22-8100 Economic Expansion Rural Housing Grantr - L "' "' RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8100 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY OF SALINA TO THE KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NON- COMPETITIVE SUB-A WARD FOR THE CITY TO ADMINISTER THE ECONOMIC EXP ANSI ON RURAL HOUSING GRANTS (EERHG); AUTHORIZING THE RESERVATION OF FUNDS BY THE CITY NECESSARY TO MEET THE REQUIRED MATCH FOR THE FIRST DISBURSEMENT OF GRANT FUNDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A GRANT AW ARD AGREEMENT AND TO TAKE ANY ACTIONS NECESSARY REGARDING DISTRIBUTION OF GRANT FUNDS AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE GRANT AW ARD AGREEMENT. WHEREAS: A. To ensure recent economic development in Saline County that will create over 500 new jobs has sufficient affordable housing , Governor Kelly, through the Office of Recovery, designated the KDC to carry out the Economic Expansion Rural Housing Grant which funds housing intended to accommodate growing housing needs . B. The 2022 Kansas Legislature appropriated $25 ,000 ,000 in funds from HB 25 2510 and from SB 267 to the City of Salina (City) for Fiscal Year 2023 (the "Appropriation") for the purpose of providing grants to housing projects intended to accommodate expansion due to recent economic development , subject to the City meeting the requirements of a forthcoming award agreement to be administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC). C. In the course of administering the Appropriation, the KDC seeks to issue a non- competitive sub-award based on predetermined eligibility criteria, as "Projects shall be located in a Kanas County with a population greater than 40 ,000 and less than 60 ,000 as of the 2020 Census." D. As of the 2020 Census, Saline County has a population of 54 ,303. E. The City, as the county seat of Saline County, was selected to administer the Economic Expansion Rural Housing Grants (EERHG) to qualified for profit and nonprofit developers/contractors with an organizational mission to develop affordable housing , and scalable "shovel-ready" projects to develop homeownership and rental units , with a construction timeline showing completion of all units prior to June 30 , 2026 ("Qualified Developers/Contractors "). F. For purposes of the EERHG, the required match will consist of non-state funds to federal funds on a $1 of non-state moneys to $1 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARP A) moneys basis. G. The KDC will provide $25 ,000 ,000 to the City to be disbursed via the EERHG to eligible profit and nonprofit developers/contractors with an organizational mission to develop affordable housing , and scalable "shovel-ready" projects to develop homeownership and rental units , with a construction timeline showing completion of all units prior to June 30 , 2026. H. The first disbursement of grant funds in the amount of 20% of the allocation ($5 ,000 ,000) will be advanced upon receipt of the executed award agreement and confirmation that 20% of the total required match ($5 ,000,000) is documented as committed. I. The City anticipates reserving City funds in the amount of $5,000,000 to demonstrate the commitment of $5,000,000 as the required match for the first distribution of grant funds in anticipation of replacement of the City reserved funds by Qualified Developers/Contractors selected to complete projects under the EERHG. J. The KDC has provided the City with application guidelines and an application to be signed by the Mayor and submitted to KDC for the proposed sub-award to administer and carry out the EERHG for KDC. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The Mayor is authorized to sign the completed application provided by KDC seeking a sub-award for the City to administer the EERHG (the "Application"). Section 2. The City Manager, or the City Manager's authorized designee, is authorized to (a) submit the completed and signed Application; (b) reserve City funds in the amount of $5,000,000 to demonstrate the commitment of $5,000,000 for the first distribution of grant funds in anticipation of replacement of the City's reserved funds by Qualified Developers/Contractors selected to complete projects under the EERHG and subject to the provisions of a negotiated development agreement; ( c) execute a grant award agreement between KDC and the City; ( d) execute any documentation required by KDC regarding the City's fulfillment of KDC requirements relating to the required match for the first distribution of grant funds and the City's compliance with its obligations under the grant award agreement; and (e) take any actions necessary in the administration of the EERHG in accordance with the grant award agreement. 2022. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 12th day of December Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor [SEAL]