1996 Budget Certificate ST ATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A 1996 NOTICE OF HEARING 1996 BUDGET The governing body of Salina. Kansas will meet on the 14th day of August, 1995 at 4:00 P.M., at 300 West Ash Street for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to be levied. Detailed budget information is available at The City Clerk's Office. 300 West Ash Street. Room 206 and will be available at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of '95 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1996 budget. The "Est Tax Rat" in the far right column is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. 1994 1995 PROPOSED BUDGET 1996 Actual Budget or Actual Amount Est. Actual Tax Estimate of Tax of Tax Expenditures Rate * Expenditures Rate* Expenditures '95 Tax to Rate* be Levied General 14,295,473 4.864 16,767,006 1.558 19,232,089 1,262,176 6.281 Employee Benefit 2,472,105 11.670 2,686,890 11.673 3,719,360 2,167,396 10.787 Utility 792,287 4.561 822,000 3.421 1,015,000 722,499 3.596 Special Liability 360,806 1.815 397,000 1.903 457,000 338,317 1.684 Business Improv. Dist 77,459 ---- 75,000 ---- 78,569 ---- ---- Tourism & Convention 560,333 ---- 650,000 ---- 715,000 ---- ---- Special Parks 80,579 ---- ---- ---- 175,333 ---- ---- Special Alcohol 84,417 ---- 86,267 ---- 89,066 ---- ---- Special Gas 1,361,098 ---- 1,239,530 ---- 1,767,713 ---- ---- Bicentennial Center 1,009,166 ---- 1,018,147 ---- 1,360,873 ---- ---- Other Special Rev. 1,645,284 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Capital Projects 4,647,631 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Bond and Interest 2,795,426 6.551 2,801,575 10.154 3,163,342 1,043,834 5.195 Expendable Trust 217,387 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Sanitation 992,272 ---- 1,132,722 ---- 1,596,211 ---- ---- Solid Waste 1,225,613 ---- 1,631,756 ---- 2,866,732 ---- ---- Golf Course 588,874 ---- 607,708 ---- 720,600 ---- ---- Water and Sewer 20,108,587 ---- 10,918,059 ---- 16,155,873 ---- ---- Water and Sewer P&I 2,420,374 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Risk Management 382,874 ---- 494,777 ---- 791,480 ---- ---- Worker's Compo Res. 588,629 ---- 424,000 ---- 1,011,381 ---- ---- Central Garage 641,026 ---- 824,652 ---- 851,941 ---- ---- Data Processing 264,221 ---- 320,278 ---- 487,449 ---- ---- Nonexpendable Trust 280 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -...-. Totals 57,612,201 29.461 42,897,367 28.709 56,255,012 5,534,222 27.543 Less: Transfers 5,405,976 1,968,778 2,037,806 Net Expenditures 52,206,225 40,928,589 54,217,206 Total Tax Levied 4,858,543 5,230,834 Assessed Valuation 164,930,152 182,190,717 200,928,463 - Ii Ji.D TIt GO Bonds 12,255,000 12,575,000 11,495,000 No-Fund Warrants ---- ---- ---- Revenue Bonds 22,380,000 25,120,000 36,725,000 Lease Purchase Principal ---- ---- 389,355 Temporary Notes 1,021,000 1,028,000 3,020,000 Total 35,656,000 38,273,000 51,629,355 * Tax Rates are expressed in mills. Clerk STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1996 CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qqalified and acting officers of The City of Salina, Kansas certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1996; and (3) the Amount(s) of 95 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1996 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Page 95 Tax to County Clerk's Adopted Budqet No Expenditures be Levied Use Only Le_vv Limits for Tax Funds 2 Comp of Acrcr Tax Levv Limitation 3 Statement of Indebtedness 4 Statement of Conditional Lease etc. 4a Fund K.S.A. General 79-1948 5 19.232.089 1.262 176 Ut1llty h .12-ari .5 6 1.015.000 722 499 Aqqreoate I ax Levv L 1m1 tatlC n 3,915,052 employee l)enet1t lL-lb,10, b j, 719,360 t..,lb/,396 ::lpec1al L1ab111ty 75-6110 7 457 000 338.317 l)us1ness improvement U1StrlCt 8 78 569 - Tourl sm and Conventi on 8 715.000 - Special Parks 9 175.333 - Special Alcohol 9 89 066 - Special Gas 10 1.767713 - Bi :1-'11 .t-'r1II' ill ran+oll' 10 1,360,873 - Bond and Interest 10-113 11 1 1fi1 342 1043.834 Risk ManaGement 12 791 .480 - vJorker I s Comoensati on Res. 12 1.011 381 - f:t-'rIITrll hilrilCJP 11 851 941 - Drl til n ;Sl no 13 4R7 4.Q - Sanitation 14 1 l)qfi 2 1 - Solid Waste 14 2.866 7 2 - holf f:olJrsp 15 720 600 - Water and Sewer 15 16.155.873 - Totals ~6 255 .012 5 534.222 Publication 16 Trilnsfprs 17 Municipal Accounting Use Received Reviewed Follow-up: Assisted Governing Body Attest: , 1995 County Clerk Page No. 1 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B1 1996 LEVY LIMITS FOR TAX FUNDS 1. Est Assessed Valuation July 1, 1995 2. Final Assessed Valuation for 1989 3. Factor (1+2) (Don't use below if < 1.00000) 95 Levy Rate* Bud Levy Limit Amt actor x A B Less: LAVTR Amount C Plus: MVT Decrease D Le For: Librar Board Em 10 ee Benefit ~:i:i:::~i:j:li:i::ji:'::i:j:ii:i::i,j:I::~:i:jjiijii::1::::j:l:ii: Community Mental Health Pu oses .;.;.;.;.;.....;.;.;.;.;.;.;.....;.;...;...;.:.;...;.;.:.;...;..... .................................. :;:;:::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::::;' .........,........................................................ ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ......................'........................................... ................................. .;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ;';';';.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.' ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. (a) Home for A ed 1. 00 ;.:.........:.;.;.:...........:.:...;.............:.:.;.;.........: ................................. 1ii~~jjIi~11i1jii1jII~~Ij~~!i~~j1I1Iiji[111iijI~~j~~~~~ii: .................................. (a) Hos ital Board Recreation Commission Rec Comm Employee Benef & S ec Liab 1. 00 * Rates are expressed in mills. ** Use the amount before LAVTR is subtracted. (a) Multiply the rate times the estimated assessed valuation July 1, 1995 (moving the decimal 3 places to the left) to determine this fund's "Levy Limit." MOTOR VEHICLE TAX (MVT) COMPARISON FOR FUNDS WITH LEVY LIMITS Fund Librarv Board Hospital Board Recreation Commission Rec Comm Emp Ben & Sp Liab 1990 MVT 1996 MVT Decrease FONDS UNDER TAX LID Fund 1990 MVT Tax 486,864 124,166 1996 MVT Estimate 54,279 119,171 Difference 1990 Less 1996* - ~:~;~:~:::~:}~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~;~:~:}~:;:~:}~:~:~:i:~:;:~:r~:}~ ::;:::::::::::::;::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:: ?~r~tt??/r}i\fr{i??~~tt: :::::::;:::::::;;::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::::;: if{jft\f\tIrri(irmttJI ::;:::::::;:::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::: !~~!!!~!!;~!!;!!!~~~~!!1!1~1!!~!!!!!~~~1~i!1t!;~i!;~!!;~;!;~;!;~;~;!;~;! ~::::~~~::::;:;::::::!~~~~?r1~j!!~jijjj~j~~~!i[jiijiji~;iij~iiiif~ :.:.:.'.:.:.:.:::::::.:.:.:.:-:::::::::::::.;.:.;::::::;::;:::::::;:::::::: ,'.' ::;::::::::::{:~:}}?}~:~:~:i:~:)!:rr~:::~:~: :tm:::'~:m~:::::~:::::':~'~:~::~::I::::':~::::::::::::::~::'i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: 1996 LAVTR Amount General Util ity (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) ..... ........ .. .... .................. ..... ................. .. ... ............ ......................................................'.' .. ..... .................. Total 611.030 173.450 437.580 * Enter on page no. 3, Line 4c only if "Difference" is a positive number. Page No. 2 ALLOCATION OF 1996 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B2 1996 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX (MVT) & RECREATIONAL VEHICLE TAX (RVT) (see Instructions) 1995 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of 1996 MVT 1996 RVT (94 Tax-Levies) 94 Levv Allocation Allocation Genera 1 283.924 54.279 651 Employee Benefit 2.126.743 406.578 4.879 Utility 623.365 119.171 1.430 Special Liabilitv 346.799 66.299 796 Bond and Interest 1. 850.003 353.673 4,244 TOTAL 5.230.834 1.000 000 12.000 MVT Ratio .191174 RVT Ratio .00229409 Note: Do not allocate to new, discontinued, or any funds that did not have a tax levy in 1994, see instructions. Schedule of 1996 Budqeted Transfers Fund Trans From: Fund Trans To: Amount Reason (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) * * * * * COMPUTATION OF DELINQUENCY Amount of 93 Taxes Uncollected 40,989 divided by amount of 93 Taxes Levied 1,892,404 = Actual Delinquency for 93 Taxes ~% Rate Used in this Budget 4.00 % Page No. 2a STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1996 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) 1. Total base year tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid, see 1995 budget, page no. 3, line 1 2. Adjustment for territory added/excluded: 2a. Valuation of territory 1995 2b. Valuation of territory 1994 2c. Valuation of territory 1993 2d. Valuation of territory 1992 2e. Valuation of territory 1991 2f. Valuation of territory 1990 2g. Subtotal (2a to 2f) 2h. 1995 estimated assessed valuation 2i. Total valuation less 2g 2j. Factor (2g72i) 2k. Adjustment (2j times line 1) 3. Adjustment for new improvements and increased 3a. New Improvements for 1995 3b. New Improvements for 1994 3c. New Improvements for 1993 3d. New Improvements for 1992 3e. New Improvements for 1991 3f. New Improvements for 1990 3g. Personal property total for 1995 3h. Personal property total for 1989 3i. Change in personal property (3g-3h) 3j. Less: New imp and pers prop included in added territory 3k. Plus: New imp and pers prop included in excluded territory 3m. Net value of new imp and pers prop (Sum 3a to 3f+3i+3k-3j) 3n. 1989 assessed valuation 30. Factor (3m73n) 3p. Adjustment (30 times line 1) Added 694.947 2.640 ?lO.!)!)? 9fiR B9 200.928:463 199.960,324 004R4? + 12.888 +2,661,773 Excluded 264 ?fi4 200.928.463 200.928.199 .000001 3 12.885 personal property: 4,493.144 3.675.819 1.214.356 2.203.868 2.767.767 1,347,881 + 22.281.213 13.783.824 + 8.497.389 (use only if ) 0) 336.415 + 4. Possible adjustments to Tax Lid: 4a. Functions transferred in/out (K.S.A. 79-5027) (indicate + or -) 4b. Adjustment for elimination of gross earnings tax for elections after July 31, 1988 (K.S.A. 79-5020) 4c. Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax Allocation 4d. Total Adjustment to Tax Lid (indicate + or _) 23.863,809 152.131.938 .156863 417,534 + + + 385.280 -0- 437.580 822.860 3.915.052 5. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) FOR BUDGET YEAR 1996 6. List any purposes included in the General Fund (or other funds under the Tax Lid) in this 1996 budget which are exempt from the Tax Lid: + + + 7 . MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LEVIES FOR FUNDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1996 BUDGET 3.915.052 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suspension or adjustment of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (Tax Lid) authorized by: a. Board of Tax Appeals Order dated b. Election Held on c. Charter Ordinance/Resolution Page No. 3 'tl III LQ III Z o ~ CJ) CD ~ CD -S QJ --' o C- --' ~. M- -'. o ~ I-' N ........ 1.0 01 CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI I-' 1.0 1.0 01 )::> 01 ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 01 CJ) . o co o ~ c.. VI I-' 1.0 1.0 ~ )::> 0) ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 ~ CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI VI I N ~ N I-' ~ o t::: 1.0 W CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI -0 I N ~ I-' 01 ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 W CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI :;c I N ~ o ~ ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 N CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI -0 I N ~ o ~ ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 N CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI n I N W 1.0 I-' N ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 I-' O1~o)~01W01W ........ W-...J01-...JO~0101 01 01 I I I I ~v.: ~tr~~U,~. 01 I 0) o o .. o o o N .. ~ W ~ .. o o o o I-' I-' -...J 01 .. o o o I-' I-' -...J 01 o o o I-' .. 00 o :? o o o I-' -...J o 1..0 o o o 0) 00 01 .. o o o 0) N o .. o o o CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI -0 I N W 00 -...J ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 I-' CJ) o co o ~ c.. VI -0 I N W -...J ~ ........ o I-' ........ 1.0 I-' CJ) o co o ~ c.. 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H 0 III ::s 1D d(> rt rt (J1 CD - W 0 CO 'tl 1D 'tl C C ""l .. Ii Ii rt 0 W ..... () Ii rt (J1 () ::r ....- III (J1 CD III lQ I-' m ::r CD rt H I ::s 0 n I n ::r 0 0 III rt ::s Ii ::r rtlQ CD Ii CD Ii III m () rt W g CO 1D CD '%j .. 10 ....- ):< ""l w ::s 3 0 (J1 'tI III 0 rt (J1 Ii ::s C III ..... () ::s I-' ::s CD rt () 0. - w CO td 1D III 'tI .. I-' Ii W I-' III ....- (J1 I ::s ::s (J1 I-' () () , I CD ....- \0 '0 111 0 III C I-' CD ...... 'tl ~ III N ~ .. (J1 I-' CD co \0 ::s ~ \0 rt 111 m 0 C CD ...... 'tl ~ III N ~ .. (J1 I-' CD co \0 ::s ~ \0 rt 0'\ m t:l C CD I~ I-'tdCll \OC""l \00.):< 0'\ lQ ""l CDttl rt o '%j'%j o ~~ OCll 1-'):< CIl Itl !am ~~ ~~ ~o n"il ~n ~~ "ilH H""l ~~ ~~ o "ill:"' ~~ ""l~ H~ nl:"' i~ 1-3~ HI ~ Adopted Budget GENERAL FOND Unreserved Fund Balance January 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinauent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Local Alcoholic Limlor Fund Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund County and City Revenue Sharino Fund In Lieu of Taxes II.R.B.) Mineral Production Tax (County only) County Wide Sales Tax City Sales tax Franchise tax Binao Interaovernmental Fees Fines Permits and Inspection Reimbursements Miscellaneous Transfers in Use of Money and Property: Interest on Idle Funds Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: Discontinued Funds No-Fund Warrant Fund Surnlus Reimbursed Expenses Other Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1 1996 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 3,314,602 4,314,333 2,921,846 790,514 272,567 iBdiS666i368dd686t 38.983 16 900 ............b.~dlm ..........,..... 137.428 170 053 54.279 ...... ...... ..... ... 651 :":.:.'.:xkx!k'.: - ..... ....86.:.579. ........... 88 333 000 87 339 510 384 000 355.675 299.100 313.758 327.771 - - - - - - 4.591,521 4.900,000 5,050.000 3,169,765 3,300.000 3.400.000 1 756 .528 1 655.000 1. 747 500 14.830 15 000 15 000 393.209 457.250 432 500 1 193.140 1. 262.500 y 1.106 000 1. 004.603 990.000 990.000 277 ,205 270,000 270.000 37,853 57,087 57,147 189,598 138,500 48,500 527,866 453.904 470.198 -- 452,972 630,000 680,000 15,295,204 18,609,806 ~66&5dd6666686& iil56666db666668bl -....................................................... ....................-...._-.... . . ._, ........ ....._.....~=~I~= ...............~A~.. . . . . . . . . "... . . ...... . . . bbT:~~< ...................<... 1.,..J,v/"..J..LJ " 19,688,852 118,020,400 I Page No. 5 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued 1996 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND (Contd) 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 18,609,806 19,68e,852 18,020.400 Expenditures: General Government: City Commission 67.543 99.800 94,890 City Manaqer 206,397 223,180 236,072 Legal 92,233 90,900 93,500 Finance 307,975 315,388 326,434 Personnel 88 252 95.500 106.225 Buil di nqs 230.133 277 .876 301.140 Human Relations 113,299 113,208 118,230 Total General Government 1,105,832 1,215,852 1,276,491 Public Safetv: Police 2.672.563 2.897.809 3.174.849 Municpal Court 598.254 701,509 728,671 Parkinq Control 27,062 38,696 - Fire 3,025,310 3,250,832 3,419,475 Fire/Police transfers 115,833 135,000 17,000 Permits and Inspection 190,213 216,644 225,606 TotaT Public Safety 6,629,235 7,240,490 7,565,601 Public Works: Engineering 184,725 196,288 223,712 Street 731,030 924,923 955,779 Flood l.Jorks 79 100 102.965 113.200 Traffic Control 117.086 143.757 166.850 Total Public Works 1.111.941 1.367.933 1.459.541 Culture and Recreation: Parks 675.092 721.146 738.572 Swimminq Pools 69.055 68.200 69.200 Neighborhood Centers 71.175 75,770 77 , 224 Recreation 913 .397 908 995 956 317 Arts and Humanities 169.999 217.154 225.012 Smoky Hi 11 Museum 214.332 228 650 241.517 Total Culture and Recreation 2.113 .050 2.219.915 2.307.842 Economic Develooment: Plannino 131 817 155 588 161 758 Housina - - 75.000 Total Economic Develooment 131.817 155.588 236.758 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 ~;;dfiM:ki6666dtxs.i Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied Page No. Sa STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued 1996 Adopted Budget GENERAL FOND ( Contd) 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Hea lth : Cemetery 81,939 88,961 9~,tlb~ Health 360.881 382,947 394.842 Total Health 442,820 471 ,908 487,704 Continaencv: Other 422,652 543,4~b j,b4tl,lb~ Transfers 678,454 110,UUli 100,000 lotal contlngency 1,101.106 653.425 3.748.152 Capita 1 Outlay 1.659 672 3.441.895 2 ]50.000 i TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14 295.473 16 .767.006 lQ.?1?OAq Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 4.314.333 2 921.846 :::.;.:;:.;.:::.:.;.;.;.;.;.:::.;.;::.:;;.;.;.;.;.:::.;.:::.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.::;.;.;.;.;.; . . . . ,', ,', ,',', . . . ...... ,',. ........................................................................................... Non-Appropriated Balance 19.232.0R9 Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 1.211 689 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 50 487 Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied 1.262.176 Page No. 5a Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1996 Ut il ity FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 121.697 236.111 187 800 Ad Valorem Tax 723.394 598.430 idt:;t&'xidbi;iw:;;;;::J2xx'k Delincruent Tax 26.580 15.800 ..13:m:m. . Motor Vehicle Tax 154.866 159.459 119.171 Recreational Vehicle Tax lo66dH6666668d& - 1,430 Miscellaneous ................1~B6T.... - - Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances .:::.:~Sdd6666d666 ................................................... .. ............. -.. ..... Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 906 701 773 689 113 601 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1 028 398 1.009.800 321.401 Expenditures: General Government 792,287 822,000 1,015,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 792.287 822.000 1.015.000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 236.111 187 800 IiFi:i8666&86d666& Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 1,015.000 TAX REQUIRED 693,599 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 28,900 Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied 722.499 Adopted Budget Employee Benefit FOND 1994 Actual 539 591 1 850.913 82.033 485 346 ~66666dx3::xi66666i .. .T150bb. 149.445 Code Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 Ad Valorem Tax DelinmJent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Interaovernmental Miscellaneous Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: General Government Transfers out 2.742 717 3 282 328 2 133.814 338.291 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 2,472,105 810,223 1995 Budget or Estimate 810.223 2 041.673 40.600 408.000 185.000 198.597 .. .. '. .. .. .:.;.:.;.:-:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. 2.873 870 3.684 093 2.306 890 380.000 2,686,890 997,203 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied Page No. 6 BUDGET 1996 997.203 F}.xx~xXxx'fw'ii .45,000. . 406 578 4 879 185.000 ::::::-::::::.:~X:x:18d66& 641.457 1 638 660 3.304.360 415.000 3,719,360 b66dbB66866ddBdi 3,719~360 2.080.700 ,-"~696 2.167.396 STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E3 1996 Adopted Budget Spec; a 1 L; abil ity FUND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 26.364 52.139 57.821 Ad Valorem Tax 287.867 332.927 l6t'i;jdijtidc66i6i6i::iEl~ Delinauent Tax 10.812 6.300 ...............................7.300.... Motor Vehicle Tax 87.902 63.455 66,299 Recreational Vehicle Tax 116666666666866&: - 796 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances kX:ld6.6d666t:\:=:::/::: .. .. '....................................................... .. ............. ..... ......... Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 386,581 402,682 74,395 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 412,945 454,821 132,216 Expenditures: Transfers out 360,806 397,000 457,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 360 806 397.000 457.000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 52 139 57.821 i68:k16866b68&%6& Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 457.000 TAX REQUIRED 324.784 i Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 13.533 I Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied 338.317 Adopted Budget FUND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance January 1 Ad Valorem Tax :::xid666i6i:xxx:X3::X')i Delinauent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax ~666&x:l8dcxxxxx* Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ::&:~:: ... ::::=.XS6666Bdi:i<:XSOi ......................'.........................'............... .... ....... . Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures : TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied Page No. 7 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Business Improvement District FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 771 3.569 3.569 Revenues: Special Assessments 80.107 75.000 75.000 Fines 150 - Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances .:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:. .:.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;. .. . ',' ',',',' ,', ,', . ...... ',','. .... . . .',' ,', ,', ,', TOTAL RECEIPTS 80 .257 ......................'is....:."(j"{j"(r.....................'. ....................'g.....:..o"66............................ RESOURCES AVAILABLE 81 028 78.!)fi9 7P. .!)fiq Expenditures: General Government 60.459 58.000 61.569 Transfers out 17 000 17.000 17.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 77 .41;Q 71;.000 7Q i:;/;Q Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 3.569 3.569 - Adopted Budget Tourism and Convention FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 41 1B 26.829 - Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 545,989 623.171 715,000 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.; :::.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .' . . .. . . . . .... . ',',',' ,', ,',',',', ',' " . . .. TOTAL RECEIPTS 545.989 .................fi.~p~.....:T'ir........................ ................'ff~....:..(f(f(r-.........................' RESOURCES AVAILABLE 587 162 650 000 715 000 Expenditures: Economic Development 336.200 390.000 429 000 Transfers out 224.133 260.000 286.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5/;n ';l':n /;i:;n nnn 711;000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 26 829 - - Page No. 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Speci a 1 Parks FUND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 1.732 1.732 88,000 Revenues: I ;nllnl" tril/' 80,579 86,268 87,333 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ':';':';':.;.:.;.;.:::.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.;.:::.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.:. .;.;.;.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.:::.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.;;:.;.;.:.;.:.;. ,',',', '......,' ,', ,', ,',',', ',',','. ',' ......,'" ,', ,',',', ',' ',' TOTAL RECEIPTS 80.579 .......................86"..:.Z68"......................'. ..................8"T;."3"33.......................... RESOURCES AVAILABLE 82.311 88,000 175,333 Expenditures: Transfers out 80,579 - - Cultura 1 and Recreation - - 175,jjj TOTAL EXPENDITURES 80.579 - 175,333 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 1. 732 88,000 - Adopted Budget Speci a 1 Alcohol FUND 1.994 1.995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 5 571 1.733 1.733 Revenues: Liauor Tax 80,579 86,267 87,333 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ;.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:::.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.; :.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.:.: . . ,',' ,', ,',',',', ',',',' ,', ,', .',',. ',' ',',',' ,', ,',', -, ',',',',',' " TOTAL RECEIPTS 80,579 ...........................8"/>'"";.Z6T..................... ......................."8T;..333............................ RESOURCES AVAILABLE 86.150 88.000 89.066 Expenditures: Health 84,417 86,267 89,066 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 84,417 86,267 89,066 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31. 1,733 1,733 - Page No. 9 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Speci a 1 Gas FUND 1.994 1.995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1.996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1. 528,116 407,~4j 4F.7,711 Revenues: Gas Tax 1.239.675 1 .300.000 1 300 000 Mi sce 11 aneous 550 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances '. , ,',' ,', ,', ,', , . . . . ..". , , ,',' ,', ,',',', TOTAL RECEIPTS 1.240 225 "'....r.'.~mb"".otm."""..""'...,." "T'~"jtro'~mm"'" ........ RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1.768.341 1. 707 .243 1. 767.713 Expenditures: Public Works 1.136.098 1. 239.530 1. 767.713 Transfers out 225,000 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.361.098 1. 239.530 1. 767 .713 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31. 407 243 467.713 - Adopted Budget Bicentennial Center FUND 1.994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance, Januarv 1. 268.502 286.020 300 873 Revenues: Fees 692.551 663.000 674.000 Transfers in 334,133 370,000 386,000 .............................................. Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ........................................................................................... ,',' ,'. ,',',',', ',' .... . . , ,', .'.', , , . .. TOTAL RECEIPTS ] n?h hAll "..'..'f":ljjj'.J'j"olr.....'" ".'.r"~h'fih.'iiiHf"..""...,.,.....,." RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1 ?q!1 1 Hfi 1 .319.020 1 1fiO .871 Expenditures: Recreation 1,009,166 1,018,147 1,360,873 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 .009 ] fifi 1 ,01A 147 1 1fiO .Hn Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 ?Hfi.O?O 100.H71 - Page No. ~ STATE OF KANGAS Budget Form E3 1996 Adopted Budget Bond and Interest FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 S4] ?f)0 797.083 893 344 Ad Valorem Tax 1 .O:N .017 1 776.003 liHi''ii''ii'jbddcl66i-icxxii( Delinauent Tax 47.612 22.800 ...................39....bbo...... Motor Vehicle Tax 301.747 229 033 353.673 Recreational Vehicle Tax i666d66656i:xxx~ - 4.244 Special Assessments . ...........793~Tg9.. 870.000 871.000 Miscellaneous/transfers 869.684 - - Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances @f%86ddbB6686di bB666866dB6686di ................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 3 051 249 2.897.836 1.267.917 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 3 592.509 3.694.919 2.161 261 Expenditures: Principal 2.163.131 2.235.447 2,195,766 Interest 631.016 564,628 566,576 Commission & Postaqe 771 1,500 1,000 Other 508 - - Budaeted Reserves - - 400.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2.795 426 2 801.575 3.163.342 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 797.083 893.344 i6t:J&666ddibtx&~;j.i Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 3,163,342 TAX REQUIRED 1.002.081 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 41. 753 Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied 1.043.834 Adopted Budget FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 Ad Valorem Tax ::xx:16c66cxxx:lC65i Delinauent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax ld6B2xxxxb:56cixx Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances i6b6B6e . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... %B66686662}6x .. .. Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures : TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 0QQid66366&:8i:SBbi Non-Appropriated ........ Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 95 Tax to be Levied Page No. 11 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Risk Manaqement FUND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 167.320 260,581 278,142 Revenues: Transfers in 476.124 512,338 513,338 Miscellaneous 11 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ';';';':':':';';':':::.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.;::.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;. ,',',', .......,',' ,', ,',',', ',' ',','. ,', ,',', . . 476.135 ..............51Z;."33"8........................ ......513""33"8. ... ................ TOTAL RECEIPTS ..... . . .;. . '" RESOURCES AVAILABLE 643.455 772,919 791,480 Expenditures: General Government 382,874 494,777 791,480 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 382 874 494.777 791.480 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 260 581 278.142 - Adopted Budget Worker's Compensation Reserve FUND Code 1994 Actual 470,229 474,348 1995 Budget or Estimate 355,948 514,536 1,627 BUDGET 1996 41I1r, III Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 Revenues: Transfers in Miscellaneous 563,270 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: General Government :.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:::.:.:::.:.:::.:.:::.;.;::.:::::.:.:::::.:.:::.:.:::.;.:::.:.:::.;.:::.:.:.:::::::.:::::.;.:::.:.:::.;.:,:.;.:,:.:.:::.;.:::.:::::::::.:::.:.:::.;.:::.;.:::.;.:::.;.: 474 348 944 577 ...................5.16..:..1"6"J.........................................5.63.~Z70 872.111 1,011,381 588.629 424,000 1,011 ,381 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 588 629 355.948 424.000 448.111 1.011.381 Page No. -1L STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Central Garaqe FUND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 13.997 29.169 28.139 Revenues: Fees 649.555 823.622 823.802 Mi sce 11 aneous 6.643 - - Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances .;.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;. .;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:::.;.:;:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:::.;.:.;.;.;.:. . . ,',', ,', ,',',', ',' ','.- . ',' '.',',' ,', ,',',', ',' ',' TOTAL RECEIPTS 656.198 ...............B.Z:L..b".~t2........................ ..........IlZ3..J:fO"Z...................... RESOURCES AVAILABLE 670 195 852.791 851.941 Expenditures: General Government 634.526 818.152 844,791 Transfers out 6,500 6,500 7,150 TOTAL EXPENDITURES f\41 . n?f\ R~4 652 851 . q4 1 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 29 1flq 28 139 - Adopted Budget Data Processing FUND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 14.145 100.571 107.288 Revenues: Fees 144,866 326,995 380,161 Miscellaneous 3,195 - - Transfers in 202,586 - - Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances :.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.; ;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ,',',' ,', "',', ',',' . . . . ,',', ,', ,',',', ',',',',' ,',', TOTAL RECEIPTS 350.647 ................."326...:.99"5".... .......... ...... .380-.:161........................ RESOURCES AVAILABLE 364.792 427,566 487.449 Expenditures: General Government 261,529 317,378 483,429 Transfers out 2,692 2,900 4,020 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 264 221 120 278 487 449 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 100 571 ln7.?RR - Page No. ~ STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Sanitation FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 645,350 636,933 550.211 Revenues: Fees 952,914 1,020,000 1,020,000 Interest 20.840 25,000 25,000 Mi sce 11 aneous 10,101 1,000 1,000 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances .:.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:::.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.:. ',',', ',' ",',',' ,', ,',',', ',' ',','. ,', ,', '. . . . TOTAL RECEIPTS 983,855 ......r~-n46..:.0no............................. ...r;.046..;-o-O-o-...... ......... RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1.629,205 1,682,933 1,596,211 Expenditures: Public Works 889,278 1,034,080 1,496,736 Transfers out 102,994 98,642 99,475 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 992.272 1 132.722 1.596 211 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 636 933 550.211 Adopted Budget Solid Waste FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 590 110 821.188 976.732 Revenues: Fees 1,130,123 1,440,000 1,845,000 Interest 24,516 35,UOO 35,UOO Other Financinq 285.000 281. 000 - Interqovernmental - 7,500 - Mi sce 11 aneous 17.052 23.800 10,000 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances ;';';';';':':.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.:-:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.; :::.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:::.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.; ,',',' ,', ,',',',', ,",',' ,', ,',', " . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..".. . . . . TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,456,691 .......r;78"T;..3"OU........................... .....r;-"89U;-O-OO... ........... RESOURCES AVAILABLE 2,046,801 2,608,488 2,866,732 Expenditures: Public Works 884,843 1,173,406 1,532,597 Princlpal 158.340 332.845 1,006,525 Interest 45,691 77 ,740 223,854 Issuance Costs 3.022 - - Tranfers out 133,717 47,765 103,756 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.225 613 1.631 756 2.866.732 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 821 188 976.732 - Page No. ~ STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1996 Adopted Budget Golf Course FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 74,879 96,008 100 000 Revenues: Fees 601.774 607,000 615,400 Interest 3,049 2,500 3,000 Miscellaneous 5,180 2,200 2,200 Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances .:.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.:::.:.:::.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;. .:.:::.:...:::.:.:::.:.:::.:.:::.:.:::.:.::;.:.::;::;::;:::::;::.:. . . . ..". . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ..". . . . . . . . TOTAL RECEIPTS 610 .003 .............kfr...Yiii'j"""............................. .;" an/i RESOURCES AVAILABLE 684 8H2 707.70H no fiOO Expenditures: Recreation 564.167 553 795 681 212 Principal 3.530 9.142 6 707 Interest 1.306 - 2 100 Transfers out 19.871 44.771 30.581 TOTAL EXPENDITURES !)HH.H74 fi07.70R no . fiOO Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 96 008 1(\(\ 000 - Adopted Budget Water and Sewer FOND 1994 1995 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1996 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 5,569.857 6.612,932 5.797 873 Revenues: Fees 9.399 759 9.703.000 9.958.000 Interest 258 612 300.000 300.000 Mi sce 11 aneous 159.541 100.000 100 000 Other Financinq 1.333.750 - - Cancellation of Prior Year Encumbrances :;:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:::.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.; ;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:-:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.: ,',' ,', ,',',",',', ,',',' ,', ,',',. ',',',',' "", ',', ',',',' ,', ,', ,', TOTAL RECEIPTS 21 151 662 T6....TbJ.:."d"(nr......................... 16"....."i"~"ff....lHilr.................. RESOURCES AVAILABLE 26.721.519 16.715.932 16.155 873 Expenditures: Public Works 4.866.462 5.740.109 11.672 574 Debt Service 1~ h~< . fiqFi ? 507.000 ? 4Al 471; Capita 1 Outlay 979.01H ? ?Ol 71)0 11101000 Transfers Out fi29411 4fiq ?OO !)OO R?4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20.108 !)H7 10 qlQ ("11:::0 1 fi 11)1) .H71 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 6.612.932 1)7Q7.R7':l - Page No. ~ - -. III -l o a Q, iii !! <' 0 :J III -. I: UI :JQ,2:iO' =.;Cll; g. ::; III UI "O"0::r III III 0 0 S":JO.., Q,U1I:< iO'al: ~ ; S' "0 i . lC 5' :J -l S' - Q,::r ::r -. Cll :t Cll 2"U1CllC" .. Cll _ Clllll-'" U1..0Q, .....Cll S"lC 0Q,-!2. "CllC"1ll cOQ,aUl co I: lC C" adl Cll 0 . Cll-- Q,Cll::r .....Q,1ll o III .. 3 3 Cll o < _I:Cll ::r:J:J Cll _I: C"U1Cll 1:' III Q,-l:J lC ::r Q, !2. iii' Cll _U1>< 00"0 III ::r ~ ..CllQ, :::::!. 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