pumping tests. A narrative description of the geology with one cross section of the area were included. A site plan was also included depicting locations of the monitor wells and soil borings, as well as general geologic areas and groundwater contours. No hydrogeologic maps were used to indicate major areas of recharge, discharge, or regional groundwater flow direction. 3.1 PREVIOUSSOlL BORING PROGRAM Figure I illustrates the site configuration and borehole/well locations. The methodology for placement of the soil borings shown on Figure I is unknown. The drilling methods used included both hollow stem auger and the air rotary. The sampling method is not well documented in the reports with the exception of the use of thin-wall tube samples collected during the 1985 investigation. The soil descriptions provided in the O.S. Fent reports generally follow a Soil Conservation Service (SCS)-type format. This format is general in nature and typically oriented toward agriculture purposes. Major descriptive elements generally not included in these logs are items such as moisture content, depth of water-bearing units, sampling methods, reasons for termination of borehole, and drilling conditions ob~rvations. Based upon the lithologic logs presented in the O.S. Fentl985 and 1988 reports, CDM has prepared interpreted generalized graphical logs for monitor wells I through 9 (1985) and wells 88-11 through 88-15 (1988). Figures 2 and 3 present the graphical logs of these borehole/wells including well construction details provided in these reports. 8558.004193/11W1J6_ 3-2 10 a / g , . o o . / o . u -. / U ] 11 II A 88-12 88-13 88-14 88-15 88-1 88-7 88-9 A B '-- 15 a 8 . c B LANDFIL~ ACCESS ROAD 88-10 4 188-11 . 4 r- SALINA SOLID WASTE AREA MONITOR WELLI TEST BORING LOCA TION MAP r:l.AWPI SA1 nwr. t . ~ 800 , o 800 - -'1 J.f.Q.EMll A KIOWA F~ATION 15a 1 (!) 88-16 A B c o TERRACE AREA ALLlJY1Al tIElH WATER TABLE ARE" ALLU~IAL-COU1lVIAL IIASTE BIJRlAL AREA IITW rATER TABlE CONTOURS 198!5 TEST HOLE 112. 13. 14 OFF MAP TO THE SOUTtEASl1 1185 TEST 'fELL 19S5 TEST HOLE SEC-nON 7. TOWNSHIP 15 S. RANGE 3 W. SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS COM .................. .OITI" Il'ANMS ..4_.....,.......... -*'IIlIrIII ,....,..., ....I~~,_,t -..It... 1-1Q-Q., R<P ASSR-11n-rr.- TASI<A LANDFILL SITE CITY OF SALINA SALINA. KANSAS Figure No. 1 ~ D n . WELL NO. I BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL 5 ~ 10 '" ~ 20 25 30 35 . I ~ 40 45 50 , 55 r 60 65 , I 70 75 ~ N o - I ~ ~ ~ / o ~ / o ~ L WELL NO, 2 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DET~IL '%/, I.. '2 "'= - = WELL NO. 3 5 ., .. 20 25 30 35 =~ . WELL NO. 8 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL = = .~ WEll NO.4 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL , :t:l 10 15 20 .;::.: 20 30 35 .WELL NO.9 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL .m ",'. . . ~/% ;-;~ /. ~." ~ ~"". rd 10 15 20 25 30 35 .. ~. 4. . 50 . . I . "'= 55 sz = ~ ~ 1985 - O. S. Fent WELL LOGS GWL5C5Al.DWG WELL NO. 5 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL WELL NO.6 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL 5 5 10 ., " 15 20 ~ ~. 20 20 20 30 = .~ 30 - ~--- " 35 LEGEND [[]] SILT. sandy, ML ~ CLAY. silty to sandy. CL I3;f:l SAND ond GRAVEL. SM-GM !;l:g p=-~l SHALE. bedrock fill'.",'. ~:.T.. .. ~:.~.. _~.:.l_ . SANDSTONE ~ WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS Cl9851 COM LANDFILL SITE CITY OF SALINA SALINA. KANSAS CAW DREDlt .. IU:'EE INC. IIICHITA,IMt&lo1i "'''''"'"''tOll..,~__oId..._ pI__ ."~t_Iu..t. 1-19-93 RSP B558-110-CG- TA5KA .~ Figure No. 2 ~ o D n .wELL NO. 88-11 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL , 10 ~ "'~ 20 .,~ 25 . ~ :j . I r 40 .. I 00 56 r '0 50 r ! :i~ 80 _ . ~~~.~.~_;. :';:~:'" ./:.~ . ~~l.:.~~:': ~ == I~ e, , N o eo L .. 00 I, u ~ ~ . ()5 L ~ / ,- I ~ ro / n I' e; I, ~ I ~ - - t= .~ ~ BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL , I. 10 '" -- ~ 20 .~ .... 25 30 36 I 40 "~ ~ . . '=" .. 00 . ~. ~ .!f . '. 60 ., 70 70 WELL NO. 88-13 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL , {?j- ~ r# .... '.~ ,'.c, ~~ -- ~ ~ - .l\'..ELL NO, 88-)1 BOREHOLE LOG WELL DETAIL , 10 10 ~-- 20 :~ 25 ,. 30 .~ -- .. ~ 22Z ""'" - , 40 . 1988 ~ O. S. Fent WELL LOGS GWLSCSA2.DWG 't CDM LEGEND ITIll 51L T. sandy. ML ~ CLA'f. silty to sandy, CL I:I:r:l SAND ond GRAVEL. SM-6M !;j$J f----:1 SHALE. bedrock D SAND. poorly graded ~ WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS (19881 C#rllP' DII'D!EJI'.1Ilc<<EE INC. lIICHTA,kJoNSI,S LANDFILL SITE CITY OF SALINA SALINA, KANSAS Fi9ure No 3 ...............LIf...~_..~ pf__ a _,......,t _1*'- 1-19-93 RSP 8558-110-CG- TASKA I , 3,2 VERIF1CATION OF SUBSURFACE GEOWGICAL DATA The number and location of the completed boreholes do not fully characterize hydrogeologic conditions in all """'" of the property. Table 2 provides a summary of the completed test holes and monitor wens. [ As indicated on Table 2, to date, a total of 17 test borings and 14 monitor wells have been installed/completed at the site since 1985. These borings have been concentrated primarily within the vicinity of, or in the landfill area and along the southern boundary of Section 7. The northern area of the property, as well as the """'" east and west of the current landfill lack detailed subsurface information. The soil borings presented in Figures 2 and 3 suggest that the unconsolidated materials beneath the site consist predominantly of silty to sandy clay, with several thin sandy layers. The predominance of clayey materia1s, as reported, would indicate a low potential for vertica1leachate migration. The previous site investigation reports did not contain sufficient detail, however, to inleIpret the continuity of the subsurface clayey deposits. Therefore, it is not completely possible to accurately assess the leachate migration potential, or rates, into any of the sandy water-bearing layers that exit beneath the site. 3.3 MA TERIAUl TESTING In conjunction with both the 1985 and 1988 site investigations, limited materials testing was perfonned on selected site materials encountered. Table 3 lists the materials tested and the testing results. 8558.00If93flrev4l6_ 3-6 TABLE Z SUMMAll.Y OF PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED SITE TEST B01lINGS AND MONITOR WELLS 1985 WelllIIorina Date lief........ NlDDber IDstaIJed Type Location Document No.1 1985 Temporary weU (1") 0.22 mile welt of SE 0.5. Fent, 1985 comer of Sec. 7 No.2 1985 Temporary well (1") ZSOll. N ODd 180 ft. W O.S. Fent, 1985 of NE comer of NE pit No.3 1985 Temporary weU (Z") 8SO ft. W ODd 100 ft. N O.S. Fent, 1985 of No.2 NO.4 1985 Temporary weU (1") 633 t. W ODd 110 ft. N O.S. Feat, 1985 of No. 3 No. S 1985 Temporary weU (1') 0.18 mile N and 84 ft. O.S. Fent, 1985 E of SW comer of Section 7 No.6 1985 Temporary well (1") 1900 ft. E of SW corner O.S. Fent, 1985 of Sect. 7 No.7 1985 Temporary well (1') 2350 ft. E ODd 1600 ft. O.S. Fent, 1985 N of SW COrDet of Sect. 7 No.8 1985 Temporary well (1') 0.2 mile S of HE corner O.S. Fent, 1985 of Sect. 7 No.9 1985 Temporary weU (2") 0.24 mile N of SW 0.5. Fen', 1985 comer of Sect. 7 No. 10 1985 Test borina 460 ft. 5 ODd 650 ft. W O.S. Fent, 1985 of HE comer of Sect. , 12 No. 11 1985 Test boring. NE corner of Sect. 13 O.S. Fent. 1985 No. 12 1985 Test boring NE corner Sect. 13 O.S. Fent, 1985 No. 13 1985 Test boring 950 ft. 5 ODd 420 ft E O.S. Fent. 1985 of NW comer of Sect. q No. 14 1985 Test borina 710 ft. 5 ODd 360 ft. E O.S. Fent, 1985 of NW comer of Sect. 17 No. 15 Test boring 900 ft. E ODd 180 ft. N O.S. Fent, 1985 iii....i JIGii _;~Hl Of5.....~.1 8358.004l93flrev."Ci_ 3-7 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF P1lEVIOUSL Y COMPLETED SITE TESr BORINGS AND MONITOll WELLS 19811 WelllBorina Date lief........ NlDIIber InslaIIed Type Location Documenl No. 88.1 1988 Test BoriDg 85011. W.... SO II. S O.S. Fent, 1988 of NE comer of 1985. 1988 N. waste pit NO. 88-1 1988 TestBoriD, 5 ft. E olNa 88-1 0.5. Fent, 1988 No. 88-3 1988 Test Boring S ft. N ofNa. 88-1 O.S. Fent, 1988 No. 88-4 1988 Test Boring 93 ft. Eand69 ft. Nof 0.5. Fent, 1988 Phillips Rd. No. 88-5 1988 Test Boring O.S. Feut. 1988 No. 88-6 1988 Test Boring 10 ft. E of 88-1 O.S. Fent. 1988 No. 88-7 1988 Test Boring 11311. W....69 II. N 0.5. Fent. 1988 of S. sect. line rd. No. 88-8 1988 Test Boring 30011. E....65 II. N 0.5. Fent, 1988 GW intercepted @ of S. section Line Rd. 11.35 II. No. 88-9 1988 Test Boring 300 ft. E of 88-8 0.5. Fent, 1988 GW intercepted @ 15.41 II. No. 88-10 1988 Test Boring 400 ft. E. of 88-9 0.5. Fent, 1988 GW intercepted @ 18.31 II. No. 88-11 1988 Mom"" Well (1") S64 ft. E of 88-10 0.5. Fent, 1988 No. 88-12 1988 Monitor Well (r) 85 II. E....65 II. Nof O.S. Fent, 1988 Creek bridge No. 88-13 1988 Monitor Well (r) 3S ft. E of No. 88-12 0.5. Fent. 1988 No. 88-14 1988 Monitor Well (4-) 23.5 ft. S-SE of No. 88- 0.5. Fent. 1988 11 No. 88-15 1988 Mom"" Woil (4") 22 ft. S-SB of No. 88- 0.5. Fent, 1988 13 No. 88-16 1988 Soil Boring 480II.E.... 13011. S O.S. Fen', 1988 .. w of ravine ii I I ~c::: ,. &jSUl04193/Irev4l6_ 3-8 TABLE 3 SUMMA1lY OF MATE1UALS TESTING RESULTS Hydraulic Sample Depth .f Conductivityl Dry Unit Natural Locationl Sample Permeability Weight Moisture Transmissivity Velocity Borehole # (ft) Date (an/see) (pound/ft') oo.....t ('lI>) (gpd/ft) (ftJday) 85-6 Clay 1985 2.17 x 10"' emf&<< 115.2 19.4 85-1 Clay 1985 1.66 x 10'" em/see 93.1 22.7 88-1 3-4.5 1988 2.3 x lcr; cmJsec 88-2 base of pit 1988 4.03 x 1(t11 em/see (1988) 88-3 band dug hole 1988 (remolded) 6.2 x 10" em/see 88-4 3 1988 9.41 x 10-7 (vertical) em/see 88-5 10 1988 4.81 x 10.1 (vertical) em/see 88-6 base of pit 1988 5.32 I 1()"6 (1988) (vertical) em/see 88-11 1988 0.24 ft/day 123.8 0.041 12.4 ftlday 88-14 1988 56 ft/day 1269 2.5 423 8ft'/day 88-15 1988 0.33 ft/day 66.84 0.2 33.4 ft'/day 88-16 1.4 1988 9.45 x 1lt' As indicated by this testing data, reported soil permeability is relatively low ranging from 2.3 x 10-" to 1.66 x 10.8 em/sec. The methods used to determine these soil permeability values were not provided, therefore the accuracy of these permeability can not be verified. Based upon O. S. Fent, 1988, the velocities for groundwater flow calculated by the Jacob method from aquifer pumping tests range from 0.2 to 2.5 feet per day (shallow sand 34-36 feet). The deeper aquifer (65 to 67 feet) has a calculated velocity of 0.2 feet per day. The absence of data and/or calculations used to develop these groundwater flow estimates creates some degree of uncertainty. 8558.004f93/lrev4/6am 3-9 4.0 IDENTIFlCATION OF GROUNDWATER USAGE AND FLOW PAmS 4.1 AREA WATER SUPPLY WELlS Twenty-three water well logs have been compiled for the area of the landfill based on the 1985 and 1988 O.S. Fent reports. The water quality from a well located near the southern end of Section 18, south of the site, is reported to be "hard" and used for domestic purposes after softening. Inadequate water is reported for wells drilled west of the disposal site. Table 4 summarizes the available area well information. Copies of the logs are provided in Appendix B. TABLE 4 SUMMA1lY OF LOCAL WATE1l WELLS ((deplhlin.....a1s in ftOt) WelINo. Static (see Figure 4 and Completion Lepl Ground Screened Total W.... Append;' B) Dale Description Elevation Interval Depth Level I 02/01188 S7,T1S,R3W NA NA NA NA 2 02122/71 S6,T15,R3W NA 41-56 56 31 3 10/[2/81 S6,TI5,R3W NA ~ 60 25 4 O4l25nB S6.T1S,R3W NA ~ 60 25 5 09/fYl/76 S6,T15,R3W NA 13-22 68 7 30-68 6 04/19/80 S6,T15,R3W NA 35-35 35 [8 7 03/16/71 S6,T15.R3W NA 25-60 60 24 8 03/15/71 S6,T15,R3W NA 24-59 59 24 9 09122/84 S6,T15,R3W NA 4~-55 55 28 10 11/08n6 S6,TlS,R3W NA 35-50 50 25 11 09/11n6 S6,TI5,R3W NA 14-30 74 11 50-74 12 11/04/88 S7,T15,R3W 1306 647-70 70 14 13 11/14/88 S7,71S,R3W 1306 36-39 39 14 14 IO/02n9 S[.T15,R4W NA 42-52 52 23 85SS.<XN193/1rev4l6l1lll 4-1 TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF LOCAL WATER WEU.S ((deptMntervals in reel) Well No. Static (see Fqpu-e 4 and Completion Legal Ground - Total W..... Appendix B) Date Desoiption Elevation Interval Depth Level 15 12/06191 S13,TI5,R4W NA 33-53 53 29 16 06/04/87 S8,T15,R3W NA 38-48 48 11 17 11/08/88 S7-T15,R3W 1306 65-68 68 14 18 11/17/88 S7,TI5,R3W 1306 32-37 37 14 19 11/07/88 S7,T15,R3W 1318 78-88 88 23 20 02/01/76 S6,T15,R3W NA 50-70 70 40 21 09/30/76 S6.TlS.R3W NA 28-34 34 22 22 12123/76 S6,TI5,R3W NA 58-78 78 32 23 NA S18,T15,R3W NA NA 54 NA A cluster of supply wells are located north of the site, in Section 6. Most of the on- site monitor wells are situated along the southern property line. Only two wells are located off-site to the south and southwest. Figure 4 iliuslIates the locations of the compiled well information. 4.2 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION The groundwater flow regime was characterized utilizing compiled water level monitoring data (Fent, 1988). A potentiometric contour map has been prepared, O.S. Fent Reports dated 1985 and 1988, indicating a general hydraulic gradient to the south. The vertical component of groundwater flow is not known at this time. The monitor wells appear to have been located to record a generalized depiction of groundwater flow. An overall flow direction has been determined from the existing wells, however, a detailed characterization of groundwater flow has not been prepared. The reported groundwater flow infonnation appears to represent a combination of water levels from wells that intersect at least two separate sandy SSS8.004I93/1rev4/6.... 4-2 ~ ~ 10"': c:;;) r-' r-~ I I I I I T 14 S T 15 S . I I 'en> OC::D ()"tJm >"tJ> -I, O-<:::E z=:> 3:m-l >r-m "tJr-::D I I~ I~ I " I Ii '" HO :l c 11~ II ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~q ~ . . ~ '" (fJ 'U '" en en '" I - o I (") " I .., ,. (fJ ^ ,. ~Q, ,-I> --<z z >00 . "Tl:!! ~en:: z>en enr-- >Z-l en>m , '1 Z<ij' "" 0 C . " m I - - t """ r"" ! 1 1 j ] ::.=J ~ I .,0_ _ ____;-- ) '\\ -"-.>~ ~ ;1 /, I ~. ~ , I ( -" ,-~ ( <,!' r~ \'-.'-- .~.... + 31 ,:,r- .'1. I !-.- ....., ~ , "'" "---::> ,3d -.t,:- ..1 ." 133/ I Ins 32 ~~.....--------,~ ~, .',-'] C' :..')~ ! .J r\~} . \ -'0 }\ ;';-j (', / ~, >--' I, "', '-- I ~ '- Q . _..~__.;;_.: '-- "", i', I "I \ .' I '\' ,7".; I '. L, ~ ,r" ~ _ ',,' t"", {. ,~' I " "" I (' r" ,,"~"" ,.' I (,C ",' _"l-r-,.,- _ r""/ ''\ .'J -r ';- ,..---.", f 1'1, '-- ~, ) )"" ~ v~, "J - i J I' <(, \. Q. ~. ,'____~_~~- l-..:..-__---.:~_,__L.:=_.!..:,.- :::-.:~___L_~.I+---o~ ' /401 I ' /365. -- KJZ3 \ ., 1.34/1 ':., ,r IJ2:" 1,,..- '~'"" ,_ /215.{. . ., "~I "I ,..' '- 'j ,. ,'..(' ,: ') 1 '~j~C" - ~"~ ~'\ : oI~-- '''', '. I' ""'--J' I ~, ~' I, .''', I \' ~.\ "~-" <:J" ",~" ~ % .-> (.," -_',,, \': I =" '"-, '\ - ~ ,'" /) I~' {jJ \ -, I I, f \,. IJ. ~ 0 I 'I 1 ,J---".r ~ ! _ '"-~~ o,~ to ~ '~ ~'~ 11~7( VJ/5~/\ -;''-' ('12 1;1:>4....-; "J '1404..: f( (~^15 '''_' ~.' 1388 (.,~ I;J4.;1 -' '<~2,7/ 17(16, --<=Z' .f . ~''') '., W, II I ; 20 8 \'A , I r' [, i,... - -' .-- '1 ' I t- o' ~\,.r\ , I I I,.~ \l \ .~'~' ~ \ '- ,I,,-}'~lr.'l! '_= _ \. r~ _J f" ,/," t~\.~. I ''j i'l I ~W:, (! ) ~ '. I \! .~ :,.1: ,., 22' ~i : \ \ ,r ~ \.- /;156 I 1375 '<3:17 "-~':"-..v~ 1 ---..' / " -",,!aterT.nk I '-"' --- ~_. ',- ~ I '- ,_~ :~r' ,,:l"\ I'~\ r~ '\ ~,\ 0' '} t'\', (-~ ",\ 36~--, ' H . 13"iC ,/"'! I /391 ~_ I . - " ,-- \ \ " I I <\~,-,/ :J8~ ,,. .~_ J . = :';'.~In . C/' /' r , ~,---- J/- --., ) r- 0-- N-- , , / I - ,,' '\ -- 1__ ) M o:'";'._S'.1 . , . i j , I ) .JIV 8 7'338 1342 '. . ~ 1~20 1325 I' , )1" ~ t""9 ,,~ i ,I , , I . , ", I, _. , , ) II., f. ,\ . .,' --, \''---~' ~______ 16~~ ~ I ~ ? " ,,_ I" '\. l " ~~=....' . " , , I I \ -I ) . r ...., (~ (13 \ , >' ~, ~,:~ 142'.. . 129"1 ,,,ge--' '. ;::- "--- IJJO 1317 I II 1\ 1308 1,-'17 \ Ij! \ ',) , , I. 17 ~ '(" '~ i , '--'. , '--- 13 ':~ I. ., , I '. 13 18 17 16 ~ ,jj 24 19 21 20 . p " " <T '" << << SCALE 1: 24 000 o ''''' ~ ~ t 1110O 0 .......... ..... 1000 "'" . . """ . .... """ , ..., ""'.., , FROU, USGS 7.~ "INUrE: SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) SAU"A sw. QUADRANGLE. SAUN~ CCUNTY. KANSAS. Legend CD Area Supply Well Locations (see Table 4) . water-bearing zones. As discussed previously, it is not known if these water-bearing zones are hydraulically connected. Groundwater flow directions and rates in each of the water-bearing zones could be significantly different from each other. In addition, existing information does not document if the water level measurements were taken within a 24 hour period, or if the water levels were allowed to stabilize after construction and development of the wells. A contour map of the deep aquifer (that overlies the shale bedrock) was not compiled. 4_3 SEASONAL AND TEMPORAL FLUCTUATIONS IN GROUNDWATER LEVELS Not enough detailed information is available to derive conclusions on fluctuations in the static water levels resulting from both seasonal and long term climatic conditions. Fluctuations on-site could be affected by off-site well pumping, local recharge or discharge areas, waste disposal practices, and seasonal variations. These fluctuations can affect the area groundwater flow patterns and gradient directions. Short-term recharge patterns may affect groundwater flow patterns that are markedly different from groundwater flow patterns determined by seasonal averages. Therefore, additional information is needed to determine these factors of fluctuations. 4,4 IDENTIFlCATION OF TIlE UPPERMOST AOUIFER The landfill owner is required under 40 CFR 258 Subpart E (Section 258.51) to monitor the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility in order to immediately detect a potential release. Proper identification of the uppermost aquifer is, therefore, essential to the establishment of a compliant groundwater monitoring system. The USEPA has defined the uppermost aquifer as the geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that is the aquifer nearest to the ground surface and is capable of yielding a significant amount of groundwater to wells or springs and may include fill material that is saturated (40 CFR 258 Section 258.2). IlSSIl.004193/lrev4l6.1D1 4-4 The uppermost aquifer needs to be further defined, especially in close proximity to the current fill site. The lack of specific subsurface information in the northern and the east and west-centra1 parts of the site could reveal the potentiai for a hydraulic interconnection to exist, such as from lateral discontinuity between geologic units, facies changes, fracture zones, or aiteration of geologic units by landfilling and/or leachate. 8558.00(193/1 rev 416-. 4-5 s.o CHEMICAL GROUNDWATER QUALITY 5.1 HISTORIC WATER OUALITY DATA Groundwater quality data has historically been collected and reported for wells 88-11, 88-14, and 88-15. Table' in Appendix C summarizes these data. The laboratory repons provided in the O.S. Fent, 1988 repon, are also included in Appendix C. As illustrated by the available well completion data on Figure 3, the potential exists that the sampled wells could monitor conditions in either the uppermost or lower aquifers beneath the site. The reported monitor well water quality sampling dates inciude: . November, 1988; . April, 1990; . January, 1991; . March, 1991; and . July, 1991. Appendix D includes the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) list of maximum contaminant levels. As indicated by this data, no maximum contaminant levels are exceeded in the sampled wells for the parameters analyzed except for nne occurrence for selenium in well 88-14. Both prior and subsequent sampling of this well have shown compliance with the State standard for this constituent. As was previously indicated, the well construction and the distal location from the solid waste of these monitored wells may significantly affect the relative value of the analytical results. 8351.00$/93/1 NY 4/6 lIlll 5-1 r ~ "] 10 a i i ~ I ~ L - . 5. II 9 . ."", A o 4 o MW.A- . fiizo ~ 03 - A gg-2 SS-3, " S8-6 EXISTING LANDFILL SITE 1-:!1l0 . A 88-16 B 2 .',' ,~I I I I I 0 IJM~ ~.-'-~_ -f=" A88-S .1300 IJ 8S-12 S8-13 S8-14 88-15 88-7 D S8-9 A C MW -$- .... 8 . B o LANDFIL~ ACCESS ROA 88-10 188-11 A . A D ,- 15 a SALINA SOLID WASTE AREA PROPOSED BOREHOLEI MONITOR WELL LOCATION MAP CPRMWSA1.0WG ~ . ~ 800 400 '-- o 800 , LEGEND A KIOWA F~ATION B . TERRACE AREA c ALLUI/IAL IiIGH WATER TABLE AREA o ALLUVIAL-COLLUVIAL WASTE BURIAL AREA WITH WATER TABLE CONTOURS 15a 1 o 88-16 A 1985 TEST HOLE n2.. 13. ~ OFF t.lAP TO -mE SQlJTHEASTJ 1985 TEST WELL 1988 TEST HOLE M~ PROPOSEO WEl..L LOCATION C PROPOSED BORIt~ LOCA T10N SECTION 7. TOWNSHIP '5 S. RANGE 3 W. SALINE COUNTY. KANSAS CDM ...."""""......NO NOllTA"ICAHSIoS LANDFILL SITE CITY OF SALINA SALINA, KANSAS Figure No, ..-..........~ pi--. "_I CIClrIId"",bo 5 I-Ig-g} RSP 8ooR-l1n-CG- TASKA 6.0 PLACEMENT OF DETECTION MONITORING WELUi 6.1 PLACEMENT OF DOWNGRADIF..NT DETECTION MONITORING WET.I &4\ In order to immediately detect releases for a solid waste facility, as required by the USEPA regulations (Section 258.54), the landfill 6wner must install downgradient detection monitoring wells adjacent to the waste management units. In a practical sense, this means that additional monitoring wells should be installed as close as physically possible to the southern edge of the current waste management unit. As shown on Figure 4, the current downgradient groundwater monitoring wells are not located immediately adjacent to the waste management area. The majority of wells are located over 1,'00 feet downgradient of the site (USEPA suggests 150 feet as a maximum distance). There is no explanation for the current well density and the proximal distances of the existing groundwater monitoring wells. The screened intervals (less than , to 10 feet in thickness) have been identified to include depths ranging from 15 to 80 feet (see Figures 2 and 3). 6.2 PLACEMENT OF UPGRADIENT MONITORING WELlS No upgradient monitor wells currently exist at the site, since previous upgradient wens were reported to have been plugged. Upgradient wells must be located and constructed to provide representative samples of groundwater in the same portion of the aquifer monitored by the downgradient wens to pennit a comparison of groundwater quality (40 CFR 258.51 and 2'8.'3). The' USEPA regulations indicate that the landfill owner should install multiple background monitor wens in the uppermost aquifer to account for spatial variability in background water quality. The owner should also install enough background monitor wens to allow for depth-discrete comparison of water quality. This means that for downgradient wens completed in a 85SBJX14193/IffN4I6am 6-1 particular geologic fonnation, the owner should install upgradient wells in the same portion of aquifer, so that the data can be compared on a depth-discrete basis. Recommendations for the locations of additional monitoring wells is presented in Section 10. These wells will fulfill the USEPA municipal landfill groundwater monitoring requirements. i I ! ; I I US8.004f93/1n:v4/6am 6-2 7.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN The design, construction, locations, sampling program, and monitoring schedule for the existing wells and any newly installed wells needs to be clearly planned and documented in order to pennit the detection or assess the nature and extent of a release of hazardous constituents to groundwater from the monitored waste management facility. A site specific Sampling and Analysis Plan has been developed (Appendix A) to aid in these activities. USUK14f93/Irn-416_ 7-1 8.0 CONCLUSIONS Based upon review of the published and available data on the site and area, the conclusions presented below were compiled. . Wells MW-2 and MW-3 located as upgradient wells with screened intervals within the air/water interface have been plugged. . There are no downgradient wells with screened intervals within the air/water interface. This condition may be due to confined or semi- confined conditions present at the site. All the downgradient wells are screened at a depths below 30 feet with static groundwater levels measured at depths of approximateiy 15 to 16 feet. . Well MW-5 is an upgradient well with the screened interval approximately 14 feet below the air/water interface have been plugged. . Well MW-7 is the only downgradient well directly adjacent to the waste management area. The screened interval is between 38-48 feet whicb is 26 feet below static water level (11 feet). . Regional groundwater flow has been reported to be to the south. . Extensive silty to sandy clay sequences underlie the property. This clayey unit reportedly bas a low permeability (10" to 10" cm/see). . It is unknown if bydraulic communication exists between the different water-bearing sandy intervals present beneath the site or if the well construction has resulted in communication between these two groundwater zones. lISSII.004I93flrcv4f6_ 8-1 . The uppennost aquifer beneath the site has not been defined in detail. . Twenty-three water wells reportedly exist within a one-mile radius of the site. Three of these wells (monitor wells) are located at the southern limit of the property and two wells (supply wells) lie within one mile further downgradient. The remainder of the wells reportedly exist at upgradient (northerly) locations relative to the existing waste disposal unit. . Based on sampling results from November 1988 to July 1991, water quality standards have not been exceeded for the parameters analyzed at monitor well locations 88-11, 88-14 and 88-15. . No methane gas concentration information is available for the site . Groundwater flow velocities based on three aquifer pumping tests reportedly range from 0.041 to 2.5 feet per day. The procedures used to perform the pumping tesls, data collected during the test, and calculations employed have not been tabulated or included in a calculation brief in the available reports. The accuracy of the reported groundwater flow velocities needs to be verified. 8553.C104193f1 rev 416 am 8-2 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our review of site investigation and area reports, and the conclusions derived regarding site conditions, CDM has compiled the following recommendations. Refer to Figure 5 for proposed boreholelwelllocations. . Two upgradient cluster wells need to he installed adjacent to the north side of the current landfill area. The shallow screened interval well should traverse the air/water interface, andlor be placed within the uppennost saturated sandy deposit encountered (if confined conditions are measured). A deeper screened interval is warranted at these locations to evaluate vertical groundwater flow gradients, and the aquifer hydraulic and geochemical properties of the deeper saturated sandy deposits. . Three additional upgradient monitor wells should be installed (screening the air/water interface within the designated terrace and high water table areas. . Two additional downgradient cluster well pairs should he instalied directly adjacent to the south boundary of the waste management area. An additional shallow monitor well should he installed next to the existing monitor well 88-5. . Two additional downgradient cluster wells should be installed just north of the present southern property boundary.' 85S8.004I93/lrrN4/6am 9-1 . Seven additional borings located east, west, and south of the waste management site should be completed to further identify the lithology of the area, accompanied with the boring information from previous monitor wells. Soil/materials testing should be completed on representative samples to define the geotechnical properties of the underlying formations. . Two additional pump tests need to be performed to determine transmissivity and groundwater flow velocity results at various depths/aquifers. The tests should be performed at nested well locations (upgradient and downgradient of the site). . Survey all existing and new well locations, both horiwnta1ly and vertically. . Collect groundwater samples from the existing and the proposed new monitoring wells. Analyze the samples in a manner consistent with USEP A regulations, and evaluate the results using recommended USEP A statistical procedures. All sampling and analyses procedures should follow those described in the sampling and analysis plan (Appendix A). . Verify that the existing monitor wells, which penetrated into the deeper aquifer, were sealed properly at the upper aquifer. If these wells were not sealed properly, the wells could be considered a potential pathway for contaminants to penetrate to the deever aquifer. If they were not sealed properly, they should be properly abandoned. 8558.00l193/1 rev 4/6 am 9-3 . In conjunction with the completion of the soil borings/wells adjacent to the existing landfill unit, methane gas concentrations should be collected. A MSA model 260 combustible gas meter, or equivalent, should be used. 8558.004193/1 rr:v 4/6 am 9-4 . 10.0 REFERENCES Pent, O.S., 1985, Unnamed Report. Fent, O.S., 1988, Hydrogeology of the Salina landfill. 8558.00419311_416... 10-1 8S58.00II93/lm4/6.... APPENDIX A SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) is written in conformance with the RCRA Groundwater Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document, September, 1986; 40 CFR Part 258, Appendix I; and 40 CFR Part 264 Subpart F. 1.1 SITE ffiSTOllY Refer to Section 1.0 Introduction, Subtask A2 Rej)Ort Subsurface Investi2'ations Salina Landfill Proiect. 1.2 OBmCTIVES Groundwater monitoring wells will be installed and existing wells monitored to detect the presence of a suite of inorganic and organic parameters intended to be typical of landfill leachate constituents. The analytical suite will be consistent with the parameters required for detection monitoring by 40 CFR Part 2'8, Appendix 1. EPA SW-846 methods (Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, U.S. EPA SW-846; third edition) and other EPA methods will be used to satisfy the RCRA requirements. 1.3 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN OIlGANlZATION The purpose of the SAP is to provide the procedures and protocols to be maintained during the field investigative and sample analysis activities. The SAP is divided into the following sections: Section 2.0 provides a description of the field activities associated with equipment calibration and maintenance, record keeping, sample custody and documentation issues, decontamination procedures and waste handling and disposal. Section 3.0 specifies the analytical methods, required detection limits, sample bottle requirements, and holding time requirements fur all of the collected samples. Section 4.0 describes the sampling protocols including well installation, field measurements, sample collection and field quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples. 1-1 751\ALBUQ-SAP\!lI.TIrf 4/51'13"1 2.0 FIELD PROTOCOLS This section describes the protocols associated with field activities that are necessary to maintain field instruments. document sample custody, decontaminate sampling, handle and dispose of all field generated wastes, and maintain a record of all sample related activities. 2.1 CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIEI.D EOUWMENT All field equipment used during the investigation will be operated, maintained, calibrated, and standardized in accordance with manufacturer specifications. A brief description of each of the field instruments to be used follows: . M-Scope An electronic device used to measure static water level elevation. . PlD Photoionization detector used to measure the presence of organic vapors in the weIlbead. . Interface Probe Identifies the presence of immiscible layers and indicates water level depths. . pH meter Measures pH of tested water samples. . S-C- T meter Measures salinity, conductivity. and temperature of selected water samples. 2.2 SAMPLE CUSTODY AND DOCUMENTATION The purpose of the chain-of-custody procedures is to document the identity of the sample, and its handling, from its first existence as a sample until its ultimate disposal following analysis. Custody records trace a sample from its collection through all transfers of cu~tody until it is transferred to an analytical laboratory. Internal laboratory records then document the custody of the sample through its final disposition. 2-1 1S11ALBUQ-SAFon.TXT 41"9311 A sample is under custody if one or more of the following criteria are met: . The sample is in the custodian's (sampler, lab personnel, etc.) possession. . It is in the custodian's view after being in possession. . It was in the custodian's possession and was locked up to prevent tari1pering. . It is in a designated secure area. The remainder of this section discusses the chain--of-custody and document control requirements which are appropriate for the site. These procedures will be followed. If any deviations occur, appropriate personnel will be notified and deviations will be noted in the field log book (see Section 2.4). 2.2.1 FlELD CUSTODY REQUIIlEMENTS Chain--of-custody for samples collected in the field and transported or shipped to laboratories for analysis will be maintained. The field team will have a designated field sample custodian with overall responsibility for sample custody, and for field document control. The custodian will ensure that the sampling teams have and use the appropriate identification and custody records, will resolve custody problems in the field, and will handle the shipment of samples to the analytical laboratories. It is assumed that each analytical laboratory will have an identified sample custodian and document/sample control officer. Samole Labels Each collected sample, including duplicates and travel or field blanks, will have a completely tilled-in sample label securely attached to it. Duplicates, and blanks will be shipped "blind" to the laboratory, but will be assigned a unique identification code in order to facilitate identification of the laboratory , results. Sample collection labels will be preprinted to ensure that the required infonnation is provided on each tag. Labels will include the Sample Identification Number, the location of the sampling site (both address and site code), the type of sample and the analyses required, the time of sampling, and the signature of the Sampler. The person who physically co1lects the sample is the Sampler and will sign the sample label. 2-2 7mAUlUQ-SAP\S2.. TXT 4/"9311 Chain-of-Custody Record Sheets Custody records will be used for the samples collected at the site. The multipart carbonless copy forms will be correlated with the sample collection labels; requested information will have the same heading on both. The sampler or sample custodian will complete a Chain"f-Custody Record to accompany each sample shipment from the field to the laboratory. An example Chain"f-Custody fonn is shown in Figure 2-1. The custody records will be used for a packaged lot of samples; more than one sample will usually be recorded on one fonn. More than one custody record sheet may be used for one package, if necessary. The purpose of these records are to document the transfer of a group of samples traveling together; when the group of samples change, a new custody record is initiated. The original custody record travels with the samples; the initiator of the record keeps a copy. When custody of the same group of samples changes hands several times, some people will not bave a copy of the custody record. This is acceptable as long as the original custody record shows that each person who had received custody has properly relinquished custody. General use Custody Record instructions follow: Usine a Tw.Part Custody Record Sheet . The originator fills in all requested information from the sample labels. . The originator signs in the top left "Relinquished by" box and keeps the copy. . The original record sheet travels with the samples. . The person receiving custody checks the sample label information against the custody record. This person also checks sample condition and notes anything unusual under "Comments" on the custody fonn. . The person receiving custody signs in the adjacent "Received by" box and keeps the original. . The Dateffime will be the same for both signatures since custody must be transferred from one person to another person. When samples are shipped via common carrier (e.g., Federal Express), the date/time will not be the same for both signatures. 2-3 7'7IALIlUQ-SAP\S2.TXT 4131\1'311 . ! J ~11 .. e -l>-... ! '" s TI 15 c: :xl m ~ ' ,":1" ,:.A/"-) Figure Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. 2-1 PROJECT NUMBER F8280 CDM CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PROJECT NAME Field Log Book Reference No._ i ---- ~ ---- ~ ---- I" ---- ---- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ---- E , >; '" SAMPLE NUMBER ANALYSES":' /.i>~i>J%~ SAMPLE LOCATION SATMyPEPlE ttcf' -{P,:W / / / ~"R 14~~'Zql7 / """"""' REMARKS LOO BOOK """", OATE TIME ------ --- ------ --- ------ --- ------ -- ------ --- ------ --- ------ --- -------- --- ------- ,..--- ------ 1-- ------- f--- ,..------- 1--- ------ --- ------ --- ------ --- ------ --- SAMPLED BY (SIGN) , , , , , , RELINQUISHED BY (SIGN) REUNOUISHED BY (SIGN) RELINQUISHED BY (SIGN) RELINQUISHED BY (SIGN) RELINQUISHED BY (SIGN) CD @ " @ @ DATElTIMEI I I DATEfTIMEI I I OATElTtMEI I I DATElTIME I I I DATEnlME I I I RECEIVED BY (SIGN) RECEIVED BV (SIGN) RECEIVED BY (SIGN) RECEIVEO BY (SIGN) RECEIVED BY (SIGN) CD @ @ @ @ OAlEITIMEI I I DAlMIMEt " I I DA TElTIME I I , DATElTIME I I I DATElTIMEt I I METHOD OF SHIPMENT SHIPPEO BY (SIGN) RECEIVEO FOR LABORATORY BY (SIGN) DATElTIME ( I ) ~ g " ili ~ . When samples are shipped via common carrier, the original travels with the samples and the shipper (e.g., Field Sample Custodian) keeps the copy. The shipper also keeps all shipping papers. bills of lading, etc. . In all cases. it must be readily seen that the same person receiving custody has relinquished it to the next custodian. . If samples are left unattended or a person refuses to sign, this must be documented and explained on the custody record. OuestionslProblems Concerninc Custodv Rerords If a discrepancy between sample label numbers and custody record listings is found, the person receiving custody should document this and properly store the samples. The samples should not be analyzed until the problem is resolved by contacting the field sample custodian or other designated responsible authority. The responsible person receiving custody should attempt to resolve the problem by checking all available information (other markings on sample container, type of sample. etc.). They should then document the situation on the custody record and in this project logbook and notify the appropriate sample custodian by the fastest available means, followed by written notification. Changes may be written in the "Comments" section of the Custody record and should be initialed and dated. A copy of this record should accompany the written notification to the sample custodian. A complete copy of the documentation of the problem and its resolution should also be submitted to the project files. 2.2.2 SAMPLE SHIPMENT Each sample shipped will be packed in accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations under 49 CFR 171-173 which include documentation requirements. Samples obtained at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites are classified as either environmental samples or hazardous samples. Environmental samples are those which contain low levels of contaminants and require implementation of limited precautionary procedures. Hazardous samples are those which could possibly contain dangerous levels of contaminants. All samples collected during this investigation, unless data to the contrary is obtained, will be classified as environmental samples. In addition, each 2-' 7~7\ALBUQ-U.P\S2.. TXT 41~f1J3 "& sample will be identified with a sample identification label, and wi1l be listed on the chain-of-custody record completed for each sample shipping container. The field sample custodian will notify the laboratory sample custodian of sample shipment. The Chain of Custody will be placed inside a plastic bag and taped inside the cooler cover. Custodv Seals Custody seals are narrow strips of adhesive paper used to demonstrate that no tampering has occurred. The seals are placed across the first point of opening and/or sample bottles. The field investigator shall write the date and signature on the seal. 2.2.3 LABOIlATORY CUSTODY PROCEDU1lES Laboratories will use sample identification records and custody records to satisfy the requirements outlined below: . Upon receipt at the laboratory, each sample shipment wiU be inspected to assess the condition of the shipping container and the individual samples, and the condition or integrity of the custody seals on a received shipment of samples will be documented at the time of receipt of the laboratory. . Enclosed chain-of-custody records will be cross-referenced with all the samples in the shipment; these records will be signed by the sample custodian and placed in the project file. . The sample custodian will continue the chain-of-custody by assigning a unique laboratory number to each sample upon receipt; this number identifies the sample through all further handling. . Internal log books and records that maintain the chain-of-custody throughout sample preparation and analysis, and data reporting will be kept. 2.3 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDU1lES This subsection presents the decontamination procedures to be maintained during the investigation. In general, all drilling and sampling equipment will be cleaned prior to initial use, between drilling and sampling locations, and before leaving the site. The decontamination procedures will consist of a combination of steam cleaning and/or scrubbing and washing with a detergent hot wash-water, 2-6 7S7\ALBUQ-$AI'\S2.TXT 4/5193'1 followed by a water rinse, and triple distilled water rinse. More specific procedures are discussed below for varying situations. A lined or paved decontamination pad will be used for decontamination of all sampling equipment. The decontamination pad will have a perimeter berm and contain a sump for collection of decontamination liquids and solids. 2.3.1 DRILLING EQUIPMENT Drill rigs, support vehicles, and associated drilling tools and equipment will be steam cleaned on-site prior to commencement of drilling to minimize the potential for cross contamination. All drilling equipment wilt be unloaded from the drill rig and the storage compartments and steam cleaned. Storage compartments will also be steam cleaned where appropriate. Cleaned tools will be returned to the cleaned storage compartments. Augers, drill stem, bits, and other downhole equipment will be stored on plastic and covered in an agreed-upon storage area. The storage area will be clean, easily accessible, and away from most daily site activity. All downhole drilling equipment and associated tools will be steam-deaned between boreholes. In addition, excess soil on the drill rig will be removed by steam cleaning between boreholes, as appropriate. Pipe racks will be used to elevate the augers and drilling rods during steam cleaning. In addition, the bed of the truck used to transport the augers or drill rods from the decontamination staging area to the dri1ling site will also be steam cleaned, when appropriate. After transport to the drilling site, augers, and drilling rods will be stored on additional pipe racks and covered with clean polyethylene sheeting. All downhole sampling equipment will be cleaned between samples as follows: . Scrub with potable water to remove soil particles. . Wash with a non-phosphate detergent. . Triple-rinse with distilled water. . Wrapped in plastic or aluminum foil and protected from contamination between sampling locations. 2-7 7!!7\AUlUQ-SAP\S2.TXT 4J!!l'13og Equipment decontamination will be supervised and documented by a qualified field hydrogeologist or geologist. Drill rigs, support vehicles, and associated drilling tools and equipment will be steam cleaned on site upon completion of drilling activities. prior to final demobilization, to ensure that no known or potential contaminants are carried off site by the dril1ing contractor. 2.3.2 GllOUNDWATER SAMPLING EQUIPMENT The groundwater sampling equipment utilized at the site will be decontaminated prior to its initial use and between sampling locations to prevent potential cross-contamination. The decontamination procedures are as follows: . scrub with potable water; . wash with a non-phosphate detergent; . triple rinse with distilled water; . store equipment in clean plastic sheeting between sampling locations; or . steam clean. 2.3.3 SAMPLE JARS AND CONTAINERS All sample containers for chemical analyses will be provided by the laboratory. All sample containers used will be pre-cleaned and include documentation by the supplier in accordance with EP A protocols. Following sample collection, the outside of sample jars and containers will be decontaminated to remove any excess solids or liquids before shipment to the laboratory. The decontamination procedures are as follows: . Wipe sample container exterior with a clean cloth and detergent wash-water solution. . Rinse with distilled water. . Dry with paper toweling. 2-8 1S7\ALBUQ-SAPlS2.TXT 4/S/!l3'1 . Prepare the samples for shipment. Wastes generated within the area of potential contamination will be containerized in labeled 55-gallon DOT-approved and cleaned drums and stored within a designated location at the facility. Each drum will be labeled with the site name, phone number, drum number, date. and nature of contents. Drill cuttings and excess soil materials. liquid investigative--derived wastes, and disposable personnel protective equipment will be stored as separate wastes. The handling of wastes generated will conform to all applicable health and safety requirements. Drill cuttings and excess soils from background locations will be replaced into the hole from which they were derived or scattered in the immediate borehole area. Based upon the nature of the investigative--derived waste (i.e., decontamination liquids, soil solids, etc.) and analytical results, investigation-derived wastes will be classified and appropriately disposed of. 2.4 FIELD WG BOOKS Field notebooks will provide the means for recording all data collection activities performed at the site. As such, written entries will be as descriptive and as detailed as possible, so that a particular situation or incident could be reconstructed without reliance on the collector's memory. Field notebooks shall be hard backed and bound. The pages of the logbook will be consecutively numbered prior to initial entry for the purpose of identifying missing pages after completion. Notebooks shall be permanently assigned to field personnel, but are to be stored in the project master file when not in use. The cover of each notebook must contain the following information:, . person to whom the book is assigned; . book number; . project name; and . project number. 2-9 7S71ALBUQ-SAP\S2.TXT 4151931& If a notebook is transferred to another staff person, notation shall be made of the transfer, date, and both signatures. Entries into the logbook may contain a variety of information. At the beginning of each daily entry, the following information will be recorded: the date, start time, weather, all field personnel present, level of personal protection being used on-site, and the signature of the person making the entry. All field measurements, observations, and information pertinent to a field activity will be recorded using indelible ink. All data will be recorded directly and legibly in field logbooks and all data entries are to be signed and dated. Entries in the logbook for sampling activities will include, but are not limited to the following: . Date and time of entry. . Date and time of sample collection. . Measurement units and instrumentation used. . Purpose of sampling. . Sample identification for laboratory analysis. . Sample media. . Sampling location and measurement type. . Any field measurements collected, such as pH, conductivity, and temperature. . Sample collector's name. . Initialed changes. . Field observations. All field personnel and visitors and their respective times of arrival and departure will be identified in the field logbook. 2-10 757\ALBUQ.sAP1S2. TXT 415193'11 Any changes in entries will be made in a manner that avoids obscuring the original entry and the change initialed and dated by the individual at the time of the change. All pages in the logbooks will be accounted for; no pages are to be removed. If there is a change in the person recording field notes during a particular day, that person will be identified in the logbook prior to making entries. At each station where a sample is collected or a measurement made, a detailed description of the location of the station will be recorded. Photographs taken at the site wi1l also be noted and described. All equipment used to make field measurements will be identified (including owner and modellserial numbers), including the date on which the equipment was calibrated. The equipment used to collect samples wil1 be noted, along with the time of sampling, sample description, depth at which the sample was collected, volume, and number of containers. In addition, the analytical parameters for the sample, the sample identification number, and chain-of-custody numbers will be recorded. Where possible, sample numbers will be assigned prior to going on-site. Samples, field blanks, decontamination rinsate blanks, and trip blanks which receive an entirely separate sample number, and will be noted under a separate sample description. Significant field notebook entries (e.g., health and safety incidents) will be countersigned by another member of the project team. Field recording forms will also be used for data collection in a variety of sampling and activity situations. The forms may include borehole logs. It is not necessary to duplicate information recorded on field forms in the field notebooks. However, the field notebook will identify any other forms which were completed each day which constitute supplemental records to the field notebook entries and a reference to these forms will be made. Field notebooks and field documentation forms will be stored in the project master file when not in use and/or upon project completion. If notebooks or completed docu~entation forms need to be used, copies of used pages should be made and the originalS directed back to the project master file. The field notebook should not remain out of the project file for a period exceeding two weeks, to minimize data loss if a notebook should be lost or destroyed. 2-11 1.t7\ALBUQ-SAP\S2.TXT 415193'8 , 1 2.5 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION To prevent misidentification of samples. the owner/operator should affix legible labels to each sample container. The labels should be sufficiently durable to remain legible even when wet and should contain the following types of information: I' , . Sample identification number; . Name of collector; . Date and time of collection; . Place of collection; . Parameters(s) requested (if space permits); . Internal temperature of shipping container at time sample was placed; . Internal temperature of shipping container upon opening at laboratory; and . Maximum and minimum temperature range that occurred during shipment. 2-12 7S7\AUiUQ-SAP\S2.TXT 41~I93 '. 3.0 CHEMICAL ANALYSES 3.1 ANALYTICAL PROCEDUllES The chemicals analyses performed on the groundwater samples collected from the site will all be performed according to EPA approved methods. All method-specific quality control measures, such as external and internal standard calibration procedures, instrument performances verifications, quanitation using method of standard additions, etc., which are suggested within any referenced method, must be performed. Section 3.2 provides a detailed description of laboratory QC requirements. Table 3-1 is a summary afthe parameters of concern, the required analytical methods, and the method detection limits. In general, the contracted laboratories will adhere to those recommendations as promulgated in 40 CFR 792, "Good Laboratory Practices"; criteria described in "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes," 1983 (EPA.{j()()14-70-020, revised 1983); "Test Methods for the Chemicals Analysis of Solid Wastes," (SW-846, 3rd Ed.); and "Federalllegister 40 CFR Part 136", Octoher 1984. All samples will be collected in bottles appropriate for the analyses to be performed. Sample preservative, minimum sample volume and holding time requirements will all be adhered to. Table 3-2 identifies the sampling and preservation procedures necessary for detection monitoring. 3.2 LABORATORY OUALlTY CONT1l0L REOUlREMENTS The contracted laboratories will have an approved quality assurance plan in place which describes corrective actions and delineates QA responsibilities within the laboratory. The general practices required of the laboratories are presented below. Specific requireme,nts for the frequency of analysis and control-limits for general QC sample types described below, are summarized in Table 3-3. 3.2.1 PURITY OF STANDARDS, SOLVENTS AND REAGENTS All reagents will be of reagent-grade (equivalent) or higher quality whenever obtainable. Organic solvents are to be pesticide-grade or equivalent. Where applicable, reference standard solutions will 3-1 7,7\AI.BUQ-M/'IS3.TXT 4/119311 TABLE 3-1 P A1lAMETE1lS 1lEQUl1lED FOR DETECTION MONIT01lING i, iiVi,. .iiil.iilITliIM:::~~:;i< ........ ",'" ... <. i< Mellioa 1l.r.....wA ~ iii Antimony 7041 0.003 maIL SW-846 Arsenic 7060 0.001 mEIL SW.846 Barium 7081 2 m2IL SW-846 Beryllium 6010 0.0003 m2IL SW..... Cadmium 6010 0.004 m2fL SW..... Chromium 6010 0.007 mgIL SW.846 Cobalt 6010 0.007 mglL SW-846 Copper 6010 0.006 mgfL SW-846 Load . 6010 0.042 mJt/l. SW-S46 Nickel 6010 0.015 mgIL SW..... Selenium 7740 0.002 m2IL SW.846 Silver 6010 0.007 m2/l. SW-a46 Thallium 7481 0.001 ffil!fL SW-846 Vanadium 6010 0.008 ffill:fL SW-846 Zinc iga ~ 0,002 mg/L ii~ .;;:, ~ iii Benzene 8240 S.2IL SW-846 Carbon Tetrachloride 8240 S.g/L SW-846 1,2 Oichlorocthane 8240 S.2IL SW-846 1,10ichlorocthvlene 8240 S.2IL Sw-846 Cis-I,2 Dichloroethylcne 8240 S..IL SW..a46 TI'lULS.t,2 Dichloroethylene 8240 5/JgIL SW..... 1,2 Dichloropropane 8240 S ..IL SW-846 Ethylbenzcne 8240 S.g/L SW-846 Chlorobenzene 8240 , ..,L SW-846 Styrene 8240 ,..IL SW-846 Tetrachloroethylene 8240 S ..IL SW-846 Toluene 8240 S ..IL SW..... 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 8240 S ..IL sw..... 1,1,2 Trichloroethane 8240 S.g/L SW.846 Trichloroethylene 8240 ,.2IL SW-846 Vinyl Chloride 8240 S ..IL SW-846 Xylenes 8240 5 1l2fL SW-846 Chloroform 8240 5/12fL SW.846 7S7\ALBUQ-SAP\3.1.TBL 3117193 mm 3-2 TABLE 3-1 (Coni.) PA1lAMETERS REQUl1lED FOR DETECTION MONITOlUNG ~ Bromofonn Bromodichloromcthanc ~ 8240 8240 -,....,-/",.,./.....,....... ..../............ .........--- M<Ihod DeteelioD LImlt Mothod R,(..-.' 5 ,.JL SW.... 5 ,.IL SW.... 5 ...n SW.B46 5 ,.JL SW.B46 5 ,.JL SW-B46 5 ,.IL SW.... 100 Hf~1L SW-846 Dibromochloromethane 8240 o-Dichlorobcnzcne 8240 n.Dichlorobcnzenc 8240 Dichloromethcne (mclh"lenc chloride) 8240 Acetone 8240 Acrvlonitrile 8240 Bromochloromethanc 8,260 Carbon Disulfide 8240 Chloroethane 8240 DDCP 8.260 Trans-l,4-dichloro-2-butenc 8.260 l.1.0ichlorocthane 8240 Cis-l,3 Dichloronro....nc 8240 Trans-t,3 Dichlornnronanc 8240 2-Hexanonc 8240 Methvlbromidc 8240 Mcthvl Chloride 8240 Methvlene Bromide 8240 Mcthvlcthvlkctonc 8240 Methyl Iodide 8240 4-Meth"I-2.....ntanone 8240 1,l,l,2-Tetrachloroethane 8,260 1.1.2,2-Tetrachlorocthanc 8240 Trichlortluoromcthanc 8240 1,2.3-Trichloronrn....ne 8240 VinvJ Acetate 8240 1,2-Dibromoethane 82'" NL 0.04 u~lL 5...1L 10...n 0.26 ,.JL NL 5...n. 5...n 5...n. 50...n 10 ..JL 10 ,.JL 5,.1L 100 ...n Su.JL 50 ,.IL 0.05 ,.IL 5 ,.IL 5...1L ....IL 50 ,.JL 0.06 p.1L SW-846 SW B46 sw.... SW.... SW.846 SW.846 SW-846 SW-&46 SW.... SW.... SW.846 SW.846 SW.846 SW-846 SW-846 SW-846 SW-846 SW.... SW.... sw.... SW.... SW-B46 . The Method 8260 partlmcters may be able to be analyzed by Method 8240 depending on the capabiliticl of the se1eeted Iabomory. b SW-846 ~Test Methods for Evaluating Solid W.stc~ EPA 3rd Edition. NL = Not Listed 3-3 7S7\ALBUQ-SAP\3-1.TBL ~117193 mm TABLE :3-2 RECOMMENDED SAMPLE CONTAINERS FOR PRESERVATIVES, HOLDING TIMES, AND SAMPLE VOLUME REQUIREMENTS Metals HOPE HN03 pH < 2 6 Months 1 x lL VolatileOrganiC5 Glass, teflon, lined cap Hel pH <2 14 days 4x40mlvials HOPE = high density polyethylene. 1$7\ALBUQ-SAJ'\3.2.TBL 311719:J mm 3-4 TABLE 3-3 LABORATORY QC SAMPLE FREQUENCY AND CONTROL LIMITS Volatile Organics Groundwater Lcsslhan I pcr-20 +/.35 for 1 per 20 40-]50 1 per 20 75-125 1 per 20 70-120 Each sample SW-846 8240 MOL samples MSfMSD samples samples samples Volatile Organics Groundwater Len_ I per 20 +/-35 for I per 20 40-150 1 per 20 75-125 1 pe<20 75-125 Each sample SW-846 8260 MOL samples MSIMSD samples samples samplel Motab Groundwater less than 1 per 20 +/-20 I per 20 75-125 1 per 20 80-120 1 per 20 N/A N/A SW-846 6010 and MOL samples samples samples samples 7,000 series methods MOL = Method detec:tion limit MS/MSD = Matrix spike/Matrix spike duplicate N/A Not Applicable '" 0. 157\ALll1JQ\SAP\3-3.1llL 3/17193...... be traceable to EPA or the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). Each new lot of reagent-grade chemicals will be tested for quality of performance, and laboratory records will be kept to document the results of lot tests. Alternatively, reagent blanks will be prepared from each lot. If method blank (see Section 3.2.2) contamination is found, the reagent blank will be analyzed to evaluate the source of contamination. 3.2.2 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL QC SAMPLES Laboratorv "Rea2'ent-Grade" Water Laboratory pure water is generally prepared by a special deionized water system augmented by individual filter cartridges and polishers located at each outlet point. The polishers include special particulate filters, organic resins and inorganic resins. Distilled/deionized water may also be used. Laboratory water will be tested to demonstrate that it is free of contaminants at levels below the detection limits for the applicable analytical procedures. Method BlankfReaeent Blank A laboratory pure water blank is analyzed along with all aqueous and nonaqueous samples submitted for analyses. The method/reagent blank is processed through all procedures, materials. reagents and labware used for sample preparation and analysis. The frequency for method blank preparation and analysis is a minimum of one per twenty field samples or per analytical batch, whichever is most frequent. An analytical batch is defined as samples which are analyzed together with the same method sequence and the same lots of reagents and with the manipulations common to each sample within the same time period or in continuous sequential time periods. Samples in each batch are to be of similar composition or matrix. Calibration Standards The calibration standards are prepared in the laboratory by dissolving a known amount of pure (nominally 100%) analyte in an appropriate matrix. The final concentration calculated from the known quantity is the true value of the standard. All calibration standards must be traceable to certified reference materials or certified check standards. The results obtained from these standards 3-6 757\ALBUQ-SAPIS3.TXT 4151<J30I1 are used to generate a standard curve which can be used to Quantify the compound in the environmental sample. A minimum of three (3) calibration standards and a blank will be used in generating a standard curve for all analyses. Specific requirements are outlined in the applicable methods as referenced. For GC/MS analysis, an instrument tune must be performed using the standard materials and following criteria as specified in SW-846 method 8240. C~eck Standard j' The check standard is prepared in the same manner as a calibration standard. The final concentration calculated from the known quantity is the true value of the standard. The check standard is .DQt carried through the same process used for the environmental samples as it does not undergo the sample preparation procedure. The check standard result is used to monitor the continuing validity of an existing calibration curve or concentration calibration standard file. The "check standards" are also known as the "continuing calibration verification standards" . , I ~ The check standard can provide information on the accuracy of instrument performance and response consistency independent of various sample matrices and of the sample preparation procedure. Check standards are analyzed at a minimum frequency of 10 percent. Specific requirements and procedures for calibration and check standards are outlined in the referenced methods. To verify the accuracy of the analytical system at the low concentration end of the calibration curve, a second type of check standard is prepared at a concentration of two to five times the instrument detection limit and analyzed at the beginning (after calibration) and end of the day or analytical "run". Quality Control Check Samples The Quality Control (QC) Check Sample is a reference standard aCQll;ired from an EPA-approved source (e.g., EPA Standards Repository, NBS) that is analyzed "as is" or diluted according to instructions provided with the reference material, to provide independent verification of instrument calibration. 3-7 7S7\ALBUQ-SAI'\S3.TXT 41S1'J3.. The QC Check Samples for most types of analyses are available from EPA Cincinnati, free of charge and will be used at a specified frequency as a means of evaluating the analysis techniques. It is analogous to the "initial calibration verification standard" in the inorganics Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) Statement of Work (SOW). The QC check sample analysis is to be performed in conjunction with organics analyses as well. QC Check Samples will be analyzed at the frequency specified 'in the referenced protocols or at a minimum of each time a new calibration curve is established. Corrective action, in the form of reanalysis of all associated samples, is required if a QC Check Sample is outside control limits. The control limits are typically a recovery of:f: 10 percent of the true value except when the established limits provided by the supplier of the standard reference material are different. Documentation of the source and the applicable control limits must be provided with the data. Control Samples The Laboratory Control Sampte (LCS) or Method Control Sample (MCS) is a QC Check Sample (Le., reference standard) that is carried along with the samples through the entire sample prep/analysis sequence. Solid matrix control samples are to be digested/extracted and analyzed when applicable and as available. The true values of these PE samples is unknown to the laboratory. The frequency for the inclusion of control samples is 1/20 or as stated in the reference protocols. Spikes A sample Matrix Spike is prepared by adding a known amount of the pure analyte to the environmental sample before extraction/digestion. The added analyte is the same as that being assayed for in the environmental sample. An Analytical Pike is prepared by adding a known amount of analyte(s) to a known amount of sample digested or extract. For organics analyses, every sample is spiked before extraction/analysis with a surrogate mixture of compounds which are considered to behave similarly during analysis, but are not identical to analytes potentially found in naturally-{)ccurring sample matrices. 3-8 7S7IALBUQ..SANJ.TXT 415m'l il Background and interferences having an effect on the actual sample analyte will have a similar effect on the spike. The calculated percent recovery of the matrix spike is considered to be a measure of the relative accuracy of the total analytical method, i.e., sample preparation and analysis. The calculated percent recovery of the analytical spike is considered to be a measure of the relative accuracy of the sample analysis procedure only. The matrix spike, the surrogate spike, and the analytical spike are also measures of the effect of the sample matrix on the ability of the methodology to detect specific analytes. When there is no change in volume due to the spike, it is calculated as follows: %R = lOO(A-X)rr Where: %R = A = X = T = Percent Recovery Measured value of analyte ifW: spike is added Measured value of analyte concentration in the sample ~ the spike is added Value of spike , I, I " Tolerance limits for acceptable percent recoveries are established in some of the referenced methods and are summarized in Table 3-3. Project-specific QC acceptance limits may be established on a parameter-specific basis for each analysis method if after sufficient data have been compiled it is apparent that different limits than those specified in the referenced methodology should be applied. Matrix spikes will be analyzed at a minimum frequency of 1/20 samples of similar matrix or analytical batch. Analytical spikes and surrogate spikes are reql,lired for every sample for some analysis routines (see Table 3-3). Matrix SDike Duplicate For organic analyses. Matrix Spike duplicate samples are required at, a specified frequency of 1/20 samples. A Matrix Spike duplicate is prepared from a second aliquot of the sample that was analyzed as the Matrix Spike. The duplicate relative percent difference (RPD) value between the Matrix Spilt and the Matrix Spike duplicate for each spike anaIyte must be reported. The RPD control limits vary by analyle. 3-9 7S1\ALBUQ-S.AP\S3.TXT 4ISI93'1 Laboratory Duolicate Samole Aliquots (e.g., subsamples) ~re made in the laboratory of the same sample, and each aliquot is treated exactly the same throughout the analytical method. The relative percent difference (RPD) between the values of the duplicates, as calculated below, is taken as a measure of the precision (reproducibility) of the analytical method: RPD = (D, - D,)/[(D, + D,)n] x 100 Where: RPD D, D, = Relative Percent Difference = First sample value = Second sample value (duplicate) i: The duplicate is a measure of the precision of the laboratory sampling (Le., aliquoting) and analysis procedure and of the homogeneity of the sample matrix as provided to the laboratory. Laboratory duplicates will be analyzed at a minimum frequency of 1/20 samples or per analytical batch. ICP Interference Check Sample aCSl To verify interelement and background correction factors for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis, the laboratory must analyze and report the results for an ICP Interference Check Sample at the beginning and end of each analysis run or a minimum of twice per eight hours, whichever is more frequent, but not before initial calibration verification. The ICP Interference Check Samples may be obtained from EP A (EMSLIL V), if available, and analyzed according to the instructions supplied with the ICS. If not available, the instructions for preparation and analysis of an ICS can be found in the ClP Inorganics SOW. 3-10 7S7\AI.JIUQ-SAPIS3.TXT 4/!Jm'lI 1 , 4.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION Groundwater quality in the area of the existing landfill as well as in the area of the proposed landfill will be evaluated. In addition, background water quality wil1 be determined. Ten new monitoring wells will be installed prior to the sampling event. Selected existing monitoring weBs will also be included in the sampling. Monitor well installation is presented in Section 4.1. Section 4.2 describes sample collection procedures. QA/QC samples are defined in 'Section 4.3. 4.1 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION Refer to Section 9.0 Recommendations, Subtask A.2 Renort Subsurface Investie:8tions. Salina Landfill proiect. 4.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE COLLECTION Field measurements of static water level elevations and detection of immiscible layers will be performed prior to well evacuation. A PID will be used at the wellhead to detect the presence of organic vapors before any other field measurements are made. The static water level will be determined to within a depth of 0.01 feet using a M-Scope. Each well will have a pennanent, easily identified reference point from which the water level measurement is taken. The reference point will be established hy a licensed surveyor in relation to an established National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). The presence of light andlor dense phase immiscible layers will be detennined by an interface probe. Any immiscible phased will be collected before the well is purged for sampling and/or the well will not be sampled. All wells to be sampled will first be purged by evacuating three casing volumes. Temperature, conductivity and pH will be monitored in the field to ensure that the ;well has stabilized prior to sample collection. Bailers will be used to collected water from the well. Prepared sample bottles (i.e., containing necessary preservatives) will be filled directly from the bailers. Sample bottles to be analyzed for volatiles will be filled first in order to minimize volati1e loss. Samples to be analyzed for metals will not be filtered. 4-1 7S7\ALBUQ-SAP\!l4.'tXT 3/17193_ All equipment that comes in contact with the well water. including probes, pumps. bailers, and valves, will be decontaminated in accordance with the procedures in Section 2.3 between sampling stations. 4.3 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES The following types of QC samples will be collected in the field and shipped to the laboratories along with the other samples. The type and frequency of these field QC samples are given below. Note regarding "blind" field blanks: The laboratory may not use field blanks for duplicate analyses or for matrix spiking; therefore, since all field blanks must be shipped "blind", it must be specified to the laboratory which particular nonfield blank sample(s) must be used for duplicate and matrix spike analyses. Three times the required sample volume must be collected for the matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate samples. 4.3.1 BLIND DECONTAMINATION RINSATE BLANK A decontamination rinsate blank: will be prepared and submitted for analysis at a target frequency of once per sampling event per sampling team. as well as additionally whenever there are changes in the sample collection procedures, sample decontamination procedures, or sampling equipment. This blank will consist of analyte-free water collected by rinsing sampling equipment after equipment decontamination. 4.3.2 TRAVEL BLANKS The travel blank (required only when VOA analyses are to be performed) is a sample bottle filled with analyte free water that is carried to the sampling site and remains with other field sample bottles during any storage and shipping to a project lab. A minimum of on~ travel blank per sampling event per sampling team will be taken. 4-2 7S7IALBUQ.SAP\S4. TXT 3117/93 mm 4.3.3 BLIND FIELD BLANK Field blanks (required only when VOA analyses are performed) are sample bottles filled with analyte free water that are opened in the field and transferred back and forth (three times) between bottles. Field blanks will only be analyzed if the decontamination rinsate blanks exhibit contamination during laboratory analysis. 4.3.4 BLIND FIELD DUPLICATES Field duplicates are collected identically and consecutively over a minimum period of time. This type of field duplicate provides a measure of the total system variability (field and laboratory variance) including the variability component resulting from the inherent heterogeneity of the field sources. Field duplicates will be collected at a minimum frequency of one per sampling event. 4.3.5 BLIND STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS (SRMj/PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (PE) SAMPLES SRM and PE samples are materials of known composition which have been prepared by. and obtained from EPA-approved sources, and which have undergone multi-laboratory analyses using a standard method. SRM/PE samples provide a measure of analytical performance and analytical method bias (accuracy). The frequency of SRMIPE samples to be submitted blind to the contract project laboratory is one per sampling event. One SRMIPE sample wiII be submitted for selected volatile parameters and one will be submitted for selected metal parameters. 4-3 1S7\ALBUQ-SAPIS4.TXT 3111/93 mm SSSS.004/93/lrev4/6am APPENDIX B WATER SUPPLY WELL LOGS (Refer to Fhmre 4 for Well Locations) DATA r , I W A T E R W E L. L S Y S T E N poAGE 1 OF 2 ,H~:O:' LEGr';L DESCr-(lPTItll'~ *** WELL DWR APFL FORI'I- ACTIVEI C!',:TY PF(ACT!\I S T R EX TV ID NO. WELL OWNER NUNBER ATlON INACTIVE 085 E2SESW 061503W 0011 NA 0000 A Gr-iND ELE'v' j)OOC * ~UMP WATER DEPTH TEaT DATA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD WHO CHEM DATA N WELL. DEPTH 0078 *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET STATIC WTR LV OQ32 r{r~'E OF SCF;EEN ***************** SCREEN FF\:OI'I TO FROM TO 0058 0078 INTERVALS ***************** FROM TO FROM TO . TYPE OF SCREEN OPENINGS TYPE OF I: 3FOUT 0' , GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO EST YIELD 0001 ********** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET 'll-**'*'*****'M-* FROM TO TYPE OF *************** CASING *************** DIe). FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 Cr-~stNG DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG 0000- O()12 01 0056 19 0058 23 ,__,J 0076 19 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY (>2 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANOY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND (>7 FINE SAND 08 MED IUM SAND (>9 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 8RAVEL. 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND & GRAVEL 16 80ULDER , I -~-' Il,~ **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR U STHEET ADDRESS OF WSLL ** . "1 , 0 u o i I' , I WEL.L CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 761223 CDNTRACR LlC. NO. 0138 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 2(> LIMESTONE 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK & SAND 30 ROCV ll< CLAY 31 CALI CHE 32 FL.I NT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYPSLII'I ROCK I; o 0' I I"~. '" W ?-1 T ,Eo-l!..lE- LEGAL DEScnIFTIOI\i **.;.. CNTY FRACTN S T R EXTK 085 NWi\lESE 061503W 0012 I " E R WELL ID NO. W E I.. I.. S Y S T E 1"1 DWR APPL NUMBER NA PAGE 1 OF 2 ,i FORM- ACTIVE/ 1 ATION INACTIVE 0000 A WELL OWNER * PUMP TEST DATA * GF:ND WELL *GRh!DWTf\ EI\lCTRt.* STATIC WATER HOURS YIELD EST CHEi, ELEv DEPTH FEET FEET FEET WTR LV DEP,TH PUMF'D (GPM) YIELD DATA 0000 0034- 0022 0002 N TYFE OF ***************** SCREEN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEN SCREEN FROM TO FROM TO FROM TO FROM TO OPENINGS 0028 0034 TYFE OF GROUT **********..11- FF<O., TO GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO ********** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET iYPE OF C:ASiNG WELL USE 01 I CONTRACR U LIC. NO. 0126 *************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. COMPLT DATE 760930 DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG 0000- 0003 04 0018 19 0030 23 0034 19 **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELL** * WELL CLSSIF I PAGE 2 OF 2 1 *********** LITHOLOGIC LOG CODES *********** 01 CLAY 1<;> SHALE f 02 SILT 20 LIMESTONE i 03 SILTY CLAY 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE i',-, ',j 1 04 SANDY CLAY 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE , I 05 SAND 23 SANDSTONE i:- 06 VERY FINE SAND 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE , , 07 FINE SAND 25 DOLOMITE : i 08 MED IUM SAND 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 09 COARSE SAND 27 COAL [I 10 VERY COARSE SAND 28 ROCK " 11 GRAVEL 29 ROCK & SAND i 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 30 ROCK & CLAY , [." i' ,...1 13 FINE GRAVEL 31 CALICHE !J , , 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 32 FLINT , ,15 COARSE GRAV~L 33 CHEln I "I 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 34 PYR ITE , , 17 SAND & GRAVEL 35 CLAY & GRAVEL d 18 BOULDER 36 GYPSUM ROCK ,'" n[ fll l I 'I: id L."" !" J ' r' I ,-.:- W A T .;......* LEGAL OEseR I PT r ON *** CI\iTY FHACT!\I S T R EXTt( (l8~5 NWNWSW 061SO:3W 0013- E R WELL ID NO. W E L. L s Y S T WELL OWNER E ~I DWR APPL, NUMBER NA PAGE 1 OF 2 FORt'I- ACTIVE/ ATlON INACTIVE 0000 A GR!\lD ELEV 0000 WEL,L DEPTH 0070 * PUMP WATER DEPTH TEST DATA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPM) CHEI'1 DATA N *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FE2T FEET STATIC WTR LV 0040 TYF'E OF SCHEEN .***************** SCREEN FRO~I TO FROM TO 0050 0070 INTERVALS ***************** FROM TO FROM TO TYPE OF SCREEN OPENINGS TYPE OF GROUT GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO **********-lfo FROM TO EST YIELD 0015 ********** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET , TYPE OF ii, CASING *************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 i I I I DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG ~ 0000- 0005 01 0010 21 0040 01 0045 23 0065 04 0070 19 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 06 MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 1.4 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARS~ GRAVL 17 SAND 8< GRAVEL 16 BOULDER " " , I : ! '- **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELL** * II ~ u L l: WELL CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 760201 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0199 PAGE :z OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE 8< LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE 8< SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK .& SAND 30 ROCK 8< CLAY 31 CALI CHE 32 FLI NT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY 8< GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCK f , ! F I I , I , ~ i r hI A T ~..*.... U:~G':::lL rESCRIPTION *** Ci\IT'"( FRr::.:TN S T S' EXTf< 085 SL~SESE 071503\1,) 00(;2 E R WEI_L ID NO. GHN: ELE') 1318 WELL DEPTH 0088 *!3RNDW.,Fi. ENCTRD* F~ET FEET FEET 0068 Oi)78 i j l') E. L L E 1"1 CWR APF'L NUl'lBER NP, i , :; Y S T F'?'IGE 1 or- 2 FOf\:I~I- ACTI'v'E/ ?\T I 01\1 INACTI......E: 0000 A WELL C:;WNER CITY OF SALINA STATIC WTR LV 0023 '* F'1..iMP T:::ST DATA '* WAT~R HOURS YIELD DEPTH PUMPD (GPM) 0045 002 0002 CHEri DATA N EST YIELD TYFE OF *'*****'110****.****** SCR'EEN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEt\1 -3CPEEN FROI"! TO FROM TO FROM TO FRO!"l TO OPEN I NGS 07 0078 0088 03 7YP;::: OF GRO~T *********** FROI'" Ta 0073 0078 GROUT INTERVALS FROI'! TO b _I 3 ********** FROM TO " NEAREST CONTAdINATIoN " SOURCE DIRECTION FEET TYPE OF C.;-=1SI:__iG 02 ***.******.****** CASl NG ******'********* DIA. FT. ;:lIA. FT. DIA. FT. 02 0078 [] DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG 0000- 0068 01 0071 05 0078 OJ 0091 19 **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION DR ST~EET ADDRESS OF WELL** .+ 3 !'1I W ;'-'1ND 4 i'"II S CF 3AL!j"~A WELL USE 10 COMPI.. T DATE 881107 CoNTRACR L'lC. NO. 0126 WELL CLSSIF 1 . PAGE 2 OF 2 *********** LITHOLOGIC LOG CODES *********** 01 CLAY 19 SHALE ,. I , 02 SILT 20 LI MESTONE i, I 03 SILTY CLAY 21 SHALE 8< LIMESTONE I ~ r 04 SANDY CLAY 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 05 SAND 23 SANDSTONE r' . I ! 06 VERY FINE SAND 24 SANDSTONE " SHALE 07 FINE SAND 25 DOLOMITE 08 MEDIUM SAND 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 09 COARSE SAND 27 COAL 10 VERY COARSE Sf4ND 28 ROCK 11 GRAVEL 29 ROCI< 8< SAND 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 30 ROCK 8< CI_AY 13 FUJE GRAVEL 31 CALICHE 14 MED IUM GRAVE;;L 32 FLI NT , 15 COARSE GRAVEL 33 CHERT ,'.11 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 34 PYRITE U 17 SAND 8< GRAVEL :35 CLAY 8< GRAVEL l.' 18 BOULDER 36 GYPSUM ROCK fJ " , , , , ,j , [1 I ,J , i" , 'I i' !- o I[ :If ~ W A T ;hH,. LEGc:'IL DESCF( I Pi ~ ON *** l-., CnTY FR/'iCT:\1 S T '::;: EXTt< ':~8::,: SI.<J::;ESW 071. ~503~J 0003 I I J 3R!\iD WELL DEPTH "".GRi\lDWTF( Ei\lCTRD* FEET FEET FEET 0025 0033 ELEV J.306 I.,A,)..::O/ I U TYFE OF 2CF:EEI\! 1'7 FROI'1 ***,*"1f-************ FROi"! TO 0032 0037 I I TYPE elF GFd)UT ~ , .f E R WELL ID !\iO. W E: L L S Y S T E M DWR APFL NUMBER NA PAGE 1 OF :2 FORI~I- (';CTIVEI ATION INACTIVE 0000 f'~ WELL OWNER CITY OF SALINA STATIC WTR LV 0014. '* PUMP WATER DEPTH TEST DATA " HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GF'M) 00l. 0003 CHEM DATA N EST YIELD SCREEN TYPE OF SChEEi\1 OPENINGS 03 INTERVALS FROM ***************** TO TO FROM TO " *********** FROM TO 0000 0.)20 GROUT INTERVALS ********** FROM TO FRQM TO 0028 0030 0037 0062 * NEAREST CONTAMINATION '* SOURCE DIRECTION FEET 7 " TYPE i."- CASING 0'"' WELL USE 10 1_ **********.***** CASII\lG *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. 02 0032 07 03(10 32 0037 1 ,.~, ,..' L.> 1;:,1 :JYj I".: --' DEFTH LOG 0000- 0)1)25 01 0027 05 0033 01 0036 05 0055 01 0056 05 0062 19 DEPTH LOG [,1 I.,.,' II L'.'.' I 'I~,' "; ';) ;;ij '1_0 II """ jl ;H~'DISi'ANCE (4ND DIRECTION OR ~ S7REET ADDRESS OF WELL** * 3 Mr ~ & 4 MI S OF SALINA I' I' ~ WELL CLSSIF 1 COMFLT DATE 881117 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0126 PAGE 2 OF 2 *********** LITHOLOGIC L.OG CODES *********** 01 CLAY 19 SHALE 02 SILT 20 LIMESTONE 03 SILTY CLAY 21 8HALE & LIMESTONE 04 SANDY CLAY 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 05 SAND 23 SANDSTONE 06 VERY FINE SAND 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 07 FINE SAND 25 DOLOMITE 08 MEDIUM SAND 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 09 COARSE SAND 27 COAL 10 VERY COARSE SAND 28 ROCK 11 GRAVEL 29 ROCK & SAND 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 30 ROCK & CLAY 13 FINE GRAVEL, 31 CALICHE 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 32 FL1NT 15 COARSE GRAVEL 33 CHERT 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 34 PYRITE :L7 SAND & GRAVEL 35 CLAY &: GRAVEL 18 BOULDER 36 GYPSUM ROCK , I I I k ,'- i f I i--:; I" "." I: , , ,.. (' . f I 1 ' W I~ T '''''':0:'';':' LEGAL DESCRIPTIO,"I *-M.* CNTY FRACTN S T R EXTK 085 SESESW 071503W 0006 E R WELL ID NO. W ELL s Y S T E ;1 DWR APPL NUMBER [\IA PAGE 1. OF 2 FORM- ACTIVE/ ATION INACTIVE 0000 A WELL OWN2R CITY OF SALINf:1 * PUMF' TEST DATrC'1 * GRND WELL 1l.Gm..JDWTR ENCTRD* STATIC WATER HOURS YIELD EST CHEM I EL.EV DEF'TH FEET FEET FEET WTF, LV DEPTH PUMPD (GPM) YIELD DATA J 1306 0068 1)022 0029 0065 0014 0054 001 0001 N TYFE OF ***************** SCREEN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEN ;;CRE:EI\I FRO!"! TO FROM TO FRO!"I TO FROM TO OPENI~IGS (;7 0065 0068 03 TYFE OF GROUT ~ ,~ **.u.******** FROM TO 0000 0020 GRQUT INTERVALS ********** FROM TO FROM TO 0061 0063 * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET 16 ,'! :'j TYFE OF CASING 02 *************** CAS I hlG *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. 04 0065 WELL USE 10 WELL CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE S81108 CONTRACR LIC., NO. 0126 I .J PAGE 2 OF ~ ~ DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG *********** L ITHOLoG I C LOG CODES *********** 0000- 01 CLAY 19 SHALE 0022 01 02 SILT 20 LIMESTONE 0026 05 03 SILTY CLAY 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 0029 01 04 SANDY CLAY 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 0034 05 05 SAND 23 SANDSTONE 0065 01 06 VERY FI NE SAND 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 0067 05 07 FINE SAND 2~ DoLoM ITE (J068 19 08 olED 1Ut'1 SAND 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 09 COARSE SAND 27 COAL 1.0 VERY COARSE SAND 28 ROC/( 11 GRAVEL 29 ROC/( & SAND 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 30 ROCK &.: CLAY 13 FINE GRAVEL 31 CALI CHE 14 MEDIUM GRAV~ 32 FLINT 15 COARSE GRAVEL 33 CHERT 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 34 PYR ITE *~.DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR 17 SAND & GRAVEL 35 CLAY & GRAVEL STREC:T ADDRESS OF WELL** 18 BOULDER 36 GYPSUM ROC/( " 3 l"',ILES W:=:ST A;\IO 4 MI:"'ES SOUT:~i OF SALINA 1 , , c , , , -~ , , l , , I I ;__J , I " il LJ i U'I h !I f; Iii r11 '1 :,j L__ ~.< " "I ,~ '..'1 I' n , , ~ o {:., T "..'.:.'!, LE(3A~_ D:::G:;I~IF:'T:::JN .,,+;+ C::l...:TY FF:;~ICT!\I S -;-;:::, EXTV :)i':l5 [ijtIJS!:;:S:: OE.H503W 0001 E, p, 1'JELL ID NO. __ -:iR:\iC WE~";,,, DEPTH "1-Gm<n~T::;: ENCTHD.;,. FEET FEET FEET 0011 ~LEV 00.,+8 , -i'VPE OF SCm::EN 07 l.<J S L L E. if! I PAGE 1 OF 2 FORt"i-' ~lCTIVI::/ ATION r:\lACTIVE" 0000 A 1JAT~~1 * YI:::LD (GF'I'D EST YIE.LD 0008 CHE:M Df;TA N s Y S T D~iR AFFL **-~*.,o:'*****'!i'****** SCREEN I i\lTERVALS ****************-<1, FRO!"I TO FROi"1 TO . FRQM TO FROM TO 0038 O(j48 TYPE OF SCREEN OPENINGS 10 '"i"YPE Or GROUT .jI;,,;,,,'***'iIr***** FRO.; TO OOGO 1200 GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO i--: " ~ '~ TYPE 0"- ":A3ING WELL OWNER l\iORDSTRDM !\iUt1SEF: :\lA ST,~TIC WTR LV 0011 .Il- F'U/"'.P WATER ljEPh-i TEST HOURS PUMPD -11.********* FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION .. SOURCE DIRECTION FEET 01 02 0038 ***********..l(o.i'E-** Ci=15 I NG *****.-********* DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 07 r'-"'" .'~ --j DF-F'TH LOG 0000- -.)(l:t5 01 0048 1-71 DE:PTH LOG " ,'" '__.J , ~ :~'*DI3TANCE {;"~D DIRECTIGN iJR Sr~EET AI.;DR2::SS OF WELUH(' o iIi' F:.'l-~ SMCLAI'J 1<5 n Ii LJ ;---1 .~ , *********** L.ITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FI NE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MED ruM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GPAVEL 14 MED ruM 8RAVEL 15 COARSE GRAV~L 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND & GHAVEL 18 BOULDER WELL CL5SIF 1 COt'IPL T DATE 870604 , , CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0138 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOM ITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK &: SAND 30 ROCK & CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY &. GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCl< I I i. I' i I , ; ,~ , , I I,' I.. , I , , '. ',- , I. , W 1'-1 T ;,. lH.: L..EGAL DES:::'R I F'T r ON *** C!'.iTY Fi=:i-1CTN E T R Exn,;' ;:..8::':i :;WSWSW 13:l. 504W 00(11 E R WELL ID NO. :.:)RND :::lEV lA:ELL DEP7H 0053 *GRNDWTR EI\ICTRD* FEET FEET FEET 0029 TYPE OF SCREEl\1 07 W E L .L S Y S T E M DWR t~F'FL NUMBEF: . NA WELL OWNER ~I;~CDONALD STATIC v,iTR LV 0029 "*' FUMF' WATER DEPTH TEST DATA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPrl) CHEI1 DATA N *************.lHI"!Hl- SCREEN INTERVALS FRON TO FROM TO FROM 0033 0053 FROM ****************~ TO TYPE DF SCF:E:EN OPENINGS 03 i .J r(FE OF ::JRQUT TO ******.i't**** GROUT I hlTERVALS *******11.** FRO I"! TD FROJ"i TO FRO~1 TO 0005 0025 .l'i. NEf~F:EST CONT;lrlINATION * SOUFCE D! F;;=:CTI ON FSET 16 1 J --' TYFE OF ,",.- '.'''':' **-ll'*.,ll.********** CASING ***.************ D!?'1. FT. OrA. FT. DIA. FT~ 05 1)033 WELL USE 12 ::ASII\~G DEPTH LOG DEFTH L.OG 0000- ')010 OJ. 00.20 03 ,JU...::.::, 1 i OQ31 :)1 U03'7' 1 1 .).:,~. '2: ')1 0043 1 1 0045 01 0052 35 0055 19 *';!.DISlAt\iCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDHESS OF WELL** * 2 MILES ~EST OF SMOL~N~ KS *-lI.********* LITHOi....OGT.C Cl CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND 1.. GRAVEL 18 BOULDER '--, ~ , , , I ~ , _.J PAGE 1 OF 2 FClRI"I-- ACTIVEI ATION INACTIVE 0000 i=l EST YIELD 0003 WELL COMPLT CLS5!F DATE: :L 911206 CONTR{,\CR i Ii :11" " I , , ,J. ~IC. NO. 0138 FAGE 2 OF 2 UJG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE 1.. LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOMITE. 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK & SAND 30 ROCK &: CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLI NT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYPSUI"I ROC.( ! I __.J 1) ,J I IL :J , I ~ t,'" '_.I . [) , ~., - ,-I \.~. ~ Ii , L" W A T n_ ,,\.:+* LEGAL DE:~;CF\IF'TIOhl 1HHE' CNT;, FRI:',cn~ S T R EXTK :)S)S ,,lESESE 0 11504-W 0001 81~Nr,. " i:::LEV , - ;)0(;1) WELL DEFTi-! .)052 '*.GRh:m..}TR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET I TYFE OF _--.! SCREEN **'.Il..li--)f.****.******** SCREEN f:-ROl"i TO FRO!"I TO 0042 0052 , TYF'r::. OF:- -- GROUT , I , i E R WELL ID NO. s Y S T E M DWR AF'F'L NUNBER NA F'I::'1f:JE 1 CF 2 FORM-'. I;CTI'jE/ ATlON INACTIVE O(jOO A W ELL WELL OWNER STATIC WTR LV 0023 * F'UI'1F' W~ITER DEF'1H CHEM i)ATA N TEST DATA ;:I- HOURS YIELD FUI'1PD (GFM) EST YIeLD 0008 INTERVALS FROM TYPE OF SCREEI\! OF'ENINGS **************,*** FRO~I TO TO **,*.**,:+*.If.*~~* GROUT INTERVALS FRO!"I TO FRO!"I TO *****.",**** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAl"IINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET _nj TYi-E OF CASING *************.** CASING ****.*********** OIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. " , " 'i--.:.1 D2PTH LOG DEF'TH LOG ~-, 0000- , 0002 01 0031 19 0037 ~~ ~'J r_ 0041 19 0051 "':<"'l' ~,~ 0052 19 ! ~ ~*~ISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STFi:EET ADDRESS OF WELL** O. r:'1 , U i---i , WELL USE 01 WELL CLSSIF 1 COMF'LT DATE 791002 CONTRACR f_IC_ NO. 0126 PAGE 2 OF 2 *********** LITHOLOGIC LOG CODES *********** 01 CLAY 19 SHALE 02 SILT 20 LII~ESTONE 03 SILTY CLAY 21 SHALE I< LIt1ESTONE Ie- 04 SANDY CLAY 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 0:5 SAND 23 SANDSTONE 06 VERY FINE SAND 24 SANDSTONE I< SHALE 07 FINE SAND 2:5 DOLOM ITE 08 MEDIUM SAND 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 09 COARSE SAND 27 COAL 10 VERY COARSE 5?'tND 28 ROCK 11 GRAVEL 29 ROCK I< SAND 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 30 ROCl< &: CLAY 13 FINE GRAVEL 31 CALICHE 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 32 FLINT i5 COARSE GRAVeL 33 CHERT 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 34 F'YRITE 17 SAND I< GRAVEL 35 CLAY I< GR?WEL 18 !lOULDER 36 GYPSUM ROOK , i r: " , 1 ~ " J W A T ,~*_* LEGAL. DEseR I F'r I ON >11'**. CN":Y FRACTN S T R EXT1< ;)85 SWSESW 07:L 503W 0005 E ;::;, WELL ID NO. W ELL s Y S T E ~I DWR APPL NUMBER NA PAGE 1 DF :: FORrl- ACTlVEI ATlON INACTIVE 0000 A ~ WELL OWNER CITY OF SAU NA , , I GRl\1D ELEV 1::::;06 WELL DEPTH 0039 *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET 0026 0036 STATIC WTR LV 0014 '* PUM1::;' WATER DEPTH 0029 TEST DATA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPM) 001 0002 EST YIELD CHEI1 DATA 1\1 I TYPE OF ~;CREEN 07 *****.If*********** SCREEN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEN FROM TO FF.Ot'l TO FROt'1 TO FRm1 TO OPENINGS 0036 0039 03 TYPE OF GROUT ~ '-' *il.********* FROt'l TO 0000 0020 GROUT INTERVALS FROt'l TO 0033 0(:,35 ********** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAt'lINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET 16 1-1 " !cJ TYF'E OF CASING 02 *************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. 04 0030 WELL USE 10 WELL CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 881114 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0126 \ , Hi PAGE 2 OF 2 DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG *....JIl.******** LI THOLOG I C LOG CODES *********** , 0000- 01 CLAY 19 SHALE , " , , . 0026 01 02 SILT 20 LIMESTONE I __.J 0027 05 03 SILTY CLAY 21 SHALE 8< LI MESTONE 0036. 01 04 SANDY CLAY 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE :j 0038 05 05 SAND 23 SANDSTONE 0042 01 06 VERY FINE SAND 24 SANDSTONE ~ SHALE I 07 FINE SAND 25 DOLOMITE , !'- 08 MEDIUM SAND 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 1:-- .' " I~.. 09 COARSE SAND 27 COAL ',j [' 10 VERY COARSE SAND 28 ROCK , 11 GRAVEL 29 ROCK ~ SAND J r 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 30 ROCK ~ CLAY f 13 FINE GRAVEL 31 CALI CHE 14 MEDIUM GRAVI;:L 32 FLINT , 15 COARSE GRAVEL CHERT , 33 , 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 34- PYRITE iJ **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR 17 SAND ~, GRAVEL 35 CLAY ~ GRAVEL ,1 STREET ADDRESS OF WELL*'* 18 BOULDER 36 GYPSUM ROCK fl , * ., MILES WEST AND 4- MILES SOUTH OF SALINA [j " !, 0.. 'I k n .1 i 1 Lj r'" W A T ", i ".'*'*' LEG~~L O:=:SCRIF'T!OI\J *** -J' :1\,lTY FF~ACTi\I S T F( EX:K 085 SESESW 071503W 0004 E (:; WELL ID (\iO. -' 13R>iw WC:L.L. DEPTH :)0"70 *GRi\lDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET 0017 0028 0037 _. e_,) ~Lc::.'. ;,3(;6 W E L l_ s Y S T E M DWR APPL NUMBER "IA I PAGE :l OF 2 FORM- ACTIVE; ArION II\lACTIVE 0000 A STATIC WTR LV 0014 * PUI~IP WATER DEPTH TEST DATA .~ HOUR,S YIELD PUI"IPD (GPN) 001 0001 EST YIELD 0006 CHEM TYPE :JF GF(:JU'T ~ .J **'**''''*****.)t GROUT INTERVALS ********** FRO!"I TO FRO!"I TO FROM TO 0000 0020 0063 0065 * NEAREST CONTAMINAT.IO!\l * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET 16 I WELL Ol,1jl\IER C!TY OF SALI NA TYP~ OF Cr1S~NG c,,,;' 02 0067 ***'I'i'*;;,*'*'~****** CAS I NG 'Jio*'************* DII~. FT" DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 10 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY. 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND II GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 ME~IUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE'GRAVL 17 SAND 8< GRAVEL 18 BOULDER OF SAl.INA DATA N 7\1l-'i:: CF ***-!!>i'l'************ SCREEN INTERVALS -JIo******,*-********* TYPE OF SCREEN -I SC;;EEN FRCll"1 TO FROM TO FROM TO FROM TO OPEN t NGS ()7 0067 0(:70 I' WELL CLSSIF I COMF'LT DATE 881104 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0126 , ~ , IJ , ~, Lij DEPTH LOG DEF'TH LOG 0000- 0017 01. 0018 05 0028 01 0028 05 0037 01 0037 05 0066 01 0068 05 0072 19 ~_J n I'.,' , ' , 1 ,\ n i ,I j **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELL** * 3 MILES WEST AND 4 MILES SOUTH ~ :1 uJ n LJ ,~ , jl ! ) F'AGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *****.'11'***** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE 8< LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOM!TE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCb~ &: SAND 30 ROCK 3-. CLAY 31 CALI CHE 32 FLINi 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCK ,... . I~ I_ I (.j I' , I I. " , , , , W A T *** :..-EGAL. DESCF( I PT I Ol\! *** eNTY FRACTN S T R EXTI< 0135 SWI\IESW 061503W 0003 E R WEL.L. ID NO. GRND ELEV 0000 WELL. DEPTH 0074 *r:lRNm..,lTR ENCTFl:D* FEET FEET FEET W E L. L. S Y S T E J'1 DWR APPL. NUMBER "iA ~ U I' PAGE 1 OF 2 FOF~M- ACTIVE/ ATION INACTIVE 0000 A L .' WELL OWNER STATIC WTR L.V 0011 * PUMP WATER DEPTH TEST DATA '* HOURS YIEL.D PUMPD (GF'M) CHEM DATA N EST YIELD 0002 TYPE 0:= ***************** SCREEN INTERVALS ***************.** TYPE OF SCREEN SCREEN FF,OM TO FROM TO FRDl1 TO FRD~1 TO OPENINGS 00i4 0030 0050 0074 TYFE OF GRQUT *********** FROM TO GROUT INTERVAL.S FRO!"I TO ********** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE D I RECTI ON FEET TYPE OF CAS I I\lG *************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WEL.L. USE 01 DEPTH l_OG DEPTH L.DG 0000- 0014 01 0021 23 0056 19 0056 23 0061 24 0071 19 0075 23 0090 19 **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELL** * *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CL.AY 02 SIL.T 03 SIL.TY CL.AY 04 SANDY CL.AY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MED IUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL. 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL. 13 FINE GRAVEL. 14 MED IUM GRAVEL. 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND ~ GRAVEL. 18 SOUL.DER WEL.L. CL.SSIF 1 COMPL.T DATE 760911 CONTRACR L.IC. NO. 0138 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 8HAL.E 20 L.! MESTONE 21 SHAL.E & L.IMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE ~ SHAL.E 25 DOL.011 ITE 26 CHERTY DOL.OMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK ~ SAND 30 ROCK ~ CL.AY 31 CAL.! CHE 32 FL.! NT 33 CHERT 34 PYR ITE 35 CL.AY ~ GRAVEL. 36 GYPSUM ROCK 8' t" _1 ~ :-l d W A T Cl.~.",. LEGAL OEseR I PT I DN *** ~NTY FF\i~CT!\: S T R EXTh: 085 SWSENW 061.503W 0001 E R WELL ID NO. "", I"; },I \.:1RND L:_"", 2:LEV 0000 'WELL. DEPTH 0050 *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET -- TVPE OF SC7.:;EEI\1 " W ELL S Y S T E M DWR APPL NUMBER NA I PAGE 1 OF 2 FORI1- ACT! VEl ATIO"I INACTIVE 0000 A STATIC I,TR LV 0025 * P~11P WATER DEPTH TEST DATA " HOURS YIELD F'UMF'D (13PM) CHEM DATA N TYFE OF *********** GROUT INTERVALS ********** iD GROUT FROM TO FROl"! TO FROI"! TO IA 1"'1 WELL OWNER EST YIELD 0005 ****'/!o************ SCREEN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEN FRO/YI TO FROI'1 TO FRQM TO FROM TO OPENINGS 0035 0050 TYPE: OF CASING * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET -t!.************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 L' J Ir,,':l .'-.,\ I 2.J DEPTH LOG 0000- 0004 03 0011 19 0040 23 0050 19 DEPTH LOG r--, 1< < ~ ~'" "/ ~ I-:{ Ci fl :..:J 1';( I ~1 tc:J ; i " , ','j U m**DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR I!J STREET ADDRESS or- WEL~ -:'(.11. . n ill N "q U o *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND OS MED IUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MED IUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND & GRAVEL 1 G BOULDER WELL CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 761108 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0126 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE &, SHALE 25 DOLOM ITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK & SAND 30 ROCK & CLAY 31 CALI CHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYPSUI1 ROCK I I I , , , ~ , , r'. 10.. , I- i I I. " I i . J j. I,~ A T -:;..;r'c;. LE;3AL DESCRIF'TIClN *** ,"';"1 i ~ FFP,CTi\i S T F; ,Exn: C85 S~'JSW:;W 061503W 0002 E R WELL 10 NO. W ELL S Y S T E f"l DWR APPL i"U~'IBER NA F;~GE 1 OF 2 FORl"I- ACT I VEl ATION INACTIVE 0000 A 1 , I 1_'. WELL OWNER !"fjITCl-iELL '"'-'hl-. _.'K..... :::LEV WE:LL ~8RNDWTR EN::TfiD* FEET FEET FEET (;1)28 STATI~ WTR LV 0028 "*' F'ut1P lliATER DEPTH TEST DAT~, '* HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPi"') E;;jT i nJ DEPTJ-: YIELD 0020 CHE!'1 DATA " O:)::i~i TVF:=: CF SCREEN (:.7 ***************** SCREEN FRO!"l TO FROM TO ()()45 1)055 INTERVALS FROM ***************** TO FROM TO TYPE OF SCREEN OPENINGS 03 , ,. TYPE. OF G~G~JT :i ****'Ifo****** GROUT l!\ITERVALS FROt'1 TO FROM TO 0005 0015 ********** FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION . SOURCE DIRECTION FEET OJ , , l,'_ O~ *''''****')1-**..****** CASING ***'Jlo*********** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. OIA. FT. 05 0045 WELL USE 01 WELL CLSSIF 1 CQiV\PL T DATE 840922 COriJTRACR LlC. NO. 0138 LJ TYPE OF CASING il '_.J F'AGE2DF2' DEPTH LOG D2F'TH LOG 0000- 0020 01 0034 19 0053 23 0055 19 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MEPIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FI NE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE'GRAVL 17 SAND 1, GRAVEL 18 BOULDER SMOLAN KS ~] I n 1 , i'- 1',,: U *oi"DIS7ANCE AND DIRECTION OR :;TI~EET ADDRESS OF WELL ** * 2 ~I NORTH & 1 HI WEST OF . ~ Q, ':1 U , , :1 ~, " , ,i 1- , ,I :~i ii Ii :~ Ii I cC i , W A T .~"'** LEGAL DESCRIPTION *** CNTY FRACTI\I S T R EXTK 085 SI;JI\lESW 061503W 0004 E R WELL ID NO. GRND "LEV *GRI\IDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET 00:);:: WELL DEPTH 0059 W E L. L S Y 5 T E M DWR APPL NUMBER NA I PAGE 1 OF 2 FORM- ACTIVE I ATION INACTIVE 0000 A STATIC WTR LV 0024 * PUMF' WATER DEPTH TEST DATA '*' HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPM) CHEi'1 DATA N ********** FROM TO EST YIELD q002 TYPE OF **********.11-****** SCRE:EN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEN SCf-:':EEN F'RDN TO FRO!,,! TO FROM TO FROM TO OPEN I NGB 0024 0059 I f-~' ( 1.,-; !.::cJ TYPE OF CASING *************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 !~1 ~J ~ ,.-, , DEPTH LOG 0000- 0015 23 0059 19 DEPTH LOG TYPE OF GF:OUT *********** GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO FROM TO n '';_! 0;) ':,,-'1 , ~ u , , , " \ '.:.J' **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR ~ "* STREET ADD::<:ESS OF WELL** R lj Q LJ n U WELL OWNER * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY ()2 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 0:5 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND OS MED IUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND 8< GRAVEL 18 BOULDER WELL CLSSIF 1 CONTRACR LlC. NO. 0126 COMPLT DATE 770315 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE 8< LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE 8< SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK 8< SAND 30 ROCK 8.: CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FI.-INT 33 CHERT 34 PYR HE 35 CLAY 8< GRAVEL 36 GYPSUI'"I ROCK . i , , , ,- ~ I !- '. , -0 "'- W A T *** U=.GAL DEseR::: PT I OIl.; .~** Ci'.ITY FRACTN S T R EXTK '>65 SWNESW 061503W 0005 E R WEl.l_ ID NO. W E l. '- S Y 5 T I ] I j WELL OWN2:R E M DWR APF'L NUMBER NA PAGE 1 OF 2 1.1 FORM- ACTIVE/,' ATION INACTIVE 0000 A 81-':1\1D ELEV 0000 .;+ PUMP WAT!:R DEPTH TEST DATA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GP~I) CHEM DATA N ~~ELL DEPTH OOI!:,O *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET STATlC WTR l.V 0024 EST YIEl.D 0002 TYPE OF ***************** SCREEN INTERVALS ***************** TYPE OF SCREEN SCREEN FROI'I TO FROM TO FRO~I TO FROM TO OF'ENINGS 0025 0060 TYPE OF *********** GROUT INTERVALS ********** GROUT FROM TO FROM TO FROM TO I * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * " SOURCE DIRECTION FEET TYPE OF CAGING *************** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG 0000- 0002 04 0031 19 0038 23 0060 19 *********** LITHOLOGIC' 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SflNDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 1I GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND & GRAVEL 18 BOUl.DER **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET At DRESS OF WELL** * WELL Cl.SSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 770316 CONTRACR UC. NO. 0126 PAGE :2 OF :2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHAl.E 20 l.IMESTONE 21 SHALE I< l.IMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHAl.E 25 DOLOM ITE 26 CHERTY DOl.OMITE 27 COAL. 28 ROCK 29 ROCK I< SAND 30 ROCK I< CLAY 31 CAl.ICHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY I< GRAVEL. 36 GYPSUM ROCK i ; l. I I 'J,;. ',J " [ I j,. , I '---) "C"l t.: : I !. J 'j I..: i.' I , I t, '1 !' [JI I; :11 I I "II~ ~ , , ,,;, j,'" ,jO', ~ W A T E F< W E L , S Y S T E "' F'AGlE , OF 2 ~ , *>);.-Jj. LEGAL DESCRIPTION H* WELL DWR APPL FORM- ACTIVEI --: UJT'I FRACTN S T R EXT/< ID NO. WELL OWNER NUMBER ATION I NACTI VE , Of..l1503W 0006 NA 0000 ' ~)85 SWSENE A GRND * PUMP WATER DEPTH TEST DATA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPM) CHEM DATA N WELL DEPTH 0035 *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET STATIC WTR LV 0018 ,. ELEV (lOOt) EST YIELD 0002 TYFE OF ***************** SCREEN INTERVALS ***************** TY~E OF SCREEN SCREEN FROi"1 TO FROM TO FROJ'1 TO FROM TO OPENINGS 0025 0035 '7Yf'E OF , "ROUT GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO *********** FRO!"1 TO ********** FF,OM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET TYPE OF : CASING *'If-*~''''*')HI'***'lf-**** CAS I NG *************** DrA. FT. orA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 , , , , ~ I ' DEPTH LOG 0000- 0008 01 0028 23 0035 19 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND '10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVgL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND 8< GRAVEL 18 BOULDER DEF'TH LOG , , I _i ~,**DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR ;;/ STREET ADDRESS OF WELL ** ~" .ji- ,'-1 , , c.J WELL CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 800419 CONTRACR LlC. NO. 0138 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE 8< LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK 8< SAND 30 ROCK & CLAY 31 CALI CHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYR IrE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCK , , I'. . I j, , ic; i.. , W A T ~.*,*, LEGr;L DESCRIPTION *** CNTY FRACT!\I S T F: EXTK 085 NWI'.!l...JL::;lJ..1 Obi :i03v.J 0007 E R W E WELL 10 1\)0. L L S V S T WELL QWNEF< GRND ELEV \)1)(;1) '* PWMP WATER DEPTH WELL DEPTH 0068 *GRNDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET STATIC WTR LV 0007 TYPE OF SCREE!',! ****.*******,*'***** SCREEN FRO"I TO FROM TO 0013 0022 0030 0068 INTERVALS FROM E M DWR AF'PL NUMBER NA , 1 o '._-1 ' . PAGEl 0;-- 2 FORM- ACTIVE/ ATION IN(.\CTP-,iE 0000 A , 'j TEST DATA ,'to HOURS YIELD PUMF'D (GF'Ml FROM EST YIELD 0008 CHEM DATA N TO ****************.lJ!o TO TVP~ OF SCREEN OPEi'1I NGS "YPE OF CROUT GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO *********** FROl1 TO *~******** FROM TO TiPE OF CASING *************** CASINO *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DEPTH LOG DEF'TH LOG 0000- 0002 01 0013 04 0014 ?~ -~ 0020 01 0022 23 0027 01 0042 -- ...::...) 0044 19 0046 34 0057 19 0057 34 0075 19 * NEAREST CONTAMINATION' SOURCE D I RECTI ON FEET WELL USE 01 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SIL'TY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND OS ~IED ruM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL, 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL .7 SAND & GRAVEL IS BOULDER *'.*DISTANCE AND DIRE::CTION OR STRE~T ADDRESS OF WELL** * WELL CLSSIF 1 COMPLT DATE 760902 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 013S , , --" i.. PAGE 2, OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK & SAND 30 ROCK & CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYR ITE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCK' :' I"~ I I I:_J 1 I , LJ . f! I... '. 'j ~ :1 ~, L- ,., I ..1, - ~ c-- W A T ~j'** L.EGAI_ DESCFI I r'T I ON *** CI\i";"Y FRP.CT!\I S T R EXTJ< 08',5 NL-'J8W8lAl 061.50.3W OOOS' E F WELL lD NO" I: GF(ND ~ELl_ DEPTH *GRNDl,.:JTR ENCTF-:D.!<- FEET FEET FEET ELE'v' O(l\)(J 0060 TYPE OF S':F~cEi\i *******",,*.;i-******* SCREEN FF:O!"I TO FROI"! TO 0040 OO(SO TYPE OF (:I::'iOUT *********** FROM TO GROUT INTERVALS FHOM TO TYPE CF CASII\IG ~~ELL S Y S T E 1"1 DWI:;: APPL NUI'1BER NA WELL OWI\IER STATIC WTR LV 0025 * PLiI'1P WATER DEPTH TEST Dr-nA * HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GP~I) CHEri DATA N INTERVALS FROM I" ~ F'1:1GE 1 OF 2 FORI~I- ACTIVE/ AiION INACTIVE 0000 ^ ~ EST YIELD 0010 FRot1 ***************** TO TYPE OF SCFIEEi\1 OPENINGS TO ********** FROM TO .lE- NEAREST CONTr;I"'lII\IATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET *'**'**'*********-IE- CPISrl\iG **********.*,**** CIA. FT. CIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 01 DIO:FTH LOG 0000- OOO:!. 01 0006 07 (IC):l8 01 0055 23 0060 19 DEPTH LOG !f~[-ISTAi\lCE AND DIRECTION OP STREET p,DDnESS Of:;" l.--JELL** ,f **'*,******** L I THOLOG I C 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY F I I\lE SAND 07 F H.IE SAND 08 NED I UI'1 SAI\IO 09 COARSE SAhlD 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY F I l\iE r.;)RAVEL 1.3 FINE GRAVEL :t 4 MED I ut1 GRAVEL 15 COAf:;;SE GFIAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND & GRAVEL 18 BOULDER WELL CLSSIF 1 CoMPLT DATE 780425 COblTRACR LIC. NO. 0138 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES **,*.******** 19 SHALE 20 L I l"1ESiONE 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE & SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK ~" SAND 30 ROCK & CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY & GRAVEL 36 GYFSUM ROC/< I " W A T *** LEGAL DEseR I PT I ON iHHI' CNTY FRACTN S T R Exn: 085 NWSW8[,IJ 06150:3W OOCJ6 E R WELL ID NO. '"3RNC' WELL_ DEPTH 0060 *GF.:l\iDWTR ENCTRD* FEET FEET FEET ELEV 0000 TYPe: OF SCREEN ~'J ELL S Y S T E ~I DWR APPL NUMBER NA WELL OWNER STATIC WTR LV 0025 * PUMP WATER DEPTH TEST DATA '* HOURS YIELD PUMPD (GPli) CHEI1 DATA ,I ***************** SCREEN INTERVALS F!:;:O!"I TO FROM TO FROI"! 004() 0060 FROrvl ***************** TO TYPE OF SCREEN OPENINGS TYPE ,OF "ROUT GROUT INTERVALS FROM TO *********** FROt'1 TO , _I ! TY",E OF CASING TO J 1 i F-AGE 1 OF 2 FORM- ACTIVE/ ATION INACTIVE 0000 A EST YIELD 0025 ********** FRO~I TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION * SOURCE DIRECTION FEET I , *******-****'11-*** CASING *************** DIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL USE 05 , II 1'1 DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG 0000- 0004 04 0008 07 0056 23 0060 19 -I I **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELUHt- * *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SILT 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND 08 MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL.... 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAVEL 16 VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND ~ GRAVEL 18 BOULDER WELL CLSSIF 1 CONTRACR LiC. NO. 013S COMPLT DATE 811012 PAGE .2 OF .2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LiMESTONE 21 SHALE ~ LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE ~ SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK ~ SAND 30 ROCK ~ CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLi NT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY ~ GRA~EL 36 GYPSUM ROCK j I I I (1 , 1_1 , 1 I I r , , , , , i i , It . , L1 ~'J A T I I. ;~''+* LEC.,{-il_ DESC::( I Pi" I Oi'.: *,;..ir ::;'ri"l FFli;CTl'J S T F~ EX,-K C8;5 S:=:E;:::I\II"; 061503W (lOll) E R .; E L L S y S T E M PACE 1 0:;;;' ~ WELL DWR APF'L FORt'I- (-\CTI\./EI !D NO. WELL OWI\IER NU;'lBER ATIOhl INACTIVE NA 0000 A WELL. ~'GRhJDl-'JTR ENi:TRD* FEET t='EET F2:ET * ~'U:'1F TEST D.;TA * STATIC WATER HOURS YIELD EST CHEN WTF( LV DEFTH PUI'IPD (GP~'j) YIELD D.c.TA 0031 0005 N ; 3::::1\ID , ELEv' DEPTH OC!56 ooce < TYPE: OF ,...J SCF~EEI\I 'IHi+,,"'~***'l'l'**'."'***** SCREEN I hlTERVALS *.jHHH************ TYFE OF SCREEN FRON TO FROl'l TO FROM TO FROM TO OPEN: NGS 004:L 0056 r:;, TYF:=: elF *********** GROUT INTERVALS ********** .1 GROUT FRO!"I TO FRON TO FROM TO * NEAREST CONTAMINATION '* SOURCE DIRECTION FEET IT] ~ TYPE OF .**.jj'*.!l-********-ll.* CAS I l\:G *************** CIA. FT. DIA. FT. DIA. FT. WELL IJSE 01 CASING c- j-',' '~ DEPTH LOG DEPTH LOG 0000- 0036 23 0048 19 0055 23 0080 19 *********** LITHOLOGIC 01 CLAY 02 SlL T 03 SILTY CLAY 04 SANDY CLAY 05 SAND 06 VERY FINE SAND 07 FINE SAND OG MEDIUM SAND 09 COARSE SAND , 10 VERY COARSE SAND 11 GRAVEL 12 VERY FINE GRAVEL 13 FINE GRAVEL 14 MEDIUM GRAVEL 15 COARSE GRAV~L lb VERY COARSE GRAVL 17 SAND 8< GRAVEL . IS BOULDER n i':;j I....J' r<Jc U fl c il LJ ;j 6 **DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELL** ~* ~ G 1m WELL COMPLT CLSSIF DATE 1 770222 Cot'l/iRACR LlC. NO. 0126 PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE & LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE 8< SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL 28 ROCK 29 ROCK t: SAND 30 ROCI< &; CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYRITE 35 CLAY I< GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCK I I c " I - .~ ILLEGIBLE DOCUMENT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT(S) IS OF POOR LEGIBILITY IN THE ORIGINAL I I I , i' I' 1-- I . , . , . i" ~ THIS IS THE BEST COPY AVAILABLE . , ii.' I" ~~- , f,,-, \ " ....74 - i"::-\hiD 1"-' , WI::.l-L.. '~GRNDWTr-~ ENCTRD* F:=:ST FEET FEET STATIC WTR LV , I j ;'.,'i~ T *,\'"';-1- :""'EGPL DE.sL~fUFTIOhl *** C>.i:'/ FF",ACThl S T ,q EXT!< 035 NW~JENE 071503W 000 l ER (\JELL WELL ID NO. E M 'DWR APPL : NUMJlE~ ~NA PAGE 1,OF2 FORM- Acn VEl AnD," INAcnVE (;000 A ~L~'/ DEPTH EST YIELD CHECI DATA i") T'/PE: OF *.J!'-!I"***,'+li-'il'******* SCREEN INTERVAL SCHEEN FRO)'"! TO FROM TO FROM TYPE OF SCREEN OPENINGS T'"/~-;'E OF '********"~** GROUT INTERVALS **.l",*,*, GF~OUT FROM TO FROJ~l TO -FROM * NEAREST CONTA['1INATION * ''o.J SOURCE DIRECTION FEET TYF'E OF CfiSING *********'Il-*'J(.**~- CASING ********** DtA. FT. D:A. FT. DIA. WELL USE 10 WELL CLSSIF 3 COI'IPLT DATE 880201 CONTRACR LIC. NO. 0138 . :1 LI D.E;:-~'TH LOG 0000- DEPTH LOG '-, ~ ~,,;. ***~;*~:~~H'lLITHOLOGIC 02 aIL, ^# ., 03 SIL ,~; CLAY 04 SANDt CLAY 05 SAND~ 06 VER~~ INE SAND 07 FI NE AND 08 MED I SAND 09 COARSE SAND 10 VERy;cDAriSE SAND 11 GRAV} 12 VERYINE GRAVEL 13 FINE .AVe:::... 14 MED! U GRAVEL 15 COARsa GRAV~L 16 VERY Ill':'RSE GRAVL 17 SAND &;,ERAVEL 18 80ULDEll PAGE 2 OF 2 LOG CODES *********** 19 SHALE 20 LIMESTONE 21 SHALE ~ LIMESTONE 22 CHERTY LIMESTONE 23 SANDSTONE 24 SANDSTONE << SHALE 25 DOLOMITE 26 CHERTY DOLOMITE 27 COAL. 28 ROCK 29 ROCK 8-. SAND 30 ROCK & CLAY 31 CALICHE 32 FLINT 33 CHERT 34 PYR HE 35 CLAY ~ GRAVEL 36 GYPSUM ROCK :1 ,- : 1'1;; ,I;j il .-j I '1 ~ j .-j I, h , " ft f1 r,~ , U i J , n I J , I'';' , IL '1 , , '._, '} ;~.;;.:JlSTAi\lCE Ai\ID DIRECTION OR STREET ADDRESS OF WELL*'* * . llSS&'<X1419311 rev 4/6 un APPENDIX C TABLE 5 - SUMMARY OF WATER OUALITY LABORATORY REPORTS IAOLE 5. !UtWlT OF lIAIE~ GJAllfll>AIA Clll OF SAlIMA lNIlFIll Co:o:entra,;ons in~/l ...".""...........................................11..................................".......".... "...".......................""".. .".."...................... 11 "",-11 II "",-14 II "'H5 l:lI"E II PAoWlt:TU II 111M 14/11190 I 1115/91 13/01m 11/1519111 111M 14/11/90 11/15191 13/011911111519111 111118 14111/ro 1115191 3/01191 7/1sm ISIAIIO.uDSII ................................11.........1"..."...1"........1.........1.........11.........1.........1.........1........"1.........11".......+.......1......... 1.........1.........1.........11 Nrmcnh,local 111EI(0.01l I 0.1 I 0.111EI(0.1l IW(D.I) IINO(O.\) I D.l I O.lIN1l(O.1l IIIl(D.1) 1I1E1(0.1) 11EI(0.1) 11EI(0.1) IW(O.1l I O.lIMA II o,lorlde II IlO I 111 n 1 n I 11411 1381 1161 1101 1241 mil 541 40 I 40 I 391 3lI1MA II Olr...h.. 111"l(0.04) 11EI(0.02l IW(0.02l 11EI(0.05l jlEl(O.O!i) 1I11D(0.04111lD(0.02l INO(O.lll)jlEl(O.O!i) IND(ll.ll5) 111EI(.llll IlCl(O.()l) INO(ll,ll2) IlID(.OS) llD(.05) I 0.111 llll lIMO(IO) 1 3oIND(10) 11D(10) '....(ill) IIl1D(lG) I 4DIIID(10) I 151110(10) 111EI(lll) 1 5lI1ND(lOl I l11 351MA II Nhrn./~lcrlle II 0.5 1 ll.5 IlID(O.\) I 0.6' 1.811 1.6 I 1.61!<D(ll.n I \.71 1.9 II ll.3 1 0.4 I 0.lIND(0.11 I ll.ll 11111 Kjeldohl NhrO!jen liMA INA INA IMA IMA II~A I~A INA 11M INA I IlIA I~A 11M IMA IlIA IItI. II pit II BI 7.51 7.11 7.51 7.311 7.81 7.51 71 7.31 7.411 BI UI 7.31 7.61 7.711t1. II s<>llds,lllnolved II 4441 44B I 4161 44ll I 4Slll1 564 1 56111 4501 510 I 600 II 4061 wi 34lI1 3lIO I 350lMA II Sui.... II 67 I 52 I 61 1 811 5811 65 I 44 I 441 70 I 56 It 100 I 631 53 I 92 I 61 1400/500 II To.aIDrlla'll.Cal'tu>{Spatlledl II II zl....m I 3111Clll1 II 161 BIIIO(1) I 31llO{11 II 71 ZI....(1) I 31 IIIt1. II Arnnie. Total IIND{0.OO5JIW(10.01 1110(10.1) It(I(O.lll) IllO(ll.lllllllLl{O.OO5)IILI(1O) IW(I11J IlG(O.OIlIW{D.Dl) 11101.005) 110(.01) ]110(.01) 110(.011 llIl{.llll I 0.05 II aarh.., ToCa! 11110(11.21 IW(ZOO) 11IO(100l I 0.51111>(0.l) IIND(O.Z) IND(2001 I 0.mIND(0.2) IIIO(O.Z) IllO(ll,l) IND(.ZI 1110(.1) 11ItI{.l) 11lI(.l) I zll ~i...,Tout IIl1Dfo.1l1J11ItI(5.ollllD(5) 11ItI{0.OO1JIIID(0.oollllll;l(D.01)11ItI(5.01INDf.OO5lIIllID.ooullltl(D.001l111ltl(0.01J INIl(.005) 11ItI(.005) I 0.00111E1{.OOIl1 ll.00511 tal.I"',lotal It 471 70.71 5B.61 1001 10011 871 991 89.11 1101 9511 361 55.1] 411.81 rol S51l1A II "'ranlun,loul ltllO{O.(4)I'-'lI{\O.O>I'-'lI{1O) ]1ItI{0.04111lD(0.ll') 1111;I(0.04) 1'-'lI(10.0) 1'-'lI(.0l) 1l<<l1O.(4) 1l<<l(0.04l IllEI(O.ll') Il<<l(.ol) 1l<<l(.olllllllfO.04JINIl{.04) I 0.111 Ire.... To.al II 1.491 6.B I 0.771 1 451 B II 0.561 1.9 I 0.283 I 81 3.5 II 1.\IIi I 0.112 I 0.15Z I 31 5.51~A II had, To.al lINO(0.02) I 7.SI 28.91 0.0181 O.om 111ItI(0.002)1 0.0059 10.0332: I 0.006111;I(.003) 111D(.002) I 0.0071 0.011 0.0061 O.llU]"" 1 llagr>estun.lo.al II 31 I D.51 27.S1 Sol 0511 lSt 22.51 21.71 201 ZSll 261 25.71 25.51. 301 2SllIA I'Ier~";y. IoU' 11l<<l(0.oDZ)IND(0.2) IllO(D.Z) lNO(0.OO2)INOfO.OOZ)IIII;I(ll.002)INO(0.Ol) INO(0.OOllll<<ll.0021 11ItI(.00021111ll(.OOOZ)III;I(.llOOZ)IIItI(.OOOZ)IIIl(.0002)11EI(.OOO211 0.002 potanh.., TOlal II 3111;1{S.Ol lNO(5.0) I 9INlI{S.0) II 3.B 11I;I{5.0) 111;I(.005) lNOl51 IlItI(5) II 4111t1{S> 111;I(51 IICI(SI INIl(S) IlIA 5ohnl....loul 111ItI(O.ooslllltl(s.ll) INll(1ll.01INO(ll.00511 0.009 I IIItI(O.OOS) I 5.911L1(.OOO I 0.0071 0.009111l'1(.005) IlEIf.005)11EI(.01l 111)1.005) llEI(.OO5) I 0.05 silver, To.al IIND(ll.Ol)IIEI(lOl INDllO) lIIlIO.02) 11III{0.021 IINO(ll.llZ) 111II(10) 11l'I(.OOOIND(.02) II<<IIO.OZ)IIII)(O.02)III;I(.01l 1110(.01) IMQI(.02) 11EI(.02) I"" Sodl"",lo,al II 411 36.21 331 y;1 S211 691 5UI SUI 5Z1 nil S71 41.11 39.31 381 37 IlIA 9:Xl liMA INA IWA IlIA IlIA liMA IWA lMA I~A jNA 11"'- I.... INA In IItI. In 011 atd Or...., Gravl...crk I]"~ INA Iw~ IlIA ]..... II~~ INA INA IWA ]NA liMA IMA I~A IMA IItI. IlIA Sol;<!s Sulpctded IINA INA !~A IlIA 11M IIM~ IMA INA IWA INA IIItI. I~A IlIA I~~ IItI. IlIA .' , (. - .1 ~ y.~\- - J.(:. BUTLER ASSOCIATES, INC. 1801 GLENDALE - SALINA. KANSAS 67401 - {9131-B27-1273 LABORATORY REPORT PAGE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIENT: 0.5. FENT ['ATE REPOIHE[': 11/22/813 ATTN: [lATE RECF.IVEfI: 1111111'313 3573 N. CRYSTAL SPRINGS ROAD CAS FILE NO: e.8-5081 SALINA. KS 67401 ORDER NO: 606 ~~~-~5~t~?6~?f~:~b~~o[r~~ri~~~~~17~J~~}~-----~~~~~~=:-~~::~~-------- LAB NU~1BER: 88110290 [lATE SMIPLF.[o: 11I8 /88 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: 5-15 TIME SAMPLED: ANALYSIS AMMONIA (:OD CHLORIDE CYANIDE, TOTAL NITRATE/NITRITE PH TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS SULFATE TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC. TOTAL BARIUM. TOTAL CADMIUM. TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMiUM. TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD. TOTAL MAGNESIUM. TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM. TOTAL MANGANESE. TOTAL ND(). WHERE NOTED. INDICATES iN PARENTHESES. CONCENTRATION ------------- ND( 0.1) ND (! 0) 5' ND( 0.(1) 0.3 8.0 406 100 7 ND(D.ODS) ND(O.2) ND(O.OI) 36. NDCQ.04) l. 9' NO(Q.002) 26. NDlO.0002) , NOlO. DOS) NDCO.02) 57 0.06 NONE DETECTED UNITS M(i/L MG/L MG/L MG/L HG/L AS N STD MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 'MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L HG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L ~lG/L WITH THE BOOV,/PAGE Hi 129 42B/8 37 /25 6S /6 39 /14 38 /9 40 115 47 /7 67 /12 72B/9 78 /2 73 /7 63 /27 74 /6 63 /35- 67 /23 63 /45 70 /10 63 /62 '62 199 75 /5 59 146C 63 /54 [JETECTION LIMIT ANALYSES WERE PERFORMED ON SAMPLE AS RECEIVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES PUBLISHED IN THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS PART 136. JULY 1. 1986 OR IN EPA PUBLICATION, 5\01-846. 3RD EDITION. NOV. 1986. SAMPLES WILL BE RETAINED FOR 30 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED. CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES CLr::t!J~'B~: LABORATORY DIRECTOR -.-..-:-'",;-...~:"..:r:.;,:..."~ ...'~' ILLEGIBLE DOCUMENT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT(S) IS OF POOR LEGIBILITY IN THE ORIGINAL THIS IS THE BEST COPY AVAILABLE P-474 ...... ) "!llllll,lil,\1 .",/!.'.!.'., j. ;,1, '".k- II 1 ~!'" !':.'\ j", ,I" Y II) '/1 ~; 11 '11 I :~~ I . .\ ,:II.!!i,/\!.I; I':'!ll.I..!', '~." 1.1 nl\. , d~' .". '_~::' ,I' 1 !' T!: :.,' . ! !-I' I : ^_ I I ~;, .".:' 1','''.1'' I ' .', I 1 I., 11'.'1:; l\ r.'!~ \ ,.f "F'T , 1.1.1.'.IT: '.'.~;. ;.1,,=)1 A'pH: .~~~7 ~ 1'1, !'I1YS"fl.1 ~~PI~ll-V;S p,.'^!, SftL I HJ\. I'\~ I.'; ,!HI ..' I ',t.. r I. r 1_ ! -'. .;. 'I' I.: ~': 'I ~-'I'\ n: \:i.:'-'" i -.'i.;': i \ I I, :,> ".fl,;..' FII I. ;.).,: :;:I_'",:)! '.'fH';::h' 111': ,'of' , ','!~;L.J._l'i9~ _ ~?:-J 1 J.. Pl:1.~P~~. !ro~_ ~_€,~~Y .17_'_1/ej.~~,~~~!1_e', sand 78 to 88 ft. below surface 11 7 88 l~h'a~i1~1 ..1.'l,I.I.; 1_.AP Ill_1HEir-r.': 'Il.l t"~'~!'!'J :--: AI1PLE ['ESCE II' T' ':'N: ~~. I 1 fl, [! ^ I.,'r' S I ~-.~ ,:nl"-/(EHTr.' fl.T I ',:'\01 .._ .._ - - ." - - ._u .I!I!,d-II!, fll"". ' .." pr.!I"" iiL'..'I:; I 1"1-:: HII IIt"".'.tl \ 1\,P \ L'E: 1''-' "'1\.!. 1l1lHfl,TEllIJ n:I'p;: i"ll r.' i .".1.. I' I !~~:'.'L V~,I' ,~;, 'I. Il'~' -.:111.,1,/\ rE j "~I AI. 1}1'.!';.f\H I" !',1\I-'Pf)N .'.I.';::!.Illl.'. TO]'.",!. i,l,i~ 1111-1. l('TAI. '.:,<\['1'1 I IJi'l. T')TAJ.. ""''.L'.:ilJN. TI)TAL '''HW.q'lI I..I!-l. T,yr At. I t,'.'I'!. T(IT.f\L I.,E/\[!. T()T^I~ i'1.I\I~HF.S 111M. "(ITAL l'IF.H.~l.lFc'l'. T('TP1~ rllrl\:';slll\,1. .'lPTAI. SEt.!-:.H 11.111. TOT At. ~-:(IYF.:R. TOTAl :-~')l'!Ur'l. T'JTA' MANGANESE, TOTAL "]I" '. \oJHEf<F. 1I'.'TEl>. It.' PM?ENTHESF.S. ,.'.,', ;'Ll' -1".1 ,,-.- ., '- N!.III,l. ,}nl, I I-!PI(,'.;':' !-l['(". 1I! 47. 1'11',('.'.').1 1. tJ '.1 I,ll." 'I . (1 'l;: ~ ='1. 1-1[111I.1I'.11.1(;) .' NVI I). (HI'; 1 I'll)' (I. (I ~~ ) 011 0.04 1 Hr' I ('ATES I-J(II'lE l'~TF.:':TF.[' i'l-' n: ," .\1:" , 1 1 7 A8 ,. T 1 I'IF ~ 1\ '.1;' i ;'-i' , ....' lH!IT~' 11.;'1 !,!,;.I i i'~, ! , "'(;/1. H':;':! 1\::' ~:'rr' HI;'\.. 1,1,-:/1, /-l'~/! . 1'1(;/1., HI;.'\.. I'tG/f.. 11'~ . !. 1'l'i/1. 1-1';/ i. HI;:'L H'';/L l'I(i/l~ I'I'~ ' I.. HG/I,. f1G-'I. H'3/1. I'.G/L WITH nu:: L ~, " " " , , , . ,. " .. , , , , , , .. , , , . " '1 , , , '. ., .. , f. , , , ,. ";~ : CI ... "-' 7 ,. , " .". , .. ... 7 , j .". .. '. j .~ ," , .. , , .. , " , . " , ,', , 1 (I ,. ,. .. ," ,'':' ., , " ..' , , ~q :.1 f.," 63 /54 l,r:'rJ:"'-:-I':'!1 I..!I!IT ,o\.I"/\,.LY5E5 lJEHE F'!:~.rlFr"RI'lFI' (!~I ~,"1-IPLI-: 1\,':: P'~I:F.IYf?I.' 11.1 '\"(,'r,r,.I"\!i"L~ 1.1IT,1 rp.'_".'ElIIJRE:; PIlr.1.15HFI.' JI--I THE ,~n[.lE (q: FE[lI~Rl\L RE';I.ll.^TI,-.!.I~:: 1'/t,(1' ! ~l;. Illl.Y 1. l~F.I-:; I"R 1101 F.:I'A r'llnl.II:^TI~iN. S\oI--l'l"~, ,H..:[l F.'''"I'!'''I-I. 1;..../. I"~"~'. :'.,fl.HI'l.ES l.lll.l Ill- HF.T^INI~" FI"lI~ .:to ('^'{~-; I1I-1LE~";::; ('THER;JI'~i~ P'li Il"il:!', ""lnINE",T"". Ml^l:iTl"f\l, SF.F'VICE~::; 1~.1 ;.~~: .^I1,q~.^,TU~Y 1'1 h'EcrnH '''HTF,Il-.lll'.\I. ,\I'll,.1 Y;'\,',AI. ~:F!~'JI' i. ! .'\H"P,I\'ll oI~-l' 1'1 iJ I '" i, -i.] p!, ,.,. 1.'lli"I.~:P 1\~,:::-:,u'I.II.T~'~::'. It-I" !',Il.1 li!.l.:I'J!,,\II-: _ :.;f\.! IH.'\, 1-:1\1":';.1\'::: h7"','! '''1,\' 1. ,'\Ill,'h'/\T"RY !)~!-,IIP.T ~'.iI' . ;.: : .-----. .,------.--' ..--,- 'I.IEIIT: tl,::~. f-1:I.rr t':\"IT r:'!.,i" ,:"r;.I': t\rTll~ l'A'n.: !~i;"'I~'I',~.'I': ~,:,.j'" I. tl. '''r,''-i~'I^1. :-;r'F'1P';S f,(',hl.' ':^~ FII.i.. I-!": r,:,,: SAlol i1A. I':~: 1;'j.1" I ,'oI_:'1':.I-:r 1.1": ,-.[ ,I Pl'jJ'.H....~.I: . .j.'l,~'l-" '.lel1_1.19_,_I3~:-14_ pUlllpeli. from. shallow. alluyial__ --.. ....: -. -. -. ..... : sand 36 to 38 ft. belo" surface 11/14/88 i.^P, Hlll'lBF!~: ~);_~II"I,\I'; :~~l\f-IFI.E OES',:R I PT I':-i'l: :;j- 1" "HAL 'is 1:= '~('I'I'."'Et,ITR/I,T! ('1.1 ------------- 1\1'11-1.'1'11 ^ Nl"','.! Hr. I ! ]~, I .,.1, 1 ".n (: ,'111.l'F11"'. "'U\NIT'E. '\'.;1'/\1. II I TF.'ATfo".'l-Il rRITF F'H r',"L^.'_ [II ~S')I..VF.r' ~~':".I I';:' '~I"I,F,"'TF. l('TAL ORGAN I ':. ': APJ10I'! .\HSEHI('. T,yr,IIL :'^,ii !IIH. T'.lTAL. ".''.l'I'1I I.q'l. TOTAL. ':AU'IPI1, TI)T!\\' ,'HR':'!'! I UH. 1'01'.0\1. I rWI"-I. TOTAI~ LEAl'. T'JTAL 11.'\(;I-./I-::::II.lI1. Pfl'Al. IIER':I./R-!'. '\"'1.1"1"1\1. 1',r^:'~SIIH!. T"TAt: ::t:.1..EI'111.lIl, T"TAL S II,VER. "1'0'1"/1_1. :;','1'1'.111. TOTAl. MANGANESE, TOTAL IJI"H '. \JHERF. ",,'rrF[I. !!lPI('i\TF.";: 11.1 r'^RENTlIESES. 0.07 ,.IONE. PETF./;"Tt;:I) l!l',r:'.l.l! ! J. -; tl ~l~ .1 Eo" 16 Nrl' 'I. ll"~} Ni'l .., . :? ~ NP' ..... (It, -- '-". !-l[" I). n4) Ol,!;ifi Nl"'J, I)(I~) ~~.3 . N(I~II.Il"1l2) '::.Il Nf"','."I.!" , I'll' I l~ . li,~ 1 ..I). I! "j::-: 11.\.j:...:: ','_I:Jl !'J\n~ ::~,~I-]1'1 !-l': 11.' 14. 88 T 11'11= :,....HFI.F'.: 111-1 \ 1 :.~ 1;'-"".': l";:: P';'!. I.I',-'! I ".,;; i~ .1', '" ,I"f',':: .,; !<If:..], c. , .- " , --, , , .. " ., .. , " ,.1';' I, ^:~ 1,1 S"\'!, l'IG/l. 11':1.'1.. !'I,.;.'I.. '1'~ II.. 11'3"-1. "''';/1, t.l'.....t. .1'" .-; ,:,: ; I :~ i:'.l';r, ':1, - .- 0 .' , , , , -; ., , , -; " , -' " . " . .- j ,. .- 1 , -' , .. 1 -. -- '.', (. '. f .- ., 9 ., -. , " :, ., .- , ~ M<i.l, '1'./1. 1-\'~11. 11,;/L 1'1';Il. M'.;" .~ I'I'-~ .' i.. HG/L I'Vi/l. MG/L WITH Till? 63 /54 1.~:l'r..-TI';~-r !.l:"IT AHlI,L'iSES WEtiF r ~!:'r:,,,'{fI!.:r' '.'1-1 ~;'VtF'l,E ^~; !?Er:EIVt=!1 'I'~ A(.I'(..,.'r'/,.!,I.',- UI'lll l'Er~'~'Er}IJHES !'I.IBI.I ~':;IIEI' I H THE .:OLIE N: n=.I:'F.R^I.. REI)IJLJ\ T I (1H', j.';\ j;..j' , 1 .0' 11..II:i I. 19~6 oJ-;: 11'1 FI ^ nll.H.ICAT1N,J. ~"1,.1~~:4~. ~rw Et.!TII'.H. !I'-";. I.l~l':'. :-"^"!'I.ES HILI. PE Ii:ET,1I [UEI' foY'f,' :'0 I:'^\"~-:-: !,II'lLESS 1.'TlIER1..J I S~ 110."1; :-: I,." 1.."1"1 r I m:.:NTAI. r.tl/tl.:,"'r 1/:.'1.1.. :.:;E:HV I C!.::S 'lo/J::Pl:~r~ 1.!\P'(.IIl/t.'I"'.'RY l.'I.Hi':T~:'H 5t1o" ,_d - ,;"A/C' ~Yf. ~ I:i ~ /) L/, ,,_ ~ 1"190 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - SAL~. KANSAS 67402-1820 - (913)825-7186 APRIL 20. 1990 CITY OF SAL~ - 2 P.O. BOX 736, SOLID Wl\S'IE DIVISICN SALINA KS 67401 ATIN : JIM HILL RE: WILSCN l.AllORATO!UES FILE ro. 90-9542 ENCIDSED ARE '!HE ~lS FOR '!HE SMlPLES AS LISTED BELOI: WILSCN U\B ID # (mER ro. SM1PLE DE.SCUPI'ICJiI 9004045200 9004045300 9004045400 05661 05661 05661 #11 #14 #15 NO(), WHERE tm'ED, INDICATES N:N!:: Dt:i't).;J:W WI'lli '!HE LltiJ..t:.t...:uClil LIMIT IN PARENIHESES. ANALYSES WERE PERFORMED CN SMlPLES AS RECEIVED IN AC:CXl!lD!\N:E WI1H PRlCElXlRES REFEREN:ED IN '!HE F'EDERAL P.mISTER, WL. 49, NJ. 209, ocr. 26, 1984; PUBLISHED IN EPA PUBLICATICN, 5W 846, 2ND ED., JULY 1982 AND IN '!HE P!lOPOSED AOOITICN 'IO 5W 846, 1984; OR IN EPA PllBLICATICN, SW846 3RD ED.,SEI'1'E21BER 1986. WHERE APPRl\IED MF:IHX>S ARE NJl' AVAIlJo.BLE, I:;HUt(l.$ ARE MACE '10 USE APPRJPRIA'IE ~ ME'IH.DS. IU!W>.ININ; SMlPLES WILL BE REIlUNED FOR 30 JYo.YS t.NLESS OIIIE!M:SE =FIED. WILSCN l.AllORATO!UES ~~L ENCUJSURE Client: $1/,... L4tJJJ,c,11 @ tRfIP/ o P':.;~x~~~. L~. NORT~~~~;~~ET SAUNA, KANSAS 674D2-182D (913) 825-7186 File No: @OOill~m rum @OOg)'[f@OOW OO~@@OOOO Seal No.: Date Sealed: By: PRO~~~N~~~/l L."wo,.-i / SAMPLER~l/ / ~ SAMPLE TYPE :~~~'~ WILSON SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE DATE TIME WATER AIR .0,>0 SEO. LABORATORIES IDENTIFICATION o O..tl. '0. NUMBER ~rM.A I.4.ot:Jlj ~ // r-, or 3 ,~,QIJ.;A kS S<C!;L',(., 'K!/'" d! ILl "" ~ .3 () S~I,"" ';,woe,'" c\J,15 I 1/!3- 3 :;4lfNtl .ItS BOTTLE SAMPLER LAB No Type 5'.. Preurv. ANALYSIS FIIt.(YJIlI) Oblerntlons ObMrvaUona :3 "'I t=r JJ.(..qc.... ~""';A CmL ~ 1<< ',9.€ .,,11. :s 1'L M HIlo? ..j.J,.....b.J~rlr~tJ... 'IDS ~..."'~1~ '<1. I'L.. Gf' /J/4 -r,c. ift1~' d.~.: ' -rn,' 6.<;~ 7~7AI 'c::.oolno.:v"" 7U7A I c..olC:,~ pltrDf"\l~~ <:k 7..r~/ 7111211 Z'4>.J T4)'fA1 L~4cJ. -r,;TIlL ,. 'u_ "'''7AI Mtr. . nT4./---:';'. "".on., , , ~ 71174/';,1.---: ~""I s..n:v_ nf&TR/~ ;j,~e'..t,;,. , CHAIN OF CUSTODY CHRONICLE' lA. FlEL.D Opened By: Date: Time: PERSONNEL Seal II: Condition 01 Materials: ,.. Sealed By: Date: Time: jJ ./ Seal II: -~// .# / V ~ , Date: f'-//- ?lJ Time: /1730 .C. ReUnquiShed By: 1-/1- ~1J Received By: (; L .f_ - --1 r.: L:. L Date: Time: 30 Condition 01 Materials' f) I 2. LABORATORY Opened By: {' "7 12.. l Date: d_ '" Time: 1/30 PER$ClNNEL Condition 01 Materia::. / Seelll: Dlstrlbullon: Orlglnal(W)_MlUIOClIenlwlthReport 2nd Copy(Y)-LaboraIorYFlln 3rd Coov 11'1 _ 14ftld Coordll'!81ll1" Fll" ****T HIS I S WIISCN IJ\ECilATCRIES 0ll'.IG!: !lEVU'" NOT A N I N V 0 I C E****(913) 825-7186 01MGES FCR ORDER 00.05661 PAGE: 1 a.IENr: CITY OF SALIw. - 2 JIM HILL P.O. I!OX 736, SOLlD WASTE DIVISICN SALIw., KS 67401 = ==: 04;11;90 Pl1RCE1\SE Al1IH. : 0IlDER 00.: 05661 FILE 00.: 90-9542 ANl'.LYSES AM1'CNIA, 'lUI'AL CXlD NI1W<rn;NITRITE = <:JRGI>NIC CARllCN (SPARGEDJ ClItDRIDE PH SOLIDS. DISSOLVED SULFATE CliRCJ1It.!i, HEXAVALENI' TEMPEflATIJRE PH, FIELD ANl'.LYSIS SPECIFIC ~, FIEID .ANN..YSIS STATIC WATER LEVEL = HEAVY MSmLS CALCIUM, 'IOmL IRCtiI, 'IOOO" ~IUM, 'I'OrAL POrASSIUM, 'lOrAL SCDIUM, TOmL AN1\LYSES 01MGES, StJIl1lm\L (COST LIST: S'ID90) SPECIAL INS'mOCTICNS AS == MSmLS DIGF.STICN (JlAI(;E QJ1INr COST E1IOl % DISC 3 15.00 3 23.00 3 13.00 3 25.00 3 13.00 3 6.00 3 10.00 3 13.00 3 20.00 3 00 0ll'.IG!: 3 00 0ll'.IG!: 3 00 0ll'.IG!: 3 00 0lAR3E 3 140.00 3 15.00 3 15.00 3 15.00 3 15.00 3 15.00 'lUI'AL 45.00 69.00 39.00 75.00 39.00 18.00 30.00 39.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 1059.00 QJ1INr COST E1IOl % DISC 3 00 0ll'.IG!: 3 15.00 'lUI'AL 0.00 45.00 SPEcr!\L INS'mlJCTICN 01MGES, SUB'lUI'AL (COST LIST: S'ID90) = ORDER 01MGES 45.00 1104.00 FOR PERICD ENDIID 04;20;90 SI\MPLE DESCRIPrICNS #11 #14 #15 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH "~r - P.O. EOK 1820 - 5'L~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 U\8ClAATORY REPORl' pJ\GE 1 a.IENl': CITY OF SALINA. - 2 AnN: JIM HILL P.O. EOK 736, SOLID WASTE DIVISICN SAL~, KS 67401 = RPID: 04;20;90 = RCVD: 04;11;90 PUIlOlASE J\IInl: FILE NO.: 90-9542 alDER NO.: 05661 LAB NUMBER: 90040452 = Sl\MPLED: 04;11;90 SAMPLE DESCRIPl'ICN: #11 TIME Sl\MPLED: 0930 !\NI\LYSIS cx:N:ENrnATICN IN.lTS a:oK-PAGE TE>lPEFA1URE 14 LJtO<EES C STATIC WA'mR LEVEL 27.20 FEET PH, FrEID ANN..YSIS 6.95 . srm:>MD tl;ITTS SPECIFIC ~, FIEID ANM"YSIS 736 . . t\'l!tS;tM AMM;MA, = 0.1 M:;,I1. AS N 1248-31 OlIDRIDE 71 M:;,I1. 1022-635 OIRCMIUM, HEXAVALENI' N010.021 1'G;1. 187-90 COO 30 M:;,I1. 1018-90 NITRATE;NI'IRI'll!: 0.5 1'G;1. AS N 1023-644 PH 7.5 srm:>MD IN.lTS 869-95 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED 448 1'G;1. 1118-98 SULFA'll!: ",-",. 52 1'G;1. 1024-471 '!UrAL ORGI\NIC CAROCN ISPAlG:D) 2 M:;,I1. 1236-63 ARSENIC, '!OrAL . . NOI10.0) U3/L 1318-17 lWUUM, '!UrAL , NO(2001 U3/L 1324-12 CACMIUM, '!OrAL ,'J I NO(5.0) U3/L 1324-28 CALCIU1, 'IOIN. 70.7 M:;,I1. 1342-49 an:01IUM, 'IOI1\L, I ~ NO(10.01 U3/L 1324-17 IR:N, romL . 6800 U3/L 1324-79 . LEI\D, = 7.8 Ul;1. 1295-79 ~ItI1, 'IC1OO. 33.5 M:;,I1. 1342-49 MERC!JRY, 'IOI1\L ," ..... NO(0.2) U3/L 1238-66 POtASSIUM, rorAL NOls.OOI M:;,I1. 1342-49 SELENIUM, 'IOI1\L ,'1 NOls.O) Ul;1. 1273-69 SILVER, '!orAL ," N0110.01 Ul;1. 1324-38 SOOIUM, 'IOmL 36.2 1'G;1. 1342-49 ---<X:N:UJSICN-LAB lUlBER: 90040452 #11 7fJ{'!'. 7'0 8" if -r-T. ,J f.~ / L v It,:I' r.':'-'~_...:..~. ._- , tlf/;..' .,",.. / ~ __.'-"" WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH ,,~, - P.O. BOK 1620 - 5AL~, KANSAS 67402-1664 - (913)625-7166 CUALIT'l ASSU1Wa;'~i'.LIT'l a:NI'IDL orvcc 1 a.IENI': CIT'{ OF SALIND. - 2 ATIN: JIM HILL P.O. OOX 736, SOLID W\STE DIVISI~ 5AL~, KS 67401 IlI\TE RPID: 04/20fiO IlI\TE RC\ID: 04;11fiO PUROll\SE AlJIll: FILE 1>0.: 90-9542 O!IDER 1>0.: 05661 LAB NUMBER: 90040452 mn;; SI\MPIJ!Il: 04;11fiO SAMPLE DE'.SCRIITICN: U1 TIME SI\MPIJ!Il: 0930 IlI\TE IlI\TE J>N.r>.LYSIS M'/ALYSr M'/ALYZED PREPPED ME."llOl 'I'EI'!PEPA'lUR 04;12fiO N>. AD100 S=C WA1ER LEVEL 04;12fiO N>. AD102 PH, FIEID ANALYSIS 04;12fiO N>. AD150 S!'El:IFIC ~, FIEID M'/ALYSIS 04;12fiO N>. AD151 J\MlOlIA, mL - 04/20;<)0 N>. EPA 350.3 OlLORIDE JMM 04;16;<)0 N>. EPA 325.2 QtRCM[1JM, HEXAVALENI' - 04;12;<)0 N>. 8M 312B ceo JMM 04;13;<)0 N>. O.!. CORP. NITRATE;NITRIn;; JMM 04;16;<)0 N>. EPA 353.2 PH D!.S 04;11;<)0 N>. EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED D!.S 04/20;<)0 N>. 8M 209B SULFATE JMM 04;17;<)0 N>. EPA 375.2 mL ClRGANIC Cl\RECN (SP1II<GED) - 04;16;<)0 N>. EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, 'IomL eN; 04/20fiO 04;17fiO 206.2;7060 BI\RIlI'I,mL SPA 04;16;<)0 04;17;<)0 200.7;6010 CALl1IUM, 'IOTAL SPA 04;16;<)0 04;17fiO 200.7/6010 Cl\LCIUM, mL SPA 04;19;<)0 04;17fiO 200.7;6010 0lI01IllM, mL SPA 04;16;<)0 04;17fiO 200.7;6010 IR:N, 'I'O'IM. SPA 04;19;<)0 04/l7fiO 200.7;6010 !.FAD, mL eN; 04/20;<)0 04;17;<)0 239.2;7421 ~ItI1, '!OrAL SPA 04;19;<)0 04;17fiO 200.7;6010 MEOC'URY, mL eN; 04/20;<)0 04;17;<)0 245.1;7470 POrASSIUM, 'IOTAL SPA 04;19;<)0 04;17;<)0 200.7;6010 SELENItJi, 'IOTAL eN; 04/20;<)0 04;17 fiO 270.2;7740 SILVER, 'IO!AL SPA 04;16fiO 04;17fiO 272 .1;7760 SCDIt.I1, 'IO!AL SPA 04;19fiO 04;17fiO 200.7;6010 --a::rn.usIll'I-LAB NUMBER: 90040452 #11 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORIH EIGHTH .1~' - P.O. BaK 1820 - SAL~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 I.'\llCIRA'roRY IlEPORI' PAGE 1 CLIEN!: CIT'f OF SALIN!\. - 2 ATIN: JIM HILL P.O. BaK 736, SOLID WASTE DIVISla; SALIN!\., KS 67401 D1>Il'E 1<PlD: 04;20;90 D1>Il'E RCVD: 04/11;90 PUROIl\SE AI.1lH: FILE ro.: 9()'-9542 ORDER ro.: 05661 LAB NUMBER: 90040453 SAMPLE DESCRIPl'Ia;: #14 ANALYSIS 1ll1PERA'lURE STATIC WIUnl LEVEL PH, FIEID ANALYSIS SPECIFIC cc::NIX.J::rAtQ, FIEID AN1\LYSIS AMM:;MA, = OILORIDE CE01IUM, HEKAVALENI' CCD NI'l'RAn;INI1RlTE PH SOLIDS, DISSOLVED SULFATE '!OrAL OR7INIC CAIlOCN (SPAI<GED) ARSENIC, 'I'OIN. BARIlI'!, = CAIX1I1lM, = Cl\LCIUM, = Cll101IUM, = IRCN, 'IOD\L J 1 LEAD, = ~IUM, n::rw. MERalRY, = FOrASSIlI"I, 'IOrPJ.. SELENIUM, '!orAL SILVER, 'IOrAL SCDIUM, 'I'OIN. = SAMPLED: 04/11;90 TIME SAMPLED: 1015 c:rn::ENmATIa; IN.ITS 8OJK-PAGE 13.8 17.5 6.74 910 0.1 116 NDIO.021 40 1.6 7.5 560 44 8 ND(lO.O) ND(200) NDI5.0) 99.0 NDI10.01 1900 5.9 22.5 ND(0.2) ND(5.00) 5.9 NDI10.0) 54.2 003REES C PEEr STl\NCl\RD IN.ITS UMII:lS/OI l'G;L AS N l'G/L l'G/L l'G;L l'G;L AS N STl\NCl\RD IN.ITS l'G/L l'G/L l'G/L U3;L u;;L u;;L l'G/L U3;L u;;L u;;L l'G;L U3;L l'G;L u;;L U3;L l'G;L 1248-31 1022-637 187-90 1018-90 1023-644 869-97 1118-98 1024-471 1236-63 1318-17 1324-12 1324-28 1342-49 1324-17 1324-79 1295-79 1342-49 1238-66 1342-49 1273-69 1324-38 1342-49 --a:N::llJSICN-LAB 1UlBER: 90040453 #14 .J ~ >(1', .,.-.. :Jog- '(7, WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. EOK 1820 - SAL~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 CUllLITY AS~ITY amroL QI\,IQC 1 CLIENt: CITY OF SAL~ - 2 ATIN: JIM HILL P.O. BOX 736, SOLID W>STE DIVISION ~. KS 67401 DM'E RPIIl: 04;20;90 Il'\TE RCVD: 04;11;90 PUROll\SE AIJIH: FILE rD.: 90-9542 ORDER rD.: 05661 LAB NUMBER: 90040453 C/\TE SAMPLED: 04;11;90 Sl\MPLE DESCRIPI'ION: #14 TIME SAMPLED: 1015 DM'E DM'E !\N1\LYSIS !\N1\LYSr !\N1\LYZED PREPPED ME:IKD 'ImPEFA1URE 04;12;90 "" 1\0100 STATIC Wl\TER LEVEL 04;12;90 "" 1\0102 PH, FIEID ANN.,YSIS 04;12;90 "" 1\0150 SPECIFIC cmw::rm:E. FIELD !\N1\LYSIS 04;12;90 "" 1\0151 MKNIA, ID!l\L - 04;20;90 "" EPA 350.3 OlLORIDE JMM 04;16;90 "" EPA 325.2 OiRCI1IUM, HEXAVALENT - 04;12;90 "" SM 312B COO JMM 04;13;90 "" O.r. CORP. NITI<ATE,lNI1RITE JMM 04;18;90 "" EPA 353.2 PH DLS 04;11;90 "" EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED DLS 04;20;90 "" SM 2098 SULFATE JMM 04;17;90 "" EPA 375.2 = ORGANIC CAIlEON (SPARGED) KMM 04;18;90 "" EPA 415.1 AFSENIC, '!OrAL Cl\G 04;20;90 04;17;90 206.2,17060 B1\RI1JM, = SPA 04;18;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 CAIX>tIUM, 'I'C7rAL SPA 04;18;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 CAlCIUM, 'IomL SPA 04;19;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 0lI01ItI1, ID!l\L SPA 04;18;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 I:flI:N, 'IorAL SPA 04;19;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 LFAO, = Cl\G 04;20;90 04;17;90 239.2/7421 ~It.I1, 'IOrAL SPA 04;19;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 . MERC!JR'i, '!OrAL Cl\G 04;20;90 04;17;90 245.1,17470 POrASSIt.I1, 'IOrAL SPA 04;19;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 SELENIUM, TOTAL Cl\G 04;20;90 04;17;90 270.2,17740 SILVER, = SPA 04;18;90 04;17;90 272.1,17760 SCDIUM, '!OrAL SPA 04;19;90 04;17;90 200.7;6010 --a:N:UlSION-LAB NUMBER: 90040453 #14 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - ~,~ 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 (.U\LITY ~ITY CXNmOL ClVQC 1 a.IENr: CITY OF SALINP. - 2 ATIN: JIM HILL P.O. BOX 736, SOLID WI\S1E DIVISICN ~,KS 67401 = RPID: 04;20;90 = RCVD: 04/11;90 PUROll\SE !\IJnl: FILE ro.: 90-9542 CJRPER ro.: 05661 LAB NUMBER: 90040454 = SI\MPLEIl: 04/11190 SI\MPLE DESCRIrnCN: #15 TIME SI\MPLEIl: 1115 = = AN1\LYSIS AN1\LYST AN1\LYZED PREPPED MEmOl TE>IPERA1URE 04/12;90 NA ADI00 SOOIC WATER LEVEL 04/12;90 NA ADI02 PH, FIElD AN1\LYSIS 04/12;90 NA AD150 SPECIFIC o:NXX:Il\N:E, FIElD AN1\LYSIS 04/12;90 NA AD151 AMl'[MA, 1UmL IN; 04;20;90 NA EPA 350.3 OIlORIDE J!oI1 04/16;90 NA EPA 325.2 OiRCI1IUM, HEXA'v'ALENI' IN; 04/12/90 NA 5M 312B COO J!oI1 04/13;90 NA 0.1. aJRP. NITRATE:INI'IR!TE J!oI1 04/18;90 NA EPA 353.2 PH DLS 04/11;90 NA EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED DLS 04;20;90 NA 5M 209B SULFATE J!oI1 04/17;90 NA EPA 375.2 1UmL OR:;ANIC CAROCN (SPARGED) KMM 04/18;90 NA EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, 'ltTI:M.o ex; 04;20;90 04/17;90 206.2;7060 BI\RIlJM, 1UmL SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 Cl\lJ1IU1, 1UmL SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 CALCItI1, 'IOJX. SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 Q!IOolIUM, 1UmL SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 IRCN, TOrAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 LEAD, 1UmL ex; 04;20;90 04/17;90 239.2;7421 ~ItI1, 'IOlM. SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 MERClJRY, 1UmL ex; 04;20;90 04/17;90 245.1;7470 rorASSItJi, '!OrAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 SEI.!NIUM., 'IOmL ex; 04;20;90 04/17;90 270.2;7740 SILVER, '!OrAL SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 272.1;7760 SCDIUM, 'lOIN.. SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 --a:N:UJSICN-LAB 1U1BER: 90040454 #15 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. eaK 1820 - SALINA, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 lJ\EOAA1ORY REPORT PAGE 1 CLIENI': CI'IY OF SALINA. - 2 ATIN: JIM HILL P.O. 80K 736, SOLID WASTE DIVISION SALINA, KS 67401 01\11;; RPID: 04;20;90 01\11;; RCVD: 04/11;90 PURQlASE AlJIH: FILE ro.: 90-9542 ~ ro.: 05661 LAB NUMBER: 90040454 SAMPLE DESCRIPrICN: #15 AN>.LYSIS TIMPERA1tlRE SThTIC WATER LEVEL PH, FlEID AtW..YSIS SPECIFIC ~, FIELD ANALYSIS ..---cP1fl:NIA, 'ItJrl\L ...:.= CELORIDE c.-- QIRCMIUM, HEKAVALENI' '-- =~ NITRATE,INI'IRI'IE l- PH'- SOLIDS, DISSOLVED ...- SULFA'IE (...- _ = ORG!\NIC Cl\RBCN (S~I'- ARSENIC, 'IOrAIt-- ,- BARIU1, 'IOmL t,.- CAI:MIUM, ~ CALCIUM, 'IOrAL t--- QlIOo1IUM, = IRC::N, 'IOmLv I..E.ZID, 'IO'mL"'- MAGJESIUM, 'IO'mL V" MERCt.lRY, TOrAL - __' rom.sSIUM, '!orAL SELENIUM, 'I'OrALv SILVER, rooo.- SCDIl!ot '!OrAL'/ ~ ' ~J,1t 1'"' tJl>.TE SAMPLED: 04/11;90 TIME SAMPLED: 1115 c::cN:ENrPATICN lNlTS 13.2 17.35 7.46 656 NIl(O.ll 40 NIl(0.02) 58 0.4 7.8 366 63 2 NIl(10.0) NIl(2001 NIl( 5.01 55.1 NIl(10.01 112 7.5 25.7 NIl(0.2) NIl(5.001 NIl(5.0) NIl(10.01 41.1 --<X:.N:LUSICN-LAB NUMBER: 90040454 #15 t-S- o/'i; -To {; 7 {'f, DEGREES C FEET 5n\NCI\RD UNITS UMIfJS;Ol mIL AS N mIL mIL mIL mIL AS N 5n\NCI\RD UNITS mIL mIL mIL tJ:>IL u:;;L tJ:>IL mIL u:;;L u:;;L tJ:>IL JoG;L u:;;L mIL tJ:>IL tJ:>IL mIL EC(lK-PAGE 1248-31 1022-635 187-91 1018-90 1023-644 869-97 1118-98 1024-471 1236-63 1318-17 1324-12 1324-28 1342-49 1324-17 1324-79 1295-79 1342-49 1238-66 1342-49 1273-69 1324-38 1342-49 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 r=H EIGH'll! s=r - P.O. sax 1820 - SllLIN!>" I<l\NS1IS 67402-1884 - 19131825-7186 CUALITY ~ITY o::NlRlL Q1VQ: 1 MTE !<PID: 04;20;90 MTE RCVD: 04/11;90 pUR(J!l\SE !\I1nI: rILE ID.: 90-9542 0RIlER ID.: 05661 CLIENT: CITY or SllLIN!>, - 2 ATIN: JIM HILL P.O. sax 736, SOLID WASIE DIVISICN SllLIN!>" K5 67401 LAB NUMBER: 90040454 MTE SAMPLED: 04/11;90 SAMPLE DESCRIPrICN: #15 TIME SAMPLED: 1115 MTE MTE ~YSIS Nil\LYST Nil\LYlfI) PREPPED ME:IIOl TE>lPERAnmE 04/12;90 Nl>. AD100 STATIC WATER J.EIJEL 04/12;90 Nl>. AD102 PH, FIELD Al'W.,YSIS 04/12;90 Nl>. AD150 SPECIFIC ~, FIELD ~YSIS 04/12;90 Nl>. AD151 NKNIA, = ~ 04;20;90 Nl>. EPA 350.3 QlLORIDE JMM 04/16;90 Nl>. EPA 325.2 OJRCMIUM, HEKAVALENl' ~ 04/12/90 Nl>. 51'! 3128 alD JMM 04/13;90 Nl>. O.I. a:mP. NIn<ATE;NI'l1UlE JMM 04/18;90 Nl>. EPA 353.2 PH DL5 04/11;90 Nl>. EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED DL5 04;20;90 Nl>. 51'! 209B SULFATE JMM 04/17;90 Nl>. EPA 375.2 = ORG\NIC CAR9:N (SPAJ<GEDI KMM 04/18;90 Nl>. EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, '!UrAL = 04;20;90 04/17;90 206.2/7060 BI\RIUM, = SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 CMX1IUM, = SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 CALCIUM, '!orAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 CHRCflIl!1, = SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 IBCN, '!orAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 lEAD, = = 04;20;90 04/17;90 239.2/7421 ~tuM, 'rorAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 MERCURY, = = 04;20;90 04/17;90 245.1/7470 rorASSIUM, 'rorAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 SELENIUM, 'rorAL = 04;20;90 04/17;90 270.2/7740 SILVER, '!OrAL SPA 04/18;90 04/17;90 272 .1/7760 SCOIUM, '!OrAL SPA 04/19;90 04/17;90 200.7;6010 -a:rn.usICN--LAB NUMBER: 90040454 #15 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH Sl~l' - P.O. BOX 1820 - SALINA, KANSAS 67402-1820 - (913)825-7186 FEBRUARY 19, 1991 eI'IY OF SALJNr\. - I.J..NDFILL BOX 736 ~ KS 674020736 ATIN : JIM HILL RE: WILSCN LI\l3O!lAroRIE:S FILE 110. 91-990 ENCLOSED ARE TIlE REPORI'S FOR TIlE SI\MPLES AS LISTID BEl(>I: WILSCN LAB ID # ORDER NJ, SAMPLE DESClUPI'ICN 9101057800 9101057900 9101058000 9101058100 7395A 7395A 7395A 7395A BI\IOI SPEX:IFIC SPIKE BI\IOI SPEX:IFIC MSD;IXJPE BATCH SPEX:IFIC BlANK BATCH SPECIFIC CXNl'PDL ND(), WHERE N:JI'ED, INDICATES N:NE Dt...I.U,;.l'W WIlli 'lEE Dt;u:L.""I'ICN LIMIT IN PARENIHESES. ANlILYSE:S WERE: PERroIlMED CN SI\MPLES AS R&:EIVED IN ACaJRI:W<:E WIllI PRJCElXJRES REFEREN:::ED IN 'lEE FEDEP.AL REGtSl'ER, \U.. 49, ID. 209, OCT. 26, 1984; PUBLISHED IN EPA PUBLICATICN, SW 846, 2ND ED" JULY 1982 .AND IN 'lEE PPDFOSED AOOITICN 'IO SW 846, 1984, OR IN EPA PUBLICATICN, SW846 3RD ED. ,S~ 1986. WHERE APPFO\/ED MEI!D:lS ARE WI' AVAIIABLE, t;UUH'.L~ ARE MADE 'IO USE APPFDP!UATE ~ MEIH:DS. ******************************************************************************** 'IHIS IS AN AMENDED REPORl' IX.lE 'IO A CXlBRECnCN IN SUBMI'ITER. ******************************************************************************** REl'IAINIl'<3 SI\MPLES WILL BE RE:r!\INED FOR 30 = lNLESS OIHEImSE NJrIFIED. WI 1ORIE:S =aJ~ - OIIEF OIDlIST EN::l.OSURE WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - ~,RANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 lABClRAIDRY REroRI' PK;E 1 CLIENI': O'lY OF SALINA - lANDFILL A'I'IN: JIM HILL BOX 736 SAL~, KS 674020736 = RPID: 02/19;91 = =: 01/15;91 PURC!l1\SE l\lJIH: FILE !D.: 91-990 ORDER !D.: 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010578 S>MPLE DESCUPTICN: B!\TOI SPECIFIC SPIKE ANALYSIS CI:N:ENmATICN troTS EOJI(-PK;E J\MrolNIA, = 50/44.3;89 % 1248-57 OlLORIDE 80;81/101 % 1332-151 CliRCMIt.t1, HEXAVALENI' 1/0.55195 % 187-92 = 62.5/70.4/113 % 1378-7 NI_TI:;NI'lRITE 3/1.1/37 % 1333-196 SULFATE 127/122;96 % 1343-101 = ORGANIC CARBCN (SPAA:;ED) 5/4.5;90 % 1375-33 ARSENIC, 'I'C1rnL 40.0/36.9;92 % 1397-17 BARIUM, 'IOrAL 2000;2220/111 % 1405-330 CAttillI1, = 50/36/72 % 1405-341 CALCItI1, 'IOrAL 50.0/36.6/73 % 1405-316. am:JiIUM, TOrAL 200/171;86 % 1405-329 IRCN, 'IOIAL 1000;972;97 % 1405-315 LE'AO, = 20.0;'20.3/101 % 1398-24 MAQIlESIUM, 'IOrAL 25.0/19.6/78 % 1405-292 MEROJRY, 'IOrAL 1.00;0.89;89 % 1382-16 PCJI:to.SSItJ1, 'IOrAL 25.0;'24.7;99 % 1401-418 SELENIUM, 'IOmL 10.0/7 . 3/73 % 1362-42 SILVER, '!OrAL 50/33/66 % 1405-29 SCOIUM, 'IOIAL 50.0/46.1;92 % 1401-426 ---=,CN-LAB lUI8ER: 91010578 B!\TOI SPECIFIC SPIKE WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH S~r - P.O. BOX 1820 - SALINA, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 =ITY ~TY a:NmOL Q1VQ: 1 eLIEN!': CITY OF SALINA - lRIDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL BOX 736 SALINA, KS 674020736 mTE RPID: 02;19191 DI\TE RCVD: 01;15191 PUllCllASE AlJIH: FIrE NJ.: 91-990 CIl1Do:R NJ.: 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010578 SAMPLE DESCRIPrICN: BAn:ll SPECIFIC SPIKE DI\TE DI\TE AW.LYSIS AW.LYST AW.LYZED PREPPED ME"Ilm ~,= IN> 01;28191 Nh SPA 350.3 OlIDRIDE CRE 01;21191 Nh SPA 325.2 0iP!:MItI1, HEXAVALENr IN> 01;15191 Nh EM 3128 ax> mE 01;28191 Nh D.r. aJIlP. NITRATE/NInuTE CRE 01;16191 Nh SPA 353.2 SULFATE CRE 01;17191 Nh SPA 375.2 = ORGI\NIC CAAECN (SPARGED) CRE 01;18191 Nh SPA 415.1 ARSENIC, TCJrAL PUl 01;24191 01;22191 206.2;7060 B'\RIUM, = C!\G 02;'07191 01;22191 200.716010 CI\l:tIIUM, = C!\G 02;'07191 01;22191 200.716010 CALCIUM, TCJrAL C!\G 02;'07191 01;22191 200.716010 cmamJM, = C!\G 02;'07191 01;22191 200.716010 IRCN, TCJrAL C!\G 02;'07191 01;22191 200.716010 LFAO, = PUl 01;24191 01;22191 239.2;7421 ~IUM, TCJrAL C!\G 02;'07191 01;22191 200.716010 MERa.IRY, = PUl 01;25191 01;22191 245.1;7470 rornsSIUM, 'IOmL C!\G 01;24191 01;22191 200.716010 SELENIUM, TCJrAL PUl 01;25191 01;22191 270.2;7740 SILVER, 'IOTAL C!\G 01;29191 01;22191 272.1;7760 SCDIUM, 'IOTAL C!\G 01;25191 01;22191 200.716010 -<XN:LUSICN-LAB mMBER: 91010578 BAn:ll SPECInC SPIKE WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. 80K 1820 - SNL~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (9131825-7186 lAEORAroRY REroRr pJ>[;E 1 CLIENI': CIT'f OF SALI~ - L1INDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL 80K 736 SNL~, KS 674020736 "'''' IU'ID: 02;19;91 "'''' =: 01;15;91 PUROl1\SE =: FILE NO.: 91-990 ORDER NO.: 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010579 SAMPLE DESQUPl'ICN: BlITCH sm:rnc MSD,IIUPE ANi\LYSIS CCN:ENI'IlATICN UNITS roJl(-PJ>[;E AMM:mA, IDrl\L ND,IND;O RID 1248-57 CJlWRIDE 22;22;0 RID 1332-151 0IRCr1Ilt1, HEKAVALENI' ND,IND;O RID 187-92 0::0 ND,IND;O RID 1378-7 NITRATE;NITRITE 0.2;0.2;0 RID 1333-196 PH 7.1/7 .1;0 RID 1341-13 SOLIDS, OISSOL\lED 3481334/4.1 RID 1137-37 SULFA'IE 27;24;12 RID 1343-101 IDrl\L CJR3I\NIC CARECN (SPARGEDI ND,IND;O RID 1375-33 ARSENIC, 'rorAL 35.9136.9;2.7 RID 1397-17 BARIUM, '!OrAL 111;101;9 RID 1405-330 CI\tt1IU'I, IDrl\L 7216816 RID 1405-341 CALCIU1, IDrl\L 73/7113 RID 1405-316 OiRCI1IUM, '!UrAL 86/78;10 RID 1405-329 IOCN, 'lOIN. 97;96;1 RID 1405-315 LEAD, IDrl\L 20.3;22.5;10 RID 1398-24 MAGESIUM, rorAL 78/75/4 RID 1405-292 MERaJRY, IDrl\L 0.89;0.89;0 RPD 1382-16 romsSIUM, rorAL 24.7;24.6;0 RPD 1401-418 SELENIUM, 'IOrAL 7.3/7.0/4 RPD 1362-42 SILVER, rorAL 3313516 RPD 1405-29 SCOIUM, 'IOrAL 46.1/45.4;1.5 RPD 1401-426 --a:N::LUSICN-LAB lUI8ER: 91010579 BlITCH SPECIFIC MSD,IIUPE WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH ~" - P.O. BOX 1820 - SALINh, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 CUALITY J\.SSllRI\N:E~TY = 01VQC 1 CLIENI': CIT.{ OF SALINA. - LANDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL EOK 736 SALI~. KS 674020736 IlI\TE RPID: 02;19;91 IlI\TE RCVD: 01;15;91 PURCHASE J\tJIH: FILE NO.: 91-990 OPDER NO.: 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010579 SI\MPLE DESCRIPI'ICN: BI\TCIl SPECIFIC MSD;tIJPE IlI\TE IlI\TE AN.t\LYSIS AN1\LYST AN1\LYZED PREPPED ME1KD AMM:NIA, =- >l<S 01;28;91 ~ EPA 350.3 OlIDRIDE CRE 01;21;91 ~ EPA 325.2 otE01IUM, HEXAVALENI' >l<S 01;15;91 ~ SM 3128 COD >l<S 01;28;91 ~ 0.1. CO!1P. NI'ffiATI;INITIUTE CRE 01;16;91 ~ EPA 353.2 PH DLS 01;16;91 ~ EPA 150.1 SOLIDS. DISSOLVED DLS 01;17;91 ~ SM 209B SULFATE CRE 01;17;91 ~ EPA 375.2 =- OI<GI\NIC Cl\ROCN (SPARGElJI CRE 01;18;91 ~ EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, '!OrAL PUl 01;24;91 01;22;91 206.2/)060 BARIUM. =- CAG 02;07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 CAtMIUM, '!UrAL CAG 02;07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 C!\LCItlM, =- CAG 02;07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 otE01IUM, 'IOmL CAG 02;07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 IRCN, 'IOrAL CAG 02;07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 lEAD, =- PUl 01;24;91 01;22;91 239.2/)421 M.n.GJE'.SIUM, '!orAL CAG 02;07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 MERa.lRY, '!OrAL PUl 01;25;91 01;22;91 245.1;7470 romsSIUM, '!orAL CAG 01;24;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 SELENID1, =- PUl 01;25;91 01;22;91 270.2/)740 SILVER, '!UrAL CAG 01;29;91 01;22;91 272 .1/7760 SCOIUM, '!UrAL CAG 01;25;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 -<XNCUJSICN-LAB lU!BER: 91010579 BI\TCIl SPECIFIC MSD;tI.lPE WILSON LABORATORIES lM!ORATORy t\l:.t'ORT 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - SAL~. KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 PPa 1 CI..IENT: eI'IY OF SALINIlI. - I.ANDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL BOX 736 SAL~, KS 674020736 mTE RPID: 02;1.9;')1 mTE RCVD: 01;1.5;')1 PURCHASE AI1IlI: FILE NO.: 91-990 ORDER NO.: 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010580 SAMPLE DESCRIPl'IO'I: ""'-1"01 SPECInc BIANK lWILYSIS ronNI'llATIO'I AMM:NIA. 'lOD\L CllLORIDE 0iE0iJll1, HEXAVALENI' = NI'IRATEINI'IRI'IE PH SOLIDS, DISSOLVED SULFATE 'lOD\L ORGI\NIC CARBCN (SPARGEDI ARSENIC, 'IOI1>.L BARIUM. 'lOD\L ClIlrotJM, 'lOD\L CALCIUM, 'I011\L CHE01IUM, 'I011\L IR:N, 'IOrAL LE'lID,'lOD\L l1AC3ESIUM, 'I011\L MERCURy. '!OrAL POmSS:nJ1, 'I011\L SELENIUM, 'I011\L SILVER, 'I011\L SCDIUM, 'IOmL NO(O.l) ND(21 ND(0.021 ND(10) NO(O.ll 5.6 6 NO(101 ND(l) ND(10.0)) ND(1001 ND(51 NO(5.01 NO(lO) ND(100) ND(5.0) ND(5.0) ND(0.2) ND(5.0) ND(5.01 NO(10) NO(5.0) UNITS roiL AS N M3,IL roiL roiL roiL AS N ~ UNITS roiL M3,IL M3,IL 1.l3;L miL miL M3,IL miL miL 1.l3;L roiL 1.l3;L M3,IL miL 1.l3;L M3,IL --<XN:UlSICN--LAB NUMBER: 91010580 BI\= SPECIFIC BIANK BOJK-PJol;E 1248-57 1332-151 187-92 1378-7 1333-196 1341-13 1137-37 1343-101 1375-33 1397-18 1405-330 1405-341 1405-316 1405-329 1405-315 1398-24 1405-292 1382-16 1401-418 1362-42 1405-29 1401-426 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. ECOC 1820 - ~~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 (.U\LITY ~ITY a:NlRlL ~ 1 CLIENT: CI'IY OF SALINA - LANDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL ECOC 736 ~~, KS 674020736 = RPlD: 02/19;91 ""TE =: 01/15;91 PUROlASE Al.IlH: FILE 10.: 91-990 ORDER 10.: 739S/>. LAB NUMBER: 91010580 SAMPLE DESOUPI'ICN: BATOi SPECIFIC Bl'..ANK = = Al@.LYSIS 1\NI\LYST 1\NI\LYZED PREPPED MEIlOl AMImIA, = ><<5 01;28;91 NA EPA 350.3 OlLORIDE eRE 01;21;91 NA EPA 325.2 CERCr1IUM, HEXAVALENI' ><<5 01/15;91 NA SM 3125 ax> ><<5 01;28;91 NA 0.1. CORP. NITI<ATE,lNITIUTE eRE 01/16;91 NA EPA 353.2 PH DLS 01/16;91 NA EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED DIS 01/17;91 NA SM 209B SULFATE eRE 01/17;91 NA EPA 375.2 = OFGINIC CAI<BCN (SPAFGED) eRE 01/18;91 NA EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, 'I'OmL FIR 01;25;91 01;22;91 206.2/7060 BARIUM, = CI'G 02;lJ7;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 CM11It.1M, = CI'G 02;lJ7;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 CALCIUM, TOrnL CI'G 02;lJ7;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 QffiClillJM, = CI'G 02;lJ7;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 IOCN, '!'OrAL CI'G 02;lJ7;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 LEAD, = FIR 01;24;91 01;22;91 239.2/7421 MlIGESIUM, TOrAL CI'G 02;lJ7;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 MERalRY, = FIR 01;25;91 01;22;91 245.1/7470 romsSIUM, 'IOrnL CI'G 01;24;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 SELENIUM, 'lO'IN.. FIR 01;25;91 01;22;91 270.2/7740 SILVER, 'I'OmL CI'G 01;29;91 01;22;91 272.1/7760 SODIUM, '!OrAL CI'G 01;25;91 01;22;91 200.7/6010 --cc:tOIJSICN-LAB NUMBER: 91010580 MroI SPECIFIC BIlINK WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - SAL~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (9131825-7186 IAEOPATORY REPORT PAGE 1 a.IENI': CITI OF SMJ:NA. - U>.NDFIIJ,. ATm: JIM HILL BOX 736 SALI~, KS 674020736 D1\'lE RPID: 02;19;91 D1\'lE RC\ID: 01;15;91 PUROlASE !\l1IlI: FILE NO.: 91-990 ORDER NO.: 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010581 SAMPLE DESCRIPl'ICN: BI\TCII SPECIFIC =- ANALYSIS =CN UNITS BCOK-PAGE AMM:NIA, = 2.0;1.88;94 % 1248-57 OiLORIDE 50;54;108 % 1332-151 0lRCHIUM., HEKAVALENI' 1. 0;1. 05;105 % 187-92 ceo 104.5;123.8;119 % 1378-8 NI1FA'lE;NITIU'lE 4/4.2;105 % 1333-196 PH 7.0/7.0;100 % 1341-13 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED 408/440;108 % 1137-37 SULFA'lE 50/49;98 % 1343-101 = OR3I\NIC CARECN (SPl\IlGED) 10;9.9;99 % 1375-33 ARSENIC, 'lUl:AL 50.0;51.9;104 % 1397-18 BI\RIUM, = 2000;2307;115 % 1405-330 CAtmUM, = 50139/78 % 1405-341 CALCIUM, 'lUl:AL 50.0139.9;130 % 1405-316 aiRCMIUM., 'I'OmL 200;183;92 % 1405-329 IRCN, '!UrAL 1000;1052;105 % 1405-315 LEAD, = 50.0;51. 7;103 % 1398-24 ~ItJII, '!'OrAL 25.0;19.7/79 % 1405-292 MERCURY, = 1.00;U.93;93 % 1382-16 POrASSItJII, '!OrAL 25.0;23.1;92 % 1401-418 SEUNIUM, '!'OrAL 25.0;21.1;134 % 1362-42 SIL\1ER, '!OrAL 50/40;130 % 1405-29 SODIUM, rorAL 50.0/48.7;97 % 1401-426 ---<XN:lllSICN-LAB NU1BER: 91010581 BI\TCII SPECIFIC CXNIroL WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - SAL~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 CU\LITY ASSlJ!W1:E-Q:J1ILITY CCNIroL ClIVQ: 1 CLIENl': CI'IY OF SALINA. - LANDFIll.. ATIN: JIM HIll.. BOX 736 SALI~, KS 674020736 !l'.TE RPID, 02;1.9;91 !l'.TE RC\ID: 01;1.5;91 FUROlASE AIJIH: FILE NJ.: 91-990 ORDER NJ.' 7395A LAB NUMBER: 91010581 SAMPLE DESCRIPI'ICN, BATCH SPECIFIC <XNm:JL = = l\NALYSIS l\N.>.LYSr l\NALYZED PRt.t'.t'ED ME:IHD AMM:NIA, = WNS 01/28;91 ~ EPA 350.3 OILORIDE em 01/21;91 ~ EPA 325.2 OIRCMIUM, HEXAVALENr WNS 01;1.5;91 ~ SM 3128 cro WNS 01/28;91 ~ 0.1. CORP. NITRATE;mnuTE em 01;1.6;91 ~ EPA 353.2 PH DLS 01;1.6;91 ~ EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED DLS 01;1.7;91 ~ SM 2098 SULFATE em 01;1.7;91 ~ EPA 375.2 = OOC/INIC CI\I<ECN (SPARGED) em 01;1.8;91 ~ EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, '!'OrAL PLll 01/25;91 01/22;91 206.2;7060 BARIUM, 'IOTAL CllG 02/07;91 01/22;91 200.716010 CArr11U1, '!'OrAL CllG 02/07;91 01/22;91 200.716010 CALCIUM, = CllG 02/07;91 01/22;91 200.716010 CllIOmlM, = CllG 02/07;91 01/22;91 200.716010 I~, 'IUI1\L CllG 02/07;91 01/22;91 200.716010 LE>\D, = PLll 01/24;91 01/22;91 239.2;7421 fI1AG'E)IUM, '!OrAL CllG 02/07;91 01/22;91 200.7/6010 MERa..lRY, 'IOmL PLll 01/25;91 01/22;91 245.1;7470 POTASSIUM, '!OrAL CllG 01;24;91 01;22;91 200.716010 SELENIUM, '!orAL Pili 01;25;91 01;22;91 270.2;7740 SILVER, '!OrAL CllG 01;29;91 01;22;91 272.1;7760 SCOIUM., 'IOOO., CllG 01/25;91 01/22;91 200.716010 --o:N:llJSICN-LAB NUMBER, 91010581 BATCH SPECIFIC <XNm:JL WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BaK 1820 - SAL~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 CUALITY AS~ITY = ~ 1 a.IENI': CIT'{ OF SALINA - lANDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL BaK 736 SAL~, KS 674020736 !l".TE RPlD: 02/19;91 !l".TE RCVD: 01/15;91 PURClII\SE AI1IlI: nLE N:>.: 91-9501 <:>IDER N:>.: 07395 LAB NUMBER: 91010576 !l".TE SAMPLED: 01/15;91 SI\MPLE DESCRIPI'ICN: WI U4 TIME SAMPLED: 1045 !l".TE !>\TE ANALYSIS !>NALYST !>NALi'ZEI) PREPPED MEIH:XJ AMM::MA, =. iNl 01;28;91 "" EPA 350.3 OlLORIDE CIlE 01;21;91 "" EPA 325.2 0iRCMIl!1, HEXAVALENT >N.; 01/15;91 "" SM 3128 COO iNl 01;28;91 "" 0.1. aJRP. NITRATE;NITRITE CIlE 01/16;91 "" EPA 353.2 PH iNl 01/15;91 "" EPA 150.1 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED DLS 01/17;91 N1\ SM 2098 SULFATE CIlE 01/17;91 "" EPA 375.2 =. ORGlINIC CARBCN (SPARGED) CIlE 01/18;91 "" EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, '!OrAL PLlI 01;24;91 01;22;91 206.2/7060 BARIUM, =. eM; 07/02;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 CAI:r1IUM, '!urAL eM; 02/07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 CALCIUM, '!OrAL eM; 02/07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 Qffi(HIUM, '!OrAL eM; 02/07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 IRCN, 'lOTAL eM; 02/07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 LEI\D, =. PLlI 01;24;91 01;22;91 239.2/7421 ~IUM., '!OrAL eM; 02/07;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 MERCURY, =. PLlI 01;25;91 01;22;91 245.1/7470 POmSSItlo1, '!OrAL eM; 01;24;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 SELENIt.!1, 'lOTAL PI.II 01;25;91 01;22;91 270.2/7740 SILVER, 'lOTAL eM; 01;29;91 01;22;91 272.1/7760 SCDIUM, '!OrAL eM; 01;25;91 01;22;91 200.7;6010 ---<XN:WSICN-LAB NUMBER: 91010576 WI U4 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH S"~l' - P.O. BOX 1820 - ~,KANSAS 67402-1884 - (9131825-7186 P>GE 1 tJ\EORAIDRY REPORT CLIENI': CITY OF SALINA - I.l>lIDFILL AnN: JIM HILL BOX 736 SAL~, KS 674020736 Dl'<1E RPID: 02/19;91 = RCVD: 01/15;91 PUROlASE At1lH: FILE NO.: 91-9501 ORDER NO.: 07395 lAB NUMBER: 91010576 SAMPLE DE:SCRIPITCN: n; #14 Dl'<1E SAMPLED: 01/15;91 TIME SAMPLED: 1045 !\N1\LYSIS aN:ENlR'\TICN ooTS lIMl'D'lIA, = OlLORIDE II ~ 0iRCl1IUM, HEXAVALENI' = </0 NITRATE;NITIUTE I, "- PH /,,:; SOLIDS, DISSOLVED S (" 0 SULFA1E = ORGANIC CARECN (SPARGEIl) 8- ARSENIC, '!OrAL BARIUM, = JJr Cl\IX'IIUM, = CALCIUM, '!OrAL q't. 0 OiFO'tIUM, TOrAL IR:N, 'IDI1\L ,QOo ""'LEAD, '!orAL s: <; ~IUM, 'I'OIN. 12,'5' MERCURY, = POTASSIUM, 'IomL -~ SELENIt.R1, '!orAL; I 1 SILvm, '!OrAL SOOIUM, = .,~, 2.. 0.1 110 NO(0.02) NO(10) NOIO.11 7.0 450 44 NOll) NOI10.0) 135 NO(5) 89.1 NO(101 283 33.2 21. 7 NO(0.2) NO(5.0) NO(10) NO(10) 51.3 l'I3IL AS N l'I3IL l'I3IL l'I3IL l'I3IL AS N STI\NOMD UNITS l'I3IL l'I3IL M3/L u>;L !NIL !NIL M3/L !NIL !NIL u>;L l'I3IL !NIL M3/L !NIL !NIL l'I3IL --<XN:LUSICN-lAB NUMBER: 91010576 n; #14 d.;rl, O..{ k/<,'-G- 3" 70 38" BCOK-PAGE 1248-56 1332-151 187-92 1378-7 1333-196 1341-13 1137-37 1343-101 1375-33 1397-17 1405-330 1405-341 1405-316 1405-329 1405-315 1398-21 1405-292 1382-15 1401-418 1362-41 1405-29 1401-426 WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. BOX 1820 - SALI~, KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 U\BOlWIORY REPORr PN;E 1 Cl..IENT: eIT'f OF SALINA - lANDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL BOX 736 ~,KS 674020736 !l'.TE RPlD: 02/19;91 Il'\TE RCVD: 01/15;91 PUROlI\SE !\IJlR: FILE 00.: 91-9501 ORDER 00.: 07395 LAB NUMBER: 91010577 Il'\TE S1\11PLED: 01/15;91 SAMPLE DESCRIPl'ICN: ,.., #15 TII'lE S1\11PLED: 1136 AN1\LYSIS CXN:ENIRATICN tNITS ECXlK-PN;E AMM::NIA, mrAL NO(O.l) >G/L AS N 1248-56 OILDRIDE 40 M:;/L 1332-151 amao:UM, HEXAVALENT NOIO.02) >G/L 187-92 = ,i;" NO(lO) >G/L 1378-7 NITIlATE;NITRITE O. ~ 0.2 >G/L AS N 1333-196 PH 7,f! 7.3 5T1\NrWID tNITS 1341-13 SOLIDS, DISSOLVED .3, c.. 348 >G/L 1137-37 SULFATE (, 3 53 >G/L 1343-101 mrAL ORGANIC Cl\ROCN ISPAR3EIJ) 2- NOll) >G/L 1375-33 ARSENIC, 'IOl:AL ...... NO(10.0) Ul/L 1397-17 E'ARIUM, '!orAL ...v"V ( 10 C ) NOI1001 Ul/L 1405-330 CACt1Itl1, mrAL NO(5) u;;L 1405-341 CALCIUM, 'rurAL ~~ I 48.8 M:;/L 1405-316 alRCl'IIlJM, mrAL NO(10) u;;L 1405-329 IR:til, '!'OrAL Ill.. 152 Ul/L 1405-315 .......--LFAD. =t. 7,' 10.0 Ul/L 1398-22 MAG'ESItlM, rooo.. ;.t;', ? 25.5 >G/L 1405-292 MERCURY, mrAL NIJ(0.2) u;;L 1382-15 rorASSItI1, '!OrAL NIJ(5.0) M:;/L 1401-418 SELENIlI1, mrAL"'" D (!J. 0) NlJ110.01 u;;L 1362-41 SILVER, 'IOrAL. NIJ(10) u;;L 1405-29 SCDIl!1, rooo.. ~ I. I 39.3 M:;/L 1401-426 ---a::N:LUSICN-LAB NUMBER: 91010577 ,.., #15 cA.,,7"1, .'f w....L L t.s-' 70 67 , WILSON LABORATORIES 525 NORTH EIGHTH STREET - P.O. 80K 1820 - SAL~. KANSAS 67402-1884 - (913)825-7186 CUl\LITY AS~ITY a:NI'PDL OVQC 1 CLIENT: CITY DE' SALINA - lANDFILL ATIN: JIM HILL 80K 736 SALI~. KS 674020736 DATE RPID: 02;19~1 DATE RCVD: 01;15~1 PUROlASE AlIIH: FILE 1<).: 91-9501 ORDER 1<).: 07395 LAB NUMBER: 91010577 DATE SI\MPLI'D: 01;15~1 SAMPLE DESCRIPI'Irn: l'W #15 TIME SI\MPLI'D: 1136 DATE DATE .ANALYSIS mALYSr mALYZEIl PREPPED MEIHD !\M1OlIA. = <<<; 01/28~1 ~. EPA 350.3 CllIJORIDE CRE 0l/21~1 NA EPA 325.2 OffiCHIUM, HEXAVALENI' <<<; 01;15~1 ~ SM 3126 COD <<<; 01/28~1 NA 0.1. CORP. NITRATE;NInuTE CRE 01;16~1 NA EPA 353.2 PH <<<; 01;15~1 ~ EPA 150.1 SOLIDS. DISSOLVED Drs 01;17~1 NA SM 2096 SULFATE CRE 01;17~1 NA EPA 375.2 = ORGANIC ClIRBCN ISPARGED) CRE 01;18~1 NA EPA 415.1 ARSENIC, 'IOrnL PUl 01/24~1 01/22~1 206.2;7060 BARIUM, = = 07102~1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 CAImUM. = = 02107 ~1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 C!\LCIUM. = = 02107~1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 CBRCMIUM, 'IOTAL = 02107;')1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 I~, 'IOTAL = 02107;')1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 LFAD. = PLI! 01/24;')1 01/22~1 239.2;7421 MAGJESIUM, '!UrAL = 02107 ~1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 MERCURY, =- PUl 01/25~1 01/22~1 245.1;7470 POrASSIUM, '!orAL = 01/24~1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 SELENIUM, 'IOrnL PLI! 01/24;')1 01/22~1 270.2;7740 SILVER, 'IOTAL = 01/29~1 01/22~1 272.1;7760 SOOIUM, 'IOTAL = 01/25;')1 01/22~1 200.7;6010 -=.usICN-LAB NUMBER: 91010577 l'W #15 CL%S CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 1804 GLENDALE ROAD . SALINA. KANSAS 67401 1913) 827.1273 . (800) 535-3076 . FAX (9131823-7830 ,J "., --- CLIENT: CITY OF SALINA - SANITATION DIVISION ATTN:JAMES L. HILL PO BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 LAB NUMBER: 91030044 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW11 ANALYSIS ""' I' PAGE: 1 DATE SAMPLE RPTD: 03/18/91 DATE SAMPLE RECD: 03/01/91 CAS FILE NO: 91-5369 CAS ORDER NO: 5941 CLIENT P.O.: DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/91 TIME SAMPLED: 1125 AMMONIA, TOTAL COD CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT NITRATE/NITRITE PH SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SULFATE TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION ND(O.l) ND(10) n. ND(0.05) 0.6 7.5 440. 87. 3. ND(O.Ol) 0.5 ND(O.OOl) 100. ND(0.04) 45. 0.018 50. ND(0.0002) 9. ND(0.005) ND(0.02) 34. CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91030044 UNITS BOOK/PAGE MG/L AS N 89 /53 MG/L 393/14 MG/L 179/57 MG/L 69 /78 MG/L AS N 387/18 STD 388/12 MG/L 389/8 MG/L 47 /66 MG/L 229/20 MG/L 426/3 MG/L 392/58 MG/L 405/16 MG/L 341/21 MG/L 419/15 MG/L 343/31 MG/L 427/9 MG/L 340/24 MG/L 406/30 MG/L 339/10 MG/L 415/12 MG/L 377/78 MG/L 342/20 LAB NUMBER: 91030045 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW14 ANALYSIS AMMONIA, TOTAL COD CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT NITRATE/NITRITE PH SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SULFATE '- CONCENTRATION ND(O.l) 15. 124. ND(0.05) 1.7 7.3 510. 70. -CONTINUED- DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/91 TIME SAMPLED: 1150 UNITS BOOK/PAGE MG/L AS N 89 /53 MG/L 393/15 MG/L 179/57 MG/L 69 /78 MG/L AS N 387/18 STD 388/12 MG/L 389/8 MG/L 47 /66 CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. LABORATORY REPORT CLIENT: CITY OF SALINA - SANITATION DIVISION LAB NUMBER: 91030045 ANALYSIS TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION 3. ND(O.Ol) ND(0.2) ND(O.OOl) 110. ND(0.04) 8. 0.006 20. ND(0.0002) ND(5) 0.007 ND(0.02) 52. UNITS MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91030045 PAGE: 2 BOOK/PAGE 229/20 426/3 392/58 405/16 341/21 419/15 343/31 427/9 340/24 406/30 339/10 415/12 377/78 342/20 LAB NUMBER: 91030046 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW15 ANALYSIS AMMONIA, TOTAL COD CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT NITRATE/NITRITE PH SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SULFATE TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION ND(O.l) 2l. 39. ND(0.05) ND(O.l) 7.6 380. 92. 3. ND(O.Ol) NO(0.2) 0.001 70. ND(0.04) 3. 0.006 30. NO(0.D002) NO(5) NO (0.005) NO(0.02) 38. DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/91 TIME SAMPLED: 1200 UNITS MG/L AS N MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L AS N STD MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91030046 BOOK/PAGE 89 /53 393/15 179/57 69 /78 387/18 388/12 389/9 47 /66 229/20 426/3 392/58 405/16 341/21 419/16 343/31 427/8 340/24 406/30 339/10 415/13 377/79 342/20 -CONTINUED- CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. LABORATORY REPORT CLIENT: CITY OF SALINA - SANITATION DIVISION LAB NUMBER: 91030046 ANALYSIS CONCENTRATION UNITS PAGE: 3 BOOK/PAGE Quality control analyses were performed on samples at time of analysis in accordance with procedures published in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Re~lations part 136, July 1, 1986 or in EPA'Publication, SW-846, 3rd ed~tion, Nov. 1986. NDe), where noted, indicates none detected with the detection limit in parentheses. CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. ~.".JB~ ! /" Clif rd \I. Baker Labo atory Director , s s o " c~s CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. , 604 Glendale Salina. Kansas 67401 .913/827-1273 lod FIELD CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Q/.5.3..,Q Si.eName: t!.JTV OF'Y!UNIl (SI1uNll, U!t{i:i',L0 Sample Date: 3-/-1/ - COOLER CONTENTS - SAMPLE FIELD TEST SAMPLE OESCR1PTlON TIME COMMENTS ASSIGNMENTS muJl! 1/1-<;' .:1." CASING. MIA,} 1'1 /J<;O '-J" (AS/N4. ( ^ /V\w Ie:; fLOO LP' Cf.I!.ING.., JllIL1C.H/llL,' iT' - CHAIN.Of.CUSTODY CHRONICLE - (M1.rOpe~: (print) ~~~Pf>1ttD ''< f"lf! Date: '3 - ,- 'f [ Time: NfJ. SeeINo.:' NA Intact: Nll Signature: I J Q A_ . I have f9Ceived these materiaJs in good condition from th. above psrscn. Name: Signature: Date: Remarks: (MJ.rs.al~(P<intl'\2~{l.O :.:JAtno'Y\<)rV Date: 3+'11 Seal No.: 0:)01 'II SL SlQnature: 1..... u.. ".^. ^ FOR LAB USE CNLr Y /, h/4~' ~- 31.q( /;;1:30 Opened By: Date: Time: ....-_I~- "'_ . . . ISL T",..,.,,, ,... C;"'~! N.., QP~______ l"f~M _~ fr::> 0- (Ql CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES Sample Date: '~-f-'i { ~ ~~ 1804 GLENDALE. SALINA, KANSAS 67401 . TELEPHONE (913) 827-1273 Sample Time: I / L~-:;- FIELD INFORMATION FORM Sample Point: W mJLllJ -~ ~ PURGE OA1~ ,vvl,ll,l00, Purging Equipment. Purging Device Sampling Device lLh.tLtJ v. ~ STAIITPURGE WAHRVCIl,IHCASING 3 WnlVOllNCA$j~ (2'OOH,ClOekj (....lOI\Sl l~_' PUR~AND SAMPLING EQUIPMENT . . .Dedicated I Y I N Sampling Equipment. . . . . . . .Dedicated I Y I Q laodI larclo J...:Y A-Submersible Pump O.Gas Lift Pump G-8ailer X. B-Peristaltic Pump E-Venturi Pump H-Scoop/Shovel X. C-Bladder Pump F-Dipper/Bottle I.Piston Pump PURGING INFORMATION L11mY Lfu L6..J Will AClUALVOLUt,lEPWlGEO (G~SI "UIlGlNGOTHEAISl'fCINI SAM....'OIGor..E..'s..ECIN' Purging Material Sampling Material Tubing-Purging Tubing.Sampling Well Elevation Depth to water From top 01 well casing Groundwater Elevation Well Depth " 0 Lb.J LllJ Ie I ~ C-Polypropylene D-PVC E-Polyethylene A-Teflon B-Stainless Steel F-Silicon A-Teflon B. Tygon D-Polypropylene E-Polyethylene C-Rope X- N. 'It;) 1-./ !SPEC'''''l FIELD MEASUREMENTS LlRULJ (Itlmsl) Land Surface Elevation G-Combination teflonl Polypropylene '''w ~Ift) ~lfUmSI) ~Ift) tst Ll1IullJ '-.tond, Sample Temp. Depth to water From land surface Groundwater Elevation Stickup ",m/cm at 250 C . LWLJ ISTO) 1st T . BOTTLE Size PreHrv. P L N()t-JE "J IZ ",I I ANALYSIS 1"[ X- X- X- X- F>UAtI''lGOTHE'''SPEC'FV) SA~...t10TI<E"lSPEClFYI PlJAGING01'>!E"tsPEC....1 ~On<EArsPl!C'1'V1 Wl18...W W?Jm1iJ (ttlmsl) 1ft) LJ1I'.tlLlJ (ft/msl) ~Ifl) ~('C) FIELD Fih. Y/N FIELD COMMENTS Sample Appeaca"e' Dl (uy Odor: 'NONE! Color: 111 ^'- Turbidity:IYlO&~rB WealherCoodilions LlG.il7fl./JJI{, /AI/NO fflO/VI 5J)wft /O-(I)mPH .7-e.fl1{J S3<>F . . Other: WELL VOLUME CALCULATiON V -(O-Ow) (A) (7.48 gallft3) where V _ volume 01 standing waler in welt D = depth 10 bOllom 01 well below measuring point DW" depth to water below measuring point A_ cr sectional area 2N dia.A_ 0.0218 Source s: We~ 11'1I D<w."nngl~""U"~',of 101 c........._..._."..._... Well Appearance NQfmat: Yes IINo. Explain )( No 4N dia. A_ 0.0872 Samples Split? IJ A Split Sample Recipient N 4 Da" '''<'1#h ~ Signature: ' C' ' .--- Employer: .q. ..J leloCh",Sysltm c..ll#olen~" '" I,~! ~"'Jlltmenlfooi1y.. .. II'! Innuent IUl <"'''"''T '1' lRl SoIl.".., (ll 8<lnomSecllmonl '01 No<.. IlrWIrlSlmmlflrDall LidO/Oeo.,_ OJ~'" IS' '" '" Gonl"~,", PI om,,_. SOO<',f\' '" '" ([;~~ CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES Sample Date: 3+'11 1804 GLENDALE. SALINA. KANSAS 67401, TELEPHONE (913) 827.1273 Sample Time: II5D . FIELD INFORMATION FORM Sample Point ~ ~ _.~ PURGING INFORMATION ~ llJill]Qj v. Lil.NlJ ~ WtIQ9 PURGEOATE STAR1PUAGC \'I"'TERVOlIN~NG 3 WEllVlllINC.l.SlNG ACTUAL VOLUME PlJAG.EO "VMMOOI ,2'OOHfClOI:kl rG.lllansl lc..lIoln., 1G.lIOnSI PURG.l:f!) AND SAMPLING EQUIPMENT Purging Equipment. . ..... . .Dedicated I Y I N Sampling Equipment. . . . . . . .Dedicated I Y I l~ ,<"... ".do_ Purging Device L0..J A-Submersible Pump D-Gas Lift Pump G.Bailer X- L0..J PUI'G'''''OT''e~ISPl!e,rv) Sampling Device a-Peristaltic Pump E-Venluri Pump H.ScoopfShovel X- SA"PL"'''otHe~ISPEC1F'Y' C.Bladder Pump F.DipperfBottle I.Piston Pump Purging Material U2J A-Teflon C.Polypropylene E-Polyethylene X- lOJ puIIG'''GOT>tEII'SPEC'FY\ Sampling Material B-Stainless Steel D-PVC X- S.....~L..GOT>teRlS~ec'FYI Tubing.Purging LCJ A. Teflon D.Polypropylene F.SlIicon X- ~ ~UI<GINGOT>teR'Sl'EcFYl Tubing-Sampling B-Tygon E-Polyethylene G-Combination teflonl X- Polypropylene S~"~LtNGOT~eR1S~ECIFYI C-Aope X- N\JLO/oJ ,s~eC>Nl FIELD MEASUREMENTS Well Elevation WH..tilJ (turns!) Land Surface Elevation LlilflllJ (tumsl) Depth to water UJlJJ.OO Depth to water UJ115lll{d From top of well casing . '\v (ft) From land surface (ft) Groundwater Elevation Lill1:lW (ftfmsl) Groundwater Elevation LlJ::t.&lJ (ftlmsl) Well Depth .D UBW(ft) Stickup LUJJ.MJ (ft) ~(STD) ~/Jmlcm LMtiJ (oG) 1st 1st at 250 C Sample Temp. "' .oec.COI'CI BOTTLE ~ALYSIS FIELD T e Size Preserv. Flit. (Y/N P L- I~/..In" " 1'" 1/'\ P L- 1.lnN'" 1\ p CD...J I-h~O", n ,t" kl r..- II'" ~I I~ Y 1M I FIELD COMMENTS Sample Appearance: OllLf\l Odor: NON'; COlD" TA '"* Turbidity: L1.)vJ Weather Conditions: L\CkT Rnl N J INI NO R((J1V\ ~\A I O-tO /VlPI-\ ~p S-"of Other: WELL VOLUME CALCULATION WeliAppearanceNormal: y" Y- No V ''C~-Owl (A) (7.48 gaUft3) where II No. Explain V.. volume of standing water in well 0.. deoth to bottom of well below measuring point Samples Split? N(\ OW" depth to water below measuring point Spli' S'3~ R~'iP~A A. "'" "'1i0"" "'0 2~dia.A= 0.0218 4-dia,A.. 0.O87~ D." I ~ ~ Signature:' .\ 1 . -- -, Employer: C A ~ Source Codes: Well ,m L"d'IIt.SySllm '" P,mulmetltf'C1lly. ", RiW'lSUUmlBtnal '"' ,., '" G......,"""Pl '" O.".I.nnQlP..uu"A....f tOI Ua$CMil""'" '" Inf......,1 <", L...Of Cleun. '" SonomSeOt1'llllll .IB) o~, '" <...,.. W".. ''''00_'"'_''' I" A.-. '" Em"..,1 ill Ou~.~ ,0) NOISI '" ,-, c~s CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 1804 GLENDALE ROAD' SALINA. KANSAS 67401 (913) 827-1273 . (BOO} 535-3076 . FAX (913) 823.7830 CLIENT: CITY OF SALINA - SANITATION DIVISION ATTN:JAMES L. HILL PO BOX 736 SALINA, KS 674Dl LAB NUMBER: 91070558 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW-14 ANALYSIS AMMONIA, TOTAL COD CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT NITRATE/NITRITE PH SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SULFATE TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION ND(O.l) ND(10) 124. ND(0.05) 1.8 7.3 450. 58. ND(l) ND(O.Ol) ND(0.2) ND(O.OOl) 100. ND(0.04) 3.5 0.003 25. - ND(0.0002) ND(5) 0.009 ND(0.02) 52. PAGE: 1 DATE SAMPLE RPTD: 07/30/91 DATE SAMPLE RECD: 07/15/91 CAS FILE NO: 91-5369 CAS ORDER NO: 7458 CLIENT P.O.: DATE SAMPLED: 07/15/91 TIME SAMPLED: 0915 UNITS MG/L AS N MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L AS N STD MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91070558 BOOK/PAGE 89 /76 393/62 179/79 69 /91 387/78 551/3 389/36 47 /90 229/46 559/15 541/23 529/33 505/17 542/27 343/88 503/62 507/15 476/89 339/25 499/93 530/43 537/6 LAB NUMBER: 91070559 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW-14 FIELD DUP DATE SAMPLED: 07/15/91 TIME SAMPLED: 0915 ANALYSIS CONCENTRATION UNITS BOOK/PAGE AMMONIA, TOTAL ND~O.l) MG/L AS N 89 /76 COD ND 10) MG/L 393/62 CHLORIDE 128. MG/L 179/79 CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT ND(0.05) MG/L 69 /91 NITRATE/NITRITE 1.9 MG/L AS N 387/78 PH 7.4 STD 551/3 SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED 600. MG/L 389/36 SULFATE 56. MG/L 47 /90 -CONTINUED- CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. LABORATORY REPORT CLIENT: CITY OF SALINA - SANITATION DIVISION LAB NUMBER: 91070559 ANALYSIS TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION ND(l) ND(O.Ol) ND(0.2) ND(O.OOl) 95. ND(O.04) 3.5 ND(0.003) 25. . ND(0.0002) ND(5) 0.009 ND(0.02) 53. UNITS MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91070559 PAGE: 2 BOOK/PAGE 229/46 559/15 541/23 529/33 505/17 542/27 343/88 503/62 507/15 476/89 339/25 499/93 530/43 537/6 LAB NUMBER: 91070560 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW-15 ~ ANALYSIS AMMONIA, TOTAL COD CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT NITRATE/NITRITE PH SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SULFATE TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION 0.2 35. 38. ND(0.05) 0.2 7.7 350. 61- 1- ND(O.Ol) ND(0.2) ND(O.OOl) 55. ND(0.04) 5.5 0.013 25'- ND(0.0002) ND(5) ND(0.005) ND(0.02) 37. DATE SAMPLED: 07/15/91 TIME SAMPLED: 1020 UNITS MG/L AS N MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L AS N STD MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91070560 BOOK/PAGE 89 /76 393/60 179/79 69 /91 387/78 551/3 389/36 47 /90 229/46 559/15 541/23 529/33 505/18 542/27 343/88 503/62 507/15 476/90 339/25 499/93 530/43 537/6 -CONTINUED- CLilS CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. LABORATORY REPORT CLIENT: CITY OF SALINA - SANITATION DIVISION LAB NUMBER: 91070561 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MW-11 ANALYSIS AMMONIA, TOTAL COD CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, HEXAVALENT NITRATE/NITRITE PH SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SULFATE TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ARSENIC, TOTAL BARIUM, TOTAL CADMIUM, TOTAL CALCIUM, TOTAL CHROMIUM, TOTAL IRON, TOTAL LEAD, TOTAL MAGNESIUM, TOTAL MERCURY, TOTAL POTASSIUM, TOTAL SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, TOTAL SODIUM, TOTAL CONCENTRATION ND(O.l) 52. 70. ND(0.05) 0.7 7.5 460. 57. 1- ND(O.Ol) ND(0.2) ND(O.OOl) 70. ND(0.04) 0.5 ND(0.003) 35. ND(0.0002) ND(5) ND(0.005) ND(0.02) 38. PAGE: 3 DATE SAMPLED: 07/15/91 TIME SAMPLED: 1100 UNITS MG/L AS N MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L AS N STD MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L CONCLUSION OF LAB NUMBER: 91070561 BOOK/PAGE 89 /76 393/61 179/80 69 /91 387/78 551/3 389/36 47 /90 229/46 559/16 541/23 529/33 505/18 542/27 343/88 503/62 507/15 476/90 339/25 571/1 530/43 537/6 Quality control analyses were performed on samples at time of analysis in accordance with procedures published in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Re~lations part 136, July I, 1986 or in EPA publication, SW-S46, 3rd ed~tion, Nov. 1986. ND(), where noted, indicates none detected with the detection limit in parentheses. CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. ~o..~ Clifford J. Baker Laboratory Director . C,;\\S CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. ~ ~ . CAS CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES,INC. 'I J - 53 it,ci 1804 Glendale Salina. Kansas 67401' 9131827-1273 IOF ( FIELD CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Site Name: SAUAJI4 SANlfAflI( U4NDflL.L Sample Date: 7-1'5-'1 J - COOLER CONTENTS - SAMPLE FIELD TEST SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TIME COMMENTS ASSIGNMENTS MW-I4- 0915' HI.\J-( 4 flE,U) D4-PU ({-lIE' 0'\ IS" .<1 r\'\w-l5" {OW ".oJ' MW-fl 1100 ~ '';: ,\!\ '- '" ,<; ~o'j."" ,(i$fi - CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY CHRONICLE - CooIe'OpeqzSY: (Print~~PI1DOIN ~E:1D Dalo: '1-IS"-'\ ( nm.: N'A Sea/No,: _MIoI. Intact: "-1\<\ S9n.W~: 1 ~ I haw f9Cf1ivBd these materials in good condition from the above person. Name: Signature: Oat.: Rematkl: CoolerS. : (print) /I """,n r\ ~'Al'Y"'Y\ON Dalo: -.J -I S' -'11 S9n.tur~'\Y:' J J M- \ Seal No.: 01lSq ISSL . "-' FOR LAB USE ON~ D f1u..<- Oat.: 1-1C:;~ q, \I:~o Openad 8y: . ct ":J nm.: \I'{ Sea/No.: (';. ISq I">'>L. Intact /" Cooler No.: Temp. .C: . 3 CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. ISll4Glcndalc 1{"i1d S,llina. K,lnsilsb7-101 <lIJ.H:!7-1273 SllO-5)5-:~07n fAXQ1.1-H23-7Klll Client: CITY OF SALINA SOLID WASTE DIVISION ACtn: JAMES HILL P.O. BOX 746 SALINA, KS 67401 Page: 1 Date Sample Rptd: 01/20/92 Date Sample Reed: 12/20/91 CAS File No: 92-5513 CAS Order No: 9333 Client P.O.: Lab Number: 92010209 Sample Description: SAMPLE 1 & 2 Date Sampled: Time Sampled: / / Analysis Concentration Units Book/Page BOO COD Nitrate/Nitrite Kjeldahl Nitrogen Oil & Grease, Gravimetric pH Phosphorous, Total Solids, Suspended ND(5) 36. 3.5 ND(l) 16. 7.4 ND(0.2) 74. mg/L mgjL mg/L as N mg/L as N nig/L Sed mg/L as p mg/L 92010209 100 /52 640 /36 575 /71 568 178 707 /7 551 164 609 /15 729 11 Conclusion of Lab Number: Lab Number: 92010210 Sample Description: SAMPLE 3,4,5,6.7,8.9,10,11 Date Sampled: Time Sampled: / I BOD COD Ni trat:e/Ni tri ee Kjeldahl Nitrogen Oil & Grease, Gravimetric pH Phosphorous, Toeal Solids, Suspended ND(5) 35. 3.7 ND(l) ND(l) 7.5 0.3 180. ~ Book/Page mg/L 100 152 mg/L 640 /36 mg/L as N 575 171 mg/L as N 568 178 mgiL 707 17 Sed 551 164 mg/L as p 609 115 mg/L 729 11 Analysis Concentration Conclusion of Lab Number: 92010210 Quality control analyses were performed on samples at time of analysis in accordance with procedures published in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 136, July 1, 1986 or in EPA Publication, SW.846, 3rd edition, Nov. 1986. ND(), where noted, indicates none detected with the detection limit in parentheses. Samples will be retained for thirty days unless otherwise notified. SERVICES, INC. Analysis Request (Q;&~ Coollnont.&1 A"",Iy1I~1 SOfV1.ooc. Inc- - nl: i_ i\)-',[L' w)JJ'(J\\\'\ ;~nl Contact: crtent P.O. or Job It. . .'<::tat ReportioJ Requirements: ~te Requested: . Date Due: S Contact: . Date ~es Sent Of Received: (~Ocw, Lab 1/./ Sample Desa~n Analyses Roquosted Spoc:iallostrudons %j 1J\,l- L,4\e L 4,M ^~ i",,~l.L '\\ r _-....(.>();,1q J.." \ \ 6,COi) ~S \ Go ~, G gLO.W v"'-< ':i.b i,Go bOW 9U~~ ~\ \ 10 U LD'o 9 L 14-0 ,. . \ \00 \"1-."- IjU~<+~ ,,& - - aL ,cr,,,,-=-- ,.:.'..... \100 -1~\~ 1j1, 'Cld-, ~ \\) \\)0, ~LL<:,) 1'6 \'J.v L,;)I \ - , .~ \\ <rJ -\ov0 n-' :'"!;'o:::_, . -- '<\. , , . ......-.. , - - c.<.s1'~J: Chain-aI-Custody Record .Cl~:" u{ -lk\~E'6~~;i.I.? PflOJECT. ----- -~--lpROJECTw.ME .-------.. - --- --- -------- ---"\ - --- __ Sa.-J;\']Q..-J1fd5': It ..S^. . o. _~~ ''-___ BSIGNATUREI $NM'lEDBY(PAIN'ED)~ ~~ _ R<:>b,,,L Jl-!dm ~..,., -S.o.LIPlEI/lFOFIUATION - ..<!t<Y L '" ". ._- ---_.~,,~ -2.~/-r-: g - .. 3 .. - '-Y'~ I~~' _L_ 'Z''<l . II.:Jr- _.;L.n P/~L ~~". v 'Ph. //:/0 V ----S. -7. n f!1*,;"IL:~Q v ___ ~.~ A_{g~'--___ _'iL.._Q,~l";'-(JV _~~ ~ A 1.1<1-_ (\~)a?J!\la;JIl v._____~ o___..A-l."lC..l___ _10_ 1"/2f:/9.l !~:3o. ./ I , ' I V\ ) II "'!"ill !~?If _ ____ I I " I I .J"x1'.1 ..__ S~MPHIO' D~TE ,., D8YISIGU~tlJllEI ~\/(\ ~ ,-~- AHlt,lQUlSHEIlB [I; AECEIVEll' '''~Of''r~'L:'"'''' TO (_) SEt,(JR( ,..;,- Continental Analylical Services, Inc. 1804 Glendale' Salina. KS67401 (913) 827-1273 '(600) 535-3076 FAX (913) 823.7830 PARIJ.IE1ERS ) / / / """ "" SA.YPlElOCATOl REMARKS . ~ / ~ ~ / .' " lUZ,_ 3~ e.AM"~d l. _S~~~,,.- "ll".12.15..1fz. 'I " I' X ~ S "Q" 't. "A" RElffOUISIlEDBY1PAflTEDI 2,\,..~U lid"" AElINlltlSHEOBVIPRlNfEOl: OAfEflIME /4/:JJ RECENEOBV(SlGtlATIIRE) RECENfOBV(PAlIllEOj OATE.lIl.lE ~~I RECEIVEOBVIPRINTEOl OAT[,1!1.lE RECENEODVISlGNAMlEj DAT[-11.lE \l\..~SHIPPEOVIA: \ AElMRKS LL\p;:,C"--"\ ,~~ Ie SEND INVOICE 10 WMe-LBbOrBIO/)'Copy CAS 1390 l)9.1 OK Ye!low_ChenlCop-, r---' Cooler No.: (o{lO CAS CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 1804 Glendale Date Sealed: Salina, Kansas 67401 .913/827-1273 Seal No.: By: SHIPPING ORDER CAS Order No.: Order Requested By: Order Received At Lab By: DaJr.:Pf9/9/ SHIP TO: cn:>,.~~ ~ (A~ , Att?;(q Street Address City, State, Zip Client Job Number . - SAMPLE CONTAINERS - QUANTITY CONTAINER TYPE PRESERVATIVE TEST ASSIGNMENT 'l ~,L)'-':;:: w-1 _-7-,' :S^dIS'< '7;> Ll . Ul , .- .:::t ,~"', ,,,,I ) 0, .7. . JJ, <;",,, T"v,J' dk, -r-A y /J,/ 'J. x?,T,. , ) n ,~, '- -.z.. -1 -;:--';:' " :J >>",^'.,."Or:::'-o 77_'. LI~ ') ru TV.I ,It\~ -'-"y"? I IV " I' -r- 0 in J.. O. .I'. lo..r' I .- U speciallnstructio/r )t";~ 'OJ ,7f" /P ;! , 0 Enclosures: Ship Vi~ (it ,J, AI I "-<u!- Date Required at Destination: Order Completed By: Dat.:/d/9/ q / Chocl<od By: V Cooler Opened By: (print) Date: Signature: Seal No.: DID VOU RECEIVE ALL VOUR BOTTLES? V.. No DID VOU RECEIVE VOUR BOTTLES ON TIME? V.. No WERE ANV BOTTLES BROKEN OR LEAKING? V.. No ------ . ---.- . ~ S " " . gS.'i8.00419311~416am APPENDIX D KDHE MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVELS " MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVELS-CURRENT AND PROPOSED PREPARED BY KOME AUGUST 1992 INORGANICS MCL Comments Antimony 0.006 109/l Effective 1/9. Arsenic 0.05 109/l current Asbestos 7 MFL Current Barium 2 109/l Effective 1/93 (Raised) Beryllium 0.004 lng/l Effective 1/94 cadmium 0.005 109/l Current (Lowered) chromium 0.1 109/l current (Raised) copper na Treatment Technique Cyanide 0.2 lng/l Effective 1/94 Fluoride '.0 lng/1 Cu.rrent Lead na Treatment Technique Mercury 0.002 lng/l current. Nickel 0.1 109/l Effective 1/94 Nitrate 10 109/l . Methemoglobinemia Nitrite 1 lng/l . CUrrent Total N03/NOz 10 lng/l Current Selenium . 0.05 lng/l CLlrrent (Raised) Silver na Secondary Std 7/92 SuI fate 400/500 lng/l Deferred Thallium 0.D02 109/1 Effective 1/94 VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzene Carbon tetrachloride(CC1') para-Oichloroben~ene a-Dichlorobenzene , 1 f 2 Dichloroethane 1,1 Oichloroethylene cis-l,2 dichloroethylene . trans-l,2 dichloroethylene oichloromethane ' 1,2 Dichloropropane Ethylbenzene Hexachlorobenzene Monochlorobenzene styrene Tetrachloroethylene Toluene 1,2,4 Trichlo~oben~ene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Vinyl chloride Xylenes 0.005 109/l 0.005 lng/l .0.075 lng/1 0.6 lng/1 0.005 lng/l 0.007 lng/l 0.07 109/l 0,1 109/l 0.D05 nig/l 0.D05 mg/l 0.7 lng/l 0.D01 mg/l 0.1 mg/l 0.1 lng/l 0.005 lng/l 1 lng/l 0.07 lng/l 0.2 lng/l . 0.005 mg/l 0.005 lng/l 0.002 11\g/1 :10 11\g/1 current Current Current CUrrent Current Current Current Current Effective 1/94 Current Current Effective 1/94 Current current current current Effective 1/94 Current Effective. 1/94 current Current Current ~DH~ ~orbes Word Proe TEL NO.913-296-6247 TRIHALOMETHANES Chloroform Bromoform Bromodichloromethane Dibromochloromethane 0.1 mq/l 0.1 mq/l 0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l SOC'S, PESTICIDES AND PCB'S Acrylamide na Adipates(diethylhexy) 0.4 mg/l Alachlor (Lasso) .0.002 mg/l Aldicarb (Temik) 0.003 mg/l Aldicarb sulfone Oe002 mq/l Aldicarb sulfoxide 0.004 mg/l Atrazine (Atranex) D.003 mg/l Carbofuran (Furadan 4F) 0.04 mg/l Chlord.ne 0.002 mg/l D.lapon D.2 mg/l Dibromochloropropane(DBCP) 0.2 ug/l 2,4-D 0.07 mg/l 2,4,S-TP (silvex) O.OS mg/l . Dinoseb 0.007 mg/l Diqu.t 0.02 mg/l Endothall 0.1 mg/l Endrin 0.002 mg/l . Epichlorohydrin na Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) O.OS. uq/l Glyphos.te 0.7 mq/l Hept.chlor (H-34, Heptox) 0.4 ug/l Heptaohlor epoxide 0.2 ug/l Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.05 mg/l Lindane . 0.2 ug/l Methoxyohlor (DMDT) 0.04 mg/l PAR's [Benzo(a)pyrene] 0.2 ug/l Pentachlorophenol o.ooi mg/l phthalates(diethYlhexyl) 0.D06 mg/l picloram O,S mg/l Polychlorinated Biphenyls O,S uq/l Simazine 0.004 mg/l 2,3,7,8 TCDD (Dioxin) 3E-8 mg/l Toxaphene 0.003 mg/l Vydate (oxamyl 0.2 mq/l Dual and Sencor are not regulated yet Dee 2,92 11:04 No.005 P.OI/OI Total of all THMS " " " Treatment Technique Effective 1/94 current Deferred Deferred Deterred .Current Current current Effective 1/94 Current Current (Lowered) current (Raised) Effective 1/94 Effecti va 1/94 Effective 1/94 Effective 1/94 (Raised) Treatment Technique CUrrent Effective 1/94 current current Effective 1/94 Current (Lowered) Current (Lowered) Effective 1/94 Current Effective 1/94 Effective 1/94 eurrent Effective 1/94 Effective 1/94 Current (Lowered) Effective 1/94 ~DHE Forbes Word Proe TEL No.913-296-6247 RADIONUCLIDES Radon-222 uranium Gross alpha Gross beta Radium-226 & 228 300 . pCi/1 20 uq/1 15 pCi/1 4 mrem/yr 5 pCi/1 MICROBIOLOGICAL Giardia Lamblia Leqione11a Total coliforil1 na na 5% positive RHG KDHE 9/92 Dee 2.92 II :06 No.006 P.OI/OI proposed Proposed current current Proposed 20 pCi/l each Treatment Technique Treatment Technique Current APPENDIX E ."iF' ";:~ "..... ,', ,.....- ',--."-'-- ',',',',',,',', - ---- """'" ... STORMWATER DRAINAGE MEMOlUNDUM \SALlNA\8~'8.001 4151931. Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. DRAINAGE LETTER REPORT FOR SALINA LANDFILL SALINA, KANSAS 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Salina Landfill is located in Section 7, Township 15 South, Range 3 West, approximately 3 miles southwest of the City of Salina, in Saline County, Kansas. The active landfill site currently occupies approximately 60 acres of a total city-owned parcel of 640 acres. South, west and east of the active disposal area the land is relatively flat, and is covered in a variety of native grasses and moderately- sized trees, and the grades increase to approximately 4-percent and greater. 2.0 EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND CHARACTERISTICS The existing 60-acre landfill site is located at the upstream end of a larger drainage basin. An area of 90 acres contributes surface run-on to the existing landfill from the north. The majority of this surface flow is diverted around th'1"acti:ve;~ismsal ~~a bYJ1""~l1fi.'1Uld natural surface gradient. , '::<;; J},.,};,'-,i\~t ~~~~~t",,)~ ' @' The channel to the north intercept~suuac~--;rtfmr an<F~.rri~~ it we~into the adjacent drainage basin. Stormwater from the north-northeast flows to a natural drainageway which empties into culverts under the road to the south. 3.0 HYDROLOGY--RATIONAL METHOD The computation of peak flows throughout this analysis utilized the modified Rational Method. This has proven to be a simple yet effective procedure for dealing with drainage basins less than 100 acres in size and of uniform characteristics. The method yields conservative flow rates. With firsthand knowledge of the basin, the method is easily applied and the results are universally understood. Qp ~ CIA where: Qp = C ~ [ ~ A ~ peak flow (cfs) in cubic feet per secc.'md an empirical factor ranging from 0 to 1 which represents the amount of water running off as a proportion of the total amount of precipitation falling on the area the intensity (inches per hour) at Tc the area of the basin (acres) Camp Dresser'" McKee Inc. ISAUNA\855S.001 4151931. E-I Using topographic maps at a scale of I" = 200'. the drainage basins were delineated, and their areas were calculated with a digital planimeter (see Figure I). Points of concentration where peak runoff flows enter existing culverts were identified for future pipe analysis. The selection of basin factors, slopes, and general basin characteristics was made on the inspection of topographic maps and onsite walkdown investigations. The rainfall depth for a l00-year storm was derived from graphs supplied by the City of Salina Engineering Department (P100=2.1 inches). A time of concentration (Tc) of 10 minutes was used for all areas within the landfill site. The following equation was used to calculate the rainfall intensity (I), using a P100 of 2.1 inches and a Tc of 10 minutes: 1= 4.PlOO/l+O.OS.Tc Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALlNA\8S38.001 4151931, E-2 The table below summarizes the peak flows calculated for all drainage basins: PEAK FLOWS SUMMARY TABLE BASIN AREA (acres) PEAK FLOW (cfs) A 40 75 B 64 120 C 40 75 D 30 56 E 70 131 F 50 93 G 40 75 H 37 Where 1=5.33 inches/hour, Tc= To determine the peak flows from the upstream basin, a new time of concentration was calculated using the formula provided by the City of Salina Engineering Department. It yields higher than average times of concentration typical for the area based on vegetation and soil types: Tc = Ko*Lc(^0.37) I S(^0.2) where Ko = 1.040, an overland flow coefficient representative of pasture land (from City of Salina Design Criteria, 1988). Tc = 1.040*2400(^0.37) I 0.04l(^0.2) Tc = 35 minutes Camp Dresser & McKee Ine. ISALlNAI8558.001 4/51931, E-3 The new intensity derived from Tc=35 minutes is: I ~ 4'3.0 / 1+0.05'35 I = 4.36 inchesfhour The peak flow from the upstream basin is: Q100 ~ 0.35 . 4.36 . 90 QIOO = 140 cf, v~ I.486/n'R S and discharge Q = V* A I where, v = R ~ S = Q ~ A ~ ~Xr,r~i,e 'iflRg;ity, A f:'~d~t;t':["J&, quantity of flow, cfs area of flow, square feet A roughness coefficient of 0.027 was used, characteristic of unlined charmels with short grasses and sandy bottoms. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAUNAI8558.001 4/51931, E-4 0100 "" 140 cts I 2 EXISTING CULVERT CROSSINGS' , CHANNEL 1 2 3 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE PLAN M"~'M"M,,~,M"""" ........ .~""',.."M' ,,""'M" CDM ,-"""""".""...,"'" ~ l 1"""600' CONTRIBUTING FLOW 195 CFS 224 CFS 243 CFS SALINA LANDFILL SALINA, KANSAS Figure 1'10 1 APPENDIX F Camp Dresser & McKu Inc. \SALtNA\8S"~8,OOI 41519315 APPENDIX F SOIL BALANCE ANALYSIS The proposed Salina MSWLF expansion area depicted in the preliminary drawings (Appendix H), encompasses approximately 300 acres. Ideally, the site will be. designed such that all soils excavated during the construction of the individual landfill cells will be balanced to equal the quantity of soil required for daily cover and the final cap. This would constitute the perfect soil balance solution. The City of Salina site is somewhat limited, however, because of the moderately shallow groundwater. Excavation of landfill cells are thereby restricted and thus ideal soil balance design is similarly restricted. To maximize the efficiency of this situation the following design parameters were established: . Using existing groundwater depth information (O.S. Fent), base contours of proposed cells ":"""":"'" ...,/.,/.....c/,_c_ ,,:. ..-c.,-,-".',',..',',',:""",......//....._,,'c' were designed to maxi'e"::&cav~r s9'~:~::~:9uanti~ij~::.:: H~wever, a minimwn of five (5) feet of separation was maintMned betwe~h the cell hise andithe projected groundwater depth. . Minimum fill for roadwork, berms, etc. was designed to ensure minimal requirements for on-site soils materials. Using DCA engineering software, available airspace quantity was calculated between the base grade and final grade contours on the proposed expansion site. Over the approximately 300 acres which define the site, 20.13 MM COY. are available for total filL Considering a three (3) foot final cap and a four (4) to one (1) waste to daily cover ratio, this can be further sub-divided as: . Final Cap . Daily Cover . MSW 1.45 MM ex 3.74 MM C.Y. 14.94 MM C.Y. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \S^LlN^\~558,OOl 4151931, F-l Additionally, the quantity of soils available through cell excavation was calculated by comparing the difference between existing topographic contours and proposed cell base grade elevations. A total of 4.09 million C. Y. of soils will be available through cell excavation. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc, \SALlNA\8558.001 4/5/931, F-2 -;:'0" "':':':':':"""""':< :~:::"""@{-------- APPENDIX G . ::~:::,.:",_o?__};:,-,-,-o'oo\t :y:("':\ &ill, LANDFILL LINER SYSTEM EVALlJATION \SAUNA\&I~8.00] 4151931. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 INl'RUUucnUN 1.1 1.2 Regulatory Background State Regulations 2.0 SYNTHETIC LANDFILL LINER MATERIALS 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 3.0 CLAY LINERS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Synthetic Liner Materials Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene (CSPE) High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Seaming Technologies Adhesive and Bodied Solvent Seams Dielectric Seams Thermal Seams ~ Fusion Bond - Extrusion Bond Ultrasonic Bonds Seaming Testing DestructiVf#P~~! Non-DestrtWtivii: On-site and Off-site Clays In-Situ Clays Soils Admixture Failure Mechanism Test Pad Testing Requirements 4.0 ALTERNATIVE LINER SYSTEMS 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.4 Types of Landfill Liner Systems Single Liner Composite Liner System Double Liner System Evaluation of Alternative Liner Systems Regulatory Design Criteria Compatibility with Landfill Environment Installation and Quality Assurance Quality Control Proposed Liner Alternative Systems Estimated Construction Costs of Alternative Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALlNA\8:l58.001 41519315 G-i TABLE OF CONTENTS SKtion Page 5.0 COST COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAUNA\8SS8.001 4151931. G-ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION Land disposal of solid waste has historically been the method of choice for final disposal of municipal solid wastes. Over the past decade, documented incidents of groundwater contamination from landfills around the United States, coupled with increased reliance on groundwater for potable water supplies, have resulted in the development of more restrictive design and performance standards for siting, construction, operation, and closure of municipal solid waste disposal facilities. The intent of the existing federal and proposed state regulations is to prevent the contaminated liquid from moving out of landfill facilities into groundwater supplies. The primary mechanisms for the prevention of contaminant release are containment, collection, and treatment of the leachate generated by land disposal facilities. The following sections present technical, regulatory, and design related information regarding the most connnonly used methods for containment, synthetic flexible membrane liners (FMLs), natural soil liners, and soil admixtures. In this analysis, the various lining are economics of each alternative lining system. on perfonnance, reliability, and 1.1 REGULATORY BACKGROUND Land disposal of municipal solid waste is regulated at the federal level under Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258, dated October 9, 1991. This act establishes performance standards for the design and operation of non-hazardous municipal solid waste (MSW) (hazardous waste is controlled under Subtitle C of RCRA). The "Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills" (40 CFR 258) consist~ of location restrictions, operating criteria, design criteria, groundwater monitoring requirements, closure and post-closure requirements, and financial assurance criteria perfonnance standards that must be met by all solid waste management facilities. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALIN^\8S~8.001 4151931, G-l 1.2 STATE REGULATIONS The Kansas solid waste program is administered by the Kansas Department of Health and Envirorunent (KDHE). The state's solid waste regulations are found in two parts: Kansas Statutes Annotated (KSA) Chapter 65 - Public Health, Article 34 - Solid Waste, defines the state statutes pertaining to solid waste issues: Kansas Administrative Regulations Chapter 28, Article 29 - Solid Waste Management, defines the solid waste management standards and regulations. The state regulations have not been currently updated to address those issues covered by the federal RCRA regulations. 2.0 SYNTHETIC LANDFILL LINER MATERIALS Landfill liners are primarily used to contain and prevent the movement of contaminated liquid (landfill leachate) into the groundwater. ~e,~~:::al~g"s'rIve t~:,mirur:~~~:::,~atera1 migration of gases resulting from solid waste decomposition (~th:~1 H~'ne)i2Irsit~}o~~adja9int properties. In addition, liners ..... '" ,',','. '",.. , --,'-- '......' ",,', ,... "" ,,-- ,..-- , ----" "" can be used as a closure cap to inliib1t:pe'#~tril1bifof:gUrfite watEfP'into the deposited solid waste, thereby reducing long-term leachate production. This section briefly describes the commonly used synthetic flexible membrane liner materials, seaming technologies and seam testing techniques. Section 3.0 of the report discusses the use of native or imported clays and soil admixtures as liner materials. 2.1 SYNTHETIC MATERIALS Synthetic materials typically used in lining the base and sides of sanit~ry landfills are: . Polyvinyl Chloride (PVe); . Chiorosulphonated Polyethylene (CSPE) (HYPALON""); and . High-Density Polyethylene (HOPE). Camp Dresser & McKee Inc, \SAUNA\8S58,OOI 4/519315 0-2 These materials are installed in the landfill excavation in sheets or panels seamed together to cover the base and sidewalls of the landfill excavation. 2.1.1 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is what is known as a thermoplastic polymer compounded with plasticizers (25 to 35 percent) to make the sheeting flexible and rubber-like. PVC membrane also contains one to five percent of a chemical stabilizer and various amounts of other additives. Over time, the plasticizers contained within the PVC have a tendency to migrate out of the liner (in a leachate environment) leaving the liner material brittle. In some burial tests and in some liner applications, PVC FMLs have become stiff due to loss of plasticizers to the soil and biodegradation by microorganisms (EPA/60012-88/052, Lining of Waste Containment and Other Impoundment Facilities, published September 1988, page 4-25). Exposure to ultraviolet radiation also causes rapid loss (migration) of the Plasticizer',i2.~~~n~.::~~~~~~~g~:Gels of;she~~:,.,.~,ff:~t~:~ together in the field through the use of solvent based adhesives coiPri~Wl :9~:::~lve~%fwd ~q.' : Altesive and bodied solvent seams ~""'" ,,::::,. .,.., "'-",',',-,- are discussed in Section 2.2.1. .".,,----, ". 2.1.2 CHLOROSULPHONATED POLYETHYLENE (CSPE) Chlorosulphonated polyethylene (CSPE), (most common trade name is HYPALON'fM) has been in use since the early 1970's. Although CSPE liners are typically manufactured in five -foot widths, dielectric factory seams can be used to create a single panel of up to 25, 000 square feet, thereby dramatically reducing the number of in.field heat/welding or solvent seams required. CSPE is typically installed as an uncured membrane to permit seaming by heat or solvents. Because of this, it is important to transport and store the fabricated panels away from excessive heat to prevent the panels from sticking together. HYPALON™ is a CSPE that is constructed with a reinforcing fabric scrim between two sheets. The scrim strengthens the final product thereby increasing its dimensional stability properties. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAUNAI8SS8.001 41S/93ls G-3 2.1.3 IllGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) High-density polyethylene (HOPE) is a thermoplastic polymer based on ethylene. Most HOPE used in landfill applications is actually medium or low density polyethylene. HOPE fabric was originally manufactured at densities of 0.95 gmlcc or greater. These specific gravities were subsequently reduced to around 0.93 gmlcc to 0,94 gmlcc to reduce occurrences of stress cracking and polymer degradation during heat welding and seaming. Although the modified densities are not technically in the high density range as classified by ASTM standards, the industry has generally agreed to continue the use of the acronym HOPE for liner systems of this type. HOPE exhibits superior resistance to oils, most chemical solutions, some solvents, and permeation by water and gases. HDPE membranes are free of additives, such as plasticizers and fillers, except for the addition of carbon black to prevent ultraviolet degradation. 2.2 ":i8W""<::::::, SEAMING TECHNOLO!I,u:~> T;l 11 The method and quality of both in-field and factory seaming techniques playa major role in the quality and integrity of the installed liner and the performance of the landfill system. There are two basic types of field seams used for joining synthetic liner panel--adhesion solvent and thermal weld seams. The adhesion of bodied solvent seam is used for PVC and HYPALOr{I'M and the thermal weld is used for HDPE. Within these two basic categories of seams there are a variety of seaming techniques and seam testing methods utilized by liner fabricators and installers. The following paragraphs briefly describe these alternative methods. 2.2.1 ADHESIVE AND BODIED SOLVENT SEAMS PVC and HYPALONTM produce liner panels up to 103 feet wide and 750 feet long by using a factory seaming process (nonnally one-inch wide dielectric welds). These panels are then field seamed together using a three- to four-inch wide bodied solvent or adhesive seam. In a bodied solvent seam, the adhesive used to bond the seams in the field contains the same liner material that makes up the Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAUNAI1IS58.001 4/5193b G-4 liner sheet. The "adhesive" is applied to both surfaces, and the two surfaces are pressed together after becoming "tacky". When the liquid solvent evaporates, the bond remaining is then composed of the same material as the sheet itself. The application of heat with heat guns at temperatures of apprOi'<imately 2000F during the seaming process is reconunended to speed up the solvent evaporation process. As the solvent evaporates, the seam approaches its ultimate strength. If heat is not used, it could take a number of weeks (up to 28 days) for the seam to reach its full strength. 2.2.2 DIELECTRIC SEAMS Polar polymers such as HYPALON'fM and PVC can be joined together in the factory dielectrically to produce larger panels that are shipped to the job site where the panels are field seamed. This fusion type of weld uses large amounts of electrici to bond sheets in an environment similar to a {,'\J(""'"""" V'Wt"":::~: microwave oven. This process e n~(l beQii\~e ofllhe :bulky equipment and the power ill% needs. 'C_';'."_ 2.2.3 THERMAL SEAMS HOPE uses thermal-type welds in field seaming. Although this process is often referred to as a thermal weld, there is no molecular interchange like there is in the welding of metal. This process is, therefore, often referred to as bonding rather than welding. HOPE fabricators use two basic types of thermal seams--the fusion bond and the extrusion bond. Since HOPE is nonpolar, dielectric welding is not possible. Fusion Bonds: Fusion bonded seams are produced by melting a portion of the liner sheet (10 mils of a 60 mil sheet) to seam two sheets together. No additional material (extrudate) is used in fusion seams. This seaming method uses a hot wedge consisting of a hot electrically-heated element in the shape of a Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALlNA\8S58.001 415193ls G-S blade, or V-shaped wedge, that is passed between the two sheets to be sealed. When the hot wedge contacts the two sheets to be seamed, the heated element melts and smears the two surfaces causing fresh material to come to the surface. Immediately following the melting, roller pressure brings the molten surfaces together to form a homogeneous fused bond. Extrusion Bonds: Extrusion bonds are usually performed using a hand-held extruder in which an HDPE rod (called extrudate. made of the same material as the liner) is fed and melted, placing the molten HDPE extrudate at the fillet of the overlapped liner sheets. The surfaces to be seamed must be prepared by HDPE cleaning and grinding. Care during the grinding stage is important to avoid any over-grinding that would unnecessarily reduce sheet thickness. Some seaming methods temporarily tack the sheets together with a hot air gun at about 5000P to hold the sheets in place prior to applying the ::7:::~~:e~~::::~;:,d I;p:i~~~r~J.~t~~I;;;ij:1:t can cause weakening of fue -;-,-,-,. -,-,-;-, -'-'-',' '-"""'. .;" ';;;';;:". :';;;';;' ",--, ----- ---- --- -- .. ---- 2.2.4 ULTRASONIC BONDS This bond seams two HDPE sheets using a high speed vibration to generate the heat needed to fuse the sheets. This bond is typically used for top capping landfills and is not recommended for use in a bottom liner application. Some installers also use this method to temporarily hold the sheets in place prior to extrusion welding. 2.3 SEAM TESTING 2.3.1 DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Destructive testing of the seams is very important because it provides the only direct evaluation of seam strength and bonding efficiency. The two most widely used destructive tests for liner seams are Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALINAIlI5S8.001 41S1931s 0-6 the peel test and the shear test. The shear test is generally considered more representative of the forces most likely encountered during service as a bottom liner. Samples for destructive testing are cut out of the seams in approximately 2S-centimeters x 40 centimeters (to-inches x IS-inches) rectangular sections at SOO,foot intervals along the seam. Destructive testing for shear can be accomplished in the lab or in the field with the use of a tensiometer. The tensiometer is a device used in measuring tensile strength of synthetic liners and seam samples. The device has two members (shafts), a fixed member carrying one grib (similar to a clamp), and a movable member carrying a second grib. The test sample (approximately one-inch wide and six-inches long) is held by the two gribs in such a way that either shear or peel strength of the sample can be measured. The movable member is then pulled at a rate of two inches per minute with a load indicator measuring the tensile strength of the sample. The sample passes the tests when the film yields before the seam separates (sheet fails before weld), and the yield strength of the sheet for shear is 90 percent and peel is 70 percent. 2.3.2 NON-DESTRUCTIVE There are a variety of non-destructive testing methods being used to test field seams. The most common and effective methods are the vacuum box and air pressure testing methods. The vacuum box is often specified as a required testing method for liner seams. The method uses a plexiglass-faced suction box, typically three feet long and wide enough to cover the weld, placed over a section of the seam which has been moistened with a soap solution. When suction is applied to the seam through a suction pump cOlUlection on the box, leaks are detected by the formation of bubbles. The seam is maintained under suction for to seconds. This testing method can be conducted by two men at a rate of approximately 30 meters (34 yards) per hour. Air pressure testing is typically used when double-track seams are installed. The test is conducted by sealing both ends of the seam and pumping air between the two seams. Through the use of a manometer, the air pressure is maintained at about 30 psi. The maximum allowable loss in air Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALlNA\81~8.001 41S193I' G-? pressure shall not exceed four psi after 15 minutes. Camp Dresser & McKu Inc. ISALlNAI8.'iS8.001 4/5/9315 G-B 3.0 CLAY LINERS Liners constructed with clay soils have been used extensively for water and wastewater impoundments as well as for solid waste landfill liner systems. Properly placed and compacted clay soils provide a homogeneous low permeability liner that limits seepage. The thickness of clay liners varies according to seasonal high groundwater levels and the type of solid waste material to be deposited in the lined facilities. By definition, clay soils have fine particles consisting of clay minerals and other materials which pass through a number 200 sieve (opening size 0.075 nun). The clay minerals in the soil provide the necessary plastic and cohesive properties to enhance the low permeability of the soil and making it suitable for liquid containment. In order to achieve the desired hydraulic conductivity of clay liners through compaction, the soils should have the following general properties: 1. Minimum of 50 the 1.5-inch sieve. :?' itl ~! siW material and 100 percent passing __2::': 2. Maximum clod size of three inches or half the lift thickness. 3. Maximum particle size of 1.5 inches. 4. Minimum plasticity index of 15, with a minimum liquid limit of 30. 5. Be free of roots, woody vegetation, and other deleterious or original material. In addition to the above clay soil properties, compaction rate and construction techniques play an important role in achieving low permeability characteristics. The liner material should be compacted to 95 percent of standard proctor density in six- to eight-inch thick layers (lifts). The moisture . content should be kept wet of optimum during compaction (zero to four percent above optimum). Compaction of clay material at a moisture content wet of optimum tends to realign soil particles resulting in a more dispersed soil fabric and less voids. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALlNA\8.'iS8.001 4/519310 G-9 3.1 ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE CLAYS Generally speaking, the feasibility of using a clay liner at a landfill facility depends on the availability of suitable liner material on or near the site. For a three-foot recompacted clay liner, the cost of transporting and handling off-site clay material is usually higher than using a 6O-mil synthetic liner material. However, should a clay source be located on or near a proposed facility site, this can significantly reduce the installation cost of the liner by reducing or eliminating transportation costs. 3.2 IN-SITU CLAYS The presence of an in-situ continuous low permeability layer of sufficient thickness underlying a proposed facility site would be an ideal situation for the use of recoIDpacted clay liner. Basically, the overburden material would be excavated and stockpiled. and the top three feet of the clay layer would then be graded and recompacted. The excavated overburden material can be used for daily cover during landfill operation, or for ;'113!f~I;~~ri1\:tF~~]lllr;~uired. 3.3 SOILS ADMIXTURE Native soils on-site can be augmented with a soil admixture to further decrease the natural permeability of the soils. Commonly used admixtures include asphalt, soil cement, and polymer treated or natural bentonite (clay) minerals. The amount of bentonite required varies between 3 and 15 percent by weight depending on the native soils type. The amount of required bentonite and the proximity of the source to a proposed waste disposal site will significantly impact ,the economics of this approach. 3.4 FAILURE MECHANISM Laboratory tests suggest that dilute leachate would not adversely impact the permeability of clay liners if the liner is compacted unifonnIy and the moisture content is maintained wet of optimum during compaction. However, strong acids and bases can dissolve solid materials in soils and form channels, Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALlNA\8.'iS8.001 4/5/9315 G-lD thereby increasing the permeability of the liner. There is also a potential for the permeability of the liner to increase with time due to limited ion or cation exchange capacity. Before construction of the actual clay liner, a test pad is usually constructed and evaluated by required testing for Construction Quality Assurance (CQA). This is done to ensure material suitability and the ability of the construction technique to achieve a homogeneous low permeability liner. 3.5 TEST PAD The purpose of the test pad is to develop and verify construction techniques, testing, and quality assurance requirements for use in construction of the primary liner system. The test pad is usually constructed of the same soil material to be used in the construction of the actual liner . The following layers are commonly used in a test pad: 1. Two 6-inch layers of high permeability (1 x 10-3 cmlsec) gravel to provide free drainage under the liner. 2. ~;;::~: :ri~:~:~dtc:r~1~1!,~+~;l;roposed liner, compacted to 95 Width of the test pad should be a minimum of four times the width of the largest equipment to be used in the compaction. The length should be a minimum of four times the width of the compaction equipment. 3.6 TESTING REOUlREMENTS Prior to test pad construction, the soil liner material should be tested to support conformance of material suitability. The following liner source tests are typically performed: (1) grain size analysis, (2) auerberg limits, (3) moisture-density curve, and (4) hydraulic con'ductivity. During test pad construction, the soil liner material is tested to provide a correlation between the laboratory testing results and the construction techniques required to achieve a homogeneous liner base. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAUNA\8.'i58.001 4/5/931, G-ll The following tests should be performed as each lift is placed: (1) nuclear or sand cone density, (2) moisture content, and (3) laboratory and infield permeability tests. Density and moisture content tests are usually performed every 250 cubic yards of emplaced material. Undisturbed permeability tests are usually performed every 1,500 cubic yards of inplace material. 4.0 ALTERNATIVE LINER SYSTEMS 4.1 TYPES OF LANDFILL LINER SYSTEMS Common types of landfill liner systems are: (1) single liner, (2) composite liner, and (3) double liner. All types of landfill liner systems presented will require a minimum of 12 inches lateral drainage layer with 1 x 10-2 cmlsec permeability rate. The following sections briefly describe these liner systems and their applications. 4.1.1 SINGLE LINER Single liners are usually constructed from clay soils or synthetic geomembranes. Types and thicknesses of single liners vary according to the geological and hydrogeological information, groundwater depth and use, and site specific information. Most frequently used single liners are: 1. Three feet of recompacted clay with hydraulic conductivity no greater than 1 x to-7 cmlsec. 2. Sixty-mil HDPE liner which has an average equivalent hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10-12 cmlsec. 4.1.2 COMPOSITE LINER SYSTEM Composite linefs consist of a clay layer underlying a synthetic liner. The thickness of the clay layer in a composite liner typically varies between one and three feet, depending on the type of solid waste materials and associated groundwater contamination risk factor. A minimum of 6O-mil synthetic liner Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAUNA\8158.001 4/5mls G-12 material is commonly used over the clay layer in composite liner systems. Use of composite liner systems is becoming more popular in municipal solid waste landfills due to the lower leakage rate and improved durability. 4.1.3 DOUBLE LINER SYSTEM The double liner concept was initially developed by EPA for hazardous waste disposal sites. The double liner system consists of a primary liner (top liner) and a secondary liner (bottom liner). Both liners should have at least one l2-inch thick lateral drainage layer with hydraulic conductivity not less than 1 x 10.2 cm/sec, and a drainage system of pipes to efficiently collect and remove leachate. The leachate collection system of the secondary liner is often referred to as a leak. detection system. The primary liner acts as a first line of defense for the containment and removal of leachate. Should a leak develop in the primary liner, the secondary liner detects the leak., contains the leachate, and removes it through the leak detecd.~~~bl~ltiI Sy~. '" ,""''''tt. /C)1ft ..,.".". The double liner system could consist of two synthetic liners, a synthetic and a clay liner, two composite liners, or any combination of liner systems with a leachate collection/detection system for each liner layer. Double liner systems have been used for incinerator ash disposal monofills (ashfills). Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALlNA\8S58.001 41S193ls G-!3 4.2 EV ALUATlON OF ALTERNATIVE LINER SYSTEMS 4.2.1 REGULATORY DESIGN CRITERIA RCRA Subtitle D requires the installation of a composite liner system or a demonstration that the landfill will not discharge contaminants in violation of federal groundwater standards. The composite system consists of: 1. A composite bottom liner consisting of a 60 mil flexible membrane liner (FML) and a clay layer. The clay layer should be of a sufficient thickness to prevent leachate migration (three feet), and have hydraulic permeability no greater than 1 x 10-7 cm/sec. 2. One-foot thick minimum lateral drainage layer having a hydraulic conductivity of 0.01 cm/sec (0.02 ft/min), at two percent minimum slope toward the collection pipes (perforated). 3. The lateral drainage layer should be installed at the bottom and sidewalls. 4.2.2 COMPATIBILITY WlJllJInI~ A~I The selected liner material should resist the chemical components of leachate. and demonstrate the ability to maintain quality performance standards under the influence of a concentrated composition of leachate chemicals. Clay liners react differently with leachate depending on the chemical components of the clay particles. The best evaluation results can be obtained by performing aD in-situ permeability test using a representative leachate liquid to reflect the actualliner/leachate interface conditions. The hydraulic conductivity of clays usually increases when leachate is used in lieu of water. EP A's document Lining of Waste Containment and Other Impoundment Facilities, EP A/600/2-88/052, (published September 1988), presents test seam evaluations for several flexible membrane liners exposed to chemical solutions simulating service conditions. Among the samples are PVC and HPDE liners. The samples were immersed in the following chemical solutions: Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALINAI8'iS8.001 415/9315 G-14 Chemical ConcentrationA (%) Type Phenol 10 Organic acid HydrocWoric acid 10 Inorganic acid Sodium hydroxide 10 Inorganic base Methyl ethyl ketone 10 Ketone Furfural 5 Aldehyde Methylene chloride 100" Halogenated hydrocarbon NaCl at 23 degrees C 36.1 (saturated) Brine NaCl at 50 degrees C 37.0 (saturated) Brine Water 100 Tap water (Denver, CO) . Parts per tOO parts of water, by weight. Neat methylene chloride (100 percent concentration). o Pure chemicals or aqueous chemical solutions were selected, rather than actual waste/leachate from waste sites, to simplify the verifiCNiGupf4~g prpced~,s~"-:'c~4lqwugh some of these chemical ::::::::: '::::::", :::::~: :::::::~, .>^':,,& "'::< ,': c_ 'c' """~: compounds may not be found in tr~cl:11t~~~ _~Mtft~pallid waste sites, there is no certainty in controlling the types of solid waste received at a landflii site. The changes in weight of the FML samples inunersed in the various test liquids for 52 weeks are shown in Exhibit 4-1, Table 5-56. Results show the HDPE has the least percentage change by weight. The results of the peel and shear tests of the inunersed seams are summarized in Exhibit 4.2, Table 5. 57. Performance of the seams was considered to be satisfactory if 20 percent or less loss occurred in either shear or peel strength after exposure. The table shows that HDPE seams have satisfactory results after exposure. On the other hand, PVC seams have unsatisfactory results in five solutions after exposure. Exhibit 2 shows stress-strain performance curves for HDPE, PVC, and CPE (chlorinated polyethylene) liner materials. In both uniaxial and biaxial stress-strain performance, HDPE material maintains higher strength than PVC and CPE materials. respectively. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALlNA\SS5S.001 4/51931, G-15 Exhibit 4-4 depicts the comparison of leachate collection efficiencies for compacted soil liners with 1 x to-6 cm/sec and 1 x 10-7 cm/sec hydraulic conductivities, intact composite liner system, and composite liner systems with a small FML hole. The results show that composite liners have better leachate collection efficiencies than soil liners. According to the presented information on seams, the evaluation of flexible membrane liners, and stress-strain performance, it is proposed that HDPE liner material be used as a single synthetic liner alternative for evaluation. The HDPE liner was chosen over PVC and CSPE/CPE liners due to the hie:her strength oerformance and abilitv to maintain HDPE's ohvsical orooerties and field seams inte2ritv in an aqueous chemical enviromnent. 4.2.3 INSTALLATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY CONTROL Skilled and experienced persormel are required to successfully complete a liner installation project. Dry and moderately warm weather conditions are preferred during installation. Installation in extremely cold or extremely hot -w~~0:r'i'~tionsjran 1t~9DIle4. only if it can be demonstrated that adverse weather conditions WQY.ld)jJ~:~~Ct ~':::mte~ of tij installed liner and seams. This .) ,,' ,.:::,~ '(C'-~"" <'r" ,,:':':': , . ..,.,.,., can be accomplished through fOrfui1lB.ted--4~lIfiY ~Stii~~)ijualityklontrol (QA/Qc) procedures for the calibration of welding machines and test seam sampling prior to commencing actual liner installation. The following general installation procedures are normally used for synthetic liners: 1. An anchor trench is excavated around the perimeter of the area to be lined. The anchor trench should be cleaned and smoothed before placing (anchoring) the liner. The liner should be unrolled along and parallel to the anchor trench in the width direction. 2. The surface of the subgrade should be inspected to confirm that it is firm, free of sharp rocks or debris, and graded adequately for the leachate collection system to perform properly. 3. The liner sheets should be placed and seamed according to an approved panel layout drawing. Camp Dresser &: McKee Inc. lSALlNA\8S5S.001 41519315 G-16 .' ~.,L, 1 TADLE 5-56. C/lMlGE ItI WE IGIIT OF FilLS EXPOSED TO VARIOUS TEST LIQUIDS FOR 52 WEEKSa Change. percent by weight tlominal Saturated Type or thickness, Tap lIaCI b 101 lOX 101 lOX 100X 51 Polymer Samp 1 eC compoundd mil '-later 23'C 500C Phenol /lCl NaOIl fiE K CII2C12 Furfural CPE L TP 30 10.1 9 I. 41 1.10 25.61 I. 41 -2.07 29.89 -100.00 67.60 II TP 30 9.78 1.27 1.99 25.88 ). 24 -2.22 J8.63 -100.00 80.00 A(R) TP 36 22.10 2.37 3.09 37.11 9.47 8.25 18.25 -100.00 47.81 O(R) TP 36 9.27 1.20 0.40 6.10 -0.22 -5.37 12.72 -100.00 24.92 CSPE C(R ) TP 30 4.06 0.65 1.74 14.53 0.60 I. 20 4.60 -100.00 14.Q9 O(R) TP 36 8.10 2.23 4.\5 16.54 2.9U 2.25 16.01 -100.00 23.89 E(R) TP 36 5.81 3.00 4.~6 17.54 2.68 2.15 7.25 -100.00 10.09 F(R) TP 36 6.77 1.27 3.29 38.04 6.04 3.60 10.19 -100.00 38.55 G(R) TP 36 4.92 2.46 2.96 16.64 9.15 14.05 6.30 -100.00 17.43 /I(R) TP 36 5.12 2.46 2.73 16.68 3.68 14.59 6.47 -100.00 17.76 I(R) TP 36 I I. 72 2.96 4.15 19.03 .20.15 I), 94 14.82 -100.00 22.01 E1A J(R) TP 38 4.03 1.81 2.38 -100.00 7.12 -5.22 5.77 -100.00 32.30 EPOH K(R) XL 30 3.55 I. 55 2.94 8.61 3.76 ). 29 4.74 4.03 11.80 /lOPE II CX 30 -0.01 -0.01 . 0.14 -0.48 -0.28 0.32 0.39 6.74 0.83 0 CX 80 0.05 0.06 0.13 0.12 -0.29 0.19 0.55 4.07 0.59 P ex 80 0.01 0.01 -0.01 -0.31 0.12 0.18 3.17 0.34 Q CX 00 0.06 0.02 0.00 -0.41 -0.26 0.14 0.28 4.78 0.51 LLOPE R CX 30 0.00 0.07 0.27 -0.50 -0.79 0.21 0.63 7.52 0.72 PVC S IP 30 ). 57 -0.97 -0.54 -16.38 6.41 -18.11 2.91 -100.00 5.55 T lP 30 2.42 -0.81 -0.57 -15.90 3.69 -19.6S 5.51 -100.00 13.12 U IP 30 ). 53 -0.18 -0.50 -12.78 7.04 -14.97 I), 37 -100.00 15.35 ." antI solutIons are aqueous; expo:jllre was at room temperature (230(), except where otherwise indicated. x ::T A "5X" .or "lOX" solution means 5 or 10 9 or solvent per 100 9 1120, respectively. flethylene chloride was neat. ~. 0'" bSaturated,olutlon at 23'C is 26.5X by weight (36.1 9 per 100 9 /120); saturated solut;on at 50'C is 27.0X by ~. M" weight (37.0 9 per IDa 9 /120). ~ Cldentlflcation code; R ~ fabric reinforced. I - dyp = thermoplasttc; XL. crosslinked: ex .. semicrystalllne thermoplastic. Source: Hard son and rarkh i 11 , 1987, PP 81-85. " l^8l( $.57, r[prORllhll([ or rill UAH SNlrtES (lfOnD 10 YMlIOUS 1[51 liQUIDS' hit IIquldb Ilolllln.l S.t\lf,l'!d thl(\IItu. 5uIII l,.p~ h, Il,Clc lOt lOt 101 \0' 100S I' Polprr 5'/IlIltd .11 U"'Pht of su..' ",.tff 2J'C ~O'C rhtnol )ICl fl.Oll "" (112(12 rwrfuo' cr. L 30 II IA S S I . . . . . . L 30 ,. $A . S S . S . . . . " 30 \1 101 . S S . S . . . . " 30 " $A . S S . S . . U u A\'l " I IliA. U U U . U U . U u '\' " 11 '$A . U . U . U . . . '\'l 36 I 1IlA S S S U . . . U . '\' " " SA S S . U . . . U . r1;rf Cflll 10 , IliA S . \ . S . S " S C\'I 30 19 ISA S S Q S S . S U . 0\') " . iliA U . . U S . . . . 0\') " '0 IS' U U . . S . . U u '1') J6 S ilIA S S 0 . Q u . . . n:l J6 II .. S S S u Q u S U S J6 6 IliA U U S . U . U . ., FI" J6 II ISA S S S u S . S . u 01'1 J6 , IS' S S 0 . S U S U S 0\' J6 " SA S S S . S . S U . 11(11 J6 8 101 S S S U S . S . U 11(11) J6 l4 $A S S S U S u S U 0 1\'1 J6 " $A S S 0 U U . S . S '" J\') JI . 11'''' S S U S U . U u JI') JI 16 HIA S S . S . U U U HUl 'I" .0 10 VI S S S S S . S S S l(R) '0 " Olt . U S . . U U 0 . lIf1rf " JO ]0 HW S S S S S S S S S 0 80 J! "" S S S S S S S I I p 80 J! "" S S S S S S S S S 0 '0 JJ 1011 S S S S S S S S S llDrt , 30 IJ 1I1W' S S S S S S S S S , 30 " 111" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . rYf': . 1" H .. . S \ II . " II U II S 3D 31 SA S S S U I U U . . 1 30 IS 101 S S S . S . U U U 1 3. J6 $A S S S U S . . . . . 30 " SA S S S . S . . U . rvc.crt 30 16 ,., . . . U . U . U . ", .SU_'fr of tht ftlul!.! of lull"', ""'Ill" .ft,!f l.6. ,-. Il ~O"t"s of r'r~sutt', U . uns ~t Is' 'ct",y; 0 G',~st lon.blt: X :5. ,.tlsl.CIUft. rerfor~.nc, lollS tonsldtrtd uns.tlsfatlofY If thef' wU ",ort t'h.n . 201 loss In tlth" shur or P'!tl ::r ttr'"9th "ttr t~Posurt. 0- bAll Joluttons 1ft .qul!:aUS; t.pO~U't wu Jl roo" tt/rIPl'rlturr {lrC}, tJ""t ..hrrt ctht,...,ht ,..dluttd. A "Sl" ~. 0" -101- solution IIIU'" S or 10, 01 IOht..l rt' 100, IIZ0. rUPtctl.~l,. "rthy'r..t chlorldr .." "~It. .-+ Chtunhd solutio" .t U-C Is 26.51 by wrl,ht (36.1 9 prr 100,- ltZO)i utur.ttd lolutlo.. It SO.C Is Z1.01 by "~'9ht ..,. (31.0 t per 100 9 1120). I dldt'ntlrlullon for fill 11 luhd In I""'t'rslo... , . f.brlc-rrl..lorctd. N rldtntlrlutlon for rill .,.d s"..1"9 S,st".... '^O _ .dhtsht'; ISA _ bodlrd Jolunt .dhul.ti (I" . ,_,rUllo.. flllrt ..,ld; (t" . t.tru,lo" l.p __"d; Gle . 9\1'" tu', ,-. crlll,n'i SA. sohr..t .dhrshri 101 . thr'....I..dltltctrlc: 1171' . thtn,..I-.hot du.l ..~d9'; lItA . lhtr~.I--hol IIr; "'" . th".""lnhot wrd,,: VI . .,ulCllnlrrd plus 0.15-1... up slrlp. SourCrl Horrlso" .nd r.r.hlll. 198'. pp 10-15. "000 3000 ;;;; .. .,; ~ ~ ~ ~ 2000 ~ -.- .___-~.-. TO )ebO PSI .....i"\).-- :1 pt p...l"'.=-- - --,... 'r\y.:::-- _- ..--. --- --.-- "...-.__. ---:_."'"i,a\) __. __ ~c. \"U1\\& .;"'. __ I /' ,.......... ,,/" .......... ./ ./ ./' /' / / / / / / I I / I PV I,....-r. , I " , X HOPE lBiaxiall i j;t, ./ I '-' Ii .' II , I , 1000 o '00 AT 1'!O'l. CPf (\.Jnialliloll (KEORNER,RICHAROSON-UNIAXIAll (STEffEN-BIAXIAll 200 )00 '00 500 STRAIN, " Figure 6.3 FML Stress-Strain Performance Exhi bit 4-3 COMPARISON OF LEACHATE COLLECTION EFFICIENCIES .. >- u z w u ... ... w z 0 l- so U W ..J ..J 0 U w I- < :t U < W ..J com'pacl.d solt..... k.l k 10-rcm/~ec .....Comp.cl.d .011 k'" x 10~ em/see 100 Compo aU. (tnlacl) '. CompoaU. with .mall FML hole o 1 10 100 1.000 10.000 TOP LINER LEAKAGE RATE IGal/acr./day) ....., Comparison of leachate collection efficiencies for compacted soil. and composite bollom liners. Source: 52 FR 12572. April 17. 1987 Exhibit 4-4 The installation rate for synthetic liners varies between 3/4 of an acre to one acre per day depending on the weather. site conditions, and installation crew experience. Quality assurance/quality control during construction consists of conformance testing of delivered material to the site, and quality control testing during installation of the liner material. Section 2.3, Seam Testing, discusses the importance of seaming quality to the successful installation of synthetic liner materials. To achieve a homogeneous low permeability clay liner, it is important that the liner be constructed in six to eight inch lifts, and that required construction quality control tests be performed upon completion of each lift. Due to the time requirement for completing each lift and performing QA/QC tests, the construction of clay liners requires a considerably longer period of time than for synthetic liners. Based on the presented technical information and EPA's test results in comparing the performance of selected liner systems, composite liners have demonstrated high performance standards for leachate containment and durability in resisting chemical components of leachate. ":::~:~t"""::~:;:... V'~:::"""'" tt: it',: iN Without consideration of site-spedfic:::fb it-appears that composite liners would be the best choice due to their durability and performance standards. A single synthetic liner system using HDPE material will be ranked second. Clay liners will be ranked third as a single liner material. 4.3 PROPOSED LINER ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS The hydrogeologic investigations performed on the City of Salina landfill site indicate a fairly consistent clay layer overlaying the suspected uppermost aquifer. Alternative liner systems were developed assuming the possibility that clay liner material is available on location. Bentonite admixture was also considered to be sued with on-site soils to achieve a 1 x 10"7 cmlsec permeability for soil liner material. High density polyethylene (60 mil) was used 'for a single synthetic liner system. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALlNA\81S8.001 415193L1 G-21 The following liner alternative systems were developed for cost comparison analysis and evaluation. Alternative 1 Composite liner, 60-mil HDPE and 24-inches of in-place clay Alternative 2 Composite liner, 60-mil HDPE and 24-inches bentonite admixture 4.4 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS OF ALTERNATIVES Estimated construction costs of these alternatives are shown on the following tables (Tables 4-1 through 4-2). The estimated construction costs of all alternatives are based on developing an eight acre area. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALlNA\8.'i5S.OOI 415/9310 G-22 , TABLE 4-1 ALTERNATIVE I COMPOSITE LINER 60 MIL + 24" CLAY Unit Total Unit Quantity Cost ($) Cost ($) SF 348,480 0.12 $41,818 Each 1 2,500.00 2,500 Item 1. Disk & Compaction of Top 2. Test Pad 50' x 30' I-foot thick 3. In-situ Permeability Test 4. Lab. Permeability Test @ 2/acre 5. Density/Moisture Tests @ 6/acre Each 48 75.00 Each 16 150.00 Each 48 25.00 Each I 5,000.00 Each 348,480 0.85 3 50 500.00 Each I 75.00 Each ................1' C.O< 5,000.00 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Certification of Construction 60-mil HDPE System Conformance Test Every 100,000 SF Seam Tests Every 500 feet of seaming Certification of Constructj,qn:\::::., ' TOTAL COST - u___ " ":':':":, ,/-,.,.e<"-:'F:". ,~:~:) ",!:'l. NOTES: 1. Construction cost estimate is based on an eight-acre area. 2. Estimated construction cost per acre = $45,372. 3. Estimated construction cost per square foot - $1.04. 3,600 2,400 1,200 5,000 296,208 1.500.00 3.750.00 5.000 $362.976 4. Construction materials for leachate collection system were not considered in the evaluation since they are going to be installed under each alternative. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALINA\~S8.00] 415193]s G-23 l TABLE 4-2 ALTERNATIVE 2 COMPOSITE LINER 60 MIL + 24" BENTONITE Unit Total Item Unit Quantity Cost ($) Cost ($) 1. Bentonite Material 4.5 Ib/sf/6" Lift Tons 3,136 170.00 $533.120 2. Installation 2' TH $0.15/,1/6" Lift SF 348,480 .00 104.544 3. Test Pad 50' x 30' I-foot Thick Each 1 2.500.00 2.500 4. In-situ Permeability Test @ 6/acre Each 48 75.00 3,600 5. Lab. Permeability Test @ 6/acre Each 16 150.00 2,400 6. Density/Moisture Tests @ 2/acre Each 48 25.00 1,200 7. Certification of Construction Each 1 5,000.00 5,000 8. 60-mil HDPE System Each 348,480 0.85 296,208 9. Conformance Test Every 100,000 SF Each 3 500.00 1.500 10. Seam Tests Every 500 feet of seaming Each 50 75.00 3.750 11. Certification of Construcai~' 5,000.00 5.000 TOTAL COST $958.822 NOTES: 1. Construction cost estimate is based on an eight-acre area. 2. Estimated construction cost per acre = $119,853. 3. Estimated construction cost per square foot - $2.75. 4. Construction materials for leachate collection system were not considered in the evaluation since they are going to be installed under each alternative. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. \SALINA\8.'iSS.OOl 4151931, G-24 TABLE 4-3 ALTERNATIVE 3 COMPOSITE LINER 60 MIL + 24" CLAY (OFF-SITE BORROW) Unit Total Item Unit Quantity Cost ($) Cost ($) 1. Off-site Borrow Clay Material CY 28,800 15.80 $455,040 2. Installation 2' TH $0.06/sf/6" Lift SF 348,480 0.24 83,635 3. Test Pad 50' x 30' I-foot Thick Each 1 2.500.00 2,500 4. In-situ Permeability Test @ 6/acre Each 48 75.00 3,600 5. Lab. Permeability Test@ 2/acre Each 16 150.00 2,400 6. Density/Moisture Tests @ 6/acre Each 48 25.00 1,200 7. Certification of Construction Each 1 5,000.00 5,000 8. 60-mB HDPE System Each 348,480 0.85 296,208 9. Conformance Test Every 100,000 SF Each 3 500.00 1,500 10. Seam Tests Every 500 feet of seaming Each 50 75.00 3,750 11. Certification of Construc@~"'lb~: 5,000.00 5.000 TOTAL COST $859,833 NOTES: 1. Construction cost estimate is based on an eight-acre area. 2. Estimated construction cost per acre ::= $t07,479. 3. Estimated construction cost per square foot - $2.47. 4. Construction materials for leachate collection system were not considered in the evaluation since they are going to be installed under each alternative. Camp Dresser &- McKee Inc. ISAUNA\SS5S.001 4151931, G-25 5.0 COST COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 COST COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES The estimated construction cost of each alternative includes quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) costs during construction. Construction cost estimates are based on dev~loping an 8-acre area in the initial phase. Unit prices used in preparing these cost estimates ere obtained from contractors, suppliers, and available bid information. The liner system used in Alternative 1 is a composite liner consisting of 24 inches of in place clay and a 60 mil HDPE liner. The construction cost estimate for this alternative is $362,976. Alternative 2 is similar to Alternative 1, except that 24 inches of soil bentonite mixture is used in lieu of clay. The cost of this alternative is $958.822. Alternative 3 is similar to Alternative 1, except that the clay material is brought in from off-site. The construction cost of this altemati~~i8~4_85fh8iR' III: II-_,_,,:::~;:::: '<~":', ,., The feasibility of using Alternative 2 is ruled out because the additional cost required for the bentonite soil additive. The construction cost of Alternative 3 is high compared with Alternative 1, due to the imported clay material for clay liner construction. Alternative 1 is the most economically viable option for liner systems. The construction cost of this alternative is 62 percent less than Alternative 2, and 58 percent less than Alternative 3. The cost of installing one square foot of liner material in this analysis ranges between $$1.04 for 60- mil HDPE/clay and $2,75 for HDPElbentonite/soil mixture. Table 5-1, Page 5-3, summarizes the total construction cost and cost per square foot of liner material for e<\ch alternative in ascending order. 5.2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS To be completed later Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISAL]NAI8158.001 41519315 G-26 . TABLE 5-1 CONSTRUCTION COSTS OF CONSIDERED ALTERNATIVES IN ASCENDING ORDER Total Construction Cost Per Alternative Cost ($) SF ($) I. Alternative 1, 60-mil HDPE/On-site Clay 362,9'76 1.04 2. Alternative 3, 6O-mil HDPE/Off-site Clay 859,833 2.75 3. Alternative 2, 60-mil HDPE/Bentonite/Soil 958,822 2.47 Camp Dresser & McKee 1m:. ISAUNA\8.'iSS.OOl 415/931. G-27 APPENDIX H ~aE~ARt1>RAW:;ds .... ----- . -... ..... --- Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ISALINA\8.'i5S.OOl 41519315 CDM environmental engineers, scientists, planners, & management consultants CAMP DRESSER & McKEE offices worldwide PrintedonRecycledPaper . THIS ROLL CONTAINS DOCUMENTS THAT ARE OF POOR QUALITY AND LEGIBILITY. THESE ARE THE BEST REPRODUCTIONS AVAILABLE. , - ,,_ ,: II" :-"-', . j'" , "--...II',-"~->",, : --At -.,-...~ d'/I '" . 11.-:------13110-'"'. / '" ,- 'lJ"'" , :'11,-. '-" , ,"," II '-. II . ---'1" ;\ >..,P' t 1'-, / ) o II '-~. L ~ II -~---. \" '1 J '- ....,... II ~-'- . (- ,11,_, II ~' " . " /1 'J I H / I ,- ~. :/ ,....-/'"'; ~-/ r--r '\ II ' 1/ II. II II II II , 'II , II-- I f f I f I I I II :, ," II " II :.11 I'll 1\1 -. : I ~ "n-,. II II II Ii II (I II II 'II II II II " II " II II II II II I! J , If II II 11 II II i I , I II II I I II II II II II II II / J / , Jf I f If " 1/ f/ .---- I I 1/ II II . II / I -'; II :It ~ I I ;II. , I t: ",\ '; ; It. ~, ( I J '- II II. II II II H II t I II II II II - rJ II 1\ f I fI "" . __/ \__.:-______---'~ " . _ . __ _. ..-l .." ___ _, _-----_ _________~ . 0 ~_ . ~ '\ r/..--- " . h - -~-------------=:--:-..::-=- - - -::.--=-- --:. ~-:-=-=-==.-:-==-:~-- ------------ ; . ~~----------~~~~~~--------- !, ,. : n ,/'/ .."'. -",' ',' --------- /" ../ , REV. 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APM.. 1993 CITY OF SALtNA. KANSAS .. 5 ~ &.UQIl PROPOSEO IfOAQ$ A ~ ~ "'- 100 0 ,- . 200. " . - . 200 2 3 4 L,-, , ~ 1 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PRELIMINARY SITE DE'JELOPMENT PLAN/BASE GRADES ~......."" ~~.... CDII IIl-.s. , ,T4_.__' ~,.,,,, . C . B . A . I t , I i I . I ' I ' I MJ . A . . B . C \, :,.1. 1 5 NOTE...; THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOT INTENDED FOR CONS TRUCTION PURPOSES. . o ,,:\ 5 .,..~--. ;- J ~ :.:-. - ~ :--- ~ -, ~..... "':" . . [ :'.',"C ~ ~ _12~ PftO.!E:Ci NO. S558-00-CG St€ET NO. C-l ! t:f.\ '- ':...- J I.' \:~/,..,! -. ..II.'...:>:~...,;:/. ','r~. "'''~) ..jl. . , II. I . II ',1 t . " /'-; . ~ .'11, ,/ ./' II '-\ i . "'11 '-___J - . " J~~ 'k, II " , 1-. ~ . 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APRl.. 199:5 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PRELIMINARY FINAL GRADES CAMP DRESSER & McKEE INC. CITY OF SAl tNA. KANSAS 1J#i.....""'~.....l"It ....--.. ........."10"'" CDII -... 11'I" J _ r 1 ~" . c . B . A . 1" . I . r f r 5 , I ' 1 I : f r 10 . A . . B , . C . . " . ~ ~ '.,' :"', t i rL.-.... . roo 0 200 r z 200' ~ PROPOSED ROADS it:"-'::--\~:' :- ~ l : r', i -. ~ f'; --i- t.; ! .' . o ,1:\ t:d NOTE; iHIS 15 A CONCEPiUAL OEVELOP~ENT PLAN NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. 2 3 4 5 L- , 6 :"'"--"'" ., ; , .. lZ f63 PR'o..ECi NO. 8558-TlCrCG s.EET NO. C-2 ~, ~ .t\~. \ A '" B \, .... , <t. , " \5"0 " " .... "- , , '. "--. .. - -_/ . c o '- -..-----~ " " ....... '. ...... " "'-, " " ..~ '. '- "- -..., " ", '"'' ....... , ...... .",. . .., .........- :,:.;: ~::.:.:::::::.<:::::::::::.:::... .::.:: ::.::::::::::::::.:.::. :.::::..::..::::: ::--::.:. .:.'..- ""'" . 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'...-- . - .-.-.-.--- _n --- on . ,. - --.- -- ----,,- ------- . ~Q ~ ... 2S SLOPE __ ..... 0.5.: SLOPE ~ --...-. ....... ....... -- ~ ~ ~ ...--. -.... -- -- . . .. . . .... - . .. ~ -.... . - . , -. J320 ---.... -............-. ..............-......--.... --- - - - ,. ...... REV. 0 ll<<>. It. lE ~ C.'<<:D ~s OESGPEO 5", D. CHASE CC!AW'll aT. O. CHAse ~i ~jj ~'t, T. ....llAMS t."tOSS 09t jj 1) '1', A?PROY!.O ey. o.TE. A?R'IL 1993 ~.'t'.tWI ....-.-.. KI'Ir.mI.... CDII _ --...Jf __...., ~,..,. J" CAMP DRESSER & McKEE INC. . o . C . B . . A ~ z ~ b 01 ., E F , ., " ",,- " , ''\., " o~ ~/ I o --, /350 1340 ----- . ~ --_._~,._--~---- 13QO CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS , , ". 0 . ~. '. ..... ~ " r'" MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL I' I . I . ! . i ' I ! I : j I I I Ii' · , 5 Kl I . A ..... G o ~ . B " H , , . , ~ ~ '. ". .. \ \, \~ .. \ \:,""'JO 13 0 c..oJ r\) o , J I I u I ~ :- -, - ~ ~ ~ 2S 0 ,- . 50. - Ii::-;-;- VIH t , - ~ ... ~:.-_"'::-__.... i. ~ .:i ...;. .:a _.. .\ eo: _ ... 1tft 12 ~ PRELIMINARY CELL I LAYOUT WITH LINER AND LEACHATE SYSTEM . \ C . ~ ! o \1~\ t:=l - PROJIEtT NO. !558-no-CG S~ET NO. C-3 , tr.'- ~ , I ~ 2 6 ". J" 1380 1570 1360 1350 - 1340 1"3 "3() - 1320 - - 1360 1350 - 1340 13'30 - 1320 1310 - - 1360 1350 " - 134i\O 1330 - 1320 1310 - Fl'EV. NO, " " S .. 2lf - - O"'-.E ~ Cl<<D . o ~ -- I I ~ t NEW DRAINAGE CHANNEL I I 20' \ I I ACCESS ROAD 35'_ - -416'T " I":" " " 6~' ( NEW ORAIllAGE CHANNEL. I I I I "...1$' A-CC~SS: . - : : J ~OAO (TYP~ : . i ACCESs I 20' - - \-l- - . . 1 . . I, S.~V' ~ I "'~~-y I .16' "I . rl. -. l '1 ! s-o_ : ~: . ,: ~--- :~~" ,,~ - o. " " I cy ~ 80' SO" 20' L. / 0; " " - 1 - 80' " " " ~ NEw DRAINAGE r"NNEL' " " . . ~ - ~.. : 1. - : ~'~.n_ ,I. I '~I REMARIC$ I I ---t 'D I" SECTION c-c SCALE H r - "to' V r . 10' IXSiG'ED llT. O. CHASE 011.... aT, M. STUCKY Sl€El 0<<1) aT, T. aUAUS I ~ I cv e . :'.. - - " " " 530' S.z..5- " " " " - -! 20' '.... SO' , ~ <it _ ,~ - CAMP DRESSER & McI<EE ltC_ I CJII'ClSS 09it 1) !IT, ~~D aT: OAT~: "~1'993 I . C . B ~-'II' ~ -----.~~ CDII ~$. . "'---'-" ~., ;lIII'~l'J I I I I . A . I' 530' SECTION SCALE H 1- .. 40" VI- . 10' SECTION SCALE H 1- .. 4H)" v.r - 10' " I ~ " I " " " " MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL - I . , . i . , 5 " " " A-A I .1 " - B-B " " " CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS I I . I . I ' . . I 10 I . A ~ 80' I 20' I 8' "'- I--! .~. "'-IS ~ J "'- "'"" J' "'-I 377' 2-2.5% ---==== s - 21: .- I . B " " ~ I S.- oJ/ )/' 7. . . . . . . . 5-0- Y -I I I I t NEW DRAINAGE CHAN!'lEL' . '" I >0' L I " ACCESS ROAD 35' s = Ox 'lA, .../16' I. I ,. " " . n Cl NEW ORAINI.GE CHANNEL liS' ACCESS- ~OAD lTYPI \- . " I 20' I.ACCE5S~ I/} I /. I I"~""-/ ~ La)': I I s.o~ ..'~ \ AI' .......- I 16' J .. ---.. I I " ....! 20' '- 60' , 20' I r'"~Si ~~ES T-T .~~ I '- I I IT,! I ""-Is . 0""" \ ~/ 80' J - cp - r 0-0 PRELIMINARY LANDFILL SECTIONS I - . '. . . C I / / L . ~J/ / ~ 20"'~ ACCESS /TI ClYP) i ROAD 35' . .. . I (fYPI . . . ~ .. aa V . . (BEN \ ( '~"'J ;::~:~1 ,. .. L~ i 'i ~ . I~ JI "' J__'" I ...11'6'1... I I SECTION s,:~LE H.. .v' V I .~- I I \ I . o . I " " . . ,..-aan& 1380 )370 1360 1350 1340 \330 1320 .1360 :1350 :1340: -\330 1320 1310 -1390- 1380 Y3?() 1360 1350 1340 DATE ~ .~ 1:.. __ ___ ~ L- r: .. _- 'p ~ ~ ~~ ~ _12_ I ~ ..d. PRO..E:C i NO. 8561-ftO-CG StEEl NO, C-4 ~ ~\.., ! "," l ~ .! i r0 '- ~ ~ -0 - l0 ~ ~ . I - -0 t REV_ NO_ J)r A B C DISK AND COMPACT UPPER 8- SUB-BASE TO 95::1 Of" MCOIFlED PROCTOR. THE SUB-BASE SHALL BE FREE FROM PARTICLE SIZE GREATER THAN 3/S". AND HAVE A PERMEABIUTY K(MIN) ~ 1 )(10-7 CM/SEC. LINER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ,; ., ... .. < ,...iC;;~:~~~1X'''' CM/SEe 1111 TOP OF" S'YNTHETlC UNER SYNlHEl1C FILTER FABRIC 8" MIN. OVERLAP . ........... -.... ...... .. ".. .--....- ...........-... .... ... ... .-. ... - 6" DIA.. PERFORA lED PIPE SLOPE 2"~(TYP_) - SLOPE 0.52: (NP.) ... 1\ll=1\ll=1I11 111I 111I LEACHATE COLLECTION DETAIL NOT "0 SCALE -'i t/2" DlA. PERFORATIONS, STAGGERED AT 5" INTERVALS IN 2 ROWS WHICH ARE 120 APART FR~ EACH OTHER AND LOCATED BELOW THE SPRINGUNE Of THE PIPE. Ct. . . . . . . 6- OR 8" DlA. PIPE 120. HOlE LOCA nON LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE DETAIL @ Ii ~ E~~D OF SYNn-tETlC UNER POL ~M STAKE Iti::... 11!1~=_ " "r.=it!I~li=- rm~~;;;IJ!l-~=::.. _ " ~=IiII=I:I=lfll=_ o E F 35' ., I ELECTED, LOCP.L nLL ~ATERIAL I / 'i.. ' MAXIMUM PERMEABILITY OF 1 X 10-.CM/iEC ~OAD SURfACE DRAINAGE SAND DASHED UNE REPRESENTS [LEVA TlONS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN StiEET C-l. C-2. AND C-3 =---.Jl 3 SYNTHETlC UNER COMPACTED SUB-GRADE 95" or- MODIFIED PROC TOR ANCHOR TRENCH AND ROADWAY DETAIL N. T.5 DRAINACE SAND 35' LECTED. LOCAL FILL MATERIAL MAXIMUM PERMEABIUTY Of" 1 X 10 "'CM/SEC I ROAD SURFACE 11 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS ELEVATIONS SHOVllN ON GRADING PLAN SHEET C-t. C-2. AND C-3 COMPACTED SUB-GRADE 95~ or- MODIFIED PROCTOR 3 SYN1HETlC UNER 6- DIA SOLID PIPE ANCHOR TRENCH AND ROADWAY DETAIL N.T.S UNER PROTECTION MATERIAL SYNTHE11C FILlER r-ABRIC GEONET DISK AND COMPACT UPPER 8- SUB-SASE TO 95~ (K MDOIFlED PROCTOR. THE SUB- BASE SH ALL BE FREE FROW PARnCtE SIZE GREATER 1HAN 3/S-. AND HA.'4: A PERMEABILITY K{WIN) L. h:1O" eM/SEC. LINER AND LEACHATE COLLECTlON ALTERNATE NO.1 NOT TO SCALE POL YlOCK SEE SEcnON EXTERIOR CRADE Pl YWOOO ~ fl8ER BOARD END OF lEAO-IATE PIPE AND SYNTHETlC UNER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE IXSClI'EO ft. T. ....LI..MS 0.... aT. ST "f"F SMEEl 0<<"0 ST. T. ....U"'MS C'lC$S (;1<<1:1 .T. -- PlAN PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL NOT TO SO~LE CAMP DRESSER I Mct(EE 1tC. 011 TE t'JIRWN 0<<0 ,IllI1I~t) IT. Dltt. AoPRI.. 1993 REMARPCS . o . C . B l z ~ b CITY OF SALINA.. KANSAS ",A_ -,""'~...,..,.,. CDII "......, "M___--.-~' .._ _Jl.....-f.. MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL . A . Oil ~ G CONCRETE SLAB 6- Oi~. PIPE H ERO~10~~ ~;;rt.t( CAPABLE OF SUSTAINING PLANT GROWTH (WH~ . . ..-. INFIL TRA TlON LAYER COMPACTED TO 95% OF MODIfiED PROCTOR. SHALL BE FREE FROM PARTICLE SIZE GREA TER THAN 3/8" AND SHALL HAVE A PERMEABILITY K(MIN) ~ t )(10-1 CM/SEC. . (Q . CD .... FINAL LANDFILL CAP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE !. I SELECTED, LOCAL FILL MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM PERMEABIUTY OF 1 X 10- CM/SEC \ DASHEO UNE REPRESENTS ELEW,TlONS SHOWN ON -mE GRADING PLANS SHEETS C-t, C-2. AND C-3 ANCHOR TRENCH ENLARGEMENT DETAIL N.T.S CD SYNTI-lEl1 UNER BOOT SLEEVE WELD I - POL noel( EXTRUSION YiIElD TO PIPE OR FASTEN STAINLESS STEEL ClAMPS CHAMF'ER CORNERS SUPPORT AS NECESSARY L- SYNTHETlC UNER SECTI ON HOfS PIPE PENETRA nON DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ----.-.. _ p__ ~ _ _ ._ _ - t'. .~ ,':-:.:. -" --- -t",,- Si L;J t 1In''' P'RQA:C T NO. 8$58-WO-CG PRELIMINARY LINER AND LEACHATE SYSTEM DETAILS SHEET NO. C-5 ,. '~ I 2 :3 5 6