3.3 Proclamation Elder AbuseElder Abuse Awareness Month June 2022 WHEREAS, according to the National Council on Aging, one in ten seniors in America experiences mistreatment or abuse—including domestic and sexual violence, financial exploitation, and neglect; and WHEREAS, abusers of older adults are both women and men and are usually family members, caregivers, health care workers, or other trusted individuals—and due to the shame, fear, and other barriers elders face in reporting abuse, only a limited number of victims are able to get the help they need; and WHEREAS, elders throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation—such as the illegal taking, misuse, or concealment of funds, property, or assets of a senior for another's benefit; and WHEREAS, too often, elder abuse threatens the livelihoods of older individuals, erodes their extraordinary potential, and increases their risk of death by 300% compared to seniors who have not been mistreated; and WHEREAS, Salina's vulnerable and older adults of all social, economic, racial and ethnic back- grounds may be targets of abuse, neglect or exploitation, which can occur in families, long-term care communities, and medical settings; and WHEREAS, we all have a responsibility to support the safety, welfare, and dignity of vulnerable and older adults and must work toward ending elder abuse by assisting victims in accessing the information and supportive services they need, creating better and more resources for older adults in need, instituting effective intervention and prevention policies, and engaging in discussion with family members and peers to promote awareness and prevention of the quiet epidemic of elder abuse. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor, hereby proclaims June 2022 as "ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS MONTH" in the city of Salina and urges all citizens to work together to help protect elder adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation because it is imperative that we refuse to tolerate the indignity of Elder Abuse. Trent W. Davis, Date: June 13, 2022