Ground Water Survey Agr O. S. FENT Geologist At. 2, Box 202 A SALINA, KANSAS 67401 Phone 913 827-1971 Nay 6,1981 City of Salina, Kansas Proposal, Bid and Acceptance, Ground .Jater ,:'lurvey To determine the quantity and quality of water available in the alluvium of the Smoky Hill ~~i ver Valley in the area from the line of the old Camp I-hillips wells to a line two miles so~th and one mile east of 1.ssaria, the w1dersigned offers and agrees, if this offer is acce1Jted ,:dthin 30 d2.ys, to perfo!'m the follmIing services at the follOlfing :;::>rices: oneba 'Hater table by measuring observation Hells and all the arGa. logist and assistant, estimated ÜO bra. (,J Üb.50 c',stimated miles, 300 'J 0.20 2. Construct thickness map of saturated aquifer from existing Hell and test hole logs. Est:L!r¡¿1t:;d 30 hrs. L¡.O. 3. ¡jetermil1e permeabil_Lty of tne aquifer by co21trolled pumping tests. Construct observation ,veIls near a selected Can lhilli.s well, 140 ft @ 5. Hun pll1ì1j) test on existing -.Jell, geologist and assistant, 36 llrs. 4u.50 imalysis of punrptest, determine aquifer yeild and\-Jell sp,'¡cing, ;, brs tqU. Construct t:Js-(j Hell near south end of area, estimated 90 ft. ".0 20.GJ Construct observation 'dells near test ,Jell, 180 ft. ç 5.0(; Hun PUlll!) test on test. l;rell, install I)UlT[),oump uith gasoJ.Ï.ne engine and pull T)UJílp, rig "cd crcm, 24 hrs. @ 52.00 Geologist, 16 bra. (J 40.00 4. i:bq:Üore possible so::.rces of field conté:Jnination, est::.nated test drilling 300 ft. .50 1. Determine tIle gradient available Dri vate Hells in Ge Chloride é:l:êaL'ses on all è1~)t3r sa;r¡iÜes 'Jill be run at, no extr Ì,¡levat:Lons H1Y:;re neces sary ¡,ill ûd run by tile:: City. cost. .c;stírlated total 1940.UO 60.cO 12uO.00 700.00 1746.00 200.uO ItlUO.\jO 900.UU 1248.00 640.ou lO50.uo 0)11,464.00 l'he "lark ¡rill be charged on a unitorice oaSlS. \,,'uantities "rlll be adjusted as field conditions require as detl] lTrined by the City ..!JngLeer. The "lark may be stop;ed at any time by field orders from the City Engineer. Respectfull:r submitted, . ¡;<']:'-<..v,. ¡.. 0.3. ..Tent Accepted for the City of ,jalina by: ßJr