22-8085 KWU Pioneer Hall"' "' z ll. w "' .!: c;; Ul .,,, * :2 0 "' § u RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8085 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE NOMINATION OF PIONEER HALL AT 100 E CLAFLIN AVENUE TO THE REGISTER OF HISTORIC KANSAS PLACES AND NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES. WHEREAS, the City of Salina has been informed that Pioneer Hall on the Kansas Wesleyan University campus is being nominated for inclusion on the Register of Historic Kansas Places and National Register of Historic Places in order to preserve the property and to make it eligible for financial incentives for preservation such as the Federal and State Rehabilitation Tax Credit and the Kansas Heritage Trust Fund Grant Programs ; and WHEREAS, Pioneer Hall retains a high degree of architectural integrity that clearly portray the building's original design and function; and WHEREAS, Pioneer Hall is associated with events and a local educational institution that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of Salina's historic development; and WHEREAS, Pioneer Hall embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type , period, or method of construction known as Collegiate Gothic ; and SO, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the Governing Body supports and approves of the inclusion of Pioneer Hall on the Kansas Wesleyan University campus on the Register of Historic Kansas Places and National Register of Historic Places. Section 2. That the Governing Body supports the use of financial incentives for preservation such as the Federal and State Rehabilitation Tax Credits, Kansas Heritage Trust Fund Grants and similar programs to assist in the preservation and renovation of Pioneer Hall. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 24th day of October, 2022. Trent W. Davis , M.D ., Mayor [SEAL]