22-8095 Centennial Road Right of WayL -- L L RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8095 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN ACCEPTANCE OF THE GIFT OF A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT, SOLELY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES, FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE DOUGLAS F. BRADLEY TRUST; TO EVALUATE AND POTENTIALLY CONCUR WITH A PROFESSIONALLY APPRAISED VALUATION OF THE GIFT; AND TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED OF THE CITY TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE GIFT. WHEREAS: A. The City has need for the acquisition of right-of-way and a temporary construction easement along east side of Centennial Road north of Water Well Road necessary to accommodate construction of planned improvements to Centennial Road. B. The tract of real estate affected by the needed right-of-way and temporary construction easement is owned by of the Douglas F. Bradley Trust dated March 16, 1998 (the "Trust"). Douglas F. Bradley and Kathleen M. Bradley, husband and wife, are the Trustees of the Trust (the "Trustees"). C. In response to the City staffs initiation of negotiations to acquire the right-of-way and temporary construction easement in compliance with the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, the Trustees advised City staff of their desire to make a completed gift of the needed right-of-way and temporary construction easement solely for public purposes during calendar year 2022 (the "Gift"). D. The Trustees advise they have engaged an appraiser actively licensed by the State of Kansas as a General Real Property Appraiser to appraise the value of the Gift for income tax purposes (the "Appraisal"); however, the appraisal cannot be completed until early in calendar year 2023 . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. As evidence of the acceptance of the Gift to the City, the City Manager is authorized to execute the acceptance of the Right-of-Way Deed and the Temporary Construction Easement documents as provided by the City upon their execution and delivery to the City by the Trustees. Section 2. Upon the pre-condition that the Appraisal is completed by an appraiser actively licensed by the State of Kansas as a General Real Property Appraiser, the City Manager is further authorized to: (a) Receive and evaluate the Appraisal to determine if the City concurs with the appraised valuation of the Gift and to advise the Trustees of that determination; and (b) Execute any documentation required of the City to facilitate the Trustees ' qualification for a Noncash Charitable Contribution for income tax purposes. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 19th day of December 2022. (SEAL) ATTEST: ----