3.1 Proclamation Bullying PreventionBullying Prevention Proclamation WHEREAS, bullying is defined as unwanted, offensive, intimidating or aggressive behavior combined with an abuse of power, to purposely cause another person physical, mental or emotional pain; and WHEREAS, bullying is widespread and occurs in neighborhoods, playgrounds, schools, and through technology now more than ever; and WHEREAS, bullying negatively impacts all youth involved including those who are bullied, those who bully others, and those who witness bullying, known as bystanders; and WHEREAS, one in four students in Kansas reported being cyberbullied in 2020 and thousands of Kansas children and adolescents are affected by bullying annually; and WHEREAS, targets of bullying are more likely to acquire physical, emotional, and learning problems and students who are repeatedly bullied often fear such activities as riding the bus, going to school, and attending community activities; and WHEREAS, children who bully are at greater risk of engaging in more serious violent and self- destructive behaviors; and WHEREAS, children who witness bullying often feel less secure, more fearful, and intimated. NOW THEREFORE, I, Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor, hereby proclaim October 2022 as Bullying Prevention Month; and BE IT RESOLVED, that schools, students, parents, recreation programs, religious institutions, and community organizations be encouraged to engage in a variety of awareness and prevention activities designed to make our community safer for all children and adolescents. Dated this lith day of October, 2022. Trent W. Da.ris, M.D., Mayor