22-8084 Stage Naming Santa Fe and AshI - RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8084 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MUNICIPAL FACILITY NAMING INITIATIVE TONAMETHESTAGESTRUCTURELOCATEDONTHESOUTHWESTCORNEROFTHE INTERSECTION OF SANTA FE AVENUE AND ASH STREET IN SALINA, KANSAS, AS THE "CITY LIGHTS STAGE." WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas (the "City") on October 9, 2017 , adopted Resolution Number 17-7481 adopting the amended City of Salina Municipal Facilities Naming Guidelines (the "Guidelines"); and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Guidelines: A. The Arts & Humanities Department filed a Naming of Municipal Facilities Application with the office of the City Clerk on August 4 , 2022 , proposing that the Governing Body approve a Municipal Naming of the stage structure located on the southwest comer of the intersection of Santa Fe A venue and Iron Street as "City Lights Stage" (the "Municipal Naming Initiative"); B. The Governing Body adopted Resolution 22-8064 on August 8, 2022, declaring the stage structure located on the southwest comer of the intersection of Santa Fe A venue and Iron Street a qualified municipal facility ; C. The City Clerk prepared a written verification as to compliance of the Municipal Naming Initiative on September 8, 2022; D. The Salina Arts & Humanities Commission met on September 21 , 2022, for the purpose of providing its advisory recommendation regarding the Municipal Naming Initiative, notice of which meeting was published in the Salina Journal on September 9 , 2022 ; E . The Governing Body conducted a public hearing on this day, October 17 , 2022 , regarding the Municipal Naming Initiative, notice of which public hearing was published in the Salina Journal on October 4 , 2022; SO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The Municipal Naming Initiative is approved and the stage structure located on the southwest comer of the intersection of Santa Fe A venue and Iron Street is named as "City Lights Stage." Section 2. The naming sign/plaque design, funding plan, and use of staff resources shall be formally approved by the Governing Body prior to commencement of the physical name change. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 17th day of October, 2022. ~~~ Trent W. Davis, M.D ., Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST:-: -- JoVonna J