1999 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS Form B CERTIFICATE 1999 TO THE CLERK OF Saline County STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of City Of Salina certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1999; and (3) the Amount(s) of 98 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limations, Business Imp, District Tourism and Convention Neighborhood Parks Special Parks and Rec. Special Alcohol Special Gas Tax Bicentenial Center Capital Projects Expendable Trust Fair Housing Risk Management Worker's Comp Reserve Health Insurance Central Garage Information Services Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water and Sewer Water and Sewer P & I Non-Expendable Trust TOTALS Publication Final Assessed Valuation Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation Total levies for funds under the tax lid Q. Is you Clty requlre y Kansas or e era are the audits being performed by independent outside auditors? Yes No Q2, If you answered no to Q1 will your city soon (within 2-3 years) be meeting Kansas of federal law requirments? Yes No Unsure (Circle one) Attest: Asslste y: TABLE OF CONTENTS Adopted Budget Compo of Agg, Tax Levy Limit Statement of Indebtedness Statement of Lease-Purchases Fund GENERAL Employee Benefits Flood and Drainage Utility Special Liability Bond and Interest K.S,A, 12-16,102 Ord 97-9814 Ch 5, Art 12 75-6110 10-113 County Clerk State Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No I Page No. 2&3 4 4a 5 & 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 xxxxxx o Expend- itures 23,511,984 3,970,283. 376,480 3,393,038 82,000 715,000 8,000 207,927 97, 672 1,818,717 1,500,037 86,600 406,295 1,546,269 3,459,843 946,109 1,033,549 1,762,052 3,638,424 929,079 15,224,246 64,713,604 1999 ADOPTED BUDGET Amount or 98 Tax to be Levied County Clerk's Use Only 2,238,629 2,989,552 253,469 935,182 6,416,832 3,593,773 2,492,098 Page No, 1 STATE OF KANSAS Form B CERTIFICATE 1999 TO THE CLERK OF Saline County STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of City of Salina certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1999; and (3) the Amount(s) of 98 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limations, Business Imp, District Tourism and Convention Neighborhood Parks Special Parks and Rec. Special Alcohol Special Gas Tax Bicentenia1 Center Capital Projects Expendable Trust Fair Housing Risk Management Worker's Comp Reserve Health Insurance Central Garage Information Services Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water and Sewer Water and Sewer P & I Non-Expendable Trust TOTALS Publication Final Assessed Valuation Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation Total levies for funds under the tax lid Q, Is you clty reqUlre y Kansas or e era are the audits being performed by independent outside auditors? Yes No Q2, If you answered no to Q1 will your city soon (within 2-3 years) be meeting Kansas of federal law requirments? Yes No Unsure (Circle one) Attest: Asslste y: TABLE OF CONTENTS Ado ted Bud et Compo of Agg. Tax Levy Limit Statement of Indebtedness Statement of Lease-Purchases Fund GENERAL Employee Benefits Flood and Drainage Utility Special Liability Bond and Interest Page No. 2&3 4 4a K.S,A, 5 & 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 xxxxxx 12-16,102 Ord 97-9814 Ch 5, Art 12 75-6110 10-113 o Expend- itures 23,511,984 3,970,283 376,480 3,393,038 82,000 715,000 8,000 207,927 97, 672 1,818,717 1,500,037 86,600 406,295 1,546,269 3,459,843 946,109 1,033,549 1,762,052 3,638,424 929,079 15,224,246 64,713,604 1999 2,238,629 2,989,552 253,469 935,182 6,416,832 County Clerk State Use Only Received Reviewed by FOllow-up: Yes No Page No. 1 County Clerk's Use Onl 3,593,773 2,492,098 city Of Salina LEVY LIMITS FOR FUNDS STATE OF KANSAS Form Bl 1999 Est Valuation July I, 1998 253,082,253 Assessed Valuation for 1989 152,131,938 Factor 1.66357 98 Levy Rate 88 Budget Levy Lmt Bud Levy Limit Amt Less: Plus: Levy LAVTR MVT Dec Limit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library Board Recreation Comm Rec Comm Empl & Spec Liab Fund Llbrary Board MVT co~arison for Funds with Levy Limits 19 0 MVT 1999 MVT Decrease o Recreation Comm Rec Comm Empl & Spec Liab o o SCHEDULE OF 1999 BUDGETED TRANSFERS Fund Trans From: General Tourism General Fund Trans To: Bi-Center Bi-Center Central Garage Amount Statutory Auth for Transfer 325,000 Art 5, Chpt 12 286,000 Charter Ord 22 100,000 Art 5, Chpt 12 Page No. 2 MOTOR VEHICLE 98 Budgeted Funds (97 Tax Levies) General Employee Benefits Flood and Drainage Utili ty Special Liability Bond and Interest City Of Salina TOTAL ALLOCATION OF 1999 (MVT) & RECREATIONAL VEHICLE TAX Actual Amt of 1999 MVT 97 Lev Allocation 1,733,969 276,557 2,926,292 466,725 235,357 37,538 1,186,130 189,180 STATE OF KANSAS Form B2 1999 (RVT) 1999 RVT Allocation 3,992 6,736 542 2,730 6,081,748 970,000 14,000 County Treas Motor Vehicle Estimate 970,000 Motor Vehicle Factor County Treasurers Recreational Vehicle Estimate 0.15949 Recreational Vehicle Factor Fund General Vehicle Tax Decrease funds under the tax lid 1990 1999 MVT MVT Estimate 486,864 276,557 Totals 486,864 Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax Allocaiton 276,557 COMPUTATION OF DELINQUENCY Amount of 96 taxes uncollected Amount of 96 taxes levied Actual Delinquency Rate used in this budget 24,414 1,494,777 1,63% 2.00 Page No. 2a 14,000 0,00230 1999 LAVTR 468,241 210,307 City Of Salina AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) STATE OF KANSAS Form C 1999 1. Total tax levies for functions under the Tax Lid (1998 Budget, Page No.3, line 1) 2,661,773 2. Adj for territory added/excl: 2a, Valuation of terr 1998 2b. Valuation of terr 1990 to 1997 2c. 1998 est, assessed valuation 2d. Total val less added/excl 2e. Factor ((2a+2b)/2d) 2f. Adjustment (2e times line 1) Added Excluded 11,754 1,232,269 264 253,082,253 253,082,253 251,838,230 253,081,989 0,00494 0.00000 13,149 3 13,146 personal property: 4,668,534 23,458,245 26,502,376. 13,783,824 12,718,552 448,105 0 40,397,226 152,131,938 0.26554 706,809 3. Adjustment for new impr and incr 3a, New improvements for 1998 3b. New impr for 1990 to 1997 3c. Personal Prop total for 1998 3d. Personal Prop total for 1989 3e. Change in Personal Property 3f. Less: New Imp/Pers Prop included in added terr 3g. Plus: New Imp/Pers Prop included in excluded terr 3h. Net value of New Imp/Pers Prop 3i. 1989 Assessed Valuation 3j. Factor (3h/3i) 3k. Adjustment (3j times line 1) 4, Possible adjustment to Tax Lid: 4a. Functions transferred in/out 4b. Elimination of gross earnings tax 4c. Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax Alloc 4d. Total Adjustment to the Tax Lid 210,307 210,307 5. LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1998 BUDGET 3,592,035 6. List exempt functions included in funds under Tax Lid: Neighborhood Revitalization Rebates 1,738 7. MAXIMUM LEVIES FOR FUNDS UNDER THE TAX LID IN THE 1999 BUDGET 3,593,773 Suspension a. b. c. of Adjustment of Tax Lid authorized by: Board of Tax Appeals Order dated: Election Held on: Charter Ordinance/Resolution: Page No. 3 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET General Code Actual or Estimate 1999 City Of Salina Adopted Budget Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR County and City Revenue Sharing City Sales Tax County Sales Tax Franchise Fees Other Intergovernmental Rev. Fees for Services Licenses and Permits Recreation and Cultural Fees Investment Income Court Fines and fees Operating Transfers 4,857,424 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,470,370 27,372 244,358 3,592 373,458 333,417 3,611,403 5,047,530 1,929,623 665,596" 185,300 297,737 376,786 280,256 957,054 261,234 All other General revenue 1,455,100 TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 3,454,127 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,697,000 24,000 258,451 3,421 379,594 339,251 3,800,000 5,300,000 1,897,000 765,000 170,500 288,575 374,000 400,000 900,000 17,000 2,245,990 STATE OF KANSAS Form E1 1999 4,168,106 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 27,000 276,557 3,992 468,241 341,945 3,990,000 5,565,000 1,947,000 694,186 170,500 288,575 391,400 400,000 900,000 17,000 1,668,626 17,520,186 22,377,610 17,150,022 21,318,128 18,859,782 22,313,909 Page No. 5 City Of Salina Adopted Budget General RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government Public safety Public works Recreation Cultural Community Development Health and welfare Other Capital Outlays Transfers out TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, STATE OF KANSAS Form E1 1999 Code 1997 Actual 22,377,610 1,205,873 8,235,942 1,434,385 1,951,889 512,785 261,490 499,929 971,348 3,849,842 1998 Budget or Estimate 22,313,909 1,664,417 8,264,252 1,960,791 1,974,558 507,916 263,025 520,667 1,670,177 1,320,000 BUDGET 1999 21,318,128 1,714,347 8,532,970 2,039,634 2,019,690 502,918 320,302 540,945 5,491,178 2,350,000 18,923,483 18,145,803 3,454,127 4,168,106 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Dec 31 Delinquency Computation Page No. 6 2.00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 23,511,984 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 23,511,984 2,193,856 44,773 2,238,629 City Of Salina Adopted Budget Ern 10 ee Benefits Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Other Revenues Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Employee Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 1997 Actual 1,595,601 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,274,194 52,495 448,891 6,724 206,174 1998 Budget or Estimate 468,853 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2,865,424 45,000 246,346 3,359 STATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1999 BUDGET 1999 512,061 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 55,000 466,725 6,736 1,988,478 3,584,079 3,160,129 3,628,982 528,461 1,040,522 3,115,226 3,116,921 3,970,283 3,115,226 3,116,921 468,853 512,061 Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 2,00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Total Expenditures and Adopted Budget Flood and Draina e Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Transfers In Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Public Works TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 3,970,283 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3,970,283 2,929,761 59,791 2,989,552 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 0 0 90,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 230,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 37,538 542 310,000 0 540,000 38,080 0 540,000 128,080 450,000 376,480 o 450,000 o 90,000 Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 2,00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Total Expenditures and Page No. 7 376,480 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 376,480 248,400 5,069 253,469 City Of Salina Adopted Budget Fund - Detail Expend Expenditures: 1996 Actual 1997 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1998 Salaries Contractual Commodiites Capital Outlay Total 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay Total 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay Total 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay Total 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Ou tl a y Total 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay Total 0 0 0 Salaries Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay Total 0 0 0 Page Total 0 0 0 Page 7a ci ty Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1999 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 409,667 374,513 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 584,192 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 14,505 14,000 129,589 112,942 1,629 1,540 Utility Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Other Residual Equity Transfer 729,915 1,139,582 128,482 502,995 o o 765,069 502,995 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Delinquency Computation 765,069 502,995 0 37 4 , 513 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 2.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 96,026 96,025 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10,248 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6,789 473 67,928 1,985 1,637 27 S ecial Liabilit Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government Residual Equity Transfer 86,602 182,628 2,485 98,510 o o 86,603 98,510 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Delinquency Computation 86,603 98,510 0 96, 025 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 2.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Page No. 8 City Of Salina Adopted Budget 1998 Budget or Estimate 867,101 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,161,458 36,651 454,430 6,197 1,008,920 192,300 70,000 2,929,956 3,797,057 1997 Actual 1,052,539 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2,350,311 32,010 216,695 2,412 1,025,423 143,624 86,395 3,856,870 4,909,409 Bond and Interest Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Special Assessments Other Revenue Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Debt Service STATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1999 BUDGET 1999 937,212 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 40,000 189,180 2,730 1,080,938 146,500 80,000 1,539,348 2,476,560 2,859,845 3,393,038 4,042,308 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 3,393,038 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Total Expenditures and 4,042,308 2,859,845 867,101 937,212 Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 2.00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Adopted Budget 1998 Budget or Estimate 1997 Actual o Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: 3,393,038 916,478 18,704 935,182 BUDGET 1999 o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dee 31 o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 2.00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Total Expenditures and Delinquency Computation Page No. 9 o o o o City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1998 Adopted Budget o 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1999 Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and 000 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 2.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Delinquency Computation Adopted Budget Code 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate o BUDGET 1999 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: 000 o 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 2.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Total Expenditures and Delinquency Computation Page No. 10 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1999 Adopted Budget o 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1999 Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 2.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Delinquency Computation Adopted Budget Code 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate o BUDGET 1999 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o 0 0 o 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 2.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Total Expenditures and Delinquency Computation Page No. 11 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 Adopted Budget 1997 Actual 3,187 1998 Budget or Estimate 463 BUDGET 1999 Business Im , District Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: BID Fees o 77,460 82,000 82,000 Interest on Idle Funds 158 TOTAL RECEIPTS 77,618 82,000 82,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 80,805 82,463 82,000 Expenditures: Other 80,3'42 82,463 82,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 80,342 82,463 82,000 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 463 0 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Tourism and Convention Code Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 0 1,765 0 Revenues: Guest Tax 592,715 715,000 713,800 Interest on Idle Funds 1,765 1,200 1,200 TOTAL RECEIPTS 594,480 716,200 715,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 594,480 71 7,965 715,000 Expenditures: Agency Contracts 370,629 431,965 429,000 Transfers 222,086 286,000 286,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 592,715 1,765 717,965 o 715,000 o Page No. 12 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 Adopted Budget 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1999 Nei hborhood Parks Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Park Fees Misc, o o 8,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Construction Contracts Other o o o o 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 8,000 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 0 0 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Special Parks and Rec. Code Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 99,030 77,821 94,124 Revenues: Liquor Tax 87,916 96,803 96,803 Other 8,000 12,000 12,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Construction Contracts Other 5,572 101,488 200,518 5,000 113,803 191,624 5,000 113,803 207,927 122,697 97,500 85,000 122,927 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 122,697 77,821 97,500 94,124 207,927 o Page No. 13 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1,999 Adopted Budget S ecial Alcohol Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Liqour Tax 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate 369 BUDGET 1999 369 87,916 96,803 96,803 Interest on Idle Funds 369 500 TOTAL RECEIPTS 88,285 96,803 97,303 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 88,285 97,172 97,672 Expenditures: Agency Contracts 87,916 96,803 97,672 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Special Gas Tax Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Gas Tax Other Code 87,916 96,803 97,672 369 369 0 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 377,977 444,006 370,717 1,367,135 1,390,000 1,400,000 Adopted Budget Interest on Idle Funds 38,044 40,000 48,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,405,179 1,430,000 1,448,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 1,783,156 1,874,006 1,818,717 Expenditures: Public Works 1,339,150 1,503,289 1,818,717 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,339,150 444,006 1,503,289 370,717 1,818,717 o Page No, 14 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 Adopted Budget 1997 Actual 401,635 1998 Budget or Estimate 316,427 BUDGET 1999 136,037 Bicentenial Center Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Fees for Service Transfers 625,352 322,086 683,000 486,000 737,000 611,000 Interest on Idle Funds 21,354 16,000 16,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 968,792 1,185,000 1,364,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 1,370,427 1,501,427 1,500,037 Expenditures: Recreation 1,054,000 1,365,390 1,500,037 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,054,000 316,427 1,365,390 136,037 1,500,037 o Adopted Budget Capital Projects Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Reimbursements Bond and Note Proceeds Residual Equity transfers Intergovernmental Code 1997 Actual -294,038 1998 Budget or Estimate 2,786,973 BUDGET 1999 o 122,550 10,110,000 416,899 807 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Capital Outlay Contractual Services Note Redemption Interest Expense Issuance Costs Residual Equity Transfers 70,113 10,720,369 10,426,331 o o o 1,990,923 308,805 4,850,000 158,456 22,349 308,825 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dee 31 7,639,358 2,786,973 o o o o Page No. 15 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1,999 Adopted Budget 1997 Actual 36,910 1998 Budget or Estimate 38,553 BUDGET 1999 Ex endable Trust Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Intergovernmental o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Recreation 2,183 39,093 o o o 540 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 540 0 0 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 38,553 0 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Fair Housing Code Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 41,808 56,600 46,600 Revenues: Reimbursements 450 Intergovernmental 20,060 38,000 38,000 Interest on Idle Funds 2,550 2,000 2,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 23,060 40,000 40,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 64,868 96,600 86,600 Expenditures: General Government 8,268 50,000 86,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 8,268 56,600 50,000 46,600 86,600 o Page No. 16 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 Adopted Budget Risk Mana ement Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Reimbursements Transfers 1997 Actual 620,835 1998 Budget or Estimate 466,061 BUDGET 1999 178,795 73,676 86,603 40,298 275,573 30,000 187,500 Interest on Idle Funds 28,954 10,000 10,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 189,233 325,871 227,500 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 810,068 791,932 406,295 Expenditures: Other 344,007 313,137 406,295 Transfers 300,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 344,007 613,137 406,295 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 466,061 178,795 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Worker's Comp Reserve Code Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 1,142,798 1,406,167 1,226,269 Revenues: Premiums 419,601 50,000 270,000 Interest on Idle Funds 79,248 70,000 50,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 498,849 120,000 320,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 1,641,647 1,526,167 1,546,269 Expenditures: Claims 235,480 299,898 1,546,269 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 235,480 1,406,167 299,898 1,226,269 1,546,269 o Page No. 17 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 Adopted Budget Health Insurance Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Premiums 1997 Actual o 1998 Budget or Estimate 417,663 BUDGET 1999 357,295 2,357,382 2,784,132 3,062,548 Interest on Idle Funds 24,364 40,000 40,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 2,381,746 2,824,132 3,102,548 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 2,381,746 3,241,795 3,459,843 Expenditures: Other 1,964,083 2,884,500 3,459,843 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,964,083 2,884,500 3,459,843 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 417,663 357,295 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Central Gara e Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 44,358 26,934 23,111 Revenues: Fees for Services 755,557 785,000 820,000 Operating Transfer 100,000 Oreimbursements 9,974 2,998 2,998 Interest on Idle Funds 2,185 1,200 TOTAL RECEIPTS 767,716 789,198 922,998 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 812,074 816,132 946,109 Expenditures: Other 785,140 793,021 946,109 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 785,140 26,934 793,021 23, 111 946,109 o Page No, 18 City Of Salina STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 Adopted Budget Information Services Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Fees Misc. 1997 Actual 111,312 1998 Budget or Estimate 186,344 BUDGET 1999 210,428 245,617 416,018 669,859 2,250 808,873 2,248 Interest on Idle Funds 10,629 12,000 12,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 672,264 684,109 823,121 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 783,576 870,453 1,033,549 Expenditures: Other 597,232 660,025 1,033,549 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 597,232 660,025 1,033,549 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 186,344 210,428 0 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Sanitation Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 607,969 499,254 312,052 Revenues: Fees 1,222,202 1,300,000 1,415,000 Misc. 572 61,000 10,000 Interest on Idle Funds 33,486 25,000 25,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,256,260 1,386,000 1,450,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 1,864,229 1,885,254 1,762,052 Expenditures: Public Works 1,364,975 1,573,202 1,762,052 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,364,975 499,254 1,573,202 312,052 1,762,052 o Page No. 19 City Of Salina Adopted Budget Solid Waste Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Disposal Fees Intergovernmental Misc Residual Transfer Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Public Works STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 699,216 1,235,598 1,156,849 2,373,577 2,350,000 2,400,000 30,724 20,082 20,000 20,000 116,475 60,522 60,000 60,000 2,601,380 2,430,000 2,480,000 3,300,596 3,665,598 3,636,849 2,064,998 2,508,749 3,638,424 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,064,998 2,508,749 3,638,424 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,235,598 1,156,849 -1,575 Adopted Budget 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Golf Course Actual or Estimate 1999 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 68,133 127,920 100,892 Revenues: Fees 561,743 553,700 593,885 Sales 206,918 191,000 194,000 Other 31,351 29,200 32,300 Interest on Idle Funds 8,218 5,000 8,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 808,230 778,900 828,185 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 876,363 906,820 929,077 Expenditures: Recreation 748,443 805,928 929,079 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Page No. 20 748,443 127,920 805,928 100,892 929,079 -2 3,665,917 City Of Salina Adopted Budget Water and Sewer Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Water charges Sewer charges Sales Tax Meter Deposits All Other Transfers In Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Administration Customer Accounting Distribution Cross Connection Softening and Treatment Goundwater Remediation Capital South Tower Collection Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Adopted Budget Water and Sewer P & I Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Transfers In Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Principal Interest Other TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Page No, 21 STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 3,793,837 5,299,334 4,022,046 5,529,751 5,530,000 5,751,200 4,559,069 4,700,000 4,888,000 135,218 150,000 150,000 65,363 70,000 70,000 203,092 93,000 68,000 987,748 315,612 300,000 275,000 11,795,853 10,843,000 11,202,200 15,589,690 16,142,334 15,224,246 806,797 986,835 1,086,403 1,041,235 1,268,496 3,976,424 958,753 1,161,014 1,126,404 66,988 69,281 72,731 1,807,441 ., 2,001,148 2,039,036 431 20,000 20,000 1,030,176 2,396,000 2,268,000 6,419 2,300,735 1,945,097 2,052,890 2,271,381 2,272,417 2,582,358 10,290,356 12,120,288 15,224,246 5,299,334 4,022,046 0 1997 1998 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1999 635,836 840,010 840,010 2,415,280 267,355 2,682,635 3,318,471 o 840,010 o 840,010 1,015,000 1,461,733 1,728 2,478,461 840,010 o 840,010 o 840,010 City Of Salina Adopted Budget Non-Ex endable Trust Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Charges for Services Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Adopted Budget Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1997 Actual 196,571 7,228 11,853 19,081 215,652 1998 Budget or Estimate 215,652 o 215,652 o STATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1999 BUDGET 1999 215,652 o 215,652 o 215,652 o 215,652 o 215,652 o 1997 Actual 1998 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1999 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Page No. 22 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING 1999 BUDGET STATE OF KANSAS Form A 1999 The governing body of the City of Salina will meet on the 10th Day of August, 1998 at 4:00 PM, at 300 W. Ash Street, Room 107 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections oftaxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to be levied. Detailed budget information is available at the City Clerks office, 300 West Ash Street, room 206 and will be available at the hearing BUDGET SUMMARY The "PROPOSED BUDGET Expenditures 1999" and "Amt of98 tax to be levied" establish the Maximum limits of the 1999 budget. The "Est Tax Rate" is subject to slight change depending on the final assessed valuation. 1997 1998 PROPOSED BUDGET 1999 Actual Budget or Est Amount 97 Tax FUND Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures to be Levied General 18,923,483 18.145,803 23,511,984 2,238,629 Employee Benefits 3,115,226 3,116,921 3,970,283 2,989,552 Flood and Drainage 450,000 376,480 253,469 Utility 765,069 2.766 502,995 Special Liability 86,603 0.049 98,510 Bond and Interest 4,042,308 11130 2,859,845 5.013 3,393,038 935,182 3.695 Business Imp. District 80.342 82,463 82,000 Tourism and Convention 592.715 717,965 715,000 Neighborhood Parks 8,000 Special Parks and Rec. 122,697 97.500 207,927 Special Alcohol 87,916 96,803 97,672 Special Gas Tax 1,339,150 1,503,289 1.818,717 Bicentenial Center 1.054,000 1,365,390 1,500.037 Capital Projects 7,639,358 0 Expendable Trust 540 Fair Housing 8,268 50,000 86.600 Risk Management 344,007 613,137 406,295 W odee"s Comp Reserve 235,480 299,898 1,546,269 Health Insurance 1.964,083 2,884,500 3,459,843 Central Garage 785,140 793,021 946,109 Infonnation Services 597,232 660,025 1,033,549 Sanitation 1,364,975 1,573.202 1,762,052 Solid Waste 2,064,998 2.508,749 3,638.424 Golf Course 748,443 805,928 929.079 Water and Sewer 10,290,356 12,120,288 15,224,246 Water and Sewer P & I 2,478,461 0 0 Non-Expendable Trust 0 0 Totals 58,730,850 26.942 51,346.232 25.705 64,713,604 6,416.832 25.355 Interfund Transactions 4,102,256 5,855,586 5,869,966 Net Expenditure 54,628,594 45,490,646 58.843,638 Total Levy 5,772,414 6,081,748 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Assessed Valuation 214,257,297 236.595,408 253,082,253 Outstanding Indebtedness, January 1. 1996 1997 1998 G.O. Bonds 11,519,000 10,982,000 10,490,000 No-Fund Warr Revenue Bonds 35,845,000 34.890,000 33,875,000 Temporary Notes 4,030,000 7,795,000 2,537,000 Lease Pur Princ 389,355 126.426 0 Total 51,783,355 53,793,426 46,902.000 *Tax rates are expressed in mills Clerk Page No. III C ~ ..... <J c-i C III :J Ul 0 U "-' o OJ C ~ ..... +-' c-i ..... m U Ul Ul A: Ul Z ~ ~ o 1LI f-< E 00 A: '-' 0> f-< 0 0> Ul ~ c-i o Ul Ul 1LI Z o 1LI f-< en 1LI o Z H c OJ ..... :J '-' 0 0., +-' 0> C ~- :J 0 c-i ~ +-' C H C OJ ..... ., '-' c5 0., +-' 00 C ~- :J 0 c-i ~ +-' C H C ..... '-' OJ 0., :J 0 OJ I-- +-' m 0 <J C H 00 U 0> +-' C 0> C m c-i :J +-' ...... 0 (0 c-i E +-' 0 A: ., ...... is c-i 0 "-' Ul U 0 U OJ ., <J C Ul E 0 Ul A: en H OJ <J +-' "" c: m H 0; OJ OJ +-' ""' (0 m 0 0 to H +-' .0 OJ 0 "-' 0 OJ Ul 8. 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