22-8090 Live Salina Plan 2022RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8090 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE LIVE SALINA PLAN -2022 SUPPLMENT AND SUPPORTING ITS IMPLEMENTATION. WHEREAS: A. In 2016 the City Commission adopted Resolution Number 16-7315 adopting the Live Salina Plan and supporting its implementation ; B. In July of 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution Number 21-7970 adopting the Live Salina Plan -2021 Supplement and supporting its implementation; C. Since the adoption of the Live Salina Plan , multiple economic development projects of significance have resulted in over one thousand jobs planned for the community; D. The increased number of new employees coming to the community has increased the need for hosing of all types in the community ; E . The City has contracted with RDG Planning and Design, the consulting firm who helped author the 2016 Live Salina Plan, and the 2021 Supplement to complete annual updates of the plan ; F. In 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution Number 21-7971 adopting the 2021 Live Salina Plan Supplement and supporting its implementation; G. Significant shifts in the housing market continue to occur requiring additional updates to the 2021 Live Salina Plan Supplement; H. The City further engaged RDG Planning and Design to revise the 2021 Live Salina Plan Supplement with new demographics and data in order to have the most current and accurate information. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The Governing Body adopts the Live Salina Plan-2022 Supplement. Section 2. The Live Salina Plan as supplemented by the Live Salina Plan -2022 Supplement shall serve as a guide for review and consideration of requests for public or private financing or incentives and land use applications. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect form and after its adoption on October 24 , 2022. Adopted by the Board of City Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this October 24 , 2022. {SEAL} Trent W. Davis, M.D ., Mayor JoVonna