3.1 Proclamation MS Awareness WeekPROCLAMATION 2023 MS AWARENESS WEEK Whereas, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease of the central nervous system, affecting nearly 1 million people in the United States alone, and Whereas, multiple sclerosis generally strikes people in the prime of their life, between ages 20 through 50, and the cause and course of the often debilitating symptoms of MS remain unknown and no cure currently exists, and Whereas, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is committed to a world free of MS, heightening public knowledge about and insight into the disease; Whereas, we have transformed what it means to live with MS and provided global leadership to help achieve our vision of a world free of MS, and Whereas, since 1946 the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has been a driving force of MS research, relentlessly pursuing prevention, treatments, and a cure, and has invested more than $1 billion in groundbreaking research; and Whereas, funds raised through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society fuel research on pathways to MS cures and invest in the MS research workforce at the best medical centers, universities, and other institutions throughout the U.S., and abroad, leading to many breakthroughs in the treatment of MS; and Whereas, the mission of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to cure MS while empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives and one that all Americans and Kansans should support; and Whereas, the City of Salina, Kansas recognizes the importance of finding the cause and cure of MS and expresses its appreciation for the dedication the National Multiple Sclerosis Society -Mid America Chapter has shown toward creating a world free of MS; Now, therefore, I Michael L. Hoppock, Mayor of the City of Salina, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim March 12-18, 2023 as MS Awareness Week and do commend this observance to all our citizens. I encourage all Kansans to learn more about multiple sclerosis and what they can do to support individuals with MS and their families. Dated this 13th day of March, 2023. Michael L. Hoppock, Mayor