3.2 Proclamation - Stalking AwarenessNational Stalking Awareness Month Proclamation January 2023 WHEREAS, stalking is intentional harassment—a pattern ofbehavior directed at a specific person, causing that person to feel fear and endangerment for themselves or their family. The variation in stalking behavior ranges from hang-up phone calls to more direct threats toward a victim. The likelihood of injury increases when the stalking behavior escalates over time; WHEREAS, under the laws of Saline County, Kansas, and all jurisdictions in the U.S., stalking is a crime; WHEREAS, the majority of victims are stalked by someone they know, typically an ex -dating partner or acquaintance, and 3 in 4 women killed by an intimate partner had been stalked by that same intimate partner; WHEREAS, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation reports that 176 protection from stalking orders were filed in Saline County in 2021; WHEREAS, the statistics do not represent the true incidence and prevalence of stalking for multiple reasons, including not all victims report the crime to law enforcement, and stalking is a tactic of domestic violence and sexual abuse, so it may not be reported as the primary form of abuse and victimization although the victim has experienced stalking along with other forms of abuse; WHEREAS, many stalking victims are forced to protect themselves by relocating, changing their identities, changing jobs, and obtaining protection orders; WHEREAS, many stalking victims lose time from work and experience serious psychological distress and lost productivity at a much higher rate than the general population; WHEREAS, communities can better combat stalking by raising awareness, adopting multidisciplinary responses by teams of local agencies and organizations, and by providing more and better victim services; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Salina Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim January 2023 as National Stalking Awareness Month. Dated this 23`d day of January, 2023. Michael L. Hoppock, Mayor