2022 Bond InformationMERCHANTS
November 28 , 2022
City of Sa lin a
City-County Building
300 W Ash Stree t
Salina KS 674 01
R e: Rescind Cancellation: KS 69511
$50,000 .00
Right of Way
Merchan t s Bond ing Company (Mutual )
referenced bond on May 11, 2022
Mid Kansas Underground Inc .
2616 Eureka Terrace
Manhattan KS 66503
sent a Notice of Cancellation for the above
The cance ll at ion is resc inded and this bond is to remain in full force and effect with no
lapse in cove rage.
If you have any questions , please contact Merchants Bonding Company at (800) 678-8171 .
James A. Holter, Vice President
Commercial Bonding Department
Commercial@merchantsbonding .com
CC Mid Kansas Undergrou nd Inc .
CC 4394 IM A Inc
street mailing
6700 Westown Pa rkway
West Des Moines . IA 50266 -7754
P.O. Box 14498
Des Moines , IA 50306 -34 98
SUP 0196 (12/21)
toll free 800.67 8.8171
local 515 .24 3.81 71
fax 515 .243 .3854
ema il info@ merchantsb ond ing .com
web mercha ntsbond ing .com