1997 Budget Certificate CERTIFICATE STATE OF KANSAS Form B 1997 TO THE CLERK OF Saline STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of Citv of Salina certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1997; and (3) the Amount(s) of 96 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. TABLE OF CONTENTS Adopted Budget Compo of Agg. Tax Levy Limit Statement of Indebtedness Statement of Lease-Purchases Fund K.S.A. GENERAL 79-1948 Utility Ch. 5 Art Employee Benefit 12-16,102 Spec. Liability 75-6110 Bond and Interest 10-113 o o o o o o Business Imp. District Tourism & Convention Special Parks Special Alcohol Special Gas Bicentenia1 Center Other Spec. Revenue Capital Projects Expendable Trust Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water and Sewer Water and Sewer P & I Risk Management Workers Compo Reserve Central Garage Information Services Non-Expendable Trust TOTALS Publication Final Assessed Valuation Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation Total levies for funds under the Attest: 1996 County Clerk State Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No -- Page No. 2&3 4 4a o o o o o o 5 & 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 xxxxxx o tax lid 1997 ADOPTED BUDGET Amount of 96 Tax to be Levied County Clerk's Use Only Expend- itures 21,168,408 1,042,000 3,667,408 156,228 4,258,418 o o o o o o 84,160 715,000 149,825 87,333 1,589,916 1,383,922 o o o 1,760,899 3,118,326 763,710 15,948,465 o 673,852 273,307 892,811 740,610 o 1,491,890 592,680 1,292,736 10,418 2,384,690 o o o o o o 58,474,598 5,772,414 3,786,546 2,084,570 Page No. 1 City of Salina Est Valuation July 1, 1996 Factor Assessed Valuation for 1989 Library Board Recreation Comm Rec Corom Emp1 & Spec Liab 96 Levy Rate STATE OF KANSAS Form B1 1997 LEVY LIMITS FOR FUNDS 212,651,043 156,367,292 1.35995 88 Budget Bud Levy Less: Plus: Levy Levy LInt Limit Amt LAVTR MVT Dec Limit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund MVT Comparison for Funds with Levy Limits 1990 MVT 1997 MVT Decrease Library Board Recreation Comm Rec Comm Emp1 & Spec Liab o o o SCHEDULE OF 1997 BUDGETED TRANSFERS Fund Trans From: General Employee Benefits Special Liability Tourism Fund Trans To: Bi-Centennia1 Center Workers Compo Reserve Risk Management Bi-Centennia1 Center Page No. 2 Statutory Authority Amount for Transfer 100,000 Art. 5, Chpt. 12 315,106 KSA 44-505 140,000 KSA 65-6110 286,000 Charter Ord. 22 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form B2 1997 ALLOCATION OF 1997 MOTOR VEHICLE (MVT) & RECREATIONAL VEHICLE TAX (RVT) 96 Budgeted Funds Actual Amt of 1997 MVT 1997 RVT (95 Tax Levies) 95 Levy Allocation Allocation General 1,262,176 239,471 3,421 Utility 722,499 137,079 1,958 Employee Benefit 2,167,396 411,217 5,875 Spec. Liability 338,317 64,188 917 Bond and Interest 1,043,834 198,045 2,829 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 5,534,222 1,050,000 15,000 County Treas Motor Vehicle Estimate 1,050,000 County Treasurers Recreational Vehicle Estimate 15,000 Motor Vehicle Factor 0.18973 Recreational Vehicle Factor 0.00271 Fund General Utility Motor Vehicle Tax Decrease List only funds under the tax lid 1990 1997 MVT MVT Estimate 486,864 239,471 124,166 137,079 1997 LAVTR 373,458 o o o o o o o o o o o o Totals 611,030 Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax A11ocaiton 376,550 234480 COMPUTATION OF DELINOUENCY Amount of 94 taxes uncollected Amount of 94 taxes levied Actual Delinquency Rate used in this budget 43,341 2,148,827 2.02% 4.00 Page No. 2a City of Salina AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) 1. Total tax levies for functions under the Tax Lid (1996 Budget, Page No.3, line 1) 2. Adj for territory added/excl: 2a. Valuation of terr 1996 2b. Valuation of terr 1990 to 1995 2c. 1996 est. assessed valuation 2d. Total val less added/exc1 2e. Factor ((2a+2b)/2d) 2f. Adjustment (2e times line 1) 3. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. Adjustment for new improvements New improvements for 1996 New impr for 1990 to 1995 Personal Prop total for 1996 Personal Prop total for 1989 Change in Personal Property Less: New Imp/Pers Prop included in added terr Plus: New Imp/Pers Prop included in excluded terr Net value of New Imp/Pers Prop 1989 Assessed Valuation Factor (3h/3i) Adjustment (3j times line 1) Added 51,330 968,139 212,651,043 211,631,574 0.00482 4,911 Excluded o o o o 0.00000 o and increased personal property: 4,453,688 15,702,835 23,973,936 13,783,824 10,190,112 968,139 264 4. Possible adjustment to Tax Lid: 4a. Functions transferred in/out 4b. Elimination of gross earnings tax 4c. Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax A110c 3g. 3h. 3i. 3j . 3k. 5. LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1997 BUDGET 6. List exempt functions included in funds under Tax Lid: 7. MAXIMUM LEVIES FOR FUNDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1997 BUDGET Page No. 3 29,378,760 156,367,292 0.18788 STATE OF KANSAS Form C 1997 2,661,773 4,911 500,102 385,280 234480 3,786,546 3,786,546 III .S: m (j) -Q) Oc :??'ffi o(j) ~ en z ~ u. o we ~Er- ~o81 enu.~ Gl ::J en en w z e w ~ lD W e ~ u. o ~ z w :::!; w S en Gl ::J s _"C c:c:co ::JJ!len ~~.;- <(o~ o"'C~ - c: ::J EO., <(lD.Je ~-m~ 0::: Gl .. cao~ .Je c:: it 0~~88~~8088~8888 88~~~~g l!3'~g~~lig to........... ................ ..........N..... ~ 011l~~~8!;!~Oco~ret:!~~~ N~Nenr-iiSen t:!enenr-comlO g~~~~r;~~ ~~g~~~pf ~ ~ c:: 'C Q. 888888888888880 ~~~~~a~@~~lSg~~ :5 ~s;!l8Ie~l1lS!S!~l1l~~N!;!O MCS...,.......U')Q)rsC"')Q)..........'lIit~o; .0 ui ai ai ri ~- oj ri ri"': N oj ri.o .....CO.....N't"""....."'itlO 'lIitNI()Lt)~ c: 'C Q. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........-................................................................... ...: -= ..................-.......-...................................... 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'OU tt) tt) r-i .u Cll o~ M enggl-l G'I .uoenp. a) o Jl! !:: M E-< OM 01 IZ ~Cll rzlO l%l H ~~ !:: 0 "M .u rzlp. l-Im~ HH ,tJ CllClll-l rzlH .r:: 01.u ~~ .ul-l!:: Oeno .r::tJ ~p. tJ ~~ tt) .uCll tt) r-i.r::mCll M Zrzl eno~~ U 0 G'I H~ .u l-I U'M a) E-<tJ O.ul-ll-l M HH E-<::s::sp. ~~ Op. OH tJ~ '*' ~rzl 0 M OtJ 'Cll t..g ~~'*' \D ~rzl Hll: rzl~ en ~tJ <Ii E-<ll: UJD e 0 p. Z Cll E-< ::E: Cll 01 \D en M III .u <t' U G'I en .......... l-I Cll N .u .u N !:: en .......... 0 Q N tJ M '0 Q) m Q) en l-I ~ .r:: en U ~ UJ l-I '0 ~ ;::l l-I p. en :r: :> ~ l-I l-I OM Cll Q) Q UJ .u m rzl .......... ::s r-i E-<er- e ~ en f:l: G'I Cll .u E-<OG'l .u 0 0 UJ~M H U E-t City of Salina Adopted Budget General Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR County and City Revenue Sharing County-wide Sales Tax City Sales Tax Franchise Tax County EMS Payments Other Intergovernmental Rev. Recreation Fees EMS Fees Fire Protection Fees Miscellaneous Fees Municipal Court Fines Permits and Inspection Chgs. Reimbursements Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers In Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Page No. Code 1995 Actual 4,313,622 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 292,275 15,809 194,248 2,946 344,328 313,596 4,869,601 3,456,554 1,739,323 451,394 133,505 344,964 421,385 102,413 432,861 1,026,956 277,660 42,107 253,740 458,016 742,410 15,916,091 20,229,713 5 1996 Budget or Estimate 4,243,969 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,211,689 6,000 54,279 651 355,675 327,771 5,050,000 3,400,000 1,747,500 415,000 118,000 355,200 410,000 145,000 205,000 990,000 305,000 60,197 108,500 470,198 680,000 16,415,660 20,659,629 TATE OF KANSAS Form E1 1997 BUDGET 1997 3,302,176 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 24,000 239,471 3,421 373,458 324,686 5,302,000 4,105,500 1,747,500 415,000 107,105 361,200 421,400 110,000 209,500 900,000 313,575 51,000 165,000 560,202 700,000 16,434,018 19,736,194 City of Salina Adopted Budget General RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government: City Commission City Manager Legal Finance Personnel Buildings Human Relations Total General Government Public Safety Police Municipal Court Parking Control; Fire/EMS Fire/Police Transfers Permits and Inspection Total Public Safety Public Works Engineering Street Flood Works Traffic Control Total Public Works Culture and Recreation Parks Swinuning Pools Neighborhood Center Recreation Arts and Humanities Smokey Hill Museum Total Cultural and Recreation Economic Development Planning Housing Total Economic Development Health Cemetery Health Total Health Contingency Other Operating Transfers Total Contingency Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate Code 20,229,713 20,659,629 67,541 222,628 94,065 282,141 96,520 266,854 109,039 94,890 236,072 93,500 334,434 106,225 301,140 118,230 2,876,539 648,599 29,072 3,167,775 o 214 ,432 3,174,849 728,671 o 3,438,475 o 248,106 192,698 889,431 100,262 144,139 223,712 955,779 113,200 166,850 678,253 71,078 69,014 922,721 214,685 255,585 742,972 71,400 65,604 965,767 225,012 250,017 154,440 o 164,858 75,000 85,842 382,947 92,862 394,842 535,535 171,064 588,986 3,042,845 3,386,000 15,985,744 17,357,453 4,243,969 3,302,176 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation Page No. 4.00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 6 STATE OF KANSAS Form E1 1997 BUDGET 1997 19,736,194 96,525 296,164 96,200 334,805 153,965 150,014 122,361 3,431,143 711,519 o 3,408,349 o 244,222 242,501 1,024,951 123,000 163,735 759,937 71,990 66,896 1,006,365 233,152 250,369 176,777 75,000 97,090 403,383 5,012,808 2,415,187 21,168,408 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 21,168,408 1,432,214 59,676 1,491,890 City of Salina Adopted Budget Utility Unreserved Fund Ba1, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Code 1995 Actual 236,111 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 617,418 12,945 183,135 2,763 816,261 1,052,372 703,582 TATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1997 1996 Budget BUDGET or Estimate 1997 348,790 320,990 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 693, 599 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13,000 13,000 119,171 137,079 1,430 1,958 827,200 1,175,990 152,037 473,027 855,000 1,042,000 703,582 855,000 1,042,000 348,790 320,990 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4 .00 %- AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Total Expenditures and Adopted Budget Employee Benefit Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Code 1995 Actual 810,223 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2,106,728 38,643 471,325 7,069 185,000 204,729 3,013,494 3,823,717 2,624,349 1,042,000 568,973 23,707 592,680 1996 Budget BUDGET or Estimate 1997 1,199,368 1,600,289 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2, 080, 700 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 45,000 45,000 406,578 411,217 4,879 5,875 185,000 185,000 478,124 179,000 3,200,281 4,399,649 826,092 2,426,381 2,799,360 3,667,408 2,624,349 2,799,360 3,667,408 1,199,368 1,600,289 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4 .00 %- AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Total Expenditures and Page No. 7 3,667,408 1,241,027 51,709 1,292,736 City of Salina Adopted Budget Spec. Liability Unreserved Fund Bal, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Code Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 TATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1997 1995 Actual 52,139 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 343,451 5,028 73,753 1,099 1996 Budget BUDGET or Estimate 1997 78,470 80,649 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 324, 784 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7,300 473 66,299 64,188 796 917 423,331 475,470 399,179 477,649 65,578 146,227 397,000 397,000 156,228 397,000 397,000 156,228 78,470 80,649 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4 .00 %- AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Total Expenditures and Adopted Budget Bond and Interest Unreserved Fund Ba1, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Special Assessments Residual Equity Transfer in Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Principal Interest Commission and Postage Other Budgeted Reserves TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Code 156,228 10,001 417 10,418 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1997 797,083 1,024,020 633,676 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,832,581 1,002,081 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 25,190 25,000 36,651 265,491 353,673 198,045 3,968 4,244 2,829 883,807 892,000 963,000 8,371 75,000 8,316 59,915 3,027,724 2,276,998 1,335,440 3,824,807 3,301,018 1,969,116 2,235,447 564,626 714 2,135,766 530,576 1,000 2,934,128 919,514 1,000 403,776 2,800,787 2,667,342 4,258,418 1,024,020 633,676 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4 .00 %- AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED Delinquency Computation Total Expenditures and Page No. 8 4,258,418 2,289,302 95,388 2,384,690 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 o Code Unreserved Fund Ba1, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX o o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4.00 !Is- AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED o o o o Delinquency Computation Adopted Budget 1996 Budget or Estimate o Code 1995 Actual BUDGET 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and 000 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 4.00 !Is- 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Delinquency Computation Page No. 9 Ci ty of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 o Code Unreserved Fund Ba1, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and 000 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4.00 %- AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED o o o o Delinquency Computation Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 o Code Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and 000 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 4.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Delinquency Computation Page No. 10 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E3 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 o Code Unreserved Fund Ba1, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o 0 x:xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED 4.00 % AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED o o o o Delinquency Computation Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 o Code Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o o Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: o o o o o o TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund, Dec 31 Total Expenditures and o 0 0 o 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Non-Appropriated Balance 0 TAX REQUIRED 0 4.00 % 0 AMT OF TAX TO BE LEVIED 0 Delinquency Computation Page No. 11 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Business Imp. District Code 3,569 7,729 4,160 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Special Assessments Fines 78,692 467 75,000 80,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government Transfers Out 79,159 82,728 75,000 82,729 80,000 84,160 57,999 17,000 61,569 17,000 67,160 17,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 74,999 78,569 84,160 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 7,729 4,160 0 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Tourism & Convention Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 26,829 0 0 Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 594,061 715,000 715,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Economic Development Transfers Out 594,061 620,890 715,000 715,000 715,000 715,000 372,534 248,356 429,000 286,000 429,000 286,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 620,890 o 715,000 o 715,000 o Page No. 12 City of Salina Adopted Budget Special Parks Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Liquor Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Culture and Recreation TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Adopted Budget Special Alcohol Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Liquor Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Health TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Code Code Page No. 13 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate o 84,825 84,825 82,500 84,825 84,825 82,500 167,325 o o 100,000 TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 BUDGET 1997 67,325 82,500 82,500 149,825 149,825 0 100,000 149,825 84,825 67,325 0 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Actual or Estimate 1997 0 0 0 84,825 87,333 87,333 84,825 84,825 87,333 87,333 84,825 87,333 84,825 o 87,333 o 87,333 87,333 87,333 87,333 o City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Special Gas Code Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Gas Tax Miscellaneous 407,243 434,006 289,916 1,266,537 1,300,000 1,300,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Public Works 1,266,537 1,673,780 1,300,000 1,734,006 1,300,000 1,589,916 1,239,774 1,444,090 1,589,916 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,239,774 1,444,090 1,589,916 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 434,006 289,916 0 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Bicentenia1 Center Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 286,020 339,032 308,639 Revenues: Fees 695,105 634,500 698,000 Operating Transfers 358,356 386,000 386,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government 1,053,461 1,339,481 1,020,500 1,359,532 1,084,000 1,392,639 1,000,449 1,050,893 1,383,922 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,000,449 339,032 1,050,893 308,639 1,383,922 8,717 Page No. 14 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Other Spec. Revenue Code 134,993 93,755 93,755 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Miscellaneous 1,153,581 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government 1,153,581 1,288,574 o 93,755 o 93,755 1,194,819 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,194,819 0 0 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 93,755 93,755 93,755 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Capital Projects Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 -509,710 -1,191,498 -1,191,498 Revenues: Miscellaneous 3,422,529 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Construction in Progress 3,422,529 2,912,819 o -1,191,498 o -1,191,498 4,104,317 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 4,104,317 -1,191,498 o -1,191,498 o -1,191,498 Page No. 15 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Expendable Trust Code 252,729 457,562 457,562 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Miscellaneous 490,632 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government 490,632 743,361 o 457,562 o 457,562 285,799 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 285,799 0 0 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dee 31 457,562 457,562 457,562 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Sanitation Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 636,933 620,285 559,900 Revenues: Fees 1,050,500 1,060,000 1,175,000 Other 13,400 1,000 999 Interest on Idle Funds 29,563 25,000 25,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,093,463 1,086,000 1,200,999 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 1,730,396 1,706,285 1,760,899 Expenditures: Public Works 1,110,111 1,146,385 1,760,899 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,110,111 620,285 1,146,385 559,900 1,760,899 o Page No. 16 City of Salina Adopted Budget TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1997 821,188 958,024 554,159 1,489,643 1,845,000 2,509,200 12,107 27,624 20,000 19,967 48,200 35,000 35,000 1,577,574 1,900,000 2,564,167 2,398,762 2,858,024 3,118,326 1,440,738 2,303,865 3,118,326 Solid Waste Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Fees Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Public Works TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,440,738 2,303,865 3,118,326 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 958,024 554,159 0 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Golf Course Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 95,186 104,902 92,842 Revenues: Fees 616,441 622,400 641,668 Miscellaneous 25,411 20,200 24,200 Interest on Idle Funds 5,273 3,000 5,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 647,125 645,600 670,868 RESOURCES AVAILABLE: 742,311 750,502 763,710 Expenditures: Recreation 628,268 648,853 732,903 Principal 6,707 6,707 21,707 Interest 2,434 2,100 9,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 637,409 104,902 657,660 92,842 763,710 o Page No. 17 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Water and Sewer Code 6,612,932 5,112,472 5,125,213 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Fees Miscellaneous 9,841,994 171,008 10,393,000 50,000 10,696,900 50,000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Public Works Debt Service Capital Outlay 372,368 10,385,370 16,998,302 300,000 10,743,000 15,855,472 300,000 11,046,900 16,172,113 6,277,231 2,186,690 3,421,909 7,567,784 2,482,475 680,000 12,337,029 2,477,736 1,133,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,885,830 10,730,259 15,948,465 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 5,112,472 5,125,213 223,648 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Water and Sewer P & I Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 615,517 630,438 630,438 Revenues: Transfers In 2,186,690 Charges for Services 93,192 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Principal & Interest 205,083 2,484,965 3,100,482 o 630,438 o 630,438 2,470,044 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 2,470,044 630,438 o 630,438 o 630,438 Page No. 18 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Risk Management Code Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Transfers In Miscellaneous 260,581 427,645 533,554 512,338 513,338 140,000 298 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Govt 512,338 772,919 513,338 940,983 140,298 673,852 345,274 407,429 673,852 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 345,274 407,429 673,852 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 427,645 533,554 0 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Workers Compo Reserve Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 355,948 608,020 847,290 Revenues: Transfers In 514,536 563,270 419,602 Miscellaneous 1,627 30,476 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government 516,163 872,111 563,270 1,171,290 450,078 1,297,368 264,091 324,000 273,307 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 264,091 608,020 324,000 847,290 273,307 1,024,061 Page No. 19 City of Salina TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 Adopted Budget 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate BUDGET 1997 Central Garage Code Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Fees for Service Miscellaneous 29,169 10,956 89,813 691,094 3,780 823,802 800,000 2,998 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government 694,874 724,043 823,802 834,758 802,998 892,811 713,087 744,945 892,811 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 713,087 744,945 892,811 Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 10,956 89,813 0 Adopted Budget 1995 1996 Budget BUDGET Information Services Code Actual or Estimate 1997 Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 100,571 122,053 108,997 Revenues: Fees 326,075 380,161 627,527 Miscellaneous 1,732 4,086 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: General Government 327,807 428,378 380,161 502,214 631,613 740,610 306,325 393,217 740,610 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 306,325 122,053 393,217 108,997 740,610 o Page No, 20 City of Salina Adopted Budget Non-Expendable Trust Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Other Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: Other TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Adopted Budget Unreserved Fund Balance, Jan 1 Revenues: Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, Dec 31 Code Code Page No. 21 1995 Actual 171,348 13,373 13,373 184,721 o 184,721 1995 Actual 1996 Budget or Estimate 184,721 o 184,721 o o 184,721 1996 Budget or Estimate o o o o TATE OF KANSAS Form E6 1997 BUDGET 1997 184,721 o 184,721 o 184,721 BUDGET 1997 o o o o o o o o o o NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING 1997 BUDGET STATE OF KANSAS Form A 1997 The goveming body of the City of Salina will meet on the 12th day of August, 1996 at 4:00 PM at 300 W. Ash Street, Room 107 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to be levied. Detailed budget information is available at the City Clerk's Office, 300 West Ash Street, Room 206 and will be available at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY The "PROPOSED BUDGET Expenditures 1997" and "Amount of 96Tax to be Levied" establish the maximum limits of the 1997 budget. The "Est. Tax Rate" in the far right column is subject to slight change depending on the final assessed valuation. 1995 1996 PROPOSED BUDGET 1997 Actual Actual Budget Actual Amount 96 Est. Expend- Tax or Tax Expend- Tax to Tax FUND itures Rate. Estimate Rate. itures be Levied Rate. General 15,985,744 1.558 17,357,453 6.191 21,168,408 1 ,491,890 7.016 Utility 703,582 3.421 855,000 3.544 1,042,000 592,680 2.787 Employee Benefit 2,624,349 11.673 2,799,360 10.631 3,667,408 1,292,736 6.079 Spec. liability 397,000 1.903 397,000 1.659 156,228 10,418 0.050 Bond and Interest 2,800,787 10.154 2,667,342 5.120 4,258,418 2,384,690 11.214 Business Imp. District 74,999 78,569 84,160 Tourism & Convention 620,890 715,000 715,000 Special Parks 0 100,000 149,825 Special Alcohol 84,825 87,333 87,333 Special Gas 1,239,774 1,444,090 1,589,916 Bicentenial Center 1,000,449 1,050,893 1,383,922 Other Spec. Revenue 1,194,819 0 0 Capital Projects 4,104,317 0 0 Expendable Trust 285,799 0 0 Sanitation 1,110,111 1,146,385 1,760,899 Solid Waste 1 ,440,738 2,303,865 3,118,326 Golf Course 637,409 657,660 763,710 Water and Sewer 11,885,830 10,730,259 15,948,465 Water and Sewer P & I 2,470,044 0 0 Risk Management 345,274 407,429 673,852 Workers Compo Reserve 264,091 324,000 273,307 Central Garage 713,087 744,945 892,811 Information Services 306,325 393,217 740,610 Non-Expendable Trust Q Q Q Totals 50,290,243 28.709 44,259,800 27.145 58,474,598 5,772,414 27.145 Interfund Transactions 4,935,278 2,902,312 2,759,069 Net Expenditure 45 354 965 41357488 55715529 Total Levy 5,230,834 5,534,222 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Assessed Valuation 182,190,717 203,881,792 212,651,043 Outstanding Indebtedness, January 1, 1994 1995 1996 G.O. Bonds 12,575,000 11,495,000 11,519,000 No-Fund WaIT Revenue Bonds 25,120,000 36,725,000 35,845,000 Temporary Notes 1,028,000 3,020,000 4,030,000 Lease Purchase Principal 389,355 266,671 Total 38,723,000 51,629,355 51,660,671 .Tax rates are expressed in mills Clerk Page No.