1998 Budget - Amendment State of Kansas Form B Certificate To the Clerk of Saline County , State of Kansas We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of City of Salina (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was the Budget Hearing this Budget was duly approved and maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year. certify that: held; (2) after adopted as the Table of Contents: Fund Page No. Ex enditures K.S.A. General Fund Flood and Drainage Fund Tourism and Convention Special Alcohol Special Gas Tax Bi-Centennial Center Fair Housing Fund 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 27,275,831 753,229 761,217 118,943 2,104,894 1,760,557 105,369 2,238,629 253,469 Totals Publication Final Assessed Valuation xxxxxxxxx o 32,880,040 2,492,098 Assisted by: Attest: 1999 County Clerk State Use Only Received Reviewed by FOllow-up: Yes No Page No. 1 City of Salina State of Kansas Form E3 Adopted Budget 1999 1999 General Fund Adopted Proposed Code Budaet Budaet Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 4,168,106 5,484,672 Ad Valorem Tax 2,193,856 2,238,629 Delinquent Tax 27,000 27,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 276,557 326,557 Recreational Vehicle Tax 3,992 3,992 LAVTR 468,241 468,241 City County Rev. Share 341,945 341,945 City Sales Tax 3,990,000 3,990,000 County Sales Tax 5,565,000 5,700,000 City Sales Tax (USD) 0 1,630,000 Franchise Fees 1,947,000 1,911,500 Other Intergvtl. 694,186 694,186 All Other 3,436,101 4,059,109 Interest on Idle Funds 400,000 400,000 Total Receipts 19,343,878 21,791,159 Resources Available: 23,511,984 27,275,831 Expenditures: All Purposes 23,511,984 27,275,831 Total Expenditures 23,511,984 27,275,831 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 0 0 Page No. 2 City of Salina Adopted Budget Flood and Drainage Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts Resources Available: Expenditures: Public Works Total Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 Page No. Code 1999 Adopted Budqet 90,000 253,469 37,538 542 291,549 381,549 376,480 376,480 5,069 3 State of Kansas Form E6 1999 Proposed Budaet 464,215 253,469 35,003 542 289,014 753,229 753,229 753,229 o City of Salina Adopted Budget Tourism and Convention Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR Guest Tax Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts Resources Available: Expenditures: Agency Contracts Interfund Transactions Total Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 Page No. Code 1999 Adopted Budqet 713,800 1,200 715,000 715,000 429,000 286,000 715,000 o 4 State of Kansas Form E6 1999 Proposed Budaet o 17 760,000 1,200 761,200 761,217 456,730 304,487 761,217 o City of Salina State of Kansas Form E6 Adopted Budget 1999 1999 Special Alcohol Adopted Proposed Code Budqet Budaet Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 369 15,873 Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax , LAVTR I Liqour Tax 96,803 102,570 I I Interest on Idle Funds 500 500 Total Receipts 97 ,303 103,070 Resources Available: 97 , 672 118,943 Expenditures: Agency Contracts 97,672 118,943 Total Expenditures 97 ,672 118,943 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 0 0 Page No. 5 City of Salina Adopted Budget Special Gas Tax Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR Gas Tax Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts Resources Available: Expenditures: Public Works Total Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 Page No. Code 1999 Adopted Budaet 370,717 1,400,000 48,000 1,448,000 1,818,717 1,818,717 1,818,717 o 6 State of Kansas Form E6 1999 Proposed Budaet 599,894 1,430,000 75,000 1,505,000 2,104,894 2,104,894 2,104,894 o City of Salina State of Kansas Form E6 Adopted Budget 1999 1999 Bi-Centennial Center Adopted Proposed Code Budaet Budaet Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR Fees Interfund Transactions 136,037 383,557 737,000 611,000 1,075,000 286,000 Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts Resources Available: Expenditures: Recreation 16,000 1,364,000 1,500,037 16,000 1,377,000 1,760,557 1,500,038 1,760,557 Total Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 1,500,038 -1 1,760,557 o Page No. 7 City of Salina State of Kansas Form E6 Adopted Budget 1999 1999 Fair Housing Fund Adopted Proposed Code Budaet Budqet Unencumbered Cash Balance, January 1 46,600 48,369 Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax LAVTR Intergovernmental Fees 38,000 55,000 Interest on Idle Funds 2,000 2,000 Total Receipts 40,000 57,000 Resources Available: 86,600 105,369 Expenditures: General Govt 86,600 105,369 Total Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 86,600 o 105,369 o Page No. 8 State of Kansas Form Amend Notice of Hearing on Amending the 1998 Budget The governing body ofthe City of Salina will meet on the 9th day of August, 1999 at 4:00 PM, at 300 West Ash Street, Room 107 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of the taxpayers relating to the proposed amended use of funds. Detailed budget information is available at the City clerk's office, 300 West Ash street, room 206. and will be available at the hearing. I Summary of Amendments 99 Proposed 99 Adopted Bud~et Amendment Actual I Amount of Tax Fund Tax Rate to be Levied Expenditures Expenditures General Fund 8.816 2,238,629 23,511,984 27,275,831 Flood and Drainage 0.998 253,469 376,480 753,229 Tourism and Convention 715,000 761,217 Special Alcohol 97,672 118,943 Special Gas Tax 1,818,718 2,104,894 Bi-Centennial Center 1,500,038 1,760,557 Fair Housing fund 86,600 105,369 Tourism and Convention 0 715,000 761,217 Signature CERTIFICATE To the Clerk of Saline , State of Kansas We, the oodersigned, officers of City of Salina certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximwn expenditure for the various funds for the year 2000; and (3) the Amount(s) al .thin Iimi. fi th d of99 Ad V orem Tax are WI statutory . tations or e 2000 Bu get. 2000 Adopted Bud) et Amoootof COooty Page 99 Ad Clerk's Table of Contents: No. Expenditures Valorem Tax Use Only Compo OfMaximwn Levy for 2000 2 Allocation ofMVT, RVf & 16120M Veh 3 Statement of Indebtedness 4 Statement of Lease-Purchases 4a Food K.S.A General 5&6 26,525,092 2,174,208 Employee Benefit 12-16,102 8 4,035,778 2,777,411 Flood and Drainaae Ord 97-9814 8 552,164 264,567 UtiIitv Ch. 5, Art. 1 9 Special Liability 75-6110 9 Bond and Interest 10-113 10 3,765,859 1,478,426 10 Business Improvement 11 82,000 Tourism and Convention 11 850,000 Nei~borhood P8Ik Service 12 61,443 Special Parks 12 219,035 Special Alcohol 13 126,771 Special Gas Tax 13 1,947,990 Bicentennial Center 14 1,665,417 Capital Projects 14 I Expendable Trust 15 Fair Housine; 15 81,000 Risk Manaaement 16 392,600 Workers Comp Resenre 16 1,173,748 Health Insurance 17 3,641,244 Central GaraJle 17 922,998 Information Services 18 1,038,737 Sanitation 18 1,917,464 Solid Waste 19 3,442,669 Golf Course 19 973,391 Water and Sewer 15,656,904 Water and Sewer P & I Non. Expendable Trust 19 Totals xxxxxx 69,072,304 6,694,612 Publication 0 Final Assessed Valuation Assisted by: State Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-u : Yes No Attest p~;:~ 1999 COooty ClerK State of Kansas City/County 2000 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina COMPUTATION TO DETERMINE LIMIT FOR 2000 BUDGET 1. Total tax levy amount in 1999 budget 2. Debt service levy in 1999 budget 3. Tax levy excluding debt service Amount of Levy + $ 6,416,832 - $ 935,182 $ 5,481,650 1999 Valuation Information for Valuation Adjustments: 4. New improvements 4,307,083 + 5. Increase in personal property: for 1999 5a. Personal Property 1999 + 5b. Personal property 1998 5c. Increase in pers property (5a minus 5b) 24,361,819 26,502,376 + o 6. Valuation of annexed territory for 1999: 6a. Real estate 6b. State assessed 6c. New improvements 6d. Total adjustment (Use Only if > 0) 554,338 o + + 554,338 + 7. Valuation of property that has changed in use during 1999: 7a. Real estate + 3,533,578 7b. State assessed + 7c. New improvements 7d. Total adjustment + 3,533,578 8. Total valuation adjustment (Sum of 4, 5c, 6d &7d) 8,394,999 9. Total est July 1,1999 valuation 264,923,433 10. Total valuation less valuation adjustment (9 minus 8) 256,528,434 11. Factor for increase (8 divided by 10) 3% 12. Amount of increase (11 times 3) + $ 179,389 13. Maximum tax levy without ordinance or resolution (3 plus 12) $ 5,661,039 If the 2000 budget includes tax levies, excluding debt service, exceeding the total on line 13, adopt an ordinance to exceed this limit. 2000 Tax Levy less Debt Service Levy 5,216,186 Page NO.2 City of Salina ALLOCATION OF MOTOR, RECREATIONAL AND 16/20M VEHICLE TAX State of Kansas City/County 2000 1999 Budgeted FWld Actual Amt of Allocation for Year 2000 Names 98 Levy MVT RVT 16/20M Veh General 2,238,629 341,891 5,582 2,791 Employee Benefit 2,989,552 456,574 7,454 3,727 Flood and Drainage 253,469 38,711 632 316 Utility Special Liability Bond and Interest 935,182 142,824 2,332 1,166 TOTAL 6,416,832 980,000 16,000 8,000 COWlty Treas Motor Vehicle Estimate 980,000 COWlty Treasurers Recreational Vehicle Estimate 16,000 COWlty Treasurers 16/20M Vehicle Estimate 8,000 Motor Vehicle Factor 0.15272 Recreational Vehicle Factor 0.00249 16/20M Vehicle Factor 0.00125 Page No. 3 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE - GENERAL Adopted Budget Prior Year C1.UTcut Year Proposed Budget General Aetual1998 Estimatcl999 Year 2000 Unenewnbered Cash Balanee, Ian 1 3,508,943 5,484,672 4,292,080 Ad Valorem Tax 1,718,814 2,238,629 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquent Tax 26,839 27,000 27,000 Motor Vehiele Tax 229,160 326,557 341,891 Reereational Vehiele Tax 3,515 3,992 5,582 Loeal Aleoholie Liquor 102,571 102,570 105,000 LAVTR 379,594 468,241 494,684 Connty and City Revenue Sharing 341,945 341,945 350,309 In Lieu of Taxes (IRB) Mineral Production Tax 16/20M Vehieles 2,791 Other Taxes 11,407,515 13,263,113 14,109,804 Other Intcrgovcrmnental 775,684 694,186 729,186 Fees, Charges, Permits 1,651,081 1,744,847 1,649,575 Fmes 894,278 950,000 985,000 Speeial Assessments All Other, Ine. Interfimd Transaetions 1,134,170 1,230,079 901,466 Residual Equity Transfer In 409,296 Interest on Idle Fnnds 359,991 400,000 400,000 Total Receipts 19,434,453 21,791,159 20,102,288 Resources AvaDable: 22,943,396 27,275,831 24,394,368 Page No.6 City of Salina FUND PAGE - GENERAL State of Kansas CitylCounty 2000 Adopted Budget Prior Year Cwrent Year Proposed Budget General Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Resourees Available: 22,943,396 27,275,831 24,394,368 Expenditures: Personal Services 10,931,723 11,834,569 12,645,754 Employee Benefits 8,521 18,783 9,300 Supplies 1,178,832 1,324,180 1,347,100 Services and Charges 3,028,985 5,088,054 5,844,037 Other 362,341 495,000 4,314,769 Capital Outlay 1,316,645 3,600,240 1,926,207 Interfund Transactions 737,326 622,925 437,925 Prior Year Cancelled Encumbrances (105,649) Total Expenditures 17,458,724 22,983,751 26,525,092 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 5,484,672 4,292,080 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquency Computation Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance Tax Required 2.00 % Amount of99 Ad Valorem Tax Page No. 7 26,525,092 2,130,724 43,484 2,174,208 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS wrrn A TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Emplovee Benefit Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 451,777 629,470 789,160 Ad Valorem Tax 2,878,456 2,989,552 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinauent Tax 36,434 55,000 55,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 224,445 476,829 456,574 Recreational Vehicle Tax 6,736 7,454 16/20M Vehicles 3,727 Other 888 4,000 2,000 Interest on Idle Foods Total Receipts 3,140,223 3,532,117 524,755 Resources Available: 3,592,000 4,161,587 1,313,915 Expenditures: ~ovee Benefits 2,962,530 3,372,427 4,035,778 Total Expenditures 2,962,530 3,372,427 4,035,778 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 629,470 789,160 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance Tax Required 4,035,778 2,721,863 55,548 2,777,411 Delinquency Computation 2.00 % AmOoot of99 Ad Valorem Tax Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Flood and Drainalle Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 0 464,215 253,229 Ad Valorem Tax 231,571 253,469 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquent Tax 413 0 Motor Vehicle Tax 35,003 38,711 Recreational Vehicle Tax 542 632 16/20M Vehicles 316 Ooeratinll: Transfer 310,000 Interest on Idle Foods Total Receipts 541,984 289,014 39,659 Resources Avallable: 541,984 753,229 292,888 Expenditures: Contractual Services 5,282 50,000 Capital Outlay 72,487 500,000 396,231 Princioal on Debt 93,333 Interest on Debt 12,600 Total EXDenditures 77,769 500,000 552,164 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 464,2lS 253,229 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance Tax Required 552,164 259,276 5,291 264,567 Delinquency Computation 2.00 % AmOoot of99 Ad Valorem Tax 8 Page No. State of Kansas City/County 2000 3372426 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WIllI A TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Utility Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 391,589 105,540 0 Ad Valorem Tax 0 0= Delinauent Tax 9,324 Motor Vehicle Tax 79,140 Recreational Vehicle Tax 16/20M Vehicles 0 Interest on Idle FWlds Total Receipts 88,464 0 0 Resources Avallable: 480,053 105,540 0 Expenditures: Transfer Out 374,513 105,540 Total ExPenditures 374,513 105,540 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 105,540 0= Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 0 Tax Required 0 Delinquency Computation 2.00 % 0 AmoWlt of99 Ad Valorem Tax 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Specialliabilitv Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 95,368 64,604 0 Ad Valorem Tax O~ Delinauent Tax 2,266 Motor Vehicle Tax 4,719 Recreational Vehicle Tax 16/20M Vehicles 0 Interest on Idle FWlds Total Receipts 6,985 0 0 Resources Avallable: 102,353 64,604 0 I EXPenditures: General Government 2,966 Transfer Out 34,783 64,604 Total ExPenditures 37,749 64,604 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 64,604 0= Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 0 Tax Required 0 Delinquency Computation 2.00 % 0 AmOWlt of99 Ad Valorem Tax 0 Page No. 9 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WIIH A TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Bond and Interest Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 867,759 741,310 808,480 Ad Valorem Tax 1,147,999 925,830 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquent Tax 38,752 40,000 40,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 364,097 284,180 142,824 Recreational Vehicle Tax 2,730 2,332 16/20M Vehicles 1,166 Special Assessments 974,648 1,080,938 1,100,000 Miscellaneous 127,301 146,500 142,200 Transfer In 5,876 Interest on Idle Funds 72/}57 80,000 80,000 Total Receipts 2,731,630 2,560,178 1,508,522 Resources Avallable: 3,599,389 3,301,488 2,317,002 Expenditures: Principal 2,372,468 1,851,631 2,646,631 Interest 485,461 640,377 1,118,228 Other 150 1,000 1,000 Total Expenditures 2,858,079 2,493,008 3,765,859 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 741,310 808,480 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 3,765,859 Tax Required 1,448,857 Delinquency Computation 2.00 % 29,569 Amount of99 Ad Valorem Tax 1,478,426 Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget 0 Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 0 0 Ad Valorem Tax xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax 16/20M Vehicles 0 Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts 0 0 0 Resources Avallable: 0 0 0 Expenditures: Total Expenditures 0 0 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 0 o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 0 Tax Required 0 Delinquency Computation 2.00 % 0 Amount of99 Ad Valorem Tax 0 Page No. 10 State of Kansas City/County 2000 city of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WIllI NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Business Improvement Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 463 -1 ,282 0 Fines 1,115 Special Assessments 70,703 81,537 82,000 0 Interest on Idle FWlds 203 Total Receipts 72,021 81,537 82,000 Resources AvaBable: 72,484 80,255 82,000 Expenditures: Other Scrnces and charjles 56,766 63,255 65,000 Transfers Out 17,000 17,000 17,000 Total Expenditures 73,766 80,255 82,000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 -1,282 0 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Tourism and Convention Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 1,765 17 0 Taxes 710,804 760,000 850,000 0 Interest on Idle FWlds 2,311 1,200 Total Receipts 713,115 761,200 850,000 Resources Avallable: 714,880 761,217 850,000 Expenditures: General Govt. 428,918 456,730 510,000 Transfers Out 285,945 304,487 340,000 Total Expenditures 714,863 761,217 850,000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 17 0 0 Delinquency Computation Page No. 11 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WIIH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year CUlTent Year Proposed Budget Neighborhood Park Service Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 0 31,443 39,443 Fees and Charges 31,010 16,000 20,000 Interest on Idle Funds 433 2,000 Total Receipts 31,443 16,000 22,000 Resources AvaDable: 31,443 47,443 61,443 I Expenditures: Capital 0 8,000 61,443 Total Expenditures 0 8,000 61,443 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 31,443 39,443 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year CUlTent Year Proposed Budget Special Parks Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 n,822 102,465 97,035 Intergovernmental 102,570 102,570 105,000 Miscenaneous 11 ,000 12,000 12,000 Interest on Idle Funds 4,863 5,000 5,000 Total Receipts 118,433 119,570 122,000 Resources AvaDable: 196,255 222,035 219,035 I Expenditures: Capital Outlay 93,790 125,000 219,035 Total Expenditures 93,790 125,000 219,035 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 102,465 97,035 0 Page No. 12 City of Salina State of Kansas CitylCounty 2000 FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Special Alcohol Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 369 15,873 21,271 Revenues: Inter,ltovemmental 102,571 102,570 105,000 Interest on Idle Funds 266 500 500 Total Receipts 102,837 103,070 105,500 Resources AvaDable: 103,206 118,943 126,771 Exnenditures: Health and We1fare 87,333 97,672 126,771 Total Expenditures 87,333 97,672 126,771 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 15,873 21,271 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Cwrent Year Proposed Budget Special Gas Tax Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 444,007 599,894 255,110 Revenues: Inter,ltovemmental 1,406,496 1,430,000 1,617,880 Miscellaneous 30,277 Interest on Idle Funds 57,036 75,000 75,000 Total ReceiPts 1,493,809 1,505,000 1,692,880 Resources AvaDable: 1,937,816 2,104,894 1,947,990 Expenditures: Public Works 224,377 272,784 571,990 Capital Outlay 1,113,545 1,577,000 1,376,000 Total EDendJtures 1,337,922 1,849,784 1,947,990 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 599,894 255,110 0 Page No. 13 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Bicenteonial Center Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 UnenclUDbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 316,428 383,557 388,417 Revenues: Char.lles for Services 986,518 1,075,000 975,000 Transfers In 284,322 286,000 286,000 Interest on Idle Funds 21,429 16,000 16,000 Total Receipts 1,292,269 1,377,000 1,277,000 Resources Available: 1,608,697 1,760,557 1,665,417 Expenditures: Bi-Centennial Center 1,157,859 1,235,540 1,515,117 Capital Outlay 67,281 136,600 150,300 Total Expenditures 1,225,140 1,372,140 1,665,417 UnenclUDbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 383,557 388,417 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Capital Projects Actua11998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 UnenclUDbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 2,786,973 -30,998 -30,998 Revenues: Special Assessments 323,469 Reimbursements 265,155 Bond and Note Proceeds 4,661,740 Transfers In 93,892 Interest on Idle Funds 114,943 Total Receipts 5,459,199 0 0 Resources AvaDable: 8,246,172 -30,998 -30,998 Expenditures: Capital Outlay 4,435,259 Debt Service 3,836,035 Transfers Out 5,876 Total Expenditures 8,277,170 0 0 UnenclUDbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 -30,998 -30,998 -30,998 Page No. 14 State of Kansas City/County 2000 city of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year CUITent Year Proposed Budget Expendable Trust Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 38,553 40,351 40,351 Revenues: Interest 2,080 Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts 2,080 0 0 ResolU'ces Avallable: 40,633 40,351 40,351 Exoenditures: Recreation 282 Total Expenditures 282 0 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 40,351 40,351 40,351 Adopted Budget Prior Year CUITent Year Proposed Budget Fair HousinR Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 56,600 48,369 28,369 Revenues: Interaovernmental 22,000 55,000 50,000 Miscellaneous 972 . Interest on Idle Funds 3,148 2,000 2,631 Total Receipts 26,120 57,000 52,631 Resources Avallable: 82,720 105,369 81,000 EXDenditures: General Government 34,351 77,000 81,000 Total ExDendltures 34,351 77,000 81,000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 48,369 28,369 0 Page No. 15 State of Kansas City/County 2000 city of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year CUITent Year Proposed Budget Risk Management Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 466,061 217,167 152,068 Revenues: CharJ;!es for Services 217,995 187,500 200,532 Reimbursements 105,515 30,000 30,000 Interest on Idle Foods 22,053 10,000 10,000 Total Receipts 345,563 227,500 240,532 Resources Available: 811 ,624 444,667 392,600 Expenditures: General Govememt 594,049 292,599 392,600 Capital OUtlay 408 Total Expenditures 594,457 292,599 392,600 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 217,167 152,068 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year CUITent Year Proposed Budget Workers Comp Reserve Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 1,492,272 1,294,707 853,748 Revenues: CharJ;!es for Services 0 270,000 Reimbursements 6,840 Interest on Idle Foods 77 ,893 50,000 50,000 Total Receipts 84,733 50,000 320,000 Resources Available: 1,577,005 1,344,707 1,173,748 Expenditures: General Govenunent 282,298 490,959 1,173,748 Total Expenditures 282,298 490,959 1,173,748 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 1,294,707 853,748 0 Page No. 16 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Health Insurance Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 417,663 530,011 576,244 Revenues: Insurance Premiums 2,810,358 2,996,733 3,025,000 Interest on Idle F1mds 22,694 40,000 40,000 Total ReceiDts 2,833,052 3,036,733 3,065,000 Resources AvaDable: 3,250,715 3,566,744 3,641,244 Expenditures: Claims Paid 2,430,886 2,650,000 2,756,500 Insurance 289,512 340,500 384,500 Other 306 500,244 Total Expenditures 2,720,704 2,990,500 3,641,244 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 530,011 576,244 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Central Garaae Actua11998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 26,933 0 0 Revenues: Charaes for Services 704,911 725,000 820,000 Reimbursements 40,903 2,998 2,998 Transfers In 100,000 100,000 Interest on Idle Funds 1,085 0 Total ReceiDts 746,899 827,998 922,998 Resources AvaDable: 773,832 827,998 922,998 Expenditures: General Government 768,283 814,548 909,998 Capital Outlay 5,549 13,450 13,000 Total Expenditures 773,832 827,998 922,998 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 0 0 0 Page No. 17 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUNDPAGEFORFUNDS~THNOTAXLEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Information Services Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 143,592 233,517 215,614 Revenues: Charaes For Services 667,5 80 829,090 808,873 Reimbursements 17,550 Miscellaneous 3,925 2,250 2,250 Interest on Idle Funds 18,947 12,000 12,000 Total Receipts 708,002 843,340 823,123 Resources Available: 851,594 1,076,857 1,038,737 I Expenditures: General aovemment 470,888 601,243 776,737 Canital Outlay 147,189 260,000 262,000 Total Expenditures 618,077 861,243 1,038,737 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 233,517 215,614 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Sanitation Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencwnbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 499,254 343,422 316,464 Revenues: Charaes for services 1,340,634 1,450,000 1,566,000 Use of Money and Property 23,154 25,000 25,000 Miscellaneous 286 20,000 10,000 Total ReceJDts 1,364,074 1,495,000 1,601,000 Resources Available: 1,863,328 1,838,422 1,917,464 Expenditures: General JJ;ovemment 76,755 82,453 82,453 Public works 1,297,821 1,368,705 1,705,711 Canital Outlay 145,330 70,800 129,300 Total Expenditures 1,519,906 1,521,958 1,917,464 Unencmnbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 343,422 316,464 0 Page No. 18 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Cwrent Year Proposed Budget Solid Waste Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 1,237,298 1,399,352 1,102,669 Revenues: Inter~overnmental 0 Char~es for Services 2,485,694 2,335,000 2,250,000 Use of Money and Property 70,210 60,000 70,000 Miscellaneous 31,053 20,000 20,000 Total Receipts 2,586,957 2,415,000 2,340,000 Resources AvliIilable: 3,824,255 3,814,352 3,442,669 Expenditures: General Government 52,890 54,920 54,920 Public works 880,846 1,154,797 2,439,785 Capital outlay 458,569 644,000 119,000 Debt Service 1,032,598 857,966 828,964 Total Expenditures 2,424,903 2,711,683 3,442,669 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 1,399,352 1,102,669 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Cwrent Year Proposed Budget Golf Course Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 127,922 106,676 102,991 Revenues: Charges for Services 747,229 815,900 850,200 Use of Money and Property 7,617 8,000 8,000 Reimbursements Miscellaneous 8,535 15,000 12,200 Total Receipts 763,381 838,900 870,400 Resources AvaDable: 891,303 945,576 973,391 I Expenditures: General Government 29,160 32,679 33,000 Recreation 661,723 690,666 825,037 Capital Outlay 54,468 89,640 87,000 Debt service 39,276 29,600 28,354 Total Expenditures 784,627 842,585 973,391 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 106,676 102,991 0 Page No. 19 State of Kansas City/County 2000 City of Salina FUND PAGE FOR FUNDS WITH NO TAX LEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Water and Sewer Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 5,297,152 5,956,355 4,133,904 Revenues: Chames for Services 10,505,910 10,709,200 11,030,000 Use ofMonev and Property 338,326 275,000 275,000 Reimbursements 4,853 0 0 Miscellaneous 176,252 218,000 218,000 Equity Transfer 12,458 Interest on Idle Foods Total Receipts 11,037,799 11,202,200 11,523,000 Resourc:es AvaDable: 16,334,951 17,158,555 15,656,904 I ExDenditures: General Government 468,692 533,074 533,074 Public works 6,408,828 7,192,219 11,249,150 Capital Outlay 972,204 2,718,000 1,698,700 Debt Service 2,605,202 2,581,358 2,175,980 Prior Year Cancelled Encumbrances -76,330 Total Expenditures 10,378,596 13,024,651 15,656,904 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 5,956,355 4,133,904 0 Adopted Budget Prior Year Cwrent Year Proposed Budget Water and Sewer P & I Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Jan 1 840,011 886,548 886,548 Revenues: Transfer from Water and Sewer 2,448,721 Interest on Idle Foods Total Receipts 2,448,721 0 0 Resourc:es AvaDable: 3,288,732 886,548 886,548 Expenditures: PrinciDal and Interest Payments 2,402,184 Total EXPenditures 2,402,184 0 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 886,548 886,548 886,548 Page No. 20 State of Kansas City/County 2000 city of Salina FUNDPAGEFORFUNDS~HNOTAXLEVY Adopted Budget Prior Year Cmrent Year Proposed Budget Non-Expendable Trust Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 215,652 234,428 234,428 Revenues: Char.lles for Services 6,816 Interest on Idle Funds 11,995 Total Receipts 18,811 0 0 Resoun:es Available: 234,463 234,428 234,428 Expenditures: other 35 Total Expenditures 35 0 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dec 31 234,428 234,428 234,428 Adopted Budget Prior Year Cmrent Year Proposed Budget 0 Actual 1998 Estimate 1999 Year 2000 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Ian 1 0 0 Revenues: Interest on Idle Funds Total Receipts 0 0 0 Resources Avldlable: 0 0 0 Expenditures: Total Expenditures 0 0 0 Unencumbered Cash Balance, Dee 31 0 0 0 Page No. 21 State of Kansas City/County 2000 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The governing body of the City of Salina will meet on the 9th day of August, 1999 at 4:00 PM, at 300 West Ash Street, Room 107 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of the taxpayers relating to the proposed use of an fimds and the amount of the tax to be levied. Detailed budget information is available at the City clerk's office, 300 West Ash street, room 206. and will be available at the hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY The 'Proposed Budget 2000 Expenditures" and 'AmOWlt of99 Ad Valorem Tax' establish the maximwn limits of the 2000 budget. The 'Est Tax Rate' is subject to change depending on the final assessed valuation. 1998 1999 Proposed Budget 2000 Prior Year Actual Actual Current Year Est Actual AmOWlt of99 Est. FUND Expenditures Tax Rate * of Expenditures Tax Rate * Expenditures Ad Valorem Tax Tax Rate * General 17,458,724 7.329 22,983,751 8.816 26,525,092 2,174,208 8.207 Employee Benefit 2,962,530 12.368 3,372,427 11.773 4,035,778 2,777,411 10.484 Flood and Drainage 77,769 0.995 500,000 0998 552,164 264,567 0999 Utility 374,513 105,540 Special Liability 37,749 64,604 Bond and Interest 2,858,079 5.013 2,493,008 3683 3,765,859 1,478,426 5581 Business Improvement 73,766 80,255 82,000 Tourism and Convention 714,863 761,217 850,000 Neighborhood Park Service 8,000 61,443 Special Parks 93,790 125,000 219,035 Special Alcohol 87,333 97,672 126,771 Special Gas Tax 1,337,922 1,849,784 1,947,990 Bicentennial Center 1,225,140 1,372,140 1,665,417 Capital Projects 8,277,170 Expendable Trust 282 F air Housing 34,351 77,000 81,000 Risk Management 594.457 292,599 392,600 Workers Comp Reserve 282,298 490,959 1,173,748 Health Insurance 2,720,704 2,990,500 3,641,244 Central Garage 773,832 827,998 922,998 Information Services 618,077 861,243 1,038,737 Sanitation 1,519,906 1,521,958 1,917,464 Solid Waste 2.424,903 2,711,683 3,442,669 Golf Course 784,627 842,585 973,391 Water and Sewer 10,378,596 13,024,651 15,656,904 Water and Sewer P & I 2,402,184 Non-Expendable Trust 35 Totals 58,113,600 25.705 57.454,574 25.270 69,072,304 6,694,612 25.270 Less: Interfund Transacuons 6,165,586 5,869,966 6,380,446 Net Expenditure 51,948,014 51,584,608 62,691,858 Total Tax Levied 6,081,748 6,416,832 XXXXXXXXXXXXlOO Assessed Valuation 236,595,408 253,933,365 264,923,433 Outstanding Indebtedness, January 1, 1997 1998 1999 GO. Bonds 10,982,000 10,490,000 18,600,000 Revenue Bonds 34,890,000 33,875,000 29,900,000 Other 7,795,000 2,537,000 7,080,000 Lease Pur Princ 126,426 0 Total 53,793.426 46,902,000 55,580,000 *Tax rates are expressed in mills Clerk ~~8 "':JC> Co'" ~~ b~ OJU ro Ii5 ~ '" ~~" .'" t.> ., ;:l o 1i2l ~~ !:l o 8g j~ .. ~ ~ ~ lr. o I t;; ." 1ij'" o~~ ~8S ....~1 0." "8 ~ tit <i:o:l_ .., Jj~~ ~.... -~ ~ 0 ~: .~ p,. gggggggggggggg 0000000000000 ~ V"o. 0" o~ "'" V"o~ o~ o~ ""~ ""~ V'\" V'\" 0 o~ ~ Vt""l:!::~~t'e:=~~'OM;?:;V'\ .E ~~OV'\~:::;gg~~gg~~~ f"'-.~ V~ 0.. ~~ t'~ --:. 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O:!::: Q)U - IU U5 ~ .5 -;; 00 <:t-< o u .e-:.e .- ~ Uoo en .... ii u 0 ~8 ~ ~ . Z o ~ e= u ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ u rz ; ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rI.l -< ~ to.:! to.:! ~ o ~ o u ~ o ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ U 0\ ~8 ~ ~ u _ ::l ~ClO\ .i:j ~ ~ .E i ::::' ~-;;...... I-. j:Q -"'"' .... "l:l (j -;; 5 8 .5 -0 0 i ~ Eo-- ~ .5 if ~e .5 .... b en (j -5 ~-8 O~o UU .... u ]]l] ~ ~ l:l (j 'C 8~~ II u b';!~ ....~o .s <:t-<....-"'"' E~~ b c: 0 Eo--86 .... ~ l:l ~ S ~ uCl 13 en ~ ..c ~ ~ 5 .=l o o o IU 10 o Z Q) Cl IU c.. - - I en -;; ~ City 2 Spreadsheet Instructions Read these instructions carefully. If after reviewing them you still have questions, call Barbara Butts at (785)296-2846 or E-mail: barbarab@daar.wpo.state.ks.us. Cities or counties can use the city.xls, city2.xls or county.xls files. You must choose a form that meets the needs for the number of funds. If you don't need all the funds, just leave the pages blank and number the completed pages sequentially. When the page numbers are changed on the pages, the Certificate will also change. the other pages, you can supplement with similar detail pages. If you have more non tax funds or use the consolidated method, you can use the second page ofthe Certificate and Summary pages, Cert (2) and Summ(2) and add fund pages. You will need to unprotect the workbook any time you need to add pages. Submitting the Budget on Computer Disk budget file following the instructions on the website. You must verify the procedures for submitting with the county clerk because counties have different computer systems and they will inform you of the necessary procedures. (1) Certificate Form signed by the governing body, (2) Published Notice of Hearing 2000 Budget and (3) disk. If you are on the internet, you should E-mail our copy following the instructions on the Website. General Instructions The sheet names are in ( ) beside the form name. Enter information in all areas that are green if they apply to the budget you are preparing. The yellow areas are protected because these contain formulas which should not be changed. Any errors within a protected field must be corrected on the input sheet or where the information is entered. To print the spreadsheets, you can either print one sheet at a time or all of the sheets at once. Computer Spreadsheet Preparation 1. Input Sheet (Input) complete and verify that information is entered correctly. Later if you determine some information is incorrect, correct it on this page. 2. Enter the Computation of Delinquency information. 3. Motor Vehicle Allocation (mvalloc) is completed from information entered on the input sheet. 4. Statement ofIndebtedness (debt) must show all the debt owed or proposed to be issued. The general obligation and revenue bond totals for 1999 is entered on the Budget Summary but you must enter the 1997 and 1998 amounts from the 1999 budget. 5. Statement of Conditional Lease, Lease-Purchases and Certificate ofParticipation(1pform) must be completed for all transactions which meet the criteria discussed in the budget instructions. Principal Bal Due 1-1-99 is shown on the Budget Summary but you will need to enter the 1997 and 1998 amounts. 6. Individual fund sheets (tab names General and "page") need to be completed, using only those you need. When the fund pages are completed, the totals will be shown on the Certificate and Summary. date of the hearing, where the budget is available, amount of transfers, outstanding debt amounts and the page number. 8. Certificate (cert) form should be reviewed to verifY that all amounts agree with the funds pages. If you are assisted by someone who is not an employee, enter that person's name. 9. Review all forms to see that the amounts match and everything is printed properly. Input sheet for City2.XLS budget form Enter City Name ICily of Salina I Enter Connty Name Saline Enter the following information from the sources shown. This information will be entered on the budget forms in the appropriate locations. If any of the numbers are wrong, change them on this input sheet From the 1999 budget, Certificate, Page No.1 Amt of 98 98 Tax Fnnd Names: Statute Tax Levy Levy Rate * 1 General 1 I 2,238,6291 8.816 I Fnnd name for all fimds with a tax levy: Employee Benefit 12-16,102 2,989,552 11. 773 Flood and Drainage Ord 97-9814 253,469 0.998 Utility Ch. 5, Art. 12 Special Liability 75-6110 Bond and Interest 10-113 935,182 3.683 Other Fnnd Names: Business Improvement Tourism and Convention Neighborhood Park Service Special Parks Total Tax Levies 6,416,832 25.270 Other fimd names: Special Alcohol Special Gas Tax Bicentennial Center Capital Projects Expendable Trust Fair Housing Risk Management Workers Comp Reserve Health Insurance Central Garage Information Services Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water and Sewer Water and Sewer P & I N on- Expendable Trust * Final Assessed Valuation for 1998 I 253,933,3651 * Verifty this with the county clerk Actual Levy Rate From the 1999 Budget, Budget Summary 1998 Column General 7.329 Employee Benefit 12.368 Flood and Drainage 0.995 Utility Special Liability Bond and Interest 5.013 0 Total 25.705 Total Levy Dollar AmoWlt(1998 budget column) 6,081,748 Assessed Valuation for 1997 (1998 budget column) 236,595,408 From the County Clerks Budget Information Assessed Valuation for 1999 I 264,923,4331 From the County Treasurer's Budget Information Motor Vehicle Tax Estimate 980,000 Recreational Vehicle Tax Estimate 16,000 16120M Vehicle Tax Estimate 8,000