3.2 Proclamation Arts & HumanitiesNATIONAL ARTS AND HUMANITIES MONTH OCTOBER 2022 Whereas, the nation's 120,000 nonprofit arts organizations, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the nation's 4,500 local arts agencies in communities across the country, and the arts and humanities councils of the 50 states and the six U.S. jurisdictions and districts have regularly issued official proclamations on an annual basis designating October as National Arts and Humanities Month; and Whereas, cities and states, through their local and state arts agencies, which represent thousands of cultural organizations, have celebrated the value and importance of culture in the lives of Americans and the health of thriving communities during National Arts and Humanities Month for nearly 30 years; and Whereas, the arts and humanities embody so much ofthe accumulated wisdom, intellect, and imagination of humankind; and Whereas, the arts and humanities enhance and enrich the lives of everyone in America; and Whereas, the arts and humanities play a unique role in the lives of ourfamilies, our communities, and our country; and Whereas, arts integration into education improves academic performance, and student retention, and sparks creativity and innovation as sought-after skills by business leaders; and Whereas, despite significant losses due to the coronavirus pandemic, the creative industries remain among the most vital sectors of the American economy, providing new opportunities for developing cities, creatingjobs and economic activity within their own industry and across sectors, and making communities attractive to business development; and Whereas, the nation's arts and culture sector, nonprofit, commercial, and education, is an $877 billion industry that supports 4.6 million jobs representing 4.2% of the nation's economy, a larger share of GDP than powerhouse sectors such as agriculture, transportation, and utilities (2020); and boasts a $33 billion international trade surplus (2019); and Whereas, the nonprofit arts industry alone generates $27.5 billion in government revenue and $166.3 billion in economic activity (2U15) annually by organizations and audiences, including spending by attendees to arts events of $31.47 per person, per event, bevond the cost of admission on items such as meals, parking, and lodging, making the arts a vital income source for local businesses. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor of the City of Salina, do hereby proclaim October as National Arts and Humanities Month in Salina, Kansas. I call upon our citizens to celebrate and be a part of the arts and culture in Salina and in our nation, and I encourage greater participation by said community members to take action to support the arts and humanities. Dated this 10'h day of October, 2022 Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor