95-4902 Name Horseshoe CourtsE401934 RESOLUTION NUMBER 95-4902 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE NAMING OF THE SUNSET PARK HORSESHOE COURTS IN HONOR OF DICK ROTACH WHEREAS, Dick Rotach, prior to his death in October of 1994, was instrumental in the development of the Sunset Park Horseshoe Courts; and WHEREAS, Mr. Rotach formed the local Double Trouble Horseshoe Club to promote the sport; and WHEREAS, Mr. Rotach worked with the local club and the State Association to secure tournaments, including the Kansas State Horseshoe Tournament to be held in Salina later this year; and WHEREAS, the Salina City Commission, on behalf of the entire community, wishes to give recognition to Mr. Rotach for his volunteer efforts to promote the improvements to Sunset Park which were completed in 1991; SO NOW, THEREFORE Kansas: BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Section 1. The horseshoe courts at Sunset Park are hereby named the Dick Rotach Horseshoe Courts. Section 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 7th day of August, 1995. (SEAL) ATTEST: b, mg, 4Citylerk (::gohn Divine, Mayor